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Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449

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Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

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Simulation studies of inverted pendulum based on PID controllers

Jia-Jun Wang ⇑
Institute of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, 310018 Zhejiang, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The inverted pendulum problem is one of the most important problems in control theory
Received 11 November 2009 and has been studied excessively in control literatures. When a control system have more
Received in revised form 3 August 2010 than two PID controllers, the adjustment of PID parameters is not an easy problem. In this
Accepted 6 August 2010
paper, PID controllers are applied to the stabilization and tracking control of three types of
Available online 11 August 2010
inverted pendulum. The way how to design the PID controllers is given step by step in this
paper. Simulation results prove that the way to design of PID controllers is very simple and
effective. The system design not only can realize stabilization and tracking control of three
Inverted pendulum
PID controller
types of inverted pendulum, but also have robustness to outer large and fast disturbances.
Stabilization Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tracking control

1. Introduction

The inverted pendulum problem is one of the most important problems in control theory and has been studied exces-
sively in control literatures. It is well established benchmark problem that provides many challenging problems to control
design. The system is nonlinear, unstable, nonminimum phase and underactuated. Because of their nonlinear nature pendu-
lums have maintained their usefulness and they are now used to illustrate many of the ideas emerging in the field of non-
linear control [1]. The challenges of control made the inverted pendulum systems a classic tools in control laboratories.
According to control purposes of inverted pendulum, the control of inverted pendulum can be divided into three aspects.
The first aspect that is widely researched is the swing-up control of inverted pendulum [2,3]. The second aspect is the sta-
bilization of the inverted pendulum [4–6]. The third aspect is tracking control of the inverted pendulum [7,8]. In practice,
stabilization and tracking control is more useful for application.
It is rather surprising that virtually almost all the technical literature refers to the inverted pendulum with one freedom.
Only recently there are a few references dealing with the inverted pendulum with two or three degrees of freedom [7–10]. In
this paper, we give three types of inverted pendulum. The first type is the most customary inverted pendulum that can only
move in x horizontal direction. We call this type inverted pendulum as x inverted pendulum. The second type of inverted
pendulum can move in the x–y horizontal plane [7–9]. We call this type inverted pendulum as x–y inverted pendulum.
The third type of inverted pendulum can move in the x–z horizontal and vertical plane which is first proposed by Maravall
[11,12]. We call this type inverted pendulum as x–z inverted pendulum. The models of three types of inverted pendulum are
analyzed in details. The relations between the three types of inverted pendulum are also given in this paper.
Ref. [13] applied interval type-2 fuzzy sliding-mode controller in the inverted pendulum. But the model of the inverted
pendulum did not consider the dynamic of the cart of the inverted pendulum. Ref. [14] applied coupled sliding-mode control
to orbital stabilization of inverted pendulum systems. In Ref. [15], the proposed methodology, which performs swing up and
control simultaneously, uses elements from input–output linearization, energy control, and singular perturbation theory. In

⇑ Tel.: +86 571 86915067; fax: +86 571 86919128.

E-mail address:

1569-190X/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449 441

Ref. [16], the authors presented a design of an optimized fuzzy cascade controller based on hierarchical fair competition-
based genetic algorithms (HFCGA) for a rotary inverted pendulum system.
Although a lot of control algorithm are researched in the systems control design, PID controller is still the most widely
used controller structure in the realization of a control system. The overwhelming advantages of PID controller, which have
greatly contributed to its wide acceptance, are its simplicity and sufficient ability to solve many practical control problems.
To the present, there are lots of control strategies applied to the inverted pendulum control. But there are very few reference
about PID control in inverted pendulum control. When a control system have more than two PID controllers, the adjustment
of PID parameters is not a easy problem. In this paper, the design of the PID controllers is given in details. This scheme makes
the inverted pendulum control design very simple based on PID controllers.
The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 will introduce the structure and models of three types of inverted
pendulum. The relations between three types of inverted pendulum are also analyzed. In Section 3, we will give the design
procedure of the PID controllers for every type of inverted pendulum. Simulation results of three types of inverted pendulum
controlled by PID controllers are shown in different control conditions. Section 4 gives the conclusions of the paper.

