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Name: Ruffa Mae Y.

Enriquez Date: March 09,2020

Now that you have analyzed the important philosophies and theories on education, develop your own
philosophies of education stating what you think the purpose of schooling/education is; how subjects
should be taught; what do you need to know about students to be able to teach them. Include your
idea of a good teacher. Formulate one which you think will be your guiding light in your future career.

My Own Philosophy of Education

Education is undoubtedly the most important aspect of a person’s life. It is education that shapes our
prospective and creates independent thinkers. It is the foundation of an individual’s future. It is
education that pushes us forward in the direction of self-expression because we are equipped with
basic skills and the knowledge of how to think for ourselves. Ever since I was a little girl, I knew that in
my future I wanted to become a teacher. I always looked up to my teachers, especially the ones I had in
elementary school. I even played 'school' with my friends and pretended I had my own classroom.
Above all, we are our interests; everything we accomplished is the result of our passion. My goal is to be
the driving force that helps my students use their curious minds effectively to evolve the world. In my
own personal philosophy of education, I believe the purpose of education is not to teach the learner
how to think but to think for themselves. I believe education should teach a child to think and learn
independently; the learners should take charge of their education instead of education overpowering
them. Following this guideline, I consider my educational philosophy to mostly be progressivism. The
foundation of progressivism focuses on the whole student, encouraging students to be who they are in
every aspect of themselves, physically, mentally, morally, and socially. When the focal point is the
student rather than the required material, I believe it brings forth creativity and curiosity, which will
ultimately grab the student’s attention and keep them listening. It is important to encourage the
development of thinking and reasoning to enable students to use their minds. Education is important
because it gradually prepares students for a future career. As a future teacher, I will try to enrich the
minds of students. I want them to understand the importance of education. I hope to serve as a role
model and gain respect from all of my pupils. I trust that my teaching strategies will be inspiring, and my
dedication and passion for teaching obvious. I hope that after every successful year of teaching I
develop a feeling of satisfaction. I want my students to have an understanding of education and a
positive outlook on life. I hope that by my passion for teaching I will have an impact on my students in
the future. I want them to walk away with a continuing eagerness and motivational drive to learn and
advance. Cooperative learning will be a method I use in my classroom. I believe that in a cooperative
learning group a student can learn socialization skills and how to work with others.

Name: Ruffa Mae Y. Enriquez Date: March 09,2020

A. Students-Generated Comparative Organizer

The teachers are not simply the implementers of the strategies in teaching. They are creators
of the conditions of learning bedrock on their personal, professional and ethical qualities.

Identify the qualities of a professional teacher. Fill in the concept organizer below.

The Professional

As Individual
As Professional

Have different talents Perform their duties with high

and skills degree of professionalism

Must continuously seek

Need spiritual support
professional advancements

Need to be recognized Help each learner to learn

and appreciated to have a better future

Enjoy all human rights Keep updated with new

identified by the state knowledge and information

Classroom Management Techniques

Name: Ruffa Mae Y. Enriquez Date: March 09,2020

A.Give possible classroom management technique to the following misbehavior of students.


1. A Grade 5 students who interrupts small
group work.  I will stop the group work.
 I will let them the one to answer the
group work as it served as the
punishment to them.

 Giving signal to students to Get Quiet.

2. A Grade 10 students who continually make  Take Away Privileges.
noises during class
 Offer Incentives to those students who
will behave in class.

3.A Grade 11 students who threatens to beat  Communicate to the students carefully.
up another students after class outside the
 I will them that I will call their parents in
the school if they repeat it again
 I will bring them to the guidance office for
B.Decision-Making Application Card

The teacher is a member of social institutions. Write in an index card your responses
to the following questions:

Decide 1. In which social institutions could you serve best as a future teacher?

The social institution that I could serve best as a future teacher is the School,
because school is the first and foremost social intuitions established
organization that has an identifiable structure, a set of functions for
preserving and extending social order and its primary function is to move
young people into the mainstream of society.

Perceive and Value 2. Can you describe your primary role in your chosen institution?
My primary role in my chosen institution is to motivate my learners to
develop their ability and aspiration to learn and to deliver classroom
instruction that helps students learn. To accomplish this, as future teacher I
must prepare effective lessons, grade student work and offer feedback,
manage classroom materials, productively navigate the curriculum, and
collaborate with other staff.

Know and Act 3. What other roles do you think are expected of you?

The other roles that is expected on me is a Learning mediator,

Interpreter and designer of learning programmes and materials
scholar, researcher and lifelong learner Community, citizenship
and pastoral role, because those roles that is being given is very important
as a professional teacher in the future.

Name: Ruffa Mae Y. Enriquez Date: March 09,2020

A. Based on the philosophies you have examined, create a comparison of the philosophies
guided by the categories provided in the matrix below.

Comparison Matrix of Major Philosophies


Idealism Realism Progressivism

is to discover and is to give to the

develop each pupil a complete is to promote democratic,
Alms of Education individual's abilities knowledge and social living with while
and full moral understanding of placing focus on active
excellence in order to human society and relevant learning.
better serve society. human nature,
motives and

Served as exemplary is to identify the Helps students think

model: intellectually needs of the through the problems
Role of Teachers and morally excellent learner and to themselves. Serves as
serve as a resource Facilitator

Receiving and To find out and

discover new is to be an active learner
Role of Students memorizing the
lecture of the teacher things

emphasizes the Books and subject matter

Focus on reading and subject matter of
writing. were part of the learning
Curriculum the physical world, process rather than the
Teach students to particularly science
think. sources of ultimate
and mathematics knowledge.

B. Complete the analytical web below.

Analytical Web of Educational Theories

Pragmatism Progressivism Social Reconstructism

How Alike?

Pragmatism, Progressivism and Social Reconstructionism aims to teach one how to think so that one
can adjust to an ever-changing world. These three educational philosophies also aims to improve and
reconstruct our society.

How Different?

Pragmatism Progressivism Social Reconstructism

The differences of these three educational philosophies is that pragmatism is thinking of or dealing
with problems in a practical way, rather than by using theory or abstract principles while progressivism
is centers on the idea that students must always be actively learning and while the social
reconstructionism is emphasizing the addressing of questions. In short, pragmatism highlights on
practicality and experience, progressivism highlights on human progress and social reconstructionism
highlights on the social issues.

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