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Philadelphia, PA December-January 2010/11

The Free Student Newspaper of Chestnut Hill College

Amid Decorating Night Chaos, Classes Triumph

Olivia Marcinka pandemonium were the sights gave the student body a chance the expectations of campus life lights from building to building.
‘13 to see during the 86th annual to decorate their designated (by and visitors. The evening went on, however,
_____________ Christmas Decorating Night. class) areas on campus (i.e. caf- When we started to unrav- and frustrations subsided as the
Sweat dripping in the bit- As a main attraction and pri- eteria, outdoors, rotunda in St. el lights on the third floor of sophomore class finally devel-
ter air of a December night, mary event in the College’s leg- Joseph Hall, and Fournier Hall). Logue Library, we wondered oped a plan.
friends turning into enemies, endary “Holiday On the Hill,” The outcome of the tumultu- who knew taking apart jovial I decided to float over to
enemies into friends, and social Christmas Decorating Night ous night almost always exceeds decorations would be simi- other classes to investigate how
lar to solving an eighteen-part they were doing. The juniors
math problem. About seven appeared calm while frivolous-
students worked in the piazza ly placing trinkets and charms
while three tackled the cano- in their rightful places. It was
py posts on the third floor of as if I walked into a ballet of
Logue Library and Fontbonne.
Yelling grew abrasive when we “Decorations”
started to string five sets of Continued on 6

Fitness Center to
Open August 2012
Kelly MCkay build a fitness center where the
‘12 “old gym” currently is. It is a
_________ 5,000-square-foot space with
On Nov. 15, College Presi- relatively high ceilings. The
dent Sister Carol Jean Vale, gym is located in the basement
Ph.D., held a quick presenta- of Fournier near the indoor
tion for an enthusiastic audi- pool, and is rarely utilized. It
Erin Barnes ‘14 holds up one of the many snowflakes crafted by the freshman class ence of primarily student-ath- has continued to deteriorate as
letes on the proposed fitness years pass.
for the Dining Hall. The themes were, in reverse order: Fifth Avenue Christmas, A
center renovations. She dis- The “old gym” will be con-
Classic Christmas, Gingerbread and Dr. Seuss/Whoville. Photo by Kirk Martyn ‘14.
cussed that after meeting with verted into a two-story facility

Carol Night: Resounding Success the Student Government As-

sociation last year, it became
clear that students had con-
with a lounge area, vending
machines, and cardio-vascular
equipment on the second floor.
Kerry O’Brien mester. Hundreds attend each for the night to begin. Junior
‘14 cerns about the current fitness Other essential machines and
year, and numbers appear to be Laura Mraz said, “Carol Night center. mats will be found on the first
increasing. is always something to look for- Although the College has floor. The fitness center will
A celebration before finals,
The tradtion may be new to ward, to especially on the music put new equipment in the fit- be air-conditioned with televi-
a well-known tradition, and an
first-year students, but much end. The acoustics in the Ro- ness center this year, the ad- sion sets, and all windows will
enjoyable night for the Chestnut
of the audience is made up of tunda help to bring to life the ditions did not appear to be be replaced with new, larger
Hill College community; that is
alumni. Fran Boshell, a 2009 Christmas spirit.” enough to satisfy the student windows to provide a great
what Carol Night is all about.
graduate from Brooklyn, New This night gives students a body. “A new fitness center amount of light in the space.
Held every year in the Rotunda,
York, has attended since her positive start to a joyful season should have been built when There will also be offices, vari-
Carol Night spotlights musicians
freshman year. “It is my favorite and also a chance to celebrate the school first changed to co- ous storage rooms and bath-
and their ensembles. On Dec.
event to return for,” she said. with either newfound friends or ed. The equipment they add- rooms located in the gym.
3, new and returning students
Come performance day, returning old friends before fi- ed this year was a little better, “I can’t wait for the new
along with faculty, staff, and lo-
many musicians were anxious nals begin. but one of every machine just gym,” said Bubs Sabia ’13, a
cal community members gath-
ered to see performances by the isn’t enough for all of us,” said member of the men’s lacrosse
Chamber Orchestra, the Jazz Nick Ricciotti ’11. “Ever since team. “It won’t be as crowded
Ensemble, Hill Singers, as well freshman year I’ve had a mem- as the old fitness center and
as soloist Jackie Trujillo, and bership at another gym be- now we’ll have a lot more
new all-mens singing group, the cause of the size of our fitness equipment to use.”
Fontbonne Four. center and lack of equipment.” After receiving a $1.5 mil-
Being a long-held tradition During Sister Carol’s pre- lion grant and $250,000 from
at Chestnut Hill College, Car- sentation she stated, “This fit- another source, the College is
ol Night is a follow-up to the ness center can’t wait.” Origi- ready to begin next month on
Christmas Decorating Night nally the College planned to the construction. Although
and usually precedes the Win- build a new center in the next $1.25 million more is needed
ter Formal. While this night is a few years, during the time to complete the operation, Sis-
great deal of fun for everyone, when the proposed student ter Carol has informed mem-
it took a lot of hard work for center was to be created. After bers of the College that it is
students performing to prepare. re-evaluating the necessity of planned for the fitness center
There have been weekly prac- The Hill Singers perform to the audience in St. Jo- having a larger, state-of-the-art to open on Aug. 1, 2012.
tices since the start of the se- seph’s Hall. Photo by Liz Campbell ‘12. facility, the College decided to