2. Structure and models of three types of inverted pendulum

2.1. Structure and model of x inverted pendulum

The x inverted pendulum on a pivot driven by horizontal control force is shown in Fig. 1(a). In Fig. 1(a), the control action
is based on the horizontal displacements of the pivot.
The total kinetic energy and potential energy of the x inverted pendulum are
1 1  
K¼ M x_ 2 þ m x_p 2 þ z_p 2 ; P ¼ mgzp ; ð1Þ
2 2
where xp = x + l sin h, zp = z + l cos h, l is the distance from the pivot to the mass center of the pendulum, M, m, are the mass of
the pivot and the pendulum respectively, (x, z) is the position of the pivot in the xoz coordinate, ðx; _ z_ Þ is the speed in the xoz
coordinate, (xp, zp) is the position in the x0 o0 z0 coordinate, ðx_ p ; z_ p Þ is the speed in the x0 o0 z0 coordinate, g is the acceleration con-
stant due to gravity. We assume that the inertia of the pendulum is negligible. L is the system Lagrangian of the x inverted
pendulum and is defined as L = K  P.
The Lagrange’s equations of the x inverted pendulum are
< dtd @L_ 
¼ Fx;
@ x  @x ð2Þ
: d @L_  @L ¼ 0;
dt @ h @h

where Fx is the horizontal control force. According to Eqs. (1), (2) the Lagrange’s equations of the x inverted pendulum can be
expressed as
ðM þ mÞ€x þ ml cos h€h  ml sin hh_ 2 ¼ F x ;
cos h€x þ l€h  g sin h ¼ 0;

where 0.5 6 x 6 0.5. According to Eq. (3), the state equations of the x inverted pendulum can be expressed as
> x_1 ¼ x2 ;
> mg cos x3 sin x3 þml sin x3 x24 þF x
< x_2 ¼ þ d1 ;
Mþm sin2 x 3
> x_3 ¼ x4 ;
: x_ ¼ ml cos x3 sin x3 x24 cos x3 F x þðMþmÞg sin x3 þ d ;
4 2
Mlþml sin2 x 3

Fig. 1. Structure of three types of inverted pendulum.

442 J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449

_ and d1, d2 are outer disturbances.

_ x3 = h, x4 ¼ h,
where x1 = x, x2 ¼ x,

2.2. Structure and model of x–y inverted pendulum

The x–y inverted pendulum on a pivot driven by two horizontal control forces is shown in Fig. 1(b). In Fig. 1(b), the control
action is based on the x–y horizontal displacements of the pivot.
The total kinetic energy and potential energy of the x–y inverted pendulum are
1 1  
K¼ Mðx_ 2 þ y_ 2 Þ þ m x_p 2 þ y_p 2 þ z_p 2 ; P ¼ mgzp ; ð5Þ
2 2
where xp = x + l sin h, yp = y + l cos h sin u and zp = z + l cos h cos u.
The Lagrange’s equations of the x–y inverted pendulum are
8 d @L @L
> dt @ x_
 ¼ Fx;
>   @x
> d
> @L @L
< dt @ y_  @y ¼ F y ;
> dtd @@Lh_  @h
¼ 0;
: d @L  @L ¼ 0;
dt @ u _ @u

where Fx and Fy are the horizontal control force in x and y direction. According to Eqs. (5), (6), the Lagrange’s equations of the
x–y inverted pendulum can be expressed as
> € € _2
> ðM þ mÞx þ ml cos hh  ml sin hh ¼ F x ;
< ðM þ mÞy € þ ml cos h cos uu €  ml sin h sin u€h  2ml sin h cos uh_ u
_  ml cos h sin uðh_ 2 þ u
_ 2Þ ¼ Fy;
> lh€ þ cos h€x  sin h sin uy
> _ 2  g sin h cos u ¼ 0;
€ þ l cos h cos hu
l cos hu
€ þ l cos uy €  g sin u ¼ 0;

where 0.5 6 x 6 0.5 and 0.5 6 y 6 0.5. According to Eq. (7), the state equations of the x–y inverted pendulum can be ex-
pressed as in Appendix A.

