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10 Years of ISGT!
Innovation for a Flexible and Resilient Grid
2019 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2019)
18-21 February 2019 | Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington DC

Join experts from around the world as we gather at the ISGT North America Conference to
share experiences and lessons learned, and to raise awareness and understanding of the latest
concepts, applications, and technologies.

ISGT 2019 provides a forum to discuss the latest issues, trends, and emerging and innovative
technologies for grid modernization in the face of challenges of a rapidly changing environment
resulting from the dramatic increase in deployments of renewable and Distributed Energy
Resources (DERs) and the emergence of new business and operating concepts and services.
The topics discovered include prosumers, microgrids, aggregators, distribution markets, and
platforms for the generation, commercialization, and management of electricity.

The conference is organized along three tracks:

• Transmission and distribution systems planning and analysis
• Technology applications and supporting tools for transmission and
distribution system operations
• Market and policy considerations in facilitating innovation and enabling
a flexible and resilient grid

For more information visit:

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2880355

IEEE Vol. 6, No. 4 december 2018 ISSN 2325-5987


f e at u r e s

6 The Long Road to

Community Microgrids
48 Microgrid Field Trials
in Sweden
Adapting to the necessary Expanding the electric
changes for renewable infrastructure in the
energy implementation. village of Simris.
Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo, Isaac Jordán, Henning Wilms, Dominik Mildt,
Agustín Irizarry-Rivera, Marco Cupelli, Antonello Monti,
and Rafael Cintrón Peder Kjellen, Thomas Fischer,
Demijan Panic, Michael Hirst,
Eugenio Scionti, Sebastian Schwarz,
18 An Enterprise Systems
Engineering Approach
Paul Kessler, and Luis Hernández

to Electrification
Looking at the bigger picture
63 Scalable Solar
dc Microgrids Cover image: Bringing power to all communities
with the help of microgrids.
through life-cycle analysis On the path to revolutionizing
of community microgrids: A case the electrification architecture Cover image: Paula Bronstein/IEEE Spectrum

study in Papua New Guinea. of developing communities.

Alexander Anderson and Mashood Nasir, Hassan Abbas Khan,
Siddharth Suryanarayanan Nauman Ahmad Zaffar, Juan C. Vasquez,
Mission Statement: IEEE Electrification Maga-
and Josep M. Guerrero zine is dedicated to disseminating information on
32 Solar Energy, dc Distribution, all matters related to microgrids onboard electric
and Microgrids
Ensuring quality power
73 Standalone Integrated
Power Electronics Systems
vehicles, ships, trains, planes, and off-grid applica-
tions. Microgrids refer to an electric network in a
car, a ship, a plane or an electric train, which has a
in rural India. Applications for off-grid limited number of sources and multiple loads. Off-
Ashok Jhunjhunwala and Prabhjot Kaur grid applications include small scale electricity sup-
rural locations. ply in areas away from high voltage power net-
David Schumacher, Omid Beik, works. Feature articles focus on advanced con-
40 Electric Vehicles
in India
and Ali Emadi cepts, technologies, and practices associated with
all aspects of electrification in the transportation
and off-grid sectors from a technical perspective in
A novel approach to scale
83 Solar Generation,
Storage, and Electric
synergy with nontechnical areas such as business,
environmental, and social concerns.
Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Prabhjot Kaur,
and Sushant Mutagekar Vehicles in Power Grids IEEE Electrification Magazine (ISSN 2325-5897) (IEMECM)
is published quarterly by the Institute of Electrical and
Challenges and solutions ­Electronics ­Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue,
with coordinated control 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997 USA. Responsibility
at the residential level. for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the
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0060, +1 800 678 4333. Individual copies: IEEE members
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request. Copyright and reprint permissions: Abstracting is
permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted
to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright law for the
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2 ABOUT THIS ISSUE Public Inter-Metro
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94 viewpoint Multifamily Home Level 1 and 2

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The charging pyramid representing
necessary relative abundance
of EV charging systems.
Page 96.

Promoting Sustainable Forestry

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2017.2788974 SFI-01681

Edi t orial board Chris Searles
about this issue Iqbal Husain Editor, Electric Vehicles
Editor-in-Chief BAE Batteries
North Carolina State Wisconsin, USA
University Chris.Searles@
North Carolina, USA
Silva Hiti
Tamas Ruzsanyi Editor, Electric Vehicles

The Socially
Editor, Electric Trains Faraday Future
Ganz-Skoda California, USA

Eduard Muljadi
Eduardo Pilo de la Fuente Editor, Electric Vehicles
Editor, Electric Trains Auburn University
EPRail Research Alabama, USA

Microgrid and Consulting


Syed A. Hossain
Editor, Electric Planes
Jose Conrado Martinez GE Aviation
Editor, Electric Trains Ohio, USA
Directcion de Estrategia
By Rob Cuzner y Desarrollo
Spain Kaushik Rajashekara Editor, Electric Planes
University of Houston
Suryanarayana Doolla Texas, USA
Editor, Microgrid
Indian Institute of
­Technology Bombay Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
oday, many factors are driving significant

India Editor, Electric Planes
shifts in electrical-energy delivery paradigms. If you are University of Lorraine
tuned in to what microgrids are all about, you will recog- France
nize their role as part of the solution to so many of the challenges Shahidehpour
we face today: extreme weather, vulnerable and aging electrical Editor, Microgrid Bulent Sarlioglu
Illinois Institute Editor, Electric Planes
infrastructures, changing transportation needs, and socioeconomic of Technology University of
disparities. Whereas the microgrid first emerged as a means for Illinois, USA Wisconsin-Madison Wisconsin, USA
integrating distributed renewable resources into an existing electri-
cal-grid infrastructure, the fact that the microgrid can operate Steve Pullins
independently from the grid as a power and energy delivery sys- Editor, Microgrid IEEE Periodicals
GridIntellect Magazines
tem, tailored to the needs of local users, is becoming increasingly Tennessee, USA ­Depar tment
important. Combining the concepts of microgrid, smart grid, and 445 Hoes Lane,
shared-energy resources together with a localized need for Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
Antonello Monti
dependable, secure, and resilient power delivery gives you a com- Editor, Microgrid Debby Nowicki
RWTH Aachen Managing Editor
munity microgrid. If you recognize that there is a human need at
the receiving end of microgrid power, you have a socially responsi- Geri Krolin-Taylor
Senior Managing Editor
ble microgrid, one with a priority to provide critical needs that are
Janet Dudar
unique to the people being serviced. Highlighted by recent events, Marta Molinas Senior Art Director
such as the effects of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico, it is becom- Editor, Electric Ships
Norwegian University of Gail A. Schnitzer
ing universally apparent that the availability of reliable electrical Associate Art Director
Science and Technology
energy is a basic human right, the lack thereof resulting in devas- Norway Theresa L. Smith
tating human costs. Since 2013, past issues of IEEE Electrification Production Coordinator
Magazine have highlighted many aspects of the community Herb Ginn Felicia Spagnoli
microgrid, from the benefits of interconnectivity, to rural electrifi- Editor, Electric Ships Advertising Production
University of Manager
cation, to transactive energy. This issue revisits the salient aspects South Carolina
of community microgrids today: how they will be effectively South Carolina, USA Peter M. Tuohy Production Director
deployed; how they will be architected; how they will be sustained;
Kevin Lisankie
and, most importantly, how the societies full of individuals with Robert Cuzner Editorial Services Director
real human needs interact with them. Editor, Electric Ships
University of Dawn M. Melley
This issue begins with “The Long Road to Community Micro­­ ­Wisconsin-Milwaukee Staff Director,
grids” by Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo, Isaac Jordán, Agustín Irizarry-Rivera, Wisconsin, USA Publishing Operations
and Rafael Cintrón, researchers at the University of Puerto Rico-­
advertising sal es
Mayaguez (UPRM). This article highlights the vast challenges that Khwaja Rahman Erik Henson
Editor, Electric Vehicles Naylor Association Solutions
General Motors Tel: +1 352 333 3443
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871238 Michigan, USA Fax: +1 352 331 3525
Date of publication: 16 November 2018

2 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2017.2788975

result when governmental policies and institutions drive
remote and developing areas to adopt the centralized, hierar-
chal infrastructure for electrification. A historical perspective is
provided as to how Puerto Rico arrived at its present electric Today’s ADVANCED flexible
infrastructure, which integrated all electric power systems electrical insulation just got better.
provided to the island under a single public entity, the Puerto
Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA). Advocates for the intro-
duction of renewables into the centralized grid were met with Introducing
resistance until 2007, when net-metering laws were intro- ELAN-Film® HT-200 Insulation
duced. Since then, Puerto Rico has demonstrated the econom-
• Excellent for use as wire wrap and layer
ic feasibility of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems as the sole insulation in transformers and lifting
means of renewable production. However, the PREPA-man- magnets NEW
aged Puerto Rico utility grid provides a stark illustration of the • Unique ratio of PAI/PET provides
outstanding electrical, mechanical,
problems associated with top-down electrical infrastructures. and thermal properties
These problems include the incompatibility of locally pro- • Higher temperature 200oC rating
duced solar with a grid structure based on the assumption of • 2 mil thickness is thin and flexible

constant power output and the inability of an electrical grid • Meets IPC Specification 4202

designed for an industrial economy to adapt to the reality of

Puerto Rico’s 48% loss of industrial demand since 2006.
A series of impregnating resins A superior magnet wire coating
Attempts by the PREPA to address energy restructuring that provide environmental and designed for use in inverter
came too little, too late, and in 2017, the company filed for electrical protection in all types grade magnet wire.
of electrical apparatus.
A Heritage of Innovation Since 1919
bankruptcy. Finally, the devastating impact of Hurricane
Maria on 20 September 2017 brought worldwide attention to
the human impacts of a poorly planned, centrally managed ELANTAS PDG, Inc. •Second
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St. Louis, MO MO 63147
grid. Despite resistance, UPRM led the movement toward 314-621-5700 •ELANTAS PDG Olean
info.elantas.pdg • 1405 Buffalo Street • Olean NY 14780

community-based distributed energy resources for more

than a decade and achieved success in developing stakehold-
ers in this effort at the community level. Today, Puerto Rico is
poised to lead the world in the deployment of distributed
community-based, renewable-drive microgrids. UPRM has Are You Moving?
played a significant role in preparing for this day. This article Don’t miss an issue of this magazine—
describes the feasibility studies, viability considerations, and update your contact information now!
proposed architectural implementations that will enable Update your information by:
Puerto Rico’s transition to a community microgrid-based E-MAIL:
infrastructure for electric power delivery. PHONE: +1 800 678 4333 in the United States
On another front, IEEE Smart Village has been a catalyst or +1 732 981 0060 outside
for ensuring that developing parts of the world do not make the United States
the mistake of adopting top-down, centralized approaches as If you require additional assistance
their electrical infrastructures develop. “An Enterprise Sys- regarding your IEEE mailings,
tems Engineering Approach to Electrification” by Alexander visit the IEEE Support Center
Anderson and Siddharth Suryanarayanan documents a case at
study in Papua, New Guinea, demonstrating the impact of
community-based electrification on the development of sus- IEEE publication labels are printed six to eight weeks
in advance of the shipment date, so please allow sufficient
tainable electrical infrastructures and increased prosperity. time for your publications to arrive at your new address.

This article highlights the energy poverty that affects more

than 1 billion people worldwide who still lack access to elec-
tricity. A community system-of-systems enterprise is
described, showing how the community-based microgrid for
electrification must be part of a hierarchy spanning social,
economic, and technical levels.
This approach is far superior to traditional government-led
developmental planning based on the assumption of, for
instance, a future industrialization and productivity mimick- © ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/BRIANAJACKSON

ing the norms of developed countries. With this approach, the

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 3

about this issue

underlying foundation of supporting energy-poverty effects. This article de­­ challenge of networking DERs to
services and sustainable partnerships scribes the efforts by IIT Madras to fur- accommodate the rapid development
holds up the basic needs for survival, ther develop its 48-Vdc systems as and growth of renewable-energy sys-
leading to growth enabled by the power-dense, modular, scalable, plug- tems. In Germany, it has become clear
reduction of inequities that informs and-play systems with constituent that energy systems need to become
future economic growth, industrial parts that are transported through more networked to meet climate objec-
innovation, and infrastructure growth. harsh terrain. Unburdened by the tives. However, the present microgrid
The ultimate goal is the elimination of need to support an entrenched infra- hierarchical control architecture, which
poverty. The first priority of this structure of ac-fed appliances and fix- is stratified into a pyramidal structure
approach is the undergirding com- tures, the rural Indian household has of component level, primary control,
munity enterprise of organizations, also provided a fertile ground for mar- secondary control, and tertiary control
entrepreneurs, processes, systems, ket growth in dc-powered appliances. based on time-response horizons con-
technologies, stakeholders, and com- Shifting paradigms demonstrated in trolled by a distribution system opera-
munity members to keep the system energy, informing the world how to tor, is becoming a limiting factor to the
moving forward, adapting to changing adapt to changing, potentially more- growth of renewable-energy systems.
needs. At the core is demonstrated efficient power and energy delivery Many challenges are expected in
scalable microgrid topologies for de­­ systems of service are explored. the networking of power and energy
veloping communities, which IEEE “Electric Vehicles in India,” by delivery systems that, if not ad­­dressed,
Smart Village pioneered. With Papua Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Prabhjot Kaur, will result in reductions in system
New Guinea as a backdrop, this article and Sushant Mutagekar, provides a resiliency and bottlenecks to capacity.
describes in detail the systems-engi- unique perspective on the integration This article describes the implementa-
neering approach needed to propel of electric vehicles (EVs) into a devel- tion of the Simris energy system by the
and sustain community-based microgrid oping and dynamic electrical infra- E.ON that was initiated as a technical
initiatives of the future. structure. India is on track to adopt pilot trial to address the expected chal-
India has been at the forefront of the EV as the preferred form of land lenges associated with the growth of
the battle on energy poverty, where transportation by the majority of its renewable energy systems. The instal-
community dc microgrid installations population, particularly in large cities. lation is located in the small village of
in rural areas have outpaced the gov- This trend is becoming imperative Simris in the southern area of Sweden
ernment’s effort to tie remote villages considering the levels of air pollution and demonstrates integration of a
into the national grid. “Solar Energy, dc in cities and the contributing effects local community microgrid with an
Distribution, and Microgrids” by Ashok on population health and green gases. existing grid combined with a diversi-
Jhunjhunwala and Prabhjot Kaur of The Indian government has recog- ty of renewable- and storage-energy
the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), nized the need to take action. This sources, an intelligent energy man-
Madras, highlights the challenges of article describes the country’s unique agement system, protective relay de­­
electrifying villages that are isolated situation regarding vehicle composi- vices, and a demand-response platform.
from more developed areas by diffi- tion and density. India also faces sig- This article describes in detail the
cult, sometimes treacherous, terrain. nificant infrastructure challenges, constituent parts of the system, ad­­
These villages are on mountains, in including how to provide an EV-charg- aptive and predictive controls, and
deserts, located remotely on islands, ing infrastructure commensurate to measured performance during transi­­
and across rivers. IIT Madras pio- the shear demand. The country’s strat- tional scenarios.
neered the use of low-cost, scalable, egy to develop an EV-charging infra- The remainder of the issue ad­­
and distributed solar dc systems that structure that will meet present needs dresses the technologies that will
can be easily deployed and configured and that is sustainable for the future is be needed to manage the growth in
to the needs of community users. described in detail. distributed, community microgrids.
Compared with many parts of the Shifting to the application of local- “Scalable Solar dc Microgrids,” by Mas-
world, the installed systems have sig- ly targeted, distributed microgrids hood Nasir, Hassan Abbas Khan, Nau-
nificantly lower power- and energy- to developed parts of the world, “Mi­­ man Ahmad Zaffar, Juan C. Vasquez,
sourcing capacity. crogrid Field Trials in Sweden,” by and Josep M. Guerrero, describes how
However, it has been demonstrated Henning Wilms, Dominik Mildt, Marco to optimize and extend the dc mi­­cro­
that these 48-Vdc distribution systems Cupelli, Antonello Monti, Peder Kjel- grid concept to larger systems. An
can be well matched to homes in len, Thomas Fischer, Demijan Panic, often neglected consideration of dis-
these remote communities, and their Michael Hirst, Eugenio Scionti, Sebas- tribution efficiency as a function of
deployment has resulted in signifi- tian Schwarz, Paul Kessler, and Luis the number of households and distri-
cant strides toward the reduction of Hernández, of the E.ON, addresses the bution voltage levels is presented in

4 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

the article. Various distribution archi- Juan C. Vasquez, and Josep M. Guerre- and users of distributed energy re­­
tectures are considered as well as ro, explains the role of the prosumer sources can help to define a new col-
challenges to economic viability, provi- in energy transactions within the laborative economy. We are excited to
sioning, and deployment. “Standalone community-based microgrid. Here, provide this special issue of IEEE Elec-
Integrated Power Electronics Systems,” the way forward to resiliency and sus- trification Magazine and are certain
by David Schumacher, Omid Beik, and tainability can be solidified as the that the readers will be convinced
Ali Emadi, takes a detailed look at the human factors and responses to the that community microgrids are a way
implementation of portable, off-grid microgrid are considered. In this way, forward to a better world!
microgrid architecture. These systems energy sharing between the owners 
serve as power and energy manage-
ment and delivery systems suitable
for connection to nonconventional
power distributions applied to remote
community microgrids. Low-voltage
dc, higher-voltage dc, low-voltage
ac, and higher-voltage ac interfacing
con­­figurations are compared. Deploy-
ability is also considered, taking into
account an array of commercially
available building-block components
and systems.
The article “Solar Generation, Stor-
age, and Electric Vehicles in Power FOR SOLAR APPLICATIONS
Grids,” by Faeza Hafiz, Anderson
Rodrigo de Quieroz, and Iqbal Husain,
addresses the need for and imple-
mentation of integrated power and
energy systems for the residential
application. This article describes
how a household solar PV-storage
system, integrated with homeowner
plug-in EVs with system-coordinated
control at the residential level, can
provide energy security and benefits
to the overall grid. While not address-
ing specifically the community mi­­
crogrid, this article emphasizes the
fact that successful implementation Developed for use in solar combiner boxes and inverters
of microgrids is a simultaneous bot-
toms-up/top-down problem. Com- The smallest UL508 recognized contactors rated for
high current switching
munity microgrids will not be viable,
particularly in developed countries Rated for switching 175 amps at 1000Vdc and
like the United States, until there are a continuous duty up to 350 amps
commercially viable solutions avail-
able to the user. Featuring GIGAVAC’s EPIC® sealed switching technology
This issue is rounded out by the for superior protection against harsh environments
“Viewpoint” and “Technology Leaders”
GIGAVAC’s dual coil design means low coil power
columns. “Electrification and Chal- consumption and no EMI emission or crosstalk
lenging Our Preconceptions,” by Peter
O’Connor and Michael Jacobs, contin-
ues the discourse on societal impacts. Fo r c o m p l e t e s p e c s , v i s i t u s o n l i n e
“Peer-to-Peer Energy Market for Com-
munity Microgrids,” by Pablo Baez- o r c a l l +1.8 0 5.6 8 4.8 4 01

w w w. g i ga va c.c o m
Gonzalez, Enrique Rodriguez-Diaz,
By Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo, Isaac Jordán,
Agustín Irizarry-Rivera, and Rafael Cintrón

The Long Road

to Community
Adapting to the necessary icrogrids offer tremendous oppor-

tunities in isolated areas or developing
changes for renewable countries that are unable to establish a tra-

energy implementation. ditional power infrastructure. However,

microgrids face vast challenges in places
where the dominant model is based on a centralized, hier-
archical infrastructure with policies and institutions
developed to support such infrastructure. Renewable ener-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871239
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 gy researchers at the University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez

6 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

(UPRM) have traveled a long road advocating 2010. In 2008, researchers at UPRM quantified the poten-
distributed energy resources (DERs) and com- tial for electricity generated from local renewable energy
munity microgrids. sources. They found that the best renewable resource
with commercially available technology in Puerto Rico is
Overview of Electric the sun (Figure 2). Figure 3 shows the potential for gener-
Energy in Puerto Rico ating solar electricity using photovoltaic (PV) panels on
In 1941, the Puerto Rico Water Resources residential rooftops. All of the electric energy in Puerto
Authority (AFF, its acronym in Spanish) was Rico could come from using PV systems in 65% of resi-
created as a public power company to plan, dential rooftops once we obtain an efficient, cost-effec-
design, construct, operate, and maintain tive, and environmentally sound technology to store
Puerto Rico’s electric infrastructure. As part of electric energy for use at night. Figure 4 shows results
a plan to take many Puerto Ricans out of the from another UPRM study [funded by the U.S. Depart-
dire conditions they lived in the 1930s, Anto- ment of Energy (DOE)] proving that residential rooftop PV
nio Lucchetti proposed to integrate all of the systems already had an average cost of between 11 and
electric power systems in Puerto Rico. War- 12 cents per kWh in 2013 (assuming an installed cost of
time circumstances enabled the final acquisi- US$3 per watt, net metering, and four hours of “peak
tion of private power companies, which sun”). In contrast to most U.S. jurisdictions, rooftop PV
helped the AFF complete its mission: the systems with net metering have been economically fea-
electrification of Puerto Rico. sible in Puerto Rico since at least 2010, reaching grid pari-
The AFF accomplished its founding mis- ty near that time.
mountain: ©,
solar panels—image licensed by ingram publishing

sion in the 1970s. While its name changed to A key challenge is to turn the potential for renewable
the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority energy into a reality through a safe and reliable grid con-
(PREPA) in 1979, its mission stayed the same. nection. The differing opinions regarding this matter result
As of December 2018, PREPA is a vertically from the fact that traditional power systems were built and
integrated utility and is one of the largest operated based on the assumptions of that time. Conse-
public power companies in the United States, quently many electric companies around the world (includ-
and remains the only provider of retail elec- ing PREPA) have usually reacted negatively to renewable
tricity on the island (Figure 1). It has more energy, believing that it complicates conventional power
than 2,400 mi of transmission lines (230 and system operation. Despite these challenges, distributed
115 kV), 51 115-kV transmission centers, 283 generation continues to grow in Puerto Rico, furthered by
subtransmission substations (38 kV), and the passing of Act 133 in 2016, which permits solar commu-
over 30,000 mi of distribution lines (13.2, 8.32, nities and microgrids on the island.
7.2, and 4.16 kV). New technologies, practices, and oppor- PREPA’s mission was finally updated in 2014 to reflect a
tunities were missed because of the lack of a renewed new mandate toward a sustainable energy future. A new
mission to face the challenges of the latter quarter of the regulator, the Puerto Rico Energy Commission, was created
20th century and begin an ordered
and comprehensive transforma-
tion of the electric infrastructure,
its business structure, and custom-
728 MW
er service. On the other hand, 248 MW Dos Bocas 840 MW
Caonillas Cambalache Palo Seco
there was no holistic planning or San Juan
integration of energy strategies
and technologies in Puerto Rico, Rio Blanco
220 MW
and changes in energy policy direc-
tions (due to excessive partisan inter-
ventions in PREPA) were an obstacle Garzas I and II
for decades. Toro Negro I and II
An area of disagreement in the
last 20 years between PREPA’s Yauco I and II
Costa Sur ecoEléctrica Aguirre AES
management and electricity users 507 MW 454 MW
1,032 MW 1,534 MW
has been the use of renewable
Oil (6, 2, or Diesel)
sources to produce electricity. In Hydro (100 MW)
Not Shown: 386 MW from Smaller Units Distributed
spite of PREPA’s narrow planning Coal Around the Island
Natural Gas Installed Capacity: 5,839 MW (3,443 MW in the South)
vision, a net-metering law was
enacted in 2007, and a renewable
portfolio standard became law in Figure 1. The installed generating capacity in Puerto Rico. (Image courtesy of Dr. Agustín Irizarry.)

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 7

Toa Baja
Quebradillas Hatillo Barceloneta Vega Baja Carolina
Manati Vega Alta Cataño Canovanas
Rincón Isabela San Loiza


Moca Camuy
Aguada San Florida Toa Alta Trujillo Río Luquillo
Sebastián Morovis Grande
Corozal Alto Fajardo
Añasco Ciales
Lares Utuado Naranjito Aguas Gurabo
Las Marías Orocovis Comerio Buenas Juncos Naguabo
Mayagüez Jayuya Barranquitas Caguas
Hormigueros Maricao Adjuntas Cidra San
Villalba Aibonito Humacao
San Cayey Lorenzo
Yauco Coamo Yabucoa
Germán Ponce
Cabo Juana
Rojo Lajas Díaz Santa Salinas
Guánica Isabel Guayama
Sabana Guayanilla Peñuelas Patillas
Grande Arroyo

1,495 → 3.4 h 1,952 → 4.5 h 2,408 → 5.5 h

1,343 → 3.1 h 1,800 → 4.1 h 2,256 → 5.2 h
1,191 → 2.7 h 1,648 → 3.8 h 2,104 → 4.8 h

Figure 2. The annual average insolation in kWh/m2 and peak sun hours.

in 2014. Also in that year, PREPA began a restructuring pro-

cess to address the financial problems that had been
Annual GWh Generated

evident since the early 2000s. The existing electric infra-

structure was built for an industrial economy, but the loss
25 of 1,000 industrial clients left Puerto Rico with a generation
20 overcapacity. The decade between 2007 and 2017 saw a
15 48% reduction in industrial demand (after its 2006 peak), a
10 13% loss in the residential sector (after its 2005 peak), and a
5 10% loss in commercial demand (after its 2007 peak). In
0 2017, PREPA filed for bankruptcy protection under Title III
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic
Available Rooftop Area (%)
Stability Act, a U.S. law. One option for overcoming PREPA’s
Figure 3. The potential for electricity production from residential roof- difficult circumstances is to facilitate the use of DERs,
top PV systems. which present an opportunity for local socioeconomic
development—if priority is given to
renewable energy in a hybrid sys-
tem that enables solar communities
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), US$/kWh and microgrids.
(Net Metering, 20 Years, 1% Annual Degradation)
Renewable-Driven Microgrids
US$0.20 EI Yunque 0.19 0.18
0.16 In Puerto Rico, approximately 70% of

US$0.15 0.13 0.13 the population lives in areas with an

0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11
US$0.10 0.12 excellent solar resource (Figure 2).
0.11 0.10
0.09 0.09 0.08 Hence, rooftop PV systems in Puerto
US$0.05 Adjuntas, Canóvanas,
Cabo Rojo Sur
Mayaguez Norte Guánica Rico have greater potential when
US$0.00 compared to other renewable re­­
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
sources. PV systems have some
Peak Sun Hours
drawbacks, however, such as the
LCOE 4 US$/W LCOE 3 US$/W fluctuation of output power, which
depends on weather conditions. One
Figure 4. The cost per kilowatthour of residential rooftop PV systems. way to increase the penetration of

8 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

PV generation is to add energy storage One option for per group (12.8 kWh per house). Loads
devices. With storage and a dedicated were simulated with one of three
control system, PV generators can be overcoming PREPA’s demand profiles: 100 houses used
transitioned to serve the role of an 834  kWh per day, 50 houses used
active generator and provide more
difficult circum­­ 918 kWh per day, and 50 houses used
flexibility for system operators and stances is to 627 kWh per day. Each grouping of
users. This approach is limited by the houses had a different combination of
economic and environmental issues facilitate the use profiles and was not uniformly dis-
related to existing storage technolo- tributed. Load reductions represented
gies. Another way to increase the use
of DERs, which present DR actions. When load reduction was
of rooftop PV systems is by managing an opportunity for triggered, the 834- and 918-kWh pro-
the demand through demand-response files were reduced by 33%, while the
(DR) strategies, which can be used to local socioeconomic 627-kWh profile was reduced by 25%.
match load profiles to available renew- Demanding a constant block of
able energy production.
development—if electric energy from the utility mini-
It is well known that many commu- priority is given to mizes the impact resulting from the
nity-led efforts in Puerto Rico have interconnection of renewable sources.
yielded better results when dealing renewable energy The goal is to overcome two main
with local problems than top-down objections from utilities regarding the
approaches. There are many well-orga-
in a hybrid system penetration of renewable energy: fluc-
nized communities in Puerto Rico that that enables solar tuation in power output and unbal-
share a common, albeit local, vision of anced energy generation (mainly from
their future and use this vision to communities and PV) that produces energy only during
inspire the actions of many local volun- the day. At the transmission level,
teers eager to improve their communi-
microgrids. where the stability of the whole sys-
ties. They put their community first, tem is at stake and varying power may
ahead of other considerations such as cause a significant variable operation-
political party bickering. Thus, combining these ongoing al cost, electric utilities often penalize connected clients if
community-based efforts with DERs (including DR) could they violate the LF agreement in the service contract:
enable local energy options in support of socioeconomic
development and community well-being. In the near future, average load
LF = .
this could lead to well-planned community microgrids in maximum load in given period
Puerto Rico.
LF in a solar-community microgrid would greatly
Technical Feasibility Study depend on the mix of installed solar-generation capacity,
of a Community Microgrid storage, and demand peaks. Moreover, without a good
A zero or low-net-energy community microgrid is one that resource-management plan, achieving a high LF could be
has sufficient resources to locally manage its demand, difficult and/or costly. Simulation scenarios were used to
thereby minimizing its impact on the power grid. A study study the behavior of a microgrid with different levels of
of the possibility for a community microgrid serving an PV capacity and weather conditions, indicating that differ-
actual community in southern Puerto Rico divided the ent approaches to mitigate and improve LF should be pur-
community into 20 groups of ten houses, each with PV sys- sued depending on the conditions and available resources.
tems and energy storage. PV systems and energy storage On sunny days, the state of charge of the energy storage
were simulated as aggregated systems for each grouping of could reach 100%; if this happens, the storage would be
ten houses, as shown in Figure 5. The battery’s state of disconnected and the excess renewable energy injected
charge was modeled by adding or subtracting the energy into the grid, thus drastically reducing the LF. One
sent or received by the microgrid and obtaining output approach to mitigate the inevitable LF reduction is to
decisions from a fuzzy logic controller. The microgrid was charge the battery at a slower rate and reduce the amount
grid connected, and the power it delivered could not of energy coming from the grid. Of course, an LF near one
exceed a certain amount using the highest possible load would be impossible because of the grid reduction that
factor (LF) (i.e., near constant demand). The grid was mod- occurs from charging the battery more slowly; however, it
eled as an infinite bus. is preferable to disconnecting the battery altogether,
Each grouping of ten houses was connected to a which would send excess renewable energy production to
75-kVA distribution transformer. The aggregated PV sys- the grid, thereby drastically lowering the LF.
tem varied from 10 to 20 kW per group (1 to 2 kW per Table 1 shows how the LF is affected when grid depen-
house), and the aggregated battery storage was 128 kWh dence is decreased and the installed renewable-generation

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 9

Solar Panel Battery House 1 House 2 House 3

Pole-Mounted PV_I_8
Battery_I_8 Load4_I_8
Load1_I_8 Load2_I_8 Load3_I_8

3 –

I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018


Battery_Ah1 IL1_8 IL2_8 IL3_8 IL4_8

Ipv_8 Ibattery_8

Load 5_I_8 Load 6_I_8 Load 7_I_8 Load 8_I_8 Load 9_I_8 Load 10_I_8 Load CC

IL 9_8 IL CC
IL 6_8 IL 7_8 IL 8_8 IL 10_8
IL 5_8

Figure 5. One group of houses on the microgrid. (Image modeling courtesy of Isaac Jordan using Simulink.)
capacity increased, while the amount During a good managing the energy demand coming
of storage remains the same. However, from the grid by considering the mi­­
the degree to which it is affected insolation day and crogrid’s resources, while the second
varies tremendously according to focuses on managing internal demand.
weather conditions; in sunny scenar-
if the batteries are In a solar-community microgrid, man-
ios, the LF is reduced as one moves charged or nearly aging the demand from the grid could
toward more renewable-generation bring economic benefits; the microgrid
capacity and/or less grid dependence charged, the operator could determine, based on the
on zero net. Nevertheless, there are status of microgrid resources, the best
exceptions, e.g., in cases 2 and 3, the
microgrid operator strategy for operating the microgrid
system has a slightly better LF when can demand less reliably and economically. For example,
it has more solar-­generation capaci- during a good insolation day and if the
ty in­­stalled, which means that case 3 energy from the grid batteries are charged or nearly charged,
is the desirable operating point for the microgrid operator can demand
the microgrid. Case 3 has an LF simi-
during times when less energy from the grid during times
lar to case 1 (0.89 versus 0.91) and has the energy prices when the energy prices are high.
more renewable-generation capacity Taking as an example the time-of-
in­­stalled. In a cloudy scenario, LF is are high. use rate for its simplicity, cases 9 and
more dependent on the mix, and one 10 with DR simulated a change in peak
can see many variations that are demand, i.e., when energy prices are
reduced significantly as zero net is approached. higher (see Table 1). In case 9, the microgrid needs
In the scenarios, LF improves as more renewable capaci- 10 kW of power per group of ten houses from the grid off
ty is installed, while requiring the same amount of energy peak. When the night peak is reached, the microgrid
from the grid. When the required grid energy is reduced, reduces its demand to 8 kW per group; the same scenario
cloudy days have a more severe impact than sunny days if occurs in case 10, but with their respective boundaries.
the installed renewable capacity increases. The gap increase In contrast to a sunny day, for a cloudy-day scenarios, no
between sunny days and cloudy days makes microgrid demand reduction is made because not enough energy is
operation more difficult, especially in cloudy-day scenarios. produced to completely charge the battery; therefore, the LF
It would be possible to require more energy from the grid on and renewable generation on cloudy days in Table 1 cor­
cloudy days and less on sunny days, but the microgrid oper- respond to a nondemand grid-reduction scenario. This
ation cost will rise. Additionally, this solution moves in the demand-side management strategy can help tackle the big
opposite direction of zero-net energy. Overall, the microgrid energy gap problem that exists between sunny days and
operation maintains a good LF
on sunny days and cloudy days
when DR is used. On sunny days, Table 1. The LF and renewable generation for sunny and
an LF improvement of more than cloudy days.
0.5 is easily achieved, as com-
Secondary Installed Sunny/Cloudy
pared to scenarios with no DR
Case ­Demand Goal PV ­Capacity Sunny/ ­Renewable
and no energy storage. ­Number per Group per Group Cloudy LF Generation (%)
Going to net-zero is a real chal-
lenge because the LF is reduced 1 10 kW 10 kW 0.91 0.92 27 14
regardless of the scenario, as 2 7.5 kW 10 kW 0.86 0.38 27 14
shown in Table 1. Case 5 is the 3 7.5 kW 15 kW 0.89 0.67 40 22
only scenario in the community
4 6.5 kW 15 kW 0.81 0.33 40 22
microgrid that generated more
than half its electric energy from 5 6.5 kW 20 kW 0.77 0.51 53 29
renewables when power from 6 No DR, no 10 kW 0.33 0.38 27 14
the grid was at its lowest (PV-in­­ ­energy storage
stallation capacity is the highest
7 No DR, no 15 kW 0.27 0.35 40 22
of all, and additional renew- ­energy storage
able generation occurs only on a
8 No DR, no 20 kW 0.21 0.32 53 29
sunny day).
­energy storage
There are essentially two per-
spectives of demand-side man- 9 8–10 kW 10 kW 0.85 0.92 27 14
agement in a solar-community 10 7–8 kW 15 kW 0.85 0.85 40 22
microgrid. The first focuses on

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 11

cloudy days. From the perspective of the microgrid communities should make them lower; these findings are
user, this is only a demand-side management strategy; summarized in Table 2. Solar PV panels, pure sine wave
microgrid users did not respond to a price change (the inverters, charge controllers, and general materials (e.g.,
microgrid operator did), so, from the utility’s perspective, conductors, boxes, connectors, tubing, and screws) cost
the client (the microgrid as a whole) responds to a price approximately US$0.71/W, US$0.18/W, US$0.07/W, and
change during peak hours, thereby demanding less energy. US$0.45/W, respectively. The total cost of the materials and
Thus, from a utility perspective, the microgrid is a DR user. equipment (not including batteries) is US$1.41/W.
This same line of thought can be implemented for other Table 2 also shows a range of costs for design, installa-
types of electric rates. This work motivated UPRM research- tion, and certification. These figures come from a set of
ers to continue advocating for DERs and, eventually, actual quotes obtained over the same time period. Note
microgrids in Puerto Rico. that the design and certification cost ranges US$1–2.20/W.
The installation cost has an even wider range, US$0.40–
Cost Estimates 1.50/W. The amount does include the installation cost of
UPRM researchers studied the residential rooftop PV costs batteries. The capital cost of batteries is discussed later in
up to October 2017. The analysis focused on buying equip- this article. The resulting cost is shown in Figure 6.
ment and materials for a solar PV system in the range of The lower (green) curve in Figure 6 shows the cost of
1–5 kW. Because these are retail costs, bulk purchasing for the system were it to be installed by the owner. The mid-
dle (red) curve is the installed cost of the system, with a
low-end of US$1.40/W for design, installation, and certifi-
Table 2. The actual cost for a residential cation. The upper (blue) curve is the installed cost of the
rooftop PV system (1–5 kW). system, with a high end of US$3.70/W for design, installa-
tion, and certification. Many PV installers or companies
Cost in Dollars follow the red curve (or even lower), proving the existence
Component/Task per Watt (US$/W)
of a very competitive local PV market in Puerto Rico, yield-
PV panels 0.71 ing economic benefits that stay in the particular commu-
Inverter 0.18 nity. In contrast, large power plants burn fossil fuels,
which have an environmental impact and many fewer
Charge controller 0.07 economic benefits. Figure 6 also shows the downward
Balance of system 0.45 trend in rooftop PV costs when compared to the 2013
Subtotal (do it yourself) 1.41 costs presented in Figure 4.
For stand-alone (and, eventually, microgrid) operations,
Installation (estimate) 0.4 to 1.5
storage is needed. Lead-acid flooded batteries can be pur-
Design, permitting (estimate) 1–2.2 chased for US$100/kWh. For the system size considered in
Total 2.81 to 5.11 the analysis, a 10-kWh battery storage subsystem was
selected; these batteries, operated at 50% discharge and

(Net Metering, 20 Years, 1% Annual Degradation)

10 7.9 7.7
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Peak Sun Hours

1.41 US$/W 2.81 US$/W 5.11 US$/W

Figure 6. The PV costs as a function of location in Puerto Rico, not including the cost of batteries.

