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Lower back pain during pregnancy: Advice and exercises for women

Article  in  British Journal of Midwifery · September 2010

DOI: 10.12968/bjom.2010.18.9.78064


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3 authors, including:

Yana Richens Sheila Leddington wright

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Coventry University


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Clinical practice

Lower back pain during pregnancy:

advice and exercises for women
rupture. Where the gap increases to more than
Abstract 10  mm, this is known as diastasis of the symph-
Lower back pain during pregnancy can be severely debilitating for some ysis pubis. The non-pregnant woman’s symphysis
women, and midwives can provide help and support for this group of pubis gap is 4–5  mm and it is normal for it to
women by providing advice, reassurance and onward referral where widen 2–3  mm, without discomfort, during the
needed. last trimester of pregnancy. This increases the
diameters of the pelvic brim and cavity outlet

to facilitate delivery of the fetus. The average
ower back pain during pregnancy is widely symphysis pubis gap during the last 2 months of
accepted as a consequence of pregnancy, by pregnancy is 7.7  mm with a range of 3–20  mm
women, midwives and doctors. By under- (Philipp and Setchell, 1991).
standing the main reasons why back pain occurs It is therefore important that midwives are
during pregnancy, women can usually be reas- aware of the possible causes of back pain so that
sured and are able to help themselves. It is also they are able to advise women appropriately and
important that back pain during pregnancy is not refer those women who require further treatment
wrongly diagnosed and/or confused with pelvic to the correct health professional. This article
girdle pain (PGP), a term which includes symphisis focuses on lower back pain during pregnancy
pubis dysfunction (SPD) and diastasis symph- and not PGP. If a midwife suspects that a woman
ysis pubis (DSP), a condition which can only be has PGP, the woman should be referred to an
confirmed by diagnostic imaging. obstetric physiotherapist for diagnosis and appro-
This may cause confusion for midwives as priate treatment. The European guidelines for the
European back care guidelines (Vleeming et al, management and treatment of PGP have made
2007: 20) define PGP thus: a list of recommendations for the diagnosis and
imaging of PGP (Box 1).
‘Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is a specific The guideline highlights that the risk factors for
Yana Richens, form of low back pain (LBP), that can developing PGP during pregnancy are most prob-
Consultant Midwife, occur separately or in conjunction ably: a history of previous LBP, and/or previous
University College with LBP.’ trauma to the pelvis. There is slight conflicting
London Hospitals NHS evidence (one study) against the following risk
Foundation Trust Pelvic girdle pain factors; pluripara and high work load. There is
Pain at the back of the pelvis is known as pelvic agreement that non risk factors are: contraceptive
Karen Smith, Sports girdle pain. It is sometimes also called sacro-iliac pills, time interval since last pregnancy, height,
Lecturer, Warwickshire joint (SIJ) pain, because that is the name of the weight, smoking and age (one study reports that
College, Pre/Postnatal joint where problems arise. PGP is often misdiag- young age is a risk factor).
personal trainer nosed as sciatica but only a few women, just 1%,
have sciatica during pregnancy. The prevalence of Low back pain during pregnancy
Shelia Leddington back pain was studied in 855 pregnant women who As highlighted in the antenatal care guide-
Wright, Senior Lecturer were followed from the 12th week of pregnancy, line (National Institute for Health and Clinical
Sports Therapy, every 2nd week, until childbirth. True sciatica Excellence (NICE), 2008), obtaining a clear picture
Coventry University, with a dermatomal distribution occurred in only of low back pain in pregnancy is difficult. This
Physiotherapist 10 women (1%). Back problems before pregnancy is mainly a result of the wide variations of low
and member of increased the risk of back pain, as did young age, back pain reported in the literature and low
the Association multiparity, and several physical and psychological back pain and pelvic pain are often reported
for Chartered work factors (Ostgaard et al, 1991). together. Furthermore, back pain or back discom-
Physiotherapists in Symphysis pubis dysfunction occurs where the fort during pregnancy is very subjective. The
Women’s Health joint becomes sufficiently relaxed to allow insta- estimated prevalence of backache during preg- bility in the pelvic girdle. In severe cases of SPD, nancy ranges between 35% and 61%. Among these
the symphysis pubis may partially or completely women, 47–60% reported backache first devel-

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Clinical practice

oping during the 5th–7th month of pregnancy.

