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 1. Only when there is a very strong desire to know the answer to a

question (and it doesn't matter whether is is a question relating to
something very minor or something very major), should a question be
asked. Again I'll repeat -  when there is a very strong urgency to know
the answer, or the outcome of an event or situation, then and only
then should you take it upon yourself to predict with the help of RP's
(ruling planets), and at that time. Depending upon your KP skills, your
prediction may just prove to be very correct. However, to be whimsical in
your horary attempts, or to expect accurate results when you simply
have a question, or a nonchalant curiosity arises out of the blue, and you
idly follow up with an attempt to haphazardly proceed with the
construction of a horary chart - and use the ruling planets to predict the
status of the outcome - this is when there is a misuse of the way the RP's
in a prashna/horary are meant to be referenced, and answers are faulty.
So do yourself justice and wait until there is a sense of urgency, or the
desire to know the answer is powerfully prevalent in your mind, and then
proceed with the Horary and Ruling Planets.
 2. Keep in mind that the Ruling Planet which is in the star or sub of a
retrograde planet should be omitted (see overview of RP's at the bottom of
the page under Ruling Planets.) The RP's which are in the stars and subs
of retrograde planets should be avoided. Also, a retrograde ruling planet
will only give the results when it ceases to be retrograde - or in other
words - becomes direct in motion.
 3. The sensitive degree (the degree of the sign on which the sign lord, star
lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord all operate jointly or simultaneously) is
important for the fulfillment of any question. So the question is fulfilled
at the time when all of the RP's (ruling planets) are operating
simultaneously or jointly. (Simultaneous or joint operation occurs when
one of the RP's becomes the Sign Lord, one becomes the Star Lord, a
third RP becomes the Sub Lord, and a fourth RP becomes a Sub Sub
 4. If an event is likely to take place within 24 hours after the question is
posed, take the transit of the Ascendant and count from the Ascending
degree of the moment of the query. For example: Say that a (horary)
question was asked on Thursday, August 28, 1969 at 3:25:47 PM IST
and the specific coordinates were 23N02 72E35. The question asked was:
Question: When will the boss return to the
To view the larger Chart Image accompanying this tutorial, or
to view multiple Charts associated with this tutorial, please
click on 'Horary Query' link below.

Horary Query

Ruling Planets: Day, Sign, & Star Lord Table

Day, Sign, & Star Lord Table

Now to Delineate the Horary: 

"When will the boss return to the office?"
 Rahu is acting as an agent for Saturn because Rahu was posited in the
sign of Aquarius at this time. So the Ruling Planets for this horary
question are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu. 
 NOTE: (For the sake of simplicity, clarity, and for demonstration of the
"timing purposes"  in this example chart above and below, we will just
pretend that all RP's in the charts are direct in motion and not retrograde.
So in the chart below, when delineating by "strict KP rules", just pretend
that Saturn is direct in motion - rather than retrograde - and Venus is
therefore not in the star of a retrograde planet. This example below is
fictitious, and simply included for comprehension and explanation only of
the "timing" involved. If we were applying the KP written rules of a
retrograde Saturn in a real case and following the KP Ruling on the same,
we would have to eliminate Venus as a RP, and Saturn could only give
results when Saturn went direct. However, from personal experience, my
take is that the jury is still out on this retrograde verdict, so do keep in
mind that in real life this "retrograde ruling" has - in all reality -  become
controversial by many professional astrologers - who have seen results
materialize with retrogrades - many times in real life situations - myself
included. So my advice to you is that you will personally need to evaluate
many charts and keep a log, before forming an opinion one way or another
on retrogrades. Consider this - if you take a good close look at some of the
horary charts given as examples in the KP books that were written years
ago, and actually calculate the example charts yourself, you will find
many errors and you will also see that the KP author's were not always
following this "retrograde ruling" - either because they didn't realize that
there were retrograde planets involved as RP's, or their calculations - in
the days prior to computers -  were less than perfect. So keep an open
mind on this retrograde factor until you have assessed enough charts to
form a credible opinion for yourself one way or the other.)
 The question is a minor one, so with respect to point #4 above, the
answer will be fulfilled in a short period of time. So considering that
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu are the ruling planets for this query,
the answer lies in searching for when these RP's will line up
simultaneously and jointly as Sign, Star, Sub, and Sub Sub Lords for the
rising cusp. So fudging around with the time that the question was
asked, and counting from the Ascendant degree to the moment when this
exact line-up will take place, we now can clearly see (below - Horary
Transit Chart) that when the Ascendant moves from 13 Sag 29' 22" to 18
Sag 40' 59" (the sensitive degree), that this degree is exactly when all the
Ruling Planets will line up perfectly. Now the horary query was asked at
03:25:47 PM in the afternoon, and we know now that the boss will return
to the office approximately 22 minutes later - or between 03:47:30 PM
and 03:48:47 PM. (As I mentioned above - the question must have
importance and an urgency to know, in order to receive the answer...
(So that is the time - [3:47:30 PM] that the employees needed to stop
goofing around in the office and get back to work so they don't get in
trouble with their boss - why else would they be doing astrology in the
office, instead of what they were hired for? :-))
To view the larger Chart Image accompanying this tutorial, or to view
multiple Charts associated with this tutorial, please click on 'Horary
Transit' link below.