12 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

have an estimated life of three years. Because most PV and financial issues. Every community is different; there-
panels, inverters, and charge controllers have a warranty fore, the process of implementing microgrids can be cum-
of at least 20 years, we assume that in 21 years seven bat- bersome for an electric industry accustomed to technical
tery changes will be needed, resulting in a high-end cost standards and regulatory certainty. As part of social con-
of US$7,000 over the life of the system. Battery cost is siderations, citizens must be engaged through community
expected to continue declining, and assuming a “round- training and capacity building to help facilitate the transi-
trip” efficiency of 90%, the cost of storing electric energy is tion to a more distributed electric sector. Furthermore,
approximately US$0.18/kWh. there is a need within the utility industry for workforce
Thus, the total cost of electricity in this stand-alone development that addresses not only technical matters,
system ranges from lower than US$0.23 to US$0.29/kWh. At but also the broader social issues related to distributed
US$75/bbl, oil electricity from the grid costs US$0.277/kWh. energy generation and microgrids.
Note that this last amount was calculated using PREPA’s UPRM is a core member of the Center for Grid Engi-
outdated basic tariff of US$0.05/kWh (residential), which neering Education (GridEd), a DOE-sponsored project led
has not been evaluated since 1989. The actual basic tariff by the Electric Power Research Institute. GridEd spon-
should range US$0.08–0.10/kWh, creating grid parity with sored two colloquia on solar communities held in April
a stand-alone solar PV system that includes batteries. 2017, one in Ponce (Southern Puerto Rico) and another
Furthermore, because these are purely cost estimates, in Bayamón (Northern Puerto Rico) (Figure 10). Roughly
they do not include or account for sustainability or resil-
iency metrics/credits that would tilt the balance in favor
of renewable-based systems. Puerto Rico is, therefore,
ready to begin its transition to an electric infrastructure
that favors local DERs, a move that would also support
local socioeconomic activity and provide increased resil-
iency in facing future natural disasters. Center

Transition to Community Microgrids

Community microgrids could be established if only a few
houses have rooftop PV systems; if those individuals agree
to share the responsibilities and benefits, they could cre-
ate a solar community (Figure 7). As this solar community
grows, and if enough DERs are locally available, a commu-
nity microgrid could be established. The flowchart in Fig-
ure 8 illustrates one possible process.
This process has been studied at UPRM since 2009,
yielding three master’s theses and various undergraduate
capstone design projects. During the spring 2018, four under- Figure 7. A three-house solar community and the community center
graduate students further developed the community building.
microgrid presented in the feasibility
study discussed previously. They
increased the number of houses to
238, updated distribution transform- As more people in the community
ers with the actual capacity of each, Only a few houses install solar systems, the
have PV installed. distribution system limit is
and improved load profiles so that reached.
they were closer to actual communi-
ty-demand profiles. The students
also completed initial work on pro-
tection and communication issues
related to the microgrid. Figure 9
shows the updated system for the
proposed community microgrid. Solar community: Existing Community microgrid:
PV systems and aggregated more investment in
demand are coordinated to an energy storage and
Capacity Building and management system.
increase solar energy use.
Workforce Development
The social dimensions of renewable
energy and microgrids are even
more difficult than the technical Figure 8. A diagram of the movement toward a community microgrid.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 13

EPS 1.3 mi

38–4.16 kV

578 ft 640 ft

177 ft
345 ft
T2 T 20 T 14
× 16 × 16 × 20
275.25 kWh 588 ft 256 kWh
245.75 kWh 75 kVa

319 ft
50 kVa 50 kVa

393 ft
T4 T8 T 17
× 10* ×8
× 12
131.25 kWh 209.5 kWh 209.5 kWh
25 kVa
626 ft

75 kVa 75 kVa

325 ft

432 ft
T1 T 10 T 18
× 14 ×5 ×8
223.25 kWh 107 kWh 128.5 kWh
571 ft

75 kVa 50 kVa

518 ft
50 kVa

605 ft
T3 T9 T 16
× 11 × 17 × 17
171.25 kWh 245.75 kWh
588 ft

50 kVa 236 kWh

352 ft
50 kVa

819 ft
50 kVa
T 19 T 11 T 15
× 10 × 11 ×5
244 kWh 187.5 kWh 76.5 kWh
679 ft

75 kVa 75 kVa

536 ft
75 kVa
100 ft

T6 T 12 T 13
× 16 ×7 ×6

246 kWh 114.5 kWh

720 ft

50 kVa 97.25 kWh 75 kVa 75 kVa

× 22
358.75 kWh
544 ft

75 kVa
144.75 kWh 50 kVa

Figure 9. The updated system information for community microgrid analysis, including a connection to the electric power system (EPS).

(a) (b)

Figure 10. (a) An open discussion during the first colloquim and (b) a poster presentation during the second colloquim. (Photos courtesy of
Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo.)

14 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

150 attendees participated in these community-engage- researchers have been collaborating with that community
ment and outreach events. Participants were mostly in various capacity-building activities. These include semi-
community leaders, although, for each meeting, key nars open to the community and two series of workshops
expert collaborators (between 12 and 20) were also for community high schoolers and young adults. Through
invited. The main purpose of the colloquia was to pres- that collaboration between an actual community and
ent the concept of solar communities, its potential local UPRM, the process described in Figure 8 has been imple-
socioeconomic benefits, and its technical challenges. mented, and the first PV system has been installed in the
The work was structured around written assignments community’s common building (Figure 12). It serves not
participants completed as members of groups. For the only as an electric energy source but also as an educa-
final exercise, each group was asked to envision mem- tional tool and a step toward a solar community and
bers’ ideal solar community and shared their thoughts
in a written poster
The most important question asked of participants 1% 1%
concerned the management of the solar community.
Figure 11 shows that community participants over- 7%
whelmingly supported either themselves (39%) or the 13%
community in collaboration with the utility (39%). Results
from the expert collaborators participating in Ponce and
Bayamón were also interesting; in Ponce, most of the col-
laborators favored a shared management between the
community and utility (60%), while, in Bayamón, 43% of
the collaborators favored the community as the sole
manager, and 29% favored a collaboration between com-
munity and developer. These results might reflect the
regional nature of the collaborators’ experiences. One
thing is certain: there is strong agreement on the central
role the community must play in the establishment of a
solar community. These findings are more important now Utility Private Developer
than ever before, given the slow recovery of electric ser- Community Community and Utility
vice in many rural, isolated communities following Hurri- Community and Community, Utility and
cane María in 2017. Developer Academia, Developer
The feasibility study described earlier was based on
information obtained by undergraduate students in a Figure 11. The community leaders’ preferences regarding ownership
capstone course during spring 2015. Since then, UPRM of solar-community systems.

(a) (b)

Figure 12. The beginning of a community microgrid: (a) the rooftop solar panels and (b) the rest of the rooftop PV system. (Photos courtesy of
Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo.)

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 15

Lessons Learned from
microgrid. In May 2018, the commu-
nity secured funds to acquire more
As part of a Hurricane María
rooftop PV systems that will be man- university-based On 20 September 2017, Hurricane
aged as a solar community. Support María, the most devastating hurricane
from UPRM researchers was a vital workforce in the territory’s modern history, hit
component in the community’s sus-
tainability journey.
development Puerto Rico and forever changed the
lives of more than 3 million residents.
As part of a university-based work­­ program, Dr. Fabio The hurricane proved that the central-
force development program, Dr. Fabio ized electric power model is insuffi-
Andrade and his team developed a Andrade and his cient for facing natural disasters in the
microgrid test bed at UPRM to teach
team developed a Caribbean. The system failed for sever-
students and communities about al reasons, e.g., a centralized electric
the challenges and opportunities of microgrid test bed system, years of neglect in grid main-
microgrids (Figure 13). The main tenance, and the sheer force from a
components of the test bed are a hard­­ at UPRM to teach hurricane that missed Category 5 sta-
ware-in-the-loop interface, four 2.2-kW students and tus by one mile. The local prepared-
inverters, and controllable loads. Some ness and response to disasters must
of the experiments/demonstrations communities about change. The terrible aftermath of Maria
performed include droop control and presents opportunities to further DERs,
virtual impedance, control of islanded the challenges and solar communities, and microgrids in
microgrids, and DR. The test bed is a opportunities of Puerto Rico, especially in rural and re­­
practical tool for studying the is­­sues mote areas that had no power for
related to micro­­grid im­­plementation in microgrids. months after the storm.
Puerto Rico. UPRM researchers and students,
with support from the IEEE (in partic-
ular the IEEE Engineering Projects in Community Service
program) and projects such as GridEd, designed, tested,
and deployed as part of an “Oasis of Light” effort at four
locations in Puerto Rico that had no electricity after Hurri-
cane María hit. Each oasis had roughly 1 kW of solar pan-
els and approximately 4 kWh of storage (Figure 14),
providing each community with enough power to charge
small electronic devices and a small refrigerator for stor-
ing medicine. In addition to providing some relief, each
oasis also served as an opportunity to educate Puerto
Rico’s residents on renewable energy, DERs, and microgrids.
Basic information about energy use and renewables was
displayed at each oasis.
Figure 13. A microgrid test bed at the UPRM. (Photo courtesy of The new reality of Puerto Rico’s electric sector is one
Dr. Fabio Andrade.) based on diminished electric demand, an increased

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 14. (a)–(c) The Oasis of Light relief effort after Hurricane María. [Photo (a) courtesy of Jonathan Castillo, photo (b) courtesy of Efraín
O’Neill-Carrillo, and photo (c) courtesy of Rafael Rosario.]

16 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

emphasis on efficiency, and a strong These findings are training the workforce and also new
interest in using renewable energy. levels of user engagement. Partner-
The existing model, based on large more important now ships among academia, industry, and
fossil-fuel power plants and passive communities are essential in this new
users, is insufficient for addressing
than ever before, era and would further local initiatives
the challenges facing Puerto Rico’s given the slow such as solar communities and com-
electric infrastructure. The Oasis ini- munity microgrids in support of
tiative showed that there is a better, recovery of electric increased sustainability and resilience.
more resilient alternative to central-
ized power systems, i.e., a hybrid sys-
service in many For Further Reading
tem with DERs (which would yield a rural, isolated A. A. Irizarry, J. A. Colucci, and E. O’Neill-
Carrillo. (2009). Achievable renewable
more sustainable and resilient elec-
tric infrastructure) and, even­­tually, communities energy targets for Puerto Rico’s renew-
able energy portfolio standard. Energy
microgrids. As of August 2018, the
continuous efforts of advocates for
following Hurricane Affairs Administration. Puerto Rico.
[Online]. Available: https://bibliotecale
DERs yielded the first two communi- María in 2017.
ty microgrids and the first microgrid
regulation published by the Puerto E. O’Neill-Carrillo, A. Figueroa, and A.
Rico Energy Commission (the local regulator). Irizarry. (2013). Improved permitting and interconnection pro-
cesses for rooftop PV systems. Energy Affairs Administra-
Conclusions tion. Puerto Rico. [Online]. Available: http://prsolar.ece
The road ahead will be difficult, and all of the stakehold-
A. Skibell. (2016, May 2). How a stubborn utility and aging
ers should recognize that renewable energy sources are grid added to island’s woes. E&E News. [Online]. Available:
different from conventional electric power. If renewable
energy use is to be maximized, the grid needs to change. E. O’Neill-Carrillo, R. Santiago, Z. Méndez, H. Vega, J.
This change must encompass not only integrating Mussa, and J. Rentas, “Capstone design projects as foundation
for a solar community,” in Proc. 47th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Edu-
renewables (which assumes that the grid remains
cation Conf., 2017, pp. 1–9.
essentially the same) but also a new grid. This grid G. A. Carrión, R. A. Cintrón, M. A. Rodríguez, W. E. Sanabria,
would provide the flexibility needed to use renewable R. Reyes, E. O’Neill-Carrillo “Community microgrids to in­­
energy as the first option, combined with aggressive crease local resiliency,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Technology and
conservation and efficiency initiatives as well as active Society (ISTAS), Nov. 2018.
R. Reyes and E. O’Neill-Carrillo, “Optimal use of distribut-
participation from users (e.g., through DR programs).
ed resources to control energy variances in microgrids,” in
Thus, the business model of any organization that Proc. 7th World Conf. Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, June 2018.
wants to be involved in electric energy in Puerto Rico [Online]. Available:
must be expanded from merely selling electricity to E. O’Neill-Carrillo, A. A. Irizarry-Rivera, C. Ortiz, M. Pérez-
“providing energy services” in support of increased use Lugo. “The role of engineers as policy entrepreneurs toward
energy transformations,” in Proc. 123rd ASEE Annu. Conf., 2016.
of renewable energy.
doi: 10.18260/p.27008.
It took the destruction of half the transmission system E. O’Neill-Carrillo, “Energy policies in Puerto Rico and
and most of the main distribution lines to reach consen- their impact on the likelihood of a resilient and sustainable
sus that Puerto Rico needs a significant transformation of electric power infrastructure,” J. Center Puerto Rican Studies, vol.
its electric infrastructure. This should be a lesson to the 30, no. 3, Nov. 2018.
M. Galluci, “Rebuilding Puerto Rico’s power grid,” IEEE
utility industry, in general, to not wait for extreme circum-
Spectr., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 30–38, 2018.
stances (e.g., natural disasters or financial distress) to eval-
uate resiliency options, embrace more aggressive customer
engagement, and pursue alternative ways to plan, design, Biographies
build, and operate the electric infrastructure. Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo ( is with the
The industry must look for a more holistic approach to University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.
planning, with an understanding that the challenges go Isaac Jordán ( is with the Univer-
beyond technical and economic matters and are usually sity of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.
context dependent. If available, distributed energy options Agustín Irizarry-Rivera ( is
would bring about not only local socioeconomic develop- with the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.
ment but also a new “supporting” role for the central, large Rafael Cintrón ( is with the Uni-
power plants and a new “service provider” business model versity of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.
for utilities. These changes will require new procedures for 

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 17

By Alexander Anderson
and Siddharth Suryanarayanan

lectrification of remote communities worldwide represents a key

­necessity for sustainable development and advancement of the 17 United Nations (UN)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, it is a prerequisite to the creation
of numerous other infrastructure and economic systems, including agriculture, health
care, education, clean water, sanitation, transportation, and telecommunications. With
over 1 billion people still lacking access to electricity, finding new methods to provide safe, clean, reli-
able, and affordable energy to off-grid communities deserves to be a dynamic area of research. This is
the reason that so many papers have been written on the design, optimization, and construction of
electrification microgrids.
However, traditional approaches to power-system design have focused on cost and reliability cri-
teria and do not provide a sufficiently broad view of the profound impact of electrification. The

Looking at the bigger picture through life-cycle analysis

of community microgrids: A case study in Papua New Guinea.

An Enterprise
Approach to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871240
Date of publication: 16 November 2018

18 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

installation of a single microgrid is a life-changing experi- and optimization problems typically addressed in
ence for thousands of people, including the residents who microgrid design. In the highlands of Papua New Guinea
receive direct electricity service and many others who (PNG), for example, the designers of an IEEE Smart Village
benefit from better education, new economic opportuni- (ISV) regional electrification program are demonstrating
ties, incidental job creation, and other critical infrastructure how these various requirements can be addressed through
systems enabled by electricity. Numerous socioeconomic a systems engineering life-cycle approach.
factors, which span the engineering design process in
terms of both scale and scope, determine whether the Papua New Guinea Case Study
power system will be able to provide these benefits and Located just 300 km north of Australia, PNG is notable for
operate sustainably. its astonishing number of languages—no fewer than
For an electrification program to succeed, the project 840—among its population of 8.1 million living in several
team must work with the community to satisfy people’s thousand separate communities. Despite strong growth
needs directly, be sensitive to local environmental con- in the oil, mining, and agricultural commodity sectors,
straints, mitigate possible risks, and have a plan in place for 82% of the population survives on subsistence agriculture
at least ten years of sustainable operations and mainte- in remote villages. The widespread lack of critical infra-
nance. These considerations extend beyond the technical structure has stymied growth throughout the country:
only 41% of the population has access to proper sanita-
tion, 31% to clean water, 10% to electricity, and 3% to
Internet connectivity.
PNG Power Ltd., the national electricity provider, is
expanding the power grid by installing small hydroelectric
and thermal power plants, but progress has been limited
by the country’s rugged terrain and lack of supporting
infrastructure. Three islanded networks and 19 diesel
microgrids account for the country’s total generation
capacity of 580 MW, composed of 300 MW controlled by
PNG Power and 280 MW owned by independent power
producers. On the mainland, PNG is served by the Ramu
System in the highlands and the Port Moresby System in
the capital city, as depicted in Figure 1. Despite plans to
expand the Ramu System by increasing the capacity of
the Ramu hydro plant from 75 to 273 MW and upgrading a
few smaller units, it is unlikely that the distribution sys-
tem will extend farther than several kilometers from the
Highlands Highway connecting Mount Hagen to Lae. Ser-
vice to the few customers connected to the grid is highly
unreliable, as illustrated in Figure 2, with some customer
outages lasting weeks. For this reason, islanded renew-
ables-based electrification microgrids remain the most
viable method for providing safe, affordable, and reliable
electricity to all the residents of PNG.
About 30 km east of Mt. Hagen is the Madan community,
which is the center of a capacity-building program by PNG
Community Transformation Centre (CTC), Inc. [a local non-
governmental organization (NGO)] and Transform Interna-
tional to provide access to electricity, intranet connections,
education, safe water, proper sanitation, and community
empowerment programs. Within the initial 10-km project
radius, there are seven tribes with an estimated 44,000 peo-
ple and 35 schools with an average of 275 students each.
Most schools lack critical resources, including safe drinking
water, electricity, sanitation, desks, books, teaching supplies,
and access to the government curriculum.
backround—footage firm, inc.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 19

The Madan CTC p rog ra m is
based on 15 years of capacity build-
ing focused initially on the critical
health-care needs of PNG, which
has the highest infant and child
mortality rate in the Pacific. To ad­­
Ramu System:
dress these needs, in 2007, retired
Nameplate Capacity: 151 MW
Available Capacity: 70 MW surgeon Larry Hull and the commu-
Customers: 26,000 nity built the Madan Medical Clinic
Wabag and Birthing Center, which is entire-
Madang ly off-grid. Each year, the center and
Kudjip Gusap
its staff accommodate over 10,000
Sing Sing
Mount Hagen patient visits, administer 5,000 vac-
Mendi Goroka cinations, and deliver hundreds
of births. In 2013, the community
Lae launched the current sustainable
Papua New Guinea development program, which has
Population: 8.1 Million made great progress in creating the
community capacity to build, install,
maintain, operate, and expand in­­
frastructure systems. A series of
Rotary Global grants has supported
the construction of a set of rainwa-
Port Moresby System: ter harvesting and distribution sys-
Nameplate Capacity: 170 MW
tems that provide a million liters of
Available Capacity: 102 MW
Customers: 43,000 Port Moresby clean water a year and safe sani­
tation to 5,000 people in the com-
munity (Figure 3). The Madan CTC
program has also provided over
175,000 textbooks to local schools
Substation with Thermal Generation
Substation with Hydro Generation and established three new commu-
Transmission Substation nity centers that function as hubs
Queensland 132-kV Transmission Line for ongoing adult literacy, women’s
Australia 66-kV Transmission Line empowerment, and vocational train-
22-kV Transmission Line ing programs. In collaboration with
Figure 1. The Port Moresby and Ramu power systems, which provide service to the capital and ISV, the program will also provide
highlands. Not shown is the 42-MW system powering the island of New Britain. electricity, community intranet

System Average Interruption Frequency Index: System Average Interruption Duration Index:
265 Interruptions/Customer/Year 13,490 min/Customer/Year

Generation Other
Other 51% Distribution 12% Generation
3% 19% 33%


Generation or
Generation or Transmission
Transmission Transmission
Transmission 6%
11% 30%

Figure 2. Ramu System reliability statistics for Lae, a seaport on the east coast of PNG. Roughly 60% of generation-related interruptions are
caused by system underfrequency events. The reliability figures for customers in the highlands are even lower. (Data courtesy of the Japan
­International Cooperation Agency Study Team.)

20 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

capability, digital education, and entrepreneurial opportu- to a community, the power system must be complement-
nities, with regional expansion planned to reach all 700,000 ed by an equally complex array of social infrastructure
residents of the provinces of Jiwaka and Western Highlands. and community-based organizations so that the system
and its components are properly maintained, operated,
ISV Approach to Sustainability and Scalability and eventually replaced. Prior to the start of the design
ISV is the IEEE’s member-led, not-for-profit, humanitarian process, a network of local stakeholders, customer groups,
outreach program and one of the IEEE Foundation’s four financial mechanisms, and community organizations
priority initiatives. ISV enables community entrepreneurs must be established. During the installation and commis-
to empower their communities through capacity-build- sioning phase, the community must be an equal partici-
ing projects focused on the three pillars of energy, educa- pant so that core knowledge is transferred to full-time
tion, and enterprise. With a focus on field implementation staff through train-the-trainer processes.
of the SDGs, ISV has created a network of experienced In creating a holistically sustainable electrification pro-
entrepreneurs and village leaders engaged in community gram, only 20% of a project is installing technology; the
microutility infrastructure projects, humanitarian technol- remaining 80% is building trust-based community rela-
ogy transfer, community-based education, and holistically tionships, providing inclusive education, and developing
sustainable enterprise. ISV aims to empower 50 million holistically sustainable social businesses. Due to the com-
people by 2025, with plans for expansion in Africa, India, plexity of the process required to create a truly sustainable
South America, and Asia. project, advanced design and project management tools
ISV, through bottom-up and top-down participatory are needed. Those can be found in the discipline of sys-
development strategies, has been acting as the catalyst for tems engineering.
socioeconomic and technological change with eight years
of successful projects. Each new project builds upon an Systems Engineering
on-the-ground network of entrepreneurs and village lead- Systems engineering is a broad discipline that not only
ers who have previously led community infrastructure includes elements of electrical, mechanical, and civil engi-
projects addressing other SDGs, including clean water, neering but also integrates technical design with the
proper sanitation, affordable health care, quality educa- social, management, human, regulatory, and business
tion, sustainable agriculture, and gender equality. For each domains. It provides the holistic perspective needed to
community, lack of access to safe, clean, secure, and guide analysis, design, testing, integration, and deploy-
affordable sources of electricity has limited economic ment of complex systems formed from numerous interre-
growth and stalled efforts to eradicate poverty. lated components working together to achieve a common
The ISV development strategy is based on establishing goal—arguably a description of any power system.
long-term collaboration with in-country community entre- With systems engineering, traditional project manage-
preneurs who, in turn, are expected to build relationships ment’s focus on defining success in terms of scope, sched-
at both the local and national level with financial, social, ule, and budget is expanded to include other factors such
and governmental institutions. This approach eliminates as performance, cost, customer satisfaction, stakeholder
conflicts of interest with national utilities, raises awareness requirements, business opportunities, and individual tech-
and support for ISV initiatives, enables creation of comple- nical attributes. These must be balanced through tradeoffs
mentary infrastructure, and pro-
motes opportunities for increasing
the prosperity of villages surviving
on fewer than US$2 per day of per
capita income. Open sharing and
standardization of technology, busi-
ness models, education, vocational
training, community-wide enter-
prise, and ap­­proaches to funds lever-
aging have allowed the ISV model
to be implemented worldwide, reach-
ing over 100,000 people in 2017 with
a 50% annual growth rate.

Achieving Sustainability
Success of electrification projects
extends far beyond the design, in­­
Figure 3. Community members gather to celebrate the construction of a new water and sanita-
stallation, and commissioning of a tion facility at Papen Elementary School in the Madan community. [Photo courtesy of PNG CTC,
microgrid. To provide real benefits Inc. (Aarlie Hull).]

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 21

to achieve the best results. At the same time, systems engi- development of the community. The scale of community
neering extends the engineering design process to include enterprise extends far beyond electricity service. The cre-
client needs, use cases, operational scenarios, technologi- ation of reliable access to electricity enables information
cal maturity, risk analysis, functional requirements, perfor- communications technology (ICT) and other critical infra-
mance specifications, subsystem interfaces, production, structure that will transform the previously remote com-
deployment, operations, maintenance, and disposal. This munity into a regional hub that attracts new businesses,
sequence of analyses and considerations leads to the education programs, and further investment. The goal of
development of a systems engineering life cycle, of which community empowerment and capacity building drives
the project management life cycle is a subset. the enterprise development and management strategy to
A number of standards have been developed to model include other infrastructure, services, business opportuni-
the activities involved in systems engineering, including ties, training, ICT investments, and operations.
MIL-499B, IEEE-1220, EIA-632, and ISO-15288. The first A community infrastructure program is composed of a
three focus on individual processes and systems analysis/ series of partially interdependent projects and systems
control and so are of less relevance to the current discus- that form an SoS and cooperate to support and promote
sion. However, ISO-15288 integrates technical processes sustainable economic growth and social empowerment
with a set of enterprise-management and project-plan- throughout the community. The second layer of the enter-
ning tasks. Although these elements are not presented in prise systems hierarchy includes the interfaces and col-
sequential order, they form a foundation for creating a life laboration among a microgrid system and other systems,
cycle for electrification systems. such as those related to water, sanitation, electrical, infor-
mation technology, and wireless telecommunications. The
Community System-of-Systems Enterprise lower layers of the hierarchy are made up of multiple busi-
Although a microgrid typically represents a single system, nesses that may provide the same service (such as multi-
it actually forms part of a system-of-systems (SoS) hierar- ple islanded microgrids or service kiosks), individual
chy spanning social, economic, and technical levels, not systems, and their respective components.
unlike Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Arguably, the final The SoS structure for a community electrification and
mission of every electrification project is to improve the infrastructure can be explained in terms of the seven char-
quality of life for the residents of the community, as repre- acteristics of SoS originally outlined by Sage and Cuppan.
sented by community enterprise. This abstraction inte- xx Operational independence: An electrification microgrid
grates all the elements that contribute to eradicating forms the foundation for other infrastructure systems
poverty in a community and can be expressed through and community services that are independent and
the 17 UN SDGs, as depicted in Figure 4. individually useful.
More specifically, community enterprise represents the xx Managerial independence: The microgrid and other
organizations, entrepreneurs, processes, systems, technol- community systems typically are operated and man-
ogies, stakeholders, community members, and other re­­ aged independently. The entities responsible for the
sources that contribute to the holistically sustainable design, construction, operation, and maintenance of

and Empowerment
Providing Infrastructure,
Education, and
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Multiple Businesses and Projects
Working Together in a Single Operational
Area and SDG Advancement Mission

Individual Projects, Businesses, and

Infrastructure Systems

Physical Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic,

and Communications Components
Operational, Market, and Physical Environments

Figure 4. A hierarchy of elements forming the community infrastructure SoS including a map showing the UN SDGs corresponding to each sys-
tem level (i.e., system, subsystem, and component).

22 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

various systems (including those for electricity, water, prototyping, and incremental models. Although models
or communications technologies) may be unrelated developed for other applications share many of the same
but contribute toward the overall mission of the SoS. phases as those of an electrification program, most mod-
xx Geographic distribution: The systems typically are dispersed els first emphasize the development of specifications and
over a wide region of a community. Through the advance- then integration and testing, because these phases are
ment of communications access and Internet of Things essential for the successful deployment and production of
humanitarian technologies, the exchange of information new technologies and software.
among systems is becoming increasingly common. However, these phases are of less importance for the suc-
xx Emergent behavior: The overall goal of the SoS (to enable cess of community electrification programs. Few microgrid
sustainable development and capacity building) is not projects implement unproven, cutting-edge technologies (as
related to the direct functions of an individual microgrid are required for defense systems) but rather focus on the
or other system. design and operation of robust, durable, and reliable off-the-
xx Evolutionary development: The community SoS evolves shelf generation, energy storage, and controller components
continuously, with each new system not only that have already been integrated and tested by the manu-
changing the structure, mission, and role of the SoS facturer. Likewise, the significant differences between
but also enabling the addition and modification of va­rious custom software systems are not included in the
other systems. functional and performance requirements between one
xx Self-organization: The SoS represents a dynamic orga- microgrid and another. The complexity of community elec-
nization structure that responds in an agile manner trification lies in attaining the microgrid’s financial, techni-
to its environment and the objectives of the commu- cal, and operational sustainability so that it can successfully
nity program. reach its 20-year design lifespan.
xx Adaptation: The entire community enterprise (at the To address the need for a simple description of the pro-
pinnacle of the SoS) is itself responsive to changing cess to establish the required technical, financial, and or­­
community needs, technological acceptance, success ganizational support subsystems, we propose a new
of current projects, stakeholder inputs, and an array of electrification systems engineering life cycle. This model
socioeconomic factors. targets project planners, pro bono consultants, and in-
In the case of the Madan program, the highest level of country engineers seeking to collaborate with a series of
community-based infrastructure enterprise is organized communities to establish a community-based infrastruc-
and guided by the Madan CTC management authority as ture program capable of regional scaling. The proposed life
part of PNG CTC, Inc. (the local nonprofit responsible for cycle follows a spiral pattern, as shown in Figure 5, due to
construction, maintenance, and managerial oversight of the cyclical nature of building successive infrastructure pro-
the program) and small entrepreneurial businesses sup- grams within a single community and expanding these to
ported by the new infrastructure. The Madan CTC is addi- additional communities. Each phase of the life cycle will be
tionally responsible for providing community members, discussed and illustrated using the Madan community
sponsors, and other stakeholders with a forum to estab- empowerment program.
lish the continuous feedback loop necessary to keep the
community enterprise SoS agile and adaptive. Needs Analysis and Concept Development
The community center and maintenance monitoring staff The needs-analysis process is possibly the most impor-
operate at the second level, ensuring proper coordination of tant step for understanding the required project scope,
operations and maintenance of the systems. At the third level establishing a relationship with the community based on
are the individual systems and their operators who run small mutual trust, and creating the foundation for a successful
entrepreneurial businesses providing safe drinking water, regional program. This phase comprises far more than a
offering charging services for cell phones, operating portable simple survey of how many people in a village lack elec-
battery kits, collecting waste, and distributing tablets and tricity, what they are willing to pay, and how much kerosene
computers to community workshop participants at schools they burn. It is a comprehensive process that includes
and community centers. Finally, at the lowest two levels are the following:
the individual solar-power, digital classroom, community xx establishing relations with community leaders
intranet, water, and sanitation subsystems and the individual xx identifying potential local technical contributors
components of each system, such as solar panels, batteries, xx categorizing key stakeholders
computers, and wireless routers. xx recognizing factors that have limited electricity access
xx researching publications and records of prior project
The Engineering Life Cycle successes and failures
of Engineering Systems xx evaluating availability of supporting ICT
Several life-cycle models have been created for the devel- xx assessing access to education and vocational training
opment of defense technologies, software, and other com- xx gauging the familiarity of the community with mi­­
plex projects, including the waterfall, spiral, agile, rapid crogrid technologies

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 23

Validated Management
Community Organization
In-Field Preliminary System
Demonstration Services, Siting,
Electrification, Dep
Evaluation loy Sizing
Education, and eri
ng Plan ment
ine gn ning
Entrepreneurial g
En esi Pilot
Components D
Project Project

Op ecis sis

tim ion
Plan Functional and

D aly
ati nd

Microgrid and Performance
rific n a


ICT Design Specifications

Ve ratio

Specifications Community

Needs Defined

Infrastructure and
Business Plans
Fully Integrated Production and Operational and Concept
Hardware and Deployment Electrification

io y

at it
Organization Specifications

lid un

Focus Area

Va mm
Pro eplo

du yme

ctio nt

sis Concept

Operations and

Documentation Candidate
System Enterprise System
Remaining Capabilities Concepts
Commissioned Op Needs
and eratio
Operational Su ns
Systems ppo
Repeat Cycle with New Community
or New Infrastructure System

Community Enterprise

Figure 5. A spiral of community-based infrastructure: this system life-cycle model has been developed to address the challenges and consider-
ations involved in electrification projects.

Figure 6. Madan community members, who had never seen a tablet

computer before, gather around a project volunteer conducting a site Figure 7. A typical household in the PNG highlands. [Photo courtesy
survey. [Photo courtesy of PNG CTC, Inc. (Aarlie Hull).] of PNG CTC, Inc. (Maureen Yalde).]

appraising past records of maintenance, operation,

xx mapping existing assets for infrastructure and shared
and materials availability community services
compiling community income-generation sources
xx selecting candidate sites for preliminary in-field dem-
and local access to financing onstration systems.
estimating new jobs and entrepreneurial opportuni-
xx A detailed assessment covering the technical, social,
ties that will be created by electrification geographical, financial, cultural, and organizational aspects

24 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

Electric Service
ICT Service
Microentrepreneurs Customers Environment
Energy Input
Vocational Training Payment Field Support
Job Placement

Microutility Electrification Enterprise System

Delivered Equipment
Warranty Service
Training Operations Equipment


Program Engineering
Finance Management Design Specs
Manufacturing Specs

Loan Repayments
Project Proposals Needs Feedback Legal Requirements Design
Status Reports Validation Project Authorization Advice

Funding Agencies Community Leaders Regulators Pro Bono Consultants

Figure 8. A context diagram depicting some of the electrification enterprise system’s interfaces with its internal subsystems and external

of the community enables the development of a project

baseline justifying the need in both qualitative and quan- Operational Requirements: Why
titative terms (Figures 6 and 7). Concluding the needs-
analysis phase is an operations analysis that defines the Functional/Performance
general approach, estimates the value delivered to the Requirements: What and How Much
community, and lists operational objectives for the planned
electrification program.
The subsequent concept-development phase focuses
on converting the identified community needs into a set Electrification
of candidate enterprise system concepts. The first process Enterprise
is functional analysis, which identifies those new prod- SoS
ucts, services, or features that would be delivered to the Operational Operational
community by the electrification plan being considered. Concept: Scenarios:
The goal is to translate the operational objectives previ- Who and How Where and When
ously identified into a list of functions assigned to subsys-
tems. The analysis also identifies operational interfaces Figure 9. The triumvirate of conceptual design is a useful tool for
defining the concept of operations and system requirements as
both between internal subsystems and with external answers to seven simple interrogatives: why, what, how much, who,
stakeholders. These interfaces can be summarized in a how, where, and when.
context diagram, depicted in Figure 8.
A complete functional analysis enables the identifica- much, who, how, where, and when—and form the overall
tion of the operational, functional, performance, and phys- electrification enterprise system concept. It is important
ical requirements for the system, leading to the creation of that community leaders and key stakeholders be closely
a detailed concept of operations. A useful systems-engi- involved in this process to ensure that the resulting con-
neering tool for this process is the triumvirate of concep- cept of operations is relevant to community needs, cultur-
tual design, illustrated in Figure 9. The operational context, ally acceptable, and actually feasible.
operational scenarios, and system requirements are In the case of the Madan project, the needs-analysis pro-
answers to seven simple interrogatives—why, what, how cess (conducted in 2015) resulted in three parallel operational

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 25

Table 1. The concept development results for electrification of the Madan community
center, one of four parallel operational concepts established for the program.
Functional requirements Scalable, robust systems to provide reliable electricity for
Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting

Digital classroom technologies (computers, projectors, cameras, digital content servers,


Android tablets, printers, Wi-Fi routers)

Paid cell-phone charging

Charging of portable battery kits for home electrification


Operational requirements Sufficient lighting for operations after dusk and during periods of heavy rain

Delivery of power with sufficient quality and capacity for information technology equipment

and electronics for digital classrooms

Ability to store sufficient energy to provide at least two days of power during monsoons

Sufficient capacity for cell-phone charging


Ability to expand the system to allow charging of portable battery kits


Ability to power both ac and dc loads


Performance requirements Ability to power at least ten LED light bulbs per room with minimum luminosity

of 300 lm each
Ability to power a computer, projector, Wi-Fi modem, and intranet receiver with a maximum

power consumption of 50 W each

Ability to operate the system at maximum power for at least 12 h/day

Ability to charge at least 30 Android tablets with a maximum power use of 10 W for

use 3 h/day
Ability to charge at least 100 cell phones per day with a cell-phone battery capacity of 2 Ah

Ability to charge up to five laptops per day with a battery capacity of 50 Ah each

Portable Battery Kit Charging for

Rural Home Electrification


Power for Digital Classroom to Support

Community Education and Training

= Meter

Power for Cell Phone

Charging at Payment Kiosk

Figure 10. The concept of operations for electric service at the three community centers. PBK: portable battery kit.