Symptoms are often reported by women to be Box 1 Summary of recommendations
worse in the evening and in the third trimester for diagnosis and imaging of pelvic girdle
(NICE, 2008; Ansari, 2010). In a prospective study pain
of 200 Swedish women, Kristiansson et al (1996a) To make the diagnosis pelvic girdle pain (PGP) the following tests are
found that 76% reported back pain at some point recommended for use during the clinical examination:
in their pregnancy. In a review article, MacEvilly ll Sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) pain: posterior pelvic pain provocation test
and Buggy (1996) state that more than one third of (P4); Patrick’s faber test; palpation of the long dorsal SIJ ligament;
pregnant women find back pain a severe problem. Gaenslen´s test
Pain often increases with advancing pregnancy ll Symphysis: palpation of the symphysis and modified Trendelenburg’s
and interferes with work, daily activities and sleep. test of the pelvic girdle
There are two main reasons for lower back ll Functional pelvic test: active straight leg raise test (ASLR)
pain during pregnancy—altered posture and an ll It is recommended that a pain history be taken with specific attention
increase in the hormone relaxin. paid to pain arising during prolonged standing and/or sitting. To ensure
that the pain is in the pelvic girdle area, it is important that the precise
Altered posture area of pain be indicated. The patient should either point out the exact
Back pain during pregnancy attributed to an location on her body, or preferably shade in the painful area on a pain
altered posture is a result of the increasing size location diagram.
and weight of the growing fetus in the uterus as Source: Vleeming et al (2007)
the pregnancy progresses; this causes the woman’s
abdominal wall to stretch to accommodate the
expanding uterus. The uterus is normally a pelvic uterus, including its contents, can weigh over 20
organ, however, after the first trimester the uterus times its non-pregnant weight. Given the current
expands and becomes an abdominal organ, which and ongoing obesity epidemic, it is likely to weigh
presses forwards onto the abdominal muscles. more and this weight is supported by the abdom-
This results in altered posture with the increased inal muscles. In some women, as the pregnancy
lumbar lordosis (exaggerated curvature of the progresses the rectus abdominal muscles move
lower spine), which is necessary to balance the laterally during pregnancy and may remain sepa-
increasing anterior weight of the womb. The rated during the postpartum period (Gilleard and

Lower back takes on an

Abdominal abnormal amount of
muscles weight from the torso

Figure 1. Pregnancy can put a strain on the abdominal muscles as well as the lower back

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Clinical practice

enced posterior perlvic pain, Ostgaard et al (1994)

Box 2 Effects of pregnancy on the spinal found that 83% of these women gained some relief
column from using a support belt.
The natural curves of the spine become more pronounced because of: Women should avoid, where possible, excessive
ll Increased body weight lifting; this could be other toddlers or siblings, so
ll The centre of gravity moving forward women should encourage them to sit on their knee
ll Increased lordosis. when sitting down, rather than lifting them.
Increased stress to the spine causes the pelvis to tip forward resulting in: Finding a comfortable and safe sleeping posi-
ll Poor posture tion is vital in preventing back strain; women
ll Backache should be advised not to sleep on their backs
ll Fatigue. during the later stages of pregnancy. Instead they
Insufficient support from the abdominal muscles may be present should be advised to sleep on the side with pillows
because of: supporting both the abdomen and back with an
ll Poor tone before pregnancy extra pillow between the knees. This will help to
ll Pendulous abdomen caused by frequent pregnancies stabilize the spinal column.
ll Separation of the rectus abdominis.
Skeletal changes are caused by the extra weight gained during pregnancy Increased relaxin
and produce extra work load for the spine. The forward tilt of the A further cause of back pain during pregnancy
uterus into the abdominal cavity produces increased lordosis. The body is the increased production of the hormone
compensates as the pelvis rotates on the head of the femur, moving the relaxin. During pregnancy the body produces
centre of gravity back over the pelvis to prevent toppling forward. Increased relaxin, a polypeptide hormone produced mainly
flexion of the cervical spine and slumping abduction of the shoulders by the corpus luteum, in both pregnant and
leads to pressure on the ulnar and median nerves, producing a carpal non-pregnant women. It rises to a peak within
tunnel syndrome. The enlarging uterus rotates on its long axis to the approximately 14  days of ovulation and then
right resulting in instability and uneven distribution of the pregnancy load. declines in the absence of pregnancy, resulting
Finally, increased weight of breast tissue affects the centre of gravity. in menstruation. During the first trimester of
Source: Baddeley (1999) pregnancy, relaxin continues to rise and addi-
tional relaxin is produced by the decidua. Relaxin
is present in 10  times its normal concentration
during pregnancy. It reaches its peak at 12 weeks
Brown, 1996). Back pain is likely to increase with gestation and then drops to 50% of its peak by
multiple pregnancies and also with multiparity. 17 weeks gestation (Kristiansson et al, 1996b).
In the non-pregnant woman, the abdom- The function of relaxin is to soften ligaments, the
inal muscles are important in maintaining body tough, flexible tissues that connect bones, called
posture. The abdominal muscles are stretched ligamentous laxity (loosening of the ligaments
far beyond their normal state during pregnancy, in the pelvic area). As a result, these joints move
they lose their ability to perform their normal more during and just after pregnancy, enabling
role in maintaining body posture and, as a result, the baby to pass through the pelvis during birth.
the lower back takes on an abnormal amount Relaxin is indiscriminate and also causes abnormal
of weight from the torso. It is clear that the motion in many other joints of the body, resulting
extra weight and strain on the abdominal muscle in inflammation and pain.
(Figure 1) alter the centre of gravity, and pregnant
women may adjust their posture in order to main- Advice midwives can give to help
tain stability. The gravid uterus will also affect the women minimize back pain
spinal column (Box 2). Ideally, the best method of preventing back pain
during pregnancy is to be physically fit, active and
Preventing back pain resulting from altered not overweight before conception occurs. Strong
posture abdominal muscles and a supple and flexible
To help prevent increased back pain during preg- frame will help prevent general aches and pains,
nancy, midwives should advise women on the which may occur during pregnancy.
wearing of appropriate footwear, perhaps with the A Cochrane systematic review (Pennick and
addition of a sacral support belt, to help provide Young, 2007) highlighted effective treatments for
extra strength and stability to the spinal column. women who experience low back pain during
Although there is little evidence for the wearing of pregnancy:
support belts, for some women these bring relief. ll Participating in strengthening exercises
In a study of 407 women, of which 47% experi- ll Sitting pelvic tilt exercises