2.3. Structure and model of x–z inverted pendulum

The x–z inverted pendulum on a pivot driven by one horizontal and one vertical control forces is shown in Fig. 1(c). In
Fig. 1(c), the control action is based on the x–z horizontal and vertical displacements of the pivot.
The total kinetic energy and potential energy of the x–z inverted pendulum are
1 1  
K¼ Mðx_ 2 þ z_ 2 Þ þ m x_p 2 þ z_p 2 ; P ¼ mgzp ; ð8Þ
2 2
where xp = x + l sin h, and zp = z + l cos h.
The Lagrange’s equations of the x–z inverted pendulum are
8 d @L @L
>  ¼ Fx;
< dt @x_  @x
d @L
dt @ z_
 @L ¼ F z ; ð9Þ
>   @z
: d @L  @L ¼ 0;
dt @ h_ @h

where Fx and Fz are the horizontal and vertical control force in x and z direction. According to Eqs. (8), (9), the Lagrange’s
equations of the x–z inverted pendulum can be expressed as
€ _2
< ðM þ mÞ€x þ ml cos hh  ml sin hh ¼ F x ;
€ _
ðM þ mÞz  ml sin hh  ml cos hh2 ¼ F z  ðM þ mÞg;
€ ð10Þ
cos h€x  sin h€z þ l€h  g sin h ¼ 0;
where 0.5 6 x 6 0.5 and 0.5 6 z 6 0.5. According to Eq. (10), the state equations of the x–z inverted pendulum can be ex-
pressed as in Appendix B.

2.4. Relations between three types of inverted pendulum

We can conclude the following remarks though comparison of three types of inverted pendulum.

(1) The x inverted pendulum is the simplest inverted pendulum. It is a special case of x–y inverted pendulum and x–z
inverted pendulum.
J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449 443

(2) The x–y inverted pendulum can be decomposed into two independent inverted pendulums. It is a generalization of the
x inverted pendulum. The x–y can be seen as the composition of two x inverted pendulums.
(3) The x–z inverted pendulum can decomposed into two independent inverted pendulums. The x inverted pendulum can
be controlled to be stable, whereas z inverted pendulum can’t be stabilized with only vertical control force.
(4) From the state Eq. (4), A1 and B1, we can see that the equations are all very complex. It is not a easy problem to design
a controller to realize stabilization and tracking control.
(5) The x–y inverted pendulum and x–z inverted pendulum extends the control space of the inverted pendulum. With the
help of the control performance of the x–y inverted pendulum and x–z inverted pendulum, x–y–z inverted pendulum
can be composed in the further research.

3. PID controllers design for three types of inverted pendulum

3.1. The first step with one PID controller design

In the first step, we design one PID controller for the angle control of the x inverted pendulum. That is to say, we do not
consider the pivot position control problem. There are lots of control strategies applied to the inverted pendulum angle con-
trol without consider the dynamics of the pivot. The control structure of x inverted pendulum with PID1 controller is given in
Fig. 2(a). The adjustment of PID1 controller is not a difficulty task. Table 1 gives the parameters of the inverted pendulum.
The simulation results of x inverted pendulum with PID1 controller is given in Fig. 3. In this step, the goal of the control
design is to stabilize the angle of the x inverted pendulum with PID1 controller. The initial angle is 0.5 rad. The parameters of
PID1 controller of the inverted pendulum are given as following

PID1 : P1 ¼ 25; I1 ¼ 15; D1 ¼ 3:

From the simulation results in Fig. 3, we can see that the PID1 controller can realize the stabilization of the x inverted pen-
dulum without considering the dynamics of the pivot. Good performance can be achieved by adjusting the parameters of
PID1 controller.

3.2. The second step with two PID controllers design

3.2.1. x Inverted pendulum control with two PID controllers design

Based on the PID1 controller designed in the first step, we add PID2 controller to control the position of the pivot. The
control structure is given in the Fig. 2(b). In this step, PID1 need not change any more. We can merely adjust the parameters
of PID2.The parameters of PID2 controller of the inverted pendulum are given as follows

PID2 : P2 ¼ 2:4; I2 ¼ 1; D2 ¼ 0:75:

In Fig. 4, the stabilization of x inverted pendulum with two PID controllers is given. In Fig. 5, the outer disturbances d1 and d2
in Eq. (4) are considered. We set d1 = d2 = 20 sin (20pt). From the simulation results in Figs. 4 and 5, we can see that PID1 and
PID2 can realize stabilization of x inverted pendulum with good robustness.
In Fig. 6, the tracking control of x inverted pendulum with two PID controllers is given. The reference signal xd is given as
0.3 sin (0.05pt). In Fig. 7, the outer disturbance d1 and d2 in Eq. (4) is considered. And d1 = d2 = 20 sin (20pt). From the sim-
ulation results in Figs. 6 and 7, we can see that PID1 and PID2 can realize tracking of x inverted pendulum with good

3.2.2. x–y Inverted pendulum control with two PID controllers design
The x–y inverted pendulum can be seen as the combination of two x inverted pendulums. Based on the PID controllers
design of x inverted pendulum, the control structure of x–y inverted pendulum can be designed as in Fig. 8(a). The two
PID controllers design in x inverted pendulum can be directly used in the x–y inverted pendulum control.

