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Read the letter and answer questions 1 to 6.

Dear Aiping,
I wanted to write to you today to say that I have moved to Malang. My
new address is Taman Malang Indah, Blok A 10 No 17 Malang Jawa
Timur and now I go to SMP Perdana the best junior high school in

You know that we have shared a lot of ups and downs throughout the
past years during our school and I am very happy to count you as my
friend. At the same time, I also wanted to say that I expect to see you
quite often in the coming years. I extend an open invitation to you,
right now, to visit me and my family whenever you have some free

I also expect to visit you and your family and I will let you know well in
advance so we can plan to get together.

I also wish you a success in your new school, and I hope you keep me
up to date on what’s happening through email.

Your friend,

Wirdatul Amimy

1. Uraian:
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan gambaran umum isi teks.
 Indikator: Menentukan gambaran umum isi teks.
 Soal:
The letter is about the writer’s information on the following
A. her new address
B. her invitation
C. her hope
D. her success
 Kunci jawaban: D
 Pembahasan:
Bila dibaca secara menyeluruh, maka kita dapat mengetahui
bahwa surat diatas berisi informasi yang disampaikan. Yang
tidak terkait dengan isi surat adalah jawaban D. Dengan
demikian jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

2. Uraian:
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan pokok pikiran paragraph
 Indikator: Menentukan pokok pikiran paragraph teks.
 Soal:
The third paragraph of the text tells you about the writer’s … .
A. willingness to visit her friend
B. family in her new address
C. plan to continue her study
D. ability to make a good plan

 Kunci jawaban: A
 Pembahasan:
Soal diatas menanyakan topic suatu paragraph. Dari kata-kata
pada paragraph tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa paragraph ini
menjelaskan tentang keinginan/ harapan penulis untuk dapat
berkunjung kerumah Aiping. Dengan demikian jawabannya
adalah A.

3. Uraian:
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat
dalam teks.
 Indikator: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks.
 Soal:
Which is true about Wirdatul?
A. Aiping was her schoolmate.
B. She has moved from Malang.
C. Her school is not the best one.
D. She never met Aiping for a long time.
 Kunci jawaban: A
 Pembahasan:

Bila di cek kebenaran setiap jawaban diatas berdasarkan isi

teks, dapat diketahui bahwa hanya jawaban A yang benar.
Dengan demikian jawaban soal ini adalah A.

4. Uraian
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi tersirat
dalam teks.
 Indikator: Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam teks.
 Soal:
The text shows that Aiping lives … now.
A. next to Wirdtul’s parents
B. near Wirdatul’s friend
C. far from Medan
D. around the city
 Kunci jawaban: C
 Pembahasan:
Dari kalimat I have moved to Malang now, bisa disimpulkan
bahwa Aiping tinggal jauh dari kota Medan. Kata Medan
tidak akan disebut bila Aiping juga tinggal di Medan. Jadi
jawaban C yang paling tepat.

5. Uraian
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan makna kata/frasa/
kalimat/ ungkapan.
 Indikator: Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat/ ungkapan.
 Soal:
“We have shared a lot of ups and downs throughout the past
The phrase “ups and downs” in the sentence means having … .
a. both good and bad fortune
b. best relationship each other
c. become a neighbor for a long time
d. felt the hard time to live much better
 Kunci jawaban: A
 Pembahasan:
Dari kata shared, throughout the past years, dapat dipastikan
jawaban yang paling mendekati adalah A, bukan yang lainnya.
Maka makna kata tersebut yang tepat adalah pada jawaban B.

6. Uraian:
 Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks.
 Indikator: Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks.
 Soal:
“ …. so we can plan to get together.” (paragraph 3)
What does the word “we” in the sentence refer to?

A. Aiping and her friends.

B. Wirdatul and her parents.

C. Wirdatul’s parents.

D. Aiping and Wirdatul.

 Kunci jawaban: D
 Pembahasan:
Arti kata we dalam konteks ini adalah kita bukan kami. Kalau
kita maka yang menjadi rujukannya adalah Wirdatul dan
Aiping. Jadi jawaban yang paling benar adalah D.
175A Fairmont Ave.
Toronto, ON
M5W 1F2

August 18, 2006

Dear Robert:
I would like to express my sincere condolences on the recent
passing of your father. Pamela and the children also send their
thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.
Although I didn't know your dad that well, on the half dozen or
so occasions that I spent time in his company over the years, I did
come to realize his great kindness and compassion towards those
less fortunate than him. And I do know that he was very highly
respected throughout this community and profession, and his good
works changed the lives of many.
You were truly fortunate to have such a man as a model in
your life.
As you know, it was not that long ago that my own father
passed away, so I have some idea of what you and your family are
going through. No comfort is quite enough to replace the loss.
Please pass my deepest sympathies on to your mother, and
brother, and sister, and to all of your father's grandchildren.

Very sincerely,

Gord Henderson

1. What does the letter tell you about?
2. What is the purpose of the letter?
3. What does the fourth paragraph of the letter tell you about?
4. “….also send their thoughts and prayers to you…” (par. 1)
What does the word “their” in the sentence refer to?
5. “No comfort is quite enough to replace the loss.”(par.4)
What does the underlined word mean?
6. Which personal characteristic did Rober’s father have based on
the letter?
Note: What reading skills are the above questions are trying to

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