Operating Systems Questions

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ICT Theory

1. What is the relationship between operating systems and computer hardware?

Ans. An operating system is a software on the hard drive that enables the computer hardware to
communicate and operate with the computer software. Without an operating system, application
softwares would be useless. It is like a bridge between the user and computer hardware.

2. What is the main advantage of multi-programming?

Ans. A multi programming operating system can hold more than one program in memory at the same

3. Which kind of processing method is most suitable for buying a car online?
Ans. Transaction processing: The system is useful when something is sold over the internet. In this type
of system input is required to be dealt with right away, however there can be a slight delay in the time it
takes to respond to the requests. It allows for a time delay between when an item is being sold to when
it is actually sold.

4. What is the main difference between batch and real-time processing?

Ans. The main difference is the speed of the response of input. In real time processing it is essential that
the computer responds straight away to input. While in batch processing the system does not respond
to input the straight away. Batch processing is non-interactive, this means that the user cannot get an
immediate response to input as they would in a real time processing system.

5. Which O.S interface is the slowest to use and why?

Ans. Menu driven user interface is quite long winded. Getting to one particular option can often involve
going through two, three or even more different menu screens.

6. Which O.S interface is the most difficult to use and why?

Ans. Command driven user interface is the most difficult to use if the user is a beginner or doesn’t know
the correct commands. Command-driven systems can be very unfriendly and confusing for people who
aren’t computer experts.

7. Which O.S interface takes up the most memory?

Ans. Graphical user interface take up the most memory space. A graphical user interface like windows
needs a lot of RAM to run properly. As well as using up a lot of RAM, graphical user interface also takes
up a large amount of hard disk space.

8. Give 2 examples of utility programs.

Ans. Utility programs are usually supplied along with an operating system. They are used to carry out
routine tasks that are often needed by a user. Two examples of utility programs are file manager and file

9. What is the main difference between multi-user and multi-tasking?

Ans. There are two types of multiprogramming operating systems; multi user and multi-tasking. The
main difference between the two is that a multiuser operating system enables two or more users to run
programs simultaneously. While Multitasking operating system supports two or more processors
running programs at the same time.
10. Give 6 examples of Operating Systems used in the past. (Based on your research work)
Ans. Some examples include versions of Microsoft Windows (like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7,
Windows Vista, and Windows XP), Apple's macOS (formerly OS X), Chrome OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, the
first ever operating system LEO I 'Lyons Electronic Office and examples of the open source operating
system Linux.

Friday, March 20th.

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