Fig. 2. Structure of x inverted pendulum.

444 J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449

Table 1
Parameters of the inverted pendulum.

M (kg) m (kg) l (m) g (m/s2)

1 0.1 0.3 9.8

Fig. 3. Simulation results of x inverted pendulum with PID1 controller.

Fig. 4. Stabilization simulation of x inverted pendulum without disturbances.

Fig. 5. Stabilization simulation of x inverted pendulum with disturbances.

Fig. 6. Tracking simulation of x inverted pendulum without disturbances.

J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449 445

Fig. 7. Tracking simulation of x inverted pendulum with disturbances.

Fig. 8. Two and three controllers design of inverted pendulum.

In Fig. 9, the stabilization of x–y inverted pendulum with two PID controllers is given. In Fig. 10, the outer disturbances d1,
d2, d3 and d4 in equation A1 are considered. We set d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 20 sin (20pt). From the simulation results in Figs. 9 and
10, we can see that PID1 and PID2 can realize stabilization of x–y inverted pendulum with good robustness.
In Fig. 11, the tracking control of x–y inverted pendulum with two PID controllers is given. The reference signal xd is equal
to 0.3 sin (0.05pt), and yd is equal to 0.2 sin (0.05pt). In Fig. 12, the outer disturbance d1, d2, d3 and d4 in equation A1 is con-

Fig. 9. Stabilization simulation of x–y inverted pendulum without disturbances.

Fig. 10. Stabilization simulation of x–y inverted pendulum with disturbances.

446 J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449

Fig. 11. Tracking simulation of x–y inverted pendulum without disturbances.

Fig. 12. Tracking simulation of x–y inverted pendulum with disturbances.

sidered. And d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 20 sin (20pt). From the simulation results in Figs. 11 and 12, we can see that PID1 and PID2
can realize tracking of x–y inverted pendulum with good robustness.

3.3. The third step with three PID controllers design

Based on the two controllers designed in the forward step, we add PID3 controller to control x–z inverted pendulum. The
control structure is given in the Fig. 8(b). In this step, PID1 and PID2 need not change any more. We can merely adjust the
parameters of PID3. The parameters of PID3 controller of the inverted pendulum are given as follows

Fig. 13. Stabilization simulation of x–z inverted pendulum without disturbances.

Fig. 14. Stabilization simulation of x–z inverted pendulum with disturbances.

J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449 447

Fig. 15. Tracking simulation of x–z inverted pendulum without disturbances.

Fig. 16. Tracking simulation of x–z inverted pendulum with disturbances.

PID3 : P3 ¼ 15; I3 ¼ 30; D3 ¼ 12:

In Fig. 13, the stabilization of x–z inverted pendulum with three PID controllers is given. In Fig. 14, the outer disturbances d1,
d2 and d3 in equation B1 are considered. We set d1 = d2 = d3 = 20 sin (20pt). From the simulation results in Figs. 13 and 14, we
can see that three PID controllers can realize stabilization of x–z inverted pendulum with good robustness.
In Fig. 15, the tracking control of x–z inverted pendulum with three PID controllers is given. The reference signal xd is
equal to 0.25 sin (0.05pt), and zd is equal to 0.15 sin (0.05pt). In Fig. 16, the outer disturbances d1, d2 and d3 in equation
B1 are considered. We set d1 = d2 = d3 = 20 sin (20pt). From the simulation results in Figs. 15 and 16, we can see that three
can realize tracking of x–z inverted pendulum with good robustness.

