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Describe yourself

I am a simple person. I prefer simplicity in everything. I don't like things getting complicated or

Describe your family

My family consists of five members.

Describe a close friend

Describe a close friend.

You should say:

 how long you have known this person

 how you met

 what kind of person he/she is

and explain why you like him/her.

We grew up together
I have known him since we were children

My best friend is a guy called Rich. We met in 2003 on our first day of university, during Freshers’
Week. I can hardly believe that it was fifteen years ago! We were both seventeen at the time and we
met in the halls of residence, which is where we stayed during that first year. He was an art student
and I was studying literature. We got along well from the very first moment. I remember him
wearing a Guns n Roses t-shirt, and they were my favourite band at the time. We lived together for
two years and have stayed best friends ever since. Rich is a very generous and creative person. He
plays in a band and paints. A few years ago he got married and now he has a child. He’s changed a
lot since we were students, but in many ways he has stayed the same. I liked him back then because
he was such a nice guy, and the same is true now. Everyone who knows him thinks he is patient and
open-minded, so he’s very easy to get along with.

Describe your favourite subject in your academic life.

You should say:
 what is it
 why you like/liked it
 your experience of this subject
and explain why it is/was your favourite subject.

Model Answer 1:
Being a student of science, I have always wondered what would have happened if "Physics" as a
faculty of science didn't exist. Well, one thing for sure is that we wouldn't have got the theory of
relativity and Gravity, to name only two out of many, which have practically changed our views of the
world as well as our "lives" itself. But, as I took my educational journey to a university and got the
opportunity to learn "the subject" of Einstein and Newton in more details, I didn't really need to
wonder anymore.

I liked physics during my student life probably more than any other subjects. I liked it not only
because I was good at it, but also because of my fond memories and experiences of this subject.
Spending many, many hours of learning fundamental theories of physics in the classrooms together
with even more hours at a physics lab, I have learnt to understand that physics probably and
potentially is the most satisfying of all the main science subjects as this difficult subject tends to
explain why and how things happen in this material world. Having learnt about circular motion,
waves, gravity, energy, force, electricity and much more, as a student, I could certainly feel myself as
being little "smarter" than others, who were not the students of "science". Whether I was
experimenting with Newton's "law of motion" or "law of gravitation" in a lab, I always felt like I was
a "scientist" in my own little lab.

I enjoyed learning this interesting subject mainly because I could actually engage myself on an
intellectual level with not only the teachers but also with my fellow students. Besides, in a physics
class, more often than not, I would be one of the few lucky students to be requested to the class board
in order to explain some of the difficult topics of physics whether they were related to the laws of
thermodynamics or quantum physics. And I loved being challenged by a very interesting branch of
science that represented a complete purity of thoughts without having to worry about any religion,
politics, human psychology or any other ambiguous human variables for that matter.

Model Answer 2:
History was my favourite subject in my academic life. I have learned so many
things from history books and started realising how important it is for us to know
our past to build the future. I learned a lot from my history teachers and they were
excellent tutors who always motivates us. I was so fascinated about my experience
of reading and learning the history that it was my major in my university.

Learning about the past is something that gives us essential knowledge about our
country, heritage, the world we live in and about the human race as a whole. It
also warns us about past catastrophic events and motivates us to build a better
world. I took history seriously for the first time when I was in grade 7 and I found
it intriguing. I learned about the ancient world, how the social and economic
conditions were then and how the world has been shaped by the different events
throughout the time. I liked it more than any other subject in my school. I could
actually relate things I learned from my history textbooks, and this was not the
case for a few other subjects that we were taught at that time. So I really liked
history as a subject. I developed an uncanny attraction towards it and tried to read
as many history books as possible back then.

After that, I become so interested in this subject that I started reading books on
History by different writers. There is a famous saying that "To shape the future
you must know the past", and history teaches us that. I had been lucky to have
some great teachers who have a tremendous way of explaining the topics of
history. To me, other subjects like literature and math were also interesting but I
felt a different passion for history as a subject.

After I finished school, I took history as my major and that has greatly influenced
me the way I look at the world and to the past and the future. Reading and learning
history was like travelling through time and generations and that excited me so
much. To be honest it still does. I fell in love with this subject and it became my
favourite subject soon.

Model Answer 3:
This is indeed a great topic to talk about and the credit goes to you for allowing
me the time to think and talk about it.

Math has always been my favourite subject in my school days and my interest in
math helped me profoundly to understand other science-related subjects more
accurately. I have recently graduated from computer science and I could not have
been a good programmer without my understanding and love for mathematics.
Academic subjects like statistics, algorithm, data structure and programming are
hard to learn without someone's command in mathematics.

I liked mathematics because I was good at it! My father is an architect and I have
always felt curious about his passion for mathematics and architectural design. In
my academic years, I was not a top scorer, but my grades in maths were always
high. I remember spending more hours solving mathematical problems than
memorising poems and reading literature. Thus when I was in high school, I was
good at maths and it's natural that I spent more time doing maths than other

My father has a great influence in developing my interests for maths. He

painstakingly explained mathematical formulas, their usage and practical
implications to me and thus I started loving this subject from my early childhood. I
was lucky to have some great teachers during my academic years who also were
my motivation to do well in mathematics.

I could solve mathematics as I had a solid foundation in it from my childhood. I

was often asked by my class teachers to explain a certain math problem to them.
This also grew my confidence and in high school, I was persuaded that I can solve
any math problems from our textbooks. As you know, young people often like the
subject they are good at and spend more time reading and understanding it. This
was also the case for me and math has always been my favourite subject in my
academic years.

Describe a city or country you want to live/work the most in the future
You should say:

What is it

Where is it located

Why you like it

Well, it is such an interesting topic! Off the top of my head, if I were given a chance to
go to a country to settle down, I would not hesitate to pick Japan because I’m a real
sucker for the country itself and the Japanese’s style of working in particular.

To start off, what would interest me most during my stay in Japan would be
the breathtaking scenery there, as I have watched countless programmes on TV
featuring the magnificent landscapes from South to North. If I were to pick what city, it
would be Ottawa, since good words about it are going around a lot.
I wouldn’t forget to mention the fact that the Japanese are hard-working people and have
a strong sense of responsibility and discipline, and because of this, I reckon a period
living and working in a native environment would cultivate that characteristic in me.

Settle down: to begin to live a quieter life by staying permanently in a place

Be a real sucker for: to like a particular type of person or thing very much, so that you
will do almost anything to please them or to have them

in particular: especially

breathtaking: extremely impressive or beautiful

Go around: if something such as an illness or

a piece of news is going around, people are giving or telling it to each other

Cultivate: to develop something such as an attitude, ability, or skill

all-out effort: With all one’s strength, ability, or resources; not holding back

stand a chance: to have a chance of doing something

stamina: the ability to work hard or to make a lot of effort over a long period of time
without getting tired


Is salary important to you? What is the impact of salary on doing work?

As far as I know, the more salary you receive, the more eager and enthusiastic you
become at the workplace. What I’m trying to say is that high salary can give us immense
motivation to carry out the tasks and accomplish them with the highest degree of
accuracy and speediness, I distinctly remember a time when my boss promised to give
me a pay rise if I could carry through a project on time; I was simply too excited to turn
down his offer and as a result, l made it in time. In a nutshell, the power of money is

What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

Finding employment can be easier if you know how to do certain types of jobs. The first
common occupation that many migrants do would be taking care of the nails of their
customers, or the so-call manicure I guess. Such a job requires little or no knowledge but
you have to Sacrifice your self-esteem as I see most foreigners often look down on that
type of work. The second but nobler profession is the one related to the use of foreign
language. I am one hundred percent certain that if you have an excellent command of the
local language, for example, English, in all likelihood you can find a decent job with a
handsome salary.

Should young adults work abroad?

I reckon it’s a mixed blessing. On the bright side, a period of work in a foreign country
can give people a wealth of knowledge and practical experience especially in advanced
countries, so I guess they would learn pretty much. Besides, the companies in their home
country usually give their red-carpet treatment to those working abroad when they come
back. Then again, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be as there are also many drawbacks. They
can miss their parents or have a hard time getting some used to the climate or culture in a
strange land, without much support from others. All in all, it primarily depends on their
preferences and determination, but I recommend they should give it a try as they are still
young and energetic.

