Impression Essay

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Title: Bitterness of Three Sleepwalkers

By: Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Gabriel Garcia Marquez short story “Bitterness for the three sleepwalkers” tackles about life and
death, wherein the story is being narrated by three perspectives, speaking to an anonymous lady
figure about their lives, readers get an opportunity to imaginatively feel the sorrow of death. One
morning, the three sleepwalkers discover the unknown lady face down in the dirt, turning her
over, and find her breathing oddly, having a slight smile appear on her face although it seems
lifeless and monotonous. Saying that a cricket's noise had pushed down her room's walls, thereby
bringing her down to the courtyard below. Having such narration of what has happened, it occurs
as a full of paranoia from beginning to end.


In this short story from 1949, Garcia Marquez deals briefly with the concept of reincarnation.
The narrator is an indefinite "we," whom the reader assumes must be the family and relatives of
an unnamed old woman whose physical decay has left her more deranged spirit than fleshly
human. Once again, the author's fascination with the netherworld between the living and the dead
is on display here. The three narrators (sleepwalkers) discover the old woman early one morning,
chewing desperately into the earth. They turn her over and she seems dull and lifeless, although
not yet dead. The woman says she does not know how she got to the courtyard but believes it has
something to do with hearing the song of a cricket trying to push the wall of her room down.
Having the unknown women being speculated to be the mother of the three narrator to tell tale
what has happened, but seems to be unbelievable.


Having most of Gabriel Marquez’s story being narrated by a third person, it shows that the third
is the pivot, and the author has successfully sketched him in the neutrality that is required in
order for the other characters to be as shaded as they are. The stories context seems to lose their
way part-way through a struggling piece.


The stories flow shows that the author, has a fascination for “live and demise”, The three
narrators (sleepwalkers) discover the old woman early one morning, having strangely breathing,
and yet the spirit of living not being able to occupy her entity. Like in today’s generation, more
and more individuals seem to be lifeless, being in different situations.


Having felt like the world betraying you is already worse but losing some you cherish most has
got to be worse than worse. Death is very natural as to one having the possession to live, it just
doesn’t seem hard, but it is really a tough situation to experience especially when unexpected.
Although one’s death signifies that there are far more great turn outs, it leaves a very meaningful
lesson to us, it is to cherish those who still live.
Title: Bitterness of Three Sleepwalkers

By: Gabriel Garcia Marquez


"Bitterness for the Three Sleepwalkers" is the short story about life and death. Hearing the tale
told about their lives by three separate narrators talking to an unnamed lady figure, readers get a
chance to witness death's sorrow. One morning, the three sleepwalkers discover the unidentified
lady face down in the dirt, turn her over and find her breathing softly, wearing a slight smile, and
"lifeless and dull." Saying that the sound of a cricket had forced down the walls of her house,
dragging her down to the courtyard below, this story seems to be full of fear from start to finish.


The "She" unknown lady appears to be older than the other characters.
Perhaps the other three characters ' mother. Wearing a braid, and seemingly know to be “lifeless
and dull”

The Three Sleepwalkers: the story's shared narrators, looked after the Unknown Lady, had a
sleepwalking tendency, and having common thoughts.


Demonstrating the difficulty human beings go through when their cherished ones die and how

they deal with it. Life can just wither away, and nothing can be achieved however reminisce. The
sons couldn’t do something about their mom’s death. The high quality in that it is not clear. Style
of the quick story is abstract, so it puts the interpretation on the reader.
It shows multiple pooling thoughts and has the weaving between weather or now
not to desire demise upon their mother. It is frequent in dances to have characters uncertain of
which is the moral high ground and in literature.

The selection was originally in another language, having a different composition, it seems to be
that the story is either from a western country or somewhere along Spain. Seeing to it that it was
translated to American English, the words used are appropriate in describing the flow of the


Exceptionally somber down and out dim, overwhelming premonition. The story shows the

suffering feelings one must go through. It includes a dismal and heavy-hearten depiction creating
a tranquil within those who reads the short story.