News 2 STYLE 4 Opinion 6 Sports 8

2 The Griffin

THE Griffins Take Tufflepuffs to Task at World Cup

Vol. I, Issue 4
StePH Reif
The Free Student The Griffins soared on Nov.
Newspaper of 13 and 14 when 17 players and
Chestnut Hill College countless fans made the drive
from Philly to New York City’s
Max Kaplan ‘11 Dewitt Clinton Park to partake
Editor-in-Chief in the fourth-annual Quidditch
World Cup. The team, com-
Jarreau Freeman ‘11 prised of players selected from
those who participated in the
Managing Editor
Brotherly Love Cup, practiced
for weeks in preparation for the
Westly Mandoske ‘13
event. It showed beginning with
Layout Co-Editor the team’s first match against
Transylvania University of
Michael Bradley ‘14 Kentucky: there were excellent
Layout Co-Editor shots made by first-year Brad
Amerman and also by captain
Mary Marzano ‘12 Devin Devoue as the team
News Editor played with finesse and skill. In
the end, CHC beat Transylvania
Olivia Marcinka ‘13 80-10.
Opinion Editor The Hill’s second match was
against the College of Charles-
Jill Sanger ‘11 ton. This was by far one of the
Sports Editor fastest matches in CHC’s histo-
ry on the field, with senior Alex
Kyle Bachmann ‘10 Garcia catching the snitch only
Sports Editor four minutes into the game for
a 50-10 victory.
That night the Griffins
Jen Jones ‘12
played their most anticipated
Style Editor
game yet against Stony Brook
University of Long Island,
Bleu Lane ‘12
New York. The team was rar-
Style Editor ing to go and had a strong start;
the crowd was cheering for the
Aizaz Gill ‘14 team and the energy was high.
Online Editor There were great plays made Above, Griffins march in the the Opening Parade of the Quidditch World Cup. The
by the team’s newcomers Tom Parade stopped Manhattan traffic for about five minutes. Photo by Jim Kiernan.
Jess Veazey ‘13 Weigel and Ray Haig, as well as Below, Kelly McKay ‘12, Max Kaplan ‘11, and Devin Devoue ‘11 are interviewed on
Photo Editor by the veterans, KayCee Flore
ESPN News’s “The Beat” prior to the Cup. Photo by Max Kaplan ‘11.
and Jeremy Miles. The team
Dana Consalvo ‘12 seemed to flow through the University Tufflepuffs in single- way. Both teams were evenly back to Philly. Although the
Copy Editor entire game and defeated their elimination play. matched; athletic prowess was Griffins did not win the World
opponent in a fierce 100-nil vic- After warming up, the Grif- as prevalent as strategic organi- Cup, they did win a “Best
Susan Magee, M.F.A. tory. fins wooed spectators by run- zation. When the snitch entered Dressed” award voted on by
Advisor On Sunday, the team came ning around the Quidditch the pitch the score was 50-30 @MuggleQuidditch Twitter
back ready for another win- pitch and high-fiving fans along in favor of the Griffins. In a followers. The championship
The Griffin strives for accuracy filled day on the pitch. Because the way. The Griffin mascot highly contested play, the Tufts game was between three-time
and fair representation in all of their valiant play on Satur- himself even made an appear- seeker caught the snitch and de- defending champs Middlebury
of its publications and cor- day, the team was given a “bye” ance to root for his favorite feated the Griffins 60-50. College and the Tufflepuffs. In
into the second round. This team. After the team chant and Shortly after the match the the end Tufts caught the snitch,
rectness. If an error is found,
time they were to face the Tufts huddle, the match was under Griffins packed up and came but Middlebury won 100-50.
e-mail the issue number, the

Griffins Look to Improve Game

article in which the error was
found, and the correction
that needs to be made. The
resulting correction will be Kevin Crawley of Balcer’s players on the court and in the
printed in the next edition of ‘14 classroom. His goals for the season, and
The Griffin. ___________ for future seasons as well, is to win a cham- The Office of Residence Life is excit-
Chestnut Hill College’s head basketball pionship and get in to the NCAA Division ed to begin the Resident Assistant
Make your opinion heard by coach, Jesse Balcer, is in his seventh year II tournament. Selection process for the 2011-2012
submitting letters to the edi- coaching the team. He is holding high ex- Balcer spoke highly of the captains on academic year.
tor or contributions to The pectations for players and the team cap- his team, Dan Comas and Trenton David-
Griffin. Submissions become tains, and is turning to other coaches to heiser. “I do believe they will have a strong Students are encouraged to attend an
property of The Griffin and gain knowledge. effect on the team," Balcer said. "Their role upcoming Information Session
are subject to editing for style, The men’s basketball team had a slow is to be leader s on and off the court, to learn more about this rewarding
start with a 1-3 record. According to Bal- with their work ethic and their demeanor campus leadership opportunity.
clarity and space concerns.
cer, the toughest challenge this season will off the court. Coaches always want their
be winning with consistency, which he captains to be an extension of the coach to January 21, 2011
Interested in writing, photo-
hopes this will help make his players better the team.” 2 to 3 p.m.
graphing, layout or design? on the court. Balcer considers his team to be the most
Fill out a short form on our Martino 324
For Balcer, a successful season doesn’t dedicated he has ever worked with and can January 25, 2011
Facebook and The Griffin will only mean wins. He doesn’t expect players tell the team is working hard to achieve the 7 to 8 p.m.
contact you. to slack off academically: “They should be goals they set. Balcer also promises two St. Joe’s 245
thinking about their class work instead of things this season: his players will give their January 31, 2011
Email The Griffin at: basketball. The only time they should be all this season, and they’ll be stellar repre- 2 to 3 p.m. thinking about basketball is during practice sentatives of the College while doing it. Martino 324
or visit The Griffin on Face- and games.”
book. Full effort and hard work are expected
The Griffin 3

Students Demand Premium

Coffee Shop on Campus
Kelly McKay p.m. to midnight.” hall,” he said. “When I studied
‘12 The Piazza Perk, located on at Regent’s College in London,
_________ the ground floor in Fitzsim- their coffee shop closely re-
As everyone knows, cof- mons Hall, has been the Col- sembled the Social Room with

