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Author :- Ad. Nilesh Chandrabhushan Ojha
B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication),
(Author of “How to get justice against wrong
judgments and police attrocities”)
ISBN :- 978-93-83833-12-2

B.E. (Mech)
(Author of “Law of Success Both the worlds)
ISBN :- 978-1-60494-019-0
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Prophets of Hindu Religion

1st Edition: Year 2017

ISBN No:- 978-93-80778-38-9

j 78- 81- 904591- 4- 3

Price: 50/-
Published by
Tanveer Publication
Hydro Electric Machinery Premises
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Printed by
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1) Preface ...........................................04

2) Prophets of Hindu Religion ...........................................07

3) Why followers of Hindu Religion failed to

recognize prophets. ...........................................15

4) The Meaning of ‘Avatar’ ...........................................30

5) Views of a Sanskrit Scholar. ...........................................31

6) Concept of one God and Teachings of Vedas............................34

7) Description of Adam to Manu (Noah) in holy

Scriptures. ...........................................37

8) Description of Manu (Noah) to Abi-Ram

(Abraham) in holy Scriptures ...........................................40

9) Description of Abi-Ram (Abraham) And

Atharva Rishi (Ismael) in holy Scriptures. ............................42

10) Description of Atharva Rishi (Ismael) to

Mamahe-Rishi in holy Scriptures ........................................47

11) Prediction of Mamahe Rishi in holy Scriptures. ..................50

12) How Bhagwat Geeta describe Shri-Krishna.........................54

13) Summary of Booklet “Ekta ki Jyoti”...................................57

14) Translation sloks of Bhagwat Geeta which are

used in this book ...........................................59

15) Original Hindi booklet “Vedon and purano ke

aadhar par dharmik ekta ki jyoti.” By Dr. Ved
Prakash Upadheyaye ...........................................69

Chapter 1

 Adam came in world about
12000 years ago. In 25 years a
generation of human-being get
ready for reproduction or giving
birth to new generation. In this Right
way we are (12000÷25=480) Artery Artery

480th generation of Adam.

If you are of same village from  This is a diagram of heart,
where I belongs. And if I had a which I copied from XII std
Technique of DNA Testing to find Biology book. In this diagram you
the common ancestor. Than by this will find left coronary artery and
technique we will realise or find right coronary artery. These are
that 20-30 generations back our blood vessels of very small size.
ancestor was a single person or we (May be like a thread) If they get
had same forefather. blocked, we get heart attack. There
are 7 billion people in the world .
Similarly if we belong to same city
But out of 7 Billion not a single
then 50-100 generations back may
person has two left or two right
be your ancestor and my ancestor
coronary artery or not a single
was same person.
person has a middle coronary
If we belong to same country then artery. That means below skin God
may be 300-400 generations back has made all of us 100% similar.
our ancestor was same person. Then just by covering our body by
And if we go 480 generations back, skin, how one person can became
then I can swear we had same superior than other.
Ancestor, that is Adam. All human-beings are equal by
So we all are family members in birth. Only by good deed one person
this world. We are all real brothers became more respectful than other.
and sisters. And this is what God said in
And this is what God said in Bhagavad Geeta.
Rigveda 1:45:1. meceesÓnb meJe&Yetles<eg ve ces És<ÙeesÓefmle ve efØeÙe:~
peveb cevegpeeleb ($e+iJeso 1:45:1) Ùes Yepeefvle leg ceeb YeòeâÙee ceefÙe les les<eg ÛeehÙenced
All are children of Manu (Adam)
God said, “I hate no one, nor I love

anyone. (I don't do partiality) To Me Quran 2:62)

all living entities are equal. But This verse is a proof that religion
those who believe in Me and does not teach hatred for other
worship Me, certainly such peoples
religions. This verse also shows a
are for Me and also I am for them.”
(Bhagavad Geeta 9:29 )
path for success for whole
Same thing God said in Holy Quran.
The verse is as follow,  God said in Bhagavad Geeta,

“Indeed, those who believed ceòe: hejlejb veevÙeeflkeâefÃeoefmle OeveÃeÙe~

(Muslims) and those who were ceefÙe meJe&efceob Øeesleb met$es ceefCeieCee FJe~~7~~
Jews or Christians or Sabeans “O Dhanajaya! There is no one
(Hindus). Those (among them) else more superior than Me. And
who believed in God, and the last with My support like a thread the
day (Qayamat) and did whole universe is strung together
righteousness. Will have their like pearls (of a necklace)”
rewards with their Lord (God) and (Bhagavad Geeta 7:7)
no fear will there be concerning
them, nor will they grieve. (Holy  On basis of this shlok we can

1,24,000 Prophets about whom we don't know

One and the Same God sent all of them to

Sri Ram (21 lacs year ago)

Sri Krishna (8 lacs year ago)

Adam (mJeeÙebYeJe ceveg) (12000 years ago)

Noah (JewJemJele ceveg) (5000 years ago)

Abraham (Deyeerjece) (4000 years ago)

guide the mankind

Moses (3500 years ago)

Gautam Buddha (2500 years ago)

Jesus Christ (2000 years ago)

Hazrat Muhammed (ceceens ýef<e) (1500 years ago)


say, God is one, and imagine Him world. And this world becomes a
like a thread of necklace. All those peaceful place for living of
who preached on his earth for mankind.
worship of one God and humanity,
 God said in Bhagwad Geeta,
are like pearls of that necklace.
The first pearl in necklace is Shri heeLe& ve SJeb Fn Deceg$e efJeveeMe: lemÙe efJeÅeles~
Ramchandra because he was in ve efn keâuÙeeCe-ke=âled keâef§eled ogie&efleced leele ieÛÚefle ~~6-
Tetra yug. (about 21 lakh years 40~~
ago). And last pearl in necklace is My friend, O son of partha
Mamahe Rishi or prophet (Arjun), anyone who is engaged in
Mohammad (pbuh) who was auspicious activities, it is never
about 1500 year ago. (that he) goes (to) degradation
 There are about 25 to 30 pearls (hell) Certainly he never (faces)
or holy personalities about whom destruction in this material world,
we know something. But there are nor in the next life. (Bhagwad Geeta
about 1,24,000 prophets about 06:40)
whom we don't know anything. (Detailed Translation of Bhagvat
But all of them preached one Geeta is at the end of this book)
lesson, that is God is one, and all Let us get engaged in most
preached same lesson of humanity auspicious activity, that is
that is Good deed is basic essence “Service to mankind” and become
of religion. successful in this world and in life
So if our God is one, we all human after death.
beings are brothers and sisters, and May God bless us with wisdom to
all prophets and religious leaders understand the truth and give us
also preached same teaching of courage to follow it too.
humanity, then why we hate and
fight with each other? Ad. Nilesh Chandrabhushan Ojha

To spread message of peace and Q.S.Khan

harmony in society we wrote this B.E (Mech)

book. *******
We humbly request you to guide us
if we made any mistake in writing
this book. And if you are
convinced with our message than
kindly spread this message to your
friends and family members also.
So that this message reaches to
each and every person of this

Chapter 2

 If you ask our Hindu Manu and great flood:-

brothers that do you have
Details of Manu in Bhawishya
concept of prophethood in
puran is as follow;
Hindu Religion. They will say.
No.  Son of Lomak (ueescekeâ) was

But after reading most of the Newh (vÙetn) (Viveshat Manu).