If they don’t work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel in a foreign

Well, travelling can be a good way to explore the country and gain some hands-on
experience, but I have to admit that mostly it just gives you a superficial experience. You
get exposed to much stuff without a clear focus. For instance, you can get into contact
with the locals, sample the local cuisine or marvel at the breathtaking landscapes. So I
guess, it doesn’t have much thing to do with work or work experience. In a nutshell,
travelling broadens your horizons of the world and the people, not giving you any insight
into the work you are doing.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Band 9 Sample –

Topic: Describe a time that you were shopping
in a street market
Posted on January 15, 2019 by admin

Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market

You should say:

 When it was
 Where it was
 What you bought
 And explain how you felt about the shopping experience

Till not a big Ian of shopping as I am quite up to ears with work and rarely head out to an
open-air market for any purchase. All the shopping is often done by my mother who’s a
shopaholic. But. off the top of my head. Remember a recent time when I travelled to
Singapore, I happened to seize a chance to stroll around and do a little shopping in town.

My original purpose was to give it a try to see how people in my country live in foreign
countries, yet it turned out that the town was a perfect spot to shop for some souvenirs as
gifts for my friends back in my country. I took a walk down all the shops and was thrilled
to bits when there were lots of items on display. There were some model statutes of the
lion – the symbol of Singapore, or some bracelets and car keys with different symbols
representing Singapore, it really hit the spot is my friends at that time were constantly
texting me to buy something as souvenirs.

This wonderful shopping experience was second to none is it is a street market in the
great outdoors, so I could enjoy the fresh and clean air of Singapore while immersing
myself in the convivial and dynamic atmosphere of the market place. To tell the truth, I
did splurge quite a great deal of money on buying souvenirs, as the items were quite
reasonably priced and I also got a discount for buying in bulk.


Why some people choose to buy in the street market rather than the shopping mall?

As far as I’m concerned, street shopping is quite cool in the aspect that people are given a
combined experience of shopping and immersing themselves in the nature! When they
stroll along the small shops lined along the street, they can see the items on display while
being able to look up to the sky and breathe the fresh air, for example. Sometimes, it’s an
enriching experience as people can have casual talks with the shopkeepers and deal some
bargains with them. All these can make shopping at a street market appealing to many.
Do you think the discounted goods have good value?

From my personal experience, the quality of goods sold at a discounted price is often
Inferior to those sold at normal prices. This can be due to the fact that the seller may want
to get rid of some faulty commodities, so they may reduce the prices so as to attract the
vulnerable consumers who are interested in such bargains. Additionally, lowly priced
items are often out of dated. So if you’re a fashion fanatic, buying discounted clothes
won’t be a good choice, as the items of clothing are often fading out of fashion as newer
versions are being launched on the market on an hourly basis.

How often do people in your country go shopping?

Generally speaking, people are really into shopping, just like Western people and they
will spend as much as time possible for this activity. Usually women will spend at least
one or two times a week browsing for latest lines of products especially clothes at the
supermarket or shopping mall. If they are busy, they tend to log on the Internet Ion some
virtual stores and compare the prices of different brands: and then wait till the weekend to
satisfy their desire for shopping

What kinds of places are popular for shopping in your country?

Usually, there are two types of places which are popular among shoppers. The first and
most prevalent lone is supermarket. This is simply because there are a wide range of
clothes of different brands on display and the customers can feel free to try on their
favorite piece of garment, they can also take their friends along to check for them if those
clothes match or not, which I think is pretty great. Another type is online shopping. The
consumers can access the virtual stores on the Internet and browse for items they love.
Moreover, they can compare prices and look at the Review sections and receive advice
whether that product is worth buying or not

Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

Not really, I think each type has its own merits. In terms of shopping at physical stores,
customers there are a wide range of clothes of different brands on display and the
customers can feel free to try on their favorite piece of garment; they can also take their
friends along to see if those clothes match or not, which I think is pretty great. In terms of
online stores, they can compare prices and look at the review sections and receive advice
whether that product is worth buying or not. In a nutshell both are here to stay.

Did you ever have had shopping experience?

Yes, I did. I remembered that I bought a fake Iphone 5 and ended up throwing it in the
trash can after one or two uses. The problem is that I didn’t receive good customer
service and chose less reliable places to shop. I recalled the shop assistant was strangely
nice to me but I didn’t think that those nice words were her trick.

What would you do if you bought something disappointing from the internet?

There can be a number of courses of actions I can consider when an item I bought online
fails to live up to my expectations. The first thing would do in this case is to note down
the address of the store owner and go directly there to ask him. This is simple because the
sellers must have the responsibility if they provide products that don’t meet the standards
and fix them if there are any technical problems. Another thing I would take into account
is that I would go to some local authorities and claim my rights the seller refuses to repair
the item; change another one or give a refund.

How is online shopping so popular these days?

It is understandable that buying stuff online is gaining tremendous popularity among

people in modem society. You can see nowadays people don’t have time to get to the
store in person and access the virtual stores instead. There is an increase in the number of
online stores, selling diverse range of products with different rice ranges, which cater for
the needs of people of all ages.

Furthermore, the customer service is being improved greatly and I see that many people
are placing their trust on inline shopping these days

Describe someone who is a good parent/ Describe a good parent you know
You should say:

 Who the parent is

 How you know the parent
 What the parent looks like
 And explain why you think the parent is good.

Ok right then, off the top of my head, the parent I’d like to talk about is the mother of a
good friend of mine, and the reason for choosing to talk about her is that my friend is
always going on about how lucky he is to have such a nice mum. And from what I know
about her, I’d say he’s absolutely right.

Anyway, as for how I know her, well it’s basically due to the fact that I went to the same
middle school as her son. And because we became pretty good friends, we ended
up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents, especially during the holidays when we
often went over to each other’s homes.

And regarding what his mother looks like, well interestingly enough, she actually looks
pretty similar to my own mother, because they both have quite round faces and long
wavy hair. Having said that, I’ve noticed that my friend’s mother often ties her hair up
in a bun whereas my mother usually always keeps it down. And another thing to
mention would be that whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes,
which I guess is probably because red suits her quite well.

But anyway, finally then, with regard to why I think she’s a good parent, well I’d say
there are quite a few reasons, one of which would be that she’s always been very
supportive to her son. And just to give you an example, when he wondered what major
to study at university, he ended up choosing music. And his mother gave him her full
support, which is probably not what many other parents would have done, as music
doesn’t really leave open a lot of career choices.

And I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their children to do
things which they think are best for them, but my friend has said that his parents have
never been like this with him, especially his mother. So I kind of get the impression that
she’s never forced him to do anything against his will, and has always let him make his
own decisions, which I think’s really great.


In a typical family, who plays the leading role?

Well, the stereotype is that the father is the breadwinner of the family, the person who
makes the decisions and takes responsibility for the whole family. This can be
understandable because the father tends to occupy high positions in society while the
mother tends to be housewife or only gets involved in some trivial work like cleaning or
babysitting. However, this is not really the case in modern society where freedom and
equality is being put a higher emphasis on. Women are as successful as men and are no
longer in charge of the monotonous household chores like they were in the past

In your country, what kinds of family members usually live together?

Well, to the best of my knowledge, despite the increasing popularity of nuclear

families, extended ones still exist in our society. Usually both parents and one, two or
three kids would live together under the same roof. In other cases, a grandmother or
grandmother joins them to take care of the small kids while the parents are away for
work, for example. Other less common situations are many generations reside in the same
house, usually a multi-story house. Families like these often consist of an uncle, aunt, and
their families and so on. Typically, many problems occur when a great many members
are in a similar place

Do young and middle-age people live with old people?

Frankly speaking, unlike in Western countries where it is common to send older

grandparents to nursing homes, most people are bound by their duty, which means that
they should or, in another sense, have to pay back what their parents have given them.
As a consequence, the young generations and middle- aged people tend to share the
same house with older people. This can be beneficial since small children can receive
special care from their grandparents, obtain invaluable hands-on experience and tend to
develop a good code of conduct later on.

What would children do to make their parents proud?

I guess kids can have good performances at school and behave well to their teachers and
the elders. Parents usually take a great pride in their kids if their children get a good score
at school, or when others tell them that their kids are nice people. As well as this, I deem
it a necessity if children help their parents out with mundane tasks ground the house like
sweeping the floor, or washing the dishes.
Should teenagers have freedom?

