Nov. 18, 2010

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Tigers Edge Out Northwestern

U of M men’s
The Thursday,
November 18, 2010 basketball

Vol. 78 No. 052 team clinches
victory, 94-79,
see page 7

Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

UM could
lose its
Head Start

photos courtesy of Amelia Mayahi

News Reporter
Last week, the Head Start program at
The University of Memphis’ Barbara K.
Lipman School was denied more than
$400,000 in federal funding for 2011 by
the Shelby County Commission, which

cast only six of
At last year’s “America Recycles Day” at The University of Memphis, students brought their paper, plastic, the seven votes
metal, glass and batteries to be sorted and sent to a recycling center. This year’s event will allow recycling required to contin- ur
of more types of plastic. ue funding.
hope is

Head Start,
which assists 20 that (they)
low-income fami-
lies earning $22,000
will realize
or less per year, this is
established a $1.4
“America Recycles Day” highlights million-per-year
contract with The to children

conservation, sustainability at UM U of M in 2006.

John Lovelace, and (their)
BY CHRIS DANIELS until today from 9 a.m. to 2 director of Shelby families.”
p.m. due to rain earlier this County Head Start,
News Reporter said The U of M
week. — Sandra
For the second year in Students can bring their failed to meet con-
a row, The University of recyclables to three locations tractual obligations Turner
Memphis will encourage stu- on campus: the parking lots by not providing Director,
dents to help save the planet on Central and Southern training sessions Lipman School
by participating in “America Avenues and the student to new teach-
Recycles Day,” an annual plaza, where paper, four ers from March 2008-2009. The sessions
event promoting conserva- kinds of plastic, plastic foam, would have allowed trainees to observe
tion and re-use of the planet’s cell phones, batteries, CDs, colleagues’ instructional methods in the
resources. DVDs and ink cartridges will classroom.
Though its official date be accepted. Lovelace said SCHS began training
One feature missing from this year’s “America was Nov. 15, The U of M The U of M’s Sustainability and providing services for new teachers
Recycles Day” is the giant, industrial-sized shred- postponed its activities for
der offered at last year’s event. “America Recycles Day” see Recycle, page 7 see Head Start, page 5

Four Loko a no-no

FDA warns makers of alcoholic energy
drinks of possible removal from market
BY MIKE MUELLER drinks over the past year.
Four Loko, Joose, Max, Core High Gravity
News Reporter HG, Core High Gravity HG Orange, Lemon
The all-night, caffeine-infused party might Lime Core Spiked and Moonshot were the
be ending for a recent surge of alcoholic beverages, also know as “energy beers,”
energy drinks. deemed unsafe by the FDA.
by Amy Barnette

The Food and Drug Administration sent Four Loko, dubbed “blackout in a can,”
warning letters yesterday to four manufac- has been at the center of the energy beer
turers of seven caffeinated, alcoholic bever- controversy, gaining a reputation for caus-
ages, calling their products “a public health ing its drinkers to make poor decisions, or
concern” and threatening removal from the “go loko.” The fruit-flavored malt beverage
market if the drinks are not reformulated contains either 6 or 12 percent alcohol by Four Loko contains the stimulants caffeine, guarana and taurine in addition to
within 15 days. volume, depending on state law, and the caf- alcohol. Though it’s restricted by law to 6 percent by volume in Tennessee, it
The FDA’s announcement comes after contains 12 percent in some states and has caused recent problems at college
reviewing the safety of alcoholic energy see Loko, page 4 campuses, as the combination of alcohol and caffeine can overwhelm the body.

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