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It is believed that the average daily allowance of grade 7 students in public schools is Php
75. To verify this claim, a principal has conducted a study by randomly choosing 15 grade 7
students in her school. It has been found out that the average daily allowance of these data
is Php 76.50 with a standard deviation of Php 2.40.Using 1% level of significance, can you
conclude that the claim is true?

Answer: T-test of one sample

- The situation is a test wherein the population parameter (Php 75) will be validated using
a sample statistic (Php 76.5 taken from 15 samples). And also the situation satisfies Case
3 (small sample, n=15; population is not normally distributed and the variance/standard
deviation of the population is unknown)

A manufacturer of a certain brand of wristwatch claims that the mean life expectancy of the
battery of the watch is 48 months. A researcher wants to validate this claim so he chose a
sample of 64 watches and noted that their mean life expectancy is 45 months with a
standard deviation of 2 months. At 5% level of significance, can you conclude that the mean
life expectancy is less than 48 months? Prove your answer.
Answer: Z-test of one sample
- Z-test of one sample is the appropriate statistical tool in this situation because this is a test
wherein the population parameter (48 months) will be validated using a sample statistic (45
months taken from 64watches ). And also the situation satisfies Case 2 (large sample, n=64)

An investigator predicts that dog owners in the country spend more time walking their dogs than do dog
owners in the city. The investigator gets a sample of 21 country owners and 23 city owners. The mean number
of hours per week that city owners spend walking their dogs is 10.0. The standard deviation of hours spent
walking the dog by city owners is 3.0. The mean number of hours country owners spent walking their dogs per
week was 15.0. The standard deviation of the number of hours spent walking the dog by owners in the
country was 4.0. Do dog owners in the country spend more time walking their dogs than do dog owners in the

Answer: T-test of Independent samples

- T-test of independent sample is the appropriate statistical tool in this situation because
this is a test wherein the researcher would like to know if there is significant difference
between two groups which are dog owners in the country and dog owners in the city.

Suppose a researcher would like to know if there is a relationship between the final average
grade and the scores of a college entrance exam. To do this, the researcher used the final
average grades and college entrance exam scores of 12 students.
Answer: Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
- Pearson-product-moment correlation coefficient is the appropriate statistical tool in
this situation because we are to see if there is a relationship between the final grade
average (Independent variable) and college entrance exam score (dependent variable)
A group of researchers want to test a new anti-hunger weight loss pill. They have 10 people
rate their hunger both before and after taking the pill. Using the date they have, they want
to know if the pill is effective of not?

Answer: T-test of Dependent samples

T-test of Dependent sample is the appropriate statistical tool in this situation because we
are to compare two measurements which are wight loos before taking the pill and after
taking the pill taken from one set of sample.

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