books of our Hindu religion, if He ruled for 500 years. Sim,
we start reading books of other Sham and Japheth were his
religion also, then we realise three sons. Newh used to
that, the holy personalities to remain deeply engaged in
whom people of other religion worship of God. Once God said
calls as prophet, their to him in dream that “O dear
description is written in our Newh! listen, doomsday (ØeueÙe)
books also. We don’t call them will be on seventh day. You
prophet. But they are also our board the ship immediately
respected divine personalities. along with your companion. O
worshiper of lord, save your
 As this topic is very vast, so life. You will prosper to the
we will divide description of maximum extent. Newh
this topic in two part. In first accepted the advice and made a
part we will study only one beautiful ship. Which was 300
example, and see how our hand (one hand is about 1.5
divine personalty Manu is feet) long, 50 hands in width
described in Religious books of and 30 hands (Cubits) in height.
other Religion. And in second He boarded ship with his family
part we will list with brief and companion and a pair of all
description names of few kind of creature. After boarding
prophets, who are common in the ship he engaged deeply in
Hindu and other religions. prayer of God.
For our studies we will refer to Hence forth it is description of
Book written by Dr. Ved Devastating flood.
Prakash Upadheyay and
Bhawishya Puran. As per permission of God, Rain

cloud of destructive (meebJele&keâ) period. And when he got

nature, rained heavily for forty convinced that remaining
days. people are not going to change,
and will not accept truth at any
Whole of India got submerged cost, he prayed to God and
in water. Four oceans got pleaded: “Oh God, I am
merged and became too vast. defeated (I could not complete
After end of flood Newh start my responsibility) so help me.”
living on land along with his (Holy Quran 54:10). He also
family. Sons of Newh became pleaded to terminate every
famous by name Sim, Ham and person on earth who does not
Yaqoot. (Japheth) believe in one God (So that
who-ever has accepted truth is
Same description is also given not misguided again) God
in Matseya Puran and accepted his prayer and ordered
Markandeya Puran, but in those him to build an ark or ship,
books instead of name Newh, which Noah did. When ark was
Manu is written. ready, God ask Noah to
Description of flood in the accommodate in it two pairs of
holy Quran each animal, his family and all
believers of God. Which Noah
Following description of flood did?
is given in holy Quran. The holy
Quran says in chapter 11 verses Divine punishment came in the
25-48 that God sent Noah form of a flood and heavy rain.
(Hazrat Nooh) to guide It submerged and terminated
mankind to the right path and each and every land creature on
call them to the worship of one the earth. The flood continued
God. But except for a few for almost 150 days and the boat
people from weaker section of remained anchored at a
society, no one took Noah mountain top. This mountain is
seriously. On the contrary they known as Judi (Ararat). When
become more adamant and the water receded, Noah and his
made fun of Noah. followers came down. Three
According to the holy Bible sons of Noah (Shem, Ham and
(Genesis) and holy Quran, Japheth (Yakoot) survived this
Noah preached for a very long flood and repopulated the earth.

In Bible also, we get a similar  The legend of flood is

description about this universal known and famous in following
flood. (Genesis 6-8) countries;
European people are
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Greece, Egypt,
descendents of Japheth.
Italy, Lithuania, Russia, China,
African people are descendent India, Canada, (Cree tribe)
of Ham. U S A , ( C h e r o k e e Tr i b e ) ,
Mexico, (Papago and Aztecs
Asian people are descendent of
tribe) Peru, Leeward Islands,
Shem. (wikipedia)
Fiji islands, Hawali and more
 Impression of wooden ark than fifty other countries.
or ship of Manu or Noah or
Hazrat Nooh (a.s.) still exists in  A.J.A. Dubious wrote a
the world. It is on top of the book with title “Hindu manners,
Ararat Mountain. This place is customs and ceremonies”
on the Turkish-Iranian border. (Published by Low Publishers
This impression could be Delhi-52) in which he writes
viewed on the internet after his decade of research and
(Youtube). Search for “Ark of study that Newh or Manu
Noah”, to study boat of Noah. described in Bhavisheya puran,
And search “flood legend” to Matseya puran and
study this great universal flood. Markandeya puran, Hazrat
Nooh described in holy Quran
and prophet Noah described in
Bible are one and the same

 The description of flood and

Ark of Noah is a historical fact
with solid proof and still
As on today real impression of boat. On
Ararat mountain. remains of ark are present in the
world and each and every nation
of world knows it. So we
Hindus don’t have any reason
and explanation to deny the
claim of A.J.A. Dubious, that
Sketch of Ship of Manu or Noah Newh, Noah and Nooh are the

same person and prophet.  O Agni! we consider you,

the religious leader and
 So this fact also proves that messenger of people. (Rig veda-
in Hindu religion we do have 1:44:17)
prophets, but we don't
recognise them. heeflej efn DeOJejeCeece Deives otlees efJeMeece Deefme~
(ýiJeso 1-44-17)
In holy vedas and Bhagwat  O Agni! we consider you
Geeta we have many slokes similar to Manu, expert of
which are clearly related to religious teachings.
prophets, but as we don’t (Rigved-1-44-21)
believe in prophethood we
efve leJee Ùe%emÙe meeOeveceives nesleejb jeflJepece~
don’t translate and understand (ýiJeso 1-24-21)
them accordingly.
 Sloke No. (9-24-56) of
 So in Hindu religion one of Shrimad Bhagwat puran says
the name of prophet is Newh. “Whenever the principle of
And in general prophets are religion deteriorates and
called Manu in Hindu Religion. principle of irreligion increases,
the supreme controller, the God
Some time prophets are also of the gods (Devtas) gives life to
called as Rishi or Acharya or an entity”. (Shrimad Bhagwat puran
sant. For example in Atharva 9:24:56)
veda (20-127-3) a prophet is That means when principle of
called as Mamahe sant. religion deteriorates. God sends
SMe FMeeÙe ceecens Meleb efve<keâeved oMe œepe:~ someone for corrections.
$eerefCe MeleevÙeJe&lee menœejeoMe ieesveeced ~~
(DeLeJe&Jeso 20:127:3)  Few sloks of Bhagwat
Geeta which are related to
Few sloks of Rig veda which are prophets are as follow;
related to prophets are as
follow;  ßeerYeieJeevegJeeÛe
Fceb efJeJemJeles Ùeesieb ØeesòeâJeevenceJÙeÙeced ~
 O Agni! Manu confirm you
efJeJemJeevceveJes Øeen cevegefj#JeekeâJesÓyeÇJeerled ~~1~~
as prophet. (Rig veda-1:13:8)
God said, “I instructed
Deefme neslee cevegefnle (ýiJeso 1-13-8) (revealed) this imperisable

