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2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications

and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)

Compensation of Voltage Sags and Swells using

Photovoltaic Source Based DVR
Ebrahim Babaei, Senior Member, IEEE, 3Farzad Mohammadzadeh Shahir, 1Selda Dabbagh Tabrizi, 1Mehran Sabahi
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Engineering Faculty, Near East University, 99138 Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey
Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran

Abstract—The voltage sag and swell are the important problems voltage swell at the load. The injected active power of DVR
that discussed in the grid voltage quality. In this paper, a new provided by dc link or storage elements. Also, the proposed
compensation structure based on dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) control scheme can be compensate the voltage amplitude and
and photovoltaic (PV) system is proposed. PV system is supported its phase angle. Depending on the load, the different techniques
by an energy storage element (battery). Also, the operating of PV are considered. In this paper, the proposed controlling structure
system is controlled by incremental conductance (IC) algorithm to is firstly introduced and then, its relations are presented for
maximum power point tracking (MPPT). Meanwhile, a new pure resistive single-phase load and resistive and inductive
control system is proposed for coordinate operating of proposed three-phase loads with their phase shift. After, the PV cell and
compensated system with details. The simulation results in
its MPPT controlling method based on IC algorithm is
MATLAB/Simulink are used to show the effectiveness of the
described. Finally, the validity of proposed controlling scheme
proposed structure and its controlling system on the voltage
is done by MATLAB\Simulink software.

Keywords—DVR, photovoltaic system, MPPT, voltage sag, voltage II. THE PROPOSED CONTROL SYSTEM STRUCTURE
swell, voltage distribunc.
In this paper, the proposed control system is consists of a DC-
I. INTRODUCTION AC inverter, a boost converter and a storage energy element
(battery or super capacitor) and is based on determining the
Increasing the power system and its development, one of the reference voltage of DC-AC inverter method [10]. How to
biggest challenges facing the electricity industry is power connect a DC-AC inverter for use is shown in Fig. 1. As seen
quality problems. One of the most common quality problems in Fig. 1, DC-AC inverter includes three ports. It has two input
was voltage sag or voltage swell in distribution systems [1]. ports and an output port. In this circuit, the battery as energy
The value of voltage changes in the range of 0.1 to 0.9 per-unit storage elements can be used and also the specific conditions of
(pu) is said to voltage sag. Voltage sag occurs due to an error in super capacitors are also used as energy storage elements. The
the power system or starting the motors, that reduces the root- boost converter is used to increase the dc voltage of PV cell.
means-square (rms) voltage [2]. The custom power devices Achieving to the maximum power from PV power source,
were introduced in order to compensate these disorders in charge and discharge a specified value of power and regulation
distribution system [3]. DVR is one of custom power devices of the output voltage is possible by the duty cycle variations of
that installed on distribution system especially at sensitive boost converter. The power of those sources (PV and battery)
loads to compensate for disruptions [4]. This device can be can be transferred power separately or together to the load. So,
installed in series with each phase of load and its ability to the DVR can be compensating the sag and swell of voltages
compensate its disturbances. On the other hand, the use of DG caused in the load voltage. In general, we get:
systems in the power system must be considered. These energy  ac
Pdvr = Pdc + P (1)
sources are usually installed to load with an energy storage
Ppv ≠ Pdc (2)
element can be effectively operate in voltage sag or voltage
swell in distribution systems [5-6]. The storage equipment in P Bat = Pdc − Ppv (3)
these energy sources provide storing energy ability at  
increasing power generation and use it at reducing power P Bat = P ac (4)
generation [7]. The set of DG source and its energy storage 
In above relation, Pdvr , Ppv , P Bat , Pdc and P ac represent the
device can be injected the voltage at voltage sag state, and the power of DVR, PV, battery, AC and the DC side, respectively.
deficiencies can be minimized by energy storage elements of
DG at increasing load voltage state. In [8], the PV and its III. THE PROPOSED CONTROL SYSTEM STRUCTURE
storage element try to compensate voltage disturbances. The
DVR with PI controller are used to compensate the voltage sag
in [9]. This paper presents an optimal control scheme for a
dynamic recovery voltage by PV that is a type of the DG From Fig. 2, the grid voltage, the phase voltage of load and
system and DVR. DVR system injects a voltage in series with inverter can be calculated as follows, respectively:
the grid; as a result it can be compensate the voltage sag and VS = VS < 0 (5)

978-1-5386-0449-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications
and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)

VL =VL <φ (6) 3 1

P d = V m I m cos φL − I m cos(φL − φ )(V 1 +V 2 +V 3 ) (21)
V I = V I < 180 − δ (7) 2 2
In above relation, φ shows the phase shift due to surplus
power produced by PV and φL represents the lag current.