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Clinical practice

ll Water gymnastics (exercise in water).

These reduced pain intensity and back pain- Urethra
related sick leave better than usual prenatal care
alone. The authors of the review concluded:

‘Adding pregnancy-specific exercises, Leg

physiotherapy or acupuncture to
usual prenatal care appears to relieve
back or pelvic pain more than usual
prenatal care alone, although the
effects are small. We do not know
if they actually prevent pain from
starting in the first place. Water
gymnastics appear to help women stay
at work. Acupuncture shows better
results compared to physiotherapy’
(Pennick and Young 2007).

Given these results it could be advisable to

encourage women to undertake pregnancy- Gluteus maximus
specific exercises during pregnancy. Back muscles Pelvic floor muscles Anus muscle
can be safely strengthened during pregnancy
as long as there is no weight from the torso Figure 2. Diagram of the pelvic floor
compressing the pelvis.
maximal) contraction for 10 seconds and repeat
Core stability 10 times
Core stability has been used as a term in the ll Repeat 3 times a day.
fitness industry to describe exercises to prevent The exercise can then be incorporated into daily
and improve the trunk stability, which is activities. Contraction of pelvic floor muscles can
claimed will prevent and reduce low back pain be performed in any position, standing, sitting or
(Richardson et al, 1999). Core stability or func- on all fours. Strengthening these muscles will take
tional stability can be defined as a result of 8–12 weeks.
multiple factors working in constant interac-
tion and mutual influences (Elphinson, 2009) Exercise 2 : pelvic tiliting
or, more simply, is maintaining an efficient, This exercise can be performed in a standing
balanced poise; where the body is stabilized in position:
the most economical manner for movement and ll Lean, standing with your back against a wall
rest. The pelvic floor and trunk muscles all form with the knees bent softly. Be aware of the
part of the stabilizing musculature. hollow in your lower back area
There are two simple exercises that midwives ll Gently flatten your back against the wall and
can safely give to women during pregnancy— become aware of the abdominal contraction
pelvic floor and pelvic tilting. ll Try not to hold your breath; gently and slowly
Exercise 1 : pelvic floor ll Repeat 5 times.
First the woman needs to identify their pelvic floor Try the exercise sitting:
muscles (Figure 2). She should start this exercise ll Sit tall, like a giraffe
sitting down and follow the instructions: ll Become aware of a hollow in your lower back
ll Imagine you are trying to stop yourself passing ll Flatten and sink your lower spine area and
wind and urine. Squeeze the muscles around become aware of your abdominals contracting
your back passage and bladder and hold for up as you rock back on your bottom
to 10 seconds. Breathe normally; relax slowly ll Try to keep the head and shoulders neutral and
ll When doing these exercises try not to use breathe normally
other muscles, for example, by squeezing the ll Slowly return to the starting position
buttocks or thighs together ll Repeat 5 times 3–4 times a day.
ll Try not to hold your breath Reassure the woman that this exercise will not
ll Aim to hold this submaximal (firmly but not harm or squash the baby.

