Gym Lesson Plans Auto Revamped

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Lesson 1: Team Work

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 Understand active lifestyles 
- 

Lesson Procedure Assessment

1. Begin the lesson with a relay race to warm students up there 
are teams to compete against each other
a. Number off students and send them to separate
corners so that students don’t switch teams
2. Students will have to get bean bags from the opposite side
of the gym whoever gets the most back to their team will
3. Students will the circle around stretch led by me
4. Once students are stretched and warm we will play the
human knot game where students have to work together too
get out
a. Students can continue to play in teams they used in
the relay races or can divide into new teams

Lesson 1: Dance Intro

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 A2–8 demonstrate basic dance 
steps and movement; e.g., - 
creative, folk, line, sequence and
novelty, alone and with others,
by using elements of effort,
space and relationship
 Understand active lifestyles

Lesson Procedure Assessment

1. Running warm up and stretching 
b. As students are stretching discuss that this class
safety will be very important and students goofing
around, running into other will be told to sit on the
bench and not participate
5. We are going to get into a large circle and warm up our
dance moves with a follow the leader
a. Start with snapping or clapping in a circle
b. Hop forward
c. Side tap side tap
d. Kick forward step kick forward step
e. Backwards twist “watch the person behind you”
f. Hoola forward
g. Slow motion
6. Great warm up

Lesson 2: Cupid Shuffle Line dance

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Objective Materials
 A2–8 demonstrate - For students to relize and  Need speaker for music
basic dance steps use their body for  Song Cupid Shuffle
and movement; movements of dance 
understanding there a watch?time_continue=8
e.g., creative, folk,
line, sequence and multiple kinds of dances
novelty, alone and (Arm dances, stepping
with others, by dances, combination of
using elements of the two)
effort, space and - Students also get to dance
relationship to different kinds of music
 Understand active including more kid song,
lifestyles hip hop, and jazz

Lesson Procedure Assessment

1. 2 lap warm up  Participation
2. Stretch – the rules of 5x things lead by me  attitude
3. Do a dance warm up based off of the video above.
a. Remind them of dances they can do
i. Twist, floss, sprinkler, shopping cart,
snapping, turning, stairs sinking, hoola,
grapevine, kick and hit, blender,
b. Students will line up across from each other in
two lines these the song will start to play and
both lines will meet in the middle and one
person will decide the moves everyone will do
c. Go through this activity until all students are
4. Go through movements adding them together till
mastery and
a. To the right (4x)
5. To the left (4x)
6. Tap right forward then left (2x) (count of 8)
7. Tack it back (twist 3 times) turning to the left (count of
8. Start adding counts shouting what move comes next
(count of 8 for each)
9. Once students get the basics and can do it with counts
without me in front can move on to trying it with the
10. Direct with hands which way to go as well as voice so
kids know which way to go
11. If there’s time do a second round where students can
add flare
a. Go over what flare is boogie down, add in fun
b. Kick and snap with the turn around
c. Add arms (back stroke, chicken arms)
12. Ask students what songs they want to listen to for free
play songs
13. Freeze Dance 2 people are it and everyone walks
around dancing until the music turns off then whoever
stops moving last caught by people will become it

Lesson 3: Chicken Dance

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 A2–8 demonstrate basic -For students to  Music
dance steps and relize and use their 
movement; e.g., creative, body for h?v=o3huR6KT2pw&feature=e
movements of mb_title
folk, line, sequence and
novelty, alone and with dance
others, by using elements understanding there
of effort, space and a multiple kinds of
relationship dances (Arm
 Understand active life dances, stepping
styles dances, combination
of the two)
-Students also get to
dance to different
kinds of music
including more kid
song, hip hop, and
Lesson Procedure Assessment
1. 2 lap warm up  Participation
2. Stretch – the rules of 5x things lead by me  Attitude
3. Do a dance warm up based off of the video  Working well with others
a. Twist, floss, sprinkler, shopping cart,
snapping, turning, stairs sinking, hoola,
grapevine, kick and hit, blender,
b. Circle dancing copying the person in the
middle, when I clap people who want can
run to the middle but only 1 can stay then
we copy
4. Inro the chicken dance Start to lead the
a. Hand motion
b. Wing motion
c. Twist motion
d. Clap clap, clap clap
e. Repeat (2x)
f. Break Grape vine
g. Break Hoola motions
h. Circle with a partner
5. If there’s an alternate break let students break
into groups and come up with a move everyone
can do organize which will be first
6. Do the song one more time and students can use
those moves
7. Free dance party dim half the lights and play
music encouraging students to safetly dance. OR
freeze dance if they want to do that instead

Lesson 4: Cha Cha Slide,

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 A2–8 demonstrate basic dance -For students to relize  Music system
steps and movement; e.g., and use their body for
creative, folk, line, sequence and movements of dance
novelty, alone and with others, understanding there a
by using elements of effort, multiple kinds of
space and relationship dances (Arm dances,
 Understand active life styles stepping dances,
combination of the
-Students also get to
dance to different kinds
of music including
more kid song, hip hop,
and jazz
Lesson Procedure Assessment
1. 2 lap warm up  Participation
2. Stretch – the rules of 5x things lead by me  attitude
3. Warm up by dancing the cupid shuffle followed by the
chicken dance (original moves)
4. If they are struggling focus on building a better feeling with
those dances bouncing back and forth
5. Once they feel comfortable with them move onto the cha
cha slide. Go over what moves they mean why they say …
a. Review left and right sides
b. To the left (grape vine), to the right (grape vine
c. Take it back now (3 steps back)
d. 1 hop forward with both feet
e. Foot stomps (right-left )x2
f. Cha Cha! (step behind behind then forward forward
g. Clap your hands (fast beat)
h. Criss Cross (jump cross then jump uncross)
i. Reverse go back
j. How low can you go (lean back towards floor like
limbo) then rise up slowly
k. Hands on your knees (hands crossing from
knee-to-knee, bend your knees and
bounce to the beat)
l. Charlie Brown (Rock forward on the right
foot while kicking left foot back.)
m. Freeze (strike a pose)
6. Then play the song a few times until the bell
rings so they can get a feel for it and the