Horary Transit

Charts by KPAstro located at

 5. If the event is expected to happen within a month, consider the transit

of the Moon, and count from the sign being transited by the Moon at the
moment of the query, to the time when the RP's line up in synchronicity -
such as in the example shown above with the Ascendant, only using the
position of the degree of the Moon rather than the Ascendant. Keep in
mind that if the RP's line up - but the Moon is conjoined with Saturn at
this time, you should reject that degree and move on because Saturn
causes delays. So move ahead again.
 6. Using the same principles as the Ascendant and Moon, if the event is
to happen later than a month but within a year, look at the Sun's transit
and count from the sign transited by the Sun at the moment of the
query, to the time when the RP's line up in synchronicity, using the
position of the degree of the Sun, rather than the Ascendant or the
 7. Frequently, Ruling Planets are five in number. If confused about where
to begin, consider the following. Out of these five ruling planets, the three
RP's that you come across (at the earliest time) that are simultaneously
running their joint/simultaneous period of operation - should be
considered first, and before the others. Leaving two RP's behind, the
earlier time frame for the next one out of the two RP's left, should be
considered first for the next position of the Sub Sub Lord. However, feel
free to research this because you really must experiment and form your
own opinions as to what works best for you based on your own personal
experience with Horary, as there really are no hard and fast rules on this
particular determination.
 Ruling Planets:
 Overview of RP's (ruling planets) can also be referenced at KP:
Rectification of Birth Time & Ruling Planet:
 Jot down the time and day when a question is put to you or when you
construct the horoscope for your analysis and judgment.
 The day begins from sunrise: Day Lords are: Sun governs Sunday, Moon
- Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday,
Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday.
 The Ruling Planets are listed below in their Order of
 1. The Star Lord of the Ascendant 
 2. The Sign Lord of the Ascendant
 3. The Star Lord of the Moon
 4. The Sign Lord of the Moon
 5. The Day Lord
 These 5 Ruling Planets above are taken at the time of query or judgment.
In addition to the above, some astrologers also consider the sub lords of
both the Ascendant and the Moon.
 Rahu/Ketu and Ruling Planets:
 If Rahu or Ketu is conjoining or aspects a Ruling Planet, or if Rahu or
Ketu is posited in a sign owned by one of the Ruling Planets, then Rahu
and/or Ketu should be included as a Ruling Planet.
RULING PLANETS : Unique Concept of KP for Powerful
Divine Guidance during predictions..
A unique contribution of Guruj late K.S. Krishnamurtiji to
the science of Astrology is proper application of Ruling
Planets or RPs .
In simple words Ruling Planets are the planets which rule
over the particular moment of judgment (in the case of
horary/Prashna), birth ( natal chart), or whatever the issue
maybe. They are the strongest determinants of the
moment. According to Guruji they are:

· Star Lord of the Lagna

· Lagna Lord
· Star Lord of Moon
· Sign Lord of Moon
· And Lord of the WeekDay
Later SubLord of Lagna & SubLord of Moon too
were added to the list of Ruling Planets.
Ruling Planets are used by astrologers to fix the time of
event of the past or future. So, Ruling Planets can be used
in birth time rectification as well as timing of event through
Horary Chart or Natal Chart.
These Ruling Planets are very important & useful for
selection of useful anfd lucky times of any minor or major
event of life & such minor events are –

1 Arrival of a guest
2 Taking delivery of a vehicle

3 Appointment with an official or Minister

4 Signing a contract

5 Meeting bank officer for overdraft

6 Getting loan

7 Success in love affair

8 Purchase of vehicle or a house

9 Opening a bank account

10 Starting a journey

11 Buy an article

12 Joining a service or occupying seat on promotion

13 Laying foundation of house

14 Time of surgery etc.

These planets determine the outcome of anything

Theory of Elimination:
After drawing a list of the ruling planets we can eliminate
some as follows.