26 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

Figure 11. Madan microutility managers with engineering volunteers Figure 12. Validation review with community leaders, local teachers,
from the United States and Australia drafting system requirements. installers, and other stakeholders. [Photo courtesy of PNG CTC, Inc.
[Photo courtesy of PNG CTC, Inc. (Aarlie Hull).] (Aarlie Hull).]

concepts for the first set of electrification systems designed to to manage the Madan water, sanitation, and education
serve as technology-demonstration platforms and provide infrastructure as separate components of its microutility
maximum initial social impact. The operational concepts project portfolio. Program management, oversight, and
focused on the electrification of an existing shared communi- funding would be provided through Transform Interna-
ty infrastructure, beginning with the following: tional, an NGO based in the United States and Canada.
1) formation of digital learning and empowerment hubs Revenue from residential and commercial electric service,
at the three Rotary community centers battery-charging services, and technology delivery fees
2) creation of electricity and education access for the 35 assessed from schools receiving electrification/digital edu-
schools within the project radius cation packages would pay for staffing, operations, mainte-
3) electrification of the Madan Medical Clinic for vaccine nance, upgrades, and expansion.
refrigeration and power of critical medical equipment The operational concept and functional analysis of the
4) improvement of electric supply reliability at the com- micro-utility were subsequently translated into a series of
munity coffee mill, which provides fair employment functional, operational, and performance requirements,
to 800 workers and was certified as the world’s fourth which are summarized for the community center deploy-
greenest coffee operation by Rainforest Alliance. ment strategy in Table 1. The associated concept of opera-
The operational concept created for the Madan com- tions is depicted in Figure 10.
munity consisted of a community-based organization fol-
lowing the proven enterprise model of a rural electric Validation, Optimization, and Planning
cooperative that would be responsible for stakeholder The next set of phases in the enterprise systems life cycle
management, customer relations, and the commission- brings the initiative from concept to an actionable plan for
ing, operation, and maintenance of the electrification deployment and operation of the electrification systems. The
infrastructure. The local microutility would also be respon- third phase, community validation, evaluates and verifies
sible for training community members as both staff and whether the proposed concept of operations and require-
customers. The community organization would continue ments are not only feasible but also likely to satisfy the

Table 2. Select optimization objectives for microgrid planning to maximize capacity

building, community empowerment, and socioeconomic impact.
Technical Economic Environmental Social
Reliability Fuel/operations cost Greenhouse gas emissions Social acceptability
Safety Installation cost Land use Ease of maintenance
Technical maturity Maintenance cost Renewables utilization Ease of training
Energy efficiency Revenue/profit Component toxicity Jobs creation
Renewable resource Monthly cost to customer Other environmental degradation Community services provided
Scalability Payback period Noise Energy policy
Equipment lifespan Financing Support of other nearby Relevance to community
infrastructure needs

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 27

The validation process must involve
Table 3. Configurations of the initial set of microgrid
all local community stakeholders to
installations in the Madan community.
ensure that the concept will be rele-
Photovoltaic ESS vant, acceptable, and practical. Fig-
Installation Capacity Capacity Voltage Site ures  11 and 12 show a local review
Community 2 kW 5 kWh 24 Vdc meeting with stakeholders. If commu-
centers nity leaders have some ICT access (e.g.,
3G cellular service), then it is possible
to expand the validation phase into a
continuous feedback process through
e-mail and video-conferencing soft-
Medical 5 kW 10 kWh 48 Vdc; ware. Hosting virtual meetings can
clinic 220 Vac, 1z enable the involvement of a global
team of pro bono consultants, provide
answers to site-specific questions
without the need for international trav-
el by experts, and reduce the delay in
Madan mill 20 kW 50 kWh 48 Vdc; receiving feedback and project-status
and busi- 415 Vac, updates from months to merely hours.
ness center 3z (T) The next phase in the life cycle
addresses preliminary optimization of
the system and decision analysis for
the electric services to be provided as
Pilot 0.5 kW 1 kWh 12 Vdc well as initial microgrid siting and siz-
schools ing issues. From the SoS standpoint,
the broad community impact and
empowerment opportunities created
by electrification require a much
Standalone 2.2 kW 5 kWh 24 Vdc broader perspective than that offered
Sunblazer by traditional power system optimiza-
solar charg- tion approaches based on levelized
ing kiosks cost of energy and system reliability.
Fortunately, systems engineering
offers a set of tools that have been
adapted to modeling, simulation, opti-
[Site photos courtesy of PNG CTC, Inc. (Aarlie Hull); Sunblazer photo courtesy mization, and decision analysis of
Nextek Power Systems (Wayne Gutschow).] complex systems with both quantita-
tive and qualitative attributes.
The appropriate siting and sizing
Table 4. A sample risk matrix for the Madan project. of distributed energy resources in a
Impact community microgrid are required to
ensure secure, economic, and reliable
Likelihood Low Medium High operations. Unlike traditional radi-
High Monsoon, earth- Random vandalism Theft of electrical al distribution feeders, electrification
quake and ICT equipment microgrids often have a meshed net-
work topology with frequent power-
Medium Late delivery Inability to build ICT Inability of com-
support systems for flow reversals depending on variations
from suppliers munity to maintain
operations system in renewable generation and load. Poor
siting of distributed generators (DGs)
Low Misuse of technology Inability to hire/train
and energy storage systems (ESSs) can
qualified staff
result in higher network losses, un­­
satisfactory voltage profiles, and poor
needs of the community and the sustainable development generator performance due to the unique topology and
objectives of the project. This phase generates an initial renewable resource distribution of every site. Optimal DG
infrastructure and enterprise development plan, as well as a and ESS sizing is also critical to achieving a balance
fully defined community capacity-building concept. between system reliability and installation cost.

28 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

–– Existing Grid
–– Existing 220-V Line
–– Planned Expansion

Figure 13. The EmpowerPack electrification education system, devel-

oped by the authors, provides a portable, instantly deployable system
for schools, medical clinics, or community centers with the latest ICT
and power technologies. [Photo courtesy of EmpowerPack Social Pur-
pose Corporation (Alexander Anderson).]

Optimization for microgrid planning often focuses on

solving an economic dispatch or unit commitment prob- 1 km
lem over a daily, weekly, or seasonal cycle using historical
data and predictions of renewable generation and load
Figure 15. The planned interconnection of Madan pilot demonstra-
growth. Multiple software tools, such as HOMER, have tion systems and initial distribution system expansion.
been developed to handle these planning tasks. However,
these methods do not include nonquantitative measures popular MCDM methods are based on utility theory and
of system performance that affect the sustainability and include multiattribute utility theory, the analytical hierar-
scalability of community electrification programs. chy process, and the simple multiattribute rating technique.
Multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are Utility theory allows the relation between the costs and
evaluation tools used in systems engineering for tradeoff benefits (or “utility”) of a particular alternative to be
analyses and selection of system configurations using both expressed in terms of multiple objectives, criteria, and pref-
quantitative and qualitative decision criteria. The most erence rankings. The amount of preference given to a par-
ticular attribute is expressed in
terms of a utility function that var-
ies between zero and one. Utility
Solar Input functions and MCDM methods
Wall enable a wide variety of technical,
Laser Projector USB 3.0 Charger Input
­e conomic, environmental, and
RJ45 Switches social objectives to be included in
Quick the optimization and decision-mak-
Charge 3.0 ing processes. Table 2 presents a
HDMI Thin-Film short list of criteria that can be used
Solar Panels
100–200 W in evaluating candidate micro­­grid
LED Lights
(2,000 lm) 5.5 × 2.1-mm
configuration alternatives.
Military-Grade 12-V Output Completion of the preliminary
Education Tablet Active Stylus optimization process leads to the
Up to 4-TB SSD or 15-TB HDD Waterproof Case creation (or revision) of a detailed
project-management plan that will
500-Wh Lithium Battery with guide the project through the re­­
MPPT Charge Controller
maining stages of design, produc-
tion, installation, commissioning,
Figure 14. An EmpowerPack standard solar ICT kit for a single classroom is capable of bringing and training. An effective planning
the latest digital education technologies to off-grid settings. USB: Universal Serial Bus; SSD: solid-
state drive; HDD: hard disk drive; MPPT: maximum power point tracking; HDMI: High-Definition document will include many of the
Multimedia Interface. elements of a traditional project

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 29

Ancillary Services TransCO

Scheduling Coordinator

Independent System Multimicrogrid Operator

Power Exchange Marketer

Microgrid 1

Sunblazer GenCO
DistCO Aggregator

Residential Business
Customer Customer
Operator Operator
Residential Business
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
Residential Business
Customer Customer
Customer Customer

Microgrid n

DistCO Aggregator GenCO

Residential Business
Customer Customer
Operator Operator
Residential Business
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
Customer Customer
Residential Business
Customer Customer
Customer Customer

— Power Sold by DistCo — Power and AS Bought by DistCo — Power Sold by GenCo — Money Flow

Figure 16. The conceptual framework for a future multimicrogrid transactive market in PNG. TransCO: transmission company; DistCO: distribution
company; GenCO: generating company; AS: ancillary services; PBK: portable battery kit.

30 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

management plan, such as a project scope, schedule, bud- design will be created for interconnecting nearby demon-
get, statement of work, business case, deliverables to the stration systems, electrifying all remaining schools, and
community, work breakdown structure, organization break- deploying home electrification systems throughout the
down structure, risk management plan, supplier manage- community with a combination of wired distribution sys-
ment plan, and communications plan. tems and portable battery kits. Figure 15 shows a map of
For the Madan project, a set of detailed optimization the first multimicrogrid interconnection in Madan. All of
studies using the optimization objectives listed in Table 2 the elements will subsequently be assimilated into the
were performed for each of the parallel microgrid dem- community-based microutility enterprise system, which
onstration projects at the three Madan community cen- will be responsible for final integration and validation of
ters, eight pilot schools, the medical clinic, and the coffee all system functions.
mill. The selected configurations for each system are sum-
marized in Table 3. Toward Regional Deployment
and Sustainable Operations
Demonstration, Design, and Integration The last set of phases in the electrification enterprise life
The focus of the next three phases of the electrification cycle focuses on the transition of the program from a set
enterprise system’s life cycle is risk mitigation. Total sys- of pilot demonstration projects into a cohesive regional
tem failure shortly after a successful “intervention” in a infrastructure SoS. The process involves an even wider
community is unfortunately a very common occurrence range of stakeholders and considerations, including the
worldwide. Such breakdowns can be attributed to failures establishment of dedicated equipment supply chains,
in earlier phases of the project, such as incomplete needs staff training programs, operating procedures, mainte-
analyses, lack of community engagement, and the absence nance schedules, customer relations teams, and financial
of an organizational structure to operate and maintain the mechanisms. As the Madan CTC progresses toward this
commissioned system. However, even if all the planning phase as an adaptive enterprise system, changes in even
and validation steps are followed, a vast array of risks still the microutility organization structure may be necessary,
threaten successful project deployment and long-term such as the transition from its current rural electricity
sustainability. Table 4 presents a sample risk matrix with a cooperative model to a community-based independent
few of the risk events considered for the first phase of the system operator with transactive market mechanisms
Madan electrification project. capable of coordinating a broad network of interconnected
One of the most effective tools for risk management in islanded and grid-tied microgrids. Figure 16 presents a
sustainable development is the deployment of a series of conceptual framework for this future model.
small-scale demonstration systems that enable evaluation
of candidate technologies in the actual community under For Further Reading
conditions impossible to simulate. Development, deploy- R. Podmore, R. Larsen, H. Louie, N. Johnson, and S. Saha, “Fuel-
ing sustainability: The exponential impact of empowering
ment, and evaluation of scaled prototypes of the actual
off-grid communities,” IEEE Electrific. Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp.
systems and critical components are essential to gauge 11–17, 2016.
whether the defined system concepts and preliminary A. Kossiakoff, W. Sweet, S. Seymour, and S. Biemerthe, Sys-
designs will be technically feasible, cost-effective, and tems Engineering Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ:
socially acceptable. Wiley, 2011.
A. Anderson, S. Suryanarayanan, and R. Podmore, “Capac-
Consequently, a series of demonstration systems will be
ity optimization of a community microgrid for rural electrifi-
constructed in Madan prior to the design and deployment cation,” in Proc. IEEE PES PowerAfrica, Accra, Ghana, 2017, pp.
of the full electrification program in the 10-km project radi- 423–428.
us. These demonstration systems will be located at the A. Sage and C. Cuppan, “On the systems engineering and
three community centers and test the effectiveness of por- management of systems of systems and federations of sys-
tems,” Inform. Knowledge Syst. Manage., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 324–345,
table battery kits, wired distribution, prepaid smart meters,
and other technologies. At the same time, the ability of Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2016). Power
local schools to operate digital classroom technologies will development master plan of Ramu power system. [Online].
be evaluated using the innovative EmpowerPack digital Available:
electrification education system developed by the authors
(Figures 13 and 14). Each of the EmpowerPack systems will Biographies
provide instantly deployable capabilities to equip schools, Alexander Anderson (
community centers, and other community facilities with is chair of Partner Engagement at the IEEE Smart Village
solar power, computers, Internet connectivity, ways to and is with EmpowerPack Social Purpose, North Bend,
access government curricula, adult vocational training Washington.
resources, and means for local content development. Siddharth Suryanarayanan (Sid.Suryanarayanan@
After the successful deployment and evaluation of the is with Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
demonstration systems in fall 2018, a full engineering 

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 31

By Ashok Jhunjhunwala and Prabhjot Kaur

Energy, dc
Ensuring quality power in rural India.

s the Leisang village in Manipur strengthened, and India attained a single national grid on

received electricity in April 2018, the prime 31 December 2013, such that power generated in surplus
minister of India announced that every areas could be transported to deficit regions. All of this
Indian village is now electrified. A village is helped in surplus power generation because the demand
considered electrified in India when 10% of did not pick up much in recent years. The social obligation
its homes receive electricity. However, the number of vil- to extend the electric grid to each village and then to at
lage homes that have electricity has now reached 84%, least 10% of its homes no longer had a fundamental bot-
with some 41 million households still without power. This tleneck. The target-driven approach of the prime minis-
village-electrification program has been going on for ter’s office helped to expedite the effort.
many years. Until a few years back, there was a large However, the power grid could not reach a significant
shortage of power with power demand exceeding supply, number of villages, especially in far-flung areas, deserts,
leading to no/a weak push to extend the grid to the village. mountains, and difficult terrains. A rooftop solar system
Over the last few years, when more coal power plants to provide electricity to these off-grid homes was a viable
became operational, the supply strengthened. At the same solution. Early efforts to put a solar light in each home
time, the energy costs for the solar and wind power- were not acceptable to many villagers as means of electri-
attained grid parity, enabling the addition of significant fication. They wanted a minimum of several lights, a fan, a
renewable power. Simultaneously, the power grid was cell phone charger, and a TV point. A conventional rooftop
solar system with ac output was too lossy and expensive.
Furthermore, these systems would not connect to the grid
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871277
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 if and when the grid could reach the village. A solar-dc

32 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

system evolved in India, which will be discussed later. The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras),
Such solar-dc systems became the basis of powering these had taken up the development of a 48-V solar-dc system
remote villages where the grid could not be extended. catering to not only off-grid homes but also to the ones
This article begins with stories of how the solar-dc with grid connection. Because power outages (power cuts)
systems were deployed in deserts and mountains to pro- are still common, varying from 30 min/day to 14 h/day in
vide electric power, describes the next frontier of such many rural areas, many homes use a battery-backed sys-
home systems, and discusses the limitations of such off- tem known as an inverter. IIT Madras developed a solar
grid systems as well as the existing grid-connected sys- system called Inverterless-500, with output power supplied
tems in rural areas in India. Village-level microgrids in dc form rather than converting it to an ac form. The sys-
appear to have some answers to these limitations. The tem interfaces directly with a solar panel varying in size
article concludes with a discussion on efforts to build between 125 and 500 watt peak [W(p)]. The grid input
such microgrids and the importance of distributed ener- (when the grid is available) is also up to 500 W, converted to
gy resources (DERs). 48 Vdc, and combined with solar output. The combined
output can charge a battery and provide a 48-Vdc distribu-
Off-Grid Homes in Difficult Terrain tion line within homes. When solar energy or the grid can-
India has a few million homes for which grid connections not supply the power output required, the battery output
will be very difficult and expensive. The villages are on pitches in. The system is designed to minimize conversion
mountains, in deserts, located remotely on islands, and losses. When solar energy directly powers the load, losses
across rivers. The best immediate option is to provide dis- are approximately 3%, whereas losses rise to 10% when
tributed solar-dc systems. solar power is first stored in the battery and later supplied

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 33

Table 1. Energy consumption for a typical rural household
with essential dc appliances and fixtures.
Average Power
Appliance Number Consumption (W) Daytime (h) Nighttime (h) Day Energy (Wh) Night Energy (Wh)
Fan 1 25 6 6 150 150
Lights 5 5 2 8 50 200
Cell phone 2 5 1 1 10 10
TV 1 25 5 5 125 125
Induction stove 1 400 1 1 400 400
Refrigerator 1 25 14 10 350 250
Mixer/churner 1 100 0.5 0 50 0
Cooler 1 50 8 4 400 200
Total 1,535 1,335

The daytime is assumed to be 14 h (5 a.m.–7 p.m.), and the night is assumed to be 10 h (7 p.m.–5 a.m.).

to the load. The grid-to-load losses

are limited to 6% and through the
battery it goes up to 15% when lithi-
um (Li)-ion battery storage is used.
Furthermore, as shown in Table 1 in
the article “Solar-dc Microgrid for
Indian Homes” (IEEE Electrification
Magazine, June 2016), the power
usage goes down significantly when
dc-powered dc appliances are used.
The net result is that a 125-W solar
panel can power a small home in­­­
cluding multiple lights, a fan, a
TV, and a cell phone charger when
used with a battery of 1.25 kWh.
The solar systems become relative-
ly inexpensive, each costing approx-
imately US$400, and includes solar
panels, the Inverterless-500, a bat-
tery, fans, lights, and a cell phone
charger. The size and weight are
small too. The systems can be car-
ried to difficult terrain and have
been used to provide power in homes
in remote areas in some of the states
of India including Assam, Manipur,
Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan,
and Madhya Pradesh.
The transportation and deploy-
ment of these solar-dc systems
were nevertheless a challenge. The
state of Rajasthan had desert areas
with scattered homes. Normal
Figure 1. The solar systems deployed in the villages of the 16 districts of Assam: Barpeta, Bon-
gaigon, Cachar, Dhemaji, Dhubri, Dibrugarh, Dima Hasao, Goalpara, Hailakandi, Jorhat, Kamrup, vehicles could not be taken to those
Karbi Anglong, Lakhimpur, Nalbar, Sonitpur, and Tinsukia. (Image courtesy of Bing Maps.) areas; tractors and camels were

34 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

used in these instances. The challenge of Assam
was its villages scattered across the length and
breadth of the state, as shown in Figure 1. The ter-
rain was either hilly (the Himalayan mountain
region) or contained river banks (Brahmaputra
regions). Multiple modes of transportation were
required to reach a village. Roads are mud with no
tarring, making it difficult to travel during rains
because they become muddy and slushy. Trucks
could get stuck in the slush, slide, and fall off the
mountain. Material was moved in small trucks,
and tractors were used where the incline was very
steep. The last lap almost always involved head
loading/hand carrying of material. This part some-
times took up to four days. Manipur involved sim-
ilar challenges. Figure 2 shows the poles to mount
solar panels being carried up the mountains in
Manipur, and Figure 3 includes the transportation
of solar panels and the Inverterless-500 system. Figure 2. Workers carrying the poles to install the solar panels in off-grid village
homes in Meghalaya.
River bank terrains required multiple modes
of transportation to reach villages, including
small trucks to the river bank, buffalo carts from small Despite all the difficulties involved in taking the mate-
trucks to the ferry, and the ferry to across the river. When rial to the villages, there is a great joy when a home is
the river depth becomes very shallow or the bed dries up in electrified and fans and cell phone chargers are enabled.
the summer, material is hand-carried across the river. All of Beneficiaries are identified, and their eligibility for electric-
this involves multiple loading/unloading of materials. In ity connections along with applicant photographs and
Figure 4, the material is being carried across the river and identity proof are registered on the spot, as shown in Fig-
on buffalo carts in Assam. Multiple loading/unloading of ure 5. The great reward is changing the lives of the people
solar materials makes the work proceed very slowly. getting electricity.

Figure 3. The solar panels and inverterless system being transported to villages through the hills of the Himalayas.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 35


(a) (c)

Figure 4. The materials being transported by river to remote villages in Assam on boats and buffalo carts: (a) being loaded onto the boat,
(b) shipped to destinations, and (c) unloaded.

The Approach Has Some Limitations is as important as the ability to provide power. The chal-
There is little doubt that this combined approach of taking lenge now will be uninterrupted electricity supply at
the grid to the villages and using decentralized solar sys- affordable tariffs.
tems, where taking the grid becomes very difficult, is Even though India has surplus power, the power distri-
an important milestone in electrifying India. But the bution companies (DISCOMs) of most states experience
approach has its limitations. The quality of power-supply losses and have a large debt. Writing off debt in the past has
not helped, as the losses quickly
build back up. Power theft contrib-
utes to a significant extent toward
the Indian DISCOMs large transmis-
sion and distribution losses. Con-
versely, the income of a large section
of the Indian population is rather
low. Even though the political com-
pulsion keeps the tariffs low, most
low-income homes consume very
little as they cannot afford higher
power bills. The problem becomes
more severe in rural areas, where
most people have low incomes.
Transmission losses are higher, the
voltage in the rural grid often falls to
an unacceptable level, and people
often default on their power bills.
Therefore, the DISCOMs limit the
power they provide on the rural grid
(a) (b) using power cuts as high as 14 h/
day. The quality of the power supply
Figure 5. (a) The delivered materials at a village home and (b) the installed system in a home. to rural areas is severely limited.

36 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

The poor quality and low affordability implies that Highly Energy-Efficient Appliances and Fixtures
1)  rural households cannot expand the use of electricity Reducing the power consumed by an appliance is essential
and 2) rural industry cannot prosper. The off-grid rooftop to help reduce the electricity costs for a rural low-income
deployment using solar-dc has similar dilemmas. A 125-W consumer. Making the equipment dc powered is an impor-
solar panel may give effective energy (taking into account tant step, as most appliances inherently need only dc
all losses) of little more than 500 Wh/day. This may be ade- power. An induction motor-based ceiling fan, widely used in
quate for home lighting, a fan, cell phone charging, and TV India and deployed in off-grid homes, would consume
usage for a limited time when low-power dc appliances 72 W of ac power at full speed. The power consumption of
and fixtures are used. Let us look at these in more detail. the fans was reduced to merely 30 W at full speed, when a
48-Vdc-powered brushless dc motor (BLDC) motor-based fan
Next Frontier for Rural Household was used. In a similar manner, a dc-powered dc motor-based
Rural households in India are looking forward to some of refrigerator is being developed, so that the average power
the conveniences that urban India enjoys. They would consumed will go down substantially. An air cooler is a big
like to have a small refrigerator, a mixer, a butter churner blower of air through a wet honeycomb or wood-wool
(in many parts of the country), and an air cooler. Al­­ sheet into a home; it works very well in a dry and hot cli-
though it is not on the radar of most homes, a very mate. The company Zazen has developed a dc-powered
important need is having an electric cooker. Today, most BLDC air cooler, which consumes only 60 W at peak speed,
low-income rural households cook using biomass com- as opposed to 125 W for the equivalent ac air cooler. A
bustion. The smoke emitted is a se­­rious health hazard switched-reluctance motor-based 48-Vdc food mixer/
and impacts mostly women and children. Their lives grinder consumes a peak power of 150 W, as opposed to
would be very different if a pollution-free electric cook 350 W for an equivalent ac mixer. A similar butter churn-
stove was available. The cost of the appliance may not be er is also being developed. Pictures of some dc appliances
a serious bottleneck but the cost of quality and reliable used in our system package are shown in Figure 6.
electricity limits the usage. An induction cooker is one of the most important dc
equipment used in rural areas. A 48-Vdc-powered, energy-
Rural Industry efficient dc induction stove is being developed that, even
Most people practice agriculture in rural areas. The pro- at 500-W peak power, can do most of the cooking. If the
ductivity is not very high, and the number of people power is increased to 700 W, the induction stove becomes
employed is large. No other employment is available an excellent cooking stove. Of course, the energy con-
because there is hardly any industry in rural India. Young sumed for cooking is not going to be too small. It may take
men are migrating to urban areas but, the rest of the pop- approximately 700–1,000 Wh/day to cook for four people
ulation continue to be highly underemployed in agricul- in a rural home. Also, the cooking is not limited to daytime
ture. For rural industry to take off, the buying and selling when the sun is present. Therefore, at least a part of this
of goods and raw materials, transportation, and electricity energy may have to be stored. Another type of equipment
are the biggest problems. With mobile phones reaching that would be highly relevant to rural India is a water
most rural areas, the buying and selling problem has pump. There are several BLDC motor pumps today. But
been eased. As roads to villages increasingly improve, even the induction motor pumps with a variable frequen-
auto-rickshaws are taking care of the transportation cy drive yield excellent result.
need. The biggest bottleneck is quality electricity. The low
voltage and power cuts make the electricity-dependent
rural industry unviable. Low affordability adds to the
problem. Rural industry depends on a diesel generator for dc Fan
dc Tubelight
electricity, costing about four to five times that of grid- 14 in
based electricity.

An Alternative Approach: Solar-dc to Microgrids

To make electricity economically viable for low-income
people in rural India, both for home usage as well as rural
dc Induction Stove
industry, a different approach is required. It would include
the following:
xxdevelopment of highly energy-efficient appliances dc Air Cooler
and fixtures
dc Refrigerator
xxconnecting the solar-dc system to the electric grid
xxa new kind of rural microgrid enabling the sharing of dc Bulb dc TV
Let us look at these in more details. Figure 6. The dc appliances.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 37

The importance of such energy-efficient appliances and during the day (e.g., 14 h) and at night (10 h). The energy
fixtures cannot be understated. They will quite often be required in this example is 1,535 Wh during the day and
used when grid power is not there and would depend on 1,335 Wh at night. A 375-W(p) solar panel will deliver
solar power and power through batteries. The latter power 1,500 Wh of energy in most of India, considering the con-
source is quite expensive and needs to be minimized. The version and cable losses. Thus, a 375-W(p) solar panel and
best way to do this is via dc-powered appliances/fixtures. close to 1.4 kWh taken from the grid would adequately
meet the requirement. A 1.25-kWh battery will be enough
Grid-Connected Solar-dc Systems even with 14-h power cut. If the 250-W(p) solar panel is
As appliances/fixtures get added to homes, and especially used, the consumption from the grid would be larger, and
the induction stove, 125- or 200-W solar panels will not be a larger battery may have to be used.
sufficient to provide the required energy. Fortunately, the The second option can be used when the grid is absent
Inverterless-500 can use up to a 500-W solar panel. Increas- in the location. One of the limitations of the stand-alone
ing the size of the solar panel would increase the cost but solar-dc system at individual homes is that the home has
not be too large an amount. The 1.25-kWh Li-ion battery to consume all the energy, minus the losses, that the solar
that was used with the system would not be enough. One system generates. It has a battery to store excess energy or
could use a larger battery (e.g., 2.5 kWh) but that would add take deficit energy on some specific days but, the small
substantially to the costs. What are the options? storage will overflow or underflow quickly. If one home has
The first option would be to connect the solar-dc sys- excess energy on most days and a nearby home has deficit
tem to the grid. Even if the grid is unreliable and available energy, the two cannot share. If the nearby homes are con-
only for about 10 h/day, the 250- to 375-W(p) solar-dc sys- nected to each other, the excess energy can be shared with
tem with the 1.25-kWh battery may be adequate to provide a deficit-energy home whenever required. This will also
all the power required by the home. Table 1 provides the reduce the storage required at each home and, therefore,
power consumed by different appliances and fixtures reduce the costs. Microgrids that provide such connections
become important.
Here, we present two types of
rural microgrids. Figure 7 illustrates
the first one. Here, solar-dc systems
in individual homes are connected to
each other on a 380-Vdc microgrid.
48 Vdc

48 Vdc

48 Vdc

48 Vdc

The 380-Vdc connection is bidirec-

tional. The solar-dc system at the
homes can take in energy from or
give out energy to the microgrid, thus
380 Vdc sharing energy between homes. If a
home uses an appliance on some
days for a longer time, it can draw
Figure 7. A 380-Vdc microgrid connecting the solar-dc system at each home. power from other homes in the grid
that have excess stored power. The
control for such a system is decen-
tralized. Based on the state of the
battery, the home is placed in a sur-
plus mode, when power can be
drawn from it, or in a deficit mode,
48 Vdc

48 Vdc

48 Vdc

48 Vdc

when it can draw power from the

microgrid. The state surplus or defi-
cit can be changed by the local con-
troller any time. The controller can
also limit the maximum current
380 Vdc that a home can draw or deliver
dynamically. When a home in the
deficit state attempts to draw power
from the microgrid, all homes in the
Storage surplus state will contribute. If none
of the homes are in the surplus
Figure 8. The microgrid with centralized power-generation sources like wind and solar and central- state, the home will not be able to
ized storage. draw power.

38 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

The second type of microgrid does much more than within homes. There was, however, a strong logic: the solar
sharing. Although it connects the solar-dc systems of each photovoltaic system produces dc power, storage (batteries)
home to a 380-Vdc microgrid that enables power sharing takes in and out only dc power, and most appliances and
between homes, this microgrid has power generation fixtures are dc powered. The ac-to-dc conversion, and vice
sources and storage. As shown in Figure 8, the centralized versa, amounted to large losses, especially when the power
power generation sources could be wind and/or solar. The levels used were small. The dc distribution at homes
centralized storage can be large and store excess ener- reduced the losses and, therefore, reduced the size of the
gy from a home or from centralized sources. Also, it is possi- solar panel and batteries used as well as the overall costs.
ble to connect the power grid to this microgrid when The solar-dc system contributed significantly to getting
available. The grid itself is 380 Vdc. electricity to every village in India by last April.
It is envisaged that the solar-dc system in each home as While this met the immediate needs of low-income
well as the centralized power generation and power rural homes, it was not enough to provide quality power
storage has communication capability [e.g., General Pack- for rural homes or rural industry in the future. The power
et Radio Service (GPRS)]. Through this, each source, storage, grid is nonexistent or highly unreliable in several places.
and consumption point share the data with a centralized The dc standalone homes do not share power with each
power management system (PMS). The PMS can decide on other, and rural industry still depends on expensive
the extent of power to be stored at any time at each home power from a diesel generator. A different approach was
and centralized storage as well as which node will transmit needed to provide reliable power to India’s remote and
and which will receive the power, while sharing power. If rural areas. In this article, two novel microgrids are pro-
there is an overall shortage of power, the PMS can inform posed to connect the decentralized resources and loads
the individual node to restrict usage. as possible means to overcome this issue. The first is a
simple 380-V microgrid so that solar-dc homes can share
Microgrid in Jharkhand Using the DERs the excess power with each other when needed. The sec-
A microgrid with the DERs, like that described in Figure 8, is ond type of microgrid does more than sharing, as the dc
being built in the state of Jharkhand in India jointly by IIT microgrid itself has power-generation sources and stor-
Madras and ABB India Pvt Limited and is supported by the age. These robust solutions are expected to provide power
Ministry of Human Resources and Development. The current to rural India. These microgrids are being installed in
power supply to all homes, industries, and water pumps in Jharkhand and the Andaman Islands over the coming
the village is provided by such a microgrid. The only differ- year and will help pave the way for future solutions for
ence is that the village grid is not 380 Vdc but three-phase rural India.
440 Vac, commonly used in India. The centralized source of
power is solar. The electric grid is also connected to the For Further Reading
microgrid with a two-way power transfer capability between S. Shah. (2017, Mar. 14). Why Indian solar process will fall further,
by how much and when. Green World Investor. [Online]. Available:
them. The electric grid today is highly unreliable and has
power cuts in excess of 10 h/day. The distribution at each solar-prices-will-fall-further-by-how-much-and-when/
home and industry is a combination of 48 Vdc and 230 Vac A. Jhunjhunwala, A. Lolla, and P. Kaur, “Solar-dc microgrid
(on two separate circuits). There is a provision of homes for indian homes: Transforming power scenario,” IEEE Electrif-
shutting down their ac supply, in case of an overall power ic. Mag., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 10–19, June 2016.
A. Jain, A. Ramji, and S. Ashraf, Innovations for the Last Mile:
shortage. With the new microgrid, many homes will have
Evaluating Prices, Performance and Perceptions for Decentralised
their own solar system and battery, making the power gener- Solar dc Electrification. New Delhi, India: Council on Energy,
ation distributed. As mentioned previously, the load manage- Environment and Water, 2017.
ment is an inherent part of this experiment. P. Kaur, S. Jain, and A. Jhunjhunwala, “Solar-dc deploy-
Yet another pilot is likely to occur at Andaman and ment experience in off-grid and near off-grid homes:
Economics, technology and policy analysis,” in Proc. IEEE
Nicobar Island of India as an Indo-Sweden project, sup-
Int. Conf. dc Micro­­grids, Atlanta, GA, 2015. doi: 10.1109/
ported by the Department of Science and Technology, ICDCM.2015.7152004.
Government of India. This pilot will use a 380-Vdc microgrid Guidelines for 48v ELVDC Distribution System, Bureau of Indi-
for the village and 48 Vdc for power distribution within an Standard Draft ETD50 (11294), 2017.
homes and industries. It will have centralized wind and
solar generation, in addition to centralized storage. Each Biographies
home and centralized resource will be manageable. The Ashok Jhunjhunwala ( is with the
strategy of managing the DER and loads will evolve to Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
provide optimal utilization. Prabhjot Kaur ( is the chief exec-
utive officer of the Centre of Battery Engineering and Elec-
Conclusion trical Vehicles at the Indian Institute of Technology,
The rooftop solar-dc systems for homes and small offices Madras, Chennai.
was a departure from the 100-year-old practice of using ac 

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 39

By Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Prabhjot Kaur,
and Sushant Mutagekar

Electric Vehicles
in India
A novel approach to scale electrification.

ver the last few years,

electric vehicles (EVs) have
captured the imagination of
people in many parts of the
world. Approximately 1.1 mil-
lion passenger EVs (cars) were sold in 2017,
up by about 57% from the previous years.
China contributed 600,000 vehicles, the
United States had 200,000 and Europe
125,000. EV sales in Norway constituted
50% of all vehicle sales. Several nations
have announced that their vehicles will be
fully electric by 2025, 2030, or 2040. General
Motors, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen, and oth-
ers demonstrated their EV ambitions by
making major EV announcements, while
Chinese automakers like BAIC and Chan-
gan announced they will sell only EVs after
2025. According to Bloomberg, the global
EV sales will grow by 40% in 2018. U.S.
sales are expected to exceed 300,000 units,
and European sales should reach around
400,000, with Germany as the leader. China
will lead the way in four-wheeled vehicle
as well as electric bus sales. Beijing has
committed to completely switch over its
taxi fleet of around 70,000 vehicles by 2020.
Moreover, by the end of 2018, charging
infrastructure is expected to constitute
almost 700,000 stations.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871278

Date of publication: 16 November 2018

40 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

India has recognized that EVs are the future of road world with large government support and subsidies. In
transportation. However, even with EVs’ much higher fact, subsidies in the United States, Europe, and China
energy efficiency and significantly fewer moving parts range from 30% to 40% of the total cost. However, the Indi-
(and, thus, significantly higher reliability), customers an government was not in a position to provide large sub-
often avoid purchasing EVs today only because of their sidies, even though some tax concessions and limited
higher costs. Because lithium (Li)-ion battery prices are incentives could have been possible. Making any signifi-
falling rapidly, it is a matter of only a few years before cant headway in such a situation looked like an impossible
EVs become a preferred vehicle in India. So far, only a task. However, the task force did not give up and persisted
lone company, Mahindra Rewa, sells a small number of in finding a solution for the Indian context.
cars every year. Only in 2017 did the industry and gov-
ernment take note that, if they failed to act, they would India’s Unique Situation
lose the race, and the country would be flooded with India’s vehicle composition is very different from that in
imported EVs. Besides, in most large cities, India’s air many other parts of the world. Table 1 shows the annual
quality is incredibly poor. Petrol/diesel vehicles con- sales of different kinds of vehicles over the last six years. It
tribute significantly to such pollution, and EVs can pro- is obvious that two-wheelers dominate the Indian automo-
vide the answer. bile sector (a typical traffic scenario on the road is shown in
Industry, academia, and research and design (R&D) per- Figure 1). Three-wheeler taxis (called autos) operate all over
sonnel (with some government support) got together in India and carry a large number of passengers. The com-
2017 and created a task force to figure out a solution. The mercial vehicle segment including buses and trucks rose
group realized that EVs were being promoted all over the to 856,000 units during 2017–2018. Buses represent a

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 41

Table 1. Automobile sales trends (data from the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers).
Category 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014 2014–2015 2015–2016 2016–2017
Passenger vehicles 2,629,839 2,665,015 2,503,509 2,601,236 2,789,208 3,046,727
Commercial vehicles 809,499 793,211 632,851 614,948 685,704 714,232
Three-wheelers 513,281 538,290 480,085 532,626 538,208 511,658
Two-wheelers 13,409,150 13,797,185 14,806,778 15,975,561 16,455,851 17,589,511
Total 17,361,769 17,793,701 18,423,223 19,724,371 20,468,971 21,862,128

and 150,000 and is not affordable at higher

prices. The same is the case of four-wheeled
passenger vehicles. Though the number of these
vehicles is also growing substantially, 28% of
them cost below 0.5 million and 56% cost
between 0.5 and 1 million. Only 16% of the
vehicles are sold at a price exceeding 1 million
(US$15,000), as shown in Table 2.
There are other ways Indian vehicles differ
from those used elsewhere in the world. Most
vehicles in Indian cities are driven at low speeds,
averaging under 25 km/h, so the vehicles have to
be designed to be energy efficient at such speeds.
Furthermore, they rarely travel long distances. A
privately owned two-wheeler would typically
travel 20–30 km, and a four-wheeler would travel
Figure 1. The typical traffic pattern on Indian roads (Sardar Patel Road, Chennai, India).
about 30–40  km/day. Besides, the ambient tem-
perature in most parts of the country is over 35 °C
and can exceed 45 °C on many days. One needs to
understand the impact of these temperatures on
Table 2. Costs of passenger vehicles
the life cycles of EV batteries when they are being
(four-wheelers) in India.
charged as well as discharged.
Cars Sold in India (%) EV charging infrastructure is a major ex­­
Price Range 2015–2016 2016–2017 2017–2018 pense everywhere in the world. Who would
build such an expensive infrastructure in India,
Below 500,000 28.02 28.85 27.43
especially because it is unlikely to financial­­
0.5–1 million 55.49 54.96 56.48 ly break even for a long time to come? In India,
interest rates on capital hover over 10%, making
1–1.5 million 15.29 15.23 14.65
it difficult to invest and receive returns over the
Above 1.5 million 1.20 0.96 1.43 long run.
Most importantly, because India’s EV program
Source: The sale figures and costs are compiled from the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
and selling market prices in India. will get no subsidy (or only a very limited one), the
country needs to determine how its EV strategy
can evlove so that it will not require a substantial
significant part of this total and provide public transport for financial subsidy from the government.
a large segment of India’s population. Therefore, if India It was clear to the task force that it must evolve an ap­­
could start its EV program with two-wheeled and three- proach different from that adopted elsewhere and consider
wheeled public vehicles, it would make a large impact, both India’s uniqueness as a strength. Stakeholders must be
socially as well as in terms of the environment. City buses courageous in the ways they innovate and come up with
could follow. approaches that make commercial sense in India today.
The second point that needs to be understood is the
low cost and affordability of such vehicles in India. Two- India’s Strategy
wheelers mostly retail between 40,000 and 100,000 Given the constraints/opportunities discussed previously,
(dominated by low-speed scooters with a price lower than India’s EV strategy evolved by focusing on
55,000). A three-wheeler auto sells for between 130,000 1) the energy efficiency of EVs

42 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

2) adding battery swapping as an option to charging and
developing a charging and swapping infrastructure
3) an end-to-end battery ecosystem from materials to
battery pack
4) the generation of demand, especially with electric
public transport.
The strategy resulted in a unique approach for India’s EV
ramp-up. We will illustrate this with an example of an
electric auto widely used for public transport.

Energy Efficiency Enhancement

The focus was to minimize the use of energy (watt-hours)
per kilometer of travel. A typical electric three-wheeler
auto [like the one shown in Figure 2(a)] consumed 80 Wh/
km on Indian roads in early 2017. Because this was con- (a)
sidered excessive, a goal was established to reduce
consumption to 45 Wh/km. It then appeared to be an
impossible task. Brushless dc electric motors or switched
reluctance motors were designed to replace induction
motors. Tires were improved to lower rolling resistance,
and attempts were made to reduce the weight of the vehi-
cle. Finally, creating better vehicle aerodynamics helped in
enhancing energy efficiency.
Over the last ten months, most auto manufacturers
have reduced their products’ energy consumption to
below 52 Wh/km. The 35% reduction in energy usage
means that the battery size required to travel a certain
distance decreases by 35%. Because the battery dominates
the costs of the EV, this reduction is substantial, cutting
the subsidy required. More can be accomplished in the
future. Distributed motors will be one way to go. The strat- Figure 2. (a) An electric auto (the most widely used example of a
egy of enhancing energy efficiency is paying dividends in general three-wheeler) and (b) an electric rickshaw.
all kinds of EVs. In the case of city buses,
the energy requirement has been reduced
by 40%.

