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July, 2016
1 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................4

1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................4

1.2 COMPANY NAME AND OWNERSHIP.................................................................................5

1.3 BUSINESS HISTORY..............................................................................................................5

1.4 WATER INDUSTRY PROFILE...............................................................................................5

1.5 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................5

1.6 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.................................................................................................6

1.7 LOCATION OF THE BUSINESS............................................................................................6

1.7.1 VISION STATEMENT..........................................................................................................7

1.7.2 MISSION STATEMENT.......................................................................................................7

1.7.3 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................7

1.8 MARKET SIZE.........................................................................................................................7

1.9 TARGET CONSUMERS..........................................................................................................8

1.10 NATURE OF THE BUSINESS..............................................................................................8

1.11 PAID UP CAPITAL................................................................................................................8

1.12 START-UP SUMMARY.........................................................................................................8

2. SUCCESS FACTOR OF THE BUSINESS.................................................................................9

2.1 UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITIONS.................................................................................... 9

2.2 SWOT ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................10

2.3 BARWAQO SWOT ANALYSIS............................................................................................10

2.3.1 STRENGTHS.......................................................................................................................10

2.3.2 WEAKNESS.........................................................................................................................10

2.3.3 OPPORTUNITIES................................................................................................................10

2 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

2.3.4 THREATS.............................................................................................................................11

3.0 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................12

3.1 BUSINESS RISK....................................................................................................................12

3.2 MARKET ANALYSIS............................................................................................................13

3.3 MARKET SEGMENTATION................................................................................................13

4.0 MARKETING STRATEGY....................................................................................................13

4.1 PROMOTION STRATEGY....................................................................................................14

4.2 PRICING STRATEGY FOR BARWAQO MINERAL WATER...........................................14

4.3 COMPETITIONS....................................................................................................................15

4.4 COMPETITIVE COMPARISON............................................................................................15

4.5 BARWAQO MINERAL WATER SALES FORECAST........................................................15

4.6 PAY-BACK PERIOD..............................................................................................................16

4.7 ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF THIS PROJECT.......................................................................16


5.1 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION..............................................................................................17


3 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow


Entrepreneurs in our generation are facing so many challenges unlike any faced since the
beginning of the civilization, these challenges include dynamics in the technology, socio-
economy changes, purchasing power of the consumers, changes in income level, consumer's
buying behavior, their choices and preferences.

Bearing all these in the mind, we would like to present here a business plan, this new business
will commence on the 2nd of November 2017. The name of the new business will be
BARWAQO PURE MINERAL WATER, The reason for choosing this particular sector of
business is that water industry is booming and very profitable, water industry has gained
considerable attention of many entrepreneurs for the past few years, another reason that drives us
to engage in this specific business is that existing companies can't meet the requirement of our

However, this paper presents an overview of this business plan, company name and history,
products, location of the business, market size and target customers, competitors, nature of the
business, paid up capital, success factors of the business, unique selling propositions, SWOT
analysis of the business, evaluating the environment that the business is operating, challenges
and opportunities of the business, marketing strategies of the business and finally, the paper
present a scenario for future strategy that the business will undertake in order to sustain


Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will be located in South Mogadishu, Somalia. It will offer to the
community with a perfect spot for water providing to homes and social gathering sites such as
hotels, restaurants, shops and cafés. Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water aims to enhance its market
share and satisfy customer needs through meeting their demands. The new business has a unique

The business plans to obtain investment from external equity of $330,000, for which the
application will be for commencing work on water production, equipment purchases, acquiring
4 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow
land and building the production machinery, and initial operating cash flow. The good news is
that we have got half block of land that will allow us to transfer thousands of dollars to buy a
land, This business is a sole proprietorship, and the sole owner of this project is Mr. Ali Ibrahim,
MBA graduate from Open University Malaysia. The business is supposed to commence its
operation on the 2nd of November 2017, in Mogadishu, Somalia.

