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Babcock Institute for International

Dairy Research and Development Dairy

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Michel A. Wattiaux
Babcock Institute

PREGNANCY cannot be expelled, leading to retained

placenta. The process of implantation
also includes the formation of the
Fertilization is the union of an o v u m umbilical cord that allows exchange of
and a spermatozoon to produce the first nutrients and waste products between the
cell of an embryo. Fertilization takes maternal and fetal tissues. Implantation
place in the oviduct. The embryo enters is usually completed by Day 45 of
the uterus two to three days after pregnancy.
fertilization, but will not attach to the
uterus wall (implantation) before about 28 Embryonic death
days. Until implantation is complete, the risk
of embryonic death is high. It is estimated
that from 10 to 20% of all pregnancies end
In part, implantation consists of the in embryonic death. If death of the
formation of about 80 to 100 structures embryo occurs within the first 17 or 18
where fetal tissue (cotyledon) and days after fertilization, the cow will return
maternal tissue (caruncles) fold together. to heat on a regular schedule and the
After calving, if the caruncles and the producer may not know that the animal
fetal tissue fail to separate, the placenta was pregnant. Later embryonic death will
result in a delayed return to heat. In this
22 cm
case, the cow has an "apparent" heat cycle
of 30 to 35 days. Thus embryonic death
may easily be mistaken for a cow's failure
Amniotic Fluid to conceive or come in heat.
Umbilical Cord
Blood Vessels Pregnancy check
Cotyledon Common methods to detect pregnancy
include non-return of heat, rectal
palpation and milk progesterone levels.
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Each method has its advantages and
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (fetal tissue)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Caruncle
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (maternal tissue)
ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ A cow not returning to heat 21 days after
ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ insemination may be presumed pregnant.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Endometrium
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (uterine wall)
ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ However, a cow may not return to heat
Figure 1: Fetus in placental membranes at because of an ovarian cyst or failure to
about four months of age notice that the cow came in heat. Thus
240 Agriculture Hall, 1450 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706 USA, phone: 608-265-4169, babcock@calshp.cals.wisc.edu 37
Dairy Essentials - Reproduction and Genetic Selection
when no other diagnostic tools are rigorous efforts should be made to arrive
available, a cow is usually declared at diagnoses. Bacterial (brucellosis,
pregnant if no heat has been observed for leptospirosis, listeriosis and vibriosis,
at least 60 days (the time of about three etc.), viral (BVD, IBR), protozoal
normal cycles). (trichomoniasis) or fungal infections
cause abortion between the fourth and
Rectal palpation seventh months of pregnancy.
A veterinarian may use rectal palpation
40-60 days after insemination to detect the CALVING
fetus in the uterus, other structures
associated with pregnancy, and the Calving, or parturition, is defined as the
presence of a corpus luteum on the ovary. birth of a calf followed by the expulsion of
the afterbirth (placenta). In the normal
Milk progesterone birth position, the fetus rests on its
During pregnancy, the heat cycle is abdomen with its forefeet directed toward
interrupted because the corpus luteum the uterine opening (the cervix) and its
persists and continues to secrete head resting between the forefeet (Figure
progesterone throughout the pregnancy. 2). Abnormal presentation of the calf
The persistence of progesterone in the occurs once in about 20 calvings (5%).
milk 21 to 23 days after insemination may
be used as a diagnostic tool for pregnancy. Signs of calving
Signs of imminent calving include:
Growth of the fetus • Enlargement of the udder (with
Most fetal growth occurs in the last potential problems of edema);
trimester of pregnancy (Days 190 to 282), • Relaxation of the pelvic ligaments;
during which time the fetal weight • Discharge of the liquefied mucous
increases from about four kg to about 45 plug that sealed the uterus.
kg. Normal fetal growth requires
nutrients and this increases the cow’s Stages of calving
nutritional requirements, especially Stage 1: Dilation of the cervix
during the last two months of pregnancy. In general, this stage lasts from two to
three hours in mature cows and four to
Abortion six hours in heifers. During this stage, the
Abortion is the expulsion of a non- cervix dilates because of the release of a
viable fetus before the normal term of hormone (oxytocin) and the pressure of
pregnancy. Abortion of an implanted the "water bag" against it. Thus early
fetus occurs in 3 to 5% of pregnancies.
The major causes of abortion are:
• Insemination of a pregnant cow;
• Physical injuries (rough handling of
pregnant cows);
• Ingestion of feed containing toxins,
moldy feed, or feed with high levels
of estrogen;
• Microbial infections (venereal
diseases and other infections).
All cases of abortion should be viewed
as potentially serious situations and
Figure 2: Fetal position before calving
38 The Babcock Institute
10 - Pregnancy and Calving
vulva and all equipment used during
assistance. The position of the calf must
be checked first and, if necessary, corrected
before using traction. Traction should be
applied as the cow pushes.

