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Law 1 – Get Out Of Your Own Way

 Guys get stifled with too much theory when they go out
 Focus on the Macro , that will take care of the details
 You are already the 10. There is just shit that you have that’s blocking you it.
 Game isn’t something you build upon , it’s something you have already
 This is generally 80% of what Julien focuses on
 You NEED entitlement
 Zone in on the things you can offer that no one can beat you at
 Don’t obsess the micro
 Souls primes everything in game
 No girl would judge over the details
 You’ll fuck it a but , game is messy , it’s okay . Don’t try to be perfect
 Focus on the soul . Follow the principles aka the fundamentals and not the
 You’re uniqueness is not for everyone . Be ok with that . It’s normal
 Don’t compromise your own self worth
 Tempo of the night will result in non-escalation during the first half . It’s ok.
She is just not ready yet
 Why do you need the girl? Why do you need the approval?
 Your night out should really be fun
 If you don’t have fun then at some point you’ll give up
 Let go of the need of approval
 Don’t label anything as good or bad
 Whats so bad about Approach Anxiety?
 Whats so bad about being out of state?
 Try to feel good about AA and being out of state
 Your label placed on shit is what matters i.e labels are useless
 Don’t have any expectations
 Learn how to feel good about everything : AA , out of state , rejection etc
 Scarcity will fuck you up
 Learn how to have equal amount of fun with all types of waman
 Its you and her having an awesome experience together not you vs her and
you gaming her. It’s not competition between you and the girl , its
Law 2 – Offer Value
 Easiest way to get out of your way is to focus on offering value
 If you ever have AA etc : Ask what am I trying to take ? instead focus on what
you can give.
 Assume familiarity
 People are not the enemy
 Get turned on by giving value
 2 ways to offer value : - Good emotions and Realness
 Be zoned on yourself not her
 Do a silent opener to see if your vibe is giving or taking
 You can give by asking questions
 Give cause that makes you feel good
Law 3 – Make Yourself Feel Good
 3 inner buttons : Fun , Carefree and Passion
 Get creative as to how to link everything to these 3 buttons
 0 anger or resentment towards the girld
 Turn rejections into fun
 Do something out of the blue to self amuse
 View it as emotional masturbation
 Do what you find funny
 Goal of opening : Check this out
Law 4 – Be Real
 Don’t fake emotions
 Be real in terms of being man to woman
 Push/Pull , Statement of Intent etc all the techniques should come from being
 These techniques are basically unlocking the realness
 Imagine her reality – No one is real
 Millionaire Analogy – Be the millionaire who doesn’t ask for money but give it
 Realness will come after you loose the need of approval
 Assume attraction
 Embrace all emotions ( good/bad)
 Don’t judge emotions or label them
 Be congruent to how you feel
 Be clear in your intentions
 It’s not something you do , its what she feels
 Always be leading the conversation
 Push/Pull should naturally happen when you’re real
 The more personal , the better
 Don’t copy someone else
Law 5 – Communicate Clearly
 Can she hear you ? Are you loud enough?
 Be louder or be closer to her
 Going out – If you don’t go out your not in the game
 Are you smiling?
 Eye Contact
 Close Enough for her to feel it . Squaring up
 This all has nothing to do with energy
Law 6 – Think Win – Win
 Ask what your goal is and what’s hers?
 She doesn’t wanna feel like a slut
 First part of the night is the abundance of fun time not pulling time
 Don’t say something too far out there
 Calibrate after the fact
 The Circle of Relatability
 The more time you spend together the more the circle expands
 Don’t be the wolf , be the gorilla
 Don’t hold back , control it
 Do stuff that you want to do , instead of what you need to do
 Get as far away from the place you opened
Law 7 – Get Better , Not Bitter
 You’re gonna counter a lot of BS
 There will be a lot of humiliation
 Let go of the bitterness , instead try to get better
 Game is messy af . This aint bad . Accept it
 There will be fuck ton of social pressure
 You need to embrace it all
 The more shit’s thrown at you , the better . More adversity = Better. Get
addicted to the pressure
Law 8 – Play to Win
 Don’t try to stop the fun which at some point is sex
 Don’t try to leave on a high note
 Plan A > Plan B > Plan C
 Don’t Miss out on Plan B
 That’s 50% of your results
 If you don’t escalate it will die out
 Build the interaction to sex
 Take things to the climax
 If you don’t , you’re taking from the fun
 The win is giving
Law 9 – Play the Paradoxes
 Two layers to an interaction – Emotional , Logical
 Logical – Occams
 Ask for Logistics
 5 Questions – Who are here with? Where do you live? How are you going
home? Do you have roomates? What are you doing later tonight or tomorrow?
 Pre Seeding the pull is key
 Don’t ask out of the blue
 Be aware of how much compliance you’re asking for
 Baby step the compliance
 Think how to get one step closer to her place
 Think how to make it epic
 That’s what game is for : epic stories
 Put yourself in the situation . Make it epic
 Movie is a good pull excuse
 First part of the night is not win win to pull generally , so get many #s and day
2 the chicks later the night
 Make sure to re- open sets
 After first half , commit to a set of pull /go with
 45min+ is required to pull( in most cases)
 Dont pursue , attract
 You create the party
Law 10 – Apply this to your life
 For friends , work , motivation etc . Keep in mind how creatively you can sue
these laws

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