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Head Fundamentals Phase V:

Mass: Part 1

This final section concerns mass, or, light and shadow, and is broken up into 2 parts. This is the step that
places the head, or any object, in the real world. There are some rules that govern this process and the most
simple way to learn them is by lighting a cylinder. The first part of this lesson does exactly that and is followed
by 3 master studies. Spend as much time as possible on the cylinder drawing. There are ideas covered in this
lesson that are absolutely essential, don’t let its simplicity fool you. The first 2 master studies are focused on
creating 2-value drawings and the 3rd is a full value study. Working through each of these is a great way to
study shape, value, and edge. Always remember that a strong 2-value drawing is essential. If the drawing isn’t
working at the 2-value stage then adding more information won’t make it any better. Creating a strong 2-value
drawing is the framework that anchors all additional information. Don’t underestimate this step.

The last part of this section is a full value master study. This is your first chance to apply all the information
learned up to this point. Working from my drawing will give you a chance to study the decision making that
occurred while drawing this head. This is much easier than making your own decisions but don’t take this for
granted. The next section will require you to make many of your own decisions and it will be helpful to be able
to think back to these studies. Always follow the full process. Start with the rhythmical lay-in, add applicable
structural information, and then identify shadow shapes to create a strong 2-value drawing, and, finally, bring
the drawing up to full value through the use of rendering and half-tone. Always keep in mind the information
learned from rendering the cylinder while bringing the drawing up to full value.

© Watts Atelier of the Arts, LLC, 2017 1

Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

• Wolf’s Carbon 6B charcoal pencil
• Smooth Newsprint
• Single Edge Razor Blade
• Sanding Pad
• Kneaded Eraser

- TIP -
A well sharpened pencil is
critical. Remembering to tune
up your pencil can make all
the difference.

• Print the handouts or work directly from a
• Warm up with drawing ovals, circles, boxes,
and cylinders.
• Focus on posture and make sure to work at
arm’s length.
• Remember to breathe and take breaks every
20 minutes or so.

© Watts Atelier of the Arts, LLC, 2017 2

Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1


Part 1: This section begins with drawing and lighting a simple cylinder. The information covered
in this video is critical. Watch it as many times as is necessary to fully understand it. After
viewing the video it is time to draw the cylinder yourself. Try to follow along with the video as
best you can and make sure to understand all of the principles involved. This exercise should
be done as many times as is necessary to understand all of the information presented in the
video. It may seem simple, but this exercise is very important. Pay attention to shape, value,
and edge, and the role they play in creating a successful drawing. This information will remain
consistent and be used throughout the duration of your career. It’s amazing what can be
learned from a simple cylinder.

Part 2: Watch the videos in this section and pay close attention to the order of operations. This is very
important and the key to making this process work. All of the information learned up to this
point will be put to use for the remainder of the course. Carefully follow along with the videos
and copy my drawings as well as you possibly can. Remember that when doing master studies
you are studying someone else’s decision making. Try to focus on what types of decisions are
being made and why. The first 2 drawings are 2-value lay-ins. Pay close attention to edges
while studying these 2 drawings.
The final drawing in this section is a full value master study. Follow along with the video and
try to understand the decision making as best you can. Thinking of the information learned
from the cylinder will be the key to bringing this drawing up to full value. Start with the basic
structure of the head and apply everything learned up to this point in order to bring it up to a
full value finished drawing. Keep in mind that making an exact copy of the original isn’t the
point of the exercise. What’s important is understanding the decisions that were made in a way
that will allow you to achieve a similar look and feel to your drawing.

© Watts Atelier of the Arts, LLC, 2017 3

Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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Head Fundamentals Phase V:
Mass: Part 1

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