Group: A: Northern Arizona University

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BBA 330



BBA 330 Group: A

All sections of this handbook have been written, reviewed, and approved by the members of Group A:

Nicholas Franco
Terrill Williams
Rianna Ross
Veronica Suarez
Table of Contents

Communication ………………………………………….. 1

Member Conduct ....…………………………………….. 2

Disciplinary Action ………………………………………. 3

Problem Solving Notice …………………. 3/6

Meetings …………………………………………………. 4
Tasks ………………………………………. 4

Team Leaders..…………………………………………. 5

Ammendments …………………………………………. 5

Attachments …………………………………………... 5/6

G R O U P A : H A N D B O O K

Group A: Communication

“T he single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Communication Basics

 In Person
Phone Call
Text Message
All group members are expected to communicate their ideas and add to the group experience. Each group
member will have an opportunity to communicate their opinion for all assignments.

Group Communication Channels

Group A will use four channels of communication. The first channel of communication will be In Person;
which will generally be done in class and during meetings. The second channel will be Phone Call; phone
calls will be made to the contact number each member has provided as necessary. E-Mail will be the third
channel. E-Mails will be sent to group members Vista E-Mail and used to make documents available to the
group. The fourth channel will be Text Message. Group members will be texted at the number they
provide; texts will be used to inform group members of changes or updates to classes or meetings.

Communication Out of the Learning Environment

Group communication out of the learning environment is essential for success and is encouraged. These
communications should follow the groups conduct rules and should not be excessive. Communication by

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phone or text message should not be done after 9pm or before 7am as a courtesy to group members and
their families. Violations of conduct out of the learning environment will be subject to disciplinary action.

Group A: Member Conduct

“Law controls the lesser man……Right conduct controls the greater one.”
– Mark Twain

Conduct Basics
Group members are expected to treat each other with common courtesy and respect at all times. Each
group member will have an equal opportunity to contribute to discussions without interruption from
other members.


Disagreements between group members should be discussed in an open

forum in front of the group until a resolution is found. All disagreements
should be kept to class topics; discussion of others personal lives and
preferences will not be tolerated. Abusive or offensive conduct such as
cursing, yelling, or aggressive gesturing….etc will be subject to
disciplinary action.

Meeting Conduct
During meeting group members will adhere to the conduct rules already laid out here; as well a few specific
rules for meetings:

 Members should limit their personal phone calls, texts, etc… to emergencies only.

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 The team leader will have control over the topic to be discussed.

 Members will refrain from working on anything other than group assignments.

Group A: Disciplinary Action

“He that cannot obey, cannot command.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Discipline Basics
Group members who regularly break team rules will be subject to disciplinary action. An initial verbal
warning will be given for the first rule infraction; all subsequent rule infractions warnings will result
in the issuing of a Problem Solving Notice. If a rule infraction is serious enough the group can vote to
go directly to the highest level of disciplinary action.

Problem Solving Notices (PSN)

All Problem Solving Notices will list: a description of the problem, plan for improvement, and
consequences for further infractions. Before a (PSN) can be issued it has to be approved by ¾ of the
group. A (PSN) will result in a 10% reduction of evaluation made by group members. Chronic (PSNs)
will result in a formal request to Dr. Parmenter to drop that member from the group. A copy of the
blank (PSN) form will be included at the end of the handbook as an attachment.

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Group A: Meetings

“People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.”

– Thomas Sowell

Regular Meetings

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Regularly scheduled group meetings will be held on Mondays at 4:00pm in the Pima Community
College West Campus library. Also group members will stay after Dr. Parmenter’s lectures until all
group tasks for the week are completed. If a group member cannot attend a group meeting it is their
sole responsibility to obtain information that was discussed.

Provisional Meetings
Provisional meetings will be held on an as needed basis, all group members will be notified at least 3
days in advance of these meetings. Time and location are flexible.

Meetings Attendance
If a group member cannot attend a meeting or class they must notify at least one other group member
who is going to attend the meeting. Notification can be made via E-Mail unless the meeting is less
than 24 hours away in which case notification should be made via text message or phone call.

Group A: Tasks
“I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if
they were great and noble” – Helen Keller

During group meetings tasks will be assigned; team members must complete these tasks by an agreed
upon date. All tasks must be approved by the group and must pertain only to BBA 330 Group A

Group A: Team Leaders

“Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new
-- Baltasar Gracian
Team Leaders
For each team assignment a team leader will be designated the team leader and will be in-charge of:
compiling data and information, readying the assignment for submission, and submitting the
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assignment to Dr. Parmenter. The team leader will have the assignment ready for review by the group
members no later than 2 days prior to the assignment due date. If a group member proposes a change
to the assignment they will E-mail the change to all other members and notify them via text message
to review the purposed changes. For a change to take affect the group must vote it in with a ¾
majority. If a group member does not submit a vote they will be considered approved by default.

Team Leaders Rotation

The rotation for team leader will be as follows: Nick, Terrill, Veronica, and Rianna. The rotation will
repeat if needed.

Group A: Handbook Amendments

Proposed Amendments
Amendments to this handbook can only be made by a unanimous vote of the group in favor of the


No amendments have been made to this handbook as of October 2010.

Group A: Handbook Attachments

See following pages:

G R O U P A : H A N D B O O K

BBA 330 Group A

Problem Solving Notice
Student Information
Student Name:       Date of Notice:      

Type of Notice
First Notice Second Notice Final Notice

Type of Offense
Tardiness/Leaving Early Absenteeism Incomplete Work
Substandard Work Cheating Violation of Behavioral Conduct

Description of Infraction:

Plan for Improvement:

Consequences of Further Infractions:


Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice

By signing this form, you confirm that you understand the information in this Problem Solving Notice. You also confirm that
you and your Group have discussed the problem and a plan for improvement. Signing this form does not necessarily indicate
that you agree with this notice.

Student Receiving Notice Signature Date

Group Member #1 Signature Date

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Group Member #2 Signature Date

Group Member #3 Signature


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