knowledge of prayer to DeJepeeefvle ceeb cet{e ceeveg<eeR levegceeefßeleced ~

vivasvat, vivasvat told this to hejb YeeJecepeevevlees cece YetlecensÕejced ~~11~~
Manu, Manu told this to
“Not knowing Me the supreme
iksvaka.” (Bhagvat Geeta 4:1)
Lord and supreme creator,
foolish men consider Me in a
 SJeb hejchejeØeehleefceceb jepe<e&Ùees efJeog:~ human form with a body, and
me keâeuesvesn cenlee Ùeesiees ve°: hejvlehe ~~2~~ take My shelter (worship me).”
O Arjuna, this way the great (That means considering God in
knowledge of prayer of God human form and then
passed on to one disciple from worshiping Him is not correct.)
the another one. This religious
knowledge is also understood Few more slokes about
by saintly kings. But in course prophets are as follow.
of time it got destroyed. (Bhagvat  Ùeoe Ùeoe efn Oece&mÙe iueeefveYe&Jeefle Yeejle~
Geeta 4:2) DeYÙeglLeeveceOece&mÙe leoelceeveb me=peecÙenced ~~7~~
 (That means it is a standard
O descendant of Bharata!,
practice of God that He sends certainly whenever and where-
His commandment and ever decline occurs of religion
revelation to His selected and predominance increases of
saintly persons. Who irreligion, at that time, I myself
afterwards pass it on to their (Srjamy) provide the divine
knowledge) (Bhagvat Geeta 4:7)
 DepeesÓefhe meVeeJÙeÙeelcee YetleeveeceerÕejesÓefhe meved ~  heefj$eeCeeÙe meeOetveeb efJeveeMeeÙe Ûe og<ke=âleeced
Øeke=âefleb mJeeceefOe‰eÙe mecYeJeecÙeelceceeÙeÙee~~6~~ Oece&mebmLeeheveeLee&Ùe mecYeJeeefce Ùegies Ùegies~~8~~
The immortal soul, the lord of For the protection of the
all creation reveals Himself in miscreants and to re-establish
the person of somebody without principle of religion,
having been born. millennium after millennium, I
(Bhagvat Geeta 4:6)
d o ( S a m b h a v a m i )
That means God does not take communicate (send revelation)
birth, but He send His message (Bhagvat Geeta 4:8)
through someone, and God has
Note:-Srjamy and Sambhavami
called as fools to those who
are two Sanskrit words which
consider God in human form in
some scholars interpret as
following sloke of Bhagwat
incarnation or God taking birth
Geeta (9:11);

in form of humanbeing. But in human beings are born from the

Sanskrit dictionary such as first human being and Manu.
Nalanda Vishal Shabd Sagar (Bhagvat Geeta 10:6)
Kosh and sanskrit-English (God mentioned name of Manu
Dictionery by Sir Monier along with first human being in
Williams, nearest meaning of this sloke because in great flood
Srjamy is to provide, to donate, all human beings died, and re-
to give etc. And for population started again by sons
Sambhavami nearest meaning of Manu)
is to communicate. I have not
found meaning of these two  The name of fourteen
word as incarnation in any other Manus who are mentioned in
dictionary. Also many scholars above sloks are as follows :-
translate Srjamy as “God send 1) Svayambhuva
his representative” and for 2) Svarocisa
Sambhavami they translate it as 3) Uttama
God send his revelations
( d i v i n e b o o k ) . We a r e 4) Tamasa
convinced with these meaning, 5) Raivata
hence in our translation we are 6) Chakshusha (Cakshsa)
writing these meaning. 7) Vaivasvata
So above mentioned two sloks 8) Surya Savarnika
also don't prove that God takes 9) Daksa Savarni
birth, but it again indicates that 10) Brahma Savarni
God sends prophets and divine
11) Dharma Savarni
12) Rudra Savarni
 Sloke No. 10:6 of Bhagwat 13) Deva Savarni
Geeta is as follow,
14) Indra Savarni.
cen<e&Ùe: mehle hetJex ÛelJeejes ceveJemleLee~ (
ceÆeJee ceevemee peelee Ùes<eeb ueeskeâ Fcee: (Hinduism))
Øepee:~~6~~  Vaivasvat Manu is most
Ancient seven great sages and important personality in our
fourteen Manus, were Hindu religion. In his era the
following My commandments great flood occured. His name is
sincerely. In this world all these mentioned 51 times in Rig
Vedas, 2 times in Yajur Veda, 14

times in Atharva Veda and 8 departed to heaven from

times in Sama Veda. His Palestine. Muslims are
influence on Hindu religion we followers of prophet
can understand from following Muhammad (Pbuh). Prophet
two facts. Muhammad (Pbuh) was born in
Arabia and died in Arabia. His
 Christians count their years
holy grave is in the city of
from the year of birth of their
Medina. Manu or Newh or
prophet Jesus Chirst. Muslims
Hazrat Nooh was born in India,
count their years from the year
preached in India and died in
in which Prophet Muhammad
India. His holy Grave is in
(pbuh) migrated to Medina city
Ayodheya which is most sacred
(an important event in Islamic
city of India.
history). Similarly we Hindu
also count our important events
His holy Grave is famous and
with reference to the end of
known to everyone, as grave of
great flood, which occurred
Hazrat Nooh or Naw gazi
during the period of Vaivasvat
Mazar (Graves of nine gaz
Manu, and we believe that kal-
long). Ordinary graves are 2
yug started after the end of this
meter in length. But this grave is
great flood.
more than 6 meter in length. So
this cannot be a grave of an
 Bible was revealed to Jesus
ordinary person. And this grave
Christ and this book is Law of
is exactly behind main Police
religion for Christians. Quran
station (kotwali) of Ayodheya
was revealed to prophet
city. So no one can claim that
Muhammad (pbuh) and this
this is a false and fabricated
book is law of religion for
structure. Photograph and
Muslims. Similarly “Manu
address of this grave is as
smirity” contains teachings of
Manu and this book is
considered as Law of religion of
Open Google Maps in your PC
Hindu (Sanatan) dharm.
or mobile and search for
 Christians are followers of
Goodle map will show you the
Jesus christ. Jesus Christ was
Ayodhya kotwali on Tarun-Pura
born and brought up in
Road. Then just behind
Palestine (Jerusalem) and he

Kotwali, in open space you will  In an other chapter we will

find SHRINE NOOH (A.S). describe following prophets of
This is Holy Grave of Nooh Hindu dharam whom people of
(A.S) or Prophet Noah or Manu. other religions also respect and
accept as their prophets. Their
names are Svayambhuva manu,
Abi-ram, Atharva Rishi,
Mamahe Rishi.

Note :- Real name of our Hindu

Religion is vedic Dharm, or
Shashwat Dharm, or Sanatan
Dharm. But these terms are not
More than six meter long grave of Manu
or Prophet Noah or Hazrat Nooh.
used regularly. Hence for
Address :- Hazrat Nooh ki Qabar (Naw
simplicity, We will use word
Gazi Mazar) Behind Kotwali, Ayodheya- Hindu as our religion.
Faizabad,UP.Pin-241125 *******
 Because of these facts Balance portion of chapter
A.J.S. Dubious writes in his “Views of Sanskrit Scholars”
book that we Hindus are teaching was preached by a
followers of Manu or Newh or prophet named as Hanook.
Noah or Hazrat Nooh. Because of this his followers are
called malecha.
 So we in Hindu dharm do Worship of Vishnu, worship of
have prophets. And one of their self-illuminating God. non-
name is Manu. And in general violence, prayer and self-
we are followers of Vaivasvat control, these qualities of
Manu whom other people call malech are described by
as prophet Noah or Hazrat scholars.
 Now, we will prove the truth
of monotheism (God is one) as
 We can say Christians and
described in vedas. We will also
Muslims also follow and
provide the details of prophets
respect a prophet who was sent
described in purans, and we will
for us, or whose followers we
also give the detail that basic
Hindus are.
teaching of all the religions are

