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a)özne-zamir uyumuna dikkat!!
-Since the bismar, which is the simplest weighing instrument known, is not capable of accuracy ----.
A)spring balances have been more successful
B)a heavy load can be weighed at a short distance from the fulcrum
C)various technical improvements were soon introduced
D)weighing continued to be a laborious operation
E)its use is illegal in England

- In ancient Greece, as wealth increased and public buildings became more elaborate, ---- .
A)resemblances to Egyptian sculpture were superficial and casual
B)knowledge of Greek sculpture depends largely on the stylistic study of its relics
C)they were embellished with sculpture
D)ideal beauty had always been an essential of sculpture
E)it shows the sense of pattern and the preference for ideal forms

b)we-we / you-you uyumu!!

- Unless we step up our efforts to protect the environment, ----.

A)there would probably have been no future at all to look forward to
B)we cannot look forward to a healthy and prosperous future
C)which is a vast and unexplored storehouse of biological treasures
D)man is undoubtedly the planet’s most successful predator
E)they are under an obligation to do so as soon as possible

------, you should join a group to explore the mysteries of the deep sea.
A) If you had many questions about the ocean
B) When you wanted to see an exhibit of animals living in the deepest ocean
C) Even if you had never been to the ocean
D) Since the deep sea is one of the least hospitable habitats
E) Should you have a taste for exciting adventures pursuing careers in scientific discovery

c)some-others uyumu
- While some of the tapestries at the exhibition are representations of local life, ----.
A)they were created by individuals without any formal art training
B)few observers appreciated the colour or the creativity of the abstract designs
C)others depict fruit, flowers, trees and the like
D)one wonders whether they have taken up to 18 months to complete
E)the exhibition itself will continue until the end of the year

a)Zıtlık bağlaçları
zıtlık bağlacı (+) , (-)
(-) (+)
Zaman ifa. Zaman if.
Quantifiers quantifiers
All/many/most the most/the best
- Though Kenya was self -sufficient until the 1980s, ----.

A)the same problem faces small farmers in all parts of the world
B)the situation in developing countries is becoming critical
C)the economic interests of small farmers have been disregarded
D)wheat prices there are dropping fast
E)it now imports 80 per cent of its food

- Though the strategic value of submarines was demonstrated in World War I, ----.

A)a submarine cannot stay submerged indefinitely

B)the success of the German submarines prompted America to enter the war
C)it was only in World War II that they played a really key military role
D)the first nuclear-powered submarine was named “USS Nautilus”
E)conditions on a submarine even in peace time are enough to crush most people

- Though the Maya were never a homogeneous group, ----.

A)they believed the same creation myth and worshipped many of the same gods
B)artisans sculpted strikingly lifelike clay figurines
C)apparently, they tied boards around their babies' heads, making the skulls grow flat or elongated
D)they were several disparate groups with their own languages
E)their jewellery and artifacts have been photographed with care

----—, its true potential has barely been explored.

A)If new information continues to increase at this rate
B)Since these memory systems are due for overhaul
C)Though technology has given us massive memory storage
D)Unless there are some more creative entries
E)When a number of problems suddenly came to the fore

b)zıtlık bağlaçlarının olduğu cümlelerde genellikle karşımıza ‘still – indeed – in fact – actually’ gibi kelimeler
------, Afghanistan is still a country on edge.

A)As the UN Security Council passed two resolutions in 1999 and 2000, demanding the Taliban cease their
support for terrorism
B)Unless President Hamid Karzai had an army of 20,000
C)Since 50 per cent of voters braved threats of insurgent attacks to vote in the September parliamentary
D)Ever since the Taliban seized control of Kabul in September 1996
E)Even though the US and its allies ousted the Taliban from power years ago

- Despite the fact that short-term interest rates have marched steadily upward since the early 2000s, ----.

A)the result will be a sharp slowdown in consumer spending

B)America’s overall inflation hit 4.7% in recent years
C)the cost of a tank of petrol would have fallen dramatically
D)they are still negative in real terms
E)Americans have been able to borrow more and save even less
c)Seçeneklerde karşılaştırma bağlacı(while/whereas/just as) varsa onun doğru cevap çıkam ihtimali yüksektir

- Small states in Africa like Senegal would probably integrate with the global production chains of
multinationals ----.