To be honest, they should be given freedom to a certain extent. At this impressionable

age, most teenagers can undergo a tough time in their personality growth and
they’re particularly rebellious to their parents. Given this, parents should allow them to
do what really interests them rather than forcing them to adopt certain behavioral
patterns. Having said this, the role of parents is to monitor and advise their children
to be on the right path, intervening when possible if their child makes mistakes or does
something unacceptable.

Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?

I would love to hang out with my families more. As my parents are always pied up at
work we can hardly manage time for one another. So, we often try our best to spend time
by having a dinner together at some restaurants at the weekend or see a movie together if
time permits. For me, it’s much better to build a close-knit family and strengthen our

What are parents’ responsibilities for their children?

Primarily, they are responsible for the safety and upbringing of their children.
Obviously, it includes a lot of things, such as feeding them, comforting them and looking
after them under any circumstances. They need to make sure that their children have
everything they need and are well looked after, have opportunities to learn about things,
grow up and develop as well-mannered individuals.

What’s the influence of parents on their children?

At first, parents’ behaviors influence their children greatly. If parents are polite,
generous and kind, their children tend to be like this. Besides, parents have influence on
their children in making some great decisions. I think good parents should help their
children make better decisions and offer them useful guidance. What’s more, parents’
attitudes to work, marriage and life can also influence their children. The children
may lose confidence in love and marriage if their parents often quarrel.
Describe an impressive story you heard from other people
You should say:

 What was this story

 When did you hear about it
 Who told you this story
 And explain why you were impressed by it

Today I’m going to talk about a captivating and inspiring story that I heard from my
brother who said he watched a programme on TV a few days ago. It is about a poor
student who made it to university with the top marks.

It was when I was feeling down in the dumps and disorientated in my life that my brother
told me the story, which gave me a great deal of motivation to keep on studying.

Following the plot of the story narrated by my brother, I was deeply touched and felt a
sense of admiration for such a persistent boy. Although he was born into an impoverished
family, and had to support his family by selling lottery tickets, he managed to cover his
study expenses with the money he earned and finally got into university with flying
colors. He was an exemplary role model and a huge source of encouragement for many
disadvantaged students.

After the program, I promised with myself to make a more arduous effort in my study. I
no longer slack off in my studies, and have been frequenting the library day in day out to
acquire more knowledge to better prepare myself for the obstacles ahead. The story truly
changed my outlook on life.


What kinds of hooks that old people like to read?

Since I’m not an elderly person, what I’m going to say is just guesswork but old people
are really into books which tell about the daily lives of ordinary citizens or those books
which give them the chance to reflect on their life. This is because, they are at an age
where spiritual well-being is of more importance, and many old citizens would choose
books containing some philosophy or moral lessons to read. The reason I feel this way is
they can not only can while away the time, they can also improve their personality and
pass the experience they read onto their grandchildren.

Are you a good story teller?

To be honest with you, I’m bad at putting my ideas across so I rarely dare tell a story to
anybody. To be a good storyteller, you have to be excellent at your language, have a
broad knowledge and possess an intriguing voice as well. Those are the qualities I lack so
you see; I am hopeless at describing something to others.

How do you think people will read in the future? = Does reading books become a
less common activity because of ebooks?

I strongly disagree with this view. Although the advent of the internet gives us a wide an
array of options when it comes to reading activity, like we can read ebooks on our laptop
or IPad, nothing can compare to the experience of holding a book in your own hands, and
read it from cover to cover. Another point is that you can jump to the page you want to
read by turning your fingers and browsing for the desired contents with your eyes, which
is much more convenient and user-friendly than having to use a computer screen or a
mouse to do the job

Describe a toy that you received when you were a child

You should say:

What the toy was

Who gave it to you?

How you used this

And explain how you felt when you got this toy

Band 9 Model Answer

Let me tell you about my favorite toy I owned when I was ten years old. It was a
superman, actually. I liked it because of the cartoons produced by the Japanese. But since
I was extremely absorbed in model toys at the time so I pestered my parents constantly
and, finally they agreed and were willing to shell out big bucks to afford it for me. I was
so revved up when I got it in the toys store. It was very delicate and finely painted and
modelled perfectly, just like my favorite character in the cartoon, so I almost played with
it after class on the daily basis.

This toy carries great significance to me because I have ponged for it and it was hardly
affordable at that time. So I always held it in my hand while watching the cartoon series.
As a kid that was a fascinating and exciting moment for me. Superman was the
replaceable hero in my mind, and I hope I could become a strong man in the future like
him to protect others around me.

I still keep the toy in mint condition, and each time I happen to catch a glimpse of it, memories of
my happy childhood just flash back and sometimes tears trickle down my face just imagining
how the toy really means to me.


Do you think it is good for children to play many computer games?

Personally I don’t approve that children play many computer games. Keeping the same
posture in front of the computer for a long time takes a toll on children’s physical health.
Besides, children tend to be addicted to computer games and neglect their study. There is
another downside that children may become isolated and less sociable. It is harmful to
their mental health.

Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids?

I can hardly doubt the benefits of electronic toys, but it seems to befit boys than girls.
Some car models run when a child pushes certain buttons, or gives out funny sounds. All
these can trigger a sense of curiosity and thrill for the players, which later will hone their
creativity and imagination abilities.

How do you think a child can benefit from playing a child’s game?

At first, the joy of playing games is universal because it constitutes a source of

entertainment. Children derive great satisfaction in the game by making themselves and
others happy. Besides, some games train their intellect and improve their mental and
physical health. By playing games, some children develop their special interest, skills,
and hobbies. And more importantly, I think children learn group skills by playing games,
including cooperation and conflict solution. In games, they follow rules designed by
others as well as create their own rules.

Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids?
Each option has its own merits. Playing toys on their own can be a golden chance for kids
to explore their potential. lf they are furious about and enthralled by the toy, they are
likely to dig deeper into it to see the mechanism behind it. On the other hand, if they have
others in company while playing, teamwork can be built as everyone tries to figure out
the solution. Also, they can have a blast together with more laughter.

Describe an occasion when you must be polite

You should say:

 What the occasion was

 Where it was
 Who was with you
 And explain why you had to be polite

(What it was)
I’d like to tell a story of my first interview. It was for a white-collar job in an entertainment
company. Since it was a formal interview, you know, I prepared carefully and tried to be as
professional and polite as I could.
(Why did you have to be polite?)

Obviously, a job interview always turns out to be a serious event, despite the efforts of
the interviewers to make it more comfortable. Hence, keeping a respectful attitude and
behaving politely are important. Aside from that, the company I applied for was pretty
renowned in the entertainment industry, so it just made more sense for me to be as
courteous as possible. I mean, the chances of being shortlisted would definitely be higher
if I could show my polite attitude, apart from my experience and all sorts of other stuff.

(What did you do to be polite?)

Because it was my first experience of having an interview, I felt so anxious that I

couldn’t actually sleep the previous night. I didn’t want to squander my chance. I ended
up oversleeping the next day, but thank God I still arrived on time for the interview. As it
was a formal occasion, I put on a white blouse, a black miniskirt, and high heels, like a
typical office woman. Despite my fears, the interview ran smoothly. The interviewers
were so nice and friendly. They showed no rudeness or arrogance and responded to my
greetings in a gentle way. They even made small talk at first, probably to help relieve my
nervousness. As a result, I got calmer and answered all the questions confidently. I
couldn’t have a completely laid-back attitude, and I had to be wary of being too familiar.
Still, as the atmosphere got more pleasant, I managed to stop worrying about using
formal words and expressions, all that stuff, and focused more on speaking my mind.

(Explain how you felt about it afterwards)

It was a relief when the interview ended. A week later, I received an acceptance email
from the company and was placed on a probation period. I was extremely happy and I felt
like I was floating on air for the rest of the day. That’s my experience of being extremely
polite on a particular occasion.



Meaning: working in an office, not a factory

Example: The insurance company is advertising some white collar jobs, if you want to

to squander a chance

Meaning: to waste an opportunity, by not taking advantage of it

Example: He squandered a chance to go to university by failing to study for his entrance


to make small talk/to exchange pleasantries

Meaning: to talk in a polite way about unimportant matters such as the weather

Example: I enjoy a serious discussion and I don’t like to make small talk or exchange
pleasantries with others simply in order to be polite.

to have a laid-back attitude

Meaning: relaxed, not worrying about anything

Example: Our teacher had a laid-back attitude in the classroom, but she was always well-
prepared and committed to her students.

to be wary of

Meaning: not completely trusting or certain about something

Example: Consumers must always be wary of the claims made in advertisements,
because such claims are often untrue.

