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aT UY TT 3 3 NY a set PPE ELEONORA ALLELE AEP EES poe . ete, 0,%0,%0,%9,%0,%0,%, “We want to establish an independent, non,aligned and stable Islarnic government in Afghanistan, 7 “The futhre government of free Afghanistan will maintian friendly relations with al States except those acting against the faith, independence and teri > torial integrity of our homeland. “We will make independent judgements on all international issues, support: ing the rights and condemning the wrong BB ta tatty ta tay “Our internal and external policies will be based on the Quran and Sunnah, e Batata tata dette toy terete toyota tostostaptoentevtevtevttiyty 6. g “The rights of all Afghan nationals would be duly protected by the Islamic 4 State of Afghanistan. i “The Islamic State will take all possible measures for the promotion of > science and technology and for the reconstruction and development of eS Pate ‘Afghanistan in order to make it a self-reliant and self-sufficient State.” Eng. Gulbudin Hekmat yar Amir of Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan aN say PERDANA & Peete Mega taster eyes eNO se The Mujahideen Monthly MUJAHIDEEN Monthly 1st Vol. Ist Year January 1986 19, 4, 1406 Editorin-Chiet : Abdul Qadeer Karvab CONTENTS Page Editor Sur Gul Speen 1, Letter To the Readers 1 Founder : Hezbri-lslami 2. Editorial 5 of Afghanistan 3. Declaration of General Address The Mujahideen Monthly Amnestry : Hekmatyar 8 G.P.0. BOX 255 Peshawar, Pakistan 4. Letter To the United Nations 9 Subscription : Afghanistan 5. Hekmatyar’s Statement Distributed At U.N.10 Monthly Afs, 50.00 6. Victory Or Martyrdom 16 Annual Als, 500.00 7. Hekmatyar’s Visit to Malaysia 23 STUDENTS Monthly. Afs 20.00 8. Sayed Hamidullah Bilal Annual Afs, 200.00 Headache For Russians 24 PAKISTAN 9, Seiling OFF the Borders 27 Monthly Rs. 5.00 Annual Rs, 50.00 10. Russians Butchered Wounded Mujahideen 29 STUDENTS 11. Governor Killed 30 Monthly Rs. 4.00 Annual Rs. 40.00 12. Russian Army Base In Kunduz Heavily Damaged 31 FOREIGN 813. Russian General Killed in Wardak 31 Monthly, uss 1.00 ‘, 14. .23-Refugees Killed 33 Six Months: US$6.501 Amival : uss11.00 15, 34 ‘The Mujahideen Monthly i aj Chawni Attacked Letters — Dear Readers The Editorial Board of The Mujahideen Monthly appreciates your comments, views, suggestions and criticism about the maga- zine and considers them as significant con- tribution to the further improvement of our work both in term of appearance and that of the text. Thank you. The Mujahideen Montnly G.P.0. Box 255 Peshawar, Pakistan The Mujahideen Monthly ? EDITORIA Russians Are Nothing But Expansionists Six years have elapsed since the Russian invasion 6f Afghanistan but despite Moscow's wealth and ‘might our nation remains unconquered — every day Russian troops are confronted, and beaten by the Mujahideen. In reprisal the Russians mass acre civilians, destroy villages, kill livestock and burn forests, fields and crops. So far more than one million people have been killed through indiscriminate bombing and shelling and an equal number have been crippled due to the te of antipersonnel mines. Thousands of people have lost their lives or been maimed because of booby traps despite the tact that Moscow signed an inter rational convention on April 10, 1981 prohibiting the use of such weapons. Nearly five million people have been forced to leave their homeland and take refuge in the neigh: bouring countries of Pakistan and Iran because their homes have been destroyed. The country’s economic ‘and social infrastructure, including the roads, power ‘and communication networks, hospitals and educa- tional institutions, have been badly damaged or completely ruined. There is no justitication for Moscow's military intervention in the internal affairs of our independent and nonaligned country and there is no meaningful Interpretation of international law to justify Moscow's actions in Afghanistan The onty exception to the ban on the use of farce in international relations is provided for in Article 51 of the United Nations’ Charter which affirms “the inherent right of individual or collective se defence it an armed attack occurs against @ member of the United Nations.” However, Moscow has never claimed that it has been the victim of an armed attack ~ on the contrary itis the guilty party not the wronged. The only exple ‘tion for its behaviour in Afghanistan appears to be 2 lust for power, a desire to expand its power-base and dominate other nations. 1k appears t0.fel site id this evil design becouse the Afghans are only a smal! nation, totalling probab- yn more than 18 million people before the wor began ‘Secure in the belief that it has the numbers Moscow appears to have forgotten Allah's (All Glory be to Him) words so clearly stated in the Holy Quran: When Talut set forth With the armies, he said : “God will test you At the stream : if any Drinks of its water, He goes not with my army : Only those who taste not OF it go with me A mere slip out of the hand Is excused.” But they all Drank of it, except a few. When they crossed the river, ~ He and the faitthul ones with him, — They said : “This day We cannot cope With Goliath and his forces.”” But those who were convinced That they must meet God, Said : “How oft, by God's will, Hath a small force Vanquished a big one God is with those Who steadfastly persevere. (Baqara, 249) * Perhaps the Russian leaders might like to reflect upon the closing words of the verse: But those who were convinced That they must meet God, Said : “How oft, by God's will, Hath a small force Vanquished a big one ? God is with those Who steadfastly persevere. In reflecting ypon God's words perhaps the Russian leaders. would do well to remember that Allah (All Glory be to Him) has warned mankind not to commit aggression : “Fight ia the way of Allah against those who fight “The Mujahideen Monthly against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.” (Bagara, 190) ‘Amusing as it may be to people who do not believe in God, particularly those’in the Kremlin, there are some, like us, who do believe and who ‘have not forgotten that Allah (All Glory be to Him) does not support the corrupt and the unjust. We remember His words “God is with those who steadfastly persevere” and every day we see the Truth in them as time and time again, by the Grace of Allah (All Glory be to Him) we are able to defeat @ force that is not only numerically stronger than us but also formidably armed -— far better armed, far better equipped, than we can ever hope to be. Despite its blatant aggression — in complete de. fiance of those Quranic precepts that not only do we respect but which may people over the earth ‘hold dear, whether they are, Muslims or not — Moscow has been making ridiculous allegations about the situation in Afghanistan, Those claims have been made to try to hide the real nature of the Kremlin's aggressive policy. Moscow has constantly claimed since the beginning of the invasion that Afghanistan poses a threat to the Soviets. But this stands in contrast to the claim it made for decades that Moscow's relations with Kabul were a model of peaceful coexistence, a prime example ‘of neighbourly relations between a small country and a big country, each -with different systems of government and -social structures but living peadetully together. The truth is that there was no threat from our nation but the Russians were fearful that the co: mmunists who were in power at the time, the traitors who sold out the motherland and slaughtered their ‘own people, would be removed and an Islamic ‘government introduced. . ‘Moscow and its puppet in Kabul also claim that the Russians were invited in by the government Of the time to protect them against outside inter. vention. So far neither the Soviets nor their puppet, regime have been able to produce any evidence to prove that such an invitation was ever made. If such an invitation was made why was Amin, the then head of the government, slaughtered by the Russian invaders ? Babrak was in no way authorised rnor able t0 invite the Russians for he was not inside Afghanistan when his predecessor Amin was toppled. He was brought into the country. by the Russians and imposed on our people. ‘How can one rely on offers of Russian friendship ‘and who would trust in Moscow's soft and gentle tones when: in reality the Soviets are nothing but expansionists who intend to ensiave nations. : The Russian government has been interfering directly and indirectly in our internal affairs since the 19th century but over the years the incompe: tent governments that held power not only remained silent but contributed towards the implementation of Moscow's colonial designs as well International Guarantees Moscow pretends to seek international guarantees for non-interference in the intemal affairs of Afgha: nristan but the only guarantee necessary is one from the Kremlin which has blatently committed aggres sion against our nation and is killing our innocent people mercilessly. ‘Moreover, who are the Russians to seek guarantees of non-interference in the intemal affairs of Afgha- ‘mstan ? Our country has never been part of the socia- list bloc nor has it been attacked by any foreign power other than the Soviets. If the Russians with- draw from Afghanistan they should ensure that they never again make the mistake of invading Afghanis tan, If Moscow is serious and honest in its claim to seek guarantees it holds the key to the solution for Afghanistan and 1 would suggest it accepts the following for a swift end to the contlict : the immediate withdrawal of all its troops from Afghanistan ; — the restoration. of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and Islamic status of Afghanistan ; the restoration of the right of the Afghan people 10 seif-determination, free from outside inter- vention, coercion or restraint ; — and the voluntary return of the Afghan refugess to their homeland. Hezbi-Isiami Afghanistan is firmly committed to achieving these objectives and, ‘Inshaa-’Allah, will not rest until every Russian soldier is. either dead or expelled from the land, But the One to best express our emotions is surely Allah (Al! Glory be to Him) Himself Who in two beautiful verses says in the Quran : Their intention is To extinguish God's Light (By blowing) with their mouths : But God will complete (The revelaiion of] His Light, Even though the Unbelievers May detest*it). It is He Who has sent His Apostle with Guidance And the Religion of Truth, That he may proclaim it The Mujahideen Monthlv Over ail religion, Even though the Pagans May detest (it). (Sait, 8-9) Political Negotiation The political negotiations taking place now, or due to take place, involving parties that are not directly involved in the conflict will have no bearing ‘00 the final solution, Moscow, though expressing its willigness to: with- draw