Battery-Swapping Options
Even though enhanced energy efficiency
brought the vehicle’s capital cost down,
some subsidy was still required if EVs
were to compete with petrol-based autos.
The cost for a battery that provides a
desirable range would still be substantial.
What if one used a much smaller battery
size, say, a third of what would provide an
acceptable range? This requires fast-
charging several times in a day, and the
low-cost batteries used could not be
charged fully in less than an hour. Waiting
an hour for batteries to charge is unac-
ceptable. What if one could simply swap
the discharged battery with a charged
one? Figure 3 presents the easy swapping (a) (b)
mechanism developed for a three-wheel-
er and an example of chargers used for Figure 3. The swapping of batteries with (a) one of the batteries being taken out of a
such three-wheeler batteries. The waiting three-wheeler and (b) a charger used for these modular, swappable small batteries.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 43

time would now decrease to a few It is important that charge the swappable battery them-
minutes—quite acceptable to the selves and, instead, would return it as
auto driver. The engineering challeng- customers not be soon as it is significantly discharged.
es involved in handling and fastening To ensure this, locked smart batteries
batteries and using appropriate long-
able to charge the were designed. Such a battery cannot
life connectors were addressed. One swappable battery be charged except by an EO-autho-
big advantage is that batteries no lon- rized charger and can be discharged
ger need to be fast-charged in the themselves and, only by the vehicle for which it is
vehicle, especially at high ambient leased. This is accomplished by dis-
temperatures. The vehicle could be
instead, would return connecting the battery from the ter-
ready to leave within minutes. The it as soon as it is minals/connectors internally and
swapped-out battery can be taken to allowing a communication protocol
a conditioned indoor environment significantly to be on only at the beginning. The
and charged in about 2 h. This would battery first communicates with the
preserve the life cycles of even low-
discharged. authorized charger or vehicle, and
cost battery chemistries. The batteries encrypted tokens are passed for
would no longer be sold with the ve­­ authentication (similar to a block-
hicles; instead, a separate business, referred to as an ener- chain). Upon authentication, the battery is connected to its
gy operator (EO), would purchase the battery, charge it, and terminals, allowing the input and output of energy.
lease it to a vehicle at different outlets. An EO would have Furthermore, the battery communicates with the vehi-
to set up a large number of swapping stations so that a cle controller and stores (in its battery management sys-
vehicle could easily access one when needed. tem) complete data about vehicle usage, including speed
For an EO’s battery-swapping venture to be successful, it and acceleration every second and the amount of energy
is desirable that a common battery be used in different used. It also stores information concerning the battery’s
manufacturers’ autos. The automobile manufacturers in state of charge, the state of balance of cells, and the tem-
India got together and determined this common battery, perature of each cell. A vehicle-to-battery protocol is
confining themselves to the establishment of battery ener- defined to enable this as well as the authentication. Simi-
gy capacity (in kWh) and minimum number of life cycles larly, a battery-to-charger communication protocol is
as well as the maximum size and the maximum weight. defined. After authentication, the charger picks up all the
These manufacturers also defined the connector and the stored information from the battery and sends it to the
communication protocols the battery will use to talk to a cloud. While charging the battery, it also receives infor-
vehicle and to a charger, but they left the chemistry to the mation on cell balance, cell voltage, and currents and
battery manufacturers. Thus, as newer chemistries emerge, temperature. There is an option of adding a global posi-
batteries incorporating these can be used. While this tioning system to the vehicle and recording the position-
description is for battery swapping in a three-wheeler, it ing information in the cloud. All these data are then
also works for buses, two-wheelers (e-scooters), and four- processed to determine an individual’s driving habits, the
wheelers (passenger vehicles), as discussed later. vehicle’s performance (especially its energy efficiency),
Hitherto, it was understood that the charging infra- and the battery behavior during charging and discharg-
structure is a precondition for EVs to work, but battery ing. The latter will help to ensure that the battery is used
swapping adds a new dimension. Because battery swap- optimally and has a long life.
ping is economically viable, businesses can set up battery The careful design of the battery-swapping and com-
swapping and the required battery-charging infrastruc- munication protocols ensures that the battery-swapping
ture. This would enable EV usage to take off. Vehicle charg- business becomes viable. At the same time, the user bene-
ing can then be added by the same business that sets up fits in comparison to using a petrol vehicle.
the battery-swapping infrastructure based on require-
ments. The difficult problem of setting up charging infra- Battery Ecosystem
structure is largely resolved. The battery is the key subsystem that makes EV use possi-
ble and dominates the cost of EVs. A nation cannot trans-
Digitalization of the Battery-Swapping Operation verse to full electric mobility without building a sound
The battery-swapping operation, involving charging and battery ecosystem. India’s low affordability implies that it
swapping, payment for different services, and perfor- should choose the lowest-cost battery. Table 3 provides dif-
mance monitoring, is quite complex. This is simplified by ferent Li-ion battery options available today. Note that Li
the digitalization of the whole process, assisted by mobile cobalt oxide (LiCoO2)/graphite, nickel cobalt aluminum
telephony. The EO would charge for the leased battery oxide (NCA)/graphite, and nickel manganese cobalt (NMC)/
based on kilowatt-hour usage and the term of the bat- graphite are not only the lowest-cost options, but they
tery’s lease. It is important that customers not be able to have the highest specific energy in terms of watt-hour per

44 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

kilogram. This makes them the light- The country has temperature conditions quality me­­
est among the Li-ion cells. These cells, chanical design ensuring that each
however, have moderate cycles unless begun to recycle cell has the right pressure a battery
silica is added to the graphite anode. management system ensuring bal-
Others used ceramic separators to
existing batteries, anced charging and discharging of
enhance the number of life cycles. It mastering recovery cells and guaranteeing that no cell
is expected that some variations of has thermal runaway.
these chemistries are likely to have of 90%–95% of such India does not have the technology
specific energy in excess of 400 Wh/kg to manufacture commercial Li-ion
and cell costs of about US$80/kWh in
materials from used battery cells that can compete with
the future. batteries in an the rest of the world’s. The approach
The other drawback for these cells here is to invite international compa-
is their poor high-temperature behav- environmentally nies that have the best cells. The most
ior and safety aspects. Careful ther- complex part is getting the materials.
mal design and the design of a battery
friendly manner with India does not have the resources
management system needs to ad­­ zero effluents. needed. Therefore, the country has
dress these weaknesses. An alterna- begun to recycle existing batteries,
tive is NMC/lithium titnate (LiTO), mastering recovery of 90%–95% of such
which has excellent life cycles, can materials from used batteries in an
withstand high temperatures, and is safe. The problem of environmentally friendly manner with zero effluents. The
these cells is the weight and cost. Unless the battery used task force recognized that India’s Li-ion battery material
is very small and charged very frequently, the NMC/LiTO strategy must be based on such urban mining.
option is not attractive.
The lithium iron phosphate (LiFP) cells fall in between. Demand Generation Strategy
They have a moderate cost, even though they are safer The final aspect of India’s EV strategy focused on creating
and have slightly higher life cycles than NMC. However, some early demand for vehicles and subsystems so that
the cells have a theoretical limit of 160 Wh/kg for their the EV industry could grow. The demand generation strat-
specific energy. China has set a target for all EVs to have egy the task force determined is based on public vehicles.
350 Wh/kg by 2020, 400 Wh/kg by 2025, and 500 Wh/kg by The task force would work with the government to create
2030 (China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, quantity requirements for three-wheelers, four-wheel
Beijing). Most of the world uses NMC/graphite, and the taxis, and public intracity buses. At the same time, it would
future in the near term clearly suggests NMC/graphite. persuade the government offices to start using only EVs.
Therefore, India opted for NMC/graphite as the cell of This early demand generation is spurring the industry to
choice and went on to build the battery ecosystem. This move forward rapidly. Table 4 provides the industry eco-
ecosystem includes making battery packs using the cells system that has emerged for EVs over the last year.
(30%–35% added value), cell manufacturing (25%–30%
added value), and securing materials and chemicals Electric Autos
(about 40%–45% added value). Over the last couple of As discussed in the sections “Energy Efficiency Enhance-
years, India has mastered ment” and “Battery-Swapping Options,” the auto is a low-
xx cell-to-pack manufacturing involving quality thermal cost taxi, used widely not only in big cities but also in
design to ensure that packs will work in Indian most of India’s small towns. The vehicle could easily be

Table 3. The battery cell options available today.

Li-Ion Cell LiCoO2/Graphite LiFP/LiTO
Chemistry or NCA/Graphite NMC/Graphite LiFP/Graphite NMC/LiTO ­(Niobium Doped)
Specific energy 150–300 150–300 90–120 (150 with 60–100 50–80
(Wh/kg) silica in anode)
Charge/discharge 0.5C/1C 1C/1C (2C with 1C/2C (4C with 4C/4C 5C/10C
rate silica in anode) silica in anode)
Life cycles 1,000 2,000 (8,000 3,000 (4,000 with 10,000 20,000
with silica) silica)
Safety Cell < 55 °C Cell < 55 °C Safer Safest Safest
Cell costs/kWh US$120 US$145 US$225 US$500 High
The C-rate is a measure of the rate at which the battery is charged/discharged relative to its maximum capacity.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 45

Table 4. Some industries that have committed to scaling EVs and EV subsystems
manufacturing and services in India.
EVs: Ashok Leyland, Tata Motors, Mahindra Electric, Eicher, Bajaj, Kinetic, Lohia, Electrotherm,
Goenka, Hero-Eco, Okinawa, Ather, Avon Cycles, TVS Motors, and Mahindra and Mahindra
Li-ion battery and recycling: Exide, Amar Raja, Exicom, ACME, Grintech, Greenfuel, Ion Batteries, Attero, and Sun Mobility
EOs: Essel Infra, Sun mobility, BPCL, NTPC, PGCIL, and Kerala DISCOM
Chargers and motors: Exicom, TVS Motors, Consulneowatt, Valeo, Compageautomation, most state governments,
and state transport units
BPCL: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.; NTPC: National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.; PGCIL: Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. Passenger vehicles in rural India (a village near Red Hills, Chennai, India). (a) A rural Indian three-wheeler bike and (b) and (c) tractors
being used to transport people and materials.

The autos were sold without a battery at a

cost similar to that of petrol autos. The
batteries would be purchased by an EO,
who would set up charging and swapping
stations and lease the batteries. The eco-
system is ready to scale.
E-rickshaws (like the one shown in Fig-
ure 2) are low-speed versions of e-autos.
Wider-body autos are used extensively in
rural areas (as in Figure 4) and carry a larger
number of passengers. Cargo autos are used
to carry goods within cities. They can all be
electrified using the approach described pre-
viously. Making them energy efficient and
defining standard batteries would be the key.

Electric Buses
Figure 5. An overloaded bus on an Indian road (Adyar, Chennai, India). The 9- and 12-m buses are used extensive-
ly in most of India’s large cities to carry
converted to electric, but, when used with a sufficient- intercity traffic. A typical bus route is in about 25–30 km.
sized Li-ion battery, the capital cost is too high. The task Because of high-traffic routes, most of these buses move
force met with a group of auto manufacturers to work slowly (averaging 15 km/h making about eight to ten trips
together on per day). India is adopting a novel approach to electrify
1) enhancing the vehicles’ energy efficiency from 80 to such buses. First, the energy efficiency buses are en­­
52 Wh/km hanced from 1,600 Wh/km to about 950 Wh/km when air
2) defining a common and smaller battery to provide a conditioning is not used. Next, to keep the costs low, a bat-
minimum range of 50 km. tery of 55 kWh was standardized. This ensures a 35-km

46 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

travel distance even when air con- India opted for batteries. One is fixed, typically
ditioning is used and the battery is providing a 50-km range, and the RE
near the end of life. This battery is NMC/graphite as battery (with another 50-km range) is
swapped at both ends of the journey swapped in when required. These vehi-
(see h t t p s ://
the cell of choice and cles are being tested today and will
watch?v=8ibDFMa4JMA). A con­­ went on to build the soon be launched into the market. Be­­
sequence of this is that the battery cause two-wheelers dominate the Indi-
weight is only about 600 kg. The lower battery ecosystem. an auto market, the switch over to
weight means that the bus can carry electric is expected to happen rapidly.
more, which is important in a country
like India, where buses are often overloaded (as shown Conclusion
in Figure 5). As discussed in this article, India has chosen to take a
novel approach for its EV program, recognizing that EVs
Personal Vehicles (Two-Wheelers are important but also considering the obstacles of low
and Four-Wheelers) affordability and lack of a large government subsidy. Its
As discussed so far, the use of battery swapping in addi- approach to EVs will, therefore, not be consonant with
tion to fast-charging has given a new boost to EV use in that in the rest of the world. Thus, battery swapping has
India. But how does one make personal vehicles economi- been added to public charging. Users no longer have to
cally viable in the absence of a subsidy? The task force has wait for expensive charging infrastructure to be built.
come up with a unique strategy. Businesses would set up a battery-swapping infrastruc-
It is illustrated with a low-cost petrol car costing about ture because it would make economic sense. They will add
400,000. If this vehicle is redesigned as an EV with a low- appropriate public slow- and fast-charging, where there is
cost NMC/graphite battery of, say, 100-km range, it should be a demand. India has decided to carry out urban mining to
possible to sell it at 475,000. However, if a battery with a secure battery materials. It recognizes that the higher effi-
200-km range is used, the cost would reach 650,000, making ciency of drivetrains brings down the cost of an EV. It
it too expensive for those. Thus, a 100-km vehicle range is the needs to carry out R&D to develop the most efficient elec-
only option. Now, typical users of such a car drive under 100 km tric drivetrain including innovative motor and controller
90%–95% of the time. On those days, overnight charging of design and other power-electronic subsystems. India’s
the vehicle is adequate. The difficulty is the other 5%–10% of approach is more in tune with India’s economy. Its large
days. The user must find an available fast-charger in the day- market gives it a chance to establish this alternate
time and wait there for an hour to charge the vehicle. This approach. The approach may be useful not just to India
wait is not acceptable, and so the user may not switch from a but probably to 70% of the world, where similar affordabil-
petrol vehicle to an EV. The attempt to charge faster will also ity exists. Only time will tell.
severely impact the life of the low-cost battery.
So what is the option? What if the vehicle is designed For Further Reading
to have two compartments, each with a capacity for a Bloomberg, “Electric vehicles: 10 things to watch for 2018,”
Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2018.
100-km-range battery: one compartment containing the
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers. (2018). Publi-
fixed battery and the second left empty. On 90%–95% of cations and reports. [Online]. Available: http://www.siamindia
days, overnight charging of the fixed battery is sufficient. .com/
On the day the user needs to travel a longer distance, he U.S. Department of Energy. (2016, June 6). Overview of the
or she drives to a petrol station that provides charged DOE VTO advanced battery R&D program. [Online]. Available:
100-km-range batteries, referred to as range extension (RE)
batteries. Such a battery could be mounted on the vehi- A. Jhunjhunwala. (2017, Dec. 1). Understanding the EV ele-
cle in about 4 min, and the vehicle would then have phant. [Online]. Available: http://electric-vehicles-in-india
an additional 100-km range. If a vehicle needs to travel
even further than 200 km, the used RE battery could be
swapped at another petrol station, extending the range Biographies
to 300 km. The vehicle can go on and on by further swap- Ashok Jhunjhunwala ( is with the
ping when needed. There is no range limitation, and Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
fast-charging infrastructure is not even required. But, if Prabhjot Kaur ( is with the Cen-
fast-charging infrastructure is available, then the user tre of Battery Engineering and Electrical Vehicles, Indian
would have an option of either fast-charging batteries Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
(waiting for an hour) or swapping. Sushant Mutagekar ( is
The same approach can be used with two-wheelers. with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
E-scooter manufacturers have gotten together and de­­
fined a standard RE battery. The e-scooter has slots for two 

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 47

By Henning Wilms, Dominik Mildt, Marco Cupelli,
Antonello Monti, Peder Kjellen, Thomas Fischer,
Demijan Panic, Michael Hirst, Eugenio Scionti,
Sebastian Schwarz, Paul Kessler, and Luis Hernández

Microgrid Field
Trials in Sweden
Expanding the electric infrastructure
in the village of Simris.

icrogrids (MGs) are electri­­

city-­distribution systems con­
taining loads and distributed
energy resources (DERs) that
can be operated in a con­
trolled, coordinated way, either while
connected to the main power network
and/or while islanded. MGs have been
around for decades in the energy sys­
tem. They can be commonly found
in critical infrastructure buil­­ding
complexes such as military bases,
hospitals, and data centers. With the
challenges of the new energy world,
network operators are starting to
look into the technological solutions
used in MGs (e.g., MG controllers) as an
alternative to their conventional net­
work technologies.

Microgrids Status Quo

For modern microgrid operation, a general
hierarchical control structure has been devel­
oped that separates control tasks into different
levels and time horizons. Concepts are derived from
the hierarchical control in transmission grids and adjust­
ed for the needs of distribution system operators (DSOs) and
MGs in particular (Bidram and Davoudi 2012). Just as in classic
transmission systems, control is conceptually divided into zero, primary,
secondary, and tertiary levels. Time constant, resource interconnection, and
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Date of publication: 16 November 2018

48 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

communication needs increase along with the proposed layers. Figure 1 shows a simplified overview of
the tasks of different control levels and an approximation of their respective time frames.

Lower-Level Control
The component control level comprises the internal control loops and protection of the DERs. This
includes the control of classical generators and power electronic devices. Primary control provides ampli­
tude and frequency references for those inner loops, e.g., using droop control to stabilize the network and
prevent the circulation of active and reactive power. Secondary control ensures that frequency and volt­
age deviations are kept within predefined limits and safeguard appropriate steady-state behavior. An
overview of the related approaches can be found in the study by Guerrero et al.

Higher-Level Control
The tertiary level of control is usually the highest level of technical control in MGs and works on time
frames between several minutes and hours. Specifically, the tertiary level fulfills the tasks of steady-state
operational planning, power flow control, and optimal usage of all the DERs. For this purpose, active and
reactive power set points are calculated for all actively controlled DERs, based on the expectations about
future behavior. An energy management system (EMS) is used in this stage to find the optimum refer­
ences under a combination of economic and technical objectives. An overview of some EMS
strategies is provided in the study by Minchala-Avila et al. An important aspect of the
EMSs in MGs is the inherent uncertainty of the regarded problem. Not only is the
behavior of renewable energy sources (RESs) such as wind generators and
photovoltaics (PVs) not perfectly known for the future; the same holds
true for the actual electric and thermal demands of consumers. Those
tend to be particularly critical in the MG scenario, as the load con­
stituted by a single consumer is more difficult to predict than
larger load aggregations. The forecast of the operationally rel­
evant parameters is therefore an indispensable aspect of
high-level MG control.
DSOs do not always utilize all the functionalities
technically offered by an MG, e.g., switching between
islanded and/or interconnected mode; hence, net­
work operators talk about local energy systems (LESs).
In this context, MGs can be seen as a special sub­
group of LESs.

Renewable Energy Source Projections in

Europe: Uncertainty Scenario for the
Distribution System Operators
RESs are a major component of the energy transition
in Europe. The member states have set a new target
goal for the European Union (EU) to cover at least 32%
of gross final energy consumption from renewables by
2030. In the long term (2050), the share of the RESs should
exceed 80%.
The rapid development of RESs induces high investments
in distribution networks as the design of most of these networks
(designed and deployed decades ago) was not meant for and did
not foresee the massive connection of DERs. Figure 2 illustrates this
rapid evolution of the power system.
In some European countries, network tariffs paid by customers in
areas with a high penetration of renewables have risen to be the highest values
of all national regions (up to 50% higher than the national average price), whereas
electricity is consumed elsewhere in the country or beyond. Because of the current DSO-
regulated business model, the costs of renewable energy stay local, but the benefits do not. This
means that local communities in rural areas do not benefit from RES development due to very high
network costs.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 49

The role of the DSO is to distribute power to connected DSOs are bounded to invest only in copper (conductor and
customers while keeping the power quality within the substation upgrade) or conventional voltage regulation
compliance limits. Increasing network tariffs are caused by devices (e.g., capacitor banks) instead of using the poten­
the high investment costs linked to the RES integration as tial offered by LES flexibility and control. For this reason,
new connections can overload the existing distribution high network investment cost in countries with the obli­
assets, disrupt the voltage values at the distribution line, or gation to connect renewables regardless of the location is
a combination of both. If these problems are not mitigated a common occurrence, despite the uncertain development
by the DSO, the protection devices installed at the distribu­ of the RES in such local systems.
tion network, which are meant to protect the system, can Typically, the short-term action of the DSOs is to exam­
cause unwanted local blackout situations. ine which types of bottlenecks, including network conges­
Because of the nature of the DSO’s business, regulation tion, and/or voltage issues may occur. DSOs are required
defines the solutions that the DSO can use for mitigat­ to plan appropriate network upgrades to remove such bot­
ing network problems. Currently, most of the European tlenecks in accordance with national regulations. The

• Energy Management
• System Optimization
Tertiary • Optimal Dispatch
Control • Active/Reactive Power Reference Generation

Secondary • Voltage and Frequency Restoration
Control • Real/Reactive Power Set Point Adjustment


• Voltage and Frequency Stabilization

Primary Control • Droop Control
• Active Load Sharing

• Inner Control Loops

Component Level
• Module Control
Microseconds • Local Protection

Figure 1. The MG hierarchical control architecture.

The Energy System Needs to Become More Distributed and Renewable to Meet the Climate Objectives (e.g., Germany):
Yesterday Today 2050

6 Million Plus Renewable Power Plants2

Approximately 400 Large 1.6 Million Renewable
Conventional Power Plants Power Plants1 20 Million Plus EV Charging Points3
45 Million Plus Smart Meters4
Bundesnetzagentur: “EEG in Zahlen 2016,” 2017
2Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie: “Die Energie der Zukunft–Vierter Monitoring Bericht zur Energiewende,” 2015
3Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit: “Erarbeitung einer fachlichen Strategie zur
Energieversorgung des Verkehrs bis zum Jahr 2050–Endbericht,” 2016
4Assumption that all German households possess smart metering infrastructure in 2050.

Figure 2. The power system evolution.

50 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

entire process (planning, permitting, and upgrading designed for remote destinations, where no public grid is
deployment) takes time, typically two to five years in available, referred to as off-grid LESs. Off-grid LESs are
most of the European member states. Sizing the network characterized by genuine standalone networks, i.e., island­
upgrade faces huge uncertainties when it comes to fore­ ed networks. One must additionally distinguish between
casting future additional renewable requirements and private and public MGs as follows:
ranking the bottleneck risks. In some cases, the uncertain­ xx Grid-connected private LES: The LES is operated by a
ty is so high that the network planners do not know small or low-voltage DSO while satisfying the network
whether the network capacity should be upgraded by codes agreed with the connected DSO. This means
three times the current capacity or not at all. that the LES operator must satisfy the regulatory obli­
As new market incentives for renewable energy are pub­ gations for itself and its LES customers.
lished, their market uptake is highly unpredictable, which xx Grid-connected public LES: The LES is operated by the
causes further uncertainty for the decision to upgrade. For connected DSO directly as a service, but possibly with
example, in one project, new regulation from 2017 incentiv­ different regulatory obligations for the LES.
ized the installation of PV farms up to 500 kW and conse­ xx Off-grid private LES: The LES is operated by a small or
quentially promoted customer investment in PV farms to be low-voltage DSO with or without regulation.
connected to a 24-km medium-voltage line. The first con­ xx Off-grid public LES: The LES is operated as a utility
nection requests to this line have shown that the cost of a with or without regulation.
grid upgrade to mitigate the voltage disruption created by The E.ON project commissioned in the village of Sim­
two distributed generation assets would be at least three ris, Sweden, is an example of a grid-connected public LES
times higher than the total investment value of the PV with the opportunity to operate in an islanded mode.
farms themselves. According to current regulation, this cost
would then be distributed among all the customers con­ The Simris Project
nected in the region, leading to higher grid cost in the area. In 2015, E.ON decided to start the design and development
Moreover, uncertainty is expected to increase, as a wide of a technical pilot trial, motivated by the expected chal­
range of 0–50 additional PV farms could possibly be added to lenges associated with the increased integration of the
the grid during the validity period of the regulatory incen­ RESs. This trial demonstrated that an electrical system can
tive. Planning an upgrade to mitigate the problem caused by host a penetration of up to 100% of power obtained from
the first two PV farms (reactive approach) might lead to an renewable sources (PVs and a wind turbine) by using field-
undersized solution that will need further upgrades in the proven and market-available innovative technologies.
short to medium term. In contrast, planning for a number of For this pilot project, the small village of Simris in south­
connections that has not been confirmed yet (proactive ern Sweden was connected and disconnected from the main
approach) might lead to an oversized system (stranded grid in a seamless way while being sourced at times solely by
investment), which will also generate higher grid fees. renewably energy coming from a local wind turbine, a PV
Modular systems are an appropriate answer to mitigate farm, and rooftop PV installations of the local households.
the inherent uncertainty given by the market uptake of the The LES Simris was created on top of an already exist­
RESs. After studies were done in the aforementioned proj­ ing grid. Within the Simris area, the existing 10-kV dis­­
ect, it was realized that the use of some specific building tribution system that forms the LES comprises seven
blocks of an MG system, e.g., the battery energy storage substations of 10/0.4 kV, of which five supply 150 custom­
system (BESS) and the power system controller (PCS), ers. The feed-in point to the LES is via a 20/10-kV substa­
would be up to four time less costly than the alternative tion from a 10-kV bay. The bay is equipped with a power
conventional grid upgrade when used for mitigating the breaker, voltage and current transformers, and relay pro­
electricity network disruptions such as voltage deviations tection devices.
caused by newly connected RES plants in a rural area. In In addition to the existing grid and RESs, the main
addition, the nature of an LES and its modular approach assets forming the LES are as follows:
would enable a faster and more cost-appropriate response xx an intelligent EMS communicating with all power pro­
of the DSO to the connection request of its customers. duction units so that the LES delivers electricity with­
in the conventional power-quality limits
Types of Local Energy Systems xx a main BESS of 333 kWh/800 kW, which operates as
LESs can either be connected to existing distribution net­ the grid-forming unit and is in charge of the instanta­
works or deployed as off-grid systems. The former re­­ neous balancing of the MG
presents solutions for local energy communities where xx a state-of-the-art secondary substation (DER substa­
network operators already manage the public grid, tion), built next to the existing wind turbine and PV
referred to as grid-connected LESs. Grid-connected LESs plant and fully equipped with all the necessary com­
have the opportunity to operate in an islanded mode, munication, protective relay, and control system de­­
meaning that they can be electrically disconnected from vices needed to run the LES
the distribution grid. The latter solutions are primarily xx a bio-diesel backup generator of 480-kW-rated power

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 51

Table 1. The overview on the installed assets and the systems at Simris.

System Description Manufacturers

Central battery 333-kWh capacity, 800-kW charging and discharging power Samsung, Loccioni, and TDE Macno
EMS Controls the LES assets and holds load-balancing Encorp
Wind turbine 500-kW nominal power Enercon
PV plant PV plant size of 442 kWp SolarWorld and SMA Solar
Backup generator 480-kW, 4,500-L bio-diesel tank Scania and Coromatic
Substations Interconnects the LES assets, customers, and the main grid Holtab
DSR platform Enables the access to distributed flexibility sources by ICONICS
­steering smart technologies
Heat pumps New heat pumps Nibe
Retrofit heat pumps Ngenic
Water boiler Retrofit device MClimate
Residential PV and battery PV: 10 kWp Fronius Solar
Battery: 9.6-kWh capacity, 6.4-kW charging and
­discharging power
E-mobility Smart electric vehicle charging station Ensto
Smart meter Residential metering device Comsel
Peer-to-peer platform Visualizes customer energy data Lumenaza
Local measurement units Measurement of power, voltage, current, frequency, and Janitza
other physical parameters

The Simris EMS in charge of the load-balancing res­­

ponsibilities consists of industrial field-proven hardware
(provided by Encorp) located in the BESS shelter, DER sub­
station, and Simris primary substation. In each location,
the EMS has access to relevant information, such as mea­
surements from current and voltage transformers and
status information from power breakers and disconnec­
tors. In addition, the EMS has direct control over the power
breaker at the point of common coupling (PCC) so that it
can command the island mode by switching off the break­
Figure 3. The Simris energy system. (Photo courtesy of E.ON.) er when certain requirements are fulfilled.
RES generation is also controlled by the EMS, which can
a demand-side response (DSR) platform, which steers
xx demand the RESs to be curtailed if the BESS state of
smart technologies (e.g., heat pumps, hot tap-water charge (SoC) reaches certain levels. During times of high
boilers, and electric vehicle charging stations) for sup­ demand and low generation, the EMS can demand the
porting and balancing the MG. combustion engine-driven backup generator to be activat­
Table 1 provides an overview of all the assets and energy ed and extend the time in the island mode.
systems present at Simris. Furthermore, Figure 3 shows The EMS controls the operational mode of the battery
the Simris energy system comprising the local wind tur­ system and sets the target voltage and frequency when
bine, the PV farm, and the containers hosting the BESS operating as an island. An overview of the components
and the backup generator. and their dependencies is illustrated in Figure 5.
The Simris EMS can operate in different modes de­­
The Microgrid Controller: pending on the desired function, as presented later.
Energy Management System
The safe and reliable operation of the LES is realizable Virtual Island Mode
with a three-layer energy management approach, as In the virtual island mode, the EMS controls the active
shown in Figure 4. and reactive power set points to the BESS such that no

52 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

Goal Control Responsible Technology Competencies Required

Optimization and Nice to

Seconds/ Optimized Scheduling All Steerable Loads
Forecasting, e.g., Load Have
EMS Supplier

Seconds Local Balancing Wind Turbine, PV,

Local Control
and Diesel Generation

Battery System or High Power and Local Fast Control Critical/

Milliseconds Frequency Regulation High Energy Storage Assets e.g., PCS Mandatory
PCS Supplier

Figure 4. The three-layer energy-management approach.

exchange occurs over the PCC. In other words, in the virtu­ power are near zero. The system is then ready to be island­
al island mode, the PCS controller running in current- ed, and the EMS triggers the circuit breaker to open. The
source-inverter mode operates as a grid-following unit. It battery system does not change the operating mode but
is also possible to change the “exchange” set point over assumes the responsibility for managing the island volt­
the PCC to any value, within the capabilities of the battery age and frequency. The EMS updates the voltage and
system and restrictions of the power system. Thus, the frequency targets when islanded to maintain constant
MG can either consume or inject active and reactive 10.7-kV/50-Hz power, as these will vary along the BESS
power to the overlying grid, depending on current con­ droop curves with changing active and reactive power.
ditions and the state of the grid.
These types of ancillary services
could be of great value in future Connection to E.ON 22-kV Grid
complex power systems. Balancing
could be managed locally with sev­
22 kV
eral distributed LESs during peak
load hours. In this scenario, the E.ON Control Room
10 kV
LESs provide anciliary services to
the overlying grid by adapting their
power consumption and genera­
tion. This would increase the over­
all grid-hosting capacity by keeping 150 Customers
the voltage levels within limits, Across Five
despite the fast, varying power Secondary
flows given by the intermittance of Substations
the RESs.

Intentional Island Mode

In the intentional island mode, the
PCS controller running in the volt­
480 kW EMS
age-source-inverter mode operates
G 500 kW
as the grid-forming unit in droop
for both power as a function of
frequency and reactive power as
EMS 442 kW
a function of voltage and allows E.ON Control
the BESS to seamlessly transition Room
between the grid-connected and BESS
islanded operating modes. To phys­
ically island the system, the EMS
measures the real and reactive
power across the PCC and sets the
voltage and frequency targets for
the BESS such that real and reactive Figure 5. The system and component overview in Simris.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 53

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
EMS Trimming
Frequency Back to 50 Hz BESS Power (kW)
50.1 Backup Generator Power (kW)
183-mHz Customer Consumption (kW)
Increase in Wind Turbine Plus PV Power (kW)
50 Frequency 224-mHz
During Backup Drop in
Generator Frequency
49.9 Onloading EMS Trimming
Frequency Back to
50 Hz
49.8 550
11:06:00 11:07:00 11:08:00 11:09:00 11:10:00 11:11:00 11:12:00 11:13:00 11:14:00
Power (kW)

Inertia from Backup Generator Delivering 275

412-kW Step Due to Power in Response to Frequency Drop
Wind Turbine Tripping
Backup Generator Starting 0
and Going to Full Power Over
37 s (9.3 kW/s)
Customer Load Is
Near Constant Over
Test Period

Figure 6. The frequency and powers during the backup generator starting and the wind turbine tripping.

However, the control in the EMS is relatively slow, such

50.2 that a power imbalance allows the frequency and voltage
50.15 to transiently change before being trimmed back.
50.1 To reconnect to the grid, the EMS controls the voltage
Frequency (Hz)

50.05 and frequency to match the grid voltage and frequency,

50 i.e., it synchronizes the systems. Once within prescribed
49.95 limits, the EMS closes the circuit breaker.
In Figure 6, the system was physically islanded, operat­
ing on power from the wind turbine, the PV farm, the back­
up generator, and the BESS. At 11:08:30, the BESS SoC was

low, triggering the EMS to start the backup generator,

12 April 2018 which ran up to a controlled 350  kW. During the power
increase, the BESS allowed the frequency to increase along
its droop curve, and the EMS subsequently trimmed the
50.2 frequency back to nominal. At 11:11:40, the wind turbine
50.15 tripped, and the BESS allowed the frequency to reduce
Frequency (Hz)

along its droop curve. During this frequency reduction, the

50.05 backup generator power contribution increased slightly
due to the system inertia. The EMS subsequently updated
the target frequency to return the system to a nominal
50 Hz. Customer supply was maintained within statutory
limits throughout.
Longer-term testing comparing the frequency, voltage,

and total harmonic distortion of the system when is­­­

12 April 2018
landed to the same parameters for the local Nordic
power system shows that the LES had better power qual­
ity when islanded than when connected to the grid. Fig­
Figure 7. The frequency when islanded. (a) The intentional island ures 7–9 show the comparison for islanding testing on
mode and (b) the Nordic power system. 12 April 2018, were the system was islanded from 8:00 a.m.

54 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

10.9 10.9
10.8 10.8
Voltage (kV)

Voltage (kV)
10.7 10.7
10.6 10.6
10.5 10.5
10.4 10.4
10.3 10.3

12 April 2018 12 April 2018
(a) (b)

Figure 8. The voltage when islanded. (a) The intentional island mode and (b) the Nordic power system.

to 8:00 p.m. All figures show the results from the LES Demand-Side Response
when in the intentional island mode in (a) and the Nor­ A final balancing element connected to the EMS is the
dic power system in (b). DSR platform. This platform allows various distribut­
ed sources of flexibility to be connected at the custom­
Battery Energy Storage Systems er’s premises.
In the Simris project, the BESS is a core element of the LES. The platform is capable of the following:
When islanded, it acts as the grid-forming unit and sets xx deliver a real-time data platform for monitoring
both the voltage amplitude and frequency. The BESS and control
selected for the project is characterized by a rated power
of 800 kW and an energy capacity of 333  kWh and
Total Harmonic Distortion (%)

includes PCS functions to allow for islanding. 1.6

The BESS includes three key control components con­ 1.5
trolling the system operation:
1) the battery management system, responsible for the
SoC estimations and enforcing the battery system limits 1.3
2) the PCS inverter control, responsible for the high- 1.2
speed switching of the power electronics to manage 1.1
the different operating modes
3) the battery system controller, including a state machine
for different operating modes and manages transi­
tions between states. 12 April 2018
A summary of the key components is shown in Figure 10. (a)
The BESS control system state flow diagram is shown
Total Harmonic Distortion (%)

in Figure 11.
The different states are requested by the EMS, and the 1.5
BESS controller then implements the mode to the PCS. 1.4
The previously described control structure allows the 1.3
high-speed operation to be managed at a local level (invert­
er switching at 2.5 kHz), with the BESS controller control­
ling the local interfaces and operating modes and the EMS 1.1
managing the system demands at around the 1-Hz com­ 1

munication update.
Short-circuit operation was tested by introducing sin­
gle- and three-phase faults to a low-voltage circuit pro­ 12 April 2018
tected by 63-A fuses while islanded. Figure 12 shows the (b)
system voltage for a three-phase fault while operating Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
on the BESS only, where the battery system terminal
voltage was reduced to 86% during fault clearance and Figure 9. The total harmonic distortion when islanded. (a) The inten-
the nominal voltage was restored within 200 ms. tional island mode and (b) the Nordic power system.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 55

Microgrid Other Communication
Assets Power

Battery System (Samsung SDI) PCS Transformer

Master Loccioni
BMS Controller


TDE Macno

375 V : 10,700 V

TDE Macno


Seven Units Five Units

Figure 10. The overview of the BESS components. BMS: battery management system.