(to) turn out

Meaning: to be discovered to be; to prove to be

Example: The job turned out to be harder than we thought.


Meaning: famous

Example: That restaurant is renowned for its Southwestern-style food.


Meaning: very informal, in a way that is not appropriate

Example: Our tutor is strict, and students are not allowed to talk to him in a familiar way.


Meaning: a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if you are suitable
for the work

Example: I’m on a period of probation and just receive 80% of the regular wage.

(to) float on air

Meaning: to feel very happy

Example: On their wedding day, most couples feel like they are floating on air.


Are people more polite with non-family members than they are with their parents?

I cannot tell for sure but that’s usually the case, especially with some of the youngsters
nowadays, they even show more respect to others than their own parents, which seems
like an act of hypocrisy to me. Fortunately, those are just minority in the society full
of decent people. Sometimes, you may have a feeling that people behave to strangers in
more polite manners than their own people, which can be because they don’t want to
be misunderstood or cast judgment on easily if they act carelessly during their short

Hypocrisy (n): behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or

opinions that they do not actually have

Decent (a): honest and fair; treating people with respect

Misunderstand (v): to fail to understand somebody/something correctly

Cast judgment on: to judge

Are people today as polite as people were in the past?

Compared to the old times, I believe our ancestors were far more considerate in terms
of social etiquettes and customs. Although we still have our set of rules and taboos about
how to interact and behave in proper manners, the sophistication of such behaviors has
been drastically simplified. For instance, in the past, when greeting someone,
particularly the other gender, people used to bend their knees and bow their heads, which
has been replaced by a friendly handshake or swift greeting kisses on both cheeks in
modern culture.

Ancestor (n): a person related to you who lived a long time ago

Considerate (a): always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to
hurt or upset others

Sophistication (n): the quality of being sophisticated; complication

Drastically (adv): in an extreme way that has a sudden, serious or violent effect on

Simplify (v): to make something easier to do or understand

Why is it important to show respect to others?

Being acknowledged and respected is one of the most basic needs of human nature.
People want to feel that they matter and so do their opinions, which is why to build and
maintain a healthy relationship, you have to show them respect. Respect can be
understood simply as politeness. Acknowledge their presence by saying “hello”, express
your gratitude by saying “thank you” are some of the smallest deeds anybody can do
to communicate their appreciation.

Human nature (n): the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral
traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.

Gratitude (n): the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks

Communicate (v): to make your ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc. known to other people so
that they understand them

Appreciation (n): the feeling of being grateful for something

How do people show politeness in your country?

Just like other parts of the world, we practice some standard manners to
show courtesy. When first encounter someone, we do proper introduction as well as
handshake to catch each other’s name and go on with our conversation. During our
exchange, we try to maintain eye-contact and pay undivided attention to the other
person to let them now they’re being heard. And most importantly, we keep a genuine
smile lingering on our faces to make people feel welcomed and relaxed, otherwise,
things might get awkward.

Courtesy (n): polite behaviour that shows respect for other people

Encounter (v): to meet somebody, or discover or experience something, especially

somebody/something new, unusual or unexpected

Eye-contact (n): the act of looking directly into one another’s eyes

Linger (v): to continue to exist for longer than expected

How do you deal with impolite people?

To my mind, when someone is acting impolitely, it’s best that we should remind them of
their misbehavior so that they have time to modify it in a timely manner. If they refuse to
listen to our constructive advice, we can raise our voice to show our disagreement or
even teach them some moral lessons at that moment. Having said this, it would be a
nightmare if adults misbehave, in which cases, I guess it would be most reasonable to
stay away from them, or (ask the favor of the elderly so as to help them rectify their
bad code of conduct.

What kinds of behavior are not polite?

I’m of the opinion that it depends on the age groups. As for children or teenagers,
disobeying their parents or not listening to constructive advice from surrounding people
can be seen as a misbehavior. All I’m saying is that their ego is too big and so reluctant to
correct their way of behaving in public places. One instance is that a teenager refuses
to refrain from smoking in parks, even if told by adults or older people around. As for
the adults, some tend to lack education, and this is hard to expect any polite acts from
them. Such people can resort to swearwords, spit in the streets recklessly which
often causes a big nuisance to others.

Describe a course you would like to study (or, do).

Digital technology has reshaped the world in more than one way during the last decade.
As a result, a new way of living and working has also prevailed among people, especially
Millennials. If you’ve heard about “digital nomad” – a work-from-anywhere kind of
employee, you already know how a specific digital skillset can improve and simplify
your life, which is why I take great interest in and set Photoshop – one of the most
powerful graphic design tool to be my next challenge to conquer.

Being known as an incredible image editing program, Photoshop has earned its
reputation for good reasons. Created and maintained by Adobe, Photoshop provides
users with a complete and advanced tool set to maximize their creativity. It can do
anything regarding online media, for example, creating 3D images, resizing, color
correction and even editing video. Fancy as it sounds, to acquire Photoshop skill would
be a painstaking process. Due to complex features and even more complex applications,
Photoshop is not for those without patience and constant practice. Furthermore, the
program usually gets updated with more usages, therefore, you would have to keep
learning to avoid being obsolete.

Graphic design is a critical skill in this digital era which affords anyone flexibility as well
as attractive income. Therefore, it would definitely be on top of my must-learn skill in the
near future. Actually, I have already schedule my timetable and squeeze in some hours
for Photoshop 101 course for next month and I hope it would go as well as it could be.

1. Should schools teach both arts and science?

Arts and science play equal roles in human development, hence, I don’t see no reason
that schools shouldn’t include both in their teaching curriculum. While science provides
interesting facts and implications of how it improves our life through the advent of
technology and hundreds of other inventions, arts deliver mental messages and benefits to
our better understanding of how people entertained in the past and reflect the spiritual
lives of our ancestors. Both offer us insights to fully consider human beings and the
environment around as they truly are, giving us the best of both world.

Curriculum (noun) any programme or plan of activities

Reflect (verb) to show the existence or nature of something

2. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?

Courses in university should be practical and constantly updated in terms of knowledge

and pedagogical approach to provide students with applicable skills and hands-on
experience in preparation for work life. Lots of graduates are lacking certain kinds of
skills to advance in their career path such as communication, problem solving, time
management and analytical thinking. For that reason, it is worth considering making
these skills an official course for university students to be well-prepared before entering
real working environment.

Pedagogical (adj) academic; advanced

Hands-on experience (phrase) training involves you doing something rather than just
reading about it or watching other people do it

3. Why do some students dislike studying at school?

I think it came as no surprise that some students don’t enjoy going to school. This can be
explained by the fact that lots of students are being bullied at school by their peers and
too afraid to speak up, which only has detrimental effects on their physical and mental
health. Another possibility might be the heavy workload students have to deal with
every night. Teachers tend to assign more homework than they used to, hence, kids feel
more pressure and depressed that they would be grounded or get detention unless they
finish them all.

Workload (noun) the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

4. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?

As children are hyperactive and at the age of exploration and discovery, it would be best
to have them engaged in outdoor and social activities rather than in-class ones only. One
of the most common extracurricular activities is camping or picnicking, which helps
boost up kids’ engagement with their classmates, raise awareness about environment
issue as well as introduce them to the world outside the four walls. In addition, school
trips to local museums and zoos can contribute substantially to their general knowledge
with hands-on experience instead of theories, exclusively.

Hyperactive (adj) very active and finding it difficult to concentrate or relax

Hands-on experience (phrase) training involves you doing something rather than just
reading about it or watching other people do it

Describe a special meal you have had

The most special meal I’ve ever had in my life was on my Dad’s birthday last year, which
was prepared by all of my family members.

The idea was put forward by my sister. We planned to surprise him and prepare his
favorite foods. On that day, my Mom cooked Pho, a Vietnamese beef noodles, while I
baked a birthday cake for him. My siblings were in charge of decoration and music.
Everything had been done properly a little bit earlier before he came home. When he
opened the door, he was astonished because of seeing a colorful “Happy birthday
Daddy” banner sticked on the wall in the living room. Standing in front, my mom gave
him a bouquet of red roses, his favorite flowers. We enjoyed the food and shared our best
memories with my Dad.
After washing dishes, we gathered together in the living room. My Dad made a wish and
blew candles. He said in tears that he was over the moon and he was proud of us, his
home and his family. We gave each other great hugs before going to sleep.


