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Good Morning!

Happy Birthday, Nicholas! I really enjoyed 
Zooming with so many of you yesterday, even 
though the wifi was terrible. If you didn’t zoom 
with me today, I’m worried that you did not read 
all the way through the plans. This is super 
important. Please use the checklist at the end of 
these plans to make sure you know what to do. 
Then, check it o as you do it. I’d like to meet with 
all of you who didn’t Zoom with me yesterday.  
Root Word/Wordly Wise (8:15 - 8:45) 
Do your root words in GC. #79 mater, matris (mother) and #76 
megas (great, large, big) 
Wordly Wise 18 test. 
Math- (8:45 - 9:45)Today you will take your End-of-Module Assessment 
in Assistments. It is in the packet you took home from school (in the 
folder I gave you.)  
There is a mistake on the Math Assessment.   
1c. 2 3/4 x 8/9 should be  
3/4 x 3/5 
Please correct it on your paper test and do the Assistments version (3/4 
x 3/5) so you don't get it wrong. Sorry about that!   
You may go back to your notes and packets to determine how to do 
problems. This is an “open note” test. You may not use parent, sibling, 
friend, or tutor help. 
1. You will put your answers into Assistments. If you get an incorrect 
answer, try twice to get the correct answer. 
2. When Assistments says “Draw a model and upload the photo,” you 
can try to do that. If you can’t do it, then write “Drawing on paper” 
in the box.   
3. On question 1, you only need to draw a model for a, b, d, and f. 
4. On question 2e, find a decimal answer. 
5. On question 3, only write the expressions. You do not need to 
solve them. 
6. Look carefully at the line plot on question 7. Each number is 
divided into how many units on the number line? Notice that the 
number line tells you the number GALLONS. 
Reading- (9:45 - 10:25) 
Re-read Chapter 9 in SOTB. Make notes in your journal if you didn’t 
Complete the Chapter 9 Reading Prompt in GC.   
Then read Chapter 10. Make notes in your journal using Depth and 
Complexity and Notice and Note strategies.   
Recess 10:25 - 10:45 
I will have four Zoom sessions to discuss Sign of the Beaver.  
Here is the schedule: 
Students with #1-7 11:00 
Students with #8-14 11:15 
Students with #15-21 11:30 
Students with #12-28 11:45 
You must be on time. Set a timer! I will have a “waiting room” tomorrow 
so I will have to “let you in.” I will dismiss a group and then let the next 
group in. Here is the link to join the Zoom meeting. 
Writing (10:45 - 11:30)- Continue working on your Genius Slides. Many 
of you have a lot of work to do. (Don’t forget you might have a Zoom 
appointment during this time.) 
Science- (11:30 - 11:55) Scientists, today we will… Read the 
STEMscopedia and do the Outline Notes in Google Classroom.   
1. Please open both PDFs using Kami (or another app that lets you 
write on PDFs). If needed, you can print it out, and attach your 
a. Remember to highlight as you read, and use complete 
sentences when possible. 
2. When you are finished with BOTH pages, please turn in the 
Lunch 12:00 - 12:40 
Social Studies- 12:40 - 1:30 
Read George Washington Meet Your Army, Here Comes Ethan Allen, 
and Party at Fort Ti. (pdf in Social Studies GC) 
Complete the Social Studies Exit Ticket 
Art - Mr. Ahrens has a Google Classroom. The join code is iqtut22. 
Root word 
Wordly Wise Test 
Math Assessment in Assistments 
Zoom with Mrs. Hubbard - SOTB 
Genius Slides 
Science Stemscopedia 
Science Outline Notes 
Social Studies reading 
Social studies “Exit Ticket” 
End of Day “Check-In” - I want to hear from ALL of you. This is not 
optional. (Click the blue link)

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