Lesson Plan 11 Airport Field Trip

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Mount Aloysius College

2018 Lesson Plan Format

I. Heading

Lesson Title: Jimmy Stewart Airport!

Teacher Name: Miss Sherry
Date Lesson is Taught: March 14, 2020
Subject/Discipline: Social Studies/ Science
Grade Level: Second Grade
Number of Students: 20 students
Allocated Instructional Time: Field Trip (3 hours)
Multiple Intelligences Addressed:Visual/Spatial Intelligence, Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence
Pennsylvania Common Core Standards or Early Learning Standards:
Standard - AL.1.2.A1: Explore and ask questions to seek meaningful information about
a growing range of topics, ideas, and tasks.
Standard - 8.2.2.A: Identify historical figures in the local community.

II. Rationale and Background (Danielson 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)

The students are familiar with airplanes and how they were created. During this culminating
experience, the students will be taking a field trip to the Indiana County Jimmy Stewart Airport. This
field trip will give the students a real life experience at witnessing airplanes take off and also
experience up-close encounters with these machines that they have learned so much about in the
duration of this unit!

III. Learning Targets (Danielson 1c: Setting Instructional Objectives)

The learner will be able to analyze airplanes that share similar characteristics to the Wright Brothers
The learner will be able to comprehend the process of getting a plane in flight.

IV. Materials (Danielson 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

● Students can take their self-constructed airplanes to see the differences and similarities when
compared to the real life airplanes they will get to witness.

V. Procedures (Danielson 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy) (Danielson

1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) (Danielson 3a: Communicating with Students) (3b Using
Questioning and Discussion Techniques) (Danielson 3c Engaging Students in Learning)
A. Introduction and Motivation

The introduction will include:

1. a motivational strategy that grabs student attention
I will ask the students if they have ever been to an airport before. I will explain to the students that we
will be going on a field trip to see life size airplanes fly!
2. a strategy for activating prior knowledge and
I will ask the students what similarities their airplanes may have with the ones they are about to see.
3. lesson purpose
The purpose of this lesson is to give the students a first hand look at what life sized planes look like.
After learning all about flight and who created it, this field trip will give students the opportunity to
physically see airplanes fly.

In this section you will describe your introduction with the following elements evident:

B. Lesson Body
1. Grab students' self-constructed airplanes.
2. Go to Indiana County Jimmy Stewart Airport.

C. Simplification and Extensions (aka strategies for differentiated instruction) (Danielson 3e:
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness)

For a student who is an English Language Learner, I will have a translator app downloaded
onto their iPad so when the tour guide talks, it can be translated into the native language.

For a student who is gifted, they will have to keep track of the similarities and differences in
the multiple airplanes that we will be looking at during the field trip.

D. Closure/Conclusion
In conclusion, the students will get to experience a hands on approach at learning more
about airplanes and ending our unit on the Wright Brothers.

Include one or more of the following:

VI. Home-School Connection/Homework Assignment/Independent Practice (Danielson 4c:

Communicating with Families)
Pictures and videos from our field trip will be uploaded onto my teacher webpage. Additionally,
a note about the field trip will be sent home with the students. Parents will be allowed to attend
if they have the proper clearances.

VII. Evaluation—table below must be completed

This section of your lesson plan addresses two aspects of evaluation: assessment of student
learning and your assessment of the lesson.

A. Student Assessment (Danielson 1f: Designing Student Assessment) (Danielson 3d: Using
Assessment in Instruction)
Learning Target When the objective is met, How to document
the children will…
1. The learner will be able to analyze Comprehend how airplanes checklist
airplanes and their similarities and can differ from one another, but
differences still be able to fly.
2.The learner will be able to Understand exactly how a checklist
comprehend the process of flight. plane can fly.

B. Reflective Practice/Self-Evaluation (To be completed after the lesson is taught) (Danielson

4a: Reflecting on Teaching)

Be sure to attach all resources such as handouts and teacher-created materials.


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