1.Reject the Planets deposited in the nakshatra of a

retrograde planet. But retrograde planets itself pose no
problem, (This rule has to be used very sparingly. )It is not
applicable in birth time rectification.

If any of the RP is in the sub of a planet detrimental to a

cusp by being a significator of the 8H or 12H to the
relevant cusp whose matter we are judging, even that
planet will be eliminated. Of course this is with reference to
the horary chart according to KP only.

Planets in conjunction or aspect to the ruling planets can

also jump into the list. This is true especially if the planet
is sitting in the ruling lagna itself. Such a planet if strong,
is a very good contender.

Three points are to be remembered.

1. The fructification of the event will occur only when the
transiting planet transits a point in the zodiac ruled by
these planets. If the result is expected on the same day, the
lagna will transit this point. If it is in days, move the Moon
to this point, if it is expected to happen in months, move
Sun, and finally if it is expected in years, Jupiter will
transit a point in the zodiac whose sign lord, nakshatra
lord and sublord are ruled by the ruling planets.

2. Even if you have three strongest ruling planets, you have

3 points in the zodiac ruled by the three planets. If the
ascendant at judgment is a movable sign, the earliest one
may be preferred. If it is fixed, the last point.

3. In judging the strength of the ruling planets the

following will be helpful most of the time. They are stronger
in the descending order.

Asc star lord> Asc sign lord >Moon star lord> Moon sign
lord>Weekday lord

Applications of RPs

Birth Time Rectification: The ruling planets of the moment

of judgment shall match the birth time ruling planets.
The degree of lagna will be the degree ruled by RP. The
birth lagna lord, lagna star lord and sublord will be
indicated by the RP. Often the dasha or antardasha lord
will also come up.
2. In conjunction with the Prashna chart, when we have
too many significators for an event, the significators which
are also the ruling planets are to be clinched.

3. Fast predictions can be given just based on the Ruling

planets directly. Anju Anand
My experience with Ruling Planets :
Ruling planets are the real phenomenon that makes every
astrologer proud and confident.
RPs should be analysed clearly to get a good result and
failing which it is the mistake of the person and of course
not this holy spectacular science.
It is a lamp in the hands of every K.P astrologer to sail
through the dark way of innocence behind the vast world of
occult science.
I'm impressed with the findings of one senior KP Astrologer
Sri BalaJi G.He says- Let we grasp any principles or
phenomenon only once very clearly as such it touches the
sub-conscious stage.

“My Friends, we have come up to this- you should continue

the research and you may reach to further truth”.

My own experience:
Dear friends, Note down RPs from Horary chart at the time
of Judgement . From the list of RPs in some cases you will
see that transit of Sun and Moon will tell the date and
timing of events and not only you, but sceptics will also be
amazed to see the result of application of RPs.No scientific
technique is invented till date by any greatest scientist on
earth to tell the exact timing of any event,except through
Horary ASTROLOGY propounded by our Guruji

Example as lamp post-On 27.07.2011 at the time of

judgment i.e at 21:47:40 PM -Ruling planets are Mercury*,
Mars*, Jupiter+, Saturn+, and Rahu+
On 11.10.2011 at about 10:28:42 AM:
Sun is transiting in Mercury* sign, and Mars *star.
Moon is transiting in Jupiter+ sign –Saturn+ star and
Rahu+ sub

The above mentioned 10:28:42 AM on 11.10.2011 is the

time of any event known through application of RPs.

In some cases you will find longitude of Ascendant that

tallies with RPs as my younger friends like Hiral Annd
Sagar Thakkar , Abhishek Shukla often delineates with
their amazing posts though we all have learnt many more
tested rules from Sri Luther Rath , Sri Tin Win ji and Sri
Kanak Bosmia ji,Sri Suresh Babu Shenoy ji and some
You will be astonished to know that this is the application
of RPs ,if one is blessed by Gurus and Almighty.
Elimination of RPs may be directly learnt from the posts of
Sri Kanak Bosmia ji.I forgot link to post about his work on
Ruling planets and it may be edited further to add the link.

