Materi LC Today 16 of March (Rizal Arda Permana)

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O85100143297 .
NO 1. A. He means that the women should continue arguing
nO.2. ..............


Jangan ragu untuk menjawab dan tetap jaga fokus kamu pada detil di
percakapan singkat yang hanya diputar satu kali.

Woman: “I had a falling out with my sister last week.”

Man: “That’s a shame, I hope you guys can figure it out.”

1. Pertanyaan : What does the man mean by this?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. He means that the women should continue arguing.

B. He means that the woman should do some math.
C. He means that the women should draw a picture.
D. He means that the woman should solve the problem.

Kata “falling out” adalah idiom  yang berarti pertengkaran, dan speaker  pria memberi komentar “I hope
you guys can figure it out” yang berarti menyelesaikan masalah antara wanita dan saudara

Man: “I feel like I can’t get ahead, even though I have two jobs!”

Woman: “I know! This city is so expensive to live in.”

2. Pertanyaan: What is the man unable to do?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. He is unable to make financial progress.

B. He is unable to win a running race.
C. He is unable to live in the city.
D. He is unable to find more work.

Jawaban di atas menunjukkan keluhan pria dalam speaker  yang masih merasa kesulitan finansial meski
sudah memiliki 2 pekerjaan,

Woman: “So, Emma didn’t get a warning for forgetting those reports!”

Man: “That is so unfair, she always gets away with everything.”

3. Pertanyaan: What is the man saying?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. Emma is allowed to take.

B. Emma is never punished for wrongdoing.
C. Emma is given unlimited vacation time.
D. Emma always forgets her reports.

Kedua orang dalam speakers  sedang membicarakan bagaimana Emma tidak mendapat peringatan meski
lupa melaporkan hal penting, dan hal tersebut sudah berlangsung berkali-kali, terungkap dalam kalimat
“she always gets away with everything

Man: “We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday so do not give away.”

Woman: “Cool! I will be careful then.”

4. Pertanyaan: What should the woman not do?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. She shouldn’t donate anything to charity.

B. She shouldn’t give Susan now.
C. She shouldn’t reveal any information about the party.
D. She shouldn’t wait for the party.

Respon perempuan dalam speaker  “I will be careful” adalah idiom  yang artinya tidak akan
membocorkan rencana kejutan pesta untuk Susan,

Woman: “Do not trust Ralph; he always goes back on his promise.”

Man: “Ok, thanks. I will keep that in mind!”

5. Pertanyaan: Why can’t Ralph be trusted?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. He never does what he says he will do.

B. He always returns what he says he will.
C. He never promised enough help.
D. He always talks about the past.

Ungkapan “he always goes back on his promise” sama artinya dengan tidak menepati janji====
Man : “The best coffee in town is at BLK, by the way.”

Woman: “Cool! I think I will head up there now.”

6. Pertanyaan: What does the woman plan to do?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. She plans to become the new BLK manager.

B. She plans to lead others to BLK.
C. She plans to drink his coffee standing up.
D. She plans to visit BLK immediately.

Jawaban perempuan dalam speaker  atas rekomendasi kopi terbaik adalah “I will head up there now”
yang artinya dia akan segera menuju tempat BLK untuk mencicipinya,

Woman: “Ever since Tom lost his job, we have had a hard time getting by.”

Man: “Yeah, these times are hard for all of us.”

7. Pertanyaan: What can be implied from this conversation?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. Many people find it difficult to commute to work.

B. Many people do not have enough income to cover their expenses.
C. Many people have lost their jobs
D. Many people find the streets overcrowded

Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas tergambar dalam kalimat “these times are hard for all of us” dan “we
have had a hard time getting by” yang berarti ada banyak orang yang kesulitan untuk mengatur

Man: “Sorry, I am no here today, it’s been a hard week.”

Woman: “Fair enough James, you have gone through a lot!”

8. Pertanyaan: What can we assume about James?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. He never finished his work on time.

B. James is very experienced in his job.
C. James has experienced many difficult situations.
D. He is a lazy worker.

Dalam percakapan di atas tergambar bahwa James memerlukan waktu istirahat setelah menghadapi
satu pekan yang penuh tantangan,
Woman: “Is the teacher going to hand back our test today?”

Man: “I think so, it was meant to be today, the 25 th.”

9. Pertanyaan: What will the teacher do?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. She will return the tests to the students.

B. She will announce the date of the test.
C. She will distribute the tests to be taken.
D. She will let the students correct the tests.

Istilah “hand back” dalam percakapan tersebut bermakna mengembalikan

Man :  “Training today was so hard. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it.”

Woman: “Yeah, it does not get hard, but never give in!”

10. Pertanyaan: What advice does the woman give?

Pilihan jawaban:

A. Never work too hard.

B. Never pay too much for training.
C. Never give the trainers a hard time.
D. Never admitted defeat and never stop trying.

Menanggapi keluhan dari pria, perempuan dalam speaker  memberi semangat “never give in!” yang
berarti jangan lelah untuk terus mencoba dan jangan kalah dengan keadaan

Miftachul ichwan renaldi



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