Put forward (phrasl verb) to offer an idea, opinion, reason etc

To be in charge of (adj) to take responsibility for Sth

To astonish (v) to fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amaze

Over the moon (idiom) very happy


1. Describe what you think is a healthy diet.

Developing healthy eating habit isn’t as confusing or as restrictive as many people

imagine. Personally, a healthy diet is the one which combines enough nutrients for one’s
life. Therefore, consuming a variety of foods is very important because eating a
wide assortment of foods helps ensure that you get all of the nutrients, especially the
disease-fighting potential that foods offer.

Assortment (noun) a group or set of things of various types

2. Are there many vegetarians in your country?

Yes, they are. The number of people following vegetarianism has been increasing
recently. It is thought that old people or those following a religious, like Buddhism, will
be vegeterians; however, youngsters also join to vegetarian community because of many

3. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

People become vegetarians for many reasons, including health, religious convictions,
concerns about animal welfare or the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock, or a
desire to eat in a way that avoids excessive use of environmental resources. Some people
follow a largely vegetarian diet because they can’t afford to eat meat. Vegetarianism has
become more appealing and accessible, thanks to the year-round availability of fresh
produce, more vegetarian dining options, and the growing culinary influence of cultures
with largely plant-based diets.
Antibiotics (noun) a drug that cures illnesses and infections caused by bacteria.

Livestock (noun) animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs that are kept on farms

Year-round (adj) happening, continuing, or available through the whole year

Culinary (adj) relating to food and how to cook it

4. Is the food that people eat today in your country different to the food that people
used to eat in the past? (if yes, in what ways has it changed?)

Personally, eating style of most people has been changed recently. Significantly,
food hygiene is mentioned everyday in news. Therefore, people are very cautious when
they choose ingredients in reliable market/supermarket and cook properly. Those fat-free
or low-fat food and veggies are more preferred in daily meal compared to in the past,
choosing food were mostly based on interests.

Hygiene (noun) the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean, in
order to prevent illness and disease

Veggie (n) a vegetable

5. How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?

Yes, I do. I think people nowadays pay more attention to healthy foods because the
awareness of health has been raised among young and old people. Therefore, it will be a
remarkable innovation in food consuming in the future.

6. Is American-style ‘fast food’ popular in your country? (Why? Popular with


Due to the trend of globalization, fast foods have become more and more popular such as
KFC, Lotteria, Burger King or Domino. Why are those brands popular in our country?
The first cause is needs of modern community which have intensive activities. In a
family, both husband and wife have a tendency to have a job. Consequently, they do not
have enough time to cook and the frequency of eating out increases. Secondly, efforts of
fast food restaurant companies to enhance the nutritional quality of their products and
services are also the cause of their popularity.

7. What do you think of this popularity- is it as good thing?

The popularity of fast food restaurants has certainly influenced some of the changes in
the community. It brings benefits to this busy life with its quick service and convenience
place. Other than that, the increasing number of customers that come to restaurants
became the

reason for greater number of restaurant staff to be needed and the demand for restaurant
personnel made it possible for more people to consider work in a restaurant as an
attractive option. With this said, there are many more entry level job opportunities for

8. More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What do you think
might be the causes of this?

One major consequence of eating fast food every day is excess calorie consumption.
Most fast food contains calories from refined sugar and fats. It is also high in sodium
from salt and other additives which can lead to some one to eat it more and more.
Consuming more calories than human needs lead to obesity which causes some health
problems such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Do you work? Or are you a student?

Well, I’m a senior at LongBeach University. My major is Linguistics and I am

about to graduate this January.

2. What is your major about?

As you can tell from its name, it is about teaching English for students of all
ages. It supplies me with knowledge about teaching methodology, how to
prepare syllabus and deal with class situations. It is very interesting major for

3. Do you enjoy your major?

Yes, absolutely. Teaching has always been my favorite job as I can pass
knowledge to everyone. One of the perks of the job is that I can earn respect
from others though sometimes this job is really stressful

4. Is there anything you don’t like about your major?

Well, I think that my major sometimes is boring as the same lesson repeated
over and over. I don’t have many chances to have practical experience as I
learn theories most of the time
5. What do you don’t like about being a teacher?
As I said before, being a teacher is pretty stressful as I have to stay on top
of everything . For instance, controlling the class and finding suitable teaching
methodology for weak students. Besides, giving marks for tests takes lots of
time so I hardly have time to take a break

6. What kind of jobs get very high salaries in your country?

I think that the more challenging the job is, the higher the salary people
get.Doctors or engineers are one of the well-paid jobs as they require many
years of experience and qualification

7. Will you do the same job in the future?

Being an English teacher is a dream for me. It’s rewarding and challenging
job so I wont change my decision.

8. What’s your favorite color?

I’m a big fan of vivid colors , especially red or white. They bring a sense of
warm and I look good in those colors

1. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?
Well, red and yellow are national colors . They appear everywhere, on the
national flag, clothes and people often decorate their house in yellow.

1. Are there any colours you dislike? [Why?]

I have to say that I don’t like black. It doesn’t suit my skin tone and black
reminds me of gloom so it’s my least favorite color

1. Do you think colours are important?

I think that colors are irreplaceable in our daily lives. Without them , everyday
would be tedious and dreary. They beautify walls and streets with vivid colors
and boost our mood in blue days

1. Why do some people like dark colors?

I think there are some reasons. It forms a sense of mystery so people can hide
their true emtions like insecurity. Besides, people who look plump often wear
dark colors to hide their weight and look thinner
1. When you are buying something, is the colour important to you?
Yes, it is. If the color suits my skin tone, it will highlight my beauty and vice
versa. So whenever I buy clothes, color is my first consideration

Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did in your spare time

Where do you do it?

When do you do it?

Who do you do it with?

and describe why it was unusual or interesting.

I’d like to talk about a sport that I’ve (1) taken up lately. I’ve just started going cycling a
few weeks ago when my motorbike suddenly broke down. My office is not so far from
my house so I decided to ride to work and do exercise at the same time. It
started (2)growing on me so now I go cycling for fun. I often spend time in early
mornings to ride around the Sword lake. The weather is so pleasant and there isn’t as
much traffic as in the afternoon so it’s perfect time to (3)unwind. I often ride alone but I
(4)signed up for this cycling club where everyone (4)share the passion for riding. I (5)get
on well with some members so we get together in the mornings, ride around the lake and
the old quarter then stop by (6)eatery to have light breakfast. Cycling not only (7)makes
my day but also (8)widen my circle of friends. Though youngsters aren’t interested in this
sport as they have interest in other things like games or social networks, I personally
think that it is the best way to(9) keep fit and (10)be as fit as a fiddle

IELTS Speaking Part 3:

1. How do people in your country spend free time?
Well, I think it depends on personality. People who are active are likely to hang out and
spend more time outdoor. They may join in some clubs, make new friends or involve
in some social activities to amuse themshelves. On the other hand, introvert people tend
to idle away the hours staying indoor and spending quality time with their families

2. Is there any difference in spending free time now with the past?
Yes, it seems to me that cutting-edge technology has great impact on how people spend
their free time. While youngsters in the past spent more time outdoor to play some
traditional games, youngsters today play video games or surf the internet . that’s
why leisure pursuits today make people less active and creative than they used to be
3. Does this change bring any advantage?
From my point of view, this modification has certain benefits. Browsing the
internet allows people to update lastest news freely and conveniently. That’s a good way
to be in touch with the world. Besides, playing video games isn’t only good for mental
but also physical health. It helps reducing stress ,depression and boosts the
mood. Interactive games are fast-paced so players have to pay fully attention or else
they’ll lose. That’s why players are likely to focus and have better motor skills than
normal person

4. How does finance affect the way people spend free time?
I see finance has profound impact on spending in spare time. While affluent people tend
to spend their time playing golf or chilling out at spas, people having low income are
likely to spend time at home, watch a movie. The more money we have, the more money
we spend so that’s why leisure pursuits vary according to finance

5. Is it important to have a hobby? / Why is it important for people to have free-time

I personally believe that hobby is a remedy for fatigue. Since you choose that activity, it
will always give you pleasure and help you to unwind. Even if you indulge in your hobby
for a short period of time, you still can feel the difference in your energy level and spirit.
While you pursue a hobby, you may discover that you have a talent for something
unusual as well which you do not know about so far. One more thing is that it also an a
chance to meet amazing people of similar taste when you join in any club

6. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?