British Journal of Midwifery • September 2010 • Vol 18, No 9 565

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Clinical practice

lower back pain is also a symptom of preterm

Key points labour, or a urinary tract infection.
ll Causes of pelvis girdle pain in pregnancy.
ll Recommendations for diagnosis of pelvic girdle pain. Conclusion
ll Effects of pregnancy on the spinal column. Lower back pain during pregnancy can be severely
ll Advice for exercises in pregnancy. debilitating for some women, and midwives can
ll Two key exercises to maintain body poise during pregnancy. provide help and support for this group of women
by providing advice, reassurance and onward
referral where needed.  BJM

Antenatal pilates and yoga are both good forms Ansari NN, Hasson S, Naghdi S, Keyhani S, Jalaie S (2010)
of exercise during pregnancy. Women should be Low back pain during pregnancy in Iranian women:
informed to check that the instructor is qualified Prevalence and risk factors Physiother Theory Pract
26(1): 40–8
to teach antenatal and postnatal women.
Baddeley S (1999) Health-Related Fitness during pregnancy.
Quay Books, London
Other methods to reduce lower back pain Berg G, Hammar M, Möller-Jensen J, Linden U, Thorblad J
in pregnancy (1988) Low back pain during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol
Other ideas have been reported to reduce the back 71(1): 71–5
pain experienced by pregnant women. Midwives Elphinson J (2009) Foundations of a future:considerations
can advise the following: for stability training in young children. In touch 138:
ll Massage: this soothes tired, aching muscles and
Field T, Hemandez–Reif M, Hart S, Theakston H,
can relax pregnant women (Field et al, 1999). Schanberg S, Kuhn C (1999) Pregnant women benefit
The woman should lean forwards over the back from massage therapy. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol
of a chair or lie on her side. She should ask her 20(1) 31–8
partner to gently massage her lower back and Gilleard WL, Brown JMM (1996) Structure and function of
the muscles that run either side of her spine. A the abdominal muscles in primigravidal subjects during
pregnancy and the immediate post birth period Phys
trained massage therapist, midwife or a physi-
Ther 76(7): 750–62
otherapist may be able to help further Kristiansson P, Svardsudd K, von Schoultz B (1996a) Back
ll Good posture: if she has pain over her coccyx, pain during pregnancy: a prospective study. Spine 21(6):
she should try not to slump when sitting and 702–9
use a small pillow in the lower back area to Kristiansson P, Svärdsudd K, von Schoultz B (1996b) Serum
support the spine. She should try sitting on a relaxin, symphyseal pain and back pain during preg-
nancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175(5): 1342–7
soft or wedge-shaped cushion or a cushioned
MacEvilly M, Buggy D (1996) Back pain and pregnancy: a
ring review. Pain 64: 405–14
ll Swimming: swimming or aqua-aerobics are National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008)
good as the water provides a weightless and Antenatal care routine care for healthy pregnant women.
gravity-free environment, which helps relieve
pressure from the joints. Many aqua-aerobic (accessed 17 August 2010)
Ostgaard HC, Andersson GBJ, Karlsson K (1991) Prevalence
classes run sessions especially for pregnant
of Back Pain in Pregnancy. Spine 16(5): 549–52
Ostgaard HC, Zetherström G, Roos-Hansson E,Svanberg
ll Acupuncture: it is essential women are advised B (1994) Reduction of back andposterior pelvic pain in
to find a practitioner who is trained and experi- pregnancy. Spine 19(8): 894–900
enced in using acupuncture during pregnancy Pennick V, Young G.(2007) Interventions for preventing
ll Maternity pillows: these often help support the and treating pelvic and back pain in pregnancy.
gravid uterus Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Issue 2. Art. No.:
CD001139. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001139.pub2
ll Heat and water: a warm bath, a hot pack or a
Philipp E, Setchell M (1991) The bones, joints and liga-
warm jet of water from a shower head can ease ments of the female pelvis. In: Philipp E, Setchell
discomfort M, eds. Scientific Foundations of Obstetrics and
ll Support belts: women often report that these are Gynaecology. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford: 80
extremely helpful despite the lack of research, Richardson C Jull G Hodges P, Hides J (1999) Therapeutic
as they help take off some of the weight of exercise for spinal stabalisation in low back pain.
Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh
the gravid uterus and reduce the strain on the
Vleeming A, Hanne BA, Ostgaard HC, Sturesson B, Stuge B
abdominal and back muscles. (2007) European guidelines for the diagnosis and treat-
Women must be informed that if they have ment of pelvic girdle pain.
severe lower back pain or if the pain persists web/files/586_2008_602_OnlinePDF.pdf (accessed 17
they should speak to their midwife or GP, as August 2010)

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