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What is Panchak

By Acharya Shashikant on Aug 6th, 2010 - 1,882 views

Panchak means group of ‘Five’ (Panch). In every

month, it is period of five days when Moon transits from Aquarius & Meen rashis

Dhanishtha (Last two parts), Shatbhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Utrabhadrapada and Revati

are five Nakshatras principally four and a half Nakshatras are known as a Panchak. In
other words the duration of placement of Moon in Aquarius or Pisces is known as
Panchak. It is also called Dhanishtha Panchak. According to some people the person who
is born in Dhanishtha Nakshatra of Panchak may be physically challenged. In some
places, the first hald of Dhanishtha Nakshatra is considered inauspicious.

Five Prohibited Tasks during Panchak

There are fives tasks which are prohibited to perform during Panchak. Traveling in south
direction, restoring fuel, funeral of body, building house and making bed are not
considered auspicious to do during Panchak.
According to Astrology if you perform any task during these Nakshatras you may have to
repeat it for five times.

Panchak according to Hindu Shastras

According to the famous vedic scripture of Astrology “Rajmartanda” collecting and
restoring fuel, making bed, building roof of the house and traveling in south direction
during Panchak increase the fear of fire (Pyrophobia) within the person. In the presence
of Shatbhisha conflicts may occur in the native’s life, in Purvabhadrapada he may suffer
from health diseases, in Utrabhadrapada he may have to pay fine and in Revati he may
get economic loss.

Free Indian Daily Panchang of any Day : Online Panchang at astrobix.

According to another famous text “Muhurtaganapati” foundation of pillars for marriage

is also prohibited during the period of Panchak.
The text of “Jyotisagar” mentions that these tasks are also prohibited in the presence of
Shravana Nakshatra. However many people do not agree with this opinion of
“Jyotisagar”. “Niryasindhu” permits restoration of fuel in the presence of Shravana
Rishi Garg believes that auspicious or inauspicious whatever task you may perform are
repeated five times if you perform them during Panchak. If the person expires during the
period of Panchak then make 4 or 5 dummies with flour or kusha and put them on the
death bed. The dummies are also burnt precisely during the funeral of the body.

Period of Panchak 2010-11 in Hindu Panchang

Other prohibited Tasks during Panchak

Do not cut wood, break straws, travel in south direction, cure the effects of evil spirits,
foundation of pillars, collect grass, bronze, brass, wood. Do not take retirement, resign,
start business or accept higher position during this period. Also, do not build roof top of
your house, make bed. If they are urgent then seek the advice of an expert or experienced
astrologer or his help to cure the malefic influence of Panchak. Prohibited time for

According to the spiritual text the auspicious events like Marriage, Mundan, entering to a
new house, welcome of a new bride, construction of house and Upnayan sanskara are
prohibited during this period . The Panchak Nakshatras are not considered during the
festivals of Raksha Bandhan and Bhaiya dooj

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