Marcet Boiler Lab Report

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Marcet Boiler

The marcet Boiler experiment, was undertaken to study the relationship
between the saturation pressure and the temperature of water/steam in the
range of 0 – 14 bar (Gauge) and to demonstrate the change in temperature of
a body when it is being heated or cooled. The experiment was done in the
hope the results when plotted would demonstrate a vapour pressure curve.
Showing that when the temperature was increased, the saturation pressure
also increased, highlighting the fact the two properties where directly
proportional to each other. We used our experimental data to calculate the
change in temperature over the change in the pressure (dT/dp) and made
comparisons with data found in the steam table. The experimental data were
different from the data on the steam table (vg/hg). This may have occurred
due to errors when the experiment was being conducted.
Marcet Boiler

Table of contents


Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Theory

3. Equipment

4. Procedure

5. Results and discussion

6. Conclusion

7. References

Marcet Boiler
To study the prime principles of thermodynamics, the market boiler was as a
unit to demonstrate the principle of thermodynamics. Initially, the discovery of
this phenomenon was founded by Rudolf Clausius, a German physicist that was
a thermodynamics power icon.i The market boiler is used to observe the
results of what occurs when saturated steam changes into superheated steam.
Consisting of, a cylinder that is surrounded with an isolated substance, inside
of it’s electrically heated boiler which is for transferring heat energy into the
system, the change rate in temperature and change in pressure are measured.
The saturation pressure curve can be determined at the pressure within 10
bars. ii
“The ability of water tube boilers to generate superheated steam makes these
boilers particularly attractive in applications that require dry, high-pressure,
high-energy steam, including steam turbine power generation” iii
Due to the market boilers excellent working properties, use of market boilers
are highly preferred for the following areas.
 Chemical process divisions
 Pulp and paper manufacturing plants
 Refining units
They are also used in power plants, where the need for a huge amount of
steams at high pressures and high temperatures are needed.
The market boilers ability to work with high pressure substances allows it to be
able to be used in the marine boilers. The change occurred during the turn off
18th century.

The study of thermodynamics is concerned with how work and heat transfer
network between the system and the surrounding, when the system is heating
Marcet Boiler
and/or cooling. The thermodynamic properties are affected by the loss and
gain of energy when the system is undergoing the process of heating or

The ideal gas law shows the relationship between the absolute temperature,
the absolute pressure, and the volume. (PV = NRT = NKT). Real gases however
do not follow the ideal gas law in absolute. When energy is increased within a
real gas, the activity of molecules increases allowing them to escape, from the
surface, this continues until a state of equilibrium is reached. The pressure
between the surface of the liquid and the steam, decides the state of
equilibrium. At lower pressures, the molecules use less energy to escape from
the surface, therefore less energy is required to achieve an equilibrium state or
(the boiling point). The temperature at which the substance is at when in its
state of equilibrium is stated as the saturated temperature. Also, the pressure
at the state of equilibrium at a given temperature is the saturated pressure.
Ideal gases, are defined as ‘one in which all collisions between atoms or
molecules are perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular
attractive forces.’iv In an ideal gas, the total internal energy is in the form of
kinetic energy, and any change in the internal energy causing a change in
temperature. The Marcet boiler experiment was to measure the change in the
pressure and the change in temperature, with the increase and decrease of
heat energy in the closed system. A graph of the change of temperature
against the change in the pressure is plotted, and the results gained
experimentally is then compared against the theoretical values obtained from
the steam table. Using the claausius- clapeyron equations:

( ⅆⅆ Tp ) SAT
=T v fg

T ( ν g−ν f )
h f −hg
h fg =h g−h f

dT T (ν f m ) T V g
( )
Sat =

To explain the energy balance at T=T max, applying the 1 st law of thermodynamics
Marcet Boiler
ⅆQ ⅆT
=αAS (T max−T α ) + MC
ⅆt ⅆt heating

