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Factors Affecting the Interest Levels of Grade 12 ABM Accountancy Students

of Centro Escolar Integrated School Malolos

Toward Accounting

A Research Paper

Presented to

The Senior High School Department

Centro Escolar Integrated School, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Practical Research 2


Vianca P. Belecina

Genely M. Manansala

Rodelyn Roque

Joshua Miguel R. Sevilla

Erika Jean A. Vicente

March 2018

Perseverance, inspiration and motivation have played a great role in the success of
any venture. It would be incomplete to submit this study without acknowledging the people
behind this undertaking. It gives the researchers immense pleasure to express their gratitude
to everyone who shared their time and effort during the development.

They are highly indebted to Mr. Dennis Lorenzo, their instructor for Practicum 2,
who, in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time to grant the
researchers his guidance to keep them on the right path and constant supervisions as well
as for allowing them to carry out this study.

The researchers express their profound and sincerest gratitude for the patience and
sacrifices that their parents and friends had given them. Their everlasting encouragement,
love, inspiration and support led them to succeed in this research project.

It is their radiant sentiment to place on record their best regards, deepest sense of
gratitude to their guest panelists, Mrs. Ellen T. Herrero and Mrs. Barcelona. The
researchers greatly appreciate their suggestions to improve the study, which were
extremely valuable. Without their assistance and dedicated involvement in this study, it
would never be accomplished.

Of course, to the key figures of this research, the respondents, who willingly grant
their cooperation and contribution without hesitation which made this study a success.

The researchers also extend their thanks and appreciation to all the people who
directly and indirectly helped them out in the duration of this study.

Most especially, to God, for granting them enlightenment, wisdom, knowledge, and
strength whenever they needed it. Nothing could be done without Him. This is all for You.

The study sought to assess the factors that affect the interest levels of Grade 12

ABM Accountancy students of Centro Escolar Integrated School Malolos. The factors

referred to are: (1) Quality of education, (2) Physical and Social Environment, and (3)

Personal Aspects. This study employed a descriptive type of research method with 30

Grade 12 ABM Accountancy students of CEIS Malolos as respondents. The instrument

used is in questionnaire form utilizing the Likert Scale. Findings revealed that the factor

Physical and Social Environments contributes positively the most to the interest levels of

the students while the Quality of Education is viewed the least. Moderate interest towards

Accounting is also manifested among the Accountancy students of CEIS Malolos with

respect to their aspirations and visions. The implication is that the Accountancy program

is viewed as a stepping stone to achieve the respondents’ ambitions and they would most

likely continue to pursue it in college, despite its difficulty. It is highly suggested for the

Accounting instructors to develop and explore methods that would gain the attention of

students and pique their interest, as well as to consider seminars and training programs for

both teachers and students.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... v

Chapter Page

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

Significance of the Study ..................................................................................... 3

Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................ 4

Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 5

Definition of Terms .............................................................................................. 6

Scope and Delimitation ....................................................................................... 6

II. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 9

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 14

Methods and Techniques .................................................................................... 14

Population and Sample of the Study ................................................................... 15

Instruments of the Study .................................................................................... 16

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment .......................................................... 16



Summary of Findings ......................................................................................... 24

Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 26

Recommendations .............................................................................................. 27

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 29

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................. 32

Table Page

I. Number of Students from the Sections of Grade 12 ABM in Centro Escolar

Integrated School Malolos and its Students ........................................................ 15

II. Number of Grade 12 ABM Accountancy Students in Centro Escolar

Integrated School Malolos ................................................................................. 15

III. Verbal Interpretations of Indicators and Interest Levels of Grade 12 ABM

Accountancy Students ........................................................................................ 18

IV. Weighted Means of the Responses of Grade 12 ABM Accountancy

Students of CEIS Malolos .................................................................................. 19
V. Summary of the Set of Factors Affecting the Interest Levels of
Grade 12 ABM Accountancy Students of CEIS Malolos
toward Accounting ............................................................................................ 22

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