1.2 COMPANY NAME AND OWNERSHIP: The Name of this business will be BARWAQ
Pure Mineral Water; and the owner is Ali Ibrahim, it will operate here in Mogadishu, Somalia.
Since the 1980s, entrepreneurship has emerged as a topic of growing interest among
management scholars and social scientists (Wadhwani, 2006).Entrepreneurship has emerged as a
topic of growing interest among management scholars and social scientists. The subject has
grown in legitimacy, particularly in business schools (Cooper 2005).
The drinking water and environmental justice literature has focused on how unequal access to
infrastructure drives unequal access to safe drinking water. Wilson et al. have shown that
disparities in “basic amenities” drive adverse health outcomes, especially in conjunction with
poorly enforced health laws and building codes. (Ray, 2014,)

''When people stay away from home, whether for leisure or business, they need somewhere that
provides all the comforts of home. They need accommodation and they need food and drink''
(Yuzbasioglu, 2002)
''Hundreds of small, rural communities in California and across the United States rely on unsafe
drinking water sources that their modest means cannot mitigate'' (Carolina L. Balazs, 2014).
Consumers are drinking more bottled water than ever before and less tap water than they did ten
years ago. Bottled water is chosen for reasons including perceived purity, health benefits, safety
and convenience. However, consumer preferences may be grounded on invalid assumptions
(Duffy, N/A).

The water industry features a number of constraints that shape its ability to participate in
Alternative project delivery. On one hand, governmental regulation, high fixed costs, and

5 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

inelastic demand make profitability difficult to achieve in the water sector (Geoffrey Heekin,

Somali purified water industry begun after the collapse of the former government in 1991, the
country has been chaos and lawlessness, thus at that time people used to struggle food and water
to maintain their lives, of course the main concern has been security.
it believed that the firs factory that produced pure mineral water has been DALSAN pure
Mineral water, the later CAAFI Mineral water entered the market by fallowing DALSAN'S
footsteps. Now CAAFI is supposed to be the leader in purified water industry. Nonetheless the
market for purified water is growing a tremendous speed that each and every year new business
enter and this trend for the market will continue for years to come because there are no barriers
for entry.
Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will produce pure mineral water of different classes and sizes as
300ml, 500ml, 600m and 1500ml, service is not exempt to what we provide actually, we will
deliver our product to client's destination without service charge

Our Products and service is going to be in a very competitive market, but because of that,
customers are always looking for their best option. A very important advantage that Barwaqo
Mineral Water has a quality control that we offer We do not charge extra for the quality for the
water provide, because we want our clients to feel safe with our products, and feel like there is
no other one that could do better than we do.

We have the equipment necessary to do the work done in the right way, which means the way
our clients will prefer. The process of getting access to our services is not going to be a hassle, it
is just a phone call and we will deliver the desired products anywhere in Mogadishu and
surrounding as quickly as possible.


Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will be located in Deynile Distruct Mogadishu Somalia, however
site has been chosen behind the Industrial Road in Dayniile for the following reasons:

 Nearness to the close-by residents.

6 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow
 It has suitable wells in that area.
 High visibility
 Access to main road
 Close proximity to the Bakara market

1.7.1 VISION
 To be the leading water Factory in Somalia, providing high quality test water for all
 Our vision is to take care of your needs and wants regarding drinking water.


As water providing has become more popular and grown at an expeditious pace, easy handling of
purified water has become an essential part of our work experience.

 Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water provides the public an awareness of its high quality beverages,
modern packaging, quick delivery and comfortable service.
 Barwaqo Will provide pure drinking water with a difference – comfortably tasty water, new
packaging, and delivered to your door.
 our mission will be to maintain our profitability & satisfying our current and potential

Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water's objectives for the first year of operation will include:

 The formation of an exclusive, innovative brand that will distinguish Barwaqo Pure Mineral
Water products from other companies‟ products
 The manufacture of a comfortably tasty water that our citizens will enjoy drinking
 High-quality water at a reasonable price.
 Free access to promotion services.
 Free delivery and Continuous monitoring of internal and external factors


Barwaqo mineral water's market is quite large, there are a number of local markets that we plan
to reach as soon as possible, for example we have an opportunity to sell our products such

7 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

markets, as Bakaaro Market, Hamar Jadiid Market, Suuq Bu'caad Market, Hamar Jajab and
Hamar weyn Market.
Barwaqo mineral water's target customers will be Hotels, Cafes, Restaurants, Shops, Universities
and Schools, as well as consumption of normal households.