A)although Mali and Cameroon could be industrialized by processing foodstuffs

B)while countries with large populations like Nigeria would develop their own national industries
C)if ever South African firms expand aggressively across the region
D)whereas such obstacles explain why sub- Saharan countries have only a marginal share in manufactured
E)in that most African industries are classified as small-to-medium sized enterprises

- Hierapolis was a famous spa in Roman times ----.

A)since the founder of the city was the emperor Antiochus ll of the Seleucid dynasty
B)though it was founded in the second quarter of the 3rd century B.C.
C)because the only shrines that remain today are a temple of Apollo and the cave-sanctuary of Pluto
D)just as Pamukkale is today
E)even if these date from the Hellenistic period
-------, they are rising in the prosperous northern parts.

A)Since more births will be an alternative to accepting millions of immigrants from beyond Europe
B)Because the EU's lowest fertility rates are all to be found in its southern countries
C)Even though the main factors affecting birth rates were apparently cultural and socio- economic
D)While birth rates continue to fall in the poorer and more traditional south of Italy
E)Although many young women feel they cannot have both children and a career

d)Zaman Bağlaçlarında mutlaka zaman uyumu aramak gerekir

------ until William Gladstone presented his proposal for home rule in Ireland in 1886.

A)The Republic of Ireland gained sovereignty in 1922

B)Northern Ireland did not separate from the South
C)Northern Ireland is composed of 26 districts
D)Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom
E)The Irish nationalists are still struggling to end the partition of Ireland

- When female monkeys that had been deprived of early social contact were successfully mated, -----.

A)they usually show various types of bizarre behavior in motherhood

B)none of them seem to have any normal maternal instincts
C)they haven't done as well as those that were allowed to interact with their peers during the first 6 months of
D)there is evidence that they rarely engaged in nor- mal interaction with other animals later on
E)they made poor mothers, tending to neglect and even abuse their first-born infants

e)sebep sonuç bağlaçlarında bir taraf (+) ise , diğer tarafta (+)dır. Bir taraf (-) ise diğer tarafta (-)dir.
------ because it affects the average rate of material loss across a landscape.
A)More moisture also promotes the growth of vegetation
B)Wetter conditions favour faster rates of erosion
C)Mountains in polar latitudes are the least vulnerable to erosion
D)Climate is inextricably linked with erosion
E)Mountain glaciers aggressively attack surface rock
- As the chess-playing computer Deep Blue can assess 36 billion moves in three minutes, ----.

A)chess is far from being a game of chance

B)the game had come to an end
C)there was no room left for the human element
D)no one has managed to defeat it
E)the game would soon lose its appeal

- Because unemployment is rising and wages are falling, ----.

A)the government would soon be out-of-favour

B)Americans are naturally worried about the state of the economy
C)the state of panic was regarded as unfounded
D)no one could lose on the stock market
E)it would have been a good time to change your car

f)Bazen verilen cümlenin sonuna ‘çünkü’ ifadesi çok yakışır. Bu durumda sebep sonuç bağlacı kullanılır

- The European Central Bank can’t raise rates ----.

A)just as they would have benefited Europe’s largest economies

B)because the Eurozone’s two largest economies, France and Germany, need lower interest rates to spur
C)since the European countries were particularly scared of an approaching crash
D)while, in Spain, interest rates on mortgages were almost zero
E)so long as real estate in Ireland and Spain had been overvalued by 15 and 13 per cent respectively

- Classical musical literacy in much of Europe today is in decline ----.

A)because its theory remains far behind the realities of contemporary music practice
B)whether the musical world has changed
C)even though new technology has also affected the music itself
D)when hundreds of thousands of musicians form amateur symphony orchestras and chamber music groups
E)though many countries were giving considerable encouragement to young conductors and composers
g)Cümlede ‘if ve gardaşları’ varsa ‘type’ kuralları aranır

type 0 : if + present simp , present simpl

type 1:if + present , present modal
type 2:if + v2 , would/could/might v1
type 3:if + had v3 , would/could/might have v3
mixed type : if + had v3 , would/could/might v1
if + v2 , would/could/might have v3

-Unless there is adequate foam to completely cover the burning material, ----.

A)there is little hope of extinguishing the fire

B)the starvation principle hasn't been effective
C)an alternative method would be to demolish nearby buildings and create a fire stop
D)it is smothering that works by limiting oxygen
E)there is no fear of further combustion
- If the war is of short duration, ----

A)a deep recession would have been possible

B)oil prices are likely to rise briefly and then fall sharply
C)a weak economy is obviously more vulnerable than a strong one
D)in contrast with American ones, Europe's stock markets have underperformed
E)such imbalances should have been corrected a long time ago

- If trade unions were to close down, ----.