Intern Diaries fee is a necessity for many col-

lege students to help them get
lege’s primary hot spot for cof-
fee since the spring of 2008,
hardwood floors and wood
paneling, plus marble tables. It
served premium coffee drinks,
through their long days and and is advertised to have sev-
rough nights full of homework eral flavors of coffee. It is open pastries, and light lunches like
and papers. Currently, the Col- Monday through Thursday eve- croissant sandwiches and was
lege offers students, faculty nings, limiting daytime options always packed. With its cen-
and staff coffee options in the to the Griffin’s Den or local tral location, the Social Room
Griffin’s Den in the morning, in spots like Starbucks and Wawa. seems like a perfect fit for a cof-
Many students at the college are involved in excit- the Piazza Perk in Fitzsimmons “It would be wonderful for fee shop staff, faculty, and the
ing internships. In the Intern Diaries, students with Hall at night and in the Fourni- the intellectual life of the Col- students could mutually enjoy.”
internships are invited to share their experiences. er Dining Hall during its sched- lege to have a place where stu- The Social Room, along
This issue’s diary entrant is Ashley Pavone ‘11. uled hours. Although it appears dents, faculty, and staff could with the Redmond Room and
that all members of the college encounter one another and East Parlor in St. Joseph Hall,
I’m Ashley Pavone, a senior English and communications community may have their cof- converse casually,” said Suzanne is currently used for various
major. I knew that I wanted to do an internship not only fee fix at any time of day, it isn’t del Gizzo, Ph.D., an English events including conferences,
for the experience, but to help me gain a better understand- always simple and the options professor at the College. Del lectures, dances, and Saturday
ing of what direction I’d like to pursue; it seems to be most are not particularly appealing to Gizzo believes that this type Visits for prospective students.
likely communications rather than English, but it’s too early some. of environment often provides The Perk and Griffin’s Den
to know for sure. I applied to a few places listed on Black- Michael Bradley ‘14, a first- for the best conversations. She are also lacking the variety
board under the “Internships” tab. The majority of intern- year student at the College who continues: “Plus, as a student found on menus of traditional
ships involved work in the public relations field, but then I claims that he requires at least of American expatriate writing coffee shops. Several students
came across the Chestnut Hill Local. three cups of coffee to make it in 1920s Paris, I am simply a big have expressed interest in other
through a weekday, wishes that fan of café culture.” drink options beyond drip cof-
there was a better alternative on Max Kaplan ‘11, an avid fee: “I think a place where you
I contacted Larry Hochberger, the associate publisher
campus for students to get cof- coffee drinker, suggests that can get something different, like
and contact person listed, to inquire about possible intern-
fee. “The Perk is a poor excuse the Fournier Hall Social Room lattes or Frappuccinos, would
ship opportunities. I told him about my major, my intent
for a coffee shop; the last time would be a perfect spot to be a great spot for students to
with the Chestnut Hill Local and I sent him my resume. He
I was there, there was one pot house a new coffee shop: go to,” said Christina Squillante
called me, interested to know which career field I found most
of coffee,” Bradley said. “Stu- “We desperately need a ’13. “I’d love for the College to
intriguing. That was the problem–I wanted an internship to
dents need somewhere to go in dedicated coffee shop that isn’t get a better coffee shop. I would
figure that out. I told him I could not pinpoint one specific
between classes, not just from 6 bound by a particular residence go there all the time.”
field, but rather three: public relations, journalism, and mar-
keting. He contacted me afterwards to inform me that he was
definitely interested. E-readers Top Holiday Wish Lists
I currently work remotely from my Lincoln Woods apart-
ment, but visit the Chestnut Hill Local’s office every week.
Along with the associate publisher, I maintain and update a
blog geared toward students attending colleges in the area.
This is a pretty exciting task since I have never worked with
blogs before. The blog is appropriately titled “CollegeTown”
and was founded by Hannah Campbell, a Chestnut Hill Col-
lege senior, who was an intern last year. Included in the blog
is an events calendar with more than six schools’ daily events,
activities, and sports; articles from The Griffin; blog posts
about freshmen and what college students can do in Chest-
nut Hill and so much more.

I cover all aspects of the blog. For the public relations I

write press releases; for journalism, I will soon write on the
blog and I will engage in the marketing field once I find in-
terested advertisers. Colin Weatherbee You may purchase books with- feel that having an e-reader will
‘14 out leaving your house, or hav- save space within your own
My goal is to include posts from writers at other schools ______________ ing to books. Of course, there home. However, having owned
as well on the college newspapers. These posts, however, E-readers have become in- are cons: pricey e-readers range several books, it certainly does
would be approved and posted by myself. I would like to in- creasingly popular with the from $139 to $399. Retailers make you feel more intelligent
clude “75 Acres of Awesome,” the college admissions blog. holiday season in full swing. often charge a book’s hardback with more books on the shelf
Also, I want to showcase more than just the Chestnut Hill Many college students are add- price, despite no resale value rather than a hard drive.”
area, considering the schools range from Erdenheim to Blue ing e-readers, like Amazon’s Senior Hannah Campbell,
and its intangible nature.
Bell and Philadelphia. I will eventually line up some compa-
Kindle and Barnes and Noble’s E-reader fanatics are quick an English major, agrees with
nies interested in advertising directly on the blog.
Nook, to their Christmas lists. to point out the cons of bound Bachmann about the conve-
“CollegeTown” is linked on under Others, though, are unwilling books: they lack portability nience of e-readers but has
“Blogs.” The direct link is http://collegetown1.blogspot. to make the leap to electronic and are environmentally de- some reservations about mak-
com. readers because they prefer structive to print. However, ing the e-reader switch. “I do
the old-fashioned feeling of if you’re unsatisfied, you can see the convenience and that it
holding a book in their hands. resell a book and/or return it. can be cheaper,” she said, “but
Join The Griffin on Facebook Some even fear that with the Also, many find it more satis- I like having a big shelf with a
easy accessiblity of texts on fying to turn a book’s paper bunch of books I can look at.”
Catch news updates between issues e-readers and its instant gratifi- page rather than “swiping” to
on The Griffin’s Facebook page. cation, books in print may be- advance to the next.
come extinct. Senior Kyle Bachmann,
Search for “The Griffin”.
There are widely publicized who plans on getting an e-
pros and cons of e-reading. reader for Christmas, agrees. “I
4 The Griffin

