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one of those ordered by Rogado to kill

Areza and in obedience to such order he
FACTS: had a direct participation in the killing. It
was he and Golfeo who brought Areza to a
On July 12, 1956, a group of armed men secluded place and once there he helped
approached Savador Areza to guide them Golfeo in killing him with the same bolo
to Nagcarlan because they were lost on which was taken from the victim himself. 
their way. The latter refused saying that he
had much work to do, and besides he had a The trial court found that the crime was
carabao with him. Angered and irked by committed with the qualifying circumstances
such stubborn refusal, Rogado after of treachery, aggravated by abuse of
conferring with his co-defendant Orenia superior strength and the fact that it
gave the order to take Areza along and to happened in an uninhabited place, for
kill him. The killing of Areza was done solely which reason it imposed upon appellants to
to satisfy the anger of the leader, Rogado, supreme penalty of death. While some
who being used to the blind obedience of members of the Court agree to the
his men could not tolerate the refusal of existence of the above aggravating
Areza to carry out his wishes and desires. circumstances, others however doubt if they
could be entertained in the case of
Both Domingo Golfeo and Cresencio appellants who, as members of the
Arsenal, the ones who actually killed Areza, Hukbalahap organization, rightly or wrongly,
while admitting their participation in the were of the belief that they were justified in
killing of the deceased, claimed in doing what they had done because Areza
exculpation that they acted under the committed something inimical to the
pressure of an irresistible force in that they purposes of their organization. At any rate,
merely obeyed the order of their the requisite number of votes for the
Commander, Rogado alias Commander application of the supreme penalty not
Sulit, who would have killed them if they having been obtained, the only alternative is
disobeyed his order. to impose upon them the penalty
of reclusion perpetua.

WoN Domingo Golfeo and Cresencio

Arsenal are exemt from criminal liability by
acting under pressure of an irresistible force


The defense of Golfeo is clearly untenable

not only because of the well-settled rule that
obedience to an order of a superior will only
justify an act which otherwise would be
criminal when the order is for a lawful
purpose, but also because the
circumstances under which Golfeo
participated in the torture and liquidation of
Areza cannot in any way justify his claim
that he acted under an uncontrollable fear
of being punished by his superiors if he
disobeyed their order.

The same situation obtained with regard to

Cresencio Arsenal. It appears that he was

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