A)their members can only be paid what the market can afford
B)they have no further functions to serve
C)there is no longer any need for them
D)they might still play a useful role in the modern economy
E)it would actually be a great pity

h)Cümlede modal(will-should-may-might-would-could) varsa if ve gardaşlarından şüphelenin

- The world would be a better place ----.

A) unless people remember that others have feelings

B) even if there are more health insurance and less homeless
C) since the world is so filled with violence and hate
D) if we all had a positive attitude to life
E) otherwise there would be no weapons brought to school

- Clearly a successful ascent of the south-west face of Everest could only be achieved----.

A)until a leader willing and able to shoulder full responsibility could be found
B)whether extra oxygen alone might have resulted in success
C)if climbing techniques and technical aids alike were absolutely faultless
D)though the organization of such a project would take a heavy toll of any leader
E)that technically it was one of the hardest climbs ever to be achieved " alpine style

I)Eğer cümle ‘should – were – had’ ile başlıyorsa bu cümlenin if clause olduğunu gösterir. Should ile başlayan
bir cümle present modalla ; were ile başlayan cümle ‘would/could/might v1’ ile ; had ile başlayan cümle
‘would/could/might have v3’ ile devam eder

- Had the world listened to the horrors of the Nazi death camps , ………..

A)the Nazi Party was founded as the pan-German nationalist

B) Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and the Nazis gradually established a one-party state
C) The idea of mass extermination was a result of earlier Nazi experimentation
D)perhaps genocide in Cambodia , Bosnia and Rwanda could have been avoided.
E) The Nazi perpetrators distinguished between extermination camps and concentration camps
- Were all the moisture in the air to condense and fall , ………

A)there would be up to an additional three inches of water added to the earth’s surface
B) control of moisture in products can be a vital part of the process of the product
C) water content of some foods is also manipulated to reduce the number of calories
D) there are many other ways to measure moisture in products, such as different wave measurement 
E) Small amounts of water may be found in the air 
a)Boşluktan once ‘a/an/the + isim’ varsa genellikle cümle ‘relative clause’ ile devam eder

- Last week several miners were trapped in a tunnel ----.

A) after they haD entered there to assist the victims

B) that they emerged back into the bright daylight
C) which collapsed as a result of heavy rains in the area overnight
D) as they haD already finished digging most of it
E) by the time we reached the tunnel entrance

b)Boşluk ara cümle şeklinde verildiyse genellikle doğru cevap relative clause çıkar

- Brief letters on articles ---- are welcome.

A)if they were of special interest

B)which have appeared in the magazine
C)which should have been sent to the editor
D)whether the editors have reserved the right to edit them
E)since criticism of them is always positive

c)boşluktan once bir zaman ifadesi varsa doğru cevap ‘when’ ile başlayan bir cümle çıkar.

- J. Marshall has been running the company since 1979 ---- .

A)since a large proportion of the shares are in the hands of profit-oriented investors
B)if he had cooperated with this new breed of investor
C)which was well-known for its aggressive insurance policy
D)whether or not such a strategy would prove viable
E)when he became the first manager to come from the sales force

d)Boşluktan sonra relative clause varsa doğru cevabın son kelimesinin bir isim olması gerekir.

------- that need to be solved.

A)More detailed information would have enabled us to find solutions to the problems
B)Some managers are in favour of routine reports on progress being made
C)He should have been able to identify such problems in the early stages of development
D)The first stage in decision-making is the identification of problems
E)Once a problem has been perceived

---------- , where the gas is ionize and, in consequence, electrically conducting.

A)In 1924, direct measurements of the height and density of the ionosphere were first made in Britain
B)The ionization is almost entirely produced by ultra- violet light and X-radiation
C)The ionization density had already increased to maximum at a height of around 150 miles
D)In 1880, the existence of a conducting layer in the high atmosphere had not been postulated
E)The ionosphere is the upper region of the earth’s atmosphere

------- when the rate te increased by about 4% per year.