3.4. System control analysis of three types of inverted pendulum

From the above control design and simulation results, we can conclude the following:

(1) The PID control design is very powerful for three types of inverted pendulum. The control models of inverted pendu-
lum are the original models. System design did not give any simplification of the inverted pendulum models.
(2) One PID controller is enough for angle control of x inverted pendulum. Two PID controllers are enough for the x
inverted pendulum and x–y inverted pendulum. Three PID controllers are enough for x–z inverted pendulum. The
parameters of PID controllers are adjusted step by step. At every step, we merely adjust one PID controller. This control
design makes the inverted pendulum control problem a very easy task.
(3) The PID controller design of three types of inverted pendulum not only can realize stabilization control and tracking
control with good performance, but also can have robustness to outer large and fast disturbances.
(4) We unified the control design of three types of inverted pendulum with PID controller. The control design simplifies
the parameters adjustment of the multi-PID control system step by step.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, the PID control scheme has been applied to the stabilization and tracking control of three types of inverted
pendulum. The PID control scheme realized stabilization and tracking control of the inverted pendulum with good perfor-
mance. The major contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

(1) The relations between three types of inverted pendulum were analyzed from the point of Lagrange’s equation models
and state equation models.
448 J.-J. Wang / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (2011) 440–449

(2) The control design simplified the parameters adjustment of multi-PID control inverted pendulum system step by step.
It gave a new solution to three types of inverted pendulum.
(3) Stabilization and tracking control of three types of inverted pendulum have been realized with PID controllers. The
control scheme not only had good dynamic performance, but also had robustness to outer large and fast disturbances.


Supported by Nature Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Y1080222).

Appendix A

> x_1 ¼ x2 ;
> _ fxy2
> x2
¼ M2 þMm sin2 x
5 cos2 x7 þMm sin2 x7
þ d1 ;
> x_3 ¼ x4 ;
> fxy4
< x_4 ¼ M2 þMm sin2 x þ d2 ;
5 cos2 x7 þMm sin2 x7
> x_5 ¼ x6 ;
> fxy6
> x_6 ¼ ðM2 þMm sin2 x cos2 x7 þMm sin2 x7 Þl
þ d3 ;
> 5
> x_7 ¼ x8 ;
: x_8 fxy8
¼ ðM2 þMm sin2 x cos2 x7 þMm sin2 x7 Þl cos h
þ d4 ;


_ x3 ¼ y; x4 ¼ y;
x1 ¼ x; x2 ¼ x; _ x5 ¼ h; x6 ¼ h; _ x7 ¼ u; x8 ¼ u _,
fxy2 ¼ Mml sin x5 x26 þ Mml cos2 x5 sin x5 x28  Mmg cos2 x5 sin x5 cos2 x7 þ m cos2 x5 sin x7 F x þ MF x  m cos2 x5 sin x5 sin x7 F y ,
fxy4 ¼ ðM þ mÞF y  m cos x5 F y þ m sin x5 cos x5 sin x7 F x  Mmg cos x5 sin x7 cos x7 þ Mml cos3 x5 sin x7 x28  Mml cos x5 sin x7 x26 ,
2 2

fxy6 ¼ m cos x5 cos2 x7 F x  ðM þ mÞ cos x5 F x þ ðM þ mÞ sin x5 sin x7 F y þ Mðm þ MÞg sin x5 cos x7  Mml sin x5 cos x5 cos2 x7 x26 
Mðm þ MÞl cos x5 sin x7 x28 ,
fxy8 ¼ m sin x5 cos x7 F y  M cos x7 F y þ m sin x5 cos x5 sin x7 cos x7 F x þ 2Mml sin x5 x6 x8 þ Mðm þ MÞg sin x7 þ 2M 2 l sin x5 x6
x8  2Mml sin x5 cos2 x5 cos2 x7 x6 x8  Mml cos3 x5 sin x7 cos x7 x28  Mml cos x5 sin x7 cos x7 x26

and d1, d2, d3, d4 are outer disturbances.

Appendix B

> x_1 ¼ x2 ;
> m sin x5 cos x5 F z þMF x þmF x m sin2 x5 F x þMml sin x5 x26
> _
> x2
¼ M 2 þMm
þ d1 ;
< x_
3 ¼ x4 ;
mF z m cos2 x5 F z m sin x5 cos x5 F x þMF z M 2 gþMml cos x5 x26
> x_ ¼ þ d2 ;
> 4 M 2 þMm
> x_5 ¼ x6 ;
x_6 ¼  cos x5 FMl
x þsin x5 F z
þ d3 ;
_ and d1, d2, d3 are outer disturbances.
_ x3 ¼ z; x4 ¼ z_ ; x5 ¼ h; x6 ¼ h,
x1 ¼ x; x2 ¼ x;


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