Chapter 3

 Scholars of Hindu religion nveleesjYeÙeceevees JeÙeej ~

(Sanatan Dharm) failed to megieeve heLees DekeâjCeesve veefjpes iee: hejeJeve JeeCeer: heg®gntleb
Oeceved leer: ~~ ($e+iJeso 3:30:10)
recognise prophets because of
two reasons.
 In Allopnishad, in a number
1) They failed to analyse names of sloks, Allah as name of God
of God. is mentioned. One of which is as
2) They failed to recognise follow;
when era of human being Deuuees $e+<eerCeeb meJe& efoJÙeeb
started on planet earth. FvõeÙehetJe& ceeÙee hejcevleefj#ee ~~6~~
Let us study how and why
above mentioned two reasons Allah is of Rishi’s (saint’s). He
eliminated concepts of is Greatest of all, prior to Indra
prophethood in Hindu religion. and more mysterious than space
Types of names of God :- (Allopnishad Sloke No.6)
 God has few personal  In Rigved. Ilaya as name of
names which are exclusively God is used in sloke no. 3:29:7
reserved for Him. For example, which is as follow;
Brhm, Allah, El, Ela, Elaiya,
Alaya etc. These names could FueeÙeemlJee heos JeÙeb veeYee ØeefLe&JÙee DeefOe~
not be used for any other entity ($e+iJeso 3:29:7)

other than one God. Meaning of above mentioned

 As per Dr. Ved Prakash sloke is as follow;
Upadheyay in following two “House of God is at the navel
sloke of Rig ved, Allah as name (center) of the earth.” (Rig Veda 3-
of God is mentioned. 29-7)
 DeueeÙedÙemedÙe hejMegjveveeMe lecee heJemeJe osJe meesce~
 God has hundreds of other
DeeKegb ÛeefoJe osJe meesce~~ ($e+iJeso 9:67:30)
names also, which are as per His
 DeueelejCees Jeue Fveoj Jejpees iees: hegje features. And these names are
called His feature names. For

example a sloke of Rig veda the universe beautifully

says, (sunder-pari-challan) hence He
Fbvõ efce$eb Je®ceefiveceeng jLees efoJÙe: me megheCeex ie®lceeved ~ is also called Supran.
Skebâ meefÉhee yengOee JeovlÙeefiveb Ùeceb ceeleefj§eeveceeng:~~ 8) God created this universe so
($e+iJeso 1:164:91/92) he is called Brahma. God
“Scholars call one God with sustains this universe so He is
various names such as Indra, called Vishnu. and on day of
Mitra, Varun, Agni, Yam, parlay He will destroy this
Gurutman and Matarishva.” universe hence He is called
(Rig Veda 1:164:91/92)
 Meanings of some feature
So in short God is only one,
names of God are as follows; people call Him with different
name as per His features. He is
1) God provides sustenance and formless, and nothing
food to everyone hence he is resembles Him.
called Mitra.
Confusion about Brahmas
2) God conquers everyone name :-
hence He is calles Varun.
With His own feature names,
3) God is greatest, Hence He is sometimes God calls or
called Gurutvan. addresses or refers to angels and
4) God keeps living things prophets also.
alive, hence he is called For example Brahma is a God’s
Matureshwa. feature name. This name is
5) God Himself manages different than Brhm name,
universe as per His order. He is Brahma means merciful or one
self-illuminating and basic who cares with love. With this
source of energy for this name God calls or refers to
universe. So He is called Agni. angels and prophets also.

6) God has control on every For example in following two

thing, hence He is called slokes of Bhagwat Geeta we
Vesraj. find both the personal and
feature names of God. That is
7) God keeps the world Brhm and Brahma. The first
beautiful (sunder). He manages name is personal and

exclusively for God. And the everything Himself without any

sloke No. 8.3 confirm that this help from anyone else. But He
name is of God Only. While in has designed a systematic
second sloke (No.11:37) system to control and sustain
Brahma is said for that angel this universe. And for this
whom God has specially purpose God has created many
created to look after the creation angles and assigned them
process of this universe. This various works. Angel assigned
sloke proves that Brahma name to confiscate soul of human
is used for angels also (That is beings is called Yam. Similarly
someone other than God) there are angels for Rain,
 ßeer YeieJeevegJeeÛe, De#ejced yeÇÿe hejceced mJeYeeJe: Angels to put soul in human
DeOÙeelceced GÛÙeles~~8-3~~ body etc etc.
Shri Krishna said,  So in above example, we
“The most divine pious and studied how God calls an angel
immortal name Om is of with His own feature name
Brhm”(Bhagwad Geeta 8:3) Brahma. Now we will study an
example in which God calls to a
 keâmceeÛÛe Ûe les ve vescejved cene-Deelceved iejerÙemes
yeÇÿeCe: Deefhe Deeefo-keâ$ex~
prophet with His own feature
name Brahma.
Devevle osJe-F&Me peieled-efveJeeme lJeced De#ejced meled-Demeled
leled-hejced Ùeled~~37~~ One sloke of Atharva veda
Arjun said, (10:2:29) is as follow;
“O greater than imagination. O Ùees Jew leeb yeÇÿeiees Jesoece=lesveeJe=leeb hegjced
God of infinite power. You are lemcew yeÇÿe Ûe yeÇeÿee§e Ûe#eg: ØeeCeb Øepeeb oog:
the original creator. Greater
than even Brahma. O God of the “He who knows this sacred
Devtas you are the sustainer house of God, which is full of
(refuge) of the universe. life, Brhm (God), and Brahma
Because you are immortal God (the Prophet of God) grant him
of mortal world and beyond that insight (knowledge), life and
hereafter. Than why mahatma children.”
(Shri-krishna) also should not In sloke number 10:2:29 of
offer proper obeisance unto Atharva veda Brhm and
you.” (Bhagwad Geeta 11:37) Brahma both names are written.
 God can do anything and
The name Brahma is used for
prophet Abi-Ram, to whom

Muslims, Christians and Jews creature, hence He is called

call as Abraham (pbuh) and Vishnu. And at the end (parlay)
Brhm name is for God. God will destroy this universe,
hence He is called Mahesh.
The Atharva Veda contains a
long Sukta in praise of the God is one. Brahma (creator),
Kaba. This sloke is one of them. Vishnu (Sustainer) and Mahesh
In this sloke sacred House (Destroyer) is His three
means Kaba which is in features, and these three names
Makkah. are of same one God. But we
failed to understand it and said
 We H i n d u f a i l e d t o
that there are three Gods
recongnise when Brahma name
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.
is used for God and when this
name is used for an angel or for Confusion about Ram name
a p r o p h e t . We a l w a y s
 We are also confused about
considered this name is used for
the name Ram. In case of name
God only. And because of this
Brahma, we always consider it
instead of recognising prophets
a name of God, Even if it is used
and following them, we start
for angels or prophets. While in
believing that God takes birth in
case of name Ram, we
form of human being. And
understand that it is always
adopted concept of incarnation
used for Shri Ramchandra.
of God.
Who was prince of Ayodheya
 Raheem is a feature name of and elder son of Raja Dasrath.
God which is equivalent to And we assume that it is never
Brahma and which means used for God or for a prophet.
merciful. In Holy Quran
 Nalanda vishal shabd sagar
(9:128) God called prophet
kosh (an authentic dictionary)
Muhammed (Pbuh) as Raheem.
has given more than ten
But Muslims never consider
meanings of word Ram, out of
prophet Muhammed (pbuh) as
which one meaning is name of
 Vishnu and Mahesh is
Name of prince of Ayodheya
feature name of God. God has
was Ramchandra, and not only
sustained this universe and
provide sustenance to every

Raja Dashrath was knowing Gledleef<ed" vejMeejd otue keâjdledJedÙeb owJeceentveefkeâced ~~

(Jeeefucekeâer jeceeÙeCe DeOÙeeÙe veb 14, yeeuee keâvo 1-23-2)
that Ram is a name of God.
Hence he did not name his Meaning of this sloke is as
eldest son as Ram. But he kept follow.
the name as Ramchandra. That
mean moon of God. Generally Oh Ram! The able son of
we call our beloved moon. So Kaushalleya, light of early
Ramchandra name could also morning is spreading on eastern
be interpreted as beloved of horizon of sky. Oh best in
God. human being, get up for prayer.