Fig. 1. Proposed system structure

Fig. 3. Proposed controlling System

(a) (b) C. Power injection and phase shift

Fig. 2. Phasor diagram; (a) single-phase, (b) three-phase The injection of additional phase shift ( φ ) is limited. The
below limitation is defined for phase shift:
A. The pure resistive load relations φmin < φ < φmax (22)
By considering pure resistive load, we have:
The maximum value of φmax is determined by maximum
I L = V L < φ RL = V L RL < φ = I < φ (8)
L voltage of DVR. Assuming, the index modulation amplitude of
Form Fig. 2(a), it is resulted: DVR inverters is not greater than 1. In this situation, we have:
V I sin δ = V L sin φ (9) V dvr max < V dc (23)
V I cos δ = V S − V L cos φ (10)
The output power can be extracted as follows:
Pinv = V I sin δ × I L sin φ − V I cos δ × I L cos φ (11)
Substituting (9) and (10) into (11), the inverter output power is:
Pinv = I L V L − V S cos φ  (12)
(a) (b)
From (12), the below relation is resulted: Fig. 4. Vector diagram of grid voltage at; (a) sag, (b) swell
cos φ = ( V L V S ) − ( Pinv V S I L ) (13)
Equation (12) can be rewritten as follows: From Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), the below relations are resulted:
Pinv = V L I L = V L R L
(14) Vd = x 2 + y 2 (24)
The reference voltage can be achieved as follows: x = VL sin φ (25)
V I .ref = V L .ref −V S = V < φ − V S < 0 (15) y = V L cos φ − V S min
Initial angle differential is intended in order to compensate for y = V S max −V L cos φ (27)
lost power at the inverter (Fig. 3). From (23), it is resulted:
= V 2 sin 2 φ + (Vm cos φ − VS )
B. The three-phase resistive-inductive load relations φmax
m min
< Vdc (28)
The load voltage, supply voltage and load current at phase "a" The below relation is obtained for φ at voltage sag state:
will be, respectively:
= V 2 sin 2 φ + (Vm cos φ − VS )
VSa = V1 sin θ (16) φmax
m max
< Vdc (29)
VLa = Vm sin(θ + φ ) (17) From (28) and (29), we have:
φmax = min{φmax
, φmax
} (30)
I La = I m sin(θ + φ − φL ) (18)
The injected active power of DVR can be increased by
The DVR voltage is as follows: increasing and the value of reactive power DVR depends on
Vda = VLa − VSa = Vm sin(θ + φ ) − V1 sin θ (19) the phase shift and will not be directly controlled.
The instantaneous power of DVR at phase "a" is obtained:
Pda (t ) = − Vm Im [ cos2θ cos(2φ −φL ) −sin2θ sin(2φ −φL ) −cosφL ]
2 (20) Semiconductor PV cell equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 5. In
1 this Figure, I Ph indicates the value of light emitted the PV
+ V1 Im [ cos2θ cos(φ −φL ) −sin2θ sin(φ −φL ) −cos(φ −φL )]
2 cells, diode D shows the semiconductor behavior of PV cells,
where, the above relation includes active and reactive powers. and Rsh and Rs represent the equivalent electrical resistance of
Similarly, "b" and "c" phases can be proved. The DVR for a parallel and series connection of semiconductor PV cells [11].
three-phase system is obtained as follows:

2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications
and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)

25°C . In this situation, the generated PV power can be stored in

battery. Fig. 7 shows the simulation results of this state. From
Fig. 8, the average power of battery is almost zero at
φ = +34.5deg . If φ = 32.5deg , the battery stored energy is
Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit of PV cell
reached to PBat = 175W . However, the battery is discharged at
V. MPPT ALGORITHM φ = 36.5deg .
PV cell maximum power point (MPP) depends on the angle of PARAMETERS VALUE
radiation and temperature. So, the using of MPPT algorithm is short circuit current, open circuit A
voltage , I = 2.926 V oc = 19.39 V
necessary to achieve maximum power solar arrays [12-15]. Sc