What is the nature of the business?

Barwaqo mineral water will manufacturing business, it will produce pure mineral water of
different classes and sizes as 300ml, 500ml, 600m and 1500ml, service is not exempt to what we
provide actually, we will deliver our product to clients destination without service charge.

Barwaqo mineral water plans to obtain investment from external equity of $330,000, for which
the application will be for commencing work on water production, equipment purchases,
acquiring land and building the production machinery, and initial operating cash flow. ninety
percent of this investment will come from Family, The company owner Mr. Ali Ibrahim has
already secured preliminary capital injection. Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will be operated as a
limited liability company. Operations in the first year will generate Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water
a regular customer base that will permit it to be self-maintained in next year.


Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water‟s start-up costs will cover renovation, blowing machines,
computers, filling machines and raw materials, and the initial running capital to cover expenses
in the first year. These costs will be included computers, two laser printers and a scanner.

Besides, the start-up costs will comprise the machines such as blowing machine, filling
machines, and other additional equipment. The industry will also require funds for renovation
and modification. Breakdown of the start-up costs is illustrated as follows:

8 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow


Start-up Costs USD

Land, we have got half block of land $-------------
Building $105,500
Machine &generators $94,000
Legal fee $500
Well costs $10,000
Vehicles covered with company logo $35,000
Inventory $55,000
Office equipment $30,000
Total Start-up Costs $330,000

The factors that will contribute to the success of Barwaqo pure mineral water will be its high
quality products, reasonable price, and wide range of products, reliability, avoidability and easy
use of its products.


According to Chartered Institute of Marketing,( 2009)„USP‟ means unique selling proposition. It

is one of the basics of effective marketing and business that has stood the test of time

A Unique Selling Propositions can help customers by saving them time when they are considering
buying a product or service. By stating simply and clearly why your product or service is
different, it will stand out from the competition. You can use a different Unique Selling
Propositions for every product or service within your range (Chartered Institute of Marketing, 2009).

Barwaqo mineral water will employ a unique selling strategy that will obviously enhance the
business's short term and long term objectives, its products will benefit for every human being,
reliability, availability, reasonable price, wide range of products and easy use will be the corner
stone that drives our unique selling proposition.

9 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow


SWOT model which means Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats represents the
established instrument used to analyze the internal and external environment, which a company
functions in. Based on this model, the company‟s strategies can be formulated by combining
internal environment factors, which are: strengths and weaknesses, with external environment
factors: opportunities and threats (Gasparotti, 2009).



 Qualified and dedicated staff

 Having its own well
 High technology oriented
 A new Machine
 Brand Awareness
 high quality water
 Experienced management
 Delivering its products


 New to the market

 Barwaqo can't cover the entire city
 Luck of Research & Development
 Luck of Multiple machines
 Lack of an aggressive market strategy
 Difficulties in getting financing


 Pioneers in the south for purified water

 Good chance for expansion and growth
 An increasing demand for purified water and Hospitalization industry increasing recently.

10 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow


 No barriers for the market, so its easy to enter water industry

 Foreign Companies are bringing Sparkling water for the Market
 Existing companies may lunch price war
 Environmental activist increases these days
 Government laws and regulation

Internal strengths and internal weaknesses are an organization's controllable activities that are
performed especially well or poorly. They arise in the management, marketing,
finance/accounting, production/operations, research and development, and computer information
systems activities of a business. Identifying and evaluating organizational strengths and
weaknesses in the functional areas of a business is an essential strategic-management activity.
Organizations strive to pursue strategies that capitalize on internal strengths and improve on
internal weaknesses.

External opportunities and external threats in generally refer to economic, social, cultural,
demographic, environmental, political, legal, governmental, technological, and competitive
trends and events that could significantly benefit or harm an organization in the future.
Opportunities and threats are largely beyond the control of a single organization, thus the term
external. The computer revolution, biotechnology, population shifts, changing work values and
attitudes, space exploration, recyclable packages, and increased competition from foreign
companies are examples of opportunities or threats for companies. These types of changes are
creating a different type of consumer and consequently a need for different types of products,
services, and strategies.
Internally, we have qualified and dedicated staff, and machines that can fulfilling the market
demand and satisfying customer needs, strength may involve ownership of natural resources or
an historic reputation for quality. But ours we have some employees they are depression morale
for sack of part of managers acting by autocratic and judgmental person.


