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2015 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2015), Jan.

05 – 07, 2015, Coimbatore, INDIA


Paper ID:162
S.Deepika M.Saranya V.Poorani
Assistant professor, EIE Assistant professor,EIE Assistant professor, EIE
SNS College of Technology SNS College of Technology SNS College of Technology
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore,India Coimbatore, India

Abstract-Voltage sag is a major deterrent in efficient power be broken or damage if voltage sag exceeds the sensitive
transmission systems. It affects the customers who use single threshold of the equipment [11-13]. The proposed method
phase power supply. To overcome this problem a Dynamic Sag can effectively compensate the voltage sag.
Compensator was designed and employed, the major
difference being the implementation of PV system with PI PV-DVR

controller, and additional DC source is provided as a backup Injection Transformer

instead of PV. This reduces the complexity of the proposed Vs Vl

systems to a greater extent than the existing system using PI
AC Voltage Source Vt
controller. The proposed method was verified through
computer simulations using MATLAB. Therefore, the purpose
Mat lab Simulink was chosen as the software to simulate the L1 C1
Keywords - Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Phase Locked Loop,
Photovoltaic Cell, PI Controller, Voltage Source Converter. Vdc Vc CONTROL Vactual


Power quality has now become an important component Fig.1.Injecting mode of DVR
of service reliability to both utility and customer. The minor
voltage variations results in power quality problems it II. PROPOSED DYNAMIC SAG COMPENSATOR
becomes more critical in industrial area. Sags, swells,
power interruptions, flickers and other distortions are the
power quality problems due to the performance of the The general configuration of the DVR consists of DC
sensitive load. The industrial customers suffered a huge loss charging unit, a Voltage Source Converter, an Injection /
to these problems. The equipment will be damaged or some Booster transformer, a Harmonic filter and a Control and
malfunction will occur if voltage sag exceeds the sensitive Protection system as shown (Fig.2).Here the DVR is also
threshold of the equipment. known as SSC (Static series compensator).The in phase
compensation method is used to inject the voltage. This
A Voltage Sag is a momentary decrease in the root mean method used for limited range of sag. In the DC charging
square (RMS) voltage 0.1 to 0.9 per unit, with a duration unit where we has implemented the renewable source (solar
ranging from half cycle up to 1 min. It is caused by faults in energy).The control loop of DVR and the various
the power system or by the starting of large induction motor components are explained below in detail. Here the various
[1-3]. Voltage sag can be detected by novel sag detection components of the DVR are shown (Fig.2).
algorithm consisting of a hybrid structure of instantaneous Pulse generator
sag detector and a rms sag detection system.[4-5].The loop Vactual

various operating modes of DVR is studied[6-8]and the Vdc Vg Vref

standby mode and injection mode is implemented in the Voltage
proposed setup(Fig.1).The injection mode is also called as converter

boost mode. Pre-Dip and in-phase compensation method L1 C1

must inject active power to loads to correct voltage Filter

disturbance. However, the injection of possible active Vf

power is confined to the stored energy in DC link [8-9].The Vt Vl

DVR handles both balanced and unbalanced situations + Load

without any difficulties and injects the appropriate voltage Voltage
[9-11].The half bridge inverter and PLL are designed used Measurement

to found the sag in the distribution line. The equipment will Fig.2.Inverter, filter circuit and injection transformer.

[978-1-4799-6438-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE]

In the Boost mode of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer is The PI contoller where they have maximum and the
injecting a compensating voltage through the booster minimum limits and they are selected.The output doesn’t
transformer after the detection of a disturbance in the exceeds the limit(+10 and -10).When the simulation starts
supply voltage and compensate the voltage sag. (at t=0) the controller set to zero output. Hence the initial
output is assigned to zero.

