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Soal ujian: language persuasion

Program study : S1
Waktu : 100 menit
Sifat ujian : Tutup buku
Dosen pengasuh: Prof. Dr sondang manik,M.Hum
Jumlah peserta ujian: 24 0rang

I. Mention the persuasive language techniques and explain them specially techniques to
change the minds of other people.
1. Opinions
2. Audience
3. Evidance
4. Emotive
5. Exaggeration
6. Colorful and descriptive words
7. Modality
8. Cliche
9. Anecdotes
10. Inclusive language
11. Rhetorical question
12. Repetition
13. Alliteration
14. Bias
15. Generalisation
16. Active voice
17. Rule of three

1. What are the factors of emotion to show speakers appeal of emotions in Jokowi
2. What are the persuasive techniques used in Jokowi interview,
Please find Jokowi interviews (find one of the recording from youtube)

A. Write the transcription of the interview

B. Underline the emotive language
C. Underline the persuasive technique from the description
D. Put the data on the table a follows

A. Emotive language of Jokowi interviews tgl: 19 Oktober 2016


No words Explanation

1. surprised Because Jokowi is burdened with heavy tasks such as having

to face the problems of the Indonesian economy, matters of
capital punishment, castration and extremism.
2. Victory Jokowi won the Indonesian presidential election

3. Historic Becoming a president in a country is an unforgettable life


4. Hope Many hopes were raised by the people on Jokowi to develop


5. High High expectations must be accounted for by Jokowi as the

Indonesian president

6. Big something big change will bring Indonesia much better

7. Work hard by working hard the country of Indonesia will be more
advanced and prosperous

8. Support the support of the public at large then Jokowi increasingly has
the will to prosper the nation and his country

9. Punished Indonesia is a country of law. whoever commits the violation

will be subject to punishment according to the violation

10. Mental a person's mental state will be damaged over the use of
Disorders narcotics. even the nerves of their brains damage and result in

11. Very nice President Jokowidodo will carry out the eradication of
narcotics slowly and drugs in a steady manner with the
narcotics eradication team

12. Guilty some people who use narcotics feel guilty, for what they do
but jokowi will still punish those who abuse narcotics and
arrest their drug dealers.

13. Consistent Jokowi will remain consistent with all decisions and
regulations that have been set.

14. Valued and the state of Indonesia is a constitutional state that has
human rights, and all people must respect and respect it.
15. Assertive Anyone who is guilty will be punished according to the
statutory regulations that have been determined, said Jokowi

16. Professional Jokowi remains professional with his responsibilities,

whatever happens, however heavy the problem Jokowi
remains professional in any issue in this Indonesian country.

17. Breaking up because it violates professional ethics and is recommended

not to carry it out.

B. Persuasive technique of Jokowi interviews tgl : 19 Oktober 2016

No Words 1-17 explanation

Reflecting on his two years of because it is easier to understand it is

1. leadership, Jokowi told of his Active voice more persuasive
shock over the president's heavy
duty, economic problems, to
matters of capital punishment,
castration, and extremism. Next is
the first part of the exclusive
interview excerpt
2. When you were elected president, RHETORICAL Because A question where the answer is
two years ago, your victory in the QUESTION obvious, can help lead readers to a
presidential election was particular conclusion.
described as historic, and many
see it as the beginning of a new
era. Do you feel fulfilling those
3 Yes indeed, people's expectations REPETITION The repetition of a word, phrase or idea
are too big, too high. And yes, that emphasises the point you are trying to
is our society. But whatever I can make. It reinforces the point and helps
do, I will work hard to finish, so the reader to remember it.
that expectations can be realized,
I think the most important thing.
4. EMOTIVE Because this statement plays on
Related to health, for example, we LANGUAGE people’s feelings and persuades them to
provide a Healthy Indonesia Card agree.
so that people who can not afford
to go to the hospital, and do not
pay. Then for students from
families we cannot afford to give
Indonesia Smart Cards so that
they can go to high school or
vocational school.

5. And also for economic turnover in RHETORICAL Because this statement give a question
the regions, in the villages, the QUESTION for jokowi.
budget for village funds last year
was Rp20.5 trillion, this year 2016
is Rp47 trillion, I think things like
this will be seen later.
Were you surprised by the scope
of your assignment?
6. Yes, indeed the population of Inclusive Because this statement that includes the
Indonesia is very large 252 million language reader/audience
and the country of Indonesia is
also a large country. And I am
really surprised to be President
and have to manage 17,000
islands, manage 252 million
people of Indonesia. Something
that is not easy because there are
approximately 340 ethnic groups
in Indonesia, different skin colors,
different hair, different local

7. This is, I think, the great diversity Bias That’s point give point of view is
Answer :
1. Opinions: sometimes writers will use the opinion of expert to give further weight to their
argument. e.g. “A new research report by Victorian doctors illustrates why: because
when kids are worried their parents will be told their private medical details, they simply
don’t go to the doctor.”

2.Audience : The audience will influence the way you try to persuade someone.
Problem: You want your friend to sleep over on the weekend.Roleplay:
e.g. How would you persuade your friend?
How would you persuade your dad?
How would you persuade your mum?
would you persuade your friend’s parent?

3. Evidance:writers will often use evidence which might take the the form of facts, figures,quotes
or Graphs to help support their argument. e.g. according to the Australian bureau of statistics
males are 400 per cent more likely to commit an offence intended to cause injury than are

4. Emotive: Emotive language plays on people’s feelings and persuades them to agree
e.g.We care about human traits: loyalty, humility, generosity, patience, strength, honesty,
Heavily weigh the persuasive text with abstract words such as heart, love, sorrow, despair, hate,
destiny, truth or pain.
Use humour. Negative Emotive Words
liar, cheat, lazy, rude, thoughtless, disgusting, slimy, sleazy
Positive Emotive Words
beautiful, friendly, intelligent, talented, athletic, kind, thoughtful
Evaluative or Value-laden Words
important, valuable, significant, innocence, guilt, serious

5. exaggeration : writers often exaggerate or overstate something to help persuade readers of

their point of view.e.g. our expert will tell you a million reasons why it can’t or shouldn’t be
done here. They have turned excuse making into an art form.

6. colorful and descriptive word: Colourful or descriptive words make your writing more
interesting and exciting .They command attention and add emphasis Descriptive words are used
for colour, touch, sound, smell, shape and pattern.
Colour – scarlet, charcoal, aquamarine, copper, emerald
Touch – polished, clammy, stubbly, waxy, matted
Sound – wheezing, yapping, rasping, screeching, tinkling
Smell – musty, spicy, earthy, doggy, acrid
Shape – corkscrew, crescent, spiked, sunken, swollen
Pattern – chequered, dappled, veined, banded, striped
Ranking Colourful
Example: cool, chilly cold, freezing
1)devastated, upset, distraught, sad
2)ravenous, starving, hungry, peckish
3)hot, burning, warm, red-hot
4)smart, clever, brilliant, genius
7.modality: The selection of words used by a writer or speaker to express different
shades and degrees of meaning.
Examples: may, will, must, probably, possibly, usually, definitely
Modality can be expressed through various language features such as
modal verbs : I might go, I must go, I could go
modal adverbs :I could possibly go, Perhaps I will go
modal nouns :There is a possibility I will go
modal adjectives :What is the probable ending?

Different modalities have different degrees of emphasis. The stronger the emphasis, the more
It might have been her.
It must have been her.
It probably was her.
It possibly might have been her.
It was her.
It was definitely her.

8. clichés : an overused expression although they should be avoided, clichés give writers an
To express an idea to their readers quickly.
E.g . absence makes the heart grow fonder, Alls well that ends well, As light as a feather,Time
will tell

9. Anecdotes : short, personal stories that help to illustrate a point.

e.g. for my three most recent books ,on motherhood,cancer and nursing, I interviewed more than
300 people about the nuts and bolts of what our incredibly short time on this planet is really
about life, death, family and love. If there is one thing I can guarantee, it’s that there will never
be a person who lies on their deathbed,shaking with rage,sobbing, dear god, I wish I’d spent
more time wathing masterchef.

10. Inclusive language :Inclusive language – using the words ‘we’ or ‘us’ – is often used to get a
reader onside.e.g. “We might not like it, but our kids’ right to confidential medical advice should
take precedence over our right to know about it.”

11. Rhetorical question :A question where the answer is obvious, can help lead readers to a
particular conclusion.e.g. “It has been well established here and overseas that if teenagers think
they can see a doctor in confidence, they are more likely to do so, more likely to go back for
repeat visits, and more likely to disclose sensitive information. And isn’t this the outcome we
want? ”

12. Repetition. The repetition of words, phrases and ideas can be used to reinforce an argument
and drive home the message to a reader.e.g “It has been well established here and overseas that if
teenagers think they can see a doctor in confidence, they are more likely to do so, more likely to
go back for repeat visits, and more likely to disclose sensitive information.”

13. alliteration : the repetition of words starting with the same to create emphasis. e.g . ”and I can
tell you it is distressing beyond words to watch an animal suffer like that and not be able
to alleviate its agony”.

14. bias : When only one opinion or point of view is presented the reader is persuaded that no
other opinion or point of view exists or is worth reading.
I’d like to you to think about…
Against that, it could be said…
The best piece of advice I can give is …
I understand that but …

15.Generalisations: Make sweeping statements about a whole group, based on only

one or two members of that group. These can be persuasive if the audience
believes the generalization is appropriate, but can undermine argument if they
do not.e.g. A store manager might see one or two teenagers shoplifting, and write
a letter to the editor claiming all teenagers steal and can't be trusted.

16. active voice : Active voice is more direct, simple and shorter than passive voice
Because it is easier to understand it is more persuasive
A copy of this letter will be sent to you by me.
I will send you a copy of this letter.
The report was lost by me.
I lost the report.

17. rule of three: Things that come in threes are more persuasive.
Humans process information using patterns.
Three is the smallest number of elements required to create a pattern.
Being brief and having a pattern makes our content more memorable
Blood, sweat and tears
Cool, calm and collected
Scissors, paper, rock
Stop, look and listen

1.What are the factors of emotion to show speakers appeal of emotions in Jokowi interviews
2. What are the persuasive techniques used in Jokowi interview,

 Alliteration
 Active voice  Bias
 Rhetorical question  Rhetorical question
 Repetition  Opinion
 Emotive language  Generalization
 Rhetorical question  Rule of three
 Inclusive language  Bias
 Bias  Bias
 Clich  Rhetorical question

President Jokowi's exclusive interview: Residents' expectations are

too high

The BBC's Yalda Hakim's conversation with President Jokowi took place in his hometown, Solo,
before flying to Papua and continuing his tour to Manado.

Reflecting on his two years of leadership, Jokowi told of his shock over the president's heavy
duty, economic problems, to matters of capital punishment, castration, and extremism. Next is
the first part of the exclusive interview excerpt.
When you were elected president, two years ago, your victory in the presidential election was
described as historic, and many see it as the beginning of a new era. Do you feel fulfilling those
Yes indeed, people's expectations are too big, too high. And yes, that is our society. But
whatever I can do, I will work hard to finish, so that expectations can be realized, I think the
most important thing.
Related to health, for example, we provide a Healthy Indonesia Card so that people who can not
afford to go to the hospital, and do not pay. Then for students from families we cannot afford to
give Indonesia Smart Cards so that they can go to high school or vocational school.

And also for economic turnover in the regions, in the villages, the budget for village funds last
year was Rp20.5 trillion, this year 2016 is Rp47 trillion, I think things like this will be seen later.
Were you surprised by the scope of your assignment?
Yes, indeed the population of Indonesia is very large 252 million and the country of Indonesia is
also a large country. And I am really surprised to be President and have to manage 17,000
islands, manage 252 million people of Indonesia. Something that is not easy because there are
approximately 340 ethnic groups in Indonesia, different skin colors, different hair, different local

This is, I think, the great diversity of the Indonesian people. And the challenges are also big, the
challenges are also many. But with the support of the people, I believe that we can solve these
challenges one by one.

Let's talk about something that surprised many after you became president. You are classified as
hard on many issues. Your notes on human rights, for example. Take for example the execution
of the death penalty. It is not new in Indonesian law, but under your government 18 executions
have taken place, almost the same as what happened in President Yudhoyono's ten-year term.

Our constitution highly respects human rights, but our law allows executions. So if it has been
decided by the court that it will be executed, we will execute it.

But don't just look at the executions, look at victims of drugs, a day of 30 to 50 young
Indonesians die from drugs. So that the victims must be seen, the circulation is also seen, not
seen from one side.

So you have a drug problem?

Yes, because there are 4.5 million Indonesian addicted to drugs
ejawat you, President Duterte who just visited Indonesia some time ago, using an army of killers
to eradicate drugs. You want to apply it here too?

Here, I follow the existing law, here the execution is still permitted by Indonesian law, that's
what follows, we follow the law.

But the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (Budi Waseso) said he wanted to emulate
Philippine policy in this country, because he thought it was a good thing ...
We will follow the rule of law in Indonesia, the Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the
Head of the BNN will also follow the laws in Indonesia, the legal regulations in Indonesia.
Many have been sentenced to death. But also the question arises whether they are truly guilty or
deserve the punishment. Some convicts have mental disorders. Your legal system is still guilty of
corruption ...

We will fix this corruption problem continuously. We are very strict on corruption. There have
been 9 ministers who went to jail for corruption, there are 19 governors who went to jail for
corruption, there are more than 300 regents and mayors who go to jail for corruption, there are
also hundreds of MPs who go to jail because of corruption. We are hard on corruption but this is
a process of continuous consistent improvement that we will do.

What also caught the world's attention was the castration law that had just been enacted ...

Once again, Indonesia highly respects human rights, our constitution also highly respects human
rights, but for sexual harassment there is no compromise, we are firm, assertive, in accordance
with the laws in Indonesia and will be given the maximum penalty for sexual harassment. There
is also no compromise for that.
What is the proof that castration law is successful?

I think if there is consistency in our approach to the ways of Indonesian law, I believe this will
greatly reduce and eliminate matters relating to sexual harassment.

According to Komnas HAM, they saw in the evidence in other countries that the castration law
was not successful, it was too expensive and funds should be channeled to the victims.

I don't think it should be compared to other countries. In reality, according to the Indonesian
Commission for Women and Children with the castration law, sexual abuse against children and
women has come down, ask them to go down, to drop dramatically.
This law has also been severely criticized by the Indonesian Doctors Association - according to
them violating professional ethics and IDI members are encouraged not to implement it. How
can it work if the doctors refuse to do it.
Yes, please if the doctor does not want to execute. But we also have other doctors, doctors from
the military, doctors from our bureaucracy. I think there are still many who want.
Is there no other way to deal with pedophilia than castration?
I guess I left it to Indonesian doctors. But it is clear that if there is an execution by the court, it
will be carried out. Can doctors from the military be doctors from the government bureaucracy.

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