Murder, Music, and Money in the City of Chicago

COLIN WEATHERBEE transformed into their roles. The play was well casted
‘14 with Charlotte D’Amboise as Roxie Hart, accompa-
nied by Leigh Zimmerman as Velma Kelly and Brent
Chicago the Musical is a story of murder and adul- Barrett as Billy Flynn. Of all the castings, however, I
tery mixed in with macabre humor and off-color jokes. believe that the most brilliant was Raymond Bokhour
The play centers around Roxie Hart who is in jail after as Amos Hart. He adapted the role to make it his own
being accused of her boyfriend’s murder. The story while still remaining true to the character.
follows her as she meets Velma Kelly, a woman accused The set of the show was very simple. There was a
of killing her husband and sister. Roxie competes with bleacher-like seating in the middle of the stage where
revived in 1996 and fared much better, sparking rendi-
other inmates for the attention of lawyer Billy Flynn in the orchestra played. The only “set changes” that
tions of the play all around the world. In 2003, Hol-
hopes that he will take on her case. occurred were chairs taken on and off of the stage.
lywood took a shot at the musical in the Rob Marshall
The musical was actually first released as a straight The simplistic set did not hinder the performance, but
directed movie. It has just recently been revived again
play in 1926. That play was based on true events based rather helped keep the attention on the actors.
on Broadway.
in Chicago. In 1924, Beulah Annan, the real-life person There were points in the play where I believe things
I saw this revival of Chicago on Nov. 7 as part of
whom was depicted by the character Roxie Hart, killed could have been done differently. The directing in
the College’s New York City day trip. The play itself
an intruder in her house who turned out to be her lover. the Cell Block Tango number could have used a little
moved rather fast but was easy to follow, even for
Also, police arrested Belva Gaertner, whom the charac- work. Some of the line deliveries in that number were
those who are unfamiliar with the storyline.
ter Velma Kelly represents, for killing her husband. The off and I attributed that to directing, not the actors.
I have enjoyed theatre productions since high
original play was written by the journalist who covered I would give the musical four out of five stars. I
school, and, from my experience with the drama club,
these stories. wouldn’t recommend making a special trip to Broad-
I tend to look for how successful the actors are at per-
When the musical first opened on Broadway, it re- way just for this production, but if you happen to be
forming their parts and interpreting the characters. I
ceived harsh reviews and only lasted a short run. It was headed to New York City, it’s worth the experience.
noticed throughout the play, that certain actors really

Winter Movie Lineup is Sure to Impress

AIZAZ GILL that isn’t enough to get you to the movie theatre, early buzz surrounding the movie
‘14 points towards Bale’s portrayal of Ecklund being the crown jewel of his fantastic act-
ing career.
For most of us, December means the imminent arrival of the long awaited Christ-
mas break. However, once it arrives many of us are left wondering about to what to
do during it. Staying at your house or going over someone else’s means maintaining
contact with your or their annoying relatives, who always give you terrible presents
such as sweaters or clothes which they think make you look dapper. Well, I’m here to
help you avoid those terrible moments where you are forced to take part in awkward
conversations. You see, December brings an influx of quality (including Oscar con-
tenders) movies to your local movie theatre. Those movies provide you with the per-
fect opportunity to steer clear of unwanted company and kill time while getting some Tron Legacy – Will Release December 17th
enjoyment. Here is a list of movies you should consider checking out. Nearly twenty years after Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) was able to overcome the
Master Control Program at the end of the first movie, the world gets a chance to re-
turn to the digital world of Tron, once more. However, as the first trailer of Legacy
quickly demonstrated, things have not been idle since Flynn was able to escape the
clutches of MCP. It turns out that CLU 2 (an updated version of Flynn’s original
hacking program) has trapped Kevin in the virtual world again. Now, it’s up to Kevin’s
grown up son (Sam Flynn) to help his father break out again. Disney has invested
tons of money on the sequel to a cult classic at best. Nevertheless, dazzling visuals,
an amazing soundtrack by Daft Punk, and Pixar writers may end up saving Disney’s
Black Swan – Released December 3rd massive investment. Oh and let’s not forget that Avatar (another movie that attracted
Director Darren Aronofsky (“The Wrestler”, “The Fountain”) returns with an- viewers based on visuals) came out at the same time last year.
other mind bending film. For his new project, one of the most unique directors in
Hollywood, tries to outdo himself combining the horror genre with a psychological
drama. The story focuses on the life of Nina (Natalie Portman), a successful ballerina,
set to play the part of a lifetime. However, just as our protagonist seems to be on the
verge of attaining stardom, she is met with her rival; Lily (Mila Kunis). The rivalry
between the two soon turns into a twisted friendship and it threatens to destroy every-
thing Nina has worked so hard to attain. Early reviews indicate that the film is already
a lock for acquiring a nomination in the Best Film category this year at the Oscars.