 Shri Ramchandra ji never From this sloke it is clear that

claimed to be God. In exile parents of Shri Ramchadra were
period once Shri Hanuman also worshiping God as per
asked Shri Ramchandra that teaching of holy vedas, and they
how should I pray to God. Shri used to wake up shri
Ramchandra never said that “I Ramchandra also for early
am the God, and you should morning prayer.
worship me”, but he said;  Shri Ramchandra gave a
ØeLece: leejekeâ: ÛeÙeJeeefoefleÙe ob[ cegÛÙeles leerleÙe kebgâ[uee Mantra (verse) to his followers,
keâejceÛelegLe& DeOex Ûebvõkeâ: which is called Ram-Tarak
hebÛeb efyevot mebÙegòeâ: Deesce efcelÙepeÙeesleer ®hekeâ~ Mantre. Which means, a verse
(ßeer jece lelJe Dece=le)
suggested by Shri Ramchandra,
First stand straight in front of which if practiced will give you
God. salvation (mukti).
Than do prostration (sajda) This sloke is as follow;
Than sit down. jeb-jeceÙevece:
Than bow down infront of God This sloke is written on page
like a new moon. No. 1175 of Nalanda vishal
shabd sagar kosh, as Ram-Tarak
Than sit straight and mantra.
concentrate in the remembrance
of God. In sanskrit a dot above a word
gives m sound.
 The first sloke which is
recited in Temple are as follow, So it will be pronounced as
keâewmeuedÙeemeghedjpee jece hetjJee mebOed Ùee hetjJejdleles~ “Ram Ramaya namaha.”

That mean “worship to the In this sloke Ram name is

Ram’s Ram.” In this sloke first neither used for Shri
Ram means Shri Ramchandra, Ramchandra because he never
the prince of Ayodheya, and went to Makkah, nor for God,
second Ram means the but for a prophet.
Almighty God.
(Note : For translating this sloke
That means, if you worship Shri we have refered three sources;
Ramchandra’s God, than you
1) Nalanda vishal sabd sagar
will get mukti.
kosh (N)
This is an example when Ram
2) Sir Moniar Sanskrit english
word is used for God, as well as
Dictionary (S)
for Shri Ramchandra. Now we
will study a sloke in which 3) Translation of veda by Arya
Almighty God has called a samaj (V)
prophet with his own name
And we have mentioned N,S,V
Ram. That sloke is as follow,
against word for the source of
Øeleod ogMeerces he=LeJeeves Jesves Øe jeces JeesÛecemegjs ceIeJelmeg~ meaning. For ceIe we have taken
($e+iJeso 10-93-27)
meaning as ceKe. Because it is
leod = that (V)
related to center of earth, and
ogMeerces = undefeatable (V) Makkah is at center of earth.
he=LeJeeves = Jungle of earth This we will describe in detail in
Jesve = Navel, center (N) chapter.7 )
Øe-jece = Ram of other country or  So we are also not fully
spiritual Ram. aware about this name of Ram,
ØeJeesÛece = describing (V) and we always consider that it is
used for Shri Ramchandra only,
megj = Rishi (N)
even if it is used for God or for a
ceIe = Makkah (ceKe) (S) prophet. So when it is used for
Jelmeg = Son (N) God, we consider Shri
Meaning of this sloke is “I will Ramchandra as God.
describe about spiritual  Confusion about Agni name :-
personality Ram. Who is Agni name of God has confused
undefeatable Rishi, and Son of scholars of Hindu religion to the
Makkah, which is centre of maximum extent.
earth.” Agni is a feature name of God. A

sloke of Bhagwat Geeta is as Who is the first soul?

 For human race God created
efoefJe metÙe&menœemÙe YeJesÅegieheogeflLelee~ only one body of human being.
Ùeefo Yee: meÂMeer mee mÙeeÆmemle cenelceve:~~12~~ That is body of Adam. After that
“Light of God is like thousands God never created second body
of suns are simultaneously for human being. For creating
shining in sky.” second body, God developed it
(Bhagwat Geeta-11:12) from first body. For example
Eve or Hawwawati was
Self illumination is a feature of developed from half body of
God, hence one of God’s name Adam. And after that whole
is Agni. human race is copied or
 Agni is a feature name of developed in womb of mother.
God which is also extensively  From above explanation
used for first soul to whom God what I wanted to say is that God
has created. The creation of first created a masterpiece, that is
soul by God, and calling him human body. But after creating
Agni is written in sloke No. one masterpiece, He did not
(1:31:21) of Rig-veda. kept on manufacturing second
leJeeceives hejLececeeÙegceeÙeJes osJee De›eâCJeve veng<emÙe or third masterpiece but for
efJeMheeflece~ ($e+iJeso 1:31:21) making second human body He
“Thee, Agni, have the God developed it from the first one.
made the first living one for Same thing He did with
living man, Lord of the house of spiritual wisdom also.
Nahusa.” (Rig veda 1:31:21)
What is spiritual wisdom?
 God called the first soul as
Agni, because God has There are two types of
specially placed a light of divine wisdoms:
wisdom in him and uses him to 1) Logical intellect:- From this
impart light of divine or intelligence we understand
spiritual wisdom to all other things related to material life
human beings. The words Agni, and this world. This intelligence
light, Noor etc. are somewhat of depends on IQ or brain.
same meaning.
2) Spiritual wisdom :-
Spiritual wisdom is to

understand religion, feeling the body with suitable soul

presence of God, having faith in (operating software) which has
heaven and hell etc. This does in-built logical intelligence to
not depend on intelligence, but survive in this world. But
it depends on special wisdom spiritual wisdom does not come
and blessing of God. as standard and basic accessory
along with body.
For example, due to scientific
advancement we consider To load application software
American, European and like Tally, AutoCad, CoralDraw
Chinese as intelligent people. etc, We get a CD, load it in CPU
But most of them don't believe and copy it. Then remove the
in God, and in religion. CD.
So recognising God does not First soul is somewhat similar
depends on intelligence but on to this application software CD.
special wisdom blessed by God. God has created this first soul in
such a way that it has complete
To explain more clearly the
divine wisdom. Then to bless
difference between Logical
any human being with divine
intelligence and spiritual
wisdom to understand God and
wisdom I will give example of
hereafter, God directs light
from this first soul to that
Consider a personal computer. human being. And mind and
The manufactures of computer soul of that human being get
after completing manufacturing formatted or enlightened and he
process, also load an operating starts feeling truth of religion
software in computer such as and presence of God. This soul
window or Linux or Mac etc. God calls as Agni, because this
Operating software is an soul has got special light of
integral part of every computer. divine wisdom in it.
But application software such
As per Barnabas Bible, God has
as Tally, AutoCad, CoralDraw
transferred divine knowledge to
etc are not basic and integral
all prophet by this first soul
part of personal computer.
only. (Barnabas Bible, Chapter-44)
God has designed body of
 Christians believe in
different creature in different
Trinity. That means there are
way. And He has loaded their