Series injection
A simple rule to tune the PI-controller is to set the
transformer intregrator value to be zero (turned OFF).Increase the value
of Kp until the reults should be satisfied (Fig.4). It has been
AC Voltage Filter
Load observed that with increasing Kp the time taken to reach the
target decrease, Kp=5 was selected as reasonable. Then by
reducing the KI the simulation results were observed. The PI
output reaches the target and stabilizes after longer time.
Inverter Control loop Vref Hence KI was selected as 0.1, which is same as 5sec time
Photovoltaic array
Vdc Vc
DC storage
DC storage
unit Reasons for selecting PI Controller:

Fig.3.Dynamic Voltage Restorer with PV and DC source The function of the proportional action is to respond
quickly to the changes in the error deviation. Integral action
A source voltage of 230 V AC (Vs) is supplied and is slower than the proportional response but used to remove
passed through the transformer. When the voltage sag the offsets between the input and the reference at steady
occurs where the control loop senses the voltage and passed state. Before the DVR starts injecting voltage to the system,
the reference pulses to an inverter. From the control loop a considerable time period was allowed for the
where the voltage (Vc) is obtained and they are used to synchronization. The synchronization process was made
trigger the device. The storage unit supplies the voltage according to the possible system frequency deviation. As
(Vdc) and they converted into voltage (Vac).It passes to the the system frequency is not much deviate from 50 Hz the
filter and the distortion gets eliminated. From the filter it fast synchronization is not a necessity. Hence it helps the
will passed through the injection transformer (Fig.3).The load voltage without phase jump. Therefore the derivative
DVR are less expensive,compact structure and effectively action is not needed and the need of PID controller was
used in mitigation operation. omitted.The PI controller reduces the complexity of the
system and compensate the voltage sag.Therefore the PI
III. CONTROL OF PROPOSED DYNAMIC SAG controller is selected for the DVR system to increase the
COMPENSATOR performance of the system.

A Proportional Integral controller was used to The parameters of KI and Kp can be vary and they
regulate the error between the supply voltage and the are shown in MATLAB.The error can be obtained after the
reference phase angle to zero.The additive combination of transformation of direct and quadrature component.The
proportion and integral control actions is known as PI- error can be proportionated and intregrated,signal is
control. summed up.The summation of both the signal where we
obtain the output and they are saturated.The pulses are
A.Tuning of the PI Controller: obtained by the PWM technique and they are used to trigger
the VSC.
The parameters proportional gain (Kp) and the integral
time constant (KI) directly affect the performance of the PI Algorithm:
controller.The tuning process should be made within two
parameters. • The transformation of Va,Vb into Vd,Vq component
in the subsystem by equation (4) & (5).
Kp • The error is obtained and they are given to the PI
Gain Zero order hold
controller. The signal is proportioned and
‫ݏܶܭ‬ Output
1 Ki ‫ݖ‬െͳ + • The signal from the pulse generator is used to
Gain1 Sum
trigger the voltage sag converter.
Time integrator

• Then the voltage sag is compensated and the solar

Fig.4.Block diagram of PI controller energy is used here.
B. Transformation of Vd, Vq: C. PV System to Interconnection:

The source voltage is supplied and it is given to the The PV system is designed with low step up
PLL and then to the subsystem. The d-q theory changes the converter and they are shown below (Fig.7).The rectified
sinusoidal waveform into real and imaginary by following output is given to high step converter and the voltage is
equations (1) and (2), maintained to be constant.

‫ݒ‬௥௘௔௟ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௦௠௔௫ ‫݊݅ݏ כ‬ሺ߱‫ݐ‬ሻሺͳሻ L1


‫ݒ‬௜௠௔௚௘ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൌ െ‫ݒ‬௦௠௔௫ ‫  כ‬ሺʹሻ R1 +

Vpv C1
- R2
Voltage Voltage

Where, Vreal (t), is the real and imaginary part of Measurement Measurement

Vs (t).Vsmax is the maximum source voltage.