True Grit – Will Release December 22nd

Christmas is a season filled with joy and for film lovers, True Grit might be the big-
gest joy of them all. The film features a splendid trifecta of actors; Matt Damon, Josh
Brolin and Best Actor winner Jeff Bridges, in a violent Western about a girl persuading
a retired marshal to hunt down her father’s killer. The bonus: it’s directed by the Coen
Brothers. Remember when we mentioned that December is full of films that have
Oscar expectations? This Coen Bros latest project is another film that is guaranteed a
The Fighter – Released December 10th nomination for Best Film of the Year. Moreover, this movie might even bring Oscar
Another lock for Oscar night, The Fighter brings the true story of boxer Mickey gold to deserving actors; Josh Brolin and Matt Damon. Just why does everyone have
“Irish” Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and his brother Dicky Ecklund (Christian Bale) onto a such high expectations from True Grit? Part of it has to do with the fact that the Coen
theatre screen near you. Upon first glance, the film seems like another perennial under- Brothers are extraordinary filmmakers who set a high standard for any genre that they
dog rising to the top the story. However, upon further examination, it becomes clear touch. Combine that with the fact that the Western genre hasn’t a produced a classic
that Director David O Russell (“Three Kings”) is not shying away from the serious in many years and it’s easy to see why people are expecting so much from this revenge
issues that surround the underdog whether it’s his toxic relationship with his brother, tale.
the crushing burden of expectations, or the consequences of what failure means. If
The Griffin 5

The Who’s Who of 2010 Pop Culture


Lady Gaga’s meat iPad Willow Smith’s ChatRoulette Conan O’Brien’s

dress “Whip My Hair” return to late-night
Millions of the world’s web-
Lady Gaga is a walking Apple did it again. With At just nine years old cam-equipped were “nexted” in Conan O’Brien made
fashion statement, but no three million iPads sold in the Williow Smith, daugh- early 2009 on Chatroulette, the a triumphant return to
one expected her to pro- first month of release, it is ter of Jada Pinkett- service developed by a 17 year- late-night television after
vide ideas for dinner when safe to say that Steve Jobs and Smith and Will Smith, old Russian student. By mid he was fired from NBC.
she arrived at the 2010 company have a successful has become a pop March, 33% of the site’s 1.5 In November 2010,
MTV Video Music Awards. product on their multi-touch music sensation by de- million users were American, “Conan” premiered
Gaga wore a dress made hands. Gadget gurus every- manding you to whip and one in eight conversations on TBS. “Team Coco,
entirely of meat with shoes, where sang the praises of the your hair back and forth included “R-rated” content. stronger than ever, was
a purse, and a hair acces- mobile computing device, and in the year’s catchiest The instant gratification ended thrilled when their leader
sory to match. As always, the iPad is widely considered song this side of “Ale- on Aug. 23, when the site went returned to television to
there was a message behind the best invention of 2010 by jandro.” Her Jackson offline and college students make them laugh every
her outlandish attire: “If reputable news publications. Pollock-meets-Britney worldwide had one less excuse night.
we do not stand up for our Spears music video and to procrastinate.
rights, we’d be nothing but premiere performance
meat on our bones,” she ex- on Ellen generated me-
plained. Tongues were wag- dia buzz, but will her
ging and stomachs were career make it past the
growling. playground?

Holiday Gift Guide 2010 Midnight in the Garden of


For the generation of tweeting, Beiber Fever and “Skyping,” crafting a holiday wish
Good and Evil: A Review
list is an art form. The perfect list blends practicality and retail knowledge, lending
thought to what essentials will carry you into the new year. We’ve compiled a list of ELIZABETH CAMPBELL
bare essentials that will surely please every table in the Fournier Dining Hall. ‘12
For pop-country crooner Taylor Swift lovers, her new album is now available and
can be added to your list. On October 25 Swift came out with her fifth album, Speak An accent speaks for itself. An accent denotes the temperament of the speaker,
Now, featuring fourteen new made-for-radio singles including “Mine” and “Sparks where they are from, their personality, their demeanor—if you think about it, an ac-
Fly.” Before we risk any “Kanye moments,” we’ll swiftly move to the next item... cent says it all. To many Northerners, the South is a land of bizarre accents.
Apple has released yet another iPod Touch, the umpteenth product in their lineup What they fail to realize is that an accent is a reflection of a culture. In this case,
that competes directly with iPhone. The new Touch is the “thinnest and lightest iPod it is called a “Southern Drawl” for a reason. A true Southerner will not talk quickly,
ever made” at 7.2mm wide. (For the record, it’s thinner than a candy cane.) Users may and they will never have a short supply of words.
now FaceTime their friends over a retina display at the supersonic speed of an A4 pro- Northerners have never been quite sure what to think about people from the
cessor while recording (and editing) HD video. The iPod Touch starts off at $229 for South. This is what makes the concept of a New Yorker, John Berendt, moving to
8GB, $299 for 32 GB, and $399 for 64 GB. In case we’ve forgotten, Apple has branded Savannah Georgia, such an interesting event. Naturally he would want to write about
iOS4 with the tagline, “The Most Advanced Mobile Operating System in the World.” the strange new world he encountered.
The practical and Arctic-friendly Australia-born “Classic Tall” UGG boots are the Georgia, Savannah in particular, is rich in history and tradition. Savannah is a city
go-to gift for the chic and the chilly. The boots, which began their career as a winter sta- based on an individual group temperament, an unbreakable community, which can-
ple for Australians, trickled from the feet of fashionastas to department store shelves. not be found anywhere else in the world. Berendt captures the spirit of a city, no easy
They come in a pull-on style, which is available in six different colors: black, grey, navy,
task; especially for a city like Savannah which thrives on a certain eccentricity and an
sand, chestnut, and chocolate. The boots’ Eva sole adds extra support for slipper-like
eclectic vibe that makes it that much harder to replicate. However, Berendt is success-
comfort. UGG boots are only available in whole sizes and are priced at a cool $179.95.
ful in this daunting task. The essence of Savannah is portrayed through the eyes of
If you’re in the market for a thinner, faster, and more portable laptop to replace a
an outsider, making it all the more poignant.
decrepit Dell, Apple has released a new MacBook Air available in either an 11” or a 13”
This compilation of vignettes details the real lives of a selection of the memo-
model. Apple CEO Steve Jobs has sung its praises in his signature black turtleneck, but
rable residents of the river side city. A sassy and sweet talking drag queen, a proud
we can’t argue: it’s equipped with an iSight camera, surprisingly crisp resolution, and
and affluent man at the center of a murder investigation, a lawyer turned shyster
has a multi-touch track pad that mimics the iOS touch experience. This 0.19” laptop
piano player, and a woman who practices Voo Doo in the cemetery at midnight are
has up to five hours of power on the 11” model and 7 hours on the 13” model. Save
yourself an anxiety-inducing trek to an Apple retail store and order the new Air on just a few of the of the fantastic and hilariously true characters of this (surprisingly)
Apple’s website. non-fiction bestseller.
For Call of Duty video game fanatics, the newest game in the series, Black Ops, is The personality of each character shines through Berendt’s writing so much that
now in stores. Missions are set around the world with plausible deniablity, where forces each of them becomes a physical presence. They become tangible figures; standing
fight in secret wars set during the Cold War era. Series devotees may appreciate its new with their Mint Juleps while finding relief from the hot summer sun under the sway-
features, including CoD points to purchase new equipment; new wager matches; and ing Spanish Moss that engulfs every tree—mouths and minds at the ready to discuss
a new theater mode. Call of Duty: Black Ops is available for PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, the latest gossip in their sweet, deep-South way, bless their hearts.
and DS. The game retails at $59.99. This book outlines the real lives of real people, the citizens of Savannah Georgia
This holiday season, ask for the youth lifestyle market’s watch du jour, a Nixon, in the 1980’s. It is that aspect that is the clincher for the story. Fiction is easy, captur-
available in both analog and digital styles. Depending on the display you choose, the ing the essence of reality is hard; and Berendt did that masterfully. He captured the
band material ranges from canvas to leather and comes in an array of colors. View the accent of the place, the time, and the people, and filtered it into a book that you will
collection at not be able to put down.
6 The Griffin