from Afghanistan, is not an honest negotiator as can be seen from its demands for guarantees of non-interference. Further proof of this is that there & no evidence to prove that the Russian troops will leave Afghanistan in the near future. On the’ contrary, Moscow appears to be trying to dig in by establishing new airforce bases, increasing the number of its troops and launching wild mili tary offensives. One of the Kremlin's ploys is to persistently attribute the conflict t0 the Government of Pakistan and Iran to try to compel them to negotiate with the puppet regime in Kabul imposed on our people by force, Alhamdulillah, both Governments ‘have failed to fall for this trap and have been loyal to their brothers in Islam and refused to negotiate directly with Kabul. Despite Moscow's attempts to embroil other regional governments in the conflict the reality is there are only two adversaries in Afghanistan today — the Russian troops and the Afghain Mujahideen. "The Russians, with low morale and no real objec: tive are fighiting reluctantly, while the Mujahideen with high morale are continuing their just strugile for the sake of Islam. It is obvious that any negotiations which do not include representatives of one of the main parties to the dispute are meaningless -+ as such any reso lution passed by parties that do not include the ‘Mujahideen will not be acceptable to Hezb'i-Isfani Invasion A Catastrophe The Russian invasion is not only a catgstrophe for the people of Afghanistan but also for the whole region and has endangered the peace and stability of not just South Asia but also the world. The presence of more than 230,000 Soviet troops ‘on Afghanistan soil-is of the deepest concern to Pakistan, Iran and China’ The soviet installed regime in Kabul and the KGB; ‘are together. running sub versive. activities it Pakistan and are trying to provoke its tribal people against the Afghan refugees and the Governmeitt of Pakistan. Moscow's invasion of Afghanistan has intensified India’s hostility to Pakistan and Delhi: has not only avoided condemning the invasion but also supported the Soviets in an effort to undermine Islamabad’s security. This will obviously have a bad effect upon future relations between the present Government of India and the Afghan people. Since the early days of the Bolsheviks take over the communists have been spreading their profane creed and since the Second World War their attempts to enforce that creed upon others has intensified a8 nation after nation has fallen victim to their agyression. It is obvious that the invasion of Afghanistan is a disaster not just for us but others as well — after Afghanistan who will be Moscow's next victim? ‘As Muslims we believe that Aliah (All Glory be to Him) orders us to fight for Him when we are called upon 10 do so ~ Jihad has been declared in Afgha- nnistan and now we are in the position so well known to those who believe — the position David (May Allah’s peace be upon him) found himself in when Allah (All Glory be to Him) brought him face to face with Goliath, But surely Allah (Al! Glory be to Him) tells the story best of all. Ist let me pick up the quotation from Surah 2, Bagara, of the Holy Quran that was begun earlier God is with those Who steadfastly persevere, When they advanced To meet Goliath and his forces, They prayed : “Our Lord ! Pour ou: constancy on us And make our steps firm Help us against those That reject faith,” By God's will, They routed them ; ‘And David slew Goliath ; And God gave him Power and wisdom And taught him Whatever (else) He willed. And did not God Check one set of people By means of another, The earth would indeed Be full of mischief : But God is full of bounty Toall the worlds. (Bagara, part 249, 250-1) The Mujahideen Monthly DECLARATION OF GENERAL AMNESTY: Hekmatyar Engineer Hikmatyar has declared general amnesty for those Afghans who collabo- rated with the Soviet agg- ressors, but have subsequently repented and are now willing to join the ranks of the Muslim nation of Afghanistan, The amnesty applies to all those Afghans who served in the lower echelons of the enemy, collaborated for short durations, unknowingly or under compulsion. The dec- aration made on December 9, 1985 addresses itseif to the people inside Afghanistan Explaining further, Engineer Hikmatyar stated that those who consciously collaborated with the enemy would also be accorded the benefit of general amnesty pro- vided they are willing to repent, ‘compensate for their past follies, gain confidence of the Islamic nation of Afghanistan including the Mujahideen and are prepared to fight alongside the Mujahideen against the Soviet aggressors. Necessary directions will be given to all Mujahideen commanders of the fighting fronts in this regard so that all the misled Afghans upon their repentance are provided the required protection, The declaration of amnesty will be placed before the coming of the Unity, the {ttehad e Islami Mujahideen-e-Afghanistan, for its endorsement. Besides, the forth: coming session of the Unity will consider the formation of the following Committees : Communi- cation ; Cultura; Education Refugees ; and Health. Engineer Hikmatyar also observ ed that of late the Soviet rationale for the justification of their agg- ression on our homeland has undergone a change. Coritrary to their earlier pretext of the so- called “invitation”, they now seek to justify their unlawful military presence by claiming that an unending civil war will erupt should they leave Afghanistan and that they cannot tolerate such condi: tions. along their borders. This reverse logic tends to portray the Russian aggressors as. the guarantors of peace and security of our country and who sent their “troops merely out: of sympathy for our nation in order to stop the said civil war The fact of the matter is that Soviet intervemtjon is solely res ponsible for the eruption of the war in Afghanistan. And needless to add the fighting wiil cease and peace and tranquility «will prevail all over Afghanistan the moment Russians vacate our country. Indeed, it is in keeping with the shared logic of all colonial powers to undertake the pursuit of brute . force aggression and occupationism session of the Supréme Council * and perpetrate bloodshed and des- truction while professing “compe: ssion’” for the,victims of their own oppression, The Englishmen during their décupation .of Afghanistan also advanced the same perverse logic. They contended that upon their withdrawal the country would be engulfed in a series of ci and they claimed to be in Afghs! nistan solely on a “civilizing mis sion, to undertake development and assist the Afghan people. History, however, bears witness that after the British were forced out of the country, Afghanistan remained peaceful and our nation was able to establish a viable central government without the help of any foreign advisors or protectors. The Russians have also expressed the fears that if their forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the Afghan communists will be deci mated, Are we to accept that the safety and well-beirig of the handful of their agents requires the pre- sence of 230,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan ? Are we to grant that in protecting this small group of their proteges, not exceeding ten thousand, the Russians have the right to. slaughter more than one million of our population in this 90 months unremitting war, Unleash totat destruction on the country force 4.5 million of the Afghan population to seek refuge outside and still continue its gruesome killings and genocide of the remaining popilation ? In any case, the fact is that even before the Soviet aggression these communists were living comfortably in Afgha nistan. They were not only. safe Continued on Page 28 The Mujahideen Monthly LETTER TO THE UNITED NATIONS q October 24, 1985 Peshawar Pakistan The Honourable Javier Perez de Cuellar Secretary General The United Nations, Organization New York City Your Excellency: ‘As you well know, as a consequence of the illegal Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, 1.1 million of our people have been martyred and 4.5 million of our countrymen have been forced to take refuge in neighbouring countries after their homes and villages were destroyed by Soviet bombing and artillery shellings. This brutal aggression is continuing with full intensity. Scores of Afghan civilians are still being killed everyday and the exodus of refugees has increased enormously. Although an absolute majority of United Nations member countries has repeatedly condenned the Soviet invasion of our country, and U.N. resolutions have described the Soviet military presence in Afghanistan as a major threat to peace and tranquility in the region, the Soviet Union has not heeded the will of the majority of United Nations menbers. Further, the Soviet Union during this Period has increased its forces in’ Afghanistan and intensified its acts of barbarism against civilians in its vain efforts to crush our nation's struggle for freedom. We are sure you can understand why it appears to us to be the height of hypocrisy for the United Nations Organization to Tepeatedly condenn Soviet intervention in Afghanistan while at the same time recognizing’ the repr@sentative of the regine installed by the Soviet Union as the legitimate representative of the Afghan people. It is surely clear to the overwhelming majority of U.N. menbers that this delegate does not represent Afghanistan, but only a “puppet” regime of the Soviet Union. We therefore request that, through your good offices, ‘the United Nations Organization withdraw the credentials of the illegitimate representative of Afghanistan and that the vacated seat be awarded to the true representatives of the Afghan people, the Islamic Unity of Afghan Mujahideen (Itehadi Islami Mujahideen- i-Afghani stan) . Most respectfully yours, Gulbudin Hekmatyar, Engineer ‘ Chairman,’ Afghan Mujahideen Delegation to the United Nations The Mujahideen Monthly Hekmatyar’s Statement As Mujahideen’s Spokesman Distributed At UN October 1985 Statement By Gulbudin Hekmatyar In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful Have they not traveled in the land to set the nature of the consequence for those who disbelived, before them? They were mightier than these in power ana (in the) traces (which they left behind them) iin the earth... Yet Allah seized them for their sins, and they had no protector from Allah. Mr. President shed delegates: Allow me to voice the anguish of an oppressed nation which is in flames because of an inhuman ‘and devastating war-imposed on it for seven years. The Afghan nation is undergoing untold misery and unparalleled savagery throughout its homeland, following blatant Soviet . aggression on this weak and. small. neighboring state which has refused to succumb to her subjugation. We have incurred more