A process called uterine involution
begins immediately after calving. The
uterus shrinks in size considerably and
layers of tissue must be renewed.
Figure 3: Calf delivery Although ovarian activity may lead to
breakage of the "water bag" may delay the ovulation as early as 15 days after calving,
normal dilation of the cervix. this is usually not accompanied by heat
(silent heat), and the first few cycles may
Stage 2: Delivery of the calf be of short duration. However, more
The second stage is characterized by the than 90% of cows should have been
progression of the calf through the birth observed in heat at least once within 60
canal and its expulsion. At this stage, the days of calving.
calf may still be enclosed in the second
"water bag" (amniotic fluid). After the POST-CALVING COMPLICATIONS
head has passed through the birth canal, Retained placenta
the rest of the body usually demands little
Retained placenta occurs in about 5 to
extra effort to be expelled. This stage may
10% of otherwise normal calvings. The
last from two to 10 hours. A common
frequency of retained placenta increases
mistake is to attempt to assist by pulling
with premature or difficult calvings, and
on the forelegs of the calf unnecessarily or
also in the case of bacterial infections.
too early.
The placenta should NOT be removed
Stage 3: Expulsion of the placenta manually because of possible injury to the
During the third stage, the placenta or uterus and risk of permanent sterility.
afterbirth is expelled from the uterus. Efforts should focus on trying to avoid
After the delivery of the calf, uterine infections and stimulate uterine
contractions continue for a period of time. contractions (treatment with estrogen is
These contractions help to break down sometimes successful). Prevention of
the cotyledons by separating the placenta retained placenta should be an active part
from the uterine caruncles (Figure 1). of reproductive management because it is
Normally, the afterbirth should be often followed by other complications.
expelled within 12 hours of birth. Prevention includes proper sanitation
during calving and proper nutrition
DEALING WITH A DIFFICULT during the dry period.
Experience and judgment are needed to Metritis
decide when to assist a calving. After one Metritis is an inflammation of the
or two hours of intense pushing, the uterus most often due to an invasion of
forefeet of the calf should appear. If there microorganisms. Metritis can frequently
are signs of distress, assistance should be be diagnosed by a purulent vaginal
provided. It is very important to wash discharge. A difficult calving or retained
and disinfect hands, arms, the cow's
University of Wisconsin-Madison 39
Dairy Essentials - Reproduction and Genetic Selection
placenta increase the risk of metritis. • Use a maternity pen: A maternity pen
Unless metritis is severe, cows usually should be reserved for about every
recover without any treatment in several eight cows in a herd. Thus a 40- to 50-
weeks. In severe cases, the veterinarian cow herd should have six or seven
may evacuate fluids from the uterus by individual maternity pens in which
rectal palpation followed by an infusion cows can move freely during calving.
of the uterus with an antibiotic solution. The pen should be dry, well ventilated
When antibiotics are used, the milk has and thoroughly cleaned after each
to be discarded, usually for a period of calving.
three or four days. An alternative • Be patient but ready to call for
treatment is to induce a heat using the veterinary assistance when trouble
hormone prostaglandin. During heat, occurs: Look for the early signs of
uterine contractions help to clear the calving and observe the progression of
infection and minimize the need for the calving. Give the cow adequate
antibiotics. time to prepare herself for delivery;
after one to two hours of intense
Pyometra pushing, the forefeet of the calf should
As in metritis, this problem involves an appear. If there are no signs of
infection of the uterus. However, in the progress and the cow begins to show
case of pyometra, the cervix is closed, signs of distress, check the position of
preventing drainage of the infectious the calf. If you are unable to deter-
material from the uterus. The uterus fills mine the position of the calf or you are
up with pus and the cow does not come not sure of how to correct the problem,
in heat. The damage caused by pyometra call for veterinary assistance
may lead to permanent sterility. immediately.
• If the decision to assist the calving is
made, use strict sanitary conditions:
When examining a cow, use strict
Good management practices are very sanitary procedures to minimize the
effective at minimizing the stress at risk of infection.
calving and calf mortality. Managing a • Provide good care to the newborn calf:
dairy herd with an aim to minimize Clear the nostrils of mucus and make
difficult calving is essential to a successful sure the calf is breathing. Tickling the
operation and requires the control of inside of the nostril with a finger is
many factors: usually sufficient to initiate breathing.
• Proper feeding: Proper feeding of If the lungs are obstructed by a large
heifers is important because they amount of mucus, the fluids may be
should not be inseminated until they cleared by holding the calf by the hind
have reached proper body weight. legs for a short period of time. Use a
Cows should not be overfed during disinfectant to prevent infection of the
the last part of lactation or the dry umbilical region. Feed colostrum
period because overconditioning within a few hours after birth to help
(obesity) increases the risk of difficult the calf gain immunity against
calving. infectious diseases.

40 The Babcock Institute

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