Subjective Scrutiny

HP7:P1 For Readers Only? vious movies. Director David part of the movie, but they
Aizaz Gill Yates and writer Steve Kloves happened to be as jumbled and
‘14 fail miserably in providing any confusing as the actual plot of
________ semblance of a decent nar- the film. Simply put, the regu-
SPOILER ALERT rative structure to the movie. lar audience is not familiar with
Chestnut Hill College was Moreover, the duo ends up background characters (from
gracious enough to provide violating the cardinal rule of the books) such as Grindelwald,
the winners of Potter Trivia film-making, which is “show Olivander or Gregororvitch.
Night with free tickets to a pre- rather than tell.” The best ex- Consequently, there is no con-
screening of Harry Potter and ample of their contravention, nection or understanding, for
the Deathly Hallows Part I. As in both instances, is the role of the audience to make when we
a fan of the series, I was ecstatic the Elder Wand throughout the see Voldemort interrogating the
about getting an early look at a movie. The ending shot of the wand makers [Ollivander and
film that was widely anticipated film displays a triumphant Lord Gregorovitch] or when Grin-
across the nation. Upon leaving Voldemort raising his prize to delwald finally discloses the lo-
the movie theater, the bus full the heavens and basking in the cation of the prize that Volde-
of Potter enthusiasts was abuzz power that it offers him. Fans mort was chasing after. In
with how the penultimate Pot- of the book understand the order to increase the impact of
ter film was an absolute mas- magnitude of the scene be- their chosen ending, the direc-
terpiece. Surrounded by Potter- cause they are already familiar tor and writer needed to flesh
mania, I agreed with the general with the background. On the out those scenes. For those who
sentiments and comments re- other hand, the movie audience argue time constraints, one can
Travis Wolfe ‘12 lating to one of the film’s final is never really shown why the easily debate the necessity of
scenes being absolutely heart-
Video Game Regulation breaking. Nevertheless, the film
enthusiast inside of me (having
Elder Wand is so significant for
Voldemort to possess; they are
the time devoted to the camp-
ing scenes. The characterization
Kyle Bachmann products. Typically, any video simply told through a strange for Harry, Ron, and Hermione
game that involves minimal vio- taken a screenwriting course at animation. Instead of coming had already been set up dur-
‘11 the Philadelphia University of
___________ lence will be rated “T” for teen up with a creative way of dem- ing the first forty or so minutes
the Arts) kept on asking the onstrating to the audience why of the movie. The time from
Violent video games may be or “E10+” for everyone 10
question of what if I hadn’t the chosen ending is significant, the camping scenes, which ap-
all the rage, but many parents years-old and older. read the book beforehand.
refuse to purchase or allow their With these restrictions in Yates and Kloves rely on expo- peared to go on entirely too
After another viewing, I sition as much as James Cam- long, could have been devoted
children to play them. In many place for certain ages, retailers realized the answer is that the
video games, the player can kill, eron relied on visual spectacle to fixing the film’s narrative is-
support the rating system by de- movie would have made abso-
dismember, and sexually assault when it came to Avatar. sues and actually making the
manding an I.D. to be presented lutely no sense. The fact of the Fans will cite the fact that film’s ending matter. Left in its
opponents. The video game in- for certain purchases. It seems matter is Harry Potter and the
dustry rates the game, which Yates and Kloves did include place is a movie that had the
to be a stretch to make sure that Deathly Hallows Part I is utterly the “visions” as Voldemort’s potential to be something spe-
stores use to decide whether to inaccessible if you haven’t read
all of the U.S. retailers are work- pursued the powerful item. It’s cial but just couldn’t resolve its
sell a particular game to a minor the books or watched the pre-
with or without parental consent. ing to help ensure that children true that those scenes were a issues.
Earlier this year, a California are not exposed to violent video
law that regulates sales and rent- games by enforcing these restric-
als of video games to minors was
reviewed by the Supreme Court.
tions. Through my own experi-
ence, a video game store did not
Decorations After the enchanting rotun-
da experience, I made my way
like rats by the senior team of
decorators. After cautiously ex-
Coninued from 1 to the cafeteria. There I found plaining that we only needed
Parents determined whether allow the sale of a violent video tables of first-year students decorations, we were granted
graceful intention: if the stu-