than 1.1 million lives as martyrs, anothér 4.5 million people have and distin become refugees and our valleys, and plains are echoing with the : horrid roars of tanks, artillery and bomb blasts and the screams of dying ‘women and," children’ at the hands -of murderous Soviet forces, as this august body is en gaged in deliberating international peace and tranquility. In spite of extreme distress and unimaginable handicaps, our nation is waging heroic resistance, with patience and fortitude, against a far more superior power. We have shattered the myth of the invinci- bility of the’Red Army. We are determined to continue this strug gle until we achieve total inde- pendence. And under no circums- stances shall we bow before the dastardly enemy. By invading Afghanistan, the Soviet/Marxist monster has actually exposed its dreadful and des: picable teeth concealed behind the smokescreen of defending the work: fers, peasants and deprived, who ironically became the first target of Soviet brutalities. The huts and homes of our downtrodden people have been razed to the ground by Soviet tanks, heavy artillery and ceaseless bombardment. Indi criminate destruction has been unleashed all over Afghanistan. Our children and infants have been sadistically bayoneted to death before stunned parents. Our women and aged are being gunned down for the participation of their sons in fesistance. Our crops, Spokesman For : Itehadi Islami Mujahideen-I-Afghanistan (The Islami Unity of Afghan Mujahideen) The Afghan Mujahideen Delegation To The United Nations orchards, foodstocks and forests in Liberated Areas are set ablaze through . aerial assaulis and our water supplies poisoned. Our refugee caravans, comprised of people whose homes have been destroyed and whose belongings stolen and who could no longer survive under the ‘towering Hindukush mountains and steep valleys, are repeatedly wiped out by merciless bombing and helicopter gunship strafing. Thus after seven years of war the refugee exodus is not only continuing but hhas actually increased. Moreover, Soviet terrorism has not even spared refugees in Pakistan. Refugees are frequently killed in cross-border bombings and Soviet agents have been poisoning the water supplies of the refugees In their bid to crush the resis: tance of our brave people, the Russian aggressors have refrained from no crimes and used all kinds of lethal and universally prohibi ted weapons: such as naplam bombs, dumdum bulets, poisonous gases, chemical weapons, booby traps and cluster bombs on a large scale Both youngsters and elderly people are forcibly taken away for military conscription. Small children are being systematically abducied and sent to nurseries all ver the Soviet 10 The Mujahideen Monthly brainwashing and in: Union for doctrination purposes. In short the Soviet eonduct in Afghanistan makes @ mockery of the UN Char ter, the Declaration of Human Rights, international law and: the norms of civilized behavior. The world outside may not be fully comprehending the barbarity and utter ruthlessness of Soviet ‘aggressor, unleashed on our help: less civilian population. Let me therefore cite just a few of the countless atrocities being commi: tted by the Soviet Union in Afghan: istan, Soviet troops picked up dozens of innocent civilians from an Uruzgan village in Central Afghan: istan following an ambush/neasby. Relatives of the captured/villagers approached the Soviet-installed au: thoritiés in Kabul but to no avail, since, the captives who hal. been flown away in Soviet helicopters remained untraceable, Eventually, some shepherds accidentally loca ted their bodies in a deserted valley, halfly eaten, by. wild anima Is and carnivours birds, All of them had been thrown down alive from a high altitude as their bodies contained no, signs of bullets, etc Indeed, in’ the logige of Soviet ‘communism, perpetration of such crimes are not only justified but deemed legitimate. Villages all over Afghnistart have witnessed mass, killings, followed by the bulldozing of bodies well as alive. One such carnage took place at Kerala in Kunar province, where Soviet troops gunned down 1100 civilians and then buried the Bodies in one spot with bulldozers. Surviving members ‘massacred | families no. in NWFP of the live in a refugee camp (Pakistan) renamed mem the holocaust... Another massacre. involving serveral hundred Afghans. took. place. at Qarghee in Laghman a few months back. The heavy shelling and bom: bing of our villages has reduced flourishing communities into: un planned graveyards, with none left to perform. their funerals. or re ieve the wounded from the rubble These are some of the countless cases. that expose the monstrosities of Soviet outrage in Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of our families are suffering the agony of missing relatives, imprisoned and then never heard of presumably executed or tortured to death. As the leader of the Mujahideen delegation re: presenting. the people of Afghan: istan before this world... body | am also one of those who, cannot locate the graves of their missing fathers, brothers, and. other. te- latives.all taken to prison cells and then. perhaps to Soviet. slaughter houses, The Soviet installed Karmal reg: ime. and its agents. in Afghanistan claim that the “limited contingents’ of Soviet forces were invited. by the government of the time. They maintain it was. initially Hafiz: ullah. Amin. and» later Babrak Karmal who invited Soviet forces to Afghanistan, Recéntly ‘Babrak Karmal stated that his party (PDPA) had. invited the Russian’ forces. But the.whole world knows: that the PDPA assumed power through a military: coup and the ventire nation has. risen against its rapa cious rule.. The Afghan, army units have joined the Mujahideen (Isla mic resistance) one after the other: The Mujahideen were on the verge of toppling the military dictator ship. in a popular. revolution. A few days before the fall of Amin, the so-called. PDPA in one of ts plenums had announced that Babrak and his colleagues from the Parcham faction had been sent to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, USA oy. of similar The Mujahideen Monthly and Iran as ambassadors where they had embezzled funds from their respective embassies. They were declared fugitives and traitors to the party and the whole nation and were even stripped of their Afghan nationality. The decisions of the plenum were duly published and broadcast by Kabul and Moscow radios and other countries mass media, Unashamedly, "the Soviets have imposed all those proclaimed “fugitives” and “traitors” on the so-called PDPA and the whole nation by the dint of force. Nobody knows who “invited” the Soviet aggressors to Afghanis tan! If the Kremlin claims that Amin invited the Russian forces, then how could he have extended an “invitation ’ for his own physical liquidation ? Because of his dis- agreement with ~inviting’ or allow ing Russian military advances into Afghanistan, he faced the wrath of the Red Army upon its occupa: tion of Kabul. The Russians imme diately began the bombing and shelling of Amin s palace. And after a few hours of resistance by his loyal cadres Amin got killed in his own palace. . Conversely, they argue that Babrak Karmal had invited the Russian forces, then he was flown to Kabul one week after the invasion in December 1979. His first. speech was simultaneously broadcast from Radio Moscow and Tashkent when Radio Kabul was still eulogising Hafizullah Amin, in the precise words which the Russians had used to praise Amin; calling him the hero of so-called the ‘Saur Revolution’. Moreover, we are amazed how the Russians consider a limited contingent 85,000 troops equipped with 800 tanks and APCS and 300 warplanes and helicopters? now in- creased to more than 230,000 ‘troops, “4000 tanks ‘and APC’s and 700 aircraft and’ helicopters. sof the policies of so-called It could have been called a limited contingent had Russians been at war with another superpower. But how can such a large force consti- tuting massive air-cum-ground power deployed most ferociously against @ poor, backward and weak state like Afghanistan be called a “limited contingent"? Whatever they call it, limited or unlimited, the people of Afghanistan by the Grace of Almighty Allah have belied all calculations and esti mates of the nefarious Soviet aggressors. The fallacy of the Soviet claim that their forces had come to fend: off foreign interference in Afgha niistan is so clear that it needs no explanatin. Fhe .only intervention and interference in Afghanistan is that of the Soviet Union and its surrogate countries. On the innu- merable battle” fronts, either Russian troops or the Afghans get killed, Had there been any inter- vention from Pakistan and Iran then the refugees should have swarmed northward towards the Soviet Union. But in fact all the refugees are moving from the northern side to the south, east and west. If the Soviet invasion of Afgha: nistaf is labelled as “defence” of Afghanistan against. imaginary foreign intervetnion then we surely denounce this,brutal defense. What id df “defense™ is it where more than 1.1. million Afghans have been decimated by our so-called “defender, the country ravaged by’ seven years of war and none from ,outside other than Russian troops and those of their surro: {gates getting killed ? Indeed, our country is a vietim ion ship with the Soviet Union and of the treacherous and shortsighted Policies of the previous Afghan governments. These governments opened the doors for Soviet penetration. The Afghan army was equipped and trained by the Soviets and they relied upon exploitative Soviet assistance in most economic pro: jects. And now we all are a witness to the painful consequences of the policies of so-called good neigh borly relations and non-interference the previous unpatriotic and incom: petent regimes readily boasted. We are now suffering the outcome of those suicidal policies in seven years of devastating war. Those naive rulers also paid the price of their misdeeds. Zahir Shah was deposed in a bloodless coup. Dauod was killed with Russian machina tion, Tarakai was suffocated by the Russians, Amin and his family were blown apart by the Russian artillery barrage ; Babrak Karmal is also destined for the same fate. These figureheads’ were changed Often like old spare parts, discard: ed when no longer of any use to the Russians. Friendship with the Soviet Union is the worst type of friend- ship in the world. In fact, those who refuse to befriend the Soviets remain protected against their evil designs. The tragedy of Afghanis: tan should be a lesson to all deve- loping and third world countries. In order to avoid repetition of the fate of Afghanistan they should decrease their reliance on the Soviet Union and ali other colonial powers. The perpetuation of the Soviet military presence in Afghanistan is not only a threat to this region but also affects the security of world at large. This is neither the first nor the list attempt by 2 superpower to trample the Mde- pendence of @ small state The invasion of Afghanistan is only the first step towards the ful- filment of the long-term Russian expansionist designs to reach the shores or the Indian Ocean. 