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Innovating Warning Device as a Dependable

Security Alarm

A Research Project
Submitted to the
Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School

Feltirovic M. Simon

Faithful L. Lumindas


Margie A. Temple


Now a days there are over 2 million home that have reported of burglaries in the United
States each year and on average, a burglary of home in the U.S occurs every 13 seconds about
four burglaries a minute, 240 an hour, and nearly 6,000 a day . There are fair shares of residential
robberies in Gingoog City. Thus, an Innovating Warning Device as a Dependable Security
Alarm study was conducted.
This study specifically aims to create an alarm loud enough to be heard from a distance;
install in areas of entrance and exit of the house as door lock; and determine its high sensibility
to movements. In addition, the researchers have scope the distance of the sound in specific places
inside and outside the house.
The results have depicted the loudness of the alarm in days and nights with different trials.
Thus, the researchers conclude that this innovative study is very effective in keeping your family
and household safe from any residential robberies. And is recommended to everybody who is not
satisfied that the house is already secure and is also living in a neighborhood that is not very safe.

Table of contents

Title Page

Title Page …………………………………………………………… 1

Abstract ………..……………………………………………………. 2

Table of contents ……………………………………………………. 3

Introduction ………….……………………………………………... 4

Objectives of the study ...…………………………………………… 5

Significance of the study ………...…………………………………. 5

Scope and limitation ……….……………………………………….. 5

Review of related literature …………………………………………. 6

Materials and methods ……………………………………………… 7

Results …...…………………………………………………………. 8

Discussion.…………………………………………………............. 9

Conclusion ……..…………………………………………………... 10

Recommendation ………………………………………………........ 11

References cited ……………………………………………………. 12

Figures ……………………………………………………………… 13

Background of the study

According to Alarm System Report, over 2 million home burglaries are reported in the
United States each year and, on average, a burglary of a home in the U.S. occurs every 13
seconds-or about four burglaries a minute, 240 an hour, and nearly 6,000 a day. Statistics show
that more than 95 percent of burglaries involve break-in by force, such as by breaking a window
or door lock. In many cases, a security system could prevent homes from becoming a part of
these statistics. (safewise, 2015)

Gingoog city has a fair share of residential robberies so it is already known that not all
household will feel safe. Security is one of the component that a family needs especially when
there are kids in the house. Since we live in a modern world where technology is evolving, we
also need something that our modern world is presenting.

Having alarms can cause the robbers to be shocked which can make them change their
minds in robbing that certain house especially during days where house owners are usually at
work or in school and during the night where everyone is asleep.

The main and most essential reason to have a warning device is to deter crime in your
home. Gingoog City is an independent city with an increasing population. Increasing of
population means increasing of crimes and all the more we need to protect our homes.

Thus, a Innovating Warning Device as a Dependable Security Alarm study was


Objectives of the study
This study was to Innovate Warning Device as a Dependable Security Alarm

Specifically aims to;

1. Create alarm loud enough to be heard from a distance;

2. Install in areas of entrance and exit of the house; and
3. Determine its high sensibility to movements.

Significance of the study

This helps the community in decreasing the amount of residential robberies. Because of the
increasing amount of security alarms, robberies and other crimes involving house thefts decreases,
even for people who didn’t have their own house alarms.

This helps the owner in having a safe and protected house due to the fact that the owners can
rely on the alarm.

This helps the society in having a crime free society where people can live safely in the comforts
of their homes without the fear of being a victim of house burglars.

This helps the researchers in being able to share their own ideas to help and protect the
community as a student.

Scope and limitation of the study

This study focuses in developing a house security using a warning device. This device lets the
house owners be secure and feel safe in the comforts of their homes and can sleep soundly without
the fear of being robbed and not notice a thing. In addition, the researchers have scope the distance
of the sound in specific places inside and outside the house.

Moreover, the proposed device will help the house owners, the neighbors, and the students to
feel secure. The prototype to be developed is based on the common problems of neighborhoods
without house securities.

Review of Related Literature

There has been much research done in the design of various types of automated security
systems. Sensor-based systems that rely on contact or movement sensors or contact-based systems
such as fingerprint and palm print scan or keypad activation that require substantial amount of
contact with an input device.

