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The Daily Tuesday,

September 14, 2010

Williams Named Starter

Vol. 78 No. 016
send Smith
to the bench

n see page 6
Independent Student Newspaper of The University of Memphis

Going ‘Greene’ Student

one big
News Reporter

A lost debit card landed

University of Memphis stu-
dent Marvin Stewart with a
class-D felony charge of false
reporting last week.
told police
Aug. 27
that his sto-
by Malcolm Regester

len card
was used to
make $800
in purchases
at Wal-Mart, Stewart
but he said
Leslie Little, junior health and human performance major, examines the hydrokinetic turbine exhibit cur- confusion about the exact date
rently on display in the Ned R. McWherter Library. of the card’s disappearance led
to the charge.
BY FELICIA PISARZ system that uses a source that’s not consumed faster than “He was arrested because
it is replenished. he made a false report,” said
News Reporter Greene said the wheels on the turbine are “huge,” Derek Myers, deputy director
As part of its Green Campus Initiative, The University but because they have no mechanical parts, they’ll be of public safety at The U of
of Memphis will hold an exhibit on inventor Geoff inexpensive and easy to build. Because they’re built M. “He said someone stole his
Greene’s hydrokinetic turbine until Sept. 24 in the Ned with concrete, Greene said the turbines should last for card when it wasn’t (stolen).”
R. McWherter library. decades. Stewart, senior communica-
John Hochstein, professor and chair of the mechanical “The largest one is 250 feet and has the potential to tions major, said that his arrest
engineering department at The U of M, will join Greene power over 1000 houses,” he said. was no more than a “big mis-
for a presentation about the turbine Wednesday. In addition to the 250-foot wheel, Greene developed understanding.”
The exhibit, “Greene Power: A New Twist on a a series of 30-foot wheels to be placed in the Mississippi “I reported the wrong date,
Turbine,” will have a wooden model of the turbine and a River. The wheels will be underwater and will pose no so in the report, it looked like
four-foot wheel to demonstrate its size. threats to aquatic life, he said. I lost it but then lied and said
Greene’s turbine, which he’s been working on for 15 “The 250-foot wheel would be placed in the Gulf of that I didn’t,” he said. “So it
years, uses a fluid drive system that transmits hydroki- Mexico, at least 50 feet below the surface to avoid waves, was basically just a mix up of
netic energy, created by the movement of water, to an storms and hurricanes,” Greene said. “And the 30-foot dates.”
electric generator without any mechanical parts. The wheels would be placed at least 10 feet below the surface Stewart said he told police
water falls through the fluid drive system onto a turbine, of the river to avoid debris and silt.” he lost his card at 5:30 p.m.
creating electricity somewhat like a traditional dam. Cleaning and general maintenance of the turbine will Aug. 25. In reality, he actually
“Our current energy system is dominated by fos- create job opportunities, Greene said. lost it Aug. 26.
sil fuel energy sources, and they are not sustainable,” Hochstein helped Greene design the turbine and He told police he spent $800
Greene said. submit a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy for while he was at Wal-Mart at 11
Hydrokinetic energy, however, is a sustainable energy funding. p.m. Aug. 25.
According to a police affi-
davit, his card was charged

Guilty as charged for reckless walking once at 11:22 p.m. for $771.31
and again, 25 minutes later, for
commutes, everyone becomes a pedestrian. walks from Highland to Walker, are expect- The report further states
BY Amy Barnette Stewart told police he last
Yet I can’t help but notice how many ed to slow for pedestrians going to and
Copy Editor students seem to forget what it’s like to hoof from street-side and small-lot parking. On used his card Aug. 26 at John
In a city like Memphis, where neighbor- it when they get behind the wheel — or Southern, the mass of students who park Casablanca’s, a local modeling
hoods sprawl and public transit is dismal at what drivers experience when they wait for in one of The University’s large lots must agency.
best, getting around without a car is almost someone to stroll across a busy street while dodge vehicles still driving full-speed after U of M police officer S.H.
impossible. glued to a smartphone screen. navigating the treacherous five-way stop Ballard reviewed Wal-Mart
And at The University of Memphis’ cam- Patterson and Southern Avenues are over the train tracks. surveillance footage and found
pus, where finding even a terrible parking prime examples of this problem. Drivers
spot can take longer than most students’ on Patterson, which has only a few cross- see Pedestrian, page 3 see Fraud, page 3
The University of Memphis Tuesday, September 14, 2010 • 3

students have a credit card.