12 The Mujahideen Monthly Mohammad Sadia Agha, 14 Soviet goals s#&k to encircle China, control the Gulf oilfields and even threaten India. We are there fore surprised at the indifference of the international community towards the Soviet menance casting shadows on world peace. Do the peace-loving hations not realize that the Soviet empire has stretched to the extreme end of the Far East and established bases for aggre ssion and further expansion in Afghanistan fairly close to the Indian Ocean ? : We are particularly distressed to note that some governments are taking sides with the Soviet Union in this criminal war contrary to the expressed wishes of their respective peoples. Their attempts to try to justify ‘and condone the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, are most regrettable, Irrespective of the: Soviet inten: tions-in invading Afghanistan and the international reaction and res Ponse to it, we hereby affirm our resolve not to lay down our arms until we achieve liberation of our homeland and the expulsion of all foreign forces from Afghanistan. Let us remind the Soviet aggressors and their faceless agents that the only solution to the Afghanistan issue lies in total, unconditional and’ immediate withdrawal: of ‘the invading forces from Afghanistan. We have full faith in the righteous ness of our cause and are determin. €d to continue this‘ just struggle until the complete realization of our objectives. We are confident that our country will once again stand as @ proud, free and inde. Pendent state in the community of nations. (Inshallah God Willing), The Soviets must know that Permanent bccupation of Afgha nistan would be impossible for them and is a futile effort. Such Soviet dreams are clearly misplaced and “would confront them with further frustration. No doubt our people are poor and far inferior in But they are equipped with an invincible faith in God Almighty and belief in the here after, The ensuing moral ‘strength of our people has enabled them to courageously withstand the might of the Soviet power and not to ender to Soviet bondage. Our People suffer untold grief and hardships without despair. They prefer honourable death over Soviet subjugation. The seven years of this traumatic war are an. eloquent testimony to the glorious, historic and unremitting resistance offered by our great people to the ugly forces of aggression. The Soviets grossly underesti ‘mated the will and faith of our na. tion. ‘They mistakenly thought that the Red Army would be able to occupy and subdue Afghanistan in a few days - like Czechoslo. vakia. The Soviets have not succee- ded in establishing control over even 10 percent of the Afghan soil after 70 months of this costly war. They have not been able to secure large cities, major military ‘cantonments and main highways from attacks by the Mujahideen Their huge military convoys, though heavily armed, cannot move without strong air cover be cause of the fear of Mujahideen. Their teruous control of even 10 percent of our sacred territory has cost the Russian invaders 50.000 lives and the loss of 7,500 tanks and APCs and 480 -aircraft and helicopters. The landscape of Afghanistan is littered with the wreckage of Soviet planes, hel copters, tanks, APCs and military vehicles. Afghanistan today is the biggest scrapyard of military hard- ware in the world. It is high time that those sitting in the Kremlin ponder the ultimate firepower. The Mujahideen Monthly 13 fate of Nazi Germany in the light of their own reckless policies in Afghanistan. - - which, like those of their predecessors engaged in similar expansionism, destruction and genocide, are doomed to fail At the same time, international consciousness must be raised to the Soviet challenge threatening the fabric of our civilization. Every moment of Soviet preience is a holocaust of this era to which no human soul can remain indifferent. While appreciating the efforts of all friendly and peace-loving countries and organizations and of all those including the honorable UN. Secretary General and his colleagues, who want a solution to the Afghanistan problem, we wish to bring the following points to your kind attention 1. The root cause of the whole crisis of Afghanistan is the direct and indirect Soviet interference in our internal affairs and their armed. aggression in the occu: pation of Afghanistan and the forcible imposition of their will (on our naton. The only solution to the problem, we. reiterate, is the complete, unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Soviet forces and respect for the independence, freedom, territorial integrity and islamic character of Afghanistan. The Mujahideen of Afghanistan are fone of the two real parties to the present conflict, the other being the Soviet invaders. Being the sole representative of the people of Afghanistan, the Muja- hideen will not accept any solution short of the expulsion of Soviet forces from Afghanistan and restoration of ‘our complete freedom. Until the realization of these goals we will never lay down our arms. Our nation has nothing to talk about with the Soviet Union other than the withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan. 2..With the real parties to the Afghanistan crisis being the Mujahideen and the ‘Soviet agg: Fessors, the Mujahideen are en: gaged in the defense and libe- ration of every inch of their country and have lost tens of hundreds of livesto that end. 3, Neither the puppet government fof Babrak Karmal. nor the 4, governments of Pakistan and Iran are real parties to the conflict. Babrak is no more than @ Soviet puppet. Whereas Pakistan and tran are affected by the conflict, they are not actual parties involved in the conflict. A. political solution to the Afghanistan’ crisis depends on the contention of the actual parties to the conflict. Di regarding their views would further complicate the whole issue. While recognizing that it is the right, of any state to discuss its own issues and problems in whatever way it wishes and appreciating all efforts towards the reduction of tension and danger of war wherever it be, we would like to declare that nobody except the official repre: sentatives of the Mujahideen can represent our nation in any international forum. We would ever accept representation of ‘any one else in our place and vould never allow Afghanistan {become . another Vietnam, freed of one. superpower. only to become the slave of another. We eamestly hope that all of ‘our friends and the free world would assist our valient nation. ed by the, Mujahideen, . to speak for its cause and its people in the international community. We started on our struggle, the Jihad for a free, independent and Islamic Afghanistan. We believe that Islam is. the real source of our strength and the sole guarantor of our progress and national well-being and can, meet all of our moral. and material needs. The only motto’ of the Muja hideen and the Afghan nation whom they represent, is the establishment of an Islamic ‘Order in both the spheres of the individual and society. ‘The Mujahideen Monthly committed by the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. We also offer to the proposed UN delegation a guarantee of their security and comfort during the said fact finding mission inside liberated Afghanistan. 15.Lastly, we wish to express our profound gratitude to the people and: government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, who over the past seven years have hosted over 3 million Afghan refugees ‘and extended all possible hos. pitality to our oppressed people. We likewise thank the people and government of the. Islamic Republic of Iran for accepting ‘A house in Mazar-iShavit 9, Any solution of the Afghanistan hideen control - and establish 15 million Afghan refugees: crisis based on accomodat our representation at the various ‘there, We would also like to and compromise and without Afghan embassies and consu- express our gratitude to other genuine involvement of the lates, while expelling represen- friendly counties, humanitarian Mujahideen is unacceptable to tatives of the puppet Karmal organizations end. the UNHCR four nation and will never solve ~ regime. for thai gatieisi a sejued ‘the problem. 13.The members of the OIC, the assistance in meeting the needs 10.Although the Soviet military Organization. of Islamic Con- of the Afghan refugees. We presence in Afghanistan has been” ference, are once again requested appeal to. all the friends of Wehemently condemned in all that the vacant seat of Afgha- free and independent _Afgha: UN ‘resolutions by an absolute” ——nistan be given to the repre: Tisen ae hare ane majority, the Afghan seat in the sentative of the Mujahideen Afghan refugees, the largest United Wations is stil being Unity, the Ittehad-e-lslamie- number of refugees anywhere in occupied by the representative Mujahideen-e-Afghanistan, the the world, in the areas of shelter, Of the puppet Sovietinstalled sole representative of the all foodstuffs, education, and regime, a product of the Soviet the Mujahideen and the Afghan health and thereby render their intervention. This continued nation. moral_and humanitarian obli ‘occupation of the Afghanistan 14.We hereby invite the United gation towards the oppressed seat by an agent of the aggres: . Nations to send an official nation of Afghanistan. sor is absolutely unjustifiable. delegation to Liberated Afgha- Victorious be the Afghan 11.We therefore demand that the nistan and $0. recognize the ‘Mujahideent! representative of the puppet destruction caused and crimes Down with Colonialism!! Karmal regime be removed from jammin Se ial é the UN immediately and the fi = ou Saba BS: a seat be occupied by the Ittehad: ; &.1slami-e-Mujahideen-e-Afgha- ristan, the united expression of all the Mujahideen of Afghani- tan which commands the support of the entire Afghan nation. 