their children should play violent game to an adult with a child working diligently to decorate the right of passage as long as
dents were not scattered across
video games or not; the parental present. This store did not want the dining hall. Some were we temporarily blinded our-
the floor filling tiny ornaments
controls, ratings awareness and to risk the adult handing the in- stringing lights and streamers selves from the seniors’ opera-
with ribbon, they were by the
retailers’ support all provide so- from one end of the cafeteria tion.
appropriate game to the child. entrance adorning the molding
lutions to prevent children from to the other. The theme of the The night eventually drew
There are parental controls with delicate poinsettias.
playing violent video games. decoration extracted scenery to an end as all of the anger,
on most video game systems to Junior class president Alyssa
The myth that video games from Dr. Seuss’ “The Grinch” frustration, secrecy, and care-
help ensure “family-appropriate” Miller and vice president Anna
cause violent behavior in chil- and several other animated ful contemplation laid to rest, if
gaming. This enables parents to St. Hilaire both agreed that dec-
dren is undermined by scientific schemes. The only thing that only until next year. Christmas
block video games they do not orating the rotunda has, by far,
research. If this were the case, seemed to be out of place was Decorating Night is a beloved
want their children playing. In been the greatest experience.
violent video games would not the worried look on freshman tradition for the College’s un-
“We have been very anxious to
be available for purchase at all. order to play a violent game, you class president Stephen Wolf- dergraduates and is a continued
decorate the rotunda since our
These games have been accused would need to be on the parent’s ert‘s face. He explained that he way of encouraging the dedica-
first year here. Alyssa and I feel
of influencing children to inflict account and know their pass- couldn’t find the large figure of tion and perseverance of stu-
incredibly privileged to be put-
pain on their opponents and win word. With this technology in the Grinch that was necessary dents involved.
ting all of this together for a
at any cost. The video game rat- place, parents are given more op- to complete their masterpiece.
wedding next week,” St. Hilaire Make your opinion heard by
ing system is similar to the movie Wolfert and I decided to make
portunities than before to watch said. submitting letters to the editor
rating system and helps inform our way to the “decoration
what their children are playing. It seemed the only conflicts or contributions to The Griffin.
parents what games their chil- closet” near the old gym.
As the production of video the juniors faced, with the ex- Submissions are subject to
dren should not be playing. Most students know that the
and computer games increase, ception of creative limitation editing for style, clarity and
The Federal Trade Commis- only feasible way to arrive at the
the protection in these games is due to wedding details, was the space concerns.
sion rates the games appropri- old gym is to take the steps in
decreasing. Even though video lack of elevated support. While Submissions represent the
ately based on the gameplay and Fournier across from the se-
games are all around us, no child one staff member requested opinions of the author(s) and
material. Avoid mature-rated curity desk. As frantic as we
that he be given a ladder, Travis do not necessarily represent
products for children which should be exposed to violent were, we stepped into the main
Wolfe ‘12 stated that “as one of The Griffin’s position.
are clearly and prominently dis- gaming due to graphic nature. entrance to Fournier without
the tallest people in the class, I Please send all letters or ar-
playing rating information and Parents have the right to monitor a second thought. Before we
feel as if my abilities are being ticle ideas to Olivia Marcinka
restricting children’s access to and prohibit their child’s use of knew it, we were shooed away
taken advantage of.” at
playing or viewing mature-rated violent or inappropriate games.
The Griffin 7

Winter festivities at Chestnut Hill College


The holiday season can bring a new sense of beauty to the word winter. In
these photos one can see just how beautiful a time so cold can become. With
festivities such as Carol Night and the legendary Christmas Decorating Night,
winters at Chestnut Hill College are all that much better.

photos submitted: Jessica Veazey ‘13, Liz Campbell ‘11 and Kirk Martyn ‘14
8 The Griffin
Current Record Women’s Basketball 3-6
Also, Previous 2 Contest Results On 12/11 vs. Goldey-Beacom
Men’s Basketball 2-7 L 49-63
On 12/11 vs. Goldey-Beacom On 12/9 vs. Georgian Court
L 64-84 W 77-63
On 12/7 vs. Philadelphia U For more information, visit:
L 71-74
*Current as of 12/12

