Drama 2320 Take Home Spring 2020

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Drama 2320 A Voice and Speech: Fundamentals

Anatomy & Physiology Take-Home Quiz

Choose a verse line from your Shakespeare sonnet and describe the articulation of
each word in the verse line. Describe how your articulators work together to create
each sound of each word. You are NOT required to include the names of tongue
muscles, soft palate muscles, or facial muscles when describing the articulation of
each word. However, the use of proper names for individual articulators is required.
(See list of articulators below). This quiz assignment must be typed. Use full
sentences. Spelling counts!
Due: April 2 Value: 5% of final grade


There are two types of articulators:

1. Moveable Articulators.​ Moveable articulators are structures that can
move and allow us to shape sound. These include the jaw, lips, facial
muscles, tongue, soft palate and the oral and laryngeal pharynx.
2. Fixed Articulators​. Fixed articulators are structures that cannot be moved
by muscles. They are the hard palate and the teeth.

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