Lesson 5: Kinderpolka OR Heel & toe polka

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 A2–8 demonstrate basic -students will use  Video on youtube
dance steps and movement; cooperation working 
e.g., creative, folk, line, well with other. m/watch?v=Fz563R8oelI
sequence and novelty, alone -exploring partner  Heel & toe Polka
and with others, by using dancing with the
elements of effort, space polkas. Doing
and relationship specific dance
 Understand active life styles movements with
Lesson Procedure Assessment
1. 2 lap warm up  Participation
2. Stretch – the rules of 5x things lead by me  attitude
3. Warm up by dancing either the cupid shuffle or the
chicken dance (original moves) their choice
4. After they will try to do the Ca Cha slide to the best
of their ability if they struggle continue to go over
and practice it before moving onto the next dance
5. Kinderpolka
a. Two side steps into the circle holding a
partners hands
b. Step in place left right left
c. Two side steps out of the circle
d. Repeat 4 times so in large circle again
e. Pat legs 2x, clap hands 2x, clap partners
hands 3x (repeat all 2x)
f. Shake finger 3x, then other hand 3x. then
g. Pass by partner walking forward to then
meet a new partner
h. Repeat!
6. Heel toe polka
a. In circle with partner (heel-toe-heel-toe,
hand are held out to the side)
b. 4 side hops into the circle turn to face
c. Heel-toe- heel-toe, outside facing foot
d. Clap partners right hand 3x with your, left
hand with left 3x, then double hand clap 3x,
clap hands on lap 3x
e. Spin around with partner once switch
f. Repeat!
7. This will likely take more than 1 class to learn but
will be good and fun for students when they get it.

Lesson 6: Jive partner dance

30 min
Outcomes & Inquiry Question Objective Materials
 Understand active life styles 

Lesson Procedure Assessment

8. 3 laps  Participation
9. Stretch  attitude
10. Go over basic footwork having kids split into leads and
follows then lining up to face each other in the gym follows
will watch the basic and practice watching me (leads can try
by mirroring my movements

All over

 It’s all or none in this game and here’s how things swing. You will need footballs, tennis balls,
basketballs, golf balls, etc. Split up the kids into two teams. Divide the play area into two
territories, one belonging to each team. Start a countdown and let the balls get rolling! The
team which manages to push in the most number of balls into their enemy’s territory within the
designated time limit wins. Alternatively, if the team pushes all their balls into the enemy’s
playfield and shouts “all over” also wins.

Elves, giants, and wizards

 A real-life twist to the classic rock, paper, scissors – if your kids love running and thinking when
to act on the fly, then this is a game-changer.
 You will need teams of two, a large space/play area and time. Mark out safe zones on the
playing field and split the kids into groups of two. Similar to rock, paper and scissors, the kid who
creates-A triangle with his hands on his head is the elf
 The one who raises his arms is a giant
 And, the one who holds his ears with the index finger extending out is the elf.
 Now that we’ve got the basics down, if a giant faces a wizard, he is free to chase it. However, if
the wizard enters the safe zone before the giant tags him, that doesn’t count. Once tagged, the
wizard join’s the giant’s team. Giants beat wizards. Wizards beat elves. Elves beat giants. The
game is over once any team has the most number of players in it.

Grab the dragon’s tail

If developing swiftness, hand-eye coordination and dexterity is your aim, then look no farther and
introduce your child to the game of grab the dragon’s tail! Here’s how you play it. You will need a large
space to play outdoors and 10-15 kids. Gather the kids and ask them to join hands together in a line to
form a dragon, side by side. The kid at the front is the dragon’s head while the last one behind is the tail.
The rule of the game is to get the head catch the tail while the body in between tries to stop the head
from doing so while not breaking the chain. If the head catches the tail, then the tail becomes the head
and vice versa. Strategy and swiftness are the milestones achieved by playing this game.


Frisbee Curling

 Have a hoola hoop at one end of the gym students have to stand behind a skipping rope and
toss the frisbee/bean bags into the circle trying to get it as close to the center as possible
 Each team has 4 they can try and toss


 Students have to ski on paper and at pylons get on their stomachs at toss their bean bags at a
spot across from then


 Students have to scoot themselves from one line to the next (4 person teams) all have to scoot
on their buts holding onto the rope together or they can use their scooters if the are available
but all hands have to hold the ropes. They will race against another team

Floor Hockey

 Not real hockey but rather students can go through an obstacle course with a stick and puck to
then finally shoot it in a general

Thursday: Compound word activity 2A (10- 10:30 am)

Gym: Can do dance they have projector and speakers in the gym

4 times a week

Go noodle: follow along dances


Moving and choosing

PE central

Story for social on Thursday 2:35- 3

Next week

 Monday:

o Continue Dance unit

o Science lesson

Make schedule

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