Women’s Basketball leads Great Opener

MArilee Gallagher “We have high hopes for this well. “The hardest team to beat said, “They always look out for in the team’s future. Although
‘14 season,” Pruiti said. She also in this conference is no doubt me especially because I am the underestimated, the team of tal-
______________ added that the team has more Holy Family,” Aiesha Smith youngest and a lot of things are ented girls has learned from the
It’s the time of year when “depth and talent” than in pre- ‘13 said. Pruiti also thinks new to me.” past and is ready for the here
everyone on campus has bas- vious years and that the girls Holy Family will put up a fight. This year is a chance for and now. They have discipline,
ketball fever. Luckily for them, “expect to do big things.” “They are nationally ranked so redemption and, according to character, team chemistry and
the College’s girls team is mak- Pruiti is not the only one they will be our toughest com- King, the team has certainly a passion for the game which
ing that fever infectious by their that has high hopes and goals petition,” she said. improved and has big goals will get them far and hopefully
great play in the early games of for the team. The Griffins know that for the rest of the season. “I to a championship, because this
the season. Coach Kiesha King also ex- they need hard work, determi- like a lot of what I see,” King year, according to Smith, “we
Through their first couple of pects a lot from the team and nation and, most importantly, said, adding that her girls have want it all!”
games, the girls looked strong wants to see them succeed. “I teamwork to succeed this year. shown a lot of teamwork and
and ready for what everyone expect every player to play to They have come together from have worked together very well.
hopes to be a March playoff the best of their ability,” said different backgrounds but are They have also shown dedica-
run. They are playing well, are King, adding that she believes joining as one unit. “We are all tion to academics, which is im-
focused, and are determined to they have the talent needed to different people but became portant to King. “I expect them
succeed and put their previous win it all. King knows that if such good friends through this to be students first and athletes
season in the past. The 2009- they give it all they’ve got and experience,” Pruiti said. The second,” King said, “as much
2010 season was disappointing above all be consistent, the girls also have a great level of as they desire a championship,
for the Griffins, who finished journey shouldn’t be too tough. “team chemistry” according to a degree is that much more
last in the south division of “Choose to play your best ev- sophomore Lindsay Alexander, important.” The team has the
the Central Atlantic Collegiate ery night,” King says, “and which will no doubt help them drive, determination and schol-
Conference (CACC) with a re- never give up.” With the right succeed in the long run. There arship to go far but still has to
cord of just 5-22. This year, the attitude and effort, the playoffs is also a reliance on one another give an all-out effort the rest of
Griffins are determined to pro- are within the team’s reach pro- which helps the girls create the the season because, according
duce a different result. vided they go out and grab the strong bonds they have with to King, “until you’re number
The girls have their eyes set opportunity. one another. “We [the team] one, there’s always work to be
on a winning record and, more Although the team is primed can count on each other day in done.”
importantly, a chance to be in for the playoffs, it is not go- and day out,” Smith said. For the girls, this season is
the playoffs. “My goal for the ing to be an easy task getting The girls have developed a a chance to do something spe- Above, Cecelia Herald ‘11,
team is to make it to the play- there. Standing in front of family-like bond that, accord- cial. With records already set left and Chanta’l Hardy ‘10
offs,” Jessica Pruiti ‘11 said. them is a conference stacked ing to Victoria Mazzeo, makes in most points per game (90) right are pictured at the 2009
Pruiti, one of the senior cap- with winning teams including them like sisters. Mazzeo is the and tying the greatest margin Empty Bowl Dinner, volun-
tains, along with Cecilia Her- Holy Family, who went 19-0 in only freshman on the team but of victory (50) in the school’s teering their time to help out
ald, is very enthusiastic about conference play last year and is is learning a lot from the girls history, both in the same game, at the event. Photo by Max
the season and about the team. off to a good start this year as she calls “older sisters.” Mazzeo there is a lot of good fortune Kaplan ‘11.

CHC Athletes Give Back to Community

Jarreau Freeman Dennis became involved children throughout the world.
‘11 with the organization after Weber was drawn to join the
_____________ watching the film Invisible Chil- World Vision team when he
The holiday season is the dren. “After watching the film, was watching TV one evening
time of year when many people and learning about the war in and saw a PSA showing a child
take time to help those in need. Uganda, I realized I wanted to with no food or suitable drink-
For Kelly Dennis ’14 and Ryan become proactive,” said Den- ing water. “After that I decided
Weber ’11, the holiday season nis. “I also got the opportunity to find a legitimate organiza-
is not the only time of the year to meet the woman who started tion I could sponsor a child
when they are servicing others. the UNIFAT primary school in through,” said Weber. “Once I
Dennis and Weber have made Uganda. Once I met her and found World Vision I went on
active involvement in organiza- heard her story, I had to get in- their website and signed up.”
tions, like Unified for UNIFAT volved. So, I started a club at Weber supports an eight-
and World Vision, a part of my school to raise money for year-old girl by the name of
their daily lives. UNIFAT.” Deshira from Albania. The $35
Dennis, a tennis player and Dennis started a U4U club he donates each month helps Above, Kelly Dennis ‘14 is pictured with a child she
business management major, since she has began at the Col- with her school fees and pro- worked with while involved with Unified for UNIFAT.
has been involved with Unified lege. The club hopes to host an vides her with clean drinking Photo Contributed by Kelly Dennis ‘14.
for UNIFAT (U4U), since high event in the spring to inform the water, healthcare, and food.
school. U4U is a non-profit College community about the Weber believes that it is im- and don’t have the same oppor- is good to be well-rounded,”
organization that sponsors 130 atrocities in Northern Uganda portant for college athletes to tunities as we do. Even though said Dennis. “So many athletes
poverty-stricken children in and how the student body and give back because they are so some college athletes may not let their sport define them, but
Uganda and helps them attend community can help. fortunate to have the oppor- have money to donate to orga- I think U4U defines me more
the primary school, UNIFAT, Dennis is not the only stu- tunity to go to college, play a nizations, there are other ways than my sport. As a student ath-
in the northern region of the dent that is sponsoring young sport, and have the blessings they can help out.”
lete at the College, it isn’t likely
country. It costs $300 per year children overseas. Weber, a that life in the United States Dennis shares Weber’s views
you will go pro. However, you
to support a child in Uganda. baseball player and computer bestows upon them. “I think and thinks it is important for
The funds provide the child technology major, is involved it is important for athletes to college athletes to dedicate time could change someone’s life by
with a pair of shoes, two school with World Vision. World Vi- give back because they are so to more than just sports. “I giving back. It is important that
uniforms, medical care, and one sion, an organization that seeks blessed,” said Weber. “Every think it is important for student they be a part of something
meal a day. sponsors to support destitute day some kids struggle to eat athletes to give back because it bigger than themselves.”

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