‹ PI + -
‫ݒ‬ௗ ‫ݐ߱݊݅ݏ‬ െܿ‫ݒ ݐ߱ݏ݋‬௥௘௔௟ Relational Discrete PI
ቂ‫ ݒ‬ቃ  ൌ  ቂ ቃቂ ቃ ሺ͵ሻ Operator controller

௤ ܿ‫ݐ߱ݏ݋‬ ‫ݒ ݐ߱݊݅ݏ‬௜௠௚ Constant

Vout ref
Clock rem

From the above equation (3), we obtained 1/1000

Look up table

‫ݒ‬ௗ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௥௘௔௟ ‫ ݐ߱ ݊݅ݏ‬െ ‫ݒ‬௜௠௚ ܿ‫ ݐ߱ ݏ݋‬ሺͶሻ Math

‫ݒ‬௤ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௥௘௔௟ ܿ‫ ݐ߱ ݏ݋‬൅ ‫ݒ‬௜௠௚ ‫ ݐ߱ ݊݅ݏ‬ሺͷሻ
Fig.7.Simulation block for solar system with low step up
Therefore by following equations where the direct and converter
quadrature component is obtained.
The PV array system comprises of chopper and
inverter arrangement (Fig.7). The DC output is chopped to
meet the requirements of grid. The PV cell output voltage is
shown in equation (6), and the parameters are explained
-Vs MAX Vs max sinʘt VrealsinȦt
Vreal ‫ܶܭܣ‬஼ ୔ ൅ ୭ െ ୡ
‫ݒ‬° ൌ Ž ൬ ൰ െܴ௦ ‫ܫ‬஼ ሺ͸ሻ
Sin Ȧt VimgcosȦt ݁ ୭
e - Electron charge (1.602 *10-19c)
-Vs max cosʘt
Cos Ȧt
Vimg Vrealcoswt Vq A - Fitting factor.
VimgsinȦt Vo - Output voltage of PV cell in volts.
Ip - Photo current in A.
Fig.5.Transformation of Va,Vb to Vd,Vq I0 -Reverse saturation current of diode.
k - Boltzmann constant (1.38*10-23j /°k).
The transformation of the Va, Vb is done by park’s Ic -Cell output current in A.
transformation and direct and quadrature component is Rs -Cell internal resistance.
obtained (Fig.5). The operation of the DVR with PI Tc-Operating temperature of the reference cell(40°c).
controller is explained above.The control diagram of DVR
is shown below (Fig.6) that comprises of PLL,Park The temperature change (Tc) can be expressed as,
transformation,low pass filter ,PI controller and the PWM
generator.Here the sag detector is not used. οܶ஼ ൌ ߙௌ ሺܵ௫ െ ܵ௥ ሻሺ͹ሻ
vactual k
of Vd,Vq
hypot filter PI Sr - reference solar irradiation level (100 W/m3).
V(p.u) sincos +-
Ȧt Subsystem
Math function
Discrete PI controller
Sx – new level of solar irradiation.
Discrete 1-phase PLL
Įs - Slope of the change in the solar irradiation level.
1 +- 1/z

Constant From the above basic equations (6) and (7), where the
PV panel is designed including the effects of temperature
Vref k changes and solar irradiation level. Therefore by the
equations we obtained output voltage and change in
temperature and the PV panel is designed with low step up
Fig.6.Simulation block for DVR controller converter.
D. Occurrence of Sag The equations (11) and (12) are obtained by applying KVL
for equivalent diagram of DVR,
The occurrence of sag between 0.25 and 0.45sec here
the DVR does not work. The injected voltage is zero(Fig.8). ܸ௧௛ െ ܼ௧௛ ‫ܫ‬௅ ൅ ܸ஽௏ோ ൌ ܸ௅ ሺͳͳሻ
Therefore the output voltage is same as source voltage. ܸ௅  ൅ ܼ௧௛ ‫ܫ‬௅ ൌ ܸ஽௏ோ ൅ ܸ௧௛ ሺͳʹሻ

By rearranging the equation (12) we get,

ܸ஽௏ோ ൌ ܼ௧௛ ‫ܫ‬௅ ൅ ܸ௅ ൅ ܸ௧௛ ሺͳ͵ሻ

௉ಽା௝ொಽ ‫כ‬
Where‫ܫ‬௅ ൌ ቂ ቃ .