three Gods. God, Son and holy there was Guidance and light.
spirit. God is Brhm, Son is Jesus
 No Muslim scholar will
Christ, but not a single Christian
give you satisfactory answer
can explain clearly who is this
about this light or Noor.
holy sprit. This holy spirit is
Agni only, but neither they These verses mean that God
understand him nor they can sent a prophet and a book,
explain him. along with light of this divine
wisdom which we get from first
This holy spirit is a spiritual
soul, Agni.
entity which imparts divine
knowledge to human being.  God also said in holy Quran
“O prophet! this Divine wisdom
 Two verses of Quran are as
you cannot give to anyone. It is
God who gives it.” (Holy Quran
1) “It was We (God) who 28:56)
revealed the law (to Moses).  As per Muslim teachings
There in was guidance and one of the requirements of
light. (Holy Quran 5:44) getting this divine wisdom is to
This Ayat means God revealed sincerely fear God. Sincerely
divine book Tohra to Moses. In having faith in life after death
that divine book there was (hereafter), struggle to do good
guidance for mankind and a deed and wish to have true
light (Noor). knowledge from God.
2) “And in the footsteps we sent  God has taught we Hindu
Jesus the son of Mary, also in holy veda for seeking
confirming the law that had such divine wisdom. One such
come before him. We sent him sloke is as follow.
the Gospel there in was Fvõ ›eâlegb ve Dee Yej efhelee heg$esYÙees ÙeLee~
guidance and light.” (Holy Quran efMe#ee Cees Deefmceved heg®ntle Ùeeceefve peerJee pÙeeseflej
Meerceefn~ (Atharva Veda 18-3-67)
This Ayat means God sent Jesus “O God! Give us knowledge in
to Isreals, and Jesus confirmed this direction so that we get
the teaching of prophet Moses enlightenment within our life
and Tohra. God also gave Jesus span.”
divine book Gospel in which

Muslims call this divine describe it briefly as follows:

wisdom as “Eman Ka Noor” or
1) 1500 crore years ago, God
light or illumination of faith.
started making this universe.
To know more about Agni, read The process started with a big
the book with title “Who is explosion (this is called big-
Agni, Parmatma or Prophet” bang theory)
This book could be downloaded
2) This explosion created a huge
free from or
fire ball. Which cooled down
and made small particles. Stars
 We Hindus failed to and planet are made from these
recognise prophets who already particles.
came and gone from world. We
3) 450 crore years ago our
also failed to recognise a
planet earth was formed, and at
prophet who was supposed to
that time it was a hot ball of
come as last messenger. And
molten matter.
this is because we failed to
analyze and recognise familiar 4) Between 450 to 100 crore
names which were generally years ago earth cooled down
used for God, were also used for and water emerged on earth.
prophets and angles. So instead Between 100-30 crore ago
of prophethood we believed in small insects took birth on
incarnation of God. earth.
Second reason:- Second 6) Between 30-15 crore year
reason because of which we ago, huge jungle grew on earth,
Hindus don't recognise dinosaurs and huge animal
prophets is that we failed to lived on earth.
recognise the boundary line of 7) Between 15-6 crore years ago
time period, after which human dinosaurs become extinct and
race started living on earth. huge size toothed birds lived on
 The atmosphere, physical earth.
condition of land and the 8) 6-2 crore years ago monkey
creatures which lived on this lived on earth, along with other
earth were not always same, but animal.
they have changed many times.
For your convenience I will 9) 2 crore to 60 lakh years ago

ape like creature lived on earth  From above details you can
along with other animals. understand that on this earth,
existence of human being is
10) 60-20 lakh years ago
only since 12000 years old..
atmospher of earth was
While our Hindu history starts
comfortable for human beings.
40 lakh years ago.
In this period huge size
mammels died and ape which  Our Hindu history starts 40
were very similar to human lakhs year ago, that does not
being lived on earth. (This era is means that we are wrong.
called Pleistocene)
Muslim religious literature also
11) 12000 years ago God says that before human being,
created Adam and Eve and sent society of Jin were living on
them on earth. earth. But they created
excessive wars and violence on
 Our Hindu history start
earth, so angels chased them
from Pleistocene era that means
away from mainland to deep
about 40 lacs years ago. Detail
jungles and hilly areas. Same
of our four religious era in this
thing our Hindu history also
period are as follow,
says, that devtas defeated
1) Satya yug started 3893100 Demons and expelled them
years ago and ended 2165100 from mainland.
years ago. (Total period
 As a common man, we only
1728000 years)
know two names of super-
2) Treta yug started 21,65,100 natural entities, that is Devta
years ago and ended 869100 and Demons. But actually there
years ago (Total period are more than 10 types of super-
1296000 years) natural entities who were living
on this earth. A sloke describing
3) Dwaper yug started 869100
them is as follow;
years ago and ended 5100 years
ago (Total period 864000 years)  efJeÅeeOejesÓhmejesÙe#ej#eesievOeJe& efkeâVej:~
efheMeÛees iegnekeâ: efmeæes YetleesÓceew osJeÙeesveÙe:~~
4) Kalyug started 5100 years (Decej keâesMe mJeie&vJeie& 11 Jee Mueeskeâ)
ago and at present running
(Total period will be 436000  Names of these ten super-
years) natural entities are as follow,

1) Vidyadhar :-These are 9) Siddha :- Siddha are those

super-natural intelligent spirits. souls, which attained high
They are considered as spiritual status because of their
upadevas or semi-gods. They dedicated prayer.
live in mountains. They are 10) Bhoot (ghost):- Is a
considered as doers of good and supernatural entity, who could
devoted to joy. not migrate to world of
2) Apsara :- Apsaras are super- deceased people, due to various
natural, beautiful female reason. Hence keeps on
beings. roaming in old places.
3) Yaksha :- Yaksha is the name  Whatever ten types of super
of broad class of nature-spirits, natural entities we have
usually benevolent. (good described, they were either
nature) service provider or trouble
4) Rakshasa/Asura :- They are maker for the main population.
bad-spirits, assumed as flesh- But about main population we
eaters. have not described anything.
 About main population we
5) Gandharva :- Gandharva
are male nature spirits, have to guess from slokes of
husbands of Apsaras, experts in Puran, Quran and Bible.
musical skill and some time The first sloke of Bhavishya
works as messengers between puran, Pratisarg parv, first
Devtas and human beings. khand, 4th Adheyay says,
6) Kinnar :- kinnar are demi DeeoceeW veece heg®<e, helveer nJÙeJeleer mce=lee~
god, consider as singing gods in efJe<Ceg keâo&celees peelees cuesÛÚ JebMeØeJeOe&veew~~
Meaning of above mentioned
7) Pishacha :-Pichacha are also sloke is as follow,
considered as evil and flesh
eating spirits. They can possess Name of man was Adam, and
human beings and are repelled wife Hawwawati. They will be
by mantras of holy scriptures. created from wet clay of
Vishnu, and Adam will be
8) Guhyaka :- Guhyaka are like forefather of Malechas.
yaksha. Considered to live in
caves in mountains, and protect From above sloke we can guess
Treasures. that the people for whom this

book Bhavishya puran was instruction of God only angels

revealed were not malechas and do arrangement for human
not the children of Adam or they beings.
were not human being. And
Sloke of Bhagwat Geeta is as
they called human being as
malecha, So they must be some
superior creatures. F°evYeesieeefvn Jees osJee oemÙevles Ùe%eYeeefJelee:~
lewo&òeeveØeoeÙewcÙees Ùees Yeg[òesâ mlesve SJee
 We get description about
main population before Adam me:~~12~~
from Bible and Quran. God says No doubt, Devtas will provide
in Quran, “I have not created the you all the material necessary
Jinn and human kind but to for survival, if you do prayer as
(know and) worship Me” per instruction of God.
(exclusively) (Quran 51:56) Those, who consume material
That means as we human beings given by Devtas alone, without
are main creature on this earth, sharing with fellow human
and purpose of our life is to beings are no doubt Thieves.
spend it as per instruction of (Bhagwad Geeta 3:12)
God and to worship God.  So starting of our history
Similarly, before human beings from 40 lakh year ago is not
and as on today also, Jins are wrong.
also supposed to spend such life
which should please God. As on But our problem starts with
today they are expelled from religious books. Our Hindu
mainland and live in mountains religion is first religion sent by
and hills. But before Adam they God for human beings, and it
were mainly citizens of planet just started after the departure of
earth. super natural entities from
mainland. So being at border
 Who are Devtas? line of changing era, we also
 From sloks No-3:12 of inherited some of the books and
Bhagwat Geeta which is as methods of prayer of previous
follow, it is clears that to whom race.
Muslims and Christians call as We inherited the Ramayana,
angels, we Hindu call them as which is story of Shri Ram, who
Devta. Because as per was in Tetre yug, which started

