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Source Code Copier

Source Code Copier automates the preparation phase of making modifications to Intuitive Source
Code. Objects are copied from the source cycle libraries into the custom library (LCUSTOM) where
modifications are made and then store client operation. A full version of Access XP/2002 or 2003 is
required to make any modifications.
Example of Making Custom Modifications to an MS Access Report
In this exercise, you will copy the Employee Listing report into LCUSTOM and make a modification.
1. Open the Source Code Copier located in the Intuitive ERP Resource Kit.
2. Select the Configuration File (.dbk), you must use a network path. Click on the browse button
and browse the server name then select the ERP share folder name, select the Configuration
File (.dbk), and then click the Ok button.
3. When the Source Code Copier opens leave the selection Copy objects from Client Custom and
click the Next button.
4. For the Cycle Drop down select SystemAdministration.
5. For the Menu Name select Employee Listing.
6. In the middle screen click on the rptEmpList and click the Add Button.
7. In the right screen click on the Next button.
8. Click the Finish button to copy object into LCUSTOM.
9. Click Yes to the prompt Do you want to copy all selected objects to custom
10. When you get message Source Code transfer completed click Ok and then close the Source
Code Copier by clicking the Close button.

11. Open the Intuitive ERP Client Utility for IERP81.

12. Click on the Update Client Settings link and set the following options.
a. Display Login Form – Optional (Check or Unchecked)
b. Log into Access Client at Startup – Checked
c. Log into Access as System Admin – Checked
d. Start with Access Runtime – Unchecked
e. Auto Start – Checked
13. Click the Update button to set the values and then click the Exit button to close the Client
14. Start the Intuitive ERP Client for the IERP81 database using the Administrators password.
15. There are two Intuitive windows that are open at the bottom of the Task bar. One is the Main
Menu which is .NET and the other is for all the Access objects to open in. Click into the
Access window.
16. Go up into the Menu bar at the top of the form and select File and then Open. Browse to the
Intuitive ERP Client directory and open the LCUSTOM.MDB.
17. When the LCUSTOM opens, expand it and then click into Reports.
18. Right Click on rptEmpList and select Design View.
19. You will need to move two fields over a bit to add a logo. (See Screen Shot for the space you
need to make.) You can simply just click on the field and move it.
20. Once the fields have been made click your mouse into the blank area circled above. Then go
up into the Menu bar at the top of the screen and select Insert and then select Picture.
21. It will automatically look into the Intuitive ERP Client directory. Just select the Intuitiveerp.ico
file and click Ok.
22. Move the Icon so it fits evenly in the blank space.
23. Go back up to the Menu bar at the top of the screen and select View and then select Code.
24. This will now open the report in VBA code. Go back up to the Menu bar at the top of the
screen and select Debug and the select Compile Lcustom.
25. When that completes close the VBA screen (upper right corner X). This will then take you
back to Access in Design mode. Click the Save button on the Menu Bar to save your changes
and close the Access form.
26. Exit the Intuitive ERP Client
27. Open the Intuitive ERP Client Utility for the IERP81 database and click on the Update Client
Settings Link. Uncheck Log into Access as System Admin and then click the Update button
and then click the Exit button to exit the Client Utility.
28. Start the Intuitive ERP Client for the IERP81 database using the Administrator password.
29. Go into the System Administration cycle, click the Reporting tab, and then double click the
Employee Listing. When the Selector form opens just click on the Preview button.
30. You should see the report with the Intuitive Logo into the report.
31. To bypass your modifications you need to first close the report and the access window on the
task bar, so you should only see the Main Menu (.NET Windows) open.
32. Go up into the Menu bar at the top of the screen and select Help and then select About.
Uncheck the Use Custom Objects and then click the Ok button to set.

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