Drama 2320 Vocal Collage Spring 2020

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Drama 2320 Voice 1

Final Project - Vocal Collage

Online - Spring 2020

As a culminating project, you will incorporate all of your voice class learnings into a final
presentation in your own creative fashion. This is a ​self-directed​ assignment where you will draw
from one or more texts (your choice) to create a theme-based presentation. Your presentation
should demonstrate your assimilation of all the voice work covered in the course. Little or no
class time will be dedicated to this assignment. However, an online coaching session/check-in
can be arranged if you require extra assistance.

Assignment Requirements:
1. A video submission of your presentation - via google drive, drop box, YouTube, or any
online format that you prefer. Your video should be between 3-10 mins. (70 Marks)
2. A final journal entry responding to the given prompts. (30 Marks)

Ideas to Get Started: (These are ​just​ my ideas, you can do essentially anything! Get creative!)
● An assortment of inspirational texts combined together in a monologue format
● Original spoken word
● Original music and spoken text combined
● Favorite movie quotes mash-up
● Favorite cartoon character voices mash-up
● Impersonations
● Poem with soundscaping
● Scary story with soundscaping

Whatever you choose to do, it should reflect a bit about who you are (opinions, hobbies,
interests, etc) and also showcase the qualities or explorations in your voice you are most proud
of. Step outside of your comfort zone and have fun!

Video and Written Submissions Due: April 2

Total /100 Marks
Worth 10% of Final Grade

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