21,65,100 years ago and ended them and had deep faith in
869100 years ago. them. This is good, but we
forgot that all these literatures
We inherited Mahabharta
are of pre human era, and we are
which is a story of Dwaper yug.
human beings. For us Religious
Which started 869100 year ago
Laws and norms of prayer are
and ended at 5100 year ago.
different. We have to follow
During that period, human human prophet, and not super
beings were not living on earth. natural entities.
Those existing in that period
 India was ruled by British
were having angel like body and
Government. Before 1947,
supernatural power.
there were rules and regulation
 It was possible for Ravana for paying taxes and Indian
to fly himself or in a plane people were paying tax as per
pulled by birds, because Ravan those rules. After 1947,
himself was supernatural and in Government changed, and
that era huge size of birds were along with government, laws
living. also changed. British laws were
not bad, but now we cannot
 It was possible for Shri
keep on paying taxes as per their
Ramachandra to build a bridge
by monkeys, because in that era
Ape-like creatures were living Similarly Religious laws and
on earth. norms of daily prayer of Tetra
and Dwaper yug were not
 In Dwaper yug, it was
wrong. But we have to follow
possible for warriors of
the Religious Norms described
Mahabharat to use Brhm-
by prophet of our era. And this is
shashtra which was as powerful
what we have forgot.
as a Bomb. Because they were
supernatural. Shri Krishna can Supernatural entities has
marry 16000 girls because he mesmerized us. We neglected or
was supernatural. It was forgot the teachings of Adam,
possible for them. Manu and Abi-ram or human-
prophets who have already
 We r e c e i v e d a l l t h e
passed, and we have failed to
literature of Tetra and Dwaper
recognise the prophets who was
yug. We loved them, admired
forecasted in our books, and

who was supposed to appear in (Devta) is arranged by Me

this Kalyug. (God) alone.
(Bhagwat geeta 7:22)
Third Reason :-
 DevleJeòeg heâueb les<eeb leæJelÙeuhecesOemeeced ~
 There is one more reason osJeevosJeÙepees Ùeeefvle ceæòeâe Ùeeefvle
because of which we don’t want ceeceefhe~~23~~
to recognise prophets and their
divine teaching and want to But this is a fact that the
keep on worshiping devtas. worshipers of the devtas (after
death) will go to the devtas.
Third and most important
Fruit (or result of prayer) of low
reason of neglecting prophets
intelligence people will be their
sent by God, and worship
destruction. My worshiper
Devtas is mentioned in
(after death) will come to Me
Bhagwat Geeta. Three sloks of
(come to Almighty God).
Bhagwat geeta about this matter (Bhagwat geeta 7:23)
are as follow.
 So for immediate
 keâe[vle keâce&Ceeb efmeefæb Ùepevle Fn osJelee:~ fulfillment of our wishes, we
ef#eØeb efn ceeveg<es ueeskesâ efmeefæYe&Jeefle keâce&pee~~ worship Devtas, but by
Certainly many people in neglecting prophets and
human society desire good worshiping Devtas we are
result of their good deed in this destroying our infinite life
world. which we have to spend after
death in parlok.
In the material world for very ********
quick success all their good Balance portion of chapter
deed become the prayer of “Concept of one God & ....”
Angel (demigod) We could not understand this
(Bhagwat geeta 4:12)
fact because we don't have
 me leÙee ßeæÙee ÙegòeâmlemÙeejeIeveceernles~ proper knowledge of divine
ueYeles Ûe lele: keâeceevceÙewJe efJeefnleeefvnleeved ~~ scripture, Believing existence
of more than one God is against
He endowed faith with that teaching of Holy Vedas.
Angel (Devta) and worship him
and whatever he aspires, he By remaining pious mentally
obtains it. And certainly the and physically, our heart will
wishes desired from that Angel believe in God. and we will feel
His presence (creation and
control) in every particle of this

Chapter 4


The word Avatar is formed by clearly loved by God. He is the
combining the roots 'ava' and one who, among men, has the
'tu', which together mean 'to most immaculate heart and
come to the world'. God's Avatar possesses a sterling.'character,
means 'birth of a great man who and his heart is filled with divine
preaches to the world messages knowledge. He experiences
revealed to him by God'. God is theophany, and therefore, even
present everywhere, So to think without being taught by anyone
of Him as confined to a fixed or learning from books, his heart
place is to deny His Infinity. receives the highest and the
There are places where His purest form of knowledge. The
Brightness is in full glare, and expression 'God's avatar'
there are places where His Glow indicates a possessive case and
is dim. The rays of the Sun looks means 'the coming of a man who
pretty dim in a fog, but that does is in a special relationship with
not reduce the real brightness of God?
the Sun. In the seven heavens, I n S a n s k r i t , Av a t a r i s
God encompasses the highest synonymous to Prophet in
heaven. The Sun, the Moon and English and Nabi in Arabic.-
the Stars do not exist at that (see Sunder Lalji's Hindu-
height. (Shetash-watar Muslim Uniti, page 29-30). In
Upanishad, chapter 6, mantra the olden times, every country
14). The effulgence of God's received its own Avatars, i.e.
Light is so bright and severe Prophets, because it was not
there, that the Sun and the Moon possible for any one Avatar to
will become totally eclipsed. work for the welfare of the
The entire creation becomes entire world. But the case of the
manifest with the Light of God, Final Avatar is different. He has
just like the firmament becomes been sent for the welfare of
manifest with the light of the mankind as a whole. His
Sun. religion is intended for
So does God send His special everyone.
man for the welfare of mankind. (Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya kalki
Such a man is specially related Avatar and Muhammed-Ch-2)
to Him. He is a great soul and is

Chapter 5


 Dr. Ved prakash Upadheyay Prayag University.