Yes, I do agree to some extent. While having a hobby allows people to unwind after
stressful days, over-indulgence in anything could do more harm than good. Lots of
people spend too much time on playing games or going to parities without realizing that
they are wasting precious time. For instance, a student spend long hours to play game
will lead to bad academic performance at school. So people should balance between their
life and hobby

7. What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?

I suppose it depends on my mood. If I feel energetic, I would like to have a crack
at exciting sports like football to be more flexible and get into shape. On the other hand, I
would like to take up some instrumental music. I find it very relaxing and interesting to
play some piece of music when I feel sad
Describe a time you spend with your friend in your childhood / Describe a
childhood friend of yours
You should say:

 Who is this friend

 What did you do at that time
 How did you know about each other
 And explain why you describe this time

Band 9 Model Answers

Luckily, I had a happy childhood, free from study burdens hat many children today are
facing up to. Off the top of my head, I would describe a time that my soul mate and I
used to hang out frequently at a rural spot hear our house, which I guess was at least 15
years ago.

At that time, industrialization and modernization are the terms that no one heard o Paddy
fields cover a big area, and there were meadows, streams, ponds

and lakes, giving quite in idyllic and tranquil atmosphere. I and my friend, who is my
next-door neighbor and have known each other since we were knee high to a
grasshopper, often played together at this rural area.

The reasons I describe this time is because it helps me reminisce of my past when I had
the total freedom to explore and enjoy life to the fullest. Catching crickets at dawn, going
fishing in the early afternoon, swimming in the crystal clear water and other activities did
fill me with great excitement. Especially, hanging out together with my best buddy was
just an out-of-this-world experience; we had the time to confide in each other our secrets
and ambitions share ups and downs in life together.

My friend’s now residing in the US, so I really miss him. We skill keep in touch often
and are still proud of our happy childhood.


Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?

Not many of them really, we launched on our own paths ever since we left, primary
school. And as a matter of fact, I can’t recall the face or the names of my classmates in
grade 4 or 5, if I happen to bump into them, they would just, look as strangers to me.
Having said this, I still keep some close contacts ever since, and such friends have
become my soul mate. To be honest. I couldn’t think of how miserable life would be if
living without such friends.

Why some people lose contact with their childhood friends?

As for my generation, at the time we didn’t have any smartphone to keep contacts, so it’s
easy to lose precious relationships. In contrast, today we can snap some photos, add
friends on face book, to name but a few, which is hugely conducive to the maintenance of
personal contacts. Another reason can be that there are some friends we often do not get
along well, and there’s no point in keeping such contacts. At the end of the day, it’s quite
a matter of taste and preference in friend selection that really counts.

Who is more important to you, friends or family?

In the deepest part of my heart, I think family natters more to me, although sometimes I
may spend more time with my friends. You know, we can only be born once by our
parents, but we can make new friends all the time. Besides, in this benefit-oriented
society, only parents truly love us. Therefore, family should, carry more weight.

Do you have any foreign friends?

I have a foreign friend whose name is Martina. She comes from America and studies in
the same college with me. We met accidentally. She was lost on the way to the language
center and I happened to there. Martina is not a complete beauty, but she is always
confident and optimistic, which makes her very attractive. She has bright eyes full of
wisdom and curiosity but the bad thing about her is that she’s got a quick temper.

How do people in your country make friends these days?

Well to be honest, I would say that people have many different ways to get to know one
another. The most common place is at the coffee shop where people of different ages
would gather together and share their own stories about themselves. The second way is
via Social networking websites like Facebook or Twitter. Needless to say, many
teenagers today would log on the web and join some chat groups, which I reckon is the
quite useful but may have some potential risks

Do you trust friends that you meet on the internet?

When it comes to friends on the virtual networks, I am pretty cautious. Although, social
networking websites like Facebook or Twitter are wonderful platforms for people of all
ages to get to know one another, most of the time It’s not reliable to lend your trust to
those online friends. This is simply because some guys may treat your nicely and act like
your close friends but the reality is that they are, trying to con some money out of your
pocket. So the point is we should try to be on red filter when making use of the internet in
general and social networks in

How do you get along with people you don’t like?

Well, there is a couple of ways that help when trying to be on good tarns with those you
don’t want to have a talk with. The first method lies in a person himself. It is true that we
should open our hearts and make efforts to nuke others feel at ease. During a
conversation, it’s better if we feather our confidence and bring up the topic first hatha
than waiting for others to break the ice. Secondly, individuals had better find more time
to be close to each other and find out what they have in common. For example, after
watching a comedy at the movie theater, two people found out that they love this type of
film, and then they tried to arrange time to spend more time together. The two people
ended up being intimate friends forever

Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?

Generally speaking, several factors are to blame when it comes to why some. people have
a hard time getting along with other surrounding people. The first cause usually lies in the
person himself. They tend to distance themselves from others and don’t have frequent
talks and time to spend together. As a particular consequence, less mutual understanding
is established and the relationship becomes weaker and weaker. Another culprit might be
fast-paced lifestyle people suffer from nowadays. After a stressful day at the workplace,
it is not uncommon to see many lose their temper or just want to stay home to let their
hair down. This makes people spend time on their own, which means less time is spent on

Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you? Do you like to be
friends with someone who is different from you?

Yes, certainly. It is no doubt that we can make incredible headway in our relationships if
we socialize with those we have at least something in common We may share some
interests in or passion for movies or books. This is probably due to the fact that we can
easily bring up conversations and keep the talks going when we have shared hobbies.
Otherwise, both friends would remain silent all the time, which means less mutual
understanding is established. Such a relationship is not going to last long, I reckon.
Do you like to have many friends?

Yes. of course. I’m an extrovert and would love to hang out with a group of friends
instead of a few close friends. This is simply because I can become more independent and
mature if I’m able to mix with people of different backgrounds, learn their life
experiences. It is not wrong to say the bigger your social circle is, the more opportunities
in life you can have. Some of your friends may help your find a decent job or lend you a
hand Sometime in the not-so- distant future.

Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in
person? = Why Is it easier to make friends on the internet than in reality?

This is advanced age and many of our real life tasks are done virtually by using few
mouse clicks. To be a friend, one does not need to be physically present with the others to
make a friendship. Using different social communication platforms, we could easily
make friendship with the other people living at different parts of the world. They do not
need to meet every day in person to share their feelings and emotions. Rather, they are
communicating easily using the social communication platform features like chatting or
messaging, sharing their pictures etc. As a result, the necessity of licet ins physically
every day or after a specific period appears to become less and less.

Describe something you do to keep healthy.

You should say:

 what this activity is

 when you do it
 and how often you do it
and explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health.

Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Sadly, a big yes. Because I work until 9pm and won’t be back until 10 pm, I
often stay up late, very late. Besides, I’m also quite busy so I don’t usually
cook. I eat ready meals instead.
Ready meal (phrase) a prepackaged, fresh or frozen meal that only requires
heating (often in a microwave) before being served

2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squat, plank as well as weightlifting.
In addition, I try to have a balanced diet and often have check- ups with our
GP. Therefore, I’m always as fit as a fiddle.

GP: General Practitioner (Family doctor)

Balanced diet (phrase) healthy diet

Go for a check-up (phrase) health check

As fit as a fiddle (idiom) in good health

3. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

I think playing sports benefit us both physically and mentally. When you
play sports, you are giving your body time to build muscles, and to burn fat.
Therefore, you will be fitter and stronger. Also, you are giving your body time
to relax. That’s why I enjoy working out so much.