The equation (13) can be written as,

ܸ஽௏ோ ‫ ߙס‬ൌ ܸ௅ ‫Ͳס‬° ൅ ܼ௧௛ ‫ܫ‬௅ ߨߠ‫ ߚס‬െ ‫ ׎‬െ ܸ௧௛ ‫ߜס‬ሺͳͶሻ

Here Į, ȕ and į are the angle of VDVR, IL, Vth and Zth
respectively and is the load power factor angle with
‫ ׎‬ൌ –ƒିଵ ൬ ൰

The equation (11) & (12) is obtained from the

equivalent diagram of the DVR. Here the system impedance
is given by Zth = Rth+ jXth. The equation (13) will represents
the injecting voltage of the DVR
Fig.8.Simulation result before the installation of DVR IV. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS OF SAG
Due to the non-linear load, the voltage sag will occur.
The voltage sag is shown in between the 0.25 and 0.45 sec
(Fig.8).Here the DVR does not injects the voltage to The DVR injects the voltage and compensate the sag
compensate the sag. Otherwise the DVR is not installed in between 0.25 and 0.45 sec.The DVR will works on the
the system. injecting mode.In the above result where the DVR will
operates in the stand by mode(Fig.10).The occurrence of
E. Design of DVR:
sag is shown clearly.
The design of DVR consists of voltage source
converter, filter, injection transformer and DC storage unit.
The main objective of DVR is to transfer active power
between power system and the VSC (Fig.9).The DVR
supplies the real power when the voltage is low.

ห‫ݒ‬௜௡௝ ห ൌ ห‫ݒ‬௣௥௘௦௔௚ ห െ ห‫ݒ‬௦௔௚ หሺͺሻ

ห‫ݒ‬௜௡௝ ห ൌ ȁ‫ݒ‬ௗ௩௥ ȁሺͻሻ

ȁ‫ݒ‬ௗ௩௥ ȁ ൌ ห‫ݒ‬௣௥௘௦௔௚ ห െ ห‫ݒ‬௦௔௚ หሺͳͲሻ

In normal condition, the supply voltage (Vpresag) is

equal to the load voltage with zero phase angles. During the
voltage sag, the supply voltage decreases or increases to a
value less than or greater than its nominal value. The DVR
reacts to the sag/swell events and injects the compensating
voltage Vinj in-phase with the supply voltage to restore the
voltage at nominal value. The injected voltage of a DVR
(Vinj) can be expressed above. From the above equations
injected voltage of the DVR is shown.
Fig.10.Simulation result after the implementation of DVR
Fig.11.Simulink model of Dynamic Sag Compensator

From the actual supply voltage where the Vreal and Vimg
are taken by the above equations (1) and (2).The
transformation of the Vd,Vq is done. Here the direct
component and quadrature component are shown. The
Vd,Vq is measured after the transformation of Va,Vb and
shown above.
Fig.13.Voltage from hypot and LPF

Here the direct component and quadrature

component from the hypot and LPF is shown above
(Fig.13). The pulses from the DVR controller will trigger
the converter which will operate and compensate the sag in
the fault condition. Finally the sag is compensated during
the time period. The voltage sag is compensated by the
DVR and the load voltage and load current is measured and
it is shown (Fig.14).
Fig.12.Vd, Vq vs time

By the park transformation the signal is converted to

the required signal. Here the output signal is obtained for
direct and quadrature component.

The transformation is done and subsystem the direct

and quadrature component is obtained. The signal is passed
through the math function and the distortions are high.
Therefore voltage is measured after the transformation of
Va,Vb into Vd,Vq and the signal is shown (Fig.12) from the
hypot and LPF.
Fig.14.Load voltage and load current

Using the MATLAB, where the simulation is done

and the output is obtained. Here the sag is compensated
from 0.25 to 0.45 sec. All the above results are shown here.
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