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Rev No 0 Dated: 14.03.08 Course Outline - SUIT SME632 Cr.Hr.

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Education in Pakistan: Problems, Issues and Trends – SME632

After completion of this course, the students will be able to.
 Study the education in Pakistan in historical perspective.
 Link the education system with that of prevalent during the British period.
 Be familiar with the proceeding of the first education conference.
 Study the recommendations of the commission on national education 1959.
 Study the salient feature of education policies 1970, 1972-80, 1979 and 1992.
 Analyze the salient features of education policy 1970, 1972-80, 1979 and 1992.
 Compare the education in Pakistan with the developed and developing countries: and
 Understand the different educational problems, issues and trends they face today.

Outline of Contents

Unit 1. Education in Pakistan historical Perspectives

1.1 Continuations of the inherited system from the British.
1.2 A substitute model of Sergeant Scheme of studies.
1.3 Overall status of education at the time of independence in 1974.

Unit 3. First Educational Conference 1974 and Guiding Principles for Formulation of
future System of Education – an Appraisal.

Unit 3. Recommendation of the First Report of the Commission on National

Education 1958 with Reference to Secondary and tertiary Education.

Unit 4. Recommendation of the Education Policy1970.

Unit 5. Salient Features of Education Policy 1972 and Achievement of Targets

on university of Primary Education and Science and Technical

Unit 6. New Education policy 1978

6.1 Main objectives of the policy and national goals.
6.2 Salient features
6.3 Islamization process
6.4 Emphasis on Science & Technical education and creativity.

Unit 7. The Education Policy 1992

7.1 National objectives
7.2 Salient feature of the new policy
7.3 Areas of National priority and suggested strategies.

Unit 8. National Education Policy 1998-2010

Unit 9. A Comparative Analysis of Education Policies Since 1958
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Salient features
9.3 Achievement of targets
9.4 Strong and weak areas.

Unit 10 Comparison of Our System of Education With those of South Asian Countries.
10.1 Japan
10.2 Malaysia
10.3 Korea
10.4 Bangladesh
10.5 Sri Lanka

Unit 11 Comparison of Our System of Education with those of some of the

developed Countries of the World
11.1 U.S.A.
11.2 Uk.
11.3 Australia

Unit 12 Financial and Manpower Planning for our Education System

12.1 Resources and resource utilization
12.2 Financial allocation and their utilization
12.3 Wastage in education
12.4 Planning strategies and implementation mechanism
12.5 Organization of our system of education from primary tertiary level in the light of
the global perspective
12.6 Challenges to the system: resource constraints: Resource mobilization population
growth: Environmental pollution; drugs, aids and bullet culture
12.7 Role of the teacher in today’s environment and his/her place in the exciting setting

Suggested Reading
 Education in Pakistan, by S.M. Shahid, Published by Majeed Book Depot
 Routledge and Kegan Paul Zake, W.M. (1992) Pakistan’s Educational Quagmire, Islamabad:
AIOU Press
 Farooq, R.A. (1994) Education system in Pakistan, Islamabad: Asia Society for Promotion of
Annotation and Reform in Education.
 Ghaffar Abdul (1994) Higher Education Peshawar: Ijaz Printers

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