However Know Rules relating to RPs are pasted as below:

The original 5 ruling planets are listed below in their order

of preference (Original KP Vol 2, Sagar Publications, 1965
pp 273-4, 412; KP Reader VI p 123, RP & KP pp ix, xvii, 32;
Dr. Satya Prakash Chowdhary: Ruling Planets in KP, ):
(1)Ascendant star lord
(2)Ascendant sign lord
(3)Moon star lord
(4)Moon sign lord
(5)Day Lord (Hindu Day from sunrise to next sunrise)
2. Some also consider the sub lords of Ascendant and
Moon as ruling planets. (RP & KP book, 1985, pp 65, 79,
3. Strength of RPs is also considered in selection of final
4. RPs who are deposited in the sub of a planet in
retrogression, or of a planet signifying houses detrimental
to the matter in question, and are also not any way
connected with the houes relevant to the matter in query
are left out of consideration.
5. Here it is to note that after thorough research it has
been establiashed that a RP fails to offer results only when
it is in a sub of the lord which is retrogrde, (RP & KP book,
1985, p xvii) i.e. RP in the star of retrograde planet is not
rejected as said in KP Reader VI as follows:-
The ruling planets in retrograde do not prevent the event to
take place but will only give the result when they become
direct in motion. Reject the ruling planets which are
posited in the star or sub of retrograde planets. (KP Reader
VI pp 167, 171, 176, 187, 202, 224, 274)
6. In a few cases of RP & KP book, planets in conjunction
or aspect to the ruling planets can also be considered as
ruling planest, especially if the planet is strong and located
in the ruling Ascendant itself.
7. RPs are the same for Natal or Horary, which rule the
moment at the time of judgment of any question,and any
difference is not found.
8. In the book Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Part
VI, Ruling Planet, 2010, in 48, out of 61articles of this
book, the RPs were used for:
a. Selecting the fruitful significators assuming that the
ruling planets at the time of judgment of query would be
the same ruling planets at the time of fructification of the
event in question;
b. Birth time rectification assuming that the ruling planets
of the time of judgment would agree with the ruling planets
at birth time;
c. Fast predictions based on the ruling planets alone
without horary or time chart.
9. In the bulk of 30 articles, the authors had used only the
5 RPs (Lagna star lord, Lagna sign lord, Moon star lord,
Moon sign lord and day lord) originally applied by Guru ji
KSK. There are 10 articles where the authors had included
the sub of Lagna - but not the sub of Moon as RP, in
addition to the original five RPs. The inclusion of the subs
of both the Lagna and Moon as RPs is found in other 8
10. The retrogression had been considered in 8 articles,
and it is found in the retrogression example on page 164
that if the cuspal sub lord is the strong significator of the
relevant bhavas, the result is not denied.
11. There has been a lot of discussion on the Ruling
Planets, and there are very divergent views on the RPs
usage among the KP followers.
12. The final note is that everything can not be predicted
by using the RPs because they are supposed to be only the
selective tool but not predicting tool. The success of RPs
may depend on the urge of both the consultant and
astrologers and how an Astrologer is blessed by Gurus,
parents,and almighty.
pics/246 RPs as Selection Tool of Fruitful Signifcators
KP Reader III, pp 308-310 (1971 edt, practical part 144-
145), 379-380 (1971 edt 209-210)
KP Reader IV, pp 118,125,150
KP Reader VI, 166-167, 184-185, 208-209, 288-289
Book Review of KP RP Books.doc (in File section)
R.P. & K.P. and Astrosecrets & KP 6- R.P.

RPs without urge is valueless.

Ruling Planet’s Selection
Ruling Planets
The “Ruling planets” is one of the inventions of Sri KSKji
who has used intensively in most of his studies and proved
to be very effective. This is very simple technique and easy
to use independently to time the event; in KP Horary
astrology; in Natal astrology.
The Ruling planets are:
(a) Strongest: Lagna star lord
(b) Lagna sign lord
(c) Moon star lord
(d) Moon sign lord
(e) Weakest: Day lord (Sun rise to sun rise)
(f) Planets in conjunction, aspect by above planets (a to e)
(g) Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) connected (conjunction or
aspect (also star lord level) by planets) to planets from (a to

NOTE 1: The group of RPs at generation of birth chart will

be same as RP at the time of query, at the time of judgment
and at the time of fructification of the event.

NOTE 2: A significator which becomes an RP

simultaneously will definitely a stronger significator and
rather a fruitful significator.
Below are some hints to select fruitful Ruling planets:
If a RP is in the sub of another RP who is detrimental to the
houses to be judged for a particular matter by being a
significator of houses 8 and 12 to the house to be judged,
then this RP will not be fruitful Ruling Planet.
If a RP is in the sub of a retrograde planet, then this RP is
not useful.
If Rahu and Ketu were to be in conjunction with another
planet or aspected by another planet or if it is in a sign,
Rahu/Ketu will act as an agent for them.

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