12We further request that’ in the interest of strengthening brother: ly Telations for dur nation and for the safeguarding’ of our Aegitimate national rights, all ‘the ‘Supporters of“ the Afghan’ cause should retognize Muja- ASS Boe 15 ‘The Mujahideen Monthly 2 This isthe “story of the bravery and proficiericies. of Commander Sarwar Khan, 29° whose stronghold is called Paidarow Fron located eight kilometres to the north of Ghazni, the capital of Ghazni province, south west of Kabul. Sarwar Khan and his Mujahideen are @ continual headache for the Russian troops and communist mili tias in the area. The Commander has, particularly proved to be a source of trouble to the enemy's headquarters in Khawaja Umari district, about five kilometres to the east of his base and eight kilometres north of Ghazni city. Khawaja Umari district is one of the few districts which has remained under government control over the past eight years. This is because the’ government forts in the area are.exceptionally strong. Many of them have beén built underground and are difficulty to attack and it has proved hard for the Mujehidgen to. incur heavy casualties on the enemy The location, of Force 14, full division. comprising. _.tanks, artillery and infantry. at. Ghazni has only, added to the difficulties because the district headquarters cn easily. call for reinforcements at any time. Here. are the stories of two. of Sarwar Khan's more daring raids on the heeaquarters One day last July Sarwar Khan ‘was Teviewing past “operations on Khawaja Umari. district. and_ deci ded. that the. results had not been good enough, It. was. time for another raid; and, shaa~ Allah (Allah willing) a successful one Sarwar Khan told one of his sub-commanders that they would have to’ wipe out the dittrict head: quarters at any cost and he and his aide disclssed the plan of the operation thoroughly, taking into account the lessons learned from previous attacks He knew that the district head- quarters had a tank, mortars, different types of light and heavy machine-guns, APG7 (rocket pro- pelled grenades) and 100. staff and soldiers. ‘As .well. as..the. men. and. arms at the headquarters there were about 300,, communist, militiamen. living at nearby, villages who had. been strongly armed by the Russians. These militiamen were Afghans, and._.dressed. in. the . traditional manner, they could often be mis- taken. for Mujahideen. They were frequently... employed... by, the Russian, troops as spies and would attack the Mujahideen from behind, while the latter were attacking the district headquarters, At the time Sarwar Khan was considering a fresh, attack he was told that the Russians planned to send 75 of the 100 soldiers nor- mally at the headquarters to Ghazni for an operation with Force 14. Sarwar Khan decided that. this was an ideal time for an. attack but, he and’ his, aide agreed that the use. of.any. of their previous tactics .could result. in, failure so they struck upon a new plan. He ordered, about 100 of his Mujahideen to. prepare for a raid but did not. reveal: to. them. the 16 ‘The Mujahideen Monthly Sayed Hamidulish Bill ‘target or details of the plan. When Sarwar Khan and his Mujahideen were within 200 yards of the Khawaja Umari district headquarters, he divided his men into four groups. He sent one group of 25 to the highway, another 25 to watch out for ‘militias, a third to prepare Dasha kas (anti-aircraft. machineguns) in case of air attack and the last group’ remained with him. The latter were armed with 10 RPG-7s and 15 Kalashinkovs. ‘The other three “groups were told that they "Would “have to attack “any government patrols, convoys and aircraft coming near their positions but were still not told of Sarwar Khan's plan to attack the district headquarters. Sarwar Khan and his group then boarded a truck which they had captured from the Russians and he ordered the driver to travel at high speed towards the headquarters. The driver started the truck and it was’ only then’ Sarwar Khan re vealed to his men the target of their attack the district headquarters. ‘The truck took less than 5 minutes to reach the base and when it was within'10 yards of the main gate the Mujahideen leapt from the vehicle and “opened fire on the guards. The Mujahideen were so near to the tank guarding the gate that the crew could not shoot them, Two Mujahids, one with an RPG and another with 2 Kala shinkov, climbed -on the tank while @ third fired an RPG-7 grenade at the top of the building where a radio operator was sitting and cut communications with Ghazni. The remaining Mujahideen stormed the building and saw six soldiers drinking tea and isyning to music in the courtyard wivle the Ulaswal (istrict administrator) was in his room. The Munshi (Politicat-n-chargel was on the root with two soldiers and a Dashaka machinegun: ‘The Mujahideen surrounded all the men sitting in the yard in the first few seconds but the Ulaswat ‘and the Munshi resisted for about 30 minutes. Finally the Ulaswal was shot dead. in his room and the roof where the Munshi was firing the Dashaka was destroyed by a gren- ade from anRPG7. The Munshi and. his bodyguards were brought lout from the debris and arrested Four soldiers who were on quard at the rear of the building were shot deed after 10 minutes resis: tance and two others who were washing. their clothes by.a stream surrendered. Within. about 30, minutes. the Mujahideen had, won, control of the headquarters, and , everything. was auiet. Even the communist militias in. the, neatby.. villages. didnot fealise what had. happened. and some believed. that, the: shooting was just practice firing or: some members. of the staff having, a bit of fun In. capturing the headquarters the Mujahideen seized two mortars with, 1500 shes, 2000 hand grenades, six heavy machine guns, ‘two garinov machine-guns, 35 Kala shinkovs, 40 carbines, 300,000 Afghanis (US$ 2500), one R106 wireless set, five pistols and a lot of ammunition. They also collected five bags ‘of documents which were very useful. It took them several hours to load 10 trucks with the arms, ammunition and documents- and deliver them to their headquarters. During the operation the Ulasw- al and seven other soldiers were killed and 15 others, including the Munshi and the district army ‘commander were taken as prisoners. Most of the staff were either full members of the Communist party, the PDPA, or candidates for mem- bership, One. Mujahid, sub-commander Mohammed Naim, was martyred and four were wounded. ‘Since it was, difficult for the Mujahideen to, drive. the tank they. set it. ablaze and when the nearby villagersisaw the smoke they jalised that there was something wrong, During the night the communist militias informed the governor of Ghazni. about the incident’ and Tank outside the district The Mujahideen Monthly 24 Loading booty captured in Khawaje Umer early “in the” morning “about "8 tanks, 12 helicopter gunships: and four "jets launched an offensive fon. the’ Paidarow: stronghold of Sarwar Khan’ and "the villages around it. Many cattle wete killed and mare than 50 houses destioved but no one was kiled or wounded Meanwhile, the government inst: alled anogher district headuarters ina building near the original feontre and by evening the Russian forces had returned to Ghazni. Sarwar:Khani made: his secon attack this year in October when a large Russian force was passing through she district to make an offensive. on-Paktika province to the south Te force, which included 2 large umber of tanks, was stat ioned around Ghazni’ city and Khawaja Umary district while wat: ing for supplies and. reintorpe ments from Wardak province Surellng the force Sarwar Khan decided to use the situation to bis advantage and attack the district headquarters. “He knew that the presence of such a lage force would cause the Russian troops and com: munist militias to rpléx yheir guard, Possibly enabling him to make @ successful raid on the headquarters He! told some of his Mujahideen to take. Up a position near the 22 district headquarters and to remain there overnight. He said he would mount an” operation against the base the following day Next morning he drove one of his’ brand new’ Russian trucks towards’ the’ district’ headquarters, assuming that’ people would think it” was Russians’ on their way there for some type of business. When he arrived’ at’ the’ main gates he sent one of his Mujahideen to the’guards afd told him to ask for a doctor The Mujahid obeyed “his com mander and asked the guard-for a doctor. The guard asked, ‘what for? who are you and where are you from?” The Mujahid told him that he was one of Sarwar Khan’s Muja- hideen and they had a wounded man in the truck. At this the guard started yelling wildly to the Ulas wal and district commander that Sarwar Khan was outside the building All the administrative staff inside, about 16, rushed out with their arms eager to arrest Sarwar Khan, When all the staff had come out. side the Commander orders the Mujahideen, including. those. who had taken up a position near the base overnight, to open fire. After 2 few seconds all 16 were dead, Sarwat Khan and his Mujahideen took their arms and ammunition 4 booty and started to drive back to their headquarters. While passing 4 Russian post, they were attacked and Sarwar Khan ordered his Muja hideen to jump out of the truck but told the duiver to keep going, ‘The Mujaindeen kept the Rus- sians busy for about an hour while the driver reached their head: quarters safely. Several Russians were killed and he and. his Muja- hideen later returned to their base without further trouble. Hekinatyar on hs a the Minster of Agucuiture and Deputy Foreign Minste Subong Aipor MNO Leader and Sheikh Fare! th eyed By H.£, Anwar sbrahim, Hekmatyar’s Visit To Malaysia The Government of Malaysia by being the first to give diplomatic recognition to. the Afghan Mujahideen has balzed. the trial for world wide recognition of the resistance. The Government invited the Amir of Hezb-i-Islami, Engineer Gulbudin Hekmatyar, to. Kuala Lumpur for the inauguration of the Mujahideen office which will have full diplomatic. status. ‘The Amir founded the ideological and armed Struggle against social imperialism not only in Afghanistan but in the region: Upon’ aivval” at’ the Subang international airport at Kuala Lumpur Eng. Hekmatyar and his five member delegation were receiv: ed by the Minister of Agriculture of Malaysia and leader of the UMNO Youth, His Excellency Anwar Ibrahim, the Depity Foreing Minister, His Excellenty Shaikh Qader ‘Shaikh Fazi, the esteemed ‘Ambassadors of Pakistan and ‘Fhe Mujahideen Monthly Saudi Arabia in Malaysia anda large number of youths and Suppor ters of the Jihad in Afghanistan At the airport the Amir add ressed a packed press” conference and afterwards, accompanied by an official escort, was driven to his residence where he held a meeting with Brother Anwar Ibrahim. Speaking at the opening of the office on Sept. 10 the Amir said it’ was commendable that the Malaysian’ Government had taken such a realistic and courageous step by allowing the. Mujahideen to establish the office, He said that the Mujahideen hoped that other countries, part: cularly Muslim nations, "would follow Malaysia and realise that only the Afghan Mujahideen’ were entitled to represent their nation in the international community. “It is unjustifiable for all con: scientious and sagacious people that those who are actually rejected by the Afghan ‘people and those who have been installed and kept in power by 230,000 aggressive foreign troops, armed with the latest models of lethal weapons, be accepted