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Acute Otitis media

 Rapid onset of sign & symptom of inflammation in the middle ear

Clinical manifestation
90% of case have URI symptoms before develop AOM
Otalgia (98.2%)
Fever (52.8%)
Hearing loss, Pressure in ear (46%)
Rhinorrhea (58.3%)
Vomit & diarrhea
Eustachian tube dysfunction
can’t drain fluid from the middle ear
fluid build up within the normally air-filled middle ear
Bacteria or viruses that have entered the middle ear through the eustachian tube can also get trapped in
this way .
These germs can breed in the trapped fluid
leading to an ear infection .

otitis media
 Chronic ear infection
 persists or keeps coming back ,and causes long-term or permanent damage to the ear .
 Otitis media with effusion
 is fluid in the middle ear space
 Almost every acute ear infection is followed by days or weeks of OME.
 it can cause the eardrum to perforate .
 So the pain and pressure suddenly stops and pus drains from the ear .

 Doctors diagnose ear infection by otocsope

 Healthy eardrum appears pinkish-gray
 Infected eardrum looks red and swollen.
 Pneumatic otoscope is used to detect fluid in the middle ear .
When too fluid build up in the middle ear, it can put pressure on the eardrum until it ruptures.
Pain disappear
Although ruptured eardrum sounds frightening , it usually heal itself in a couple of weeks .

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