The highlight of the story is having discover the body to be faced down in the dirt, to one’s
dismayed is to see the faint smile that seems to be lifeless, the loss of spirit to live.
Title: The soft touch of grass

By:  Luigi Pirandello


The story takes place in a home of their own, Signor Pardi the main character and his son who
had dealt with one of the most conflicts in life - losing a wife and a mother. Pardi seems to be
going through an emotional roller coaster throughout the course of the story. His attitude towards
the following change and evolve greatly. He seems to be like a man to pity, but is his suffering
caused by the unfortunate circumstances or his own flaws.


Luigi Pirandello’s “A Soft Touch of Grass” dramatizes a man’s reaction to losing a loved one.
Signor Pardi feels lonely and neglected after the death of his wife. He resents the fact that no one
understands his loss and that his son takes over and puts him aside. It seems that he is suffering
for unfortunate circumstances beyond his control; however, much of his suffering has been
brought upon him by his own personal flaws.


Pardi is too emotional. He burrows deep into his grief, shutting himself out from the sympathy of
others. He sinks into his misery, just as he sinks into his chair. He is resentful because he thinks
that no one can comprehend the magnitude of his loss. Pirandello juxtaposes Pardi with the chair,
saying that there was hardly any difference between Pardi and the chair except for the fact that
the chair appeared secure on four legs, whereas Pardi was insecure. The only reason that Pardi
keeps going on with his life is the curiosity as to what his son will do to the house once his son
takes over. Another example of an overreaction to an insignificant event is when Pardi goes to
the children’s park and a girl misunderstands his actions and insults him. Feeling outraged and
indignant, he throws himself on the ground like a furious child. He angrily wonders why he
cannot join in the children’s innocent play without being misunderstood. Pardi causes himself
pain by overreacting to the tiniest events and delving deep into his pain.


 Luigi Pirandello's "The Soft Touch of Grass" illustrates reality is relative, based in large part on
point of view. The little girl was not and could not be inside the old man's head. Her assumption
that he was spying up her dress was probably based on past experience or parental warnings. She
wasn't lying, but she was not telling the truth; she was not aware of the old man's truth.


Pardi seems to be a man caught in unfortunate, alien circumstances, but, in fact, most of his pain
is caused by his own flaws. If he didn’t overreact to insignificant events and controls his
emotions, such intense suffering would not have occurred. In connection to this, we must always
help ourselves in every difficulty that we encounter. The only one who has the most impact in us
is ourselves, those around us are only their to guide us in life and help just a bit in overcoming
our own conflicts.
Critical Analysis Essay

Title: A Soft Touch of Grass

By: Luigi Pirandello


The story takes place in a home of their own, Signor Pardi the main character and his son who
had dealt with one of the most conflicts in life - losing a wife and a mother. Pardi seems to be
going through an emotional roller coaster throughout the course of the story. His attitude towards
the following change and evolve greatly. He seems to be like a man to pity, but is his suffering
caused by the unfortunate circumstances or his own flaws.


Signor Pardi – the main character who lost his wife.

His son who was to be wed and lead a successful life being reasonable.


A natural phenomenon occurs wherein people or individuals at some point losses someone and
ages. Having wrong decision and mistakes, whether it is intentional or accident defines to how
we cope up with the situation. Making a valid solution for a fresh new path to go or continue.
Obstacles could never be avoided in life. It is a difficulty everyone has to go through. It is only
up to us, whether we’ll give up or keep moving forward with how life flows.

Since the story was only translated, the selection was originally in another language, in
connection to that, the translation still uses appropriate terms to describe each scenery of the flow
of the story, wherein it is comprehensible, and still keeps the emotional vibe intact.


The rhythm of the action is sequential because every action is in order. The beginning is
established right and it traverse to middle or the rising of the action and lastly the ending or the
exposition of the story.


The highlight of the story is the main character’s disadvantage to be unable to cope up with his
loss. In fact, Pardi is totally in control of his grief. Upon waking up, he actually asks himself
whether he should still give way to his grief at his wife’s death. He decides that “he could change
in a flash from being a child to becoming a man again, if he must. He was still a man, after all,
but he didn’t want to think about it. It was really as a child that he had taken off his shoes.”
However, he chooses to remain a child, as seen by his action of throwing himself down on the
grass like a child. After a while, he gets up calmly, knowing that he must become a man again.
He walks home, throws himself on his bed, and faces the wall.

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