was a sanskrit scholar. He was
3) Winner of first prize in article
having deep desire for peace
writing in Sanskrit in Prayag
and prosperity in society. He
wrote many book to reduce
hatred and misunderstanding 4) Winner of silver trophy in
between Hindu and Muslim inter-universities Debate
communities. In this Book we competition in Sanskrit.
will copy his one booklet which O r g a n i s e d b y Vi k r a m
was with title ``JesoeW Je hegjeCeeW kesâ DeeOeej University, Ujjain.
hej Oeeefce&keâ Skeâlee keâer pÙeesefle'' “Vedon aur
5) Director of Sarasvat Vedant
purano ke aadhar par dharmic prakashak sangh.
ekta ki Jyoti.” Because in this
booklet we get very important  Booklet “Vedon aur purano
facts about our Hindu as well as ke aadhar par dharmic ekta ki
Muslim religion and it contains Jyoti.” written by Dr.Ved
complete detail of prophets prakash upadheyay contains
from Adam to Abi Ram. And five chapters. I will not only
whatever I will quote from him translate his Hindi booklet, but
will be more authentic than copy the complete booklet as a
something written by me alone. chapter at the end of this book.
So that you can read Hindi and
(Note:- Henceforth we will call see what he wanted to say.
this booklet as “ekta ki Jyoti” Because sometimes in
for convenience as this title is translation meaning changes as
too long) per faith and belief of
 Achievement and status of Translator.
Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheyaya :-
Preface of booklet “Ekta ki
1) Head of the Sanskrit Jyoti”
Depatment in Punjab
university.  Those who don't have the
knowledge of the true religion,
2) Winner of first prize in become the blind follower of an
poetry writing in Sanskrit in

ignorant Guru. And like a blind Saints (Dev-rishi). Even today

disciple, they fall in deep Hell. we have sloks for prayer
Hence to avoid falling in deep compiled by dev-rishi Narad
hell, knowing the true picture of munni. (Narad muni was not a
a true religion is very human being)
 I n p r a t i s a rg p a r v o f
From where you will get this Bhavishya puran, Maha-rishi
divine knowledge? Ved vyas ji describes the
From the main source of incidence of birth of Adam and
religion. Hawwavati, which we will
The main sources of divine describe ahead in this book.
knowledge are revelations of
 Era before Adam was era of
God. And divine scriptures,
supernatural entities. That
which are collected and
means it was an era of Devtas
compiled by enlightened saints.
and Rakshasha. This era cannot
 Many things which we can be understood by human
not understand from our beings. And we find
observations and experiments, unbelievable details about
they could be understood by Devtas (e.g Ram, Hanuman,
knowledge of divine scriptures. Shankar, Krishna etc.) But for
These divine scriptures are Devtas and Rakshashs
Vedas, Bible and Quran. whatever supernatural incident
Sanatan dharm, Christianity is described for them, it was
and Islam are based on these always possible for them.
divine scripture only.
 In future, children of Adam
 All the scriptures are holy (that means Human beings) will
and revealed by God. Therefore rule the earth, knowing this fact
it is impossible that they will 88 thousand dev-rishi migrated
have contradictory teaching. to hilly area. We get this
description in fourth adheyay of
 Vedas are most ancient and
pratisarg parv of Bhavishya
first divine scriptures. After that
puran. Those sloks are as
we have Brahman, Arnayak,
Upanishad and Purans. These
scriptures were written before  DeeÙe&osMee #eerCeJevlees cuesÛÚJebMee yeueeefvJelee~
birth of prophet Adam by Devta YeefJe<Ùeefvle Ye=iegßes‰ lemceeÛÛe legefnveeÛeueced ~

ielJee efJe<Cegb meceejeOÙe ieefce<Ùeecees njs: heoced ~ proves that these facts are true.
Fefle ëe=lJee efÉpee: meJex vewefce<eejCÙeJeeefmeve:~
De°eMeerefle menœeeefCe ieleemles legefnveeÛeueced ~  For example. It is written in
(MeyeÇe 22-4, lewyee
 In Bhavishya puran
that Devtas by (oMe&) Darsh and
whatever description of
(heewCe&ceeme) Pornmas prayer, forced
prediction we got about coming
of prophets after Adam in this Rakshsha to leave (ke=â<Cehe#e:)
world. In actual same thing Dark period of month (ceeme) on
happened. And it is proved by which they were having right.
Bible and Quran.  Similarly Devtas destroyed
 Whatever is written about three forts of Rakshashas which
prophets in Bible and Quran, all were made of iron, Silver and
these prophets were forecasted Gold by destructive activites
by Ved Vyas ji before the birth (Ghemeo ke=âlÙeex) Reference of this
of Adam and Hawwawati. fact is written in (lewme,
 ceve: ëe=Ceg lelees ieeLee, YeeJeer metlesve JeefCe&leece~ cewme 03.8.1, MeyeÇe 3.4.4, 3.5 keâesyeÇe 8.8)
keâuesÙeg&iemÙe hetCee& leeb leÛÚglJee le=efhleceeJen~~  At some places in
Ved Vyasji said “O my heart! Bhavishya puran Islam religion
get satisfaction by listening to is refered as (vewiece Oece&) Naigam
the story of kalyug.” And Dharam, which means vadic
started describing the incident religion or religion as per holy
of creation of Adam and vedas.
Hawwa wati, which will occur  Bhavishya puran has
in future. refered to Islam and Christian
 God is one, as described in religion as Malech Dharm. So
vedas. Description of prophets meaning of malech word is also
written in pratisarg parv of described in it, as follow;
Bhavishya puran, great flood in  DeeÛeejMÙe efJeJeskeâ§e efÉpelee osJehetpeveced ~
period of Manu (Nooh), Rule of ke=âleevÙesleeefve lewvewJe lemceevcesÛÚ: mce=lees yegOew~~
Devta and Rakshasha on earth efJe<CegYeòeâlÙeef«e hetpee Ûe åeefnbmee Ûe lehees oce:~
and their mutual war, and Oecee&CÙesleeefve cegefveefYecuexÛÚebvee efn mce=leeefve Jew~~
following rules of war and righteous, high knowledge,
doing yog (prayer) for victory having deep faith in God
in war, all this description is Worshiping of God (are
also written in Brahman. (A qualities of Malecha). This
type of religious Book) This (See page no. 14)

Chapter 6


 Traslation of Chapter No.2 name of one supreme God. And

of “Ekta ki Jyoti” written by what we are saying is confirmed
Dr.Ved prakash Upadhey is as by following slok of Rig-veda)
follows.  Fvõb efce$eb Je®CeeceefiveceengjLes efoJÙe: me megheCeex
 In Rig-veda at number of ie®lceeve~
Skebâ meod efJeØee yengOee JeovlÙeefive Ùeceb ceeleefjMJeeveceeng:~~
places we get description that ($e+iJeso ceb 10/met.114/ ceb .5)
one God has complete control
over this universe. Scholars described one
supreme God with different
But some scholars of vedas name such as Indra, Mitr,
visualised that there are more Va r u n a , A g n i , Ya m ,
than one God, and they made Matarishwa. (Rig veda 10:114:5)
the teaching of vedas as
polytheist (Instead of  Few slokes which says that
monotheist). (That means they God is one are as follow.
interpret that vedas teaches  Skeâ yeÇÿe efÉleerÙe veeefmle~
worship of more than one God) vesn veeveeefmle efkeâ_eÛeve~~ (Jesoevle)

(God has many names as per That means God is one. Except
His different features) some Him there is no one else.
people consider each feature of
 Sloke No. (2:1:3) of Rig-
God as individual Devta. But
veda is as follow,
this happens because of not
understanding Rig-veda lJeceivees Fvões Je=<eYe: meleeceefme, lJeb efJe<Ceg®®ieeÙees
correctly. vecemÙe:~
lJeb yeÇÿee jefÙeefyeod yeÇÿeCeemheles lJeb efJeOele&: meÛemes
In reality supreme power (God) heg®vOÙee~~ ($e+iJeso 2:1:3)
is one. And we get description
God is source of all light. He
of His different features in
fulfils the wishes of pious
different chapters of Rig veda.
people. He is lord. Sustainer. He
(Such as Agni-sukt, Varun-
is alone to whom we can
sukt, Yam-sukt, Vishnu-sukt
worship, to whom we can offer
etc. But Agni, Varun, Yam,
our respect. He revealed all the
Vishnu etc is different feature
divine scriptures. He blesses

wealth. He is greatest creator of  Whatever is described in

everything in universe. And to Rig-veda about existence of one
whom every creature worships God. Same description is also
from mind and soