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Gender equality this all about the equal right of

both men and women. Equality or non-
discrimination is that state where every individual
gets equal opportunities and rights. Every
individual of the society yearns for equal status,
opportunity, and rights. Gender equality means
providing equal opportunities to both men and
women in political, economic, education and health
aspects. Gender equality is an important factor in
determining a country’s overall growth.

The roles men and women play in society are

socially determined and as a result the gender gap
is wide. Stereotypically, women are known as the
ones to stay home and cook and clean while the
men are at their jobs earning money. However
women don’t want this, because for them it is not
right that women will not do anything and just stay
and their respective houses.
RH Law

This is all about the Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health. A law, which guarantees
universal access to methods on contraception,
fertility control, sexual education, and maternal
care. RH Law is important because it will protect
and promote the right to health of women
especially mothers in particular and of the people
in general and instill health consciousness among

This is to stop women especially teenagers to stop

abortions. And also to reduce the number of
unwanted pregnancies, eliminate the need for
abortion, and prevent maternal deaths.

STD’s are a major health problem affecting mostly

young people, not only in developing, but also in
developed countries. . STD’s are infectious
diseases that spread from person to person
through intimate contact. STDs affect guys and
girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having
sex, including oral and anal sex, and having skin to
skin contact with an infected area or sore.
Common STDs include Genital Herpes, Genital
Warts, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia.

It's important to learn about STD’s so you can

protect yourself. Most STDs can be prevented by
using a condom the right way, every time someone
has sex. Abstinence is the best way to prevent this
kind of disease.

When we say LGBTQ this is all about bisexuals,

transexual, gay and lesbians. These communities
generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality,
and sexuality. People nowadays is increasingly
interested in this, however we should treat them
right also, because we don’t know what’s their
reasons why they’re engage to this.

LGBTQ member gets rejected and discriminate by

many but they still fight for their rights. Perhaps
the most impressive achievement in the LGBT
activist movement is the fact that people are
actually able to talk about their sexuality openly.

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