(% of Nominal Voltage)

Grid Voltage

Resetting 100

Disconnected 90
Connecting Disconnecting 80
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (s)
Figure 12. The voltage during short circuit testing.
simplify integration of new asset types to expand the
Running Csi Islanding Running Vsi asset base
visualize key performance indicators and monitor
energy consumption, steering signals, and user inter­
action (peer-to-peer platform).
Synchronizing As shown in Figure 13, the DSR technologies used in
the Simris project are residential PVs and battery solu­
Figure 11. The BESS state controller. tions, steerable heat pumps, hot tap-water boilers, and an
e-mobility charging station.
provide control loops to optimize energy usage in the LES
offer real-time connectivity to assets and external
xx Photovoltaics and Battery Systems
platforms PVs and battery systems enable the customers to be
provide open connectivity to extend services to the sys­
xx more self-reliant and reduce feed-in from the grid. The
tem operator and flexibility marketplaces rooftop-installed PV panels produce energy in the daytime,

56 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

and the battery allows excess energy to be stored. If the period of time without the indoor temperature dropping
overall load demand exceeds the PV generation, the bat­ more than 1 °C from the initial temperature. For these rea­
tery is discharged, allowing the stored energy to be used sons, electrical heat pumps offer an opportunity to help
for auxiliary grid-balancing services. Due to the increasing balance the power demand and supply in the grid. An esti­
market penetration for this solution and the versatility of mation of the overall Swedish flexibility potential in heat
the battery, it is expected to become a vital part of the pumps is in the size of gigawatts, thus providing an excel­
future energy system. lent foundation for scalability.
One general concern regarding battery storage in MGs is Heat pumps can provide both negative and positive
how much flexibility it will be able to provide. At a brief flexibility since it is possible to both increase and decrease
glance, the PV and battery system seems to be a great heating demand. However, the available flexibility largely
source of flexibility for the LES. However, when the LES is depends on the outdoor temperature, as represented in
characterized by an excess of energy, due to high power Table 2. The specific temperatures depend on the heat-
generation in the central PV power plant, the batteries are pump technology installed and other factors such as
likely to be charged by household solar-power generation wind, sun, heat generation from the internal electrical
alone since the residential PV would also provide the max­ loads and people.
imum output. Hence, there might be little additional stor­ During warm weather, there is a theoretical potential for
age capacity left to use for grid-balancing services through flexibility, but as temperatures exceed 15 °C, the heat pump
the DSR. Likewise, a lack of solar-power production yields is often turned off because there is enough thermal energy
an energy deficiency in the system, while, at the same to keep a comfortable indoor climate. At colder tempera­
time, it is unlikely for the batteries to have stored enough tures, approximately –15 °C and below, the heat pump most
energy to support the grid during those times. likely operates at maximum capacity, unless it is overdi­
One of the DSR strategies is based on residential battery mensioned, and therefore it is only possible to decrease the
power control. Every 5 min, a set
point is sent from the DSR platform
to each of the residential batteries.
Intelligence Peer-to-Peer
An example of one of the control ap­­­ MG Controller
Module Platform
proaches can be seen in Figure 14,
where the residential battery power
set points to be sent out by the DSR
platform are a result of the current
main battery’s SoC. The control strat­ DSR Platform
egy is intended to support the oper­
ation of the main battery in case it
suffers from low or high SoC levels.
PV + Hot Electric
In the former case, the residential Smart Heat
Battery Tap-Water Vehicle
batteries are requested to discharge; Meters Pumps
Systems Boilers Charging
in the latter case, the residential bat­
teries are requested to charge. Like­
wise, i.e., between a 30 and 70% Figure 13. The DSR platform.
main-battery SoC deadband, the
residential batteries can operate in
their usual operation modes as de­­ Maximum
fined by the customers. Charging Power

Residential Battery Power

Heat Pumps Charge

Electrical heat pumps are a com­
mon source of heating for Swedish Main Battery SoC
households and use high amounts
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
of electricity as compared to other (%)
appliances in a residence. In Swe­
den, approximately 60% of the total Discharge
household energy consumption is
allocated to meet heating demands. Maximum
In addition, due to the thermal Discharging Power
inertia of buildings, it is possible to
turn a heat pump off for a long Figure 14. The residential battery control.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 57

within the project, for which reason a remote control
Table 2. The flexibility potential based on the
will only manage heating water during excess energy
outdoor temperature.
generation. The introduced control system, therefore,
Outdoor Temperature Flexibility Potential never affects the customer’s comfort.
By monitoring household consumption patterns, the
215 °C No flexibility
hot tap-water boiler device will know when and how
0 °C Increase/decrease heat demand much water will be consumed and will minimize the boil­
1-15 °C Decrease heat demand er’s water tank heat losses by preheating it just in time.
For this purpose, temperature measurements to the water
tank’s inlet and outlet pipes are necessary. The local hot-
tap-water boiler’s steering device will receive steering sig­
power output. In between, it is possible to both increase nals from the DSR platform using smart meter technology,
and decrease the demand. By how much this can be done and thus the water tanks will be managed by remotely
depends on the current outdoor temperature. setting the heating mode.
Rather than a signal based on the power in kilowatts,
the DSR platform creates a steering signal in percentages, Electric Vehicles
based on the main battery SoC in a range between 100% Electric vehicles connected to a smart charging station
(maximum power increase) and –100% (maximum power can be a source of flexibility to support the penetration of
decrease). To ensure that customer comfort is always renewable energy, by controlling the steerable electric
maintained, a boundary control is implemented, disabling vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) current output in res­­
the DSR control if the indoor temperature deviates by ponse to the fluctuating balancing requirements of the
more than ! 1 °C from the customer-set indoor comfort system. The EVSE is integrated in the project at Simris and
temperature range. connected to the DSR platform. The DSR platform is able
to send periodic steering signals to the EVSE via a back
Hot Tap-Water Boilers end, limiting the amount of energy the charging station is
Hot tap-water boilers offer an inexpensive opportunity providing over time. A graphical view of the control logic
to increase flexibility in a household. However, since the for this example is shown in Figure 15.
energy is stored as heat and cannot be converted back
to electricity, it is less versatile than a battery. During RWTH’s Contribution to the Project
excess energy production in the LES, the water tanks with the Study and Simulation
can be heated, reducing the need to heat water at other of an Advanced Control Strategy
times such as when the system has a deficit of energy RWTH Aachen University closely collaborated with the
production. One might also think about the option to E.ON team in defining alternative ways to control the MG
stop the hot tap-water boilers from heating as usual, in systems. The project activities of RWTH Aachen University
a way to not disturb customer comfort. However, since are aimed at providing a long-term evaluation of the EMS
the heating patterns of a boiler tend to be highly spo­ optimization for MGs in general. A special focus is the abil­
radic, the risk of a negative impact on customer com­ ity to switch to and continuously stay in the islanded
fort, by not having hot water when needed, is considered operation mode. Furthermore, the effects of the active
control on the predictability of the MG behavior are exam­
ined. This includes the following aspects:
xx Developing a central EMS and showing its viability for
100% of
MGs other than the Simris LES but based on some of
Maximum the Simris current measures. In particular, the full inclu­
Charging Current sion of an exact relaxation of the power-flow equations
Charging Current

66% of or 32 A is used to make best use of reactive-power capabilities

Charging Current and take equipment constraints into account.
33% of or 21 A xx Comparing the effects of different operational objectives
Maximum on a larger-scale simulation based on the developed test
Charging Current
system and the EMS. A whole year of simulated opera­
or 10 A
tion, based on measurements obtained from the Simris
No field trial site, is evaluated. This also allows us to show
Charging some tradeoffs to be made and critical disadvantages in
0 20 50 80 100 the focus on certain objectives.
Main Battery SoC (%) xx Performing a comprehensive analysis of the maxi­
mum possible time frame for the islanding operation
Figure 15. The electric vehicle charging control. under different operational objectives.

58 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

Developing data science-based forecasting methods to
xx relevant for the inclusion of generator startup constraints,
predict the behavior of the generation and loads in piece-wise linear approximations of nonlinear cost func­
an MG. tions, or reconfigurable switches in the network.
xx Analyzing the behavior of an MG and its EMS when it is An optimization-based EMS can be operated both in an
only seen as a single point of load connected at the open- and closed-loop form referring to control theory ter­
PCC. The main focus of the analysis is to show how the minology. Early approaches usually adopt the concept of
effects of active control by an EMS deteriorates with day-ahead scheduling, i.e., a single optimization and imple­
reduced forecasting accuracy. It is analyzed how differ­ mentation of set points, based on the prediction for a whole
ent operational objectives also result in different behav­ day (Chaouachi et al. 2013). Most concurrent approaches,
ioral patterns, which pose a varying degree of difficulty however, make use of a receding horizon implementation,
in the prediction. which includes a feedback loop for MG states and reopti­
One of the possible approaches for the MG control is a mizes the behavior at every time step. The optimization is
hierarchical control structure as used in the Simris project. performed for a discrete time-step length that requires
The optimization problem is solved by a single entity for averaging of behavior for that period, forecast values of
all parameters. Therefore, all relevant data have to be future behavior, and possibly simplified models.
gathered by the central system, and schedules are then The proposed developed controller uses the concept of
distributed to all entities after the computation is finished. model predictive control (MPC) that has become an inter­
The RWTH Aachen University considers these controls’ esting approach for energy management purposes in MGs
capabilities and their master/slave communication model. in recent years. MPC provides set points for the energy stor­
A general form of an optimization-based EMS is age charging/discharging power as well as set points for the
described by a set of generic equations. A desired objective curtailment of renewables and their reactive-power output.
function C is minimized over a certain period T with a The state of the system consists of the SoC of the energy
time-step length Tt considering the system state x (t) at a storage devices. One time step within the calculations is
time t (e.g., system voltages, current, stored energy, and 1 h. MPC is designed to minimize the exchange of energy
others), the inputs u (t) at a time, which in our case are the with the main grid, covering demand of the customers and
real- and reactive-power references and set points, and the fulfilling the energy balance. This approach could potential­
cost or fitness f (x (t), u (t)) at the time t. This objective func­ ly prolong the islanding mode of the MG but was shown to
tion can be subject to various boundary conditions includ­ have an adverse effect on islanding based on actual imple­
ing the following: mentation (Mildt et al. 2018).
xx model equations (e.g., power-flow equations, equip­
ment constraints, and so on) Model Predictive Control
xx energy limits MPC is an advanced control technique for multivariable
xx power limits control problems. MPC uses an internal system model to
xx voltage limits generate predictions of its future behavior. The designed
MPC finds an optimal plan for running the assets (by
defining control set points) for each time step over the
argmin u C (x (t), u (t)) = / f (x (t), u (t))
t=1 prediction horizon, starting at the current time step. The
optimization is based on predictions of the upcoming
In EMSs, a simple distinction can be made between sub­ demand, production from RESs, and prediction for the
classes of convex problems solved with classic-, gradient-, state of the system. A general depiction of the methodolo­
or Hessian-based methods and nonclassic methods that gy is presented in Figure 16.
may not be convex and include heuristics. If peak shaving For the optimization, only the first control input is
of, e.g., power consumption is considered ­(Diekerhof et al. implemented, and subsequently the time horizon is shift­
2017), objectives tend to be quadratic, leading to a quadratic ed by one time step. At the next time step, the new state of
problem. Recently, second-order cone programming (Yan the system is measured or estimated, and a new optimi­
et al. 2017) and semidefinite programming (Peng and Low zation is performed while considering the new informa­
2015) formulations have also become popular, as they allow tion. This approach is called a rolling horizon control.
the exact relaxation of grid constraints for radial networks. The control horizon can be chosen to be lower than
Another important aspect is whether binary variables (or the prediction horizon within the formulation to deal
integer variables, in more general terms) are considered. with the time lag of computational-intensive calculations.
These require additional mixed-integer programming solv­ If the control horizon is set to be lower than the predic­
ing methods that increase computation time and make tion horizon, it could be assumed that the last calculated
distribution of the control problem challenging to solve in a control variables remain the same until the end of the
limited time horizon. Mixed-integer formulations are often prediction horizon. The predictions needed for the appli­
used because they allow an easy inclusion of varying cation of MPC could be assumed as perfect in the MPC
behavior patterns for single resources. This becomes statement, i.e., not affected by errors, as the consistent

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 59

set point recalculation will already provide a means of Case A: Economic value—minimizing the operation
disturbance rejection. Extensions to robust or stochastic costs for the MG, which combines the operation cost
optimization approaches (Diekerhof et al. 2018) are, how­ minimization and the loss minimization.
ever, possible. x Case B: Local use of energy, which is a weighted
In the current LES Simris activities and beyond, RWTH function of the exchanges with the power grid and
Aachen University is evaluating a combination of the fol­ the losses.
lowing objective functions (compare Table 3): x Case C: Potential islanding time (PIT) maximization,
xxthe minimization of the summed costs of all assets, J c which sets the PIT as a primary objective whereas the
xxthe minimization of the energy losses, J l secondary objective is the pure cost minimization.
xxthe maximization of local energy use to satisfy the The evaluation of one year of operation in a test (Fig­
local self-consumption desire of certain local energy ure 17) shows how the different operational strategies
systems, J p impact operation costs, energy exchange, and line loss­
xxthe minimization of the grid-connected time while es. Obviously, direct minimization of operational cost
avoiding consecutive connection and disconnection (case A) or energy exchange with the main grid (case B)
from the grid, J d . allowed the best results concerning their respective
These four objective functions are evaluated in objective. Yet, it is interesting to note how maximization
three cases: of the PIT (case C) achieves similar results in terms of
energy exchange with the main
grid, compared with a cost opti­
mization, while incurring signifi­
Past Forecast Horizon Future cantly higher energy losses. This
indicates high currents, specifical­
ly fast charging and discharging
Measured Behavior events of energy storage in prepa­
Predicted System Behavior ration of an islanding event, as
further explained by Mildt et al.

Implemented Input u (k ) Resource Forecast

For applying the control strategy as
Past Inputs described previously, PV and wind
Optimized Inputs production as well as the consumer
load needs to be forecast.
To create forecasts for the un­­
Current Timestep k+1 k+2 k+3 k+4 k+5 ... k+N
known variables, the RWTH Aachen
University applies state-of-the-
art recurrent neural network in a
Figure 16. The MPC prediction and control horizon. encoder-decoder setup to derive
these values. This RNN setup (Fig­
ure 18) uses historical values in the
Table 3. Objective functions evaluated by RWTH Aachen encoder as a starting point to pro­
University. duce an outlook into the future in
Operational Cost Minimization Loss Minimization the decoder. RNNs are based on
long short-term memory cells that
possess cyclic, self-feeding connec­
J c = / cost of power import at time t Jl = / /P i, j,loss
t=1 t = 1 (i, j) ! f tions. These cycles are capable of
capturing time-series dependen­
- / revenue of power export at time t
t=1 cies and their dynamic behavior

+ / cost of all assets at time t over a sequence of time steps. They

t=1 include exogenous features at each
forecast time step to further im­­
Minimization of Power Exchange with the Maximization of Possible
Main Grid Islanding Time After tisland prove prediction accuracy. For the
upcoming 24  h, this type of fore­
casting algorithm is capable of pre­
J p = / Pimp (t) - Pexp (t) Jd = / d PCC (t)
t=1 t = t island dicting wind and PV production as
s.t. d PCC (t + 1) $ d PCC (t) well as electrical loads. Exogenous
variables for these forecasts comprise

60 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

meteorological values in applicable combinations, e.g.,
× 104
10 temperature, air pressure, solar irradiation, wind speed
and direction, cloud coverage, and so on. They are, collec­
Cumulative Cost (€)

tively, assumed to be known for the forecast time steps,

suggesting the availability of highly accurate meteorologi­
5 cal forecasts. In a real-life application, the forecast accura­
cy of the desired target variables is expected to degrade
slightly with ever-so-slightly imperfect meteorological
forecasts. Furthermore, the developed approach considers
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 calendar variables, such as weekday, time of day, month,
Time (h) national holiday, and others, to account for consumer
(a) behavior for the electrical load forecasts.
Figure 18 shows the setup of the RNN architecture
Energy Exchange (MWh)

(Wilms et al. 2018). As shown, an encoder-decoder setup

200 is used that takes the historical sequence to encode this
within a so-called hidden state (a collection of memory
vectors), which then provides the starting point for the
100 decoder that derives the forecasts. In Figure 18, l pres­
ents labels (i.e., target values), y indicates the forecast
(output) value, and f  denotes the respective set of exoge­
0 nous variables.
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
The encoder as well as the decoder uses a combination
Time (h)
of the label (forecast value) of the previous time step and
the features of the current time step. This lagged use of
8 the previous time step for inferring the current time
step also focuses the forecasting algorithm to exploit the
Line Loss (MWh)

strong auto-correlation that is inherent of the time-series
of question.
Using this algorithm, the RWTH Aachen University was
2 able to produce reasonably accurate results for 24-h fore­
casts on synthetic load data from Simris. Afterward, these
0 forecasts were used as inputs to the MPC. It turned out
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
that the evolved forecasting architecture outperforms
Time (h)
similarly employed encoder-decoder RNN-based forecast­
ing techniques.
A B C On this basis, the simulation results of RWTH Aachen
University showed that the combination of a carefully
Figure 17. The annual cumulation of (a) operational cost, (b) energy
exchange with the main grid, and (c) line losses employing operation designed MPC approach, as described previously, in com­
strategies A–C. bination with a tailored forecast algorithm could provide

y : Outputs yt yt +1 yt +2 yt +3
f : Features, i.e., Exogenous Inputs
Encoder Hidden Decoder
Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

lt–4ft–3 lt–4ft–2 lt–4ft–1 lt–1ft eos eos yt ft+1 yt +1ft+2 yt +2ft+3

Historic Values Forecasted Values

Figure 18. The setup of the forecasting algorithm.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 61

an improvement (self-consumption increase) of more H. Wilms, M. Cupelli, and A. Monti, “Combining auto-
than 10% (Bogdanovic et al. 2018). Theses initial simulation regression with exogenous variables in sequence-to-sequence
recurrent neural networks for short-term load forecasting,”
results will be validated with tests performed during the
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Porto, Por­
remainder of the project. tugal, 2018, pp. 673–679.
M. Diekerhof, S. Schwarz, and A. Monti, “Demand-side
Conclusions management—Recent aspects and challenges of optimization
E.ON and its partners believe that LESs could become an for an efficient and robust demand-side management,” in Clas-
sical and Recent Aspects of Power System Optimization, A. F. Zobaa,
important and powerful opportunity for the energy indus­
S. H. E. Abdel Aleem, and A. Y. Abdelaziz, Eds. Amsterdam, The
try. LESs could guarantee a cost-effective integration of Netherlands: Elsevier, 2018, pp. 331–360.
renewables in those cases where conventional solutions M. Bogdanovic, H. Wilms, M. Cupelli, M. Hirst, L. Hernán­
are clearly not the appropriate ones. The work on LESs dez and A. Monti. “Interflex—Simris—Technical management
continues, and the development of future solutions is of a grid-connected microgrid that can run in an islanded
mode with 100% renewable generation,” in Proc. CIRED Work-
being built upon the lessons learned in the first years in
shop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018, pp. 1–4.
that area. D. Mildt, M. Cupelli, A. Monti, and R. Kubo, “Islanding time
New regulation coming from the European Commis­ evaluation in residential microgrids,” in Proc. IEEE PES-IAS
sion’s Clean Energy Package for all Europeans (published Power Africa Conf., Cape Town, South Africa, 2018.
in 2016) will provide an opportunity for the European T. Logenthiran, D. Srinivasan, A. M. Khambadkone, and H.
N. Aung, “Multiagent system for real-time operation of a
member states to define a national regulatory framework
microgrid in real-time digital simulator,” IEEE Trans. Smart
that will allow LESs to become the technical enablers for Grid, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 925–933, June 2012.
the creation of local energy communities. Such local The European Commission. (2016). Clean energy for all
energy communities will support the transition toward a Europeans. Brussels, Belgium. Tech. Rep. COM(2016) 860 final.
European energy system that combines sustainability [Online]. Available:
and security of supply with competitiveness and citizens
at its core.
Acknowledgments Henning Wilms ( is with
We gratefully acknowledge the funding received from the E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen Universi­
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova­ ty, Germany.
tion program for project InterFlex under Grant 731289 as Dominik Mildt ( is with
well as our suppliers and main partners Encorp, Loccioni, the E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen Universi­
and Holtab. ty, Germany.
Marco Cupelli ( is
For Further Reading with the E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen Uni­
A. Bidram and A. Davoudi, “Hierarchical structure of mi­­
versity, Germany.
crogrids control system,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 4, pp.
1963–1976, May 2012. Antonello Monti ( is
J. M. Guerrero, J. C. Vasquez, J. Matas, L. G. de Vicuna, and with the E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen Uni­
M. Castilla, “Hierarchical control of droop-controlled AC and versity, Germany.
DC microgrids: A general approach towards standardiza­ Peder Kjellen ( is with E.ON,
tion,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 158–172, Jan.
Malmö, Sweden.
L. I. Minchala-Avila, L. E. Garza-Castan, A. Vargas-Martnez, Thomas Fischer ( is with
and Y. Zhang, “A review of optimal control techniques applied E.ON, Essen, Germany.
to the energy management and control of microgrids,” Proce- Demijan Panic ( is with E.ON,
dia Computer Sci., vol. 52, suppl. C, pp. 780–787, 2015. Malmö, Sweden.
M. Diekerhof, F. Peterssen, and A. Monti, “Hierarchical dis­ Michael Hirst ( is with E.ON,
tributed robust optimization for demand response services,”
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1, 2017. doi: 10.1109/ Essen, Germany.
TSG.2017.2701821. Eugenio Scionti ( is with E.ON,
D. Yan, P. E. I. Wei, C. Naishi, G. E. Xianjun, and X. Hao, “Real- Essen, Germany.
time microgrid economic dispatch based on model predictive Sebastian Schwarz (
control strategy,” J. Modern Power Syst. Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 5,
is with the E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen
pp. 787–796.
Q. Peng and S. H. Low, “Distributed algorithm for optimal University, Germany.
power flow on an unbalanced radial network,” in Proc. 54th Paul Kessler ( is with E.ON,
IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), 2015, pp. 6915–6920. Essen, Germany.
A. Chaouachi, R. M. Kamel, R. Andoulsi, and K. Nagasaka, Luis Hernández ( is with
“Multiobjective intelligent energy management for a micro­
E.ON, Essen, Germany.
grid,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1688–1699,

Apr. 2013.

62 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

By Mashood Nasir, Hassan Abbas Khan, Nauman Ahmad Zaffar,
Juan C. Vasquez, and Josep M. Guerrero

On the path to
the electrification
of developing

footage frim, inc.

Scalable Solar
dc Microgrids
here is a worldwide focus on the regions has taken different forms, ranging from exten-

electrification of developing regions, as is sive utility grid extensions to limited off-grid solutions.
evident from the sustainable develop- Off-grid solutions generally offer cost-effective and
ment goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. lower up-front cost alternatives in comparison to utility
In particular, the aim of SDG 7 is to ensure grid extensions and are deemed more suitable for
universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and developing economies. In developing economies, these
modern energy services for all by 2030. Because of these off-grid electrification solutions have evolved from in­­
sustained efforts, more than 1 billion people worldwide dividual solar home-based systems to community-based
have gained access to electricity since 2000. During microgrids in pursuit of achieving higher efficiency and
this course, the electrification architecture of developing reliability on a village scale. Community grids responsi-
ble for the electrification of developing regions are fur-
ther categorized based on architecture, type of generation,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871297
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 and mode distribution.

2325-5987/18©2018IEEE IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 63

The natural abundance of solar Reliable access to or literature is presented with their
resources in most of the developing respective pros and cons. These archi-
regions in Southeast Asia and Africa, electricity and its tectures mainly include centralized
coupled with the diminishing costs of architectures and partially distributed
solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, advance- consumption rates and highly distributed architectures
ments in the battery industry, and the are key indicators as discussed in subsequent sections.
advent of power electronics technology, The analysis concludes that scalable
has made solar PV generation an attrac- for the socioeco- solar dc microgrids have the tendency
tive alternative to conventional electrici- to offer a ­viable solution for future
ty generation. Compared to traditional
nomic standing of rural electrification implementations
ac distribution-based microgrids, dc any community. and can be regarded as a way forward
microgrids, when implanted with dc to achieve the objective of universal
generation, distribution, and loads, ex­­ electricity access.
hibit significantly higher efficiency due
to the omission of unwanted ac-to-dc or dc-to-ac conver- The Need for Rural Electrification
sions. Due to these advancements, PV-based dc microgrids Reliable access to electricity and its consumption rates are
have paved the way in practical deployments and are key indicators for the socioeconomic standing of any com-
regarded as the most optimal electrification solution for munity. The significant availability of electricity, even at
developing economies. very basic levels, is extremely crucial for human well-
Despite all of these advancements, the world is not being and social resources development. On the contrary,
currently on track to meet the global objectives of SDG 7, the lack of electricity hampers basic human rights like
and today the number of people without electricity is access to clean water, health-care delivery, education facil-
more than what it was in 2000. Although the convention- ities, and proper lighting, thereby enhancing poverty and
al schemes for rural electrification are being largely significantly deteriorating the quality of life. According to
deployed as a stopgap measure for energy poverty eradi- the International Energy Agency, around 1 billion people
cation, owing to their limited potential, these schemes throughout the world, which constitutes nearly 13% of the
are not sufficient. With the growing population and asso- global population, lack access to electricity. It is also esti-
ciated electrification requirements, a highly robust, mated that around 87% of the people lacking access to
systematically efficient, technologically advanced, eco- electricity are the residents of rural areas. According to the
nomically feasible, and widely adoptable electrification statistics of the United Nations Department of Economic
solution is needed that can be scaled in a bottom-up and Social Affairs, around 90% of children in Sub-Saharan
manner and can support microfinancing for enhanced Africa are studying in unelectrified schooling facilities,
rates of electrification. This article highlights the need for and another 27% of village schools in developing Asia,
rural electrification and provides an overview of various including India and Pakistan, do not have access to elec-
schemes to do so. A detailed analysis of various architec- tricity. One such remote school near the valley of Naran
tures of solar PV-based dc microgrids existing in practice in Pakistan is shown in Figure 1, where students of a pri-
mary school are deprived of the basic edu-
cation facilities, such as access to well-lit,
heated, and ventilated classrooms. More-
over, basic computing and printing facili-
ties considered key to advanced learning
are virtually absent due to the unavailabili-
ty of electricity.
The access to water is the same for
these developing regions, because nearly
1 billion people living in these developing
communities do not have access to clean,
safe water for drinking and irrigation pur-
poses. According to an estimate by the
United Nations, due to the unavailability
of electricity-driven water pumps, the
inhabitants of Sub-Saharan Africa alone
spend 40 billion hours per year collecting
water, which is equivalent to France’s
Figure 1. A primary school in Naran Valley, Pakistan, without access to electricity and entire annual worth of workforce labor.
basic education facilities. Also, due to the lack of electricity, more

64 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

than 1 billion people worldwide rely on unhealthy There has also been a paradigm shift toward the adop-
resources, such as kerosene for lighting and wood-based tion of environmentally friendly renewable energy resourc-
stoves for cooking purposes. According to estimates by the es for off-grid rural electrification. This shift in preference
World Bank, breathing kerosene fumes is highly carcino- is due to a number of factors, such as
genic and as dangerous as smoking two packs of ciga- xx the constant depletion of fossil fuel
rettes each day. According to a report by National Geographic, xx increasing awareness about the hazardous impact of
cookstove smoke is extremely life threatening, and fossil fuel on the environment
around 3.5 million people die each year due to the respira- xx rapidly decreasing prices of re­­newable energy tech-
tory diseases caused by indoor pollution of wood/bio- nologies
mass-based stoves (approximately three times the xx advancement in microgrid technology offering a cost-
mortality rate caused by malaria and 2.3 times the mortali- effective alternative in comparison to grid extension.
ty rate caused by HIV/AIDS). During the last five years, a positive trend has been
The provision of electricity to these inhabitants could seen in renewable-based off-grid rural electrification, and
help reduce high fatality rates and also contribute to approximately 6% of the new access connections are based
improved standards of living, in­­cluding better health and on renewable energy resources. Out of all renewable ener-
education, and could also provide more agricultural, indus- gy resources, solar energy has become more appealing due
trial, and employment opportunities. In addition, the electri- to the natural availability in most of the underdeveloped
fication of these regions through green and environmentally areas (most regions in Southeast Asia and Africa receive
friendly energy re­­sources will help in reducing climate abundant sunlight, i.e., above 5.5 kWh/m 2 /day) and grad-
change and deforestation rates. Along with social benefits, ually decreasing prices of PV panels and batteries.
there are remarkable business opportunities in the energy The adoption of solar energy for off-grid electrification
markets of these developing regions due to the global has evolved from stand-alone solar home systems (SHSs)
focus on energy poverty eradication and associated initia- to microgrid-based implementations. SHSs, such as the
tives, such as the programs Sustainable Energy for All and one shown in Figure 2, have been implemented in many
Lighting Africa. Because the human development, eco- developing countries as a stopgap measure to provide resi-
nomic stability, and social growth of these regions are cou- dents with basic electricity. These schemes are highly effi-
pled with access to electricity, electrification of these cient because the generation, distribution, and use all are
developing regions is the highest priority and will enable in dc form, and there are no losses in the form of ac-to-dc
the socioeconomic benefits associated with the easy or dc-to-ac conversions. Also, the design is simpler and
access and reliable availability of electricity. cost-effective for a limited level of electrification. These
systems generally provide between a few watts to a few
Current Status and Brief Overview of the tens of watts, enough to run one or two light-emitting
Existing Practices for Rural Electrification diodes (LEDs) along with a mobile charging unit and a dc
More than 1 billion people have gained access to electrici- fan for an average rural house. As a standout example, in
ty since 2000, with around 220 million between 2010 and Bangladesh alone, 3 million SHSs were installed by 2014,
2012. The number of people attaining power has been
accelerating since 2010 to around 118 million each year.
These efforts are more pronounced in developing Asia,
where around 870 million people have been provided with
electricity since 2000, with India as a major contributor for
providing access to roughly 30 million people each year in
between 2010 and 2016. For the very first time in recent
years, electrification rates in Africa are on par with the
growing population. Remarkable efforts in Bangladesh, Bidirectional Unidirectional
Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania have led to expanded elec- Power Power
tricity access by at least 3% of those populations annually
between 2010 and 2016.
The main source of electrification during this period has
been the extension of utility and national grid interconnec- Battery dc Loads
tion of these remote villages, with a large dependence on
fossil fuel. Electrification via grid expansion requires the
deployments of mega projects, including building new
power plants and laying long-distance transmission lines.
For developing and underdeveloped economies, these large-
scale developments are generally constrained by the limita-
tions of funding resources. Figure 2. A schematic diagram of a PV-based SHS.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 65

and this is growing daily. The infra- Due to their generation systems are higher and
structure Development Company not viable for low-income communi-
(IDCOL), run by the government of inherent simplicity, ties. During the last two decades, re­­
Bangladesh, has reported the installa- newable energy technology has gained
tion of 4.12 million SHSs in remote
higher power worldwide interest as an effective
areas through May 2017, from which quality, enhanced alternative to reduce dependence on
18 million people, i.e., 12% of the total fossil fuels and avoid their adverse
population, have been given access to efficiency, and effects on climate change. Therefore,
electricity. The projected target of renewable energy resources, especial-
IDCOL is to install 6 million SHSs by
straightforward ly wind and solar energy generation,
2021. The SHS technology is cost-ef­­ controllability, are being adopted by microgrid practi-
fective and relatively easy to deploy in tioners due to their green and envi-
comparison to the grid extension alter- dc microgrids are ronmentally friendly nature. Among
native. However, these stand-alone all other renewable technologies,
solutions are suboptimal, as, without
preferred over installations based upon solar energy
resource sharing, they do not take ac microgrids for extraction using PV systems are more
advantage of electricity-usage diversi- successful because of the natural
ty at a village scale. If the power pro- rural electrification availability of sunlight, relatively sim-
duced by an individual household is pler schemes of installation, environ-
higher than its local requirements,
applications. mentally friendly nature, and noise-free
then extra power is wasted after the operation. The consistent reductions
battery is fully recharged. Moreover, in PV panel prices, feed-in tariffs, and
due to the unavailability of a resource-sharing feature, favorable governmental policies to incorporate renewable
these schemes have limited electrification capabilities and energy resources have also encouraged the domestic con-
are not feasible for something demanding like water fil- sumer to invest in this technology to contribute toward
tration plants/irrigation pumps, school computing loads, or sustainable electricity generation. Battery technology has
health-care units for a village. Therefore, such schemes matured and produced batteries with deeper discharge
cannot provide electricity beyond subsistence-level living and longer life at lower cost, and, therefore, PV/battery-
and cannot contribute to the significant improvement in based microgrids can be considered as an optimal choice
terms of quality of life. for future electrification projects.
Solar PV systems produces dc, batteries store dc, and
The Advent of Solar PV-based dc Microgrids most modern loads are now dc, which allows for local
Although an SHS provides a low up-front cost and rela- power generation and distribution through dc microgrids
tively simpler off-grid electrification solution, there are with the source closely matching the load profile. Com-
several limitations to this approach. It cannot support pared to traditional ac distribution, dc microgrids are signif-
larger community loads due to prohibitively large solar icantly more efficient due to no dc–ac or ac–dc conversion
panels and storage requirements for rural occupants in when implemented with distributed generation (DG). These
developing regions. Even with the smaller systems, the systems have an end-to-end efficiency of around 80% (for
levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is generally high due to dc loads) compared to ac microgrids, with an efficiency of
lack of resource-sharing capabilities. Alternatively, wind/ lower than 60%. Along with higher efficiency, dc microgrids
solar/fossil fuel-based islanded microgrids are becoming and the associated distribution have the inherent advan-
very popular for the rural electrification of developing tage of less conductor usage for distributing the same
regions due to their ability to support electrification beyond amount of peak power in comparison to ac distribution.
subsistence-level living and extract the benefit of usage Therefore, the cost associated with distribution conductors
diversity at a village scale. Three major aspects of microgrid can be substantially reduced using dc distribution. The dc
design are critical and need to be optimized for making distribution is more resilient from power quality issues, and
them the best fit for the electrification of remote commu- its reliability is relatively higher in comparison to ac distri-
nities: 1) generation technology, 2) mode of distribution, bution. Therefore, due to their inherent simplicity, higher
and 3) architecture for the placement of generation and power quality, enhanced efficiency, and straightforward
storage resources. controllability, dc microgrids are preferred over ac microgrids
Conventional resources of generation, including fossil for rural electrification applications. These factors all favor
fuel-based generation and, in particular, diesel-based gen- PV/battery-based dc microgrids for practical deployments,
eration systems, result in carbon emissions and are not and they are regarded as an optimal choice for rural electri-
considered an attractive solution for electrification due to fication applications.
their adverse effects on the environment. Moreover, the Since their inception, solar dc microgrids have been
LCOE and operation costs for such diesel-based electricity regarded as a game changer for transforming the power

66 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

scenario of remote communities. It is Power provisioning solar dc microgrid (750 WP) to serves
believed that government-subsidized nine families residing in informal
and public–private partnership-based to high-power settings with basic electricity.
solar microgrids have the potential In all of the previously mentioned
to do much more than provide basic
communal loads practical deployments, the central-
electricity. These community microgrids results in a ized architecture of a PV/battery-
have the abilty to create opportunities based dc microgrid is used, in which
for business and em­­ployment by pow- substantial increase energy is generated and stored at a
ering schools, medical care units, water centralized location. This energy is
filtration plants, agriculture pumps,
in the required then delivered to subscribing house-
telecom towers, and many other micro- capacity and holds via distribution conductors,
enterprises. These universal objectives and, therefore, distribution losses are
can be attained only through the associated cost of associated with the delivery of ener-
proper tailoring, design, and selec- gy. The distribution losses in this
tion of a suitable microgrid architec-
the installation. architecture depend upon the num-
ture that favors a local energy economy ber of subscribers, power levels to be
with higher degrees of scalability and distributed, distribution voltage level,
adaptability. An overview of the existing architectures in and size of the mass-produced conductor used for distri-
practice or in literature along with their pros and cons is bution. Generally, line losses reduce at higher distribu-
discussed in the following sections. tion voltages and a wider area conductor size, whereas
the system exhibits lower distribution efficiency and
Centralized Architecture of Solar dc Microgrid higher line losses with an increasing number of con-
Figure 3 shows the topological diagram of a typical cen- nected households, higher power levels to be delivered
tralized dc microgrid architecture used for many rural at individual households, lower distribution voltage, and
electrification implementations. Such an architecture in lower conductor area used for distribution. The central
which generation (PV panels) and storage (batteries) positioning of the resources is generally beneficial from
resources are placed at a central location is referred to as a the perspective of control, where overall generation and
central generation central storage architecture (CGCSA). storage level (state of charge) are reliably monitored.
CGCSA has a unidirectional flow of power from a central However, this results in higher distribution losses, which
location with solar PV generation and storage to house- become more apparent at higher power levels due to the
holds. A single dc–dc boost converter is required for the increasing number of subscribers and household power
maximum power-point tracking of PV output and step- or community load requirements. Therefore, powering a
ping up the voltage to microgrid distribution voltage level. high-power communal load is not feasible in centralized
At the consumer end, another dc–dc converter is required architecture from a distribution losses perspective.
to step down the microgrid voltage level to household
devices level.
Prominent practical implementations for rural electri-
fication through a CGCSA of solar dc microgrids include
dc Converter
microsolar plants in Chhattisgarh, India, by the Chhattis-
garh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA),
India. CREDA has deployed 576 solar-based dc microgrids
with a cumulative capacity of 2.15 MW, serving around
PV Array
31,000 customers in remote areas. Another very success-
ful commercial-scale solar microgrid is Mera Gao Power
(MGP), India, which involves central PV generation and
Battery Banks
central battery storage with distribution at 24 Vdc to sub-
scribing houses. The subscribers of MGP may consume
up to 5 W of dc electricity (enough to power an LED light
and a mobile-phone-charging point) for 8 h in a day. It is
reported that MGP has more than 0.1 million subscribing dc Loads
households spread across 400 villages. Similarly, in 2012,
the Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Develop-
ment Agency installed 1-kW dc microgrids in 11 districts
covering around 4,000 houses. The Jabula project in Cape
Town, South Africa, is another successful model, where
Zonke Energy installed a PV/battery-based centralized Figure 3. A typical centralized dc microgrid architecture.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 67

Figure 4 shows the distribution effi- The distribution thereby increasing the up-front capital
ciency variations of a typical village in cost of installation. Power provisioning
South Asia with the variations in losses will occur to high-power communal loads,
power delivery to individual house- including a water filtration plant, com-
holds (W), a number of connected
only when there is puting load of a school, or load of
households (N), and voltage levels at a a need for power medical equipment in a health-care
typical distribution conductor size of unit, e.g., results in a substantial
AWG-2. It is evident from the figure sharing among increase in the required capacity and
that distribution efficiency decreases associated cost of the installation.
drastically (at lower voltage levels that
multiple households Such centralized schemes cannot
are considered safe for more village- or when there is incorporate microfinancing for wide-
level electrification) with increasing scale deployments. Moreover, the use
power levels, thereby making the a communal load factor of resources is generally lower
application of community load practi- due to centralized planning require-
cally infeasible in the centralized
demand. ments. During the daytime, e.g., when
architecture. Considering the example there is enough production by the PV
of MGP in India, which provides only panels and the lighting load require-
5 W of dc power at 24 V to each subscribing house, with a ment for houses is comparatively negligible, the excess
limit of 0.2  A, enough to power two LED lights and a power generated by the PV panels cannot be used optimal-
mobile-phone-charging point. Although small power is ly after the storage system has fully charged. Thereby,
beautiful, it is unable to drive high-power community loads excess power will be wasted within panels, making the
and contribute to the uplift of the society. Due to the very overall scheme essentially suboptimal in terms of resource
limited power supply, such a scheme is unlikely to alleviate use. Distribution efficiency, nonscalability, lower use factor,
poverty in rural areas or contribute to significant improve- and higher up-front cost requirements are the major limi-
ments in socioeconomic circumstances. tations in narrowing down the scope of centralized archi-
With the increase in population or number of subscrib- tecture for global energy access realization.
ing households, a CGCSA offers rigidity in terms of future
expansions due to the nonscalable and nonmodular nature Distributed Architectures of a Solar dc Microgrid
of power processing equipment (dc converters). Generation To minimize the limitations of a centralized architecture,
and storage resources are generally nonscalable due to the researchers are working on scalable architectures that
requirements of high-cost synchronization equipment. are either partially or completely distributed from the
Therefore, such architectures require central planning of perspective of PV generation and battery storage resource
the resources with a top-down approach. The major draw- placement at a village scale. Distributed and scalable
back associated with the top-down planning of a CGCSA is architectures with a bottom-up approach can enable the
that its generation and storage capacity have to be organic growth of microgrids and, therefore, can poten-
designed as per peak power requirements of the load, tially empower local communities for sustainable

AWG-2, 380 V AWG-2, N = 40

100 100
Distribution Efficiency (%)

Distribution Efficiency (%)

98 80

96 60
24 V
94 40 48 V
120 V
N = 40 230 V
92 N = 80 20
325 V
N = 120 380 V
90 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Household Load (W) Household Power (W)
(a) (b)

Figure 4. The distribution efficiency variations of a CGCSA with power provisioning variations at an individual household (W) (a) as a function of
the number of subscribing households (N) and (b) as a function of distribution voltage level (V).