Barwaqo Mineral water operates an environment where opportunities and as well as threats is
eminent. These opportunities and threats may be internally and externally, as management of this
11 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow
business we dedicate to face any challenge that may confront our business, we are committed to
take any opportunity that arises in our environment and ready to face the possible challenges.


''Risk has long been a central concept in the entrepreneurship literature suggested by Adam
Smith and J.S. Mill (Schumpeter, 1999) Entrepreneurial activities are frequently assumed to
involve risk-taking, especially relative to managerial activities within established corporations''
(Bula, 2012)

Barwaqo mineral water will have the opportunity to cater for the entire population regardless of
their income levels and social classes they belong it will have the ability to employ the
advancement of technology, it will also deliver its products to the entire city, Barwaqo may also
face many risks, working an environment where there people are not governed by the rule of law
is substantially risk, apart from this our business will face another risk in case of new laws and
regulation and of course environment activist.

How ever, Starting business usually involves in the face of risk and uncertainty so the risks that
Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water may face the following

 Insufficient demand for the products provided by Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water in the
Dayniile district. This is due to sufficient pure water wells in the geographical area and the
surrounding neighborhoods, and the residents‟ low income.
 The popularity of the Barwaqo brand does not grow as planned in whole region, Mogadishu
and its surrounding.
 The entry of new competitors in the same business area of providing purified water is easy.
 It is easy to inter the mineral water market because there are no major entry barriers to the


Barwaqo Pure Drinking Water is facing the opportunity of being the pioneer in the Somali
purified water market. Due to the consistent popularity of water supply, Barwaqo will have very
good chances for growth and expansion, since there is an increasing demand on buying still
water rather than sparkling water, but also they can capture market share from continues
12 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow
producing.Barwaqo Mineral Water will also facing threats coming from both local and and
bottled international competitors. The mineral water sector in Somalia is relatively easy to inter
because it is an open market, where there are limited barriers to market entry.


Barwaqo Pure Drinking Water‟s customers can be divided into four groups. The first group is the
wholesalers and supermarkets that sell bottled water of different sizes and varieties. The second
group is hotels, restaurants, cafés and retail shops. The third group residential homes where
households make a delivery agreement with the company directly in order to save time and get a
discount. The fourth group of our customers is to be universities, schools, hospitals and etc.

Barwaqo Pure mineral Water has a targeted market which falls anywhere between the ages from
birth to senior citizens. Our purified water is suitable for any age group of the society.


''Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stakeholders (Hartline, 2011)

Marketing Strategy is something that helps companies achieves Marketing objectives. Marketing
objectives help achieve corporate objectives and corporate objectives aim to achieve a
competitive advantage over rival organizations (Khanna, 2011).

Competitive marketing strategies are strongest either when they position a firm's strengths
against competitors' weaknesses or choose positions that pose no threat to competitors (Kerin,
Barwaqo Pure Mineral water industry will position itself as a stylish mineral water supplier and
other services provider. It will serve high-quality water and healthy beverages at competitive
prices. Due to the number of mineral water companies, it is important that Barwaqo industry will
set fair prices for its products. Barwaqo will use advertising as its main source of promotion.
Advertisements placed in the media such as radio, TV and billboards will help build customer
awareness relatively quickly. Accompanying the advertisement will be a coupon for discounted
13 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

''Promotion is one of the marketing mix that many researchers assessed its relationship with a
market share to find whether sound promotion would increase sales and profit'' (Foroughi, 2012)

Barwaqo pure Mineral water will provide its customers special discount those who buy the
company products; also we will deliver any destination across the city, so in order to increases
our sells and to inform our customers, we will advertise our product through many advertising
media, as Local Radio, Newspapers, Brochures and of course world wide web.

