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   V53.0740 c  
  The norms that govern states in their legal relations and the current
development of law among nations, based on cases and other legal materials
relating to the nature and function of the law; recognition of states and
governments; continuity of states and state succession; jurisdiction over persons,
land, sea, air, and outer space; international responsibility and the law of claims;
diplomatic privileges and immunities; treaties; regulation of the use of force; and
the challenges posed by new states to the established legal order. Emphasis on
the case law method, as used in law school instruction.


Examines the production, consumption and cultural meaning of Latino media produced
in and around the United States (as opposed to that produced in Latin American
countries). Focuses on a wide range of mediated cultural production: television, radio,
film, advertising, magazines, etc. This course will be a critical investigation into the
theories, production and consumption of Latino media and popular culture. Examines the
influence popular culture has on politics, identity formation, shaping culture and as a
mode of revealing, producing and reproducing ideology and political struggle.


This course examines public policy issues and institutions of media governance at the
international level. It provides a historical overview of the various institutions and actors
involved in global media governance, and assesses the various principles and practices
that constitute the regime of global media governance, including the regulation of
broadcasting, telecommunications, the Internet, and trade in media products. Special
attention is paid to current debates within multilateral bodies such as UNESCO, the
WTO, and the International Telecommunication Union.


This course introduces students to theoretical foundations in historical and contemporary
issues in communication, media, information and international development. Topics
include state-building, modernization, dependency and globalization. Every week will be
dedicated to a particular country/region and media development program whereby
students will analyze a specific case study.


Note: This course will replace E59.1735 Intercultural Communication in the Fall 2010
semester. If you have taken Intercultural Communication you should not take this
course. This course examines globalization as it is inscribed in everyday practices
through the transnational traffic of persons, cultural artifacts, and ideas. The course will
focus on issues of transnational mobility, modernity, the local/global divide, and pay
specific attention to how categories of race, gender, and ethnicity intersect with
transnational change

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