68 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

development. Due to their distributed nature, they have supply power to consuming nodes. Therefore, partial
minimum distribution losses in the path and can provide distribution of both generation and storage resources
higher power deliveries at individual households. With and peer-to-peer electricity sharing through GSM-based
resource sharing and power-aggregation features, they communication between PMUs of generating modules
can sustain high-power community loads, without dedi- (houses having PV generation, battery storage, and local
cated power generation. One such architecture is the load) and consuming modules (houses having only local
CGDSA, as shown in Figure 5. Distributing the battery loads without any generation or storage facilities) result
storage system at individual consumer nodes will result in the reduction of distribution losses. The advantages of
in reduced distribution losses, and the distributed power the PDA are mainly a reduction in distribution losses
may be intelligently stored or consumed at the load end and modularity in a structure that allows scalability for
using household power management units (PMUs). This future capacity enhancements. Power from generating
will impart scalability to the overall structure in terms of modules can be pooled up for community load purpos-
future capacity enhancement. Furthermore, the provi- es, thereby making PDA a suitable architecture for eco-
sion of energy storage at local houses also results in nomic uplift of the society.
higher efficiency compared to a CGCSA. The communica- The distribution of generation and storage resources
tion among distributed storage resources at various results in a reduction of overall distribution losses and
households can be done through the Global System for also imparts scalability to the architecture. The DGDSA of
Mobile Communication (GSM), and resources at individ- the solar dc microgrid having PV generation and battery
ual households can be pooled together for communal storage at each individual house is shown in Figure 7. Each
load application. However, the presented architecture household has its own PV generation, battery storage, and
uses centralized PV generation because of the higher local dc loads. Further, bidirectional power flow capability
distribution losses associated with the distribution of is available in each household through bidirectional dc
generated energy. converters to supply or demand power based upon the
The distribution losses associated with the generated local conditions of generation storage and use. In such a
energy can be further reduced using either partially dis- system, each household can work independently as well
tributed architecture (PDA) or highly distributed archi- as share resources with the community. PV generation and
tecture termed as DG distributed storage architecture battery storage resources are designed according to local
(DGDSA) of the solar dc microgrid. In the PDA of the solar load profile, and most of the time, each household in
dc microgrid, the consumer and generation modules are DGDSA will be operating in islanded mode. Consequently,
distributed throughout the village, thus formulating a the losses associated with the distribution of energy from
PDA (see Figure 6). The generating modules have PV gen- generation point to use point will be minimized while all
eration and battery storage resources at their disposal of the household load requirements will also be fulfilled
that can be used to power up their local load as well as simultaneously. The distribution losses will occur only

Bidirectional Power
Unidirectional Power

Solar PV Converter Battery dc Loads

Generator Module

Bidirectional Power
Unidirectional Power
Consumer Module

Battery dc Loads dc Loads

Figure 5. The CGDSA of a solar dc microgrid. Figure 6. The PDA of a solar dc microgrid.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 69

when there is a need for power sharing among multiple
households or when there is a communal load demand.
The architecture has the built-in advantages of 1) a
higher efficiency because of DG and distributed storage, 2)
modular scalability for future expansion, 3) efficient aggre-
gation of power for larger loads even with limited rooftop
PVs, and 4) delivery to such communal entities as rural
schools and basic health units by pooling power from indi-
vidual household units without dedicated (large) genera-
tion. Furthermore, the distributed nature of the proposed
Communal Loads
DGDSA makes it independently scalable in its planning
Bidirectional Power and operation. Therefore, such a highly distributed archi-
Unidirectional Power tecture does not require centralized resource planning.
Rather, it can be planned in a bottom-up manner such
that more and more subscribers can be added within the
architecture without excessive modifications/replace-
ments in the existing structure. The coordinated resource
Battery dc Loads sharing among dispersed generation and storage resourc-
es, therefore, formulates a swarm of energy that has a high-
er potential than the uncoordinated centralized resources in
the microgrid structure.
From the sustainability perspective, distributed archi-
tectures are highly suitable for microfinancing opportuni-
Figure 7. The DGDSA of a solar dc microgrid. ties for private investors/public–private partnerships.
Distributed architecture also has the potential to create an
energy economy in the village through regulated energy
transactions among multiple households. This will not
TABLE 1. The in-practice solutions for the only result in business opportunities but also will open
electrification of developing regions. many horizons for local employment, e.g., for bill collec-
Type of Solution Option tion and maintenance of distributed PV resources. There-
fore, along with the capability to bring socioeconomic uplift
Utility (national) grid A in terms of communal load driving capability, distributed
Stand-alone solar B architectures have the potential to empower the local
population by creating indigenous business and employ-
Diesel generators C
ment opportunities.
Centralized solar microgrids D
Distributed solar microgrids E Comparison Matrix
The electrification architecture of developing communities
has taken a different form since the beginning of the rural
electrification era and the focus of governments and inter-
national organizations on universal energy access. These
TABLE 2. The typical power provisioning levels include electrification via a utility grid, SHSs, diesel genera-
for village-scale electrification. tor-based electrification, and solar microgrid-based electri-
Typical Power fication as tabulated in Table 1. Each electrification solution
Provisioning has some salient characteristics associated with it. Eco-
(Levels) Details nomic viability is one of the key concerns for developing
economies with constrained funding resources. The ability
1 Light/mobile phone charging up to
8 h/day to provide higher amounts of power for subscribing house-
holds as well as for community load applications is anoth-
2 24/7 light/mobile charging
er key feature that quantifies the potential of the scheme
3 Light(s), mobile charging, and house for contributing toward socioeconomic uplift. Various pos-
loads (fans and so forth) sible power provision levels for village-scale electrification
4 Light(s), mobile charging, fan(s), and have been tabulated in Table 2. Figure 8 shows the map-
larger communal loads ping of various electrification solutions from the per-
spective of economic viability and power provision
5 All loads (including industrial)
capability. It is apparent from the discussion of various

70 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

architectures that distributed solar dc microgrids exhibit
higher levels of scalability and can be designed with a bot-
tom-up approach, resulting in lower up-front cost require-
ments and higher economic viability for developing
regions. Also, lower distribution losses in the path of power E
delivery and bidirectional resource-sharing capabilities

Economic Viability
enable the architecture to support higher power loads for
community benefits. A brief comparison of other salient
characteristics of various electrification schemes, including
scalability, modularity, use efficiency, the potential for
energy microeconomy, the potential for poverty alleviation, C
and legal challenges, is shown in Table 3. Cost and afford- A
ability are the main drivers for adaptability; a cost compar-
ison of various architectures for a village of 40 households 1 2 3 4 5
is highlighted in Table 4. These village-level microgrids are Power Provisioning (Levels)
generally sustained through microfinancing or private sec-
tor investment, and a subscription-based cost analysis Figure 8. The mapping of various architectures from power provision-
is also listed in Table 4. Monthly charges are calculated ing and economic viability perspectives.
for paying back up-front and opera-
tion and maintenance (O&M) costs
including battery replacement for a TABLE 3. The characterization of various in-practice solutions
period of 25 years. for the electrification of developing regions.
Other Aspects A B C D E
Potential Challenges in
Practical Deployments of Scalability Low Low Low Low High
Distributed Microgrids Modularity Medium Low Low High High
Although the scalable architecture
Use efficiency High Low Low Medium High
allows for the efficient use of distrib-
uted resources in a highly scalable Communal loads High Low High Low High
manner, some challenges associated The potential for energy Low Medium High High High
with larger deployments persist. microeconomy
From a practical implementation
The potential for poverty High Medium Low Low High
perspective, there can be potential alleviation
challenges for the distributed place-
Legal challenges Low Medium Low Medium Medium
ment of resources. Space barriers

TABLE 4. The estimated cost of various architectures of dc microgrids for a

village of 40 households.
Subscription Charges per
User per Month for Payback
Capital Plus (in US$/Month)
Capital 25 Years
Load per House Cost O&M Cost Three Six Nine
Architecture (24/7 Provision to Subscribers) (US$) (US$) Years Years Years
CGCSA One light and mobile-phone-charging unit 2,020 4,550 1.4 0.8 0.6
(5 W)
DGDSA Three lights, one fan, charging unit (30 W 9,110 24,900 6.3 4.2 3.1
per house) 
Three lights, one fan, charging unit, and 9,525 25,510 6.6 4.5 3.3
communal load (30 W per house + 500 W)
Stand-alone Three lights, one fan, charging unit (30 W 10,310 27,905 7.1 4.9 3.3
production and per house)
(no microgrid) Three lights, one fan, charging unit, and 11,100 29,815 7.7 5.3 3.8
communal load (30 W + 500 W)

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 71

along with the maintenance of con- Scalable solar dc her editorial contributions in terms of
verters and cleaning of PV panels at graphic de­­signs for this publication.
individual households are some of the microgrids with a
practical challenges that need to be For Further Reading
addressed for successful practical
distributed nature World Energy Outlook. (2017). Electricity
implementations. Bidirectional power and bottom-up access database. [Online]. Available:
flow metering and theft monitoring
issues must also be considered for design can be freepublications/publication/WEO-
future installations. The high-level dis-
tribution of resources poses a challenge
regarded as a way look.pdf
D. Palit, G. K. Sarangi, and P. Krithika,
with re­­spect to safety and protection forward to realize “Energising rural India using distribut-
ed generation: The case of solar mini-
due to the increased likelihood of short
circuit contribution from multiple paths the global objectives grids in Chhattisgarh State, India,” in
Mini-Grids for Rural Electrification of Devel-
within the microgrid. Therefore, future
large-scale practical implementations
of universal oping Countries, S. C. Bhattacharyya and
D. Palit, Eds. New York: Springer-Verlag,
must also include an intelligent protec- energy access. 2014, pp. 313–342.
J. Urpelainen, “Energy poverty and
tion scheme capable of real-time load
perceptions of solar power in marginal-
flow and short circuit analysis for adap­­ ized communities: Survey evidence from
tive relay settings. Uttar Pradesh, India,” Renewable Energy, vol. 85, pp. 534–539,
From an economic point of view, such a distributed Jan. 2016.
model is highly suitable for microfinancing opportunities for P. A. Madduri, J. Poon, J. Rosa, M. Podolsky, E. A. Brewer, and
S. R. Sanders, “Scalable dc microgrids for rural electrification
private investors/public–private partnerships. To enable
in emerging regions,” IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron.,
energy trading among multiple households, there must be a vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1195–1205, 2016.
mechanism to monitor energy transactions among neigh- W. Inam, D. Strawser, K. K. Afridi, R. J. Ram, and D. J. Per-
boring houses. Although an energy trade mechanism will reault, “Architecture and system analysis of microgrids with
formulate a local energy market and be helpful for empow- peer-to-peer electricity sharing to create a marketplace which
enables energy access,” in Proc. 2015 9th Int. Conf. Power Electron-
ering rural inhabitants, it will require an information and
ics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia), pp. 464–469.
communication layer at neighborhood levels to ensure M. Nasir, N. A. Zaffar, and H. A. Khan, “Analysis on central
monitoring the exchange of energy. A practical solution to and distributed architectures of solar powered dc micro­­
these technical challenges along with successful business grids,” in Proc. 2016 Clemson University Power Systems Conf.
models and financing solutions may enable a wide uptake (PSC), pp. 1–6.
M. Nasir, H. A. Khan, A. Hussain, L. Mateen, and N. A. Zaffar,
of the distributed solar microgrids for achieving the enhanced
“Solar PV-based scalable dc microgrid for rural electrification
level of energy access in the coming years. in developing regions,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 9, no. 1,
pp. 390–399, 2018.
Conclusions M. Nasir, Z. Jin, H. Khan, N. Zaffar, J. Vasquez, and J. M.
The conventional schemes of electrification are limited in Guerrero, “A decentralized control architecture applied to dc
nanogrid clusters for rural electrification in developing
their potential either due to economic constraints or their
regions,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Apr. 2018. doi: 10.1109/
inability to sustain high-power loads. Alternatively, scalable TPEL.2018.2828538.
solar dc microgrids designed through a bottom-up approach H. A. Khan, H. F. Ahmad, M. Nasir, M. F. Nadeem, and N. A.
offer a financially viable solution along with the ability to Zaffar, “Decentralised electric power delivery for rural elec-
sustain high-power loads for community benefits. There- trification in Pakistan,” Energy Policy, vol. 120, pp. 312–323,
Sept. 2018.
fore, scalable architectures of solar dc microgrids don’t just
provide access to basic electricity; they also have the poten-
tial to act as a catalyst for economic growth and improved Biographies
livelihoods. A proportionate and meaningful electrification Mashood Nasir ( is with the
of developing regions can be achieved through implement- Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan.
ing scalable solar dc microgrids coupled with financing and Hassan Abbas Khan ( is with
policy commitments on a broader scale. Thus, scalable solar the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan.
dc microgrids with a distributed nature and bottom-up Nauman Ahmad Zaffar (
design can be regarded as a way forward to realize the glob- is with the Lahore University of Management Sciences,
al objectives of universal energy access. Pakistan.
Juan C. Vasquez ( is with Aalborg Univer-
Acknowledgments sity, Denmark.
We would like to acknowledge the support of Kiran Siraj, Josep M. Guerrero ( is with Aalborg Uni-
a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering versity, Denmark.
at Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan, for 

72 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

By David Schumacher, Omid Beik, and Ali Emadi

Integrated Power
Electronics Systems
Applications for off-grid rural locations.


ntuition would assume that the number of

people without energy access would decrease over time.
However, it has been estimated that the number of peo-
ple without access to electricity will continue to increase
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871318
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 over the coming years, as shown in Table 1. In Africa, for

2325-5987/18©2018IEEE IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 73

Table 1. World population without access to electricity by region (in millions).

2009 2030

Share of Share of
Rural Urban Population Rural Urban Population
Africa 466 121 58% 539 107 42%
  Sub-Saharan Africa 465 121 69% 538 107 49%
Developing Asia 595 81 19% 327 49 9%
  China 8 0 1% 0 0 0%
  India 268 21 25% 145 9 10%
  Rest 319 60 36% 181 40 16%
Latin America 26 4 7% 8 2 2%
Middle East 19 2 11% 5 0 2%
Developing countries 1,106 208 25% 879 157 16%
World* 1,109 208 19% 879 157 12%

Note: * Includes countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and Eastern Europe/Eurasia.

Area Out of Threshold

PV Under Threshold
Diesel Under Threshold
Grid Connection Area Out of
Diesel and PV Under
PV Under
Grid and PV Threshold
Grid and Diesel
Grid, Diesel, and PV

Figure 1. The geographical distribution of technologies with elec-

tricity costs lower than 25c€/kWh and a conservative assumption
on grid extension. PV: photovoltaic. (Photo used with permission Figure 2. An economic comparison of diesel versus PV. (Photo used
from Szabó et al.) with permission from Szabó et al.)

example, there are almost 600 million people currently liv- renewable energy solutions would be most ideal because
ing without access, with most living in rural areas. they are sustainable and help to fight climate change.
Rural electrification continues to influence developing Luckily, renewable energy sources, such as solar and
countries around the world. Traditionally, rural electrifica- wind, are becoming more popular due to reduced costs
tion is powered by either grid connection; distributed energy, and advancing technologies, such as battery technology,
such as solar, wind, or hydro; or through the use of biofuels as well as more efficient power electronic converters. For
like wood, oil, or diesel, with diesel being the most common example, the cost of solar energy has fallen by 80% and
off-grid option for rural locations. Distributed energy has could continue to decrease another 60% by the end of the
advantages over the traditional options, and, in reality, the current decade, and the efficiency of solar energy systems
decision usually comes down to cost and time. However, has also increased over the past 40 years.

74 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

These improvements strengthen the
case for distributed and renewable energy

Figure 3. The single bus topologies. Note: Red lines indicate low dc voltage, green lines indicate high dc voltage, and blue lines indicate high ac voltage. (a) The topology for a single ac bus in which all the
sources, specifically for off-grid applica-

tions. In Africa, 60% of new energy generation
is estimated to be from off-grid solutions,
with an estimated 730 million people cur-

rently relying on biomass for their electrici-
ty needs. Thus, the potential output for

HV Bus
switching to a renewable distributed alter-
native, like solar and wind, can have a great

Isolated dc/dc
Isolated dc/dc

Isolated dc/dc

impact on the energy developments around


the world, specifically for developing coun-


tries. For small rural communities, there are

several reasons why alternative of energy
sources are preferred over grid-connected






solutions. The infrastructure costs and time


required for grid extension, because of road
and tower building and gathering of
required materials, is costly and time con-

suming compared with diesel and solar.
And even those connected to the grid do
not always receive reliable energy because
of a weak grid and power outages. Diesel is

the most common option used in some
rural areas for electricity generation be­­

cause of its reliability and cost. However,

there are downsides. Diesel is a fossil fuel

LV Bus
and contributes to climate change. For indi-
viduals to use diesel, methods of trans-
Isolated dc/dc

Isolated dc/dc

porting and extracting it can be time





consuming, especially in remote locations.

This time can be spent on education or

contributing to family income. Therefore,

an alternative energy option that addresses





sources are connected individually, (b) a single LVdc bus, and (c) a single HVdc bus.


these issues will be more attractive. Com-
pared to grid extension and diesel, distrib-
uted energy has higher initial costs and
lower energy densities, but it is sustainable,

quick to implement, low maintenance, and

does not require large transportation costs.
Figure 1 shows different energy methods
ac Bus

suitable for each location in Africa on a cost


basis, and Figure 2 shows the cost compari-

son for solar and diesel. On the basis of Fig-



ures 1 and 2, solar is a suitable energy

source on a cost basis in many areas and
indicates its viability versus the current
Isolated dc/dc
Isolated dc/dc
Isolated dc/dc

energy options.



DC Conversion Systems

Typically, for off-grid systems, there are three

different topologies: dc, ac, or hybrid sys-


tems. For dc systems, there is a main dc bus






where both of the sources, loads, and energy

storage systems (ESSs) all implement dc elec-
tricity. For ac systems, it is exactly the same

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 75

The topologies shown in Figure 3
are further broken down by isolated
24–40-V Solar LV and nonisolated configurations,
Panel > 1 kW Source =/=
which are dependent on the volt-
age level of each component within
1 × 12–24 V, LV the system. Generally, low-voltage
100 W Load =/= dc/ac
HVac (LV) systems require galvanic isola-
=/∼ Load tion from high-voltage (HV) sys-
LV Cell tems. Figure 3(a) shows the topology
3 × 5 V, 1 A =/= 1 × 1 kW, 230 V,
Phone for a single ac bus in which all the
50 Hz
Bidirectional sources are connected individually
LV dc/dc either through isolated or nonisolat-
48-V Battery =/=
ESS ed converters, depending on the
voltage level. If a main dc bus is
48-V 400-V desired, this topology shifts into a
LV Bus HV Bus single LVdc bus [Figure 3(b)] and a
single HVdc bus [Figure 3(c)].
Figure 4. A proposed standalone off-grid integrated power converter system. Topologies presented in Figure 3(b)
and (c) are more common than that
as dc but with ac buses. And for hybrid systems, both dc shown in Figure 3(a), when only one ac load is present
and ac sources, ESSs, and loads are used. The selection because the ESS can be connected to the dc source and dc
between these architectures is dependent on the applica- load through the same dc bus. Note that the dc loads are
tion requirements. Since solar is the dominant choice for assumed to be at low voltages, i.e., 5, 12, 24, or 48 V, while
an energy system architecture as shown in Figures 1 and 2, the ac loads are assumed to be at high voltages, i.e., 120,
a dc-sourced system will be the focus of the topology dis- 220, 230, or 240 V. The ESS is required to have bidirectional
cussion in this article. Therefore, the possible topologies for operation because of charging and discharging demand,
an off-grid rural application are presented in Figure 3. and its voltage is dependent on the connection type.

Table 2. Portable off-grid products and applications.

EnerPlex’s Generatr 1200 Solar Generator Wagan Tech Solar ePower Cube 1500

■ 1,231-Wh, 83.2-Ah, 12-V Li battery ■ Solar controller, 20 A

■ 1# 100-Ah, 12-V, 15-A maximum continuous absorbent
■ 4# solar panel dc jack 16–34 V, 120 W maximum
glass mat (AGM)/Gel hybrid battery
■ Wall charger dc jack 19 V, 120 W maximum Input:
■ 2# Anderson jacks 12 V, 120 W maximum ■ 2# 100–240-Vac charger 50/60 Hz

■ 5# 16-W solar panels (80 W total), 17% efficiency,

20 A maximum
USB, 12-V standard ac wall outlet
■ 3# USB 2.4 A/12 V–10 A, 120 W maximum total Output:
■ 12-V Anderson jack 10 A, 120 W maximum total ■ 2# 5-V USB outlet, 2.1 A maximum

■ 19 V, 6.3 A, 120 W maximum total ■ 2# 115-Vac, 60-Hz 1.5-kW continuous 3.6-kW peak

■ 3# 100-Vac 60-Hz pure-sine wave 1,000 W maximum ac output, modified sine wave, 90% efficiency
­total ­continuous (1,100 maximum over loading) ■ 2# 12-Vdc outlet

Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator Renogy’s Lycan PowerBox

■ 1,200-Wh, 100-Ah, 12-V AGM lead-acid battery ■ 24-Ah, 1,075-Wh, 12-V lead-acid battery
■ 20-A MPPT 1.2-kW pure sine wave inverter
120-Vac wall charger (72 W) Input:
12-V car charger (30 W) ■ Solar panel

8-mm solar 16–48 V, 10 A, 160 W maximum ■ Wall outlet

Power pole 16–48 V, 20 A, 240 W maximum ■ 12-V car charger
Output: Output:
■ 3# 5-V, 2.1-A USB outlets ■ 2# 12 Vdc

■ 8-mm 12 V, 10 A, 120 W ■ 3# 110 Vac

■ 12-V, 33-A power pole port ■ 4# 2.4-A USB

■ 3# 110-Vac, 60-Hz, 1,200-W pure sine wave

76 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

Since the topologies presented here are an off-grid from trailer systems, storage containers, carts, or systems
standalone application, there will be no grid connection, installed on houses or buildings. Table 3 lists some of the
and the ESS is charged using the source. Structures pre- commercially available stationary products. The Sunblazer
sented in Figure 3(b) and (c) are ideal for topologies with II unit and the Smart Village Universal Charge Controller
only one ac load, while the topology shown in Figure 3 is shown in Figure 5 have a similar topology to the proposed
suitable for multiple ac loads and sources. Therefore, for system in Figure 4. For the Smart Village Universal Charge
a rural off-grid standalone system, the converter shown Controller, the demo board’s solar input is from 17 to 54 V
in Figure 4 is proposed. The  proposed topology imple- with a maximum power of 200 W. The demo board is used
ments an integrated converter system that can be used to charge a 12-V sealed lead acid battery with a maximum
to power input and output charge current of 10 and 16.6 A, respec-
1) one 100-W, 12–24-Vdc load tively. The Sunblazer unit II consists of six 300-W solar
2) one 1,000-W, 230-V, and 50-Hz ac load panels, four 24/48-V batteries (absorbent glass mat/gel), a
3) three 5-V and 1-A cell phone charging ports. solar charge controller using maximum power point
Note that 12- or 24-V batteries can also be connected to tracking (MPPT), 10/20 charging channels for 12-V, 9–18-Ah
the 12–24-Vdc load, but ideally, this connection is for light- universal portable battery units, and the option to have
emitting diode lighting or a 12–24-V load. The existing off- both a 1,000-W ac input charger and a 1,500-W ac output
grid applications that achieve similar tasks as the proposed load at 230 Vac, 50 Hz, or 60 Hz. It is mainly used to charge
topology fall into portable and stationary systems. Porta- multiple battery packs for approximately 500 people.
ble systems utilize battery banks to power the loads and a Compared with the portable option, the stationary system
conversion system that uses a 12-Vdc to 120-Vac inverter can achieve higher power, and packaging and mass are
for either pure sine or modified sine wave output. The not as much of a concern.
input charging capability in the existing portable systems
is low, so the charge times are long where usually the Integrated Solar Conversion System
battery needs to be charged for the system to run the out- On the basis of the proposed topology in Figure 4, the
puts because the input power is not enough to operate all implemented standalone off-grid power electronic sys-
the loads at full power. Some of the portable products tem for rural applications is shown in Figure 6 with its
that are primarily designed for camping purposes are list- main specifications listed in Table 4. The proposed topol-
ed in Table 2. ogy is suitable for a home system. However, the system
Stationary systems are more variable in the literature can be used as a battery charging station similar to the
and usually customized for each application. Many range Sunblazer II unit. For a battery system connection,

Table 3. Stationary off-grid products and applications.

Sunblazer II Unit Smart Village Universal Charge Controller

■ MPPT solar charge controller ■ MPPT solar charge controller

Input: Input:
■ 6# 300-W solar panels ■ 18–24-V solar panel
■ 4# 24–48-V AGM/gel batteries ■ 45–55-V solar panel
■ 1-kW ac input charger (wind/diesel) backup power ■ 50–60-Vdc microgrid

■ 24-V Sunblazer-Lite or storage

Output: ■ 
■ 10–20# 12-V, 9–18-Ah universal portable battery units
110/220 ac microgrid
■ 1.5 kW ac 230 V, 50/60 Hz Output:
12-V home battery
12-V appliances (fan, lights, and so on)

Leading Edge Power Box Other Products/Manufacturers

■ 1,200-Wh, 360-Ah/24-V battery with 24 V/(10, 25, 50, ■ Tesla PowerWall
or 70 A charger) ■ SMA products, e.g., Sunny Boy 3.0–5.0, Sunny Island
4.4 M
Input: ■ 
■ 2# 140-W solar panels
Schneider electric products, e.g., Xantrex XW
■ SolarEdge, e.g., SE3000H
■ 300–450-W wind power ■ Enphase Energy, e.g., Enphase ac battery, Enphase IQ
■ 187–265-V, 16-A, 45–65-Hz ac input
6 microinverter
Output: ■ ABB, e.g., MGS100
12 V, 9 A, and 24 V, 6 A dc load
230 V, 16 A ac output

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 77

charging and discharging, an off-the-shelf bidirectional moving to a higher number of phases helps with reducing
dc/dc converter and control system can be used, as the phase current, input and output current, and voltage
schematically depicted in Figure 6. The proposed sys- ripples. The dc load is powered from the LVdc link using a
tem includes buck converter, which converts the 48–60 to 12–24 V at the
1) a three-phase input boost converter load side, as most common dc loads are in the range of
2) a single-phase buck converter to supply a dc load 5–24 V. The power flow is from the LVdc link to the dc load,
3) a phase-shifted full-bridge (PSFB) converter in the range of 100 W. Therefore, a nonisolated buck-type
4) a single-phase full-bridge inverter. converter is chosen for simplicity and cost perspective. The
The boost converter increases the input voltage from 24–40 system allows connection of a three universal serial bus
to 48–60 V, which will be referred to as the LVdc link. The (USB) ports, e.g., for cell phones, because they are very com-
basic single-phase boost converter can be used. However, mon. For cell phone charging, an off-the-shelf converter is

Sunblazer dc Microgrid
PV Home
24 Vdc 18–24 Vdc 50–70 Vdc

Port C1 Port C2
Universal Charge Controller



Port C3 Battery Port Load Port

ac Microgrid Rectifier 12–24-V Battery Loads

(a) (b)

Figure 5. (a) A smart village universal charge controller. Note: Red indicates ac voltage, blue is dc voltage, gray indicates controller, and purple
signifies converter. (b) A SunBlazer II unit.

LVdc Link HVdc Link

Three-Phase Boost Converter PSFB

L1 D1 D2 D3 S4 S6 D5 D7 S9 S11

L2 L6 ac Load
C1 C3
Solar Input

C4 Rac
– D6 D8 S10
S1 S2 S3 S5 S7 S12

Single-Phase Inverter
Battery Bidirectional S8
dc/dc Converter L4

USB D4 C2 Rdc dc Load

USB USB Isolated dc/dc
Ports Converter Buck Converter

Figure 6. The proposed standalone off-grid integrated power converter system for rural applications. USB: universal serial bus.

78 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

used to convert the LVdc link voltage down to 5 V. The LVdc flyback and forward topologies utilize only one quadrant
link also powers the single-phase full-bridge inverter employ- of the B–H curve as compared to half- and full-bridge con-
ing the PSFB converter. The PSFB converter implements an verters that use two-quadrant B–H characteristics. There-
eight-turn transformer at 50 kHz to achieve the required a fore, for the same output power, the single-quadrant
350–400-V HVdc link. The HVdc link is input to a single-phase topologies will require the core to be double the size. The
full-bridge inverter that powers a 230-V, 50-Hz, and 1-kW ac switching devices also have to withstand larger currents
because most countries use 230 Vac for their appliances. and voltages compared to the half and full bridge. The

Zero Voltage Switching

and Output Voltage Table 4. Proposed converter specification.
Converters Boost Buck PSFB Inverter
The PSFB converter is a suitable iso-
lated topology for the proposed Input voltage (Vdc) 24–40 48–60 48–60 330–450
application because of its facilitated Output voltage (V) 48–60 dc 12–24 dc 330–450 dc 230 ac rms
ability to achieve zero voltage switch­­
Maximum output inductor 40 10 10 40
ing (ZVS) compared to other isolat-
current ripple (%)
ed topologies, i.e., flyback, forward,
push–pull, half bridge, and full Maximum output voltage 6 6 5 5
ripple (%)
bridge. The transformers in the

Eight Turns Eight Turns

10 10
Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Out of Range
50 50
ZVS Condition
90 90
130 130
170 Out of Range 170
210 210
250 250
ZVS Condition Vo Condition
290 290
330 330
370 370
400 400
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Nine Turns Nine Turns
10 10
Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Out of Range
50 50
90 90
130 130 ZVS Condition
Out of Range
170 170
210 210
250 250
290 ZVS Condition 290
330 330 Vo Condition
370 370
400 400
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Ten Turns Ten Turns
10 10
Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Output Filter Inductance (µH)

Out of Range
50 50
90 90
130 Out of Range 130
170 170
210 210 ZVS Condition
250 250
290 ZVS Condition 290
330 330
370 370 Vo Condition
400 400
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Leakage Inductance (µH) Leakage Inductance (µH)
(a) (b)

Figure 7. (a) and (b) The phase-shift conditions for varying turns, load power, leakage inductance, and output filter inductance.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 79

push–pull is an improvement, but it
Table 5. Integrated converter components.
suffers from flux imbalance in the
Converters core and also has larger voltages on
the switching devices compared to
Components Type Boost Buck PSFB Inverter
the half and full bridge. When com-
AGP4233-103ME Inductor #6 0 0 0 paring the half bridge to the full
IPP083N10N5 MOSFET #3 #1 0 0 bridge, the full bridge is more ad­­
vantageous because it has lower
IDW30E65D1 Diode #3 #1 #4 0
conduction losses. For the same out-
MKP1848C61060JK2 Capacitor #5 #1 0 0 put power, it achieves half the con-
1140-101K-RC Inductor 0 #1 0 0 duction losses since the currents are
FDP045N10A MOSFET 0 0 0 twice as large in the half bridge,
which can be even more advanta-
T1000DC-1-8 Transformer 0 0 #1 0
geous as the power level increases.
1140-151K-RC Inductor 0 0 #2 0 There are a few improvements
AIRD-03-270 Inductor 0 0 #1 0 that can be made to the traditional
full-bridge converter, which usually
LLS2W221MELA Capacitor 0 0 #8 0
come down to ZVS or zero current
DENO-23-0001 Inductor 0 0 0 #1 switching. There have been many
940C12P1K-F Capacitor 0 0 0 #1 converters implementing some
STP28N65M2 MOSFET 0 0 0 #4 form of resonance, with the sim-
plest being the PSFB converter. The
MOSFET: Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor; x: Number of components used. phase shift between two legs of
the PSFB converter has a range of
0–180°; hence, if a specific group of
25 PSFB parameters results in the
Voltage (V)

20 phase shift out of this range, then

those parameters cannot be used.
Figure 7 shows a comparison be­­
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 tween the ZVS and the output volt-
Time (s) age for a different number of turns
(a) and for 250- and 1,000-W output,
while the output filter inductance
Power (kW)

and leakage inductance are varied
0.5 from 10 to 400 µH and from 1 to
50 µH, respectively. The areas in yel-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 low are out of the range of 0–180°,
Time (s) blue shows the areas where the
(b) output voltage constraint has lower
values than the ZVS constraint, and
Voltage (V)

40 orange shows the locations where

30 the ZVS constraint has lower values
than the output voltage constraint.
Lower phase-shift values mean
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) that it is harder to achieve either
(c) the output voltage or ZVS. These
conditions indicate the highest the
Power (W)

phase shift can be. For instance, if

80 the phase shift is 50°, any value
60 below 50° will achieve either ZVS or
the output voltage. Therefore, if the
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
ZVS condition has the phase shift
being lower than 50° and the out-
put voltage phase shift is lower
Figure 8. The prescribed set of conditions applied to the converter: (a) buck converter output than 30°, then any value below 30°
voltage, (b) ac load power, (c) boost converter input voltage, and (d) buck converter output power. will guarantee that both ZVS and

80 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

60 56
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
50 53
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
30 13
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
VOBuck VOBuck
0 11
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

380 360
Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)
360 355
340 345
320 340
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

650 VAC 650 VAC

Voltage (V)

Voltage (V)

325 325
0 0
–325 –325
–650 –650
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
2,000 PinBoost 2,000 PinBoost
Power (W)

Power (W)

1,500 1,500
1,000 1,000
500 500
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
120 120
POBuck POBuck
Power (W)

Power (W)

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
2,000 2,000
Pac Pac
Power (W)

Power (W)

1,500 Inst 1,500 Inst

1,000 AVG AVG
500 500
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

Figure 9. The integrated converter-simulated waveforms: (a) LVdc link voltage, (b) buck converter output voltage, (c) HVdc link voltage, (d) ac
load voltage, (e) boost converter input power, (f) buck converter output power, and (g) ac load power.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D ec emb er 201 8 81

Inverter Input Voltage
Inverter Input Current
dc Input
Load Voltage

Load Current

LVdc Inverter
Supply Integrated Control Unit

(a) (b)

Figure 10. (a) The experimental results for 1,000-W, 230-V, and 50-Hz ac load and (b) the experimental test setup.

the output voltage are achieved. If the phase-shift value is the ac load power is successfully maintained at 250 and
between 30 and 50°, it means that ZVS will be achieved 1,000 W at 230 V and 50 Hz, as shown in Figure 9. The
but the desired output voltage will not. Because this inverter output voltage is maintained at 230 V rms over the
design is trying to achieve both ZVS and the output volt- entire operating range, and the total harmonic distortion
age, the lower phase-shift value out of the two is the one over the entire simulated operating range is 0.3%, which is
that needs to be targeted for both conditions to be met. well below the required 5% threshold for distributed ener-
Figure 7 indicates which condition has the smaller gy systems. Figure 10 shows the experimental results for
phase-shift value, showing which condition takes prece- an ac load of 1,000 W that are in a good agreement with
dence over the other. ZVS is harder to achieve at light the simulation, confirming the simulation models, proce-
loads, and as seen from Figure 7, there is no blue coloring dures, and the practicality and feasibility of the system.
for the 250-W case. It can also be seen that as the number Note that the total conversion system efficiency is mea-
of turns increases, the blue area decreases. By an increase sured at around 90% at the rated load condition.
in the number of turns, the output voltage will be easier to
achieve, which in turn means that the phase-shift values For Further Reading
will be higher. Table 5 lists the parameters that were IRENA, “Africa 2030: Roadmap for a Renewable Energy
Future,” International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu
selected for the proposed converter system.
Dhabi, 2017.
R. Podmore, R. Larsen, H. Louie, N. Johnson, and S. Saha,
Discussion “Fueling sustainability: The exponential impact of empower-
To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the ing off-grid communities,” IEEE Electrific. Mag., vol. 4, no. 1, pp.
topology presented in Figure 6, a prescribed set of condi- 11–17, 2016.
H. Louie, E. O’Grady, V. Van Acker, S. Szablya, N. P. Kumar,
tions, shown in Figure 8, is applied to the integrated con-
and R. Podmore, “Rural off-grid electricity service in Sub-
verter over a time frame of 3 s with the LVdc link and Saharan Africa,” IEEE Electrific. Mag., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 7–15, 2015.
HVdc link voltages clamped at 55 and 350 V, respectively. S. Szabó, K. Bódis, T. Huld, and M. Moner-Girona, “Energy
Over this time frame, the buck converter output voltage solutions in rural Africa: Mapping electrification costs of dis-
and power are changed, along with the input source volt- tributed solar and diesel generation versus grid extension,”
Environ. Res. Lett., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 34002, 2011.
age and output ac load power, as can be seen in Figure 8.
L. V. Bellinaso, C. D. Schwertner, and L. Michels, “Price-
From these applied changes, the integrated converter based power management of off-grid photovoltaic systems
waveforms at a few specific areas are shown in Figure 9. with centralised dc bus,” IET Renew. Power Gener., vol. 10, no. 8,
The right-hand side shows a zoomed-in version of the pp. 1132–1139, 2016.
waveforms on the left, and the purple dash lines indicate
from where these zoomed-in figures are taken. Biographies
From Figure 9, it is clear that the controller, through a David Schumacher ( is with
closed-loop control scheme, is able to maintain the de­­sired McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
prescribed variables (voltages and power) over the entire Omid Beik ( is with Magna Pow-
simulated operating range. The HVdc link voltage has an ertrain Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
ac ripple of 3%, i.e., below the 5% threshold, which is Ali Emadi ( is with McMaster Uni-
acceptable. The buck converter output power is able to versity, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
meet the desired 50 and 100 W at both 12 and 24 V, while 

82 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / December 2018

By Faeza Hafiz, Anderson Rodrigo de Queiroz, and Iqbal Husain

footage firm, inc.

