VP2 AiO - V&G MP1

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1 More Practice Name

1. Match the adjectives in I to a suitable noun in II.
1. lavish ..... a. family
2. wealthy ..... b. time
3. controversial ..... c. success
4. instant ..... d. hotel
5. marvellous ..... e. issue

2. Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
1. He introduced me to his fiancée before / after they got married.
2. I caught a cold. I need some warm clothes / medicine.
3. I hope he is willing to punish / help me.
4. Sherry takes pride in her paintings. She always / never shows them to people.
5. Mrs Smith gossips a lot about the neighbours / shops.
6. A talent scout came to the performance looking for a new dancer / manager.
7. They’re very wealthy, but they live in a huge / small house.
8. Take your time. We’re leaving in a few hours / immediately.

3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

crowd • notorious • drive • controversial • spoilt • fool • go abroad • outrageous
1. His speech was ……………………… . It caused a lot of anger.
2. Why don’t we ……………………… this year? I want to travel to another country.
3. He managed to ……………………… everyone. We thought he really was a policeman.
4. I think it’s ……………………… that we have to pay to park in front of our house.
5. Hard work and ……………………… will help you succeed.
6. My little sister is ……………………… . She expects everyone to do what she wants.
7. This road is ……………………… for the number of fatal accidents on it.
8. A large ……………………… of people stood around the injured man.

4. Complete each sentence with a suitable collocation. Use the verbs catch, take or go and the words below.
his eye • bald • charge • a photo • sight of
1. John had to ………………………… of the football team while the coach was ill.
2. I want to ………………………… with my new camera.
3. I tried to ………………………… , but he didn’t see me.
4. Some men ………………………… when they’re young.
5. I tried to ………………………… Jim, but there were too many people in the room.

5. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable suffix to the words below. Make any necessary changes.
music • disgrace • amaze • fashion • expense • confident
1. The clothes I bought last year aren’t ……………………… any more.
2. She didn’t have the ……………………… to go up to her idol and ask him for his autograph.
3. When I was younger, I wanted to become a ……………………… .
4. I can’t afford that coat. It’s too ……………………… .
5. We watched the magician in ……………………… .
6. Their behaviour was ……………………… . I hope they don’t return to this shop again.

1 More Practice Name

6. Complete the passage with the words and phrases below.

overwhelmed • take charge • outrageous • tabloids • idol • pressure • in the spotlight • instant

Many teenagers dream about being famous. But what is it like growing up 1. ……………………… all the time? How do
child celebrities become adult stars and not collapse under the constant 2. ……………………… of fame? Some, like
Daniel Radcliffe and Drew Barrymore, have managed to survive while others are 3. ……………………… by the situation
and collapse. Daniel Radcliffe became an 4. ……………………… star after his first Harry Potter film. He has become the
……………………… of thousands of teenagers, but tries very hard not to give the 6. ……………………… anything to
write about. Drew Barrymore, on the other hand, was a wild child.She became famous at the age of five. By the age of
twenty, her 7. ……………………… behaviour included a three-week marriage. Today, however, she has been able to
……………………… of her life again.

1 More Practice Name

1. Choose the correct answer.
1. To swim / Swimming is very good for you.
2. Janet didn’t realise the baby had been crying / has been crying for over half an hour.
3. We have watched / have been watching this video clip on YouTube four times this week.
4. John is sure his son had forgotten / has forgotten to take the key with him.
5. Would you recommend to eat / eating in this restaurant?
6. Do you know what time it is? I had been waiting / have been waiting for you for over ten minutes.

2. Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

by the time • so far • the day before • since six o’ clock this morning
1. …………………………… the performer arrived, the audience had been waiting for almost an hour.
2. The teacher has corrected only half the exams …………………………… .
3. The builders have been working on the roof …………………………… .
4. They rode on the bikes that they had bought …………………………… .

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Martin has been feeling ill for some time.
a. He is still ill.
b. He felt ill, but now he is better.
2. Kieran didn’t remember to tell Jane about the meeting.
a. He forgot to tell her.
b. He doesn’t have any memory of telling her.
3. Penny had been studying all morning when her boyfriend arrived.
a. Penny started studying when he arrived.
b. He arrived during the time that Penny was busy studying.
4. So far, the Kellog family has lived here for six months.
a. They still live here.
b. After six months, they stopped living here.
5. By the time we left the city, it had been raining for over two hours.
a. It started raining after we left the city.
b. The rain had started before we left the city.

4. Complete the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous form.
1. Laura started to play the clarinet when she was ten years old. She still plays the clarinet.
Laura ....................................................................................................................................... .
2. Nancy worked as a waitress until she went to university.
How long ................................................................................................................................ ?
3. All my friends were swimming in the pool. I got there half an hour later.
By the time I got to the pool, ................................................................................................... .
4. My grandfather started growing fruit trees when I was born. He still grows them.
From the time I was born, ....................................................................................................... .

1 More Practice Name

5. Write sentences that logically follow the original sentences with the words in brackets.
1. Adrian didn’t recognise his cousin.
(he / not see / her / for 40 years)
2. Chris has just bought a new book.
(he / read it / for hours)
3. My parents weren’t upset when the tickets were sold out.
(they / already see / the film / several times)
4. Ben is going to enter the American Idol contest.
(he / always want / be a singer)
5. Caroline was late.
(they / already close / the doors to the theatre)

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Your brother is too young ………………………… (ride) on your motorbike.
2. ………………………… (sail) in rough seas can be very dangerous.
3. The car needs to be repaired. It ………………………… (make) strange noises for weeks.
4. The thief admitted ………………………… (take) the money.
5. Sorry! Jeff isn’t here right now, but he ………………………… (leave) you a message.

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