as the representative of the’ Afghan nation, “Eng. Hek. matyar said ‘The Amir said = “If the expan: sionist Kremlin’ rulers attain their imperialisti¢ and Hegemonistic ends iim Afghanistan with impunity and ambivalence of the world commu:* nity, then we should expeet similar catastrophies and holocausts in other parts of the globe aé well “On the ‘contrary, if the God loving people and those who believe 23 in liberty and freedom stand ho- nnestly and selflessly by the Muja-_ hideen of Afghanistan, who are defending each span of their soil by the blood of tens and hundres of their martyrs, and resolutely support the Mujahideen, thence forth with’ the intensification of internal resistance and enhance. ment of ‘external pressure, the Russians would be forced to pull ‘their savage, forces out of Afgha- nistan, ‘This would not only make the Russians. desist. from the repetition, of. their crimes elsewhere, but would also encourage the oppressed. and enslaved nations of the world who are. struggling for their. inde- Pendence. from... the neo-colonial Powers not to think that they are alone and would further strengthen their, belief in, the, definite, defeat of the aggressors,” he said, “As far as the Mujahid people of Afghanistan are concerned they Would never. surrender and. would never lay down their arms until the complete liberation, of, their motherland, “The, Russians seging the vanity. of the results, of their dggressiion have now realised. that. the. per- ‘manent occupation of this martyr- 24 ‘Hekrmatyar with H.E, Dr. Muhathw Mohammad, the Prine Minster of Malaysia dom-loving nation is impossible for them, And therefore there would be no way out of the guagmire in Afghanistan for them other than their complete ‘and unconditional withdrawal from Afghanistan “We believe in the definite success of the Islamic revolution of Afghanistan and are sure that the Almighty Allah will Himself take the ‘revenge of the blood of our martyrs ‘that have-been spilled at the filthy hands of the Russian forces ““Long..,live.. the. solidarity, of the Muslim. Ummah.. Victorious be the Jihad of the Muslim nation of Afghanistan. and. long live the friendship, of the two nations ‘of Malaysia and Afghanistan.” As part of the opening ceremony Eng. Hekmatyar hoisted the, flag of the Mujahideen, The ceremony was attended by the Foreign Minister, Rittauddin Ahmad, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ibrahim, and the Deputy Foreign Minister, Shaikh Qader Shaikh Fazil. A large number. of Amba ssadors and diplomats from Muslim countries..)/and) other «friendly nations, supporters -and journalists, were also present. During ‘his five day. stay. in Malaysia the Amir paid courtesy calls on the Prime Minister of Malaysia, His Excellency Dr. Muha thir Mohammad, and the Deputy Prime Minister, His Excellency Commander Sayed Hami- dullah who led the successful raid on Dashti Abdan Base recently visited Peshawar and Sur Gul Speen took the oppor- tunity to talk to him about conditions in Kunduz province. When Commander, Sayed, Hami: dullah, visited me at the office of Hezbri-lslami. he was accompanied by his elder brother, Qari Aslam, and two other Mujahideen, Shaking hands, his elder brother expressed his pleasure at seeing me because we have been friends since we first_met in the days of the former President of Afghanistan, the late Mohammad Daud, who was. overthrown. in. coup by his marxist aides, f Sayed, Hamidullah was watching me intently a little nervous | suspected about being interviewed, ‘The Mujahideen Monthly Hkmatyar with H.E. Musa Hitum Musa Hitam. He held widexanging talks with them for the further strengthening of relations between the two nations of Malaysia and Afghanistan and thanked them for At 29 he has a well established reputation as a Mujahideen com: mander, and is in fact the general ‘commander of ‘all the Mujahideen in Kunduz city After graduating high, schoo! he took Up religious studies but when the Communist Regime took over in Kabul he could not complete them and soon, joined the ranks of the Mujahideen. When | asked him about the situation in Kunduz province he said: “Alhamdullilah (thanks to God) it is good” He explained that compared to the Russians the ‘Mujahideen were very poorly armed but the, Russians had failed to wipe them out and had actually suffered heavy losses themselves. Sayed Hamidullah’ said that daily the Russians’ long range ‘arms and aircraft shelled and bom: bed Mujahideen strangholds and from The Mujahideen Monthly the Deputy Prime Minister their realistic attitude towards the Mujahideen. The Amir also addressed public rallies in Kuala Lumpur, Johor and Kelanton provinces and met villages, He said that the aircraft used in Kunduz province for the genocide of innocent people and tudent and youth leaders from the International Islamic University and the National University in Kuala Lumpur. He held compre: hensive talks with them about the situation in Afghanistan. During his visit students de: monstrated in front of the Russian Embassy and handed over a strong: ly worded protest note to the Second Secretary condemning the | social imperialism of Russia and its al occupation of Afghansitan, ‘An effigy of the Russian leader Gorbachev and the Russian flag were burnt on. a thoroughfare in Kuala Lumpur by the students, Eng, Hekmatyar also visited the Islamic Center and the. Islamic Bank of Kuala Lumpur and during talks with the staff of these two institutions welcomed the establish: ment of these Islamic bodies in Malaysia. destruction of their property always took off from the Soviet Union. He said that the jets could not land at Kunduz airport because firstly the runways were too short and, secondly, | the» Mujahideen attacked the airport. The: loss of even one. such sophisticated jet would be costly to the Russians. The Commander said that the Russians’. land-forces were using tanks, BM.13,,BM-21, and BM.41 rocket firers, Uboos 122mm and 151mm. cannons, different range mortars, ZK-I and Dashaka machine uns, Z 23. double-barrel. mactiine guns, RPG-7 (rocket propelled gre rnades) and anti-personnel mines The Russians are also scattering toy’, bombs ona large. scale throughout. the area. Often. the: bombs are intended. for. children and are in the shape of a tiny similar, toy, . They aeroplane oF nd so that the ly are left lying on the gro children will pick them up lethal ‘toys can kill or se maim a child, ‘Similar bombs in the shape of in fact in many are being ens, watches, different guises, spread around According to Sayed Hamidullah the Russians have five Strong bases in Kunduz. The biggést is Dashti ‘Abdan which formally has a strength of more than 2000 tanks and army trucks. However, since the latest attack by the Mujahideen, its operational capacity has been reduced The second largest is at Kundu? airport with” 500 tanks and army trucks and 50 helicopters; thitd is Qala Kuhna with 50 tanks, plus 8m-13 and Bm-21 rocket firers_; fourth , Qahwa Khana, with 250 tanks ahd army trucks and finally Pul-i-Alchin with 50 tanks. There are also more than 100 ‘tanks, APCS and’ military. trucks parked in different parts of Kunduz city, He said thet “despite the f government's ‘military strength it exercised full Control over its bases and Kunduz city only during the daytime at_night the Russian forces were subject to attack The> rural area's under the control: of! the 'Mujahideen: The government’ is not letting people take more than 20 metres of cloth and three kilogrammes of tea and sugar outside Kunduz’ city.” The Mujahideen usually get these things by capturing government convoys. Supplies of raw’ cotton for the’, country’s biggest cotton’ factory, Spin Zar Ltd, are under the contro! of the: Mujahideen. |If the Muja- hideer-want’ to” stop. production at the factory “they ‘simply ask farmers not to grow ‘cotton. For example. from 1982 inti! 1984 the factory was almost closed, The factory “is partly owned by the ‘government and partly by local towns people and farmers. 36 It is. now paying two million Afghanis (USS1666) @ year out fof the goverment s share to the Mujahideen and for this reason, and because local Afghans also have shares in the company, the Mujahideen are allowing it to continue operating, Sayed Hamidullah said that the Mujahideen were carrying out hit and run aids throughout the pro- vince and had attacked nearly all Russian convoys travelling in the area, During 1985 he launched four big offensives ort government and Russian positions and as well as ‘the normal shelling and bombing by Russian aircraft his Mujahidec were attacked twice by Russian troops. ‘On April 7 about 600 Muja- hideen from Hezb/-Islami attacked Hezrat Imam Sahib distfict head- quarters and wiped out the head- quarters and Il army posts. As a result the Mujahideen won contro! of Imam Sahib city and captured arms and ammunition. In this ‘peration one Mujahid was martyr- ed and eight were wounded. In retaliation the government bombed villages’ and killéd 12 civilians and wounded more than 50. On July 25 he attacked seven army posts around Kunduz city and wiped out three of them. During this operation the Muja hhideen destroyed a wine store containing more than 5000 bottles of wine and burned 18 million roubles. Twenty senior communists and Khad agents were killed On ‘August 24 Mujahideen atta cked Kunduz airport, which is located seven kilometres to the south of Kunduz city Mujahideen from the neighbouring province of Takhar under the command of Eng. Bashir also took part. They fired 82 rockets and according to a report that was later confirmed destroyed 80 tanks, 30 helicopters, one 118-wireless set and 18 resi- dential blocks. About 200 Russians were Killed. The Russians closed the airport for three days after the attack in an attempt to cover up the number Of casualties and the extent of the damage. Sayed »Hamidullah said that ‘during 1985 about 90 Mujahideen ‘and more than 1000. civilians including women, children and, the aged were killed by Russian troops, He added that although 95 per cent of the province was controlled by Mujahideen farm production had fallen by more than 40 per cent due to Russian air attacks on canals and the use of different types of anti-plant agents either to burn farms or dry out the soil. He said that this winter and next year the Russians would increase their operations three-fold compared with the past. nine months. The Russians have suffered @ lot in Kunduz province during 1985 particularly during the attack fon Dashti_ Abdan. military base where they lost about 3000 soldiers, When 1 asked him “will you still resist when the Ryssians intensify their operations” he ans- wered : "Yes, Inshaa-Allah (Allah willing) we will defeat them aga ‘and again,” The Mujahideen Monthly SEALING OFF THE BORDERS Unable to defend even es: Kabul from the Mujahideen’s attacks the Russians are now reviewing their tactics as against