Solar Generation,
Storage, and
Electric Vehicles
in Power Grids
Challenges and solutions olar energy is an abundant renewable

energy source that is available all around the
with coordinated control world every day. Each hour, the solar rays that

at the residential level. reach our Earth (if properly converted to electrici-
ty and other forms of energy) represent more
than the total energy consumption of the entire human race
over the course of one year. Wind energy is another important
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871319
renewable resource available in large amounts every day.
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 These two renewable energy sources are attracting significant

2325-5987/18©2018IEEE IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 83

investment as countries seek technology cost reductions energy sources. Government agencies and other regulators
to aid sustainability. are also invested in exploring new opportunities for energy
Improvements in the conversion and use of larger frac- storage in energy markets. For example, in the United
tions of solar and wind energy would help in terms of sup- States, recently completed and ongoing projects can be
ply security and satisfying societal energy needs for found in the states of Massachusetts, California, North Car-
decades and even centuries to come without adding high olina, Texas, and others (Figure 1).
levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the Along with advances in modern power grids, the transpor-
environment. Therefore, in several energy markets (such as tation sector is also significantly modernizing. New technolo-
in Brazil, Norway, Germany, England, and Australia), gov- gies are focused on developing environmentally friendly
ernments and regulators are emphasizing the need to means of transport, such as plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs).
increase the deployment of solar and wind energy sources PEV technology introduces a new link between the power and
as well as other measures to enhance monitoring, pricing, transportation infrastructures. These vehicles require electrici-
and control mechanisms in modern power grids. ty from the grid for battery charging, thus achieving the auton-
The use of these renewable generation sources by them- omy to transport people from place to place. But if the PEV is
selves in power grids generally raises issues related to sup- connected to the grid, the electricity stored in its battery can
ply uncertainty, mismatch with system peak demand, and also be used to satisfy other household electricity demands.
voltage and frequency regulation. For example, imagine the Because of PEVs’ bidirectional capabilities, these transporta-
simple case of a household with installed solar panels that tion vehicles represent at once a load on the grid and a source
are used to produce electricity. In the daytime, the sun may of electricity for the grid, depending on when it is needed.
be shining, and electricity can be produced without prob- Because the use of solar energy panels, energy storage,
lems. But during this period, the household need for elec- and PEVs is ramping up, homeowners with both forms of
tricity is typically lower because the users are away. This storage can control and manage their equipment’s opera-
simple example can be extended to more complex and tion in a coordinated way to reduce electricity/transporta-
interconnected issues as the level of penetration of renew- tion costs and minimize other problems. The goal of this
able energy resources increases. article is to offer an overview of solar PV generation, bat-
In modern power grids, the use of devices ensuring the tery storage, and PEVs and highlight the benefits associat-
proper use of renewable energy sources is key as invest- ed with the coordinated use of these technologies in
ments in wind and solar grow. Static batteries and other energy management at the household level.
kinds of energy-storage devices are encouraged in these
systems, and their employment helps to shift energy Present and Future of Solar Generation
usage over time. Storage technologies are attracting the at the Residential Level
attention of investors, and there are plenty of successful According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, 2,227 MW
applications of different storage devices alongside renewable of rooftop solar was installed in 2017 in the United States.

9% 5% 36%
13% 14%
3% 18%
14% 23%
1% 22%
15% 23%
–11% 13% 15% 26%
–4% 20% 12% 12%
22% 3% 16% 12% 8%
22% 7% 13%
17% 9%
–15% 18% 14%
2% Change
9% 10% 3% (% of Total
Tot Sales)
0% 7% 11% or
o More
0 or Negative

Figure 1. The change in the rooftop solar potential 2008–2016. (Image courtesy of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,

84 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

Based on research by the National Renewable Energy Labo- has already created a real and unpredictable threat of
ratory (NREL), rooftop solar could one day produce almost large-scale overvoltage situations. Transient overvoltage
40% of our electricity using the average efficiency of solar events in Hawaii’s grid have resulted in damage to grid
panels installed in 2015. The research report stated that equipment and customers’ home electronics. In such situ-
there are over 8 billion m2 of suitable roofs in the United ations, advanced solar PV inverters must be used to curtail
States. It is possible to generate about 1,400 TWh of elec- solar generation produced at the household level and
tricity each year, and two-thirds of this would come from maintain outputs that will not affect system stability.
small residential buildings. The analysis found that Califor- California is experiencing a sudden and excessive rise
nia could supply approximately 74% of its total electricity in power when rooftop solar systems are available online.
usage by covering its buildings with solar panels, while In 2013, the California Independent System Operator (ISO)
Wyoming (with fewer sunny hours) would achieve about published a chart, now commonly known as the duck-belly
14% of its needs and New England around half. curve (Figure 2), which shows the difference in electricity
In addition to the available potential generation capacity, demand and the amount of available solar PV energy
the reduction in the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) genera- throughout the day. On 11 March 2017, the California ISO
tion over the past five years is creating a significant shift on observed solar curtailment exceeding 30% of the solar pro-
the supply side of power grids. According to recent esti- duction for an hour to maintain grid stability. On 4 March
mates by the International Renewable Energy Agency, most 2018, the solar peak generation reached approximately
homeowners were investing between US$2.70 and US$3.60 50% of the total peak demand in California, which intensi-
per watt to install solar PV in 2018. Furthermore, solar PV fied the curtailment level.
costs are expected to be cut in half by 2020, as reported by Curtailing renewable energies is counterproductive and
the same agency. The total price of solar PV panel installa- inhibits the achievement of environmental and economic
tion varies from country to country and, in the United States, goals. A large amount of carbon-free electricity production
from state to state: in U.S. states, local governments and lost because of curtailment could otherwise be used to
utilities offer rebates and other tax incentives that reduce maintain the reliability and stability of the grid. In this cir-
solar generation investment costs. For example, a Green- cumstance, the net load drops faster during the daytime,
tech Media (GTM) research analysis showed that home- and the afternoon-to-evening ramp-up grows rapidly steep-
owners can save, on average. approximately US$38,000 in er when there is no solar generation available. The problem
Portland, Oregon; US$63,000 in ­Boston; and US$90,000 in is at its worst in springtime, when the sun shines longer
Los Angeles over 20 years, considering incentives. Currently, each day, and fewer people are running their air condition-
North Carolina homeowners can often spend fewer than ers because of temperatures being in the comfort zone.
US$2 per watt on installation. In December 2017, electricity demand in California ramped
In a household, the capacity of solar PV installation up by approximately 13 GW, which represents 50% of the
depends on the customer’s needs and preferences and also increase in demand, within three hours during the eve-
affects electricity generation and overall cost. The size of ning period. In situations like this, utility companies must
the customer’s PV panels has an impact on the existing grid prepare themselves to satisfy the peak demand and also
infrastructure. Safety, reliability, and operational issues may sign several contracts with peak-power generation plants
not be evident at lower penetration levels of solar power, that will operate during the period to supply the addition-
but higher penetration levels can create reliability challeng- al demand. Thus, utilities are working with stakeholders
es for the grid. These issues are not generally observed at and state leaders to innovate solutions to the rising trend
the individual household level; as
penetration levels increase, however,
the effect is seen in the overall dis-
tribution circuit operation or even
further upstream in the regional dis­­ 25,000
tribution or transmission substation.
Net Load (MW)

The reliability issue also plays a sig-

nificant role in microgrids and isolat- 20,000 2012 (Actual)
ed power grids. 2013 (Actual) Ramp
For example, Hawaii is a proto-
type of the integration challenges 15,000 2015
associated with residential rooftop Overgeneration
solar PV generation: in 2017, energy 2020
production exceeded 75% of the 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
typical daytime gross electricity Time (h)
demand in the system on several is­­ Figure 2. Load–solar PV curves (so-called duck-belly curves) from California. (Image courtesy of
lands. The state’s high PV penetration California ISO.)

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 85

of renewable curtailment and sudden load ramp prob- Other states and utilities are trying out models to reduce
lems. Energy-storage devices, along with solar PV panels the cost of batteries and power electronics over time.
at the residential level and PEVs with their storage capa- The residential segment is expected to contribute about
bilities, are considered emerging solutions to offset 10% of the storage market in 2018, and this value is expect-
these problems. ed to grow to 38% by 2022, as predicted by GTM. In most
cases, homeowners are adding storage devices for backup
Solar PV-Storage Hybrid Systems power or monetary savings, while utilities encourage the
at the Household Level deployment of the technology to mitigate the effects of
Energy-storage devices can be used to store the excess supply high solar penetration on the grid. Today, U.S. residential
and so address some current grid management issues and energy storage is concentrated in a few markets with the
overcome barriers during the transition to a greener, more right mix application and regulatory environment, such as
cost-effective, and more efficient grid. The stored energy can Hawaii, California, and the Northeast region.
be used later when demand is higher and available renew-
able energy is smaller. The energy in storage devices can also Storage Device Control at the Household Level
provide support for voltage and frequency regulation, conges- Heuristic approaches are commonly applied for storage
tion relief, energy arbitrage, and network upgrade deferral at control, where the storage is charged when electricity
the transmission and distribution levels. On the generation demand is lower than solar PV generation and discharged
side, storage paraphernalia can be utilized to provide synthet- when solar PV generation is lower than demand. As most
ic inertia to generators, peak capacity deferral, spinning customers pay electricity bills by following cost structures
reserve, flexible ramping, and frequency regulation. based on a time-of-use (TOU) rate, the reduction of elec-
Unfortunately, in the past, significant cost and value barri- tricity purchase costs is possible by controlling the storage
ers were obstacles to the deployment of combined solar PV device’s charge/discharge scheduling by using dynamic
and energy-storage systems. But with the development of dif- programming (DP)-based advanced control strategies. DP
ferent storage technologies (more specifically, static lithium- approaches ensure that the global optimal path is reached
ion batteries), the per-unit cost of devices is decreasing and considering all of the possible paths, which is exhaustive
their lifetime is improving. As a result, residential-level stor- (for more details, see Hafiz et al. 2018).
age usage has recently started to grow. A significant uptrend A specific algorithm for DP is deterministic dual DP
took place last year when investments in residential energy (DDDP), which considers a deterministic forward path. For
storage scaled up. Global annual residential-level energy-stor- systems involving stochasticity, such as those with solar
age deployment is expected to scale up from 94.9 MW in 2016 PV generation and household load usage, stochastic dual
to 3,773.3 MW in 2025, as reported by Navigant Research. DP (SDDP) methods can be used. SDDP helps to avoid DP’s
According to recent data, in the United States, nine grid- curse-of-dimensionality problem by constructing an
connected home energy-storage systems were deployed approximation of the future cost function with piecewise
per day through the third quarter of 2017, totaling 4.2 MW linear functions. For convergence, a stopping criterion
(amounting to a growth of 202% over the year). In Hawaii, based on the desired level of a variable, such as the stor-
which has the highest electricity rates in the nation, solar age state of charge, is considered. These DP-based control
PV storage systems are making economic sense under the strategies will always outperform heuristic approaches.
state’s Customer Self-Supply program. In California, the The impact of such advanced storage control strategies
Self-Generation Incentive Program, with its consideration is shown in Figures 3–6 for a single-household energy-use
for residential storage systems, has helped to drive growth. case study (for more details, see Hafiz et al. 2017). A solar
PV installed capacity of 3 kW, along with a 4-kWh energy-
storage device capacity, is considered for the home. The
household load and solar generation profiles considered
for the case study are shown in Figure 3, and the Pacific
4 Gas and Electric TOU rate structure is indicated in Figure 4.
Power (kW)

3 The heuristic approach (heuristic control) and DDDP- and

SDDP-based control strategies were applied, focusing on
reducing electricity purchase costs. The SDDP-based con-
1 trol strategy reduced electricity purchase costs per day be­­
0 cause of the uncertainty of solar generation (Figure 5). The
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 use of solar energy and peak savings also improved with
Time (h)
the application of SDDP (Figure 6).
Household Load Demand
Forecast Solar Power Increasing Deployment of PEVs
At the residential level, another increasing form of energy
Figure 3. The household and solar generation profiles for a summer day. storage is PEVs. Such vehicles use electricity to charge the

86 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018


Purchase Cost (US$)

TOU Rate (US$/kWh)
Off Peak 9.8
0.3 Partial Peak 9.6
Peak 9.4

0.2 9.2
9.0 8.9
0.1 8.8
0 8.4
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Heuristic DDDP SDDP
Time (h) Control

Figure 5. The electricity purchase costs per day (in U.S. dollars) for
Figure 4. The TOU rate for summer. different control strategies.

on-board batteries instead of fuel (gasoline, ethanol, or

diesel), unless the vehicle is a plug-in hybrid vehicle with
100 97.3
a limited zero-emissions range. As mentioned previously, 87.4 88.1
PEVs also have the potential to transfer power to the grid 80
and so alleviate peak power demand and provide ancillary 60 48.1 48.7
services in a way similar to other energy-storage devices. 40 29.6
These PEV services are often said to have vehicle-to-grid 20
power transfer capabilities. An emerging issue with PEVs
is that, when a large number of vehicles are simultane- Heuristic Control DDDP SDDP
ously connected to the power grid, they may cause a sig-
PV Usage per Day (%)
nificant threat to its quality and stability. Peak Hour Savings per Day (%)
According to a recent NREL report, the number of PEV
users in California will grow to approximately 1.3 million by
Figure 6. The improvements in solar PV generation usage and peak
2025, and annual sales of PEVs in 2025 will increase by hours savings.
more than 7% compared to 2017. Connecting and charging
the large number of PEVs at the household level will signifi-
cantly increase the system’s electricity demand within a 19.7
Summer Winter
Purchase Cost (US$)

short period of time and require reconfiguration planning 20

14.3 14.1
for the power distribution infrastructure. Based on the Elec- 15

tric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection toolbox developed by 8.5 8.2

NREL, residential charging demand will be almost 900 MW
at 8:00 p.m. each day by 2025 in California. On weekdays, 5
the aggregate demand from all charging types (commercial 0
and residential customers) will face an increase of approxi- Heuristic DDDP SDDP
mately 500 MW between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m., with a maxi-
mum demand of nearly 1,000 MW before 8:00 p.m. Figure 7. The electricity purchase costs per day in U.S. dollars for
different PEV control strategies in different seasons.
PEV Charge/Discharge Control
at the Household Level when leaving home, then, with an effective control strate-
The distribution system’s modification and upgrading gy, the electricity purchase cost per day can be reduced.
costs can be alleviated by coordinating the charging behav- Daily electricity purchase costs with different control
ior of PEVs using either centralized or decentralized control strategies for different seasons are shown in Figure 7. For
schemes. To apply these techniques, an effective commu- this case study, the PEV considered has a battery capacity
nication system is required, but owner privacy is an impor- of 85 kWh with a 10-kW charger. It can be seen that, if elec-
tant issue that must also be addressed. The storage in the tricity demand uncertainty is considered when controlling
PEV provides various opportunities at the household level, PEV storage, then electricity purchase costs are lower com-
such as electricity purchase cost minimization, voltage reg- pared to the deterministic control approach based on the
ulation, and load regulation. In this regard, a controller can DDDP and heuristic control methods for all seasons.
regulate the PEV’s charge/discharge actions considering
different objectives. Typical owners would like to reduce Coordinated Control of Solar PV Generation,
their electricity purchase cost per day by controlling their Storage, and PEVs at the Residential Level
PEV’s storage device. If homeowners can be assured that As PV-based storage and PEV-deployed households are
they will have the required amount of charge in the PEV expected to increase in the next decade, both types of

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 87

storage devices can be used by employing a coordinated sidered when developing a robust and realistic coordinat-
control algorithm at the residential level that addresses ed control scheme.
security issues and communication requirements. Coordi- Stochastic models can be optimized through model
nated control of the two storage devices can provide bene- predictive control, the stochastic gradient descent method,
fits to both the customer and the utility. Customers will be stochastic DP, SDDP, approximate DP, and machine learn-
able to control the available storage devices in their house- ing and mechanisms. In all of these cases, it is crucial to
hold according to their requirements and preferences, precisely model and represent the uncertainties associated
thus providing independence, an important factor for vir- with the random parameters. Based on available electricity
tually everyone. The system overview with coordinated demand and solar PV generation data, it is a good practice
control is shown in Figure 8. to compute the possible deviations around forecast values
For coordinated control, a mathematical optimization and integrate that information with the optimization pro-
model is possible, with the representation of the manage- cess. However, in real-time implementations for control-
ment problem through decision variables, parameters, ling storage devices’ inverters, rolling-­window time
objective function, and constraints. As an example, this horizons and rule-based control methods can be applied to
model can be tailored to represent the owner’s preference achieve better management results.
and behavior. Following the modeling step, data related to
electricity demand, solar PV generation, storage device Benefits of Coordinating Resources
characteristics, and other factors need to be considered. If to the Customers
the goal is to control the storage devices for a particular day, One of the benefits of combined PV–battery hybrid systems
then day-ahead data on these parameters need to be fore- and PEV battery usage at the residential level is energy
cast. Based on these forecasts and optimal control deci- security during distribution- or transmission-level power
sions, the actions or operating policies for the storage outages. If the grid experiences an outage for a few hours,
devices on a particular day are defined. Depending on the as in the case of bad weather or rolling blackouts due to
characteristics of the overall optimization model, this can higher load demand in the grid, homeowners with PV–bat-
be handled by using off-the-shelf methods to solve linear tery hybrids and PEVs can control energy usage and storage
programming, mixed-integer linear programming, quadrat- in a coordinated way, considering priority, availability, and
ic programming, and DP. All of these methods can be appli- outage duration. They also can be used to maintain power
cable if electricity demand and solar PV generation are quality by smoothing out voltage fluctuation and voltage
considered deterministic parameters for a particular day. swell/sag, compensating for voltage harmonics distortion,
But, in the real problem, both solar PV generation and and mitigating voltage unbalance. Moreover, households
electricity demand are uncertain parameters. Also, for the equipped with solar panels, along with energy storage and
transactive energy market, electricity per unit cost is PEVs, can be protected from many grid vulnerabilities.
uncertain. Thus, to ensure accurate coordination of The increase in a household’s electricity demand typi-
system resources, these uncertainty sources must be con- cally occurs when the power generated by solar PV drops

Solar PV Generation

House Utility Grid

Customer Benefits: Utility Companies Benefits:

• Reducing Power Outages • Load Regulation
PEV • Minimizing Electricity Purchase Cost • Reliability
• Participation in Transactive Energy • Reduction of Backfeed of Power
• Independent Energy Usage • Deferral of Assets Replacement
and Network Upgrade
• Maintaining Power Quality

Figure 8. A system overview with coordinated control at the residential level and the benefits at different levels.

88 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

off at about the same time that PEVs plug into the grid as

Purchase Costs (US$)

users return home from work. To mitigate rising demand,
utility companies need to produce or purchase electricity 20

at higher costs from more expensive power generation 15
units, which impacts market electricity prices. House- 10
holds with generation and storage devices can avoid elec- 5
tricity purchases from the grid during peak times and use 0
Summer Fall Winter Spring
the energy in the storage devices to minimize electricity
purchase costs. Coordinated control of available storage Heuristic Control
devices can reduce electricity purchase costs per day SDDP-Based Control on PV Storage and
compared to individually controlled methods. The elec- Heuristic Control on PEV Storage
Heuristic Control on PV Storage and
tricity purchase cost reduction achieved through coordi-
SDDP-Based Control on PEV
nated control between these two storage methods for Coordinated Control
different seasons is shown in Figure 9, based on a case
study (for more details, see Hafiz et al. 2018). Figure 9. The electricity purchase cost-per-day reduction for different
Benefits for the Overall Power Grid of
Coordinating Resources
Spreading out household energy production/usage during 10
Household Profile
the day to prevent large spikes in electricity demand from
Average Power
the grid is highly beneficial to the utility company. While 8
Power (kW)
Regulated Profile
reduced electricity demand during daytime may lead to
overvoltage problems, a sudden demand increase during 6
the night may cause low-voltage problems. It is thus help-
ful for utility companies if the overall load of a particular 4
day is regulated so that any sudden decline of load or
ramp-up of electricity demand can be avoided. Coordinat- 4 8 12 16 20 24
ed PV–storage hybrids and PEVs can be used to regulate Time (h)
and maintain a daily average household load demand that
Figure 10. The regulated profile after control.
will help flatten the belly of the duck-belly curve, shown in
Figure 2, when many household power demands are flat-
tened with the coordinated control method.
The utility incentive mechanism can be developed to
encourage customers to use coordinated control to

maintain the average daily load in their household. The
impact of load regulation with the coordinated control
strategy is shown in Figure 10 for the household with the
same capacities of a PV–storage hybrid system and a PEV
as shown in Figure 9. If both storage devices are con-
No PEV and


Only PEV


trolled in coordination, then the electricity demand vari-

ance reduces when compared to its value obtained by
controlling them individually (Figure 11). The act of shift-
ing demand at the household level may be viewed as a
key alternative to alleviate issues in the distribution sys- Figure 11. A comparison of different methods for load variation.
tem while allowing homeowners to often avoid expen-
sive peak load charges. using various negotiation and bidding strategies for the
As distributed renewable energy resources increase in customers’ available capacity and resources until agree-
the system, one scenario may be that, after a certain level ment with the utility is reached. By coordinating the avail-
is reached, utilities will start to experience considerable able storage devices owned by households, customers can
losses in revenue. As a result, consumers without genera- engage in this transactive energy market.
tion might need to pay more to make up the difference. Another emerging issue is how to properly compensate
Recent research recommends pursuing the idea of trans- the utilities for providing their assets and providing for the
active energy to help mitigate such issues. Transactive participation of customers in the grid and the transactive
energy will allow prosumers to buy and sell electricity and energy market. Therefore, novel smart-pricing mecha-
ensure the dynamic balance of supply and demand. Based nisms that take into account the complexity associated
on this scheme, end-user participation can be encouraged with this environment are necessary.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 89

An additional problem for the distribution grid is asso- Conclusions
ciated with backfeeding solar PV generation and the The task of preparing the grid for the seamless integration of
potential voltage violations. To avoid backfeeding, either solar generation, static storage, and PEVs while supporting
solar PV generation is curtailed by controlling the inverter, customer preferences and creating benefits for utility com-
or storage devices are used to store the energy surplus. panies is technically and economically challenging. Coordi-
But, if the PV-based storage reaches its saturation level, nated control between these devices at the residential level is
the energy surplus should be curtailed. Instead of energy important to both the customer and utility in several differ-
curtailment, the PEV’s storage device can be used for charg- ent ways. Some previous studies in this area analyzed using
ing if it is connected to the household circuit during the PEVs and evaluated possible reductions of solar PV genera-
pertinent time period. Therefore, with coordinated control tion at the grid level for large-scale penetration, but very few
in the system formed by solar PV generation, PV storage, studies have considered the design of control strategies to
and PEVs, excess energy can be absorbed to avoid energy properly facilitate coordination among them.
curtailment, reduce reverse power flow, and be used at Several concerns arise, as simultaneous deployment of
appropriate times to optimize the use of the available solar PV generation, storage, and PEVs at the residential
renewable resources. level is likely to increase within the next decade. This arti-
System stability and frequency regulation are two cle compared different control strategies for various objec-
other aspects that must be properly ensured in power tives, highlighting the significance of coordinated control
grids. Utility companies control frequency through auto- approaches at the residential level for renewables, storage,
matic generation controls to adjust the grid frequency and PEVs. Coordinated control was shown to better pro-
based on a reference level. But, because of the frequent vide benefits for customers and the distribution system.
variation of distributed energy resources, batteries, and
PEVs in the grid, the distribution-level frequency can expe- Acknowledgments
rience significant oscillation and violation. At the distribu- We appreciate the funding support from the FREEDM Sys-
tion level, electricity demand and distributed generation tems Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, and also thank the
can be used to regulate frequency. Based on a defined fre- National Science Foundation for support under grant
quency signal, prosumers and consumers that interact in CyberSEES-1442909.
the system can control the actions in their storage devices
and so limit frequency deviations, providing the grid with For Further Reading
a type of ancillary service. If homeowners can control F. Hafiz, D. Lubkeman, I. Husain, and P. Fajri, “Energy storage
management strategy based on dynamic programming and
their storage devices in a coordinated way to maintain ref-
optimal sizing of PV panel-storage capacity for a residential
erence frequency, a fast response to utility frequency con- system,” in Proc. IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conf. Exposi-
trol can be achieved. tion, 2018, pp. 1–9.
As the number of PEVs on the road increases, their F. Hafiz, A. R. Queiroz, and I. Husain, “Multi-stage stochas-
impact on the power grid infrastructure is likely to intensi- tic optimization for a PV-storage hybrid unit in a household,”
in Proc. IEEE Industry Applications Society Annu. Meeting, 2017,
fy. While there are relatively few PEVs presently circulating
pp. 1–7.
in the United States, if a small number of them (e.g., eight F. Hafiz, A. R. Queiroz, P. Fajri, and I. Husain, “Charge sched-
to 15 vehicles) are clustered in a given area dependent on uling of a plug-in electric vehicle considering load demand
a single distribution transformer, the additional load uncertainty based on multi-stage stochastic optimization,” in
might reduce the life expectancy of that transformer by Proc. North American Power Symp., 2017, pp. 1–6.
F. Hafiz, A. R. Queiroz, and I. Husain, “Coordinated control
up to 50%. Despite being a transportation mode that is
of PEV and PV-based storage system under generation and
mostly not harmful to the environment, an escalated load uncertainties,” in Proc. IEEE Industry Applications Society
deployment of these vehicles may produce negative Annu. Meeting, 2018, pp. 1–5.
impacts on distribution system assets, such as distribu- F. Hafiz, P. Fajri, and I. Husain, “Load regulation of a smart
tion primary feeders, transformers, and secondary distri- household with PV-storage and electric vehicle by dynamic
programming successive algorithm technique,” in Proc. Power
bution lines.
and Energy System General Meeting, 2016, pp.1–5.
As a result of these impacts, modification and upgrad-
ing of distribution system components may be required.
This can be achieved by increasing distribution transform- Biographies
er sizes and adding new lines to the existing system, both Faeza Hafiz ( is with the FREEDM Sys-
expensive solutions. Similarly, because of the distributed tems Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
generation during daytime, it is more frequent to observe Anderson Rodrigo de Queiroz ( is
the switching of existing online tap-changers and capaci- with the School of Business, North Carolina Central Uni-
tor banks, which will reduce the lifetime of these compo- versity, Durham.
nents. However, upgrades in the distribution network can Iqbal Husain ( is with the FREEDM
be deferred or postponed if resources are properly coordi- Systems Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
nated to satisfy the needs at the residential level. 

90 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

dat e s a h e a d

2018 2 0 –2 3 MAY
ICDCM 2019: IEEE Third International Conference on DC
10–1 3 D E C E MB E R Microgrids, Matsue, Shimane, Japan, http://power.aitech
SPEC 2018: IEEE Fourth Southern Power Electronics Confer-
ence, Singapore,
2 1 –2 4 MAY
18–2 1 D E C E MB E R ISGT Asia 2019: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technolo-
PEDES 2018: IEEE International Conference on Power Elec- gies Conference Asia, Chengdu, China, contact Prof. Qi
tronics, Drives, and Energy Systems, Chennai, India, contact Huang,,
Dr. Arun Karuppaswamy,, http://www asia-2019/
2 7 –3 1 MAY
2019 ICPE 2019–ECCE Asia: 10th International Conference on
Power Electronics and ECCE Asia, Busan, South Korea,
17–2 0 F E B R U ARY
ISGT 2019: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies
Conference, Washington, D.C., United States, contact 1 6 –2 0 JUNE, PPFIC 2019: IEEE IAS Pulp, Paper, and Forest Industries Con-
ference, Jacksonville, Florida, United States
4–8 MAR C H
ESW 2019: IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop, Jacksonville, 1 9 –2 1 JUNE
Florida, United States, ITEC 2019: IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference
esw/ and Expo, Novi, Michigan, United States, https://itec-conf
17–2 1 MAR C H
APEC 2019: IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and 4 –8 A UGUS T
Exposition, Anaheim, California, United States, http://www GM 2019: IEEE PES General Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, contact Matt Stryjewski, matthew.stryjewski@ieee
28 A P R IL – 1 M AY
REPC 2019: IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference, Blooming- 1 3 –1 6 A UGUS T
ton, Minnesota, United States, ESTS 2019: IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium,
2018/2019-save-the-date/ Arlington, Virginia, United States, contact Dr. Scott Sudhoff,,
28 A P R IL – 2 M AY
IAS/PCA 2019: IEEE IAS PCA Cement Industry Conference,
For more information on upcoming conferences, please
St. Louis, Missouri, United States, http://cementconference
visit the following websites:
IEEE Power & Energy Society:
5–8 MAY meetings-and-conferences/conference-calendar
I&CPS 2019: IEEE IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems Technical Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada IEEE Transportation Electrification Community: https://tec
11–1 5 MAY
IEMDC 2019: IEEE International Conference on Electric IEEE Industry Applications Society:
Machines and Drives, San Diego, California, United States, events-conferences/conference-schedule.html
contact Dr. Avoki Omekanda,, IEEE Power Electronics Society:

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871320

Date of publication: 16 November 2018 

IEEE Electrific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 91


Dartmouth’s Formula Hybrid

Wins Coveted Award

he race car design com­­

T petition Formula Hybrid has

been awarded one of the
most coveted prizes in engineering
education, the Accreditation Board
for Engineering & Technology Innova­
tion Award. Launched by the Thayer
School of Engineering at Dartmouth,
Hanover, New Hampshire, in 2007, the
annual Formula Hybrid competition
challenges teams of undergraduate
and graduate engineering students to
collaboratively design and construct a
fuel-efficient hybrid or an electric-
only vehicle. Student teams work
throughout the academic year to plan,
design, and build their cars before
bringing them to the four-day compe­
tition in May at the New Hampshire
Motor Speedway.
More than 3,500 students from 80 Students preparing their car for technical inspection.
colleges and universities have partic­
ipated in Formula Hybrid since its
beginning. For many students, For­
mula Hybrid is their first experience
collaborating across disciplines, from
computer science to mechanical and
electrical engineering.
As a result of the competition, a
number of institutions have devel­
oped Formula Hybrid-specific curricu­
la to encourage cross-disciplinary col­
laboration. Formula Hybrid is part of
the Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) Collegiate Design Series and
regarded as one of its most complex
and dynamic competitions.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871321

Date of publication: 16 November 2018 Students accessing data from a dynamic event.

92 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / DECember 2018

Teams demonstrate their creativi­
ty and engineering skills as they
compete in aspects of vehicle design,
acceleration, handling, energy effi­
ciency, and endurance. Each year,
more than 100 volunteers, including
engineering professionals from spon­
sors such as Fiat Chrysler, Ford, Gen­
eral Motors, LG Chem, BAE Systems,
IEEE, SAE International, and Toyota,
support the students as mentors and
judges. After watching students in
action, many of the sponsors go on to
offer internships and jobs to Formula
Statistics for the Formula Hybrid competition. Hybrid participants.

IEEE Power & Energy Society

Scholarship Plus Initiative
ince 2012, Sch­­weitzer
s Engineering Laboratories,
Inc. (SEL) has consistently
invested in the IEEE Power & Energy
Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initia­
tive, enabling the selection and rec­
ognition of nearly 100 SEL Meritori­
ous Scholars. SEL, its founder Dr.
Schweitzer, and his wife Beatriz are
passionate about supporting the
future talent of the power and ener­
gy industry. A pipeline of qualified
and work-ready power engineers is
(From left) Frank Lambert (PES president-elect), Miriam Sanders (SEL), Saifur Rahman (PES presi-
being generated as a result of their dent), and Karen Bartleson (2017 IEEE president) at the IEEE PES General Meeting.
historic support.
PES and the IEEE Foundation were
honored to recognize them recently 1,500 scholarships. The program con­
during the 2018 PES General Meeting at tinues to have a positive impact with­
the Visionary Level, celebrating SEL as in the industry by ensuring that more
the largest overall donor to the IEEE students engage and seek a career
PES Scholarship Plus Initiative. and assists in connecting them with path within the power industry.
The IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Ini­ relevant and meaningful career You can learn more about how
tiative awards highly qualified elec­ experiences. The program’s goal is to Scholarship Plus is successfully
trical engineering undergraduate increase the number of well-quali­ addressing the continued shortage of
students with multiyear scholarships fied, entry-level engineers to the power engineers in the power and energy
and energy industry. industry by visiting the IEEE PES
Since the program’s launch in 2011, Scholarship Plus website (
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871322
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 more than 900 students have received

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / D EC e mb e r 201 8 93

V iI e
v EwWp
PoO iI n
N tT

Electrification and Challenging

Our Preconceptions
By Peter O’Connor and Michael Jacobs

t is difficult to over- The Case for Electrification in developed countries and from

I state the impact of elec-

trification on society. The
The environmental benefits of electri-
fication are often highlighted. Elec-
superior performance. These perfor-
mance advantages include cleanli-
earliest experiments advanced our tricity at the point of use does not ness and quiet for electric lawn tools,
understandings of the physical world. produce carbon dioxide (CO 2) emis- superior acceleration and a smoother
Electricity enabled the telegraph and sions, criteria pollutants such as sul- ride for EVs, and greater safety or
telephone, revolutionizing the trans- fur oxides or nitrogen oxides, or controllability in some applications.
mission of information. Electricity particulate matter. While there may The remaining direct-energy end
has continued to transform commu- be emissions from the generation of uses are those that are portable with
nications with television, satellites, electricity, there are three primary high energy demand (such as vehi-
the Internet, and cell phones. The reasons why electri- cles) and for heating
inventions of Thomas Edison and fication may still be The U.S. National (stoves, furnaces, and
many others transformed house- beneficial. First, power water heaters). Bat-
Academy of
hold life and entertainment. In plant emissions are tery technology con-
industry, electric lights improved concentrated at a rel- Engineering considered tinues to advance,
safety by replacing gas lamps. Indus- atively small number electrification as the making EVs more
trial motors and task machines of facilities, where greatest engineering competitive on cost
improved safety and efficiency by they can more easily and range. Technolo-
accomplishment of
replacing steam engines and belt- be measured and con- gies such as induc-
driven tools. The electrolytic produc- trolled. Second, the the 20th century. tive stovetops and
tion of aluminum and other materials greater efficiency of high-efficiency heat
reduced costs. Overall, the U.S. Nation- electric technologies pumps improve elec-
al Academy of Engineering consid- and the efficiencies of large-scale tricity’s appeal for other end uses.
ered electrification as the greatest power plants means that less energy Electrification is not simply fuel
engineering accomplishment of the may be required for the electric option switching. Oil lamps in the 19th cen-
20th century. even after considering transmission tury shifted from whale oil to coal oil
These energy transitions are not losses [this is generally true for electric to kerosene, but they were essentially
solely the province of historians. vehicles (EVs), as shown by the Union the same technology. Electric lights,
They continue today. Converting of Concerned Scientists (UCS)]. Third, even if ultimately powered by coal or
more end uses from the direct ap­­ electricity can be produced from a wide oil, offered a fundamentally different
plication of fuel to the use of elec- array of sources, many of them with experience. They could be used in
tricity has the potential to reduce few or no emissions. Renewable energy places and applications that oil
costs, reduce pollution, and impro­­­ has been on a remarkable rise in the lamps could not. Changing the con-
ve performance. past two decades, and smart load man- version technology created a revolu-
agement can help mitigate problems tion in lighting, in business models,
caused by intermittency. and in the distribution of energy.
Electrification also benefits from Only those willing to look beyond the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871324
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 the extensive existing infrastructure way things had always been done

94 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE

were poised to take advantage of but that was only ever a means to an One way to incorporate these
this. It is useful to consider how elec- end. The true goal of efficiency efforts resources into the grid would be to
trification of other end uses might during the 1970s oil crises was reduc- encourage energy consumption at
challenge our preconceptions. ing expenditures on energy. The goal predictable times of renewable ener-
in recent decades has been reducing gy surplus with an approach such as
Supplies from Wind and energy-related pollution. As Jevons time-of-use (TOU) rates or during
Solar Can Drive a Change pointed out in the more unpredictable
in Our Thinking mid-1800s, if a soci- Energy efficiency real-time events with
Along with the increased demand of ety were actually run- programs like real-
will still enable lower
electricity for end uses, we see an ning out of energy, time pricing or Pacif-
increasing use of renewable energy in great­­e r efficiency costs, greater EV ic Gas and Electric’s
regions that are favorable to the growth would not be a solu- driving distances, Excess Supply pilot.
of wind and solar. These resources are tion. For­tu­nately, the and a reduced need Energy efficiency
being developed in competition with United States is not will still enable lower
for infrastructure
fossil fuel-based generation. Present­­ in danger of running costs, greater EV driv-
ly, the Southwest Power Pool, which out of energy. Primary expansion. ing distances, and a
serves 11 states in the U.S. great plains wind and solar ener- reduced need for in­­
region, has sufficient wind generation gy are exceedingly frastructure expan-
installed that instantaneous wind pro- abundant as are uranium and other sion. But in some cases, an option that
duction re­­ached 60% of the simultane- resources. As the conversion technol- uses the least energy may not be as
ous electricity demand on 16 March ogy has improved, the actual amount advantageous as one that uses more
2018. For Texas, grid manager Electric of wind and solar electricity has in­­ energy but incorporates storage.
Reliability Council of Texas’ planners creased so much that, at times, these
projected solar development to com- resources produce more than a local EVs Are Different
pletely dominate the construction of grid needs, even driving wholesale EVs present several challenges to
new generation for years 2017–2031. prices into the negative. A future of conventional thinking. Some re­­search
These levels of renewables offer an abundant clean energy requires us to efforts for EVs focus on making them
electrification opportunity as periods change our thinking on what it function as much like internal com-
of high renewable energy output can means to be efficient. What would it bustion vehicles as possible. For ex­­
create apparent surpluses and periods mean if electricity had effectively no ample, some companies developed
with very low wholesale energy pric- marginal cost? Consider the impacts battery-swapping technology so that
es. Adding electric loads to fill such of zero marginal cost reproduction of an EV could be refueled in under
periods will be socially and economi- music and news on those sectors at 5 min, which is comparable to go­­
cally responsible. Various programs to the turn of the 21st century. ing to the gas station. This was not a
address the duck curve (Figure 1) in
California are reminiscent of utility
load-building and load-control pro-
grams of past de­­cades. Attractive 30,000
electrification strategies that use
abundant renewable energy supplies 25,000
System Load (MW)

to displace fossil fuel deserve great-

er attention.
Electrifying end uses and changing 15,000
energy supplies require thinking about
energy in off-peak seasons and off 10,000
hours, and not exclusively about load
5,000 Load Net Load
management in a few peak hours. A
future of abundant wind and solar 0
electricity may cause us to rethink the








purpose of energy efficiency.