A)The birth rate for unmarried women in the US has recently shown a steady trend
B)Several factors could account for the teenage birth rates in the US
C)The birth rate in the US then rose dramatically
D)From 1994 to 1999 there was little change in the birth rate in the US
E)In the US, the rise in the birth rate was most rapid during the late 1970s and through the 1980s


a)Boşluktan sonra ‘noun clause’ varsa doğru cevabın son kelimesi genellikle fiil olur.

------- that it will cut emissions of greenhouse gasses by about million tones per year over the next five years.

A)Scientist are engaged in research

B)The Canadian government has announced
C)A group of scientist at the conference argued
D)The Council on Environmental Protection is afraid
E)The government had objected

------- that US tax policy discriminates against renewable-energy companies.

A)Throughout the country, people are encouraging the use of renewable energy
B)In the UK there is a "Climate Change Levy"
C)Some green-energy advocates argue
D)The threats posed by greenhouse gases
E)The future of renewable energy has thus been assured

b)Boşluktan once fiil varsa doğru cevap noun clause çıkar

-- For a long time no one was able to explain ----.

A)though none of their ideas were actually mainstream ones

B)if so many academics had opposed the Vietnam War
C)while he had a better understanding of peasant societies
D)why the Vietnamese peasants didn't want to be liberated
E)whether this informal economy should have been taken seriously

-- Although today is the 14th anniversary of the August 1991 coup in Russia, many Russians still can't
understand ----.

A) who can't remember their political views of 15 years from now

B) that did not make up their minds at that time
C) in spite of the great number of hesitant people
D) the majority of whom did not participate in the events
E) what caused the collapse of the Soviet Union
5)VİRGÜL + ----
Boşluktan önce virgül varsa genellikle doğru cevap ‘but-yet-so-for’ ile başlayan cümleler çıkar.
- Engineers removed 70 tonnes of earth from the base of the Tower of Pisa , ----.

A)so the lean was reduced by 45 cm

B)that the Tower's lean was increasing by 1.5 m every year
C)but on one disastrous day it actually moved 2 mm
D)if it would stand secure for another 200 years
E)while it has been closed to visitors
- Until fairly recently, management could have bought peace with generous increases in pay, ----.

A)but that is no longer an easy option

B)since that was not to be recommended
C)however ambiguous this had seemed
D)as long as the profits would have remained steady
E)unless fringe benefits were reduced


Eğer cümle ‘Ving / Having V3 / V3 /Being V3 / Having been V3 / preposition + ving / in order to + v1 /
bağlaç+kısaltma’ile başlıyorsa ;
a)doğru cevabın açık bir özne ile başlaması gerekir. ‘it / they / he / she / there is-are / ving’ ile başlayamaz.
b)cümlenin başındaki fiil ile doğru cevabın öznesinin birbiri ile uyumlu olması gerekir.
c)bu şekilde başlayan cümle tamamlama sorularında doğru cevap ‘had v3’ olamaz

Walking ………… , a)John

b)the car
d)there is
e)Alex….had started…
- In order to make the first vessels to cross stretches of water, ----.

A) ancient civilizations depended heavily on these for their survival and expansion
B) the Greeks brought the art of rowing to a level of perfection that has never been surpassed
C) early attempts were often unique to the societies that originated them
D) people had already developed them for such purposes as fishing and transporting goods
E) early humans employed materials ranging from animal skins to small pieces of timber

- In trying to understand the development of language, ----.

A)the grammar of a language represents the linguistic knowledge or capacity of its speakers
B)human language utilizes a fairly small number of sounds
C)language is a part of our essential human nature and was never invented
D)our curiosity about ourselves has also led to numerous theories about language origin
E)scholars, for ages, have been debating the role played by the vocal tract and the ear

- After enjoying an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the early and mid 1990s, ----.
A)structural reforms would have done little or nothing to reduce the income inequality in Latin America
B)Latin America Is now facing economic stagnation
C)the political mood in Latin America had shifted sharply to the left
D)everybody admitted that the International Monetary Fund (IMP) had been at fault
E)the Latin American countries would have followed the advice of analysts and looked to Korea as a role model

- Once rarely found in newsrooms, ----.

A)each radio and television station and daily newspaper will have subscribed to one or more wire services
B)the news editor will also assign headline sizes to be written on the various stories as they are edited
throughout the night
C)a very small newspaper or radio station may have a reporting staff consisting of one or two persons
D)the reporter’s task could have been to present information, not to pass judgement on it
E)women now comprise about half of the news- editorial staffs of America’s daily newspapers

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