Part 2

Well, I’ve never been seriously ill, but I can remember a couple of weeks ago, I
had to have take leave for 3 days because I was under the weather.
I was walking back home from work and it suddenly started to rain cats and
dogs, so I got wet. The next day when I woke up, I was a bit off colour. I still
remember feeling poorly, even I got a headache, a sore throat, chesty cough,
and a blocked nose. I decided to see my GP for a check-up. My GP said that
I caught a heavy cold and had to take a lot of medicines. I was in charge of a
project presentation at that time, and due to the situation, I had no choice
but to phone in sick and reschedule the presentation until this week. But thank
God, I was over the worst of it and made a speedy recovery after 3 days

 Take leave: to use time permitted to be away from work

 to be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well
 Rain cats and dogs: rain heavily
 a blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold
 to be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill
 a sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when swallowing
 Chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion around the lungs
 Catch a heavy cold: have a bad cold
 to be in charge of: take over something; responsible for something
 to phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be attending work due to
 to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or uncomfortable
stage of an illness
 made a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness

Part 3

1. Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

I believe so. Well, whenever I feel poorly, I will arrange an appointment with
my GP for a check-up. But things doesn’t seem to go the same with men. For
example, my dad doesn’t think he is sick until he is at death’s door. Maybe
it’s because we think that women are more vulnerable than men.

2.Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

I think there are still a lot of things that governments can do to encourage
healthier lifestyle. People should be both physically and mentally healthy.
Therefore, both of the aspects should receive attention equally. For physical
health, governments can raise taxes on junk food and invest more in public
exercise equipment. For mental health, I believe most of mental
problems result from stress. Therefore, governments should come up with
ideas to reduce working hours of employees as well as workload of students.
Of course, this reduction must be accompanied by an increase in productivity
and quality.

3.Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Obviously, people will pay more attention to their health problems when
they go grey. The reason is that when we are older, our immune system will
weaken. And as a result, we’ll get sick more easily. Besides, the sickness will
also affect us more badly.

Describe a website you like to visit

You should say:

When you found it.

What it is about.

How often you visit it.

Why you like this website.

Well, the website I want to talk about today is It is a free online
encyclopedia that allows its user to edit almost any article. Wikipedia was launched in
2001 and was only in the English language initially, but it quickly developed similar
versions in other languages. Generally speaking, people can check all kinds of
information they want on this website.

I learned about this website when I was in junior school. At that time, the history teacher
asked me to make a presentation about cloning. However, the related information on the
textbook was kind of limited, so asked my classmates for advice. They recommended
the to me and I found that I could find a lot of useful bilingual
information on this website. Since then, I have become a big fan of the Wikipedia. Even
till now, I always search for some useful information on this website and I use it almost
As for how this website helps me, well, I suppose that it is beneficial to my major study.
As an university student, I always need to search for some information while preparing
for my paper, during which I always need to find the accuratẹ definitions of some proper
nouns on this website. In this case, I feel that this website really helps me a lot.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1) What are some of the different reasons why people use the Internet?

Well, I think there are many reasons. As for the students, they need to use the Internet in
order to search for some information related to their study. During the spare time, they
also use the Internet to watch some TV series and play computer games. As for the white-
collars, the Internet plays an indispensable role in their work. Every day, they will use the
Internet to send the e-mails to their colleagues as well as their working partners.
Moreover, they will also use Whatsapp in order to communicate with their friends and
families. As for the old people, they will also use thẹ Internet in order to make their life
colorful. Those people have already retired from the work, so they will use the internet to
listen to the music and watch the films during the day time. All in all, I think the Internet
is very important in people life.

2) Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on Internet contents.
What do you think?

Yes, I think so. As for the young students, they like searching for some entertainment
news and gossip about their favorite stars on the Internet. They will also search for some
academic information related to their study on the Internet sometimes. As for the white-
collars, they prefer to search for some economic news and the national policies which
are directly related to their life on the Internet. As for the old people, they like searching
for some information about how tọ keep healthy on the internet. In this case, I think
different age groups have different tastes on Internet contents.

3) What influences can (or, does) the Internet have on children/teenagers?

Well, honestly speaking, as an old saying goes that: ‘Every coin has two sides’. I think
the Internet has both the good influence as well as the bad influence on the children. As
for the good influence, the Internet is beneficial to the children’s study. When the
children meet with some difficulties on the study, they can type the key words on the
search box on the Internet, and then they can find the useful information within a few
seconds. However, as for the bad influence, violence and sex are very popular on the
Internet. The children are too young to distinguish the right from wrong, so
those unhealthy information on the Internet has a bad influence on the children’s growth.
4) Do you think parents should control what Internet sites their children visit on the

Yes, I think so. On the one hand, the parents should supervise their children, otherwise
the children may be addicted to the Internet. Many children like surfing the Internet and
playing the computer games, but most of them cannot control themselves. So, I think it is
the parents’ obligation to tell the children about which website they can search and how
long they can use the Internet, in this case, the children may not be addicted to the
Internet. On the other hand, the violence and sex are very popular on the Internet. If the
parents do not control what websites their children can visit, the childrer may browse
those unhealthy websites or even imitate the contents on the websites, which is really
harmful to the children’s growth. In this case, I believe that the parents should control
what Internet websites their children can visit.

5) What (kinds of) people don’t use the internet?

Well, I think two groups of people don’t use the Internet. What I want to mention firstly
is the middle-aged people. For this group of people, they always need to take care of the
children and do housework during the free time, so they seldom have time to use the
Internet and do the things they want. The second group of people is the old people. Most
of them have already retired from work and they do not want to learn about new things.
In this case, they do not know how to type the words with the keyboard, how to open a
webpage, and so on, so they do not always use the Internet.

6) What are the disadvantages people suffer because they do not use the Internet?

Well, there are many disadvantages, what I want to mention firstly is that it is very
difficult for them to keep pace with this time. Here I would like to take the news for an
example. For those people who use the Internet, they can know what is happening around
the world at any time they want. However, the people who do not use the computer can
only know about the world news on the next day’s newspaper. Secondly, I think the life
of the people who do not use the Internet is very inefficient. With the help of the Internet,
people can communicate with their friends all over the world whenever and wherever
they want, and it only takes people a few seconds to shop online. However, people who
do not use the Internet will never enjoy those conveniences.

Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.

I’m not a great swimmer in any sense but swimming is like my religion. It is truly
refreshing and literally, washes away every disturbing thought I have whenever I dive
into cold water. No matter how tight my schedule can get, I usually pay at least one visit
to a local swimming pool to work myself up and get rejuvenated.
Sometimes, I have a partner or two, who are also my best friends since high school. We
live in the same neighborhood so it’s not too stressful when we have to set a schedule our
swimming session. We carpool more often than not and it takes us roughly 15 minutes to
get to the local recreation center where it provides the locals with a variety of facilities
for training purpose such as gym class, stadium, swimming pool, tennis court and so on,
which is extremely convenient for those who practice more than one activity. The only
thing better then swimming itself is swimming with your besties, which is one of
hundreds of things I love about my weekly ritual. Hardly do we have time to meet each
other during week days as we’re all up to our neck at work and totally stressed out.
Therefore, having such a healthy way to catch up with your friends and recharge your
battery after an exhausting week never sounds better. Just like any other sports,
swimming helps maintain your health, keep you fit as well as build your endurance.
However, unlike others, it’s a very relaxing and peaceful form of exercise, you don’t
even sweat for hours – a supreme advantage. Therefore, if you’re looking for a kind of
sport that brings you comfort and relaxation, swimming should be your first choice.

Rejuvenate (verb) to make someone feel or look younger or have more energy

Ritual (noun) something that you do regularly and always in the same way

Up to one’s neck (idiom) fully occupied; very busy

Recharge one’s battery (phrase) Regain one’s strength and energy by resting for a time

1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?

Each individual has their own way to keep fit and stay healthy, including senior citizen.
In my country, you can easily catch a sight of some elders taking a walk early in the
morning in the park or on the pavement along the street. Since they are usually early
risers, that’s one of the most activities they take part in. Additionally, some old people
even join many dancing session for the elders to feel more energetic and livelier.

2. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

From my observation, football is the most widely practiced sport as well as having most
viewers compared with any other sports. Like others, football has its own sets of
rules and regulations that players need to comply with in order to perform well and of
course, to score. Every football tournament in our country always draw the attention of
football lovers and gets broadcasted either on national or local channel, which is
extremely convenient for those who can’t make it to the stadium.
3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?

I believe youngsters should be well aware of their physical and mental capabilities before
deciding to take up any new sports since such activities rarely have a hundred guarantee
that you will never get injured during practice, especially extreme ones. Bungee
jumping, skydiving, hang gliding and so many more are not for everyone and
everything needs to be taking into account when participating in these sports. Therefore,
if you’re up for adventures and well-prepared about what you’re up to, go for it,
otherwise, you had better look for another hobby.

