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The man whose full name Sandiaga Salahudin Uno, he was born in Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Riau on

June 28, 1969. He is the son of Razif Halik Uno and Mein R. Uno. His father was from
Gorontalo. This can be seen from the last name sandiaga surnamed Uno. Sandiaga’s father
initially worked as an employee in the company Caltex in Riau, after it does not work anymore,
Sandiaga's father then brought his family to Jakarta in the 1970s.

Sandiaga started his education at the elementary school PKSD then junior high school 12 Wijaya
South Jakarta and continue school to a Catholic high school. Sandiaga Uno is a smart figure, it is
evident when he enrolled at Wichita State University in Kansas, USA, he managed to graduate
with honors Summa Cum Laude. After graduating from Wichita State University, he then
worked at Bank Summa owned by William Soeryadjaya. Because performance is pretty good
company, a year later he received a scholarship to continue his studies at George Washington
University, USA. He completed his studies by achieving a perfect GPA of 4.00 is a proud

Then in 1993, he worked in Singapore and chose to join the investment company named
Seapower Asia Investment Limited as investment manager. Two years later, in 1995, he moved
to Canada and worked at a company called NTI Resources Ltd with the position as Executive
Vice President of NTI Resources Ltd.

His salary when it amounted to 8,000 dollars per month. But as the saying goes "Wheel of Life is
always spinning." Hurricane monetary crisis that occurred in 1997, resulting in the company was
also affected. His company went bankrupt and started to cut jobs (Termination) included on him.
Sandiaga Uno finally chose to return to Indonesia and start a new business. Despite its status as
the unemployed. The first step was doing when in Indonesia is looking for a new job but the
results are not as expected. Job application even decline by 25 companies. The experience does
teach everything. This then became the turning point of a Sandiaga Uno, he later changed the
mindset of the employee to be an entrepreneur.

Experience the receipt then attempted to use to try to create a company called PT Recapital
Advisors in 1997 engaged in financial consulting services. The company he founded with high
school friend named Rosan Perkasa Roeslani. But not all of them are expected to always run
smoothly, many prospective clients underestimated the ability of Sandiaga Uno. Until the end of
6 months after the company was established there are companies that end up using his services.

Precisely in 1998, he and Edwin Soeryadjaya later founded the investment company named PT
Saratoga Investama Sedaya. Armed with the network is good with companies or financial
institutions that exist within the country and abroad, the company founded by Sandiaga Uno then
finally successful. Investment company engaged in telecommunications, mining and forestry
products. Its system is raising capital from several investors then acquired a company with
financial problems then improve the performance of the company. After the performance of
these companies already looks pretty good, then the company is sold back course with a higher
price. One company he has ever acquisition is BTPN.

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