ⅆQ ⅆT
Tmax=Tα +


1. Safety valve

2. Boiler with insulated jacket

Marcet Boiler
3. Bourdon tube pressure gauge

4. Switch cabinet with temperature display

5. Drain valve

6. Heater
7. Overflow

8. Temperature sensor

Firstly, the unit is connected, to a power supply, that provides a heating rate to
the electrical heater.
The level valve is then open, and the power supply is switched on
We then set the temperature, to the setpoint
Then the valve is opened to expel the air, within the system as it will change
the properties off the steam, causing errors in the results.
We then set the temperature, to the setpoint.
Next close the level valve, then continue the heating until maximum gauge
pressure is reached at 10bars.
Then turn the electrical heater off and wait for the system to decrease in
temperature until it reaches room temperature.
Record the rise in temperature after every increase of 1bar off pressure.
Then once it reaches a pressure of 10bar, switch off the power supply, and
take down the drop-in temperature every 1 bar from 10bars to 1bars.

For the experiment a market boiler and water were used. The marcet boiler
consistent of a stainless-steel pressure vessel, that was fitted with a high-
pressure immersion electrical heater, a control panel, a water inlet port, also a
safety relief valve and bourdon tube pressure gauge, temperature and
pressure measuring device.
Marcet Boiler
5.Results and discussion
During the experiment pressure and the temperature of the system where
plotted on a graph of Gauge pressure against the temperature rise, The
experimental data gained, when plotted gave relatively straight line, meaning
the relationship between the gauge pressure and the temperature is directly
proportional. However, a 10-20% percentage error was included to vary in any
unavoidable error such as energy lose to the container, and as previous group
had used the boiler the pressure gauge was not set with 100% accuracy. Also,
the room temperature and the stability of the materials where accounted for
in the percentage of error.
From the results that were, gathered from the experiment, what was
concluded was the rate at which energy was lost from the system was at a
lower rate than when energy was fed to the system.
When the results that were gained from the experiment were, compared with
the theoretical data, it was observed that the rate at which the temperature
increased in the experiment was at a higher rate than was calculated using the
theoretical data. Whereas when observing the rate at which the temperature
fell the experiment data showed that was given was falling at a slower rate
than the data calculated using the theoretical data.
Since the relationship between the rise in temperature is directly proportional
to the increase in the pressure, there is no loss in energy in the experiment as
in theoretical data it shows the rate at which the temperature increases and
decreases with the change off pressure is the same.
Marcet Boiler

Saturated Temperature against Saturated Pressure

Temperatur increasing
Saturatd Temperarture

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Saturated Pressure

Linear ()

Pressure , P (bar) Steam Temperature, T ( ͦ C)

Gauge Absolute Time for Time for Dq/dt

Inc. Dec.
Pressure pressure increasing decreasing (KW)
( ͦ C) ( ͦ C)
(bar) (bar) (seconds) (second)
1 2 119 267.87 2
2 3 131 362.5 2
3 4 142 454.05 2
Marcet Boiler
4 5 150 536.44 2
5 6 158 615.29 160 908.92 2
6 7 164 673.8 166 706.74 2
7 8 170 731.07 171 508.26 2
8 9 175 786.57 176 326.08 2
9 10 179 838.63 181 165.03 2
10 11 183 885.39 185 0 2

From the data obtained from the market boiler experiment, it can be surmised,
that the change in rate of temperature in saturated steam is directly
proportional, to the saturated pressure in equilibrium with water. As the
saturated pressure rises the temperature measured in Celsius increases with it.
Showing a linear relationship between the two. This is useful in real world
applications such as boilers in homes, to help minimise excessive energy costs,
and wasteful usage of energy.

7. References
Enggering, M. (2017). Mechanical Enggering Essay - 831 Words. [online] StudyMode. Available at: [Accessed 15 Dec.
Undergraduate Students' Handbook. (2014). 1st ed. Pulu Pinang.
iii (2017). Boiler Introduction - [online] Available at:
introduction/#Water_Tube_Boiler [Accessed 15 Dec. 2017].
iv (2017). Ideal Gas Law. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2017].

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