Over the past decades, many methods have been developed to Voltage and current of MPP -V MPP = 13.414 V I MPP = 2.515A
find MPP. A comprehensive overview of 19 different MPPT Temp. coefficient of I Sc and Voc , α SC = 2.086 × 10 −3A/
β OC = 0.0779V/ C

algorithms is available in [16-18]. One of the most efficient

series resistance R S = 0.0277 Ω
methods of MPPT is IC method [18] which is based on the
ability to deliver zero slopes toward MPP (Fig. 6). Operating PV arrays , N p = 6 , N s = 8 34W
point of array with a positive slope to the left on the left and
negative characteristic is the ability to deliver as follows: 400 600

dP dV = 0 : at MPP, dP dV > 0 :left of MPP, 300 500


dP dV < 0: right of MPP


V o lt a g e
Due to the slope of the tangent, the below can be written: 0

V dv r

-100 0

dP dV = d (VI ) d (V ) + V dI dV (32) -200


Substituting (32) into (33), it is resulted:


ΔI ΔV = − I V : at MPP, ΔI ΔV > − I V : left of MPP ,

-400 -400
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

Time (s) Time (s)

ΔI ΔV < − I V : right of MPP (a) (b)

400 2000
300 1800

200 1600

100 1400

0 1200


-100 1000

-200 800

-300 600

-400 400

-500 200

-600 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time (s) Time(s)

(c) (d)
Fig. 7. Simulation results of "a" phase at normal grid voltage; (a) grid voltage,
(b) injected voltage of DVR, (c) load voltage, (d) PV power
1400 1400

1200 1200

1000 1000

800 800

600 600
P B at
P bat

400 400

200 200

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

Fig. 6. The flowchart of IC algorithm -600

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time(s) Time (s)

(a) (b)
VI. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig. 8. The battery power, (a) increasing (φ ) , (b) decreasing (φ )

Here, the simulation results are extracted using MATLAB

software. In all simulations, the resistive load and its voltage B. Simulation results at grid voltage sag
(per phase), and three-phase power are intended R = 15Ω , In this state, it is assumed that 40% and 20% voltage sag are
occurred in "a" and "b" phases, respectively, and "c" phase is in
220Vrms and PL = 9.670 k W , respectively. Other parameters of normal state. As shown in Fig. 9, the MPP of PV is tracking at
PV module are presented in Table I. Also, the phase current is Ppv = 1.65KW . Considering φ = +30deg , the average discharged
displayed by a factor of 5 times. In proposed control system, φ
is considered as control signal in order to power of PV source power of battery is almost Pb = 1.35KW . It can be achieved to
to the load and grid, and battery charging/discharging. Then, different battery discharge power by phase shift changing (φ ) .
the load voltage phase is always chosen phase-lead to the grid
voltage phase. C. Simulation results at grid voltage swell
In this state, it is assumed that "a" phase is in normal state, and
A. Simulation results at normal grid voltage 30% and 15% voltage swell are occurred in "b" and "c" phases,
It is assumed it isn't occurred the voltage sag and the voltage respectively. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 10. As
swell in grid and the variations of temperature and radiation seen in Fig. 10, the resistive load and it voltage are considered
(light intensity) are neglected and results are obtained under

2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications
and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)

(R = 15Ω ) and PL = 9.67 KW , respectively. In this situation, shift angle (φ ) should be selected as phase-lead. Active and
the average MPP of PV is tracking around PPV = 1.65KW . By reactive power of DVR injected to the load and grid. By
increasing phase-lead value of the phase shift angle (φ ) , the
considering φ = +40deg , the battery is charged by Pb = −600W .
injected power of DVR is increased (and conversely). Also,
this behavior of DVR indicates its capacitive performance. It
should be considered that the value of reactive power DVR

300 300

200 200 depends on the phase shift angle (φ ) and it can not be
controlled directly, because the phase shift angle (φ ) can be
100 100


-100 -100
regulated to control the charging\discharging the battery
-200 -200

-300 -300

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time(s) Time(s)

(a) (b)
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