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Bull Sheet Vol. VII Issue VIII | JANUARY

In this issue:
Candidate Training 1
Dues!!! 2
District Convention 3

Candidate Training Articles 4

Letter from your LTG 5
Your Division at a Glance

Key Club
Do you look great in a
yellow tie? Interested in Pledge
running for LTG? I pledge on my honor,
to uphold the objects of Key

Club International;

Who: Interested Lt. Gover- to build my home, school

nor Candidates, Kiwanians,
and community;
and District Board members.
Hey Red Bulls,
some essential skills are, what their
What: Lt. Governor Candi- to serve my nation and God,
date Training Conference role on the District Board is, and
2011 much, much more! The link to and to combat all forces
When: January 15, 2011 registration is here.
If you are interested in the posi-
from 10 am - 5 pm (arrival tion of Lt. Governor for the 2011- which tend to undermine
time 9 am for current board 2012 year, please attend the (https://
members) these institutions.
upcoming CTC on January
Where: Sacramento, Rancho viewform?
15, 2011.
Cucamonga, Vista, Las Ve- hl=en&pli=1&formkey=dHZP
gas, Hawaii
At Candidate Training Confer- WENDbXl5VktIcDV3YU5JVD
Why: To learn about the LTG
election process, duties and ence, candidates will learn every- MtaUE6MA#gid=0)
skills about the job, and hear thing about the Lt. Governor posi-
first hand experiences. tion: how the election process
Cost: $5 per person for works, how they will be trained, Make sure to register by
lunch what their duties will be, what December 31, 2010!

Bulletin © Kelly Fan

Thanks to the
clubs who
have turned
in dues as of Del Norte Mt. Carmel Orange Glen Poway Rancho Bernardo San Pasqual Westview
(50) (25) (60) (73) (104) (142) (135)
December 1!

The latest dues report can be found on:

Congratulations to the clubs who have seen

growth since last year, notably San Pasqual with 51
Our division's member- more members and Poway with 16!
ship currently stands at
There are still 9 clubs in our division

who have yet to turn in dues so re-
member to continue submitting
throughout the year for EVERY
member who pays your club so that they can en-
joy the full benefits of being a member of Key Club
or 551 away from our
International. Failure to do so is a misappropriation of
membership goal of
If your club does not have its membership update
center ID, please have your ADVISOR contact our
district administrator, Mrs. Lotito at

District Convention (DCON) award judging crite-
ria can now be found at

Please look those over. For those of you applying

for distinguished-level recognition (highly encour-
aged), letters of recommendation may be needed.
Please notify Vivian if you need one with
at least two weeks' notice! In addition to
officer awards, there are some automatic entry DCON registration is now open so please start pro-
awards (website, membership increase/retention by moting to your members! :) You can find more information
February 1) as well as Distinguished Advisor, Mem- at
ber of the Year, etc, so please start looking Remember that ideally the members themselves, the club,
them over now! and your Kiwanis should each be paying for 1/3 of conven-
tion costs (registration/hotel/transportation), so start fundrais-
To see who won awards last year, check out http:// ing if you haven't yet!


I've been to six flags so many times, with friends,
with family, or what have you. Little did I know
that going with key club could be such a different
experience. This is my first year in key club since
I'm a freshman, and I thought key club was all
about the community service. I knew there was the
spirit side of key club as well, but I hadn't seen it
in action until fall rally. I can easily say fall rally
was one of my greatest experiences this year. I've

What you never seen so much spirit in one place. In our rally
session, key clubs from everywhere, near and far,
gathered together as a whole and showed amazing

support for their divisions. At the end of the day,
I'd lost my voice from cheering so much and from
screaming my lungs out on some pretty crazy rides.
I also bonded with some really great people. All in
all, fall rally was definitely worth going to, and I'd
go again next year if I go the chance.
-Jacqueline Wibowo (Del Norte)
Fall Rally 11/20

The final Saturday of Thanksgiving break was topped off with a celebration within Divi-
sion 37 South. Westview and Mt. Carmel Key Clubs joined forces in hosting a party to
raise funds for Pediatric Trauma Prevention, and the night kicked off with an entertain-
ing divisional council meeting. The DCM began with introductions by Vivian of Division
21 Lieutenant Governor Donald Quach and past D37S LTG Steven Kamen, both of
whom she described very fondly. Club reports were made, and summaries were made
about Key Leader and Fall Rally (D37S bought Cali-Nev-Ha’s District Governor, Secre-
tary, AND Vivian, in addition to raising $2100 for PTP!). Information was given regard-
ing Candidate Training Conference for underclassmen interested in running for LTG,
and DCON 2011 was introduced briefly. The DCM was concluded with a call out to all
American Apparel jacket orders, as the many brightly-colored garments were strewn across
David Lee’s floor, waiting to be claimed by their owners. Those interested in the PTP par-
ty stayed while the DCM attendees quietly slinked away.
-Ilene Chen (Rancho Bernardo) DCM/PTP Party 11/27

HOW TO SUBMIT Thank You 5k Run/Walk at 4S Ranch

ARTICLES Community Park 11.25.10
1. Write article: I arrived at the park at 6:30 AM. As soon as I stepped out of the car,
2. Submit article to officers I immediately got goosebumps. I went to sign at the table and hur-
ried over to the RB Key Club group circle. We all huddled in a cir-
3. Officers compile into one document; cle because it was FREEZING. I think I underestimated the temper-
see: ature by forty degrees. We were all assigned of our positions and where to go. Jenny and I were the mile poster holders at the starting
Article-Template point of the run. After all the runners/walkers passed us, we headed
4. Email to: over to the finish line. As soon as we got to the finish line, we could
see the first runner coming toward us. He was crazy fast!! For the
5. CARBON COPY (CC) rest of the run, we just stayed in front of the finish line, giving en-; couragement for the last push. When everyone was done, all the volunteers grouped together and took a group picture! This was a
6. You will only get points by following pretty fun day and I am looking forward to go to more Key Club
these steps!
-Andrew Ngo (Rancho Bernardo)

A letter from the LTG:

Hey Red
over - when I set the $1600 for PTP
goal back at my May DCM, I thought
that even raising that amount would
have been a challenge but you guys

proved me wrong and went above
and beyond my expectations. Out of
the clubs that have turned in on time
dues, 6 have increased their member-
This year has been going by so quick- ship from last year.
ly and before you know it your offic-
ers' terms will be over and we will be I am so proud of how much we have
on summer vacation. However, now improved as a division and I'd like to
it's still December which means its thank you all for your dedication and
time for any freshmen, sophomores, time. Please keep up the amazing
and juniors to start thinking about work (:
running for office and for seniors to

think about who can fill their posi-
tions. Candidate Training Confer-
ence is coming up very soon so if you
are even a teeeeensy bit interested in
running for LTG please register to

The first half of our year is almost

over but we have accomplished so
PS. Seniors - we're almost done!!
much as a division! You guys have
exceeded my expectations over and

For the month of December at a glance:
Service hours
Total raised for PTP (Goal was $1600!)
Raised for service
Membership (Goal 1,200)

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