the — Mujahideen’s overall strategy of dragging the war to the capital cities. Inline with the tactics of the Hezb-i-lslami Afghanistan Mujahi- oor tnt ts, conimare ofl Ena, Jnlaluddin, who has many fighters under bis ontral in Kabul, have attacked major Targets in the heart ofthe city, Jncluding the so-called People’ “Howe, Ministry.» ot Defence, Russian Embassy and the international airport These operations are a success primarily because they are launched by proficient Mulahideen who work well acording to planned strategy Secondly the aftacks are conducted by youths: who with full zest and zeal operate in areas which they | kenolwiwel Finding. Kabul “under” ‘ontant Mujahideen fre the Russians, who | have been serigusly embatrassed by the attacks, ave tied to drag the fighting to! the. southern Borders of Afghanistan, pretending to be sealing off the borders with 1 on id By on unin Mig Pakistan’; a claim they first voiced ' a in the days of their flagrant and areas_of Jaji_ and Khost. divisons organizations in the. Paktiay pro- ill-fated invasion in Dec. 1979. which flared up.on August 27.and vince» pooled -their resources: and The Russians “have tried their - is continuing verifies this analysis. under the sagacious command of hardest, employing vast resources, The Russians sent 35,000 troops Eng. Hikmatyar, the Amir of to try to move the focus of the to the laji district to try to divert, HezlniIslamiy went to war against fighting t the border areas but — the attention of the Mujahideen the incomparable odds: “After 10 have failed ‘fom the Kabul area and claimed days of resistance: they -defeated The pattern of sending theit they were there to block the . the enemy that:had come as cloye troops to the borders after attacks“ Mujahideen’s routes at three kilometres to the border ‘on Kabal and calling ‘t, attempts | Notwithstanding the number of and repulsed them eight kilometres, to seal off the borde/s has been ‘troops and the time they chose _ ultimately» forcing, the 35,000 strictly adhered ‘to by the Russian for it, Eid, @ time most of the Red Army. troops: plus. hundreds strategists Mujahideen prefer to be with thelr of their) commandos to, withdraw, The recent fighting in the border families, Mujahideen from. several from the area, “The Mujahideen Monthly a 2 In the course of these 10 days of resistance seven helicopters and cone jet were shot down, 79 tanks and, APCs_,.were...destroyed or damaged and hundreds "of “the enemy forces were. wiped.-oui {An unprecedented number of Muia hideen were also either martyred or wounded. The Mujahideen under the command of Eng. Hikmatyar num bered thousands of veteran fighters from several provinces and orga izations. A unique composition of fighters pursued the fleeing Russian forees into Chawhni, a previously beleagured garrison encircled by thousands of anti. personnel mines planted by the Russias, While withdrawing, the Russian forces were divided into several contingents, some stationed in Chawhni, some sent back to Logar via Gordie, and some with sein forcements sent on a similar on slaught to Khost division, The back-tracking forces were waylaid at several points in Gardiz by the Mujahideen of ‘Shaheed Rahirsi Fronts who also inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. However, those Russians sent to Khost with reinforcements were busy in a savage campaign against _the Mujahideen and the Mujahideen of Hezbi-lslami and those of Mulavi Haganni are putting up fierce resist ce In the course ofthis fighting the Russans-have suffered heavy losses and a:large number'ot Mujahideen have been martyred, including two Commanders, Mulavi Ahmad Gul and. Mulavi:Fatehullah: (God bless chem) These ‘brave ‘men: were assets to the whole Jihad of Afgha nistan and ther presence inthe area was “@-boost to. morale for the Mujahieen of all parties. May their souls rest in peace 3 The recent series of attacks: in the southern province of Afghanis tan is therefore nothing more than 2 futile attempt 0 dispende: with 28 | | | ‘the embarrassment emanating from the Mujahideen attacks on the capital city of Kabul As far as the Mujahideen are concerned they will be maintain. Continued from Pace 9 and sound but enjoyef? all the rights and privileges: It fs also a fact that the ones who" perished ‘did 's6 by killing each” other through’ fe tionaliém and personal feuds Furthermore, the Russians are supposedly ‘worried that in case of their withdrawal the emergent Afghan regime will align itself With the other superpower which is the real cause of Soviet concern Here, again, we are on record having ‘consistently, expressed and ‘demonstrated our total opposition aligned status of our country, A soldier after the district was occupied DECLARATION ing their previous tacties of hitting the enemy, where it. hurts, and. the dream, of closing .the border. will Femain a far cry and whimsical dream for the Russians, to the idea of aligning, ourselves with any power. . Afghanistan's bitter experience of Jeaning towards the Russians in an adequate lesson not to Fepeat the same mistake vizaviz another power. We shall have a non-aligned policy, We reiterate, once again, that. free Afghanistan will not be used as a military base of any power and will. ot pose danger to any state, We shall_maintain normal friendly ‘re lations with all the countries which, have no colonial designs in. the region and which do not interfere in the independence and non- ‘The Mujahideen Monthly’ Russians Butchered Wounded Mujahideen GHAZNI PROVINCE Russian troops have but- chered four wounded Mujahi- deen and ‘three of their rela- tives in an attack on a Mujabi- deen hospital in Ghazni Pro- vince. The murders occurred when enemy forces attacked the Mujahi deen’s. headquarters_in. Zardsloo town of Qarabagh district, located about 56 kilometres south-west of Ghazni City The troops surrounded the Mua hideen’s hospital on, Oct. 20 and found four wounded, Mujahideen with three of their relatives, who were taking care of, them. The ‘troops. then brutally slaughtered all seven members, of the. resis tance The previous day Mujahideen, of Hezb:i-Islami. Afghanistan. led, by Commander Mohammad Jan. att acked the. enemy's headquerters in Qarabagh. district, Aocatéd about 50'kilometres south-west of Ghazni city. Two army officers and seven * The Mujahideen Monthly militiamen were killed and four army posts, equipped with Dashaka machine guns and mortars, around the headquarters were wiped out In a later incident Commander Mohammad Jan and 22 of his Mujahideen were killed in close fighting with" Russian-Afghan troops. During the clash the Mujabi- deen destroyed three tanks, one APC and two other army vehicles ‘The crews of the vehicles and more than three dozen soldiers were killed. {A village in Batkh 29 The governor of Ghazni with the provincial head of intelligence (Khad) have been killed by Mjuahideen in heavy fighting during which about 75 tanks, armoured personnel. carriers. (APC) and army trucks were destroyed. In Mid October. Russian, forces launched a heavy offensive on mujahideen strongholds in Qara- bag and Jaghoori districts of Ghazni, provines. More than 500 tanks, APCs and. army trucks, six jets and SU-25 bombers and 19 helicopter gunships took part in the offensive, The Russigns have been trying to establish @ district headquarters in Jaghoori, located about 90 kilometres south-west of Ghazni city, capital of Ghazni province. The district has been under the contro! of the mujahideen for the last six years. Several contingents of artillery and infantry were airdropped Jaghoori and the other fore came into the area through Qara- bagh district, located 60_kilo- metres to the south.west of Ghazni city. The forces set up army posts” fen route to protect their convoys The mujahideen of Hezb-i-tslami ‘Aighanistan from Qarabagh Mucar, Ajiristan and the shia's group jointly attacked the forces with rocket propelled grenades (RPG—7) 107—mm rockets and, mines. The mujahideen succeeded in destroying about 36 tanks and APCs near Qarabagh’ and were able to wipe “30 out set_up during the past 24 days. The mujahideen destroyed about 40 tanks and APCS" around these posts by using RPG—7s, 107—mm. rockets and mines During the fighting the provin- cial governor of Ghazni, Awaz Alli, his head of intelligence, Mirza Khan and the political-in-charge of Ghazni province with hundreds of soldiers were killed in Qarabagh, Looman, Angoori and Jaghoori ‘areas. About 320 Afghan soldiers have defected to the mujahideen of Hézbi-Islami Afghanistan during the military . posts the fighting with their arms and ammunitions. The fighting is con- tinuing. The Russian troops are ‘now reported to have abandoned their efforts to establish a head- {quarters in Jaghoori and are trying to save their troops either by flying them out or by sending in reinforcements by land, In another operation on Oet. 12 in Qarabagh Russian forces surroug ded ‘the village of Spin Kariz and started looting the houses and setting them ablaze. They’ killed six innocent civilians and injured tow children, ‘The Mujahideen Monthly Russian Army Base In Kunduz Heavily Damaged Russian’s second biggest military base in Afghanistan Dashti Abdan in the North-Eastern Province of Kunduz, has been ‘heavily damaged with more than 3000 Russian casualties in anattack by Mujahideen of Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan. Following the attack the Russian ‘Supreme Command in Afghanistan ordered the arrest of 12 senior Russian officers who survived and serit them to the Soviet Union for court martial on charges of in- ‘competence. The successful attack was led by Commander Syed Hamidullah Billal who was provided with infor- mation by people who had access to. the military base which is located 17 kilometres to the north of Kunduz city. Capital of Kunduz Province. The information included the lo- cation of ammunition depots, un- derground fuel tankers, residential blocks and, most important of all, the distance of each of these targets froth the point of attack ‘The Mujahideen attacked the base in September with R—107 rockets and fired 65 of them. The shells hit key targets and the exploding ammunition and fuel resulted in an inferno and fur- ther explosions which wiped out the camp, ‘The fire was so fierce and errup- ted so suddenly that the Russian troops did not get a chance to extinguish the flames or even to respond to the attack. ‘According to Commander Syed Hamidullah and his Mujahideen the scene was so horrific that Afghans living up to five and six kilometres away fled their villages and took refuge in caves. ‘The Mujhideen said that Russian men" and women’ san nearby villages to ty 40 escape thé attack and in one incident a group of 12. women’ ran towards ‘The Mujahideen Monthly towards j another military base Pul-i-Alchin — three of them naked. The attack and subsequent inferno happened so quickly