A World of Abundant Energy

Energy efficiency might be character- Figure 1. The duck curve caused by solar power in California on 1 May 2018. The net load is
ized as an effort to use less energy, the remaining load after considering wind and solar generation. (Data courtesy of CAISO.)

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 95


particularly popular option. Others infrastructure likely to be needed is hub stations with multiple high-pow-
have tried to develop business mod- shown in Figure 2. ered chargers, possibly backed up with
els based on operating EV chargers as Although some companies have stationary storage, located close to
a stand-alone business, just like gas announced their intentions to build major transportation routes. In the near
stations. However, there is no guar- networks of even higher-powered term, such stations could be used for
antee that the same business model chargers (150–350 kW) that would delivery or transit fleets.
will be viable. make charging an EV much more
Very few people have a gas station like fueling a car, the current surge in Electrification Can Aid
at home, while a great many have an EV growth has occurred in a world in Integration of Renewables
EV charger—even a simple 120-V which those experiences are quite Traditional power system operations
outlet in the garage will replenish different. Many existing vehicles rely on generator capacity reserves
typical daily driving needs overnight. have the battery capacity for a week’s and the ability to control the fuel con-
And a 240-V outlet for faster charging worth of driving but also have the sumed in those generators. Power
can be simple to install. As a result, opportunity to charge every night. plant responses to adjust to changes
EV drivers have a very different expe- So, they are sipping more than slurp- in the power system are familiar to
rience. They do not patronize a busi- ing electricity. engineers, although exact definitions
ness once a week to buy fuel for their EVs also require rethinking distri- of the responses can vary. Examples
vehicle, and they charge them at bution system management. Because of power system controls include the
home the vast majority of time. of the significant load of a level 2 home management of supply and demand
When they need a fast charge on a charger (often 7.2 kW or even higher), balance, frequency response, voltage
long road trip, they might stop for a there is considerable interest among regulation, and reserved power for
half hour to an hour at a station paid utilities in various strategies to ensure the replacement of lost generation.
for by a car company, a state or utility, that a large number of EVs on one While several kinds of demand man-
or a grant of some kind. These char- feeder do not overload the system. agement are available to address
gers are often at shopping centers, The EV transition is occurring just these conditions, most grid managers
where a driver might spend that time ahead of another set of related chang- view any manipulation of consumer
getting a meal; current fast chargers es. Shared autonomous EVs would rev- demand as a special case and pro-
supply around 50–150 kW. On a multi- olutionize transportation and present foundly limited.
day road trip, an EV driver may select different charging needs. Is society The needs for reserves and flexibil-
a hotel because it has EV charging on ready for such a transition? It is too ity to maintain reliability is integral to
site. This is called destination charging early to say for sure, but it may be worth all electric power systems, regardless
and could be a level 1 or level 2 sys- considering what those charging needs of the presence of variable renewables.
tem. The distribution of charging might be. One can envision charg­ing No generator is 100% reliable, and
power systems must be continuously
prepared to respond if a large genera-
tor or transmission facility suddenly
fails. Exact rules vary from region to
Public Inter-Metro region, but such contingency reserve
dc Fast Charge
requirements are typically based on
Public in Metro Areas
the size of the largest generator. Each
Level 1 and 2 and dc Fast Charge
balancing area or reserve-sharing pool
must keep enough spinning and nons-
Level 1 and 2 and dc Fast Charge pinning reserve ready to replace power
when a generator fails.
Multifamily Home Level 1 and 2 Most common strategies assume
that conventional generators pro-
Single-Family Home Level 1 and 2 vide these services, while changes
in the demand and the output from
variable renewable resources come
Level 1 and 2
and go. However, careful analyses of
grid o p e ra t i o n s w i t h va r i abl e
generation and forward-looking
Figure 2. The charging pyramid representing necessary relative abundance of EV charging modeling of higher levels of wind
systems. (Data courtesy of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.) and solar show that initial assumptions

96 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

about variability and associated Multiple factors, from economics to consumers and grid operations. Just
costs are not proven. The increased regulations to asset age, have in­­ as the hours with renewable energy
coordi­­nation and expansion of bal- creased the use of renewable genera- surpluses allow lower-cost substitu-
ancing areas, changes in scheduling tion and decreased steam generation. tion for fossil fuel in the dispatch of
practices, and the use of renewable The displacement of energy from generation, the same is possible in
energy forecasts have demonstrated synchronous generators with wind end uses. One of the trends in electri-
benefits in reducing anticipated costs and solar energy production reduces fication is the need for flexible uses,
of integrating wind and solar. Much the online capacity of conventional or flexiwatts.
has been learned as grid operators generation. More on–off cycling of Beneficial electrification is a term
have adopted strategies for integrating thermal units and reliance on quick- used by various state agencies and
renewables, with attention focused on start gas units are observed in re­­gions national organizations. The National
using the capacity available from cur- with greater amounts Rural Electric Cooper-
tailed re­­newable generation as a of variable genera- Careful analyses of ative A s s o c i a t i o n
source of services when the ratio of tion. The same condi- notes, “The wise use
grid operations with
renewables to conventional genera- tions are projected in of electricity, benefi-
tion is greatest. studies of high-re­­ variable generation cial electrification,
The electric industry has gained newables scenarios. and forward-looking has s p a r k e d wide-
confidence regarding renewables The expanded use of modeling of higher spread rethinking of
integration. John Moura, director of zero-fuel re­­newable policies that encour-
levels of wind and
reliability assessment and system generation and more age or mandate less
analysis at the North American Elec- quick-starting fossil solar show that initial electricity use and
tric Reliability Corp., said in March fuel units will create a assumptions about promote infrastruc-
2018, “Variable resources can be reli- more dynamic daily variability and ture planning. Ad­­
ably integrated, but they need to be pattern of changes in vancements in electric
associated costs are
cautiously planned and operated.” the marginal cost of technologies contin-
“You can have 30%, 40%, 80% renew- energy on a power not proven. ue to create new op­­
able resources, you just have to plan system than a system portunities to use
and operate the system correctly,” he with fossil fuel as electricity as a substi-
said. However, the challenge of meet- the marginal fuel in all hours. tute for on-site fossil fuels like natu-
ing daily, seasonal, and annual peak In various U.S. regions with orga- ral gas, propane, gasoline, and fuel oil,
demands never ceases. Quick-starting nized wholesale electricity markets with increased efficiency and control.”
and fast-ramping resources become providing real-time prices, high levels The opportunities for consumer-
more significant contributors to meet- of renewable energy output already facing programs to communicate the
ing the daily peak following sunset cause periods of zero-price energy. benefits of flexible electrification uses
and the de­­cline of solar generation. Generally, this is a sign of oversupply. and then operate the end-use equip-
Any market with a supply surplus that ment are limited only by the imagina-
Electrification Offers can be sold cheaply will lead to re­­ tion and availability of new metering
Load Flexibility sponses to make more use of that technology and Internet connections
The growth in electrification offers a supply (i.e., further electrification) but to loads. Traditional approaches for
larger set of solutions at the same also adjustments to reduce the sur- offering lower rates, with off-peak
time the industry sees growth in wind plus. An important change in thinking rates available to customers that par-
and solar generation. Meeting the among power system operators is rec- ticipate in a load control program, are
challenge of the combined daily in­­ ognizing that this is a signal for greater widespread. Customers agreeing to
crease in demand with the rise and flexibility from conventional genera- interruptible service to an end use
decline in solar generation (Figure 1) tion. As discussed next, more flexible that is not sensitive to when it is
calls for the development of new operating assumptions and reliance powered pay lower rates.
thinking on both supply and demand on nonconventional generation for An example of this in rural areas is
resources. Technology changes, in reserves can alleviate the oversupply. applied to water pumping. During
both supply and demand, create new peak times, farmers’ irrigation sys-
pressures and new opportunities. The Loads with Flexibility tems are interrupted for approximate-
changing supply mix creates more Increasing Roles ly 3 h, three or four times a month.
variability in bulk power resources, Where electrification strategies use Farm customers with off-peak rates
with implications for operators man- this pattern of lower system margin- are reported to save 20% on their elec-
aging the grid and for marginal prices. al prices, benefits are increased for tric bills. Similar strategies for more

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 97


types of end uses and with the coor- transportation and would be sitting depressed the market for grid servic-
dination linked to renewable ener- idle most of the time. es. Even though vehicles and flexible
gy production have already been This solution is technologically fea- loads can provide many of the same
deployed. sible. Another solution, providing fewer services as dedicated storage, only
Beginning in 2010, New Brunswick benefits but also lower implementation one type of flexible one-way load is
Power illustrated an approach based on costs, is smart charging, varying the actually classified as energy storage
wind integration. Its PowerShift Atlantic one-way flow of po­­wer into the vehi- (ice systems for commercial air con-
program demonstrated cle to provide grid ser- ditioning). Flexible loads will com-
how Canadian Mari- The expanded use of vices such as demand pete against each other and against
time utilities used heat zero-fuel renewable re­­sponse or frequen- dedicated storage and flexible gener-
storage from residen- cy regulation. This is ation to constrain the prices for reli-
generation and more
tial and commercial sim­­ilar to water heat- ability services.
loads. “New Brunswick quick-starting fossil ers or space heaters, As a result, many utilities see
Power is uniquely fuel units will create a in that electricity does TOU rates as the best near-term
positioned because we more dynamic daily not flow back to the option for monetizing the value of
have 250,000 hot water grid. Therefore, it does load flexibility. This approach is well
pattern of changes in
heaters rented from us not require intercon- established and carries low transac-
by our customers,” the marginal cost of nection agreements. tion costs. Existing EVs can already
said Program Director energy on a power Smart charging and schedule charging. Numerous utili-
Michel Losier. system than a system vehicle-to-grid ex­­ ties offer TOU rates for residential
Cooperatives and change together are customers, with some limiting it to
with fossil fuel as
municipal utilities have considered vehicle- households that have EVs and oth-
long histories of con- the marginal fuel grid integration (VGI) ers trying out EV-only TOU rates. San
trols on electric water in all hours. strategies. Even with Diego Gas & Electric is conducting a
heaters. New technolo- its relatively lower pilot with day-ahead hourly prices.
gy companies have ex­­ implementation cost, Apps can automatically calculate
panded the idea to offer frequency smart charging has not been cost- the optimal time to charge, given
regulation from electric resistance water effective in most pilots. There are sever- the need for a full charge by a speci-
heaters. Water heaters with communi- al reasons for this. fied time.
cation interfaces and heat pumps xx Soft costs such as market partici- TOU rates can mitigate the most
instead of resistance elements demon- pation fees have a proportionate- significant impact of variable renew-
strate new opportunities. ly greater impact on small-scale able energy to date: the duck curve.
pilot projects. This might entail a low-rate block in
Experience with xx Rate structures in many areas the middle of the day, to be taken
Load Flexibility incentivize EVs to charge outside advantage of by residential water
The load flexibility of EVs, water of peak times, essentially creating heaters, commercial air conditioners,
heaters, and space heaters can pro- preemptive demand response and workplace chargers for EVs.
vide significant value to regional rather than market-participating TOU plans do have some transac-
electricity grids. Challenges remain demand response. tion costs, such as the installation of
in monetizing this value. xx VGI requires custom software smart meters. This has already been
Scientists described the value of integration with legacy systems done in many regions of the country,
EVs to a renewables-heavy grid well of the utility or grid operator. and even in those regions, there
before there was any significant xx Rules and technologies for mar- would be an additional cost to add a
number of such vehicles on the road ket participation were developed second smart meter solely for the EV.
or significant amount of variable for a relatively small number of As a result, EV-only TOU plans are not
renewable energy. Anticipating both large systems. heavily subscribed. California is
the problem of intermittency and a xx The flexibility of the existing grid exploring the use of meters embed-
potential solution, Dr. Willett Kemp- leads to low prices for grid services. ded in the EVs or charging stations
ton outlined how vehicle-to-grid Increasing the market penetration for submetering, allowing EV-only
power exchange could allow vehicles of renewables has not increased the TOU rates without installing a second
to function as grid batteries; the prices for services such as demand utility meter. This requires changing
major advantage over dedicated response or frequency regulation. our thinking about the way things are
grid batteries would be that the California, the site of many VGI pilots, done. While normally a utility must
vehicles were already purchased for also has a storage mandate that has use a utility-grade meter, there could

98 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

be a viable argument for allowing response or frequency regulation amounts of wind, and especially
submetering with a different system. events. This is a consequence of the solar, would be curtailed in a high-
Even if not as precise as a utility small size of pilots to date. A fre- renewables scenario for California.
meter, as long as the error was nor- quency-regulation provider could These analyses did not make chang-
mally distributed, submetering should better predict the availability of a es in grid planning and operations. To
not be a disadvantage to either the fleet of 100,000 vehicles than a fleet estimate how advanced demand
customer or the utility. of 100 vehicles. re­­sponse and electricity storage can
Studies of the value of load flexibil- There is not enough renewable reduce greenhouse gas emissions
ity, like those of energy storage, energy on the grid to necessitate large and production costs, UCS conduct-
emphasize the need to stack multiple amounts of demand flexibility. When ed power system modeling using
value streams. One potentially valu- such a need does arise, it will show PLEXOS simulation software.
able service is the deferral of distribu- itself in the prices of grid services The UCS model used more than
tion system upgrades. If many EV such as demand response and fre- two years of hourly data on wind and
chargers were added to a residential quency regulation. EVs are not plen- solar power production, electricity
neighborhood circuit and no attempt tiful enough to provide demand, require-
was made to manage the charging, significant demand flex- ments for follow-
the circuit could quickly become ibility, but their numbers
One potentially ing reserves, and
overloaded. The utility would need to are growing ra­­pidly. If valuable service generator outages.
upgrade the local transformer (and, large amounts of de­­ is the deferral of The model repre-
with enough such systems, the sub- mand flexibility become sented the flexi­
distribution system
station). However, if charging was necessary to manage bility of individual
managed in a way to reduce the the variability of renew-
upgrades. conventional gas-
instantaneous load from all these ables, then EVs, water fired power plants
systems—such as by having them heaters, and air condi- (42 combined-cycle
communicate to stagger their charg- tioners can do that at a relatively low gas units with a total capacity of
ing—the utility would not need to cost. They will compete with each 15.1  GW and 124 combustion tur-
upgrade the distribution network as other and with dedicated storage and bine/peaker units with a total capaci-
soon. This deferral has a monetary flexible generation. This will drive ty of 6.7 GW). This represented an
value. But because the utility can go down the cost of incorporating re­­ up-to-date projection of the Califor-
to a regulatory body and request newables into the grid. That is a great nia Independent System Operator
approval to include needed distribu- thing for the electricity system, (CAISO) gas fleet in 2024. The model
tion upgrades in its rate base, there although it is a challenge for those included six following and contin-
is often no impetus to employ load seeking to develop a business model gency reserve products load following
management solutions. The Brook- based on demand flexibility. up, load following down, regulation
lyn-Queens Demand Management up, regulation down, spinning, and
pilot is an exception. If a utility could Pathways to More Renewable nonspinning, with each modeled as a
quantify the approximate value of Energy with Electrification single CAISO-wide product.
managed EV charging, it could offer Renewable energy goals are the most Without any changes in thinking
an incentive to customers who par- common and influential state and and operations, this study simply
ticipate in such a program. private sector renewable energy poli- repeated the findings of others. As the
A recurring concern with man- cy. These define a requirement for fraction of energy provided by re­­
aged charging of EVs is that a vehicle a percentage of energy used to be newable generation increases from
may not be charged when its driver provided by renewable generation. 25%, grid operators’ practices would
needs it to be. None of the stakehold- This policy framework adjusts the expand the amount of curtailed re­­
er in these programs would benefit amount of renewable energy pro- newable energy. In the 50% RPS base
from such an experience: not the cured to keep up with electrification scenario, substantial levels of gas gen-
utility, the charging station operator, and overall growth in electricity use eration and renewable curtailment
nor the vehicle manufacturer. Ac­­ on the system. coincide during the daytime hours.
cordingly, driver needs are the high- An analysis by UCS of the 50% During these hours, the amount of
est priority in any managed-charging renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in curtailed renewable energy could
program. Prioritizing driver needs California demonstrates the impor- replace up to 6 GW of electricity from
has meant that, in some cases, pro- tance of using electric end uses for gas, if the grid services provided by
grams were unable to obtain the nec- grid-support services. Predictions natural gas facilities could be provid-
essary load to participate in demand were circulating that significant ed by other sources.

IEEE Elec trific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 99


So by changing the assumptions electricity. Consider a water heater, a demand response in CAISO markets.
about grid operations, UCS was able to potential area for electrification with This would need to occur in a way
show a means to increase renewable heat pump technologies, and a source that meets operational requirements
energy utilization. It added 1  GW of of advanced demand response. The for providing reserve capacity, includ-
advanced demand response, 1 GW of purpose and service of the water heater ing sustained response over a given
additional electricity storage, and the is to keep a tank of water hot by staying time. Electricity storage devices or
ability to export 1 GW (net) of electric- within a certain temperature range. If other forms of advanced demand
ity in any hour. This a water heater is in the response—such as EV charging, air
enabled large cuts middle of its accept- conditioning, and water pumping—
Many devices and
in renewable curtail- able t e m p e ra t u re could provide reserves in an analo-
ment, greenhouse gas processes can provide range and not actively gous manner.
emissions, and pro- advanced demand heating, it could 1) not
duction costs. Com- response by changing operate because its Conclusions
pared with the 50% temperature is al­­ready The electrification of additional ener-
when they consume
RPS base s c e n a r i o, adequate or 2) begin gy end uses can reduce pollution,
this amount of non- electricity. heating in re­­sponse to allow greater utilization of existing
generation flexibili- a signal from the grid grid assets, put downward pressure
ty reduces renewable operator to increase on rates, and provide superior perfor-
curtailment by 70% (from 4.8 to 1.4%), demand, thereby producing a reserve mance and enhanced quality of life. It
CO 2 emissions by 5.6% (or 2.3 mil- product such as regulation down or load also has the potential to transform
lion metric tons of CO 2 per year), following down. society, just as the telegraph, electric
and production costs by 4.4% (or The UCS study provided indica- light, personal computer, and cell
US$205 million per year). To achieve tions of value and need of grid ser- phone did. All of these transitions
high penetrations of re­­newable vices by pricing the services. By had the need for creative thinking in
e n ergy, it will be critical to have increasing the amount of nongenera- common. New technologies are not
smart end uses of electricity that can tion flexibility, the share of both just like the ones they replaced, save
provide many grid reliability ser- upward and downward reserves sup- for fuel-switching. They have differ-
vices that are produced by conven- plied by nonfossil resources also grew. ent capabilities and enable chang-
tional natural gas plants today. However, the downward reserves es in the way things are done. This
issued by these sources were more might entail a broader use of TOU
How Electrification Can central to reducing curtailment than rates for residential customers, allow-
Increase Grid Reserves and the upward reserves. ing submetering from nonutility
Create System-Wide Benefits Without substantial amounts of ad­­ meters embedded in vehicles, vehicle
Increasing end-use electrification ditional nongeneration flexibility, the manufacturer investment in charging
with flexible demand will provide price of downward reserves was much infrastructure, or ISO consideration of
multiple benefits to the power sys- higher than that of upward reserves. demand-side technologies for reli-
tem, delivering greater utilization of The very high price of providing down- ability services.
available renewable resources. These ward reserves—especially during hours Energy transitions require us to
benefits can be measured in objec- of frequent curtailment—shows that rethink our preconceptions and re­­
tive terms beyond the direct substitu- doing so during these hours is difficult. consider much of what we take for
tion of fuels at the end use. During hours of frequent curtailment, granted. Although we cannot say
Controllable electric end uses can the price of downward reserves consis- exactly what impacts these transi-
­provide online reserves without si­­ tently ex­­ceeded the US$100/MWh cost tions will have, they require us to
multaneously generating electricity. of re­­newable curtailment, suggesting imagine and prepare.
This is why this category of resources that the provision of these reserves is
is more effective than natural gas causing curtailment. Downward re­­serves Biographies
generation in reducing renewable cur- are a driving factor in renewable cur- Peter O’Connor (poconnor@plugin
tailment, greenhouse gas emissions, tailment; providing enough nonfossil is with Plug In America.
and production costs. sources of flexibility can largely address Michael Jacobs (mjacobs@ucsusa
Many devices and processes can the need for downward reserves. .org) is with the Union of Concerned
provide advanced demand response Controllable end uses could be Scientists.
by changing when they consume aggregated to provide grid-scale 

100 I EEE E l e c t r i f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

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Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2880356

technology leaders

Peer-to-Peer Energy Market

for Community Microgrids
By Pablo Baez-Gonzalez, Enrique Rodriguez-Diaz, Juan C. Vasquez, and Josep M. Guerrero

n the last decade, new which prosumers can sell energy. In In our vision, energy becomes a

i energy policies have boost­

ed the integration of re­­
fact, to date, they can only carry out
these transactions with the distrib­
commodity for prosumers, who can
use it for their own consumption and
newable energy sources (RESs) into utor itself and not with other pro­ also trade their surplus, either in real
the electrical power system in an sumers, even if they are in the same time or on a deferred basis if they
attempt to reduce fossil fuel con­ geographical vicinity. have storage systems. Extending the
sumption and move toward a cleaner The inability to trade freely with marketing possibilities for the sur­
and more sustainable energy system. other prosumers can also be consid­ plus energy of distributed producers
A good example of this is the 2020 ered one of the causes for the emer­ could make a significant contribution
and 2030 energy strategy of the Euro­ gence and expansion of microgrids. to encourage households and build­
pean Union. The established goals of Microgrid-based electrical power sys­ ing owners to install this type of
this policy require a 40% cut in green­ tems ease the integration of RESs and renewable energy microgenerators.
house gas emissions and at least a ESSs together with loads at the con­ The resulting increase in aggregate
27% increase of shared renewable ener­ sumption level, aiming to increase shares supply, combined with free price
gy consumption and a 27% increase in of renewable energy generation, reli­ competition among the different pro­
energy savings. ability, and efficiency (Figure 1). ducers, should result in a reduction
The introduction of distributed Reliability is potentially increased in the average energy price within
generation systems and the im­­ by the microgrid concept definition the (micro)grid.
proved efficiency of energy storage because a microgrid can operate isolat­ This behavior can be observed in
systems (ESSs) have brought about a ed from the main power grid. There­ other markets, where the emergence
change in the paradigm of the energy fore, when there is a grid fault, the of digital platforms that enable direct
market. Energy delivery paradigms local load can be supplied locally from trading between end users has dis­
have moved from a vertical unidirec­ the RESs and ESSs. placed companies with a traditional
tional generation-distribution-con­ Energy distribution efficiency is reseller role. In particular, several
sumption scheme to a much more inherently increased by bringing gener­ reports claim that the emergence of
horizontal one, in which flows are ation closer to consumption and, there­ ride-sourcing companies—such as
bidirectional between and within lev­ fore, reducing distribution losses in the Uber and Cabify—has brought both
els. With this change, the definition main power grid. On top of this, to fur­ direct (e.g., cuts in the average price
of consumer becomes obsolete and is ther increase the electricity distribution per unit of traveled distance) and indi­
replaced by that of prosumer. Howev­ efficiency, dc-based electrical power rect (e.g., a reduction in alcohol-relat­
er, because of the historical architec­ systems can be used. Overall, dc distri­ ed traffic accidents) benefits for users.
ture of the electricity network, it is bution systems are inherently simpler Similar studies show how the rise of
the distributors who still have the (e.g., there is no need for frequency lodging platforms—such as Airbnb or
power to define the conditions under synchronization) and more efficient HomeAway—have also led to a reduc­
(e.g., there is no reactive power loading tion of around 10% (nonuniformly dis­
the lines, and slightly higher voltages tributed between segments) in hotel
can be used for the same isolation prices, which benefits not only the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MELE.2018.2871326
Date of publication: 16 November 2018 capability of the conductors). users of those applications but all

102 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018 2325-5987/18©2018IEEE


Household 1

Household 2

Household n


Utility Grid Psharech,1
Pgridabs,1 Ppv,1

ac Bus
Pgridinj,1 Load Manager
Psharedisc,1 Pbat
dc Bus
Data Bus Psl,1 Pnsl,1 Community
Input Profiles Management Battery

Controllable System
Scheduled Noncontrollable
Variables Loads

Figure 1. A microgrid-based community grid.

users. If the collaborative economy efits obtained by that side isWhatever their name, collabora­
has already shaken up sectors such as not proportional. tive consumption platforms can be
transportation or lodging, what is Price nonneutrality: the differ­
xx classified according to several criteria:
blocking its entry into the energy sec­ ence in what the platform charg­
xx by the type of product they trade
tor? And, more importantly, how can es to each participant according1)  recirculation of goods (market
these obstacles be overcome? to the side to which it belongs for secondhand or surplus
is important. goods)
Can a Collaborative Energy Direct interaction: although the
xx 2)  an increase in the use of as­­
Economy Be Defined? platform is necessary for match­ sets (market of productive
The definition of collaborative econo­ ing, end users retain control over factors)
my is not yet consolidated, and this the key terms of the transaction.
3)  exchange of services or labor
term is often inconsistently replaced Affiliation to the platform: all par­
xx (productive time market)
by others such as sharing economy, ties have a fee for belonging to
xx by the established hierarchy among
collaborative consumption, access the platform. the interactivity
economy, or circular economy. In 1)   peer to peer (P2P)
fact, researchers consider that some 2)   business to consumer (B2C)
or all of these concepts could be 3)  government to government
particular cases of two- or multi- (in general, between public
sided markets or platforms, although administrations)
there is no agreed definition for the Commercial xxfor the orientation of its activity
True Sharing
latter either. P2P sharing 1)   for profit
From greater to less restriction, 2)   not for profit.
the conditions that have been pro­ NFP FP For any of the three types, tak­
posed as sufficient for the exis­ ing into account the other classifi­
tence of two- or multisidedness in Commercial cation criteria, a matrix (Figure 2)
a market are as follows: Empty Set B2C has been established that charac­
xx The existence of two-way or terizes the platform on which these
one-way network effects: the products are traded. The obvious
relationship b etween the B2C question at this point is in which
number of market participants quadrant would a platform be locat­
in each side and the total ben­ Figure 2. A conceptual mapping of sharing platforms. ed that would allow for the exchange

IEEE Electrific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 103

technology leaders

of energy between prosumers within However, the distributor may these cases, either because of geo­
the current distribution network? The also be interested in deploying and graphical isolation (islands, rural
answer is important in both 1) defin­ using the platform for its own ben­ population clusters, and so on) or for
ing the structure and functioning of efit, for one or more of the follow­ political reasons (to have a certain
the platform itself and 2) the policies ing reasons: degree of autonomy from the compa­
for regulating it, with the aim of maxi­ xx Regulation: direct transfers bet­­ nies and/or the government), it is the
mizing its in­­tended positive effects: ween end users, properly gov­ prosumers who share ownership of
xx promoting the deployment of erned by the DNO, can contribute the (micro)grid, operating it coopera­
renewable energy generation and to the stabilization and control of tively. Of course, such a network may
storage microsystems the network in certain situations. have one (or several) points of con­
xx reducing the average cost of ener­ xx Economics: to meet peak de­­ nection to interface with the public
gy to the end user. mand, the distributor must pur­ network, given it exists.
The assumption is that a platform chase additional energy from a In this case, the users receive all
in which energy (productive factor) is primary producer, usually at high the benefits obtained in each trans­
exchanged cannot be anything other cost. Transfers between end users action, but the maintenance and
than profit oriented (i.e., producers could help to minimize both the operation costs are also shared pro­
receive monetary compensation for number of demand peaks and portionally among all network mem­
the energy they provide), so it would their cost to DNO. bers. Cooperation may not be limited
be in the right half of the matrix. To xx Anti-isolation: in the long term, if to costs but also extend to sharing
carry out the agreed transactions, it is the cost of a residential-based local production or storage systems.
necessary to have a physical network microgrid [e.g., photovoltaics For example, homeowners on an
on which to transfer the energy. It is (PVs) plus battery] for self-con­ island may choose to install commu­
worth asking who must provide the sumption starts to be competi­ nity wind turbines and battery banks.
infrastructure that allows these prof­ tive in terms of cost, many users In this case, the wind turbines partic­
itable transactions and under what may choose to disconnect indefi­ ipate in the market by selling their
economic regulatory conditions will nitely from the distribution net­ production in bundles to the best
this be feasible. work to operate in isolated mode. offering prosumers. Similarly, the
The most plausible option is to Conversely, the possibility of storage system is another player that
use the distribution network main­ doing business by selling the sells storage capacity to the highest
tained by a distribution network excess production to other con­ bidder. This type of cooperative
operator (DNO), if one exists. To do sumers is an argument in favor microgrid may require the presence
this, the DNO must also be interested of not isolating oneself from of a microgrid manager, a centralized
in enabling and/or participating in the network. entity that regulates the interactions
a platform that will allow its sub­ xx Future investments: in a hierarchi­ among end users, in this case, each
scribers to exchange energy directly cal distribution network, increased of the sources/loads comprised with­
among themselves. demand over time may force the in the microgrid.
An obvious argument against this is distributor to expand the capaci­ In either of the two cases, assum­
the economic one. Usually, the DNO is ty of the transmission network or ing that the appropriate conditions
also the owner of the network and, transforming equipment. Allowing are in place for the distributor (or,
therefore, would bear the necessary energy trading between end users alternatively, for the microgrid man­
investment to adapt the technological downstream of the area trans­ ager) to enable an energy exchange
architecture of the network to allow former could reduce the changes platform, what role should it adopt?
transfers between end users. Any addi­ needed. The rationale behind this As one more peer (perhaps primus
tional costs of network op­­eration and statement is that increased de­­ inter pares) giving rise to a P2P sys­
degradation associated with such mand is met by increasing connec­ tem? Or as a mere manager/interme­
transfers should also, in principle, be tivity between terminals in the diary as in a B2C model?
borne by the DNO. Therefore, the dis­ capillary network, rather than by
tributor can demand a percentage of expanding the capacity of the lines Benefits of P2P
the profits obtained in each transac­ and nodes of the distributor’s A P2P system is a self-organizing sys­
tion. If this fee is not sufficient to make transport network. tem of equal, autonomous entities
the adaptation and/or operation of The second, much less common, (peers) that aims for the shared usage
the network beneficial, the DNO may option is for users themselves to of distributed resources in a networked
choose to not enable the platform. deploy and maintain the network. In environment avoiding central services.

104 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

P2P systems are a special type of dis­ production, even if it maximizes ing period before it can start an ener­
tributed system and share a set of social welfare. gy transfer, assuming its offer was
issues that researchers have xxUse of discrete-time markets: those accepted. The same applies after the
addressed for years: security, equa­ works that do raise the establish­ completion of each transfer. There­
nimity, anonymity, fault tolerance, ment of virtual markets for the fore, there exists a tradeoff bet­­ween
scalability, distributed processing, and negotiation of transactions usually the perfect efficiency that discrete
coordination. However, P2P structures use discrete-time auction models auctions show in terms of potential
also present advantages: symmetric such as those used for determining profit extraction and the maximi­
role of peers, ease of scalability, het­ the price of energy in wholesale zation that continuous auctions
erogeneity of network members, dis­­ markets. In these kinds of markets, show in the use of potential trans­
tributed control, and the ability to while the transferring time is con­ fer time (Figure 3).
function in dynamic environments. tinuous, the auction timeline goes There is another issue that some­
Several of these advantages are through three states. how links markets using discrete-
suitable for the case of the electrical 1) The bid submission period time auctions with centralized P2P
distribution system, seen as a grid of begins immediately after each systems and continuous auctions
microgrids. There are already some instant of market session open­ with decentralized ones. When using
proposals in the literature for what is ing. Any peer interested in trad­ discrete models, an entity is needed
to be called the peerification of the ing must make an offer to buy to carry out the process of matching
electricity market as well as some or sell from this moment on supply and demand. Such an entity
successful business initiatives. In our and always before closing. must be neutral (i.e., not participate
view, some of these proposals suffer 2) After each instant of session in the auction) because if it were not,
from two fundamental problems. closing, the matching proce­ it could take advantage of the com­
xx The assumption of altruism: to dure takes place, during which plete information it has on the bids of
consider common welfare as a it is calculated who buys and other traders for its own benefit. It
distribution optimization mecha­ who sells and at what equilibri­ would seem logical that a DNO
nism for the energy surpluses of um price. should play this role; but in this case,
individual prosumers is some­ 3) Once matching is complete, the it is either unable to participate as a
what naive. Although there is a auction level remains inactive trader, or, if it does, the condition of
growing environmental aware­ until the opening at the next anonymity and equanimity of the P2P
ness in society, it seems unrea­ session. systems is not met. If, on the other
sonable that producers would be This implies that, since a peer hand, a third party is chosen, it could
willing to accept a centralized joins the market, it has to wait until demand a fixed fee or a percentage
manager deciding to whom and the next market session opens plus of the profits for the matching to be
at what price to sell their surplus the submission period and the match­ carried out.

Agent 1 Joins Agent 1 Leaves

the Market the Market

Events t

1,1 1,2
Tacc Tacc
e1 e2

1,1 1,3
Tneg 1,2 Tneg
e1 e2 e3

Agent 1

Figure 3. A transfer comparison for the same agent. Discrete-time double auction (DDA) versus continuous double auction (CDA). The qualifier
“double” indicates that both buyers and sellers can make offers to buy (bids) or sell (asks), respectively.

IEEE Electrific ation Magazine / d ec emb er 201 8 105

technology leaders

A Double Auction Market for If, once the losses have been cal­ tion profile and on the cost that the
P2P Energy Trading Among culated, the amount and price are consumed energy would have if it
Prosumers within any peer’s range of acceptabili­ were purchased from the utility (i.e.,
A CDA based market is proposed in ty, the transaction can be closed, and each peer estimates its average ener­
which each prosumer can alternate, the transfer of energy is immediately gy cost for the next TT period). From
but not simultaneously, between the initiated. This system includes the this private valuation and the mini­
roles of seller and buyer of energy. Sub­ right of the offering trader to termi­ mum and maximum relative gain lim­
mitted offers, whether they are bids or nate an ongoing transfer if it receives its (in the most generic case g min 2 L tx
asks, should include the following: a better offer. However, the acceptor and g max " 3), both selling and buying
xxThe amount of power that the retains the right of first refusal to price ranges are defined. These rang­
seller (buyer) is bidding (asking) match, if it so desires, the new offer. es are used to calculate the probabili­
for, which means that the auc­ This would promote market conver­ ty of closing a transaction by acting as
tion allows multiunit trading. gence toward its theoretical equilibri­ buyer and seller based on market
xxThe price for that energy package. um price while ensuring that bidders/ transaction history. Finally, the role
xxInformation on the location of the askers, who take a proactive role with the highest probability of suc­
peer within the network topology within the market, are not trapped in cess is chosen. To carry out the auto­
to accept the offer, the other peers suboptimal transactions. matic price adaptation, each trading
participating in the market must If automating the participation of agent can implement any of the
be able to estimate potential trans­ different peers in the market is re­­ autonomous adaptation mechanisms
mission losses by making use of quired, autonomous trading agents existing in the literature. Figure 4
the position published by the bid­ can be incorporated into peers’ ener­ shows the intraday price evolution for
der/asker and its own location gy management systems to energy transactions in an example
within the network. This informa­ xx (re)define the market role of CDA based market.
tion is used to prefilter the mar­ the peer In summary, the establishment of
ket, causing traders who are too xx adapt the offering prices accord­ CDA-based markets for P2P energy
far away from the offering peer to ing to market evolution. trading between prosumers makes it
exclude themselves from that For this purpose, each agent car­ more attractive for people to invest
offer (because transmission loss­ ries out a private energy assessment in their own renewable energy pro­
es would make the transaction for its corresponding peer based on duction and storage systems, thus
unprofitable). its estimated short-term consump­ contributing to the expansion and

Evolution of Dealing Price and Private Valuations

0.13 Closed Bids

Closed Asks
Buyers’ PVs
0.12 Sellers’ PVs

Price (€/kWh)





06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00


Figure 4. An example of one-day price and market evolution.

106 I EEE E l e c t ri f i c a t i on M a gaz ine / december 2018

generalization of the energy system. Technological Studies Digital Econo­ E. Rodriguez-Diaz, J. C. Vasquez, and
At the same time, the possibility of my Working Paper 2016/01, JRC100369. J. M. Guerrero, “Intelligent DC homes in
buying and selling energy surpluses [Online]. Available: future sustainable energy systems:
abstract=2783662 or http://dx.doi When efficiency and intelligence work
from distributed local production .org/10.2139/ssrn.2783662 together,” IEEE Consum. Electron. Mag.,
allows a reduction in the average cost C. Giotitsas, A. Pazaitis, and V. Kosta­ vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 74–80, Jan. 2016.
of energy to those local consumers, kis, “A peer-to-peer approach to energy
compared to the average cost if they production,” Technol. Soc., vol. 42, pp.
kept the utility as the only alternative 28–38, Aug. 2015. Biographies
A. Q. Huang, M. L. Crow, G. T. Heydt, J.
for the acquisition of energy. P. Zheng, and S. J. Dale, “The Future
Pablo Baez-Gonzalez ( is
Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and with the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
For Further Reading Management (FREEDM) system: the Enrique Rodriguez-Diaz (erd@et
B. Brandherm, J. Baus, and J. Frey, “Peer energy Internet,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 99, no. 1, is with Aalborg University,
energy cloud—civil marketplace for pp. 133–148, Jan. 2011. Denmark.
trading renewable energies,” in Proc. E. Rodriguez-Diaz, J. C. Vasquez, and
IEEE 2012 Eighth Int. Conf. Intelligent Envi- J. M. Guerrero, “Potential energy savings
Juan C. Vasquez ( is
ronments, June 2012, pp. 375–378. by using direct current for residential with Aalborg University, Denmark.
C. Codagnone and B. Martens. applications: A Danish household Josep M. Guerrero (
(2016). “Scoping the sharing economy: study case,” in Proc. IEEE 2017 Second Int. is with Aalborg University, Denmark.
origins, definitions, impact and regu­ Conf. DC Microgrids (ICDCM), June 2017, 
latory issues,” Institute for Prospective pp. 547–552.



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