Barwaqo Pure mineral Water will implement a pull strategy in order to build consumer
awareness and demand. Initially, Barwaqo has budgeted $4,500 equaling to 1,000 cartons per
month for promotional efforts, which will not include advertising through the media and in-
house promotions such as offering customers free drinks. Barwaqo industry realizes that in the
future, when new competitors enter the market, additional revenues must be allocated for
promotion in order to maintain the gained market share.


Determining a fair market price for the water industry is more difficult because there is an
intense competition between all the companies. Therefore, Barwaqo Mineral water has to
benchmark its prices to the three largest companies in the market Afi, Jema and Dalsan, Barwaqo
will specially use for penetration pricing policy on the “retail profit analysis” provided by our
supplier and has developed a flexible pricing strategy and we will adding strategic tool such as
promotions, discount and gifts .


Barwaqo pure Mineral water has got a number of competitors, The main competitors in the
mineral water sector within the same location are Afi, Jema, Dasani, Aaran and Dalsan Aafi
Mineral Water is the most reportable among these, enjoying the largest share of the market in
most parts of the country. The founders of Barwaqo realize the need for differentiation and
strongly believe that combining water with healthy life style is the key to success. However,
Barwaqo Pure Drinking Water will offer substantial products and services to its customers such

14 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

as quality assurance, free delivery agreements and free advice, which these Barwaqo's
competitors don't provide to their clients at the moment.


Barwaqo pure mineral water will better than its competitors in terms of quality, quick service,
reliability and convenience, our business will be the first that offers different packaging in the
Banadir region. It will differentiate itself from other ordinary water suppliers in the same area by
providing its customers with free promotions, quickest delivery and tailored customer care


Cost of Sales: The cost of goods sold for instance ( water producer-related products) will be
determined by the "retail profit analysis”. However our projections sells are depicted for the
following table.

Table 1.0: Sales Forecast for Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water

UNIT SALES NOV. ---DEC, 2017 JAN.----- MARCH, 2018

300 ml 170 210
500 ml 130 180
600ml 160 200
1500ml 90 110
Total Unit Sales 550 700
Unit Prices $ $
300 ml 4.3 4.3
500ml 4.3 4.3
600ml 4.3 4.3
1500ml 4.3 4.3
Sales $ $
300ml 731 903
500 ml 559 774
600ml 688 860
1500ml 387 473
Total Sales 2,366 3,010

15 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

The investment cost and income statement projection are used to provide an outlook for the
project's pay-back period. Barwaqo Pure Mineral water's initial investment will be fully
recovered within 5 years.


The project can create employment opportunity for almost 54 persons. In addition to supply of
the domestic needs, the project will generate profit 360,000 per annum in terms of tax revenue
when it starts to operate at full capacity. The establishment of such factory will have a foreign
exchange saving effect to the country by substituting the current imports


Future Scenario That Barwaqo May Face will likely be tough competition from internal as well
as external .Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will be working an environmental that is so dynamic,
competitive, open market where Opportunities and threats are eminent; we have a unique
strategy that we are going to face such challenges. If a tough completion arises for instance
external or foreign competitor enter in our market, we are planning to form a partnership with
local Mineral water companies as in the case of Jubba and Dalo Airlines, these two Air lines had
recently face a tough completion from Turkish Airline that flies into many international
destination, so we will adopt an strategy like that in order to be competitive and remain in the


When it comes to life, the importance of water cannot be underestimated, because water is very
essential to man's existence and without it human being cannot survive. Traditionally, people
used water for a number of purposes, including cooking, drinking, washing, bathing, watering
livestock and later for industries, but nowadays people used it for another motive, it is being used
as economic activities. Water industry here in Mogadishu is booming recently and very
profitable, the industry has gained the attention of many entrepreneurs who see it a window of
opportunity that can be invested a huge amount of money.

16 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water, will soon to be opened in Dayniile distract (Gupta village),
Mogadishu Somalia, behind Slamic University, Factory will provide mineral water purified in a
specially innovative environment for enjoying top quality beverage. Our company, like other
companies, has goals and objectives that we will be able to meet in a reasonable period of time.
As stated above, our main goal for the first year will be to build a good reputation, brand equity
and customer base for the Barwaqo's products, In that way we will have loyal clients that will be
happy to do business with us. In order to do so, our staff, besides being the ones doing the job, is
also going to serve as advisors to customers.