that they had not had time to dress. Instead ‘of running all the way to PuliAlchin they ran into the house of an Afghan farmer, Ghulam Rasool, who was shocked at seeing them. Ghulam Rasool was later accu: sed of trying to hand the women Russian over to the Mujahideen and arres ted by the Russians. His where- abouts are not known, In another incident a woman, whose four year old daughter was killed by the Russians a few days before the attack, had @ heart attack because she was so over joyed to see the base blazing and exploding ‘The Mujahideen said that about 50 residential blocks, fuel tankers, ammunition depots, one MI-24 helicopter-gunship, one BM~13 rocket firer, about 130 tanks and army trucks and bullet’ making machines were destroyed. They said that about 3000 Russians were killed or wounded. The base was exploding and burning fiercely for 48 hours after the attack: Generals Killed In Wardak Several Russian Generals and the daughter of a Russian Marshal .were killed near Maidan Shahar in’ Wardak Province in mid-October in an attack by Mujahideen on a convoy of, more than 200 tanks and army, vehicles. The attack followed informa- tion supplied to a senior commen: der of Hezb-i-lslami Afghanistan in the Maidan area, Major Amman: ullah, that a group of Russian Generals and the daughter of a Russian Marshal would be passing through his area on the way to Ghazni Province. ‘According to the information the group would be in a big armou 1d personnel carrier (APC) and was conducting a strategic survey of Kabul, Provinces. Major Ammanullah’s Mujahideen took up a position in Takhmak, in the Maidan area, about 23 kilometres southwest of Kabul on the highway. On Oct. 14 he sighted the convoy, with a cover of four MI-24 helicopter-gunships, and the next day Mujahideen planted six anti-tank electrified mines linked to detonator off the highway ahead of the vehicles. The convoy reached the area of the mines at about 10 am. Four tanks were immediately ahead of the APC. The Mujahideen let the tanks pass over the mines and when the APC reached them they detonated the explosives des- troying the APC and two tanks. Wardak and Ghazni 3 Gap tye ms Khaw Ura ‘The Russian Generals and. the Marshal's daughter were killed Soon after the explosion the fonvoy stopped. and started firing all directions until several heli copters “arrived from Kabul an hour later and picked up the dead bodies. Next morning Russian’ troops came into “the area’ and besides destroying villages arrested villagers Who owere' travelling to or from Kabul. They: took thé villagers to the “Governor's ‘House at’ Maidan Shahar where he addressed them nd’ accused them of killing the ‘government's guests. Three of the villagers Were directly blamed for * having a’ fole'in the “attack and detained while’ the ‘est’ were ‘re leased: ‘The whereabouts “of those ‘de- tained is not known On Sept..18Russjah forces entered Maidan area passing Pul-i-Surkh and attacked Muja; hideen positions. After about nine hours of heavy fighting the Mujahideen were:able to repulse..the enemy, killing about 35 troops. During thé fighting the Mujahi deen destroyed six tanks and seized two! Kalakov machineguns, two Garrinov 'machineguns. and ‘one ZK anti-aireraft gun Two" Mujahids Abdul Jamil and Mohammad Ashoog were martyred and two others were wounded ‘On*Sept.' 23: the’ Russians aun ched a"big offensive on a Mujahi: deen” stronghold in’ Chak with BM=13 rocket firers, more than 100" tanks, 12° Mig21 jets’ and 46 “helicopters: Before: launching ‘the’ ground’ attack the’ Russians bombed ‘the arta for two days and dropped troops by ‘helicopter’ on strategic areas. The Mujahideen ‘shot down two helicopters “and ‘killed “about 300 ‘militias’ and “Russian soldiers. In this offensive ‘67 civilians’ mainly Women” and. ‘children ahd two Mujahids were killed. The offen: sive lasted .20 days during which ‘the Russians destroyed 670 houses, eight. shops and, two trucks-belong- ing the civilians. On Oct. 3 Mujahideen planted ‘mines on Kabul Qandahar highway, Sheikhabad when a Russian convoy passed through. the area” they destroyed four tanks. On Oct. two tanks “were destroyed in the same-varea’ by mines. On 24 Oct: Mujahideen captured one car belonging to the Khad: (government intelligence) Unit’ in Mustikhil area, On Oct 28. two tanks were destroyed in Dashti Toops by mines planted by Mujahideen On Oct. 14 Russian air’ forces attacked Sanglakh area; 60° kilo- metres. south-west of Midan, ‘the Provincial headquarters of Werdak Province. Atter bombing the Muja hhideen positions» they landed militias and soldiers by helicopter in the area, During the operation Mujahi- 92 The Mujahideen Monthly deen of Hezb-i‘islami Afghanistan shot down one helicopter-Gunship. Several houses, which had been vacated before the Russian offen sive began, were destroyed. The Mujahideen were able to leave the area safely, In reports Peshawai Mujahideen in Wardak province say “that the month of October more than 130. Mujahids and civilians were killed in the area by Russian troops ng 23 Refugees Killed Twenty three innocent re- fugees were killed and seven other were seriously wounded by Russian-Afghan troops in an ambush attack in Paktika province. On Dec. § a famous commander of Hezbiisami Afghanistan, Rah matullah, in Zermat of Paktia rovines way running the gauntlet wt fag ac oer tes to reach Pakistan via Paktike ats Commander Rahmatullah stayed for a right in Ser Rawaza, located about 20 kilometres to the north east of Sharana, capital of Paktika proviree. On December 7 Comman: der Rahmetullah proceeded towards the Pak-Afghan border Famous Khad agent and member of Loi. Jergah (National. Tribal Assembly) Maulvi Sarwar. Khan. spied on Rahmatullsh and the othe refugees. The Russian-Afghan troops took ambush position in Charbaren area, located about 30 kilometres 10 the east of Sharana. The refugees irate. hx. en, sptulace® and tractor. The. Russan-Afghan troops opéned fire when the, poor ete ae Mi. Pe FRO? Twemy two refugees including Rahmatdliah’s family. weze martyr ed and Rahmatullah with other six retajees| Were “veriously, wounded wo refugees were martyred when anti-personnel_mines, planted by the Russians, blew up under their feet, while they wanted to run away Commander Rahmatullah and the other six wounded refugees have been brought to Peshawar for treatment. On Oct, 18 the Russians estab- lished a camp in Paraw, 25 kilometres east of Sharana. The Russians had 40 tanks and 35 tents at the camp. Mujahideen, unées, Commandé Mohammad Khali¢h AOA acked the camp twp das ater wi 82—mm cannon, 1q7—mm mortar and 82—mm rockets. éter shell? the camp for about two hours the Mujahideen destroyed almost all the tanks and burned all the During the operation more than a dozen jets and helicopters appea: red in the air and bombed the Mujahideen’s positions. As a result of the bombing the Mujahideen were not able t0 proceed. into the camp. Because the Russians picked up thé dead and injured by helicopter it was not possible to determine the extent of the enemy’s casual ties, One Mujahid was. injured. (On Nov. 8 a government supply convoy was on its way to Brigade No. 38 at Khayer Kot, 45 kilo metres south-west of Sharana when the Mujahideen attacked it in the Yahya Khil area More than 50 soldiers were killed and 18 seriously wounded. Two trucks and one 122—mm cannon were destroyed and one truck was captured. Four Mujehids ‘were wounded. ‘Mujahideen with wireless set The Mujahideen Monthly 33 Jaji Chawni Attacked The Kabul strategic military with teavy artillery and light known yet headquarters near Pak-Afghan — weapons Further reports ¢eaghing slam: border, Jaji Chawmi, in Paktia Niaz “gid” that the commaridei ~ “abact fuort Ja): area say that conse province has heen' besieged by A Jail! Chawni, Brigadier Allah’ cutivesbombardments and shelling the Mujahideen and heavy Mohammad Wazifi, district admi- Of posts occupied” bythe Muja fighting is going on with nistiator of Ali Khel, Mohammad —_hideen are continuing by the Rus Russian-Afghan troops, who Shireen, in charge of the party) sian’ were air-dropped in the area affairs of Jaji army base, Sayd The reports add that four heli to free the headquarters. ‘Akram with several Khad (govein-goptefs stationed in the Jaji On the night of 13/14 December ment intelligence staff) were killed. Chawni, (aray base) for emer Mujahideen of Hezb-islami Afgha- Eight Mujahideen, were. martyred gency. use were destroyed. in the nistan (HIA) under the command of Major Abdul Ghani and commander Mohammad Daud have jointly attacked the Jaji, Chawni larmy. headquarters), located 12 kilometres to the west of Tira Mangal, border town of Pakistan. About 500 Mujahideen have taken part in the operation. The Jaji Chawni is one of the strongest army headquarters, which is usually gifficult for the Muja hhideen to. wipe it out. Once 1984 the headquarters was wiped ‘out by commander Mohammad Naim, on the price of 22 martyres and several wounded including Naim himself, but it was réinstalled by the Russians. Last September the Russians sent two divisions to sbii area to reinforce the Jaji Chawni, which resulted on the des truction of 105 tanks and trucks Ritle seized and ¥6 ‘other wqunded, whom 11 first few hours of the Mujahideen of them were very serious and have attack on December 13. ee seats a oe been transferred to Peshawar. Mujahideen have captured two eae MBG The reports add that reinforce: _Uboos-122mm cannons, one 2K, throughout Paktia province, ; ; ment troops have bert sent both several dashaka machineguns and a According to the reports sent by. Lieutenant Hassan Niaz, in °Y ait and land from Kabul, Shahri- tot of arms ammunition from the : now: ‘brigade and Gardez, capital militaiy posts. The Mujahideen charge of Hezbi-lslami Office in ‘of Paktia province. A lot of com: were a fest main Para Chinar, Pakistani town, that cage ar pre 8 mandos have been air-dropped tower of the arm base by operating ees Sere arte eee accund)the base, Wibresk' the’ slope the captire Gartene evening “of Dec. 13/and it still . and save their army base. On the The Karmal troops are streng- ceeupy 12 anigeen mere able to other hand dozens of soldiers thening their positions. by having Canby ale peste thd’ important have ‘escaped. during the night fresh troops kt by afro eabar Tele The ce the Kabul and joined the Mujahideen. The Two civilians were iiapiived an oops. -The’ "posts we/e- equipped — Russian-Afghan casualties are not Deceinber 15 by the shelling “3a 2 The Mujahideen Monthly March forth light and heavy and strive hard with your riches and your lives in the way of Allah ; that is the best for you, if you have knowledge. Tawba 41 Wherefore faint not, nor cry out for peace ; and you shall be triumphant and Allah is 1 with you, and He will not defraud you of your work. Mohammad 35 The Mujahideen Monthly

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