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Aim of this project is to develop a real estate website. The real estate system
Give the functionality for buyers, allowing them to search for houses by
features or address. A fully funtional webapp will be developed. It provides
functionality for the realtors to authorize them to log into the system and add
new advertisements or delete existing ones. For this each user is provided a
login account with login ID and password.

Project Objectives:
 The website contains the login.
 The admin has all the type of authority.
 The Admin maintain property. Admin identify property type if it is
residential or commercial.
 The Admin user can inform their agents regarding property, update the
property information, cancellation of property or changing buyer choice.
 The website is useful for the builders that can post or edit their
 It keeps the details of buyers and investors.

Webapp specification:

Frontend pages:

● Home: This page gives the review about the website and provides
access to all other pages linked to it.
● About: This page tells about the main objective of the website which
describes the Real estate.
● Listings
● Single Listing
● Search: This enables agents to search for a specific property or location
for a quick response.
● Register: This allows the new agents to register themselves on a
● Login: This allows to login the agents who have already registered.
● Dashboard (Inquiries): This page contains the contact details and let the
agents to inquire about an issue they are facing.

Design specifications:
● Use BTRE logo (Frontend and admin)
● Branding colours – blue(#10284e) green(#30caa0)
● Mobile Friendly
● Social media icons & contact info
● Doesn’t have to be too fancy but must be clean

Functionality specifications
● Manage listings, realtors, contact inquiries and website users via admin
● Role based users (staff and non-staff)
● Display listings in app with pagination
● Ability to set listings to unpublished
● Search listings by keyword, city, state, bedrooms and price (Homepage &
search page)
● List realtors on about page with “seller of the month” (Control via
● Listing page should have fields listed below
● Listing page should have 5 images with lightbox
● Lightbox should scroll through images
● Listing page should have a form to submit inquiry for that property
● Form info should go to database and notify realtor(s) with an email
● Frontend register/login to track inquiries
● Both unregistered and registered users can submit form. If registered,
can only submit one per listing.
Possible Future Functionality
● Google maps on listing page
● Buyer testimonials

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