They are going to advice our clients into what is going to be best for them. Sometimes it is hard
to do the right choice, and our staff will be more than happy to use their knowledge to help our
customers in choosing the option that best suits their requirements. Our objective is to have with
Home Depot across the entire. This will cause our expenditures to go down, so we will be able to
offer even better prices to our clients. Seeing our customers happy is what we are all about, and
our service will be offered to basically everybody that needs it.

Its initial face, the business plans to obtain investment from external equity of $330,000, for
which the application will be for commencing work on water production, equipment purchases,
acquiring land and building the production machinery and initial operating cash flow.Barwaaqo
Mineral water will establish by the business entrepreneur named Ali Ibrahim.

Somali purified water industry begun after the collapse of the former government in 1991, the
country has been chaos and lawlessness, thus at that time people used to struggle food and water
to maintain their lives, of course the main concern has been security.
it believed that the firs factory that produced pure mineral water has been DALSAN pure
Mineral water, the later CAAFI Mineral water entered the market by fallowing DALSAN'S
footsteps. Now CAAFI is supposed to be the leader in purified water industry. Nonetheless the
market for purified water is growing a tremendous speed that each and every year new business
enter and this trend for the market will continue for years to come because there are no barriers
for entry.
Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will produce pure mineral water of different classes and sizes as
300ml, 500ml, 600m and 1500ml, service is not exempt to what we provide actually, we will
deliver our product to client's destination without service charge
17 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow
The vision of Barwaqo Mineral water is to be the leading water industry in Somalia, providing
high quality test water for all, Our vision is to take care of your needs and wants regarding
drinking water.

Our Mission: As water providing has become more popular and grown at an expeditious pace,
easy handling of purified water has become an essential part of our work experience.

 Barwaqo Pure Mineral Water will provide the public an awareness of its high quality
beverages, modern packaging, quick delivery and comfortable service.
 Barwaqo will provide pure drinking water with a difference – comfortably tasty water, new
packaging, and delivered to your door.
 our mission will be to maintain our profitability & satisfying our current and potential

18 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow


Bula, H. O. (2012, July). Evolution and Theories of Entrepreneurship: A Critical Review on the
Kenyan Perspective. International Journal of Business and Commerce .

Carolina L. Balazs, P. a. (2014). The Drinking Water Disparities Framework: On the Origins and
Persistence of Inequities in Exposure. American Journal of Public Health , 104, 603.

Chartered Institute of Marketing. (2009). How to define your unique selling Proposition.
Chartered Institute of Marketing.

David, F. R. (2011). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (Thirteen Edition ed.). New
Jersy, United States: Prentice Hall.

Duffy, M. (N/A). Challenges In The Water Industry:The Tap Versus Bottled Water Debate.
American Wter.

Foroughi, F. M. (2012). The Influence of Marketing Strategy Elements on Market Share of

Firms. International Journal of psychology and social science , 20.

Gasparotti, C. (2009).The Internal and External Environment Analysis of Romanian Naval

Industry With Swot Model. Journal of Management & Marketing .

Geoffrey Heekin. (2015). Water Industry Analysis and the Opportunity for Alternative Project
Delivery. Aon Infrastructure Solutions.

Hartline, O. F. (2011). Marketing Strategy (Fifth Edition ed.). South-Western, Cengage


Kerin, J. A. (N/A). Competitor Analysis,New York: Leonard N. Stern School of Business.

Ray, C. L. (2014,). The Drinking Water Disparities Framework: On the Origins and Persistence
of Inequities in Exposure. American Journal of Public Health .

Wadhwani, G. J. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Business History: Renewing the Research

Agenda. Harvard Business School.

19 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

Yuzbasioglu, N. (2002). Analysis of Environmental Factors That affect the Success and the
Failure of Small and Medium Sized Tourism Enterprises and Implication of a Rational Strategic
Management Mode. Nigde.

Zimmerer, N. M. (N/A). Effective Small Business Manegement (Seventh Edition ed.).

20 © 2016, Ali Jili'ow

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