What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?

There are many ways that people can employ to take care of their mind and body in
collaboration with sports. First of all, pay more attention to your daily diet. You are
what you eat, hence, it’s best if people can try to minimize the amount of junk foods they
consume and practice healthy diet the sooner the better. Secondly, do not take sleep for
granted. Many young people nowadays will not go to bed before midnight, which
has detrimental impacts on your brain and skin in long term. You’ll never be fully
energized without a decent rest to recharge your battery and let the biological clock does
its job. Last but not least, advanced medicine might be extremely useful in some cases. If
you lack some kind of vitamins due to unbalanced diets or you just naturally be,
functional foods can help solve the issue but bear in mind that doctors’ advice are highly

Decent (adj) good enough

Bear in mind (phrase) remember

5. What do parents do to make their children like sports?

Children loves doing what adults usually do. As a result, set a prime example for your
kids to make them like it naturally. If a father enjoys soccer and has a weekly match on
every Sunday, bringing his son along seems to be a brilliant idea to pique his interest and
nurture his passion for soccer. Next step is to encourage children engage in any kind of
sport that intrigues them when they’re old enough to go to school. Being in a team not
only harnesses their team spirit and responsibility but also helps build character.

Intrigue (verb) make someone very interested in knowing more about something

What languages do you speak?

Well, my mother tongue is […..]. I’ve always wanted to learn Portuguese
which is predominantly spoken in some parts of the world, but I don’t have
enough time yet.

Do you learn any foreign language?

I’m actually studying two languages at the moment and find it so challenging,
yet intriguing that everyone should try at least once. Since English is not my
mother tongue, it’s the very first foreign language I’ve attempted to learn
because of its widespread use and numerous benefits that come along. It’s the
most spoken language for non-native speakers around the globe and is one of
the most critical criteria companies look for when recruiting an employee, or
at least that’s a reality in my country.

Do you think learning languages is important?

Absolutely. Learning languages, especially English, allows us to be able to

communicate with others. It also helps us study more effectively, since we can
search for almost everything on the Internet in English.

How did you learn the languages that you know?

I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with a
native speaker. By doing this, you can improve both listening and oral
skills simultaneously, you will be fluent in this language. Besides, I also do
general readings in my spare time and keep a journal in English.

Can you learn more than one language at a time?

I haven’t thought of it, but yes, I am quite confident that I can manage to learn
2 at once. I reckon that the most difficult thing to acquire 2 languages is to
manage my time efficiently. Therefore, it’s more than worth it to plan
out exactly how I am going to divide my time between the two languages I
Do you want to became a foreign language teacher in the future? Why?

That thought has crossed my mind once or twice but I’ve

never visualized myself as a full-time teacher. A part-time job, yes.
Professional one, not likely. Being a legitimate teacher in my country requires
certain academic degrees and credentials to be able to convey knowledge
and improvise in class. In my case, I’ve never attended any special training on
teaching or have any pedagogical skills; therefore, I don’t have much
confidence in handling difficult situations in class. Besides, you have to reach
a high level of language proficiency to make sure that whatever you say is
trustworthy and credible.

Do you think that English is difficult to learn?

In my opinion, every single language is difficult to learn, and English is not an

exception. I mean, it might be easy to learn grammar and vocabulary, but it
takes quite a long time to practice using the language fluently.

Do you think foreigner should learn your country’s language when they
arrive there?

I think it’s obviously in their best interest to pick up a few basic words or
phrases in a local language. Firstly, it is an interesting experience to try to
communicate with the locals in their mother tongue. You may not get the words
right, but that’s where the fun lies. Hence, people will find you
more approachable and charismatic because of your efforts and sense of
humor. Besides, since language is an integral part of any culture, you can
develop a cultural sensitivity while studying their very means of
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic:

Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate.

You should say:

 what the situation was

 where you were
 who you communicated with
and explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this occasion.


Talk about an instance when you spoke with someone in a foreign language
for the first time.

You should say:

 when it was
 with whom you spoke
 what language you used
and say how you felt about it.

Sample Answer
I have been learning English for a long time but I haven’t had many chances to
practice speaking English, not to mention to talk to native speakers. To the
best of my recollection, the first time I used it for communication purpose was
on New Year Eve 2 years ago.

At that time, I was hanging out with my friends, talking about some new
year’s resolutions when a foreigner came up to me in all of a sudden, asking
for the direction to a minimart nearby. Honestly, he had such a
strong accent that I couldn’t make out what he wanted to say. I had to ask him
to repeat several times before acquiring all of the information he needed. Then,
I showed him the way to the nearest minimart to buy some necessities.
Honestly, I was not confident in my English speaking skill, so I had to make
the most of my nonverbal skills such as body language, gesture, etc to make
sure that he could get all information he asked for. Fortunately, he could take
in what I said, and expressed his simple yet sincere gratitude before heading
for the minimart.

That occasion helps strengthen my belief that English plays an important

role in our life, even we don’t live in an English speaking country. English is
spoken globally, and we have to use it if we want to stay connected to people in
another country and search for information. Therefore, I think that I
should polish up my English so that I can have a good command of this
international language to be able to talk confidently with foreigners, regardless
of the topic of conversation.


 To the best of one’s recollection: something in the past they can recall
 resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
 come up to: approach someone
 All of a sudden: Suddenly
 Make out: understand, hear
 accent: a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially one
associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class.
 show sb the way to…: give sb direction to somewhere
 necessities: something necessary for daily life: water, food,…
 Make the most of: to use something as much as possible
 take in: understand
 polish up: improve
 regardless of: without being affected or influenced by anything else
that happens or exists
Other related Part 2 topics:
1. Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:

 what it is and how you plan to learn it

 where it is spoken
 how it will help you
and explain why you want to learn this language.

1. Describe an unusual activity you have recently taken up

 where you did it

 When you did it
 Who you dis it with
and describe why it was unusual or interesting.

3. Talk about something you would like to do/learn in the future.

You should say:

 what you plan to learn in the future

 why you want to learn it
 where and how you will learn it
and explain why you have planned to learn it.

4. Describe something you want to do if you get free time.

You should say:

 What you do
 Who you do it with
 Where you do it
And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.
5. Describe a practical skill you have.

You should say:

 What the skill is;

 How often you use it;
 Who taught it to you.
and explain how it helps you in your life

1. Talk about something you have always wanted to do but have not done yet.
You should say:

 what it is
 when you would like to do that
 how would you do that
and explain why you have not done it so far.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic:

What kind of quality should a language teacher have?

Not only a language teacher in particular but educators in other areas should
have certain skills and knowledge to successfully inspire and instruct their
students. First and foremost, of course, deep knowledge and great education
matter. It’s often said that “a teacher is only as good as his knowledge is”.
People may not need academic degrees or certificates in other jobs or
industries, but in education and training, they are solid proof to verify your
professional qualifications. Furthermore, communication skill also plays an
essential role. If one is an articulate and persuasive speaker, he will be able to
convey his lectures with better results. Last but not least, a good sense of humor
may be of great help to grab students’ attention and interest.
 instruct (v): to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal or official
 verify (v): to check that something is true or accurate
 articulate (a): (of a person) good at expressing ideas or feelings clearly in
 grab one’s attention: to cause one to become interested in something
Why people want to learn a foreign language?

Studying a foreign language is not only a hobby but also a trend in modern
society due to some undeniable advantages. Speaking more than one language
can open up a world of employment opportunities for job seekers, especially if
that language is widely used in business context. You will be able to work for
not only local but global corporates as well with decent salaries. In addition,
being bilingual or multilingual will help extend your
social network worldwide. You can establish deep connections and cross-
cultural friendships with foreign co-workers or local people while traveling.
Finally, your brain will benefit greatly from the learning activity itself.
Research has shown that studying another language will alter your grey matter
which help to increase your brain power.

Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?

Why do people learn more than one language?

Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?

Why are some people seemingly better at studying languages than others?

Why is language an important aspect of culture?

Why it is important to learn a foreign language?

What are the advantages of learning multiple languages?

Hope you find this lesson useful! Write down any new words or phrases, try to
use these words in your answers & share them in the comments section below!

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