Fraud Myers said it’s “fairly rare”
for students to be the victims
from page 1 or perpetrators of fraud crime
that Stewart was using his card on campus.
at the register for purchases Nate Lenow, a private inves-
made the day he reported it tigator for 33 years, said he
stolen. sees false reports and fraud
Myers said Stewart surren- crimes at least once a month.
dered after the investigator He said people usually get
said he would put out a war- caught because they com-
rant for his arrest. mit the same act over and
Stewart said he’s embar- over thinking they won’t get
rassed about the situation and caught.
that everything was cleared up “There’s no mistake about
this morning when he went to (fraud),” he said. “It takes a bit
court. of intelligence to plan it out.”
“I talked to someone (at According to the Federal
201 Poplar), and she said she Trade Commission, there are
didn’t even understand why I several easy ways to avoid
was here,” he said. credit card fraud, including
Stewart said he ordered carrying cards separate from
another debit card yesterday. wallets, making sure they’re
Student loan company not lying around and reporting
Sallie Mae reported that as of questionable charges as soon
February, 84 percent of college as possible.

Pedestrian “left, then right, then left again”

smack into an electrical pole
while flipping through my iPod
from page 1 On foot, if I see a car in the for a different album — and,
Several factors contribute to distance headed my direction, yeah, I subsequently posted the
the trouble: limited parking, the I’ll break one of my own cardinal incident in all its pathetic glory
lack of a walking bridge across rules — no running or unnec- on Facebook as I continued my
the railroad tracks, few cross- essary physical exertion — to trek to class.
walks and awkward intersec- ensure I’m not making any aspir- Even so, I recognize the stu-
tions. ing, local NASCAR drivers brake pidity of my actions. Too hyper-
But a general lack of aware- suddenly. active to focus on the task at
ness by students moving about But the next time I have to hand, I’ve put myself, my fellow
campus is nonetheless a major wait for a dazed freshman to walkers and Southern Avenue
contributor to the danger. end what I’m sure is a terribly drivers at risk by failing to pay
Perhaps some of us forgot the important phone call so he can attention.
first lesson our parents taught us finish crossing the road, I just All I can do now is vow to
when we left home. might lose it. become continually more atten-
It wasn’t laundry advice or a This problem is not limited to tive and implore other students
lecture about the importance of interactions between the driving to do the same.
keeping a balanced checkbook. class and the walking class. Our Zero in on your surround-
Long before we followed the lovely little technological distrac- ings. If you’re driving around
lure of absolute freedom to col- tions led to legislation against campus, yield to pedestrians.
lege, long before we got driver’s texting while driving. If you’re walking, be aware of
licenses, long before we broke Even in the middle of campus, what’s moving around you.
our first curfew, they instilled in in areas where only golf carts and Don’t put the responsibility
us one simple rule. bicycles dare tread, we run into for your own life in the hands of
Look both ways before cross- one another almost constantly as others. Don’t make life difficult
ing the street. we struggle to churn out status for your fellow students.
We’re tired of hearing it, sure, updates and send messages to More importantly, don’t get in
but tuning it out is just plain friends. my way.
dumb. Those who know me may And for Pete and Pete’s sake,
Personally, I’m proud. I’ve chuckle at my chiding. I’ve run look both ways.
finally moved past the point in
my life where playing Grand
Theft Auto for hours at a time
made me jokingly refer to anyone
on the side of the road as “five
points,” but now my patience is
wearing thin. Those little green
numbers have once again started
popping up above the heads of
the heedless.
I try to be a courteous driver.
Really, I do. I slow for nervous-
looking students, late for class
and too hurried to follow the

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