Technology has advanced so much in the last decade or two that it has made life more
efficient and comfortable. The comfort of being able to take control of devices from one particular
location has become imperative as it saves a lot of time and effort. Therefore there arises a need to
do so in a systematic manner which we have tried to implement with our system. The system we
have proposed is an extended approach to automating a control system. With the advancement and
breakthroughs in technology over the years, the lives of people have become more complicated and
thus they have become busier than before. With the adoption of our system, we can gain control over
certain things that required constant attention. The application of our system comes in handy when
people who forget to do simple things such as turn ON or OFF devices at their home or in their
office, they can now do so without their presence by the transmission of a simple text message from
their mobile phone.

At present, the application of intelligent home wireless communication technologies

mainly include: IrDA infrared technology, Bluetooth and ZigBee technology, and so on. IrDA is a
short distance for the half-duplex point-to-point communication. Besides, it’s inconvenient and of
high error rate, which make IrDA not applicable to the family network communication. Bluetooth
technology is limited by network capacity and it costs much. So Bluetooth technology is not suitable
for the home network with a large number of nodes. ZigBee technology has the moderate
transmission range and larger network capacity. Here ZigBee technology is developed in the
monitoring system.
(_Research_of_Intelligent_Home_Security_Surveillance_System_Based_on_ZigBee, 2002)

There are three main types of burglar alarm system and these are hardwired, wireless and self-
contained. Hardwired alarm systems are often referred to as the more traditional type of security
system. These systems usually consist of a main control panel, bell box or siren and a number of
sensor devices which detect an intrusion. Essentially all components are wired together using multi-
core cable. The cabling provides power to the device and detection of the device being triggered into
an alarm condition as well as the identifying of tampering of the sensor device. One advantage of
this system is that it is considered more permanent than a wireless system and sometimes more
reliable and not so susceptible to false alarms. One disadvantage is that it is recommended having
the system installed by a professional alarm installer and this will come at an additional cost - both
for labor and materials. On the other hand a wireless alarm system is very straightforward to install.

These early alarm systems continued to make use of simple electrical circuits and relays.
A typical installation would see wire wound along windowsills and around doorframes coupled with
conductive lead foil and mechanical or magnetic switches laced with thin wire. The security
conscious had to wait until the next century for further alarm system advances, which heralded the
advent of the transistor and the integrated circuit. This technology allowed smaller units integrated
with microwave and ultrasonic motion sensors along with features such as entrance and exit delays
to be introduced. With the level of technical sophistication increasing, so did the applications.

Virtually no additional materials are involved so if you are not looking to spend a fortune on a
home security system then a wireless system is for you. These days they are so much more reliable
than they once were and false alerts are a thing of the past. They are fantastic for rented
accommodation too as they can be easily removed when you leave your rented property. Adding an
additional sensor or two at a later time is a breeze and there is no need to employ a tradesman to do
this. The only slight disadvantage is that you will have a change all of the batteries in the wireless
sensors on a regular basis but it is a small price to pay for the flexibility and versatility of a wireless
alarm system. A self-contained alarm system is a single unit often shaped like an everyday object
such as a VCR or PIR motion detector. These devices are limited in features and functionality but
offer great flexibility if portability is a requirement such as a short term stay in a property or even
your garden shed, where there is no power available. Most self-contained alarm systems are powered
by batteries so are great for outdoor use or vehicles such as motor homes or caravans.

The Intel MCS-51 is a Harvard architecture, single chip microcontroller (μC) series which was
developed by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems. Intel's original versions were popular in the
1980s and early 1990s, but has today[update] largely been superseded by a vast range of faster
and/or functionally enhanced 8051-compatible devices manufactured by more than 20 independent
manufacturers including Atmel, Infineon Technologies (formerly Siemens AG), Maxim Integrated
Products (via its Dallas Semiconductor subsidiary), NXP (formerly Philips Semiconductor),
Nuvoton (formerly Winbond), STMicroelectronics, Silicon Laboratories (formerly Cygnal), Texas
Instruments and Cypress Semiconductor. Intel’s original MCS-51 family was developed using
NMOS technology, but later versions, identified by aletter C in their name (e.g., 80C51) used CMOS
technology and were less power-hungry than their NMOSpredecessors. This made them more
suitable for battery-powered devices. (www.HOME_SCEQURITY_SYSTEM, 2015)

Many security systems are based on only a single system. In an event of system failure or
intrusion of the user authentication, there is no backup system to monitor the home continually. This
shortcoming can be dealt with using multiple security systems (or multi-layered security systems).
However, multi-system implementations will definitely be more demanding in terms of
computational cost and organization. This requires careful integration and sharing of resources.
Thus, a feasible system should be effective, practical and reasonable in cost. In this paper, we
proposed an integrated dual-level sensor based home security system, consisting of two subsystems
PIR sensors burglar alarm module and fire alarm module. Both subsystems work independently but
are incorporated into a single automated system for practical implementation. The organization of
this paper is as follows. In section II, the integrated architecture of the system is further elaborated.
Finally, section ------ will give the conclusion and future directions. (Parlian, 2003)

In Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (Shostack et al. 2009, 14), it is suggested that the top
data loss threat continued to be stolen equipment such computers, which accounted for 30% of
reported data loss incidents. This statement indicates that in the current situation, home security is
increasing its value for people to research. Since home networks are easily exposed to
vulnerabilities, supervisory control of residential environments has become increasingly important
by network computers or even through mobile devices.

The new age of technology has redefined communication. Most people nowadays have access
to mobile phones and thus the world indeed has become a global village. At any given moment, any

particular individual can be contacted with the mobile phone. But the application of mobile phone
can not just be restricted to sending SMS or starting conversations. New innovations and ideas can
be generated from it that can further enhance its capabilities.

Now it was possible to use alarms to monitor industrial processes such as steel
production or to monitor natural events such as volcanoes and earthquakes. Today, alarm systems
have advanced even further. The rapid and expanded use of the Internet has revolutionized alarm
systems immensely, as alarm systems have now become intelligent. It is now possible for them to
sort problems out themselves, by identifying triggers and minimizing false alarms. They even have
the ability to measure weight, size and other environmental factors. Some also have self-diagnostic
capabilities and can detect internal circuitry problems, allowing them to functioning correctly.

Materials and Methods

Preparation of materials

The cell radio module, illustration board, wire, LED battery control, Alarm device, Steel
Metal, and spring were placed together in a table

Preparation set-up

The wire was connected to the alarm device, cell radio module, and the LED battery
control and sound transmitted to the speaker. To innovate the device the use of cloth clip and
screw were attached to it as activator of the alarm and the use off a cartoon insulator to
deactivate the device. Parts are glued near to each other.

Data gathering

The finished product was tested by putting it in front of the door, the alarm was triggered
when the door was opened which will pull the cartoon attached to the cloth clip down and
triggered the alarm and produce the sound.

Analyzing the results

The sound of the alarm could be heard from around the house which proves that it is already


Photographs of important procedures were taken and documented.

Results and Observations

Table 1. The distance of the sound tested inside the house

Trial Distance Loudness of sound Loudness of sound

(Day) (Night)

1 10.67 meters Moderately loud Very Loud

2 7.62 meters Very loud Very loud

3 11.57 meters Moderately loud Very Loud

Table 2. The distance of the sound tested outside the house

Trial Distance Loudness of sound Loudness of sound

(day) (Night)

1 15.24 meters Very Loud Very loud

2 30.48 meters Moderately Loud Very loud

3 40.15 meters Not so Moderately loud

4 45.60 meters Faint Faint

5 50.27 meters Cannot be deciphered Faint


This table shows the effectiveness of the device from a distance, in table 1 The distance of the
sound tested inside the house, in day time the alarm can be heard moderately inside the house and in
the night time the alarm can be heard in any distance compared to the table 2 The distance of the
sound tested outside the house that in the day time the alarm can be heard moderately outside the
house and while at night time it can be heard moderately too.


It is shown on the results that the device can be heard from a distance enough for the
neighbors to hear. The researchers conclude that this innovative study is very effective in keeping
your family and household safe from any residential robberies. This device also is made simple that
innovating things already available at home could came out into an effective warning device as a
security alarm.


It is not entirely proven that this study is effective in making a neighborhood crime free
but it can help in protecting your home, your family, and the valuables inside the house. The
researchers recommend this to everybody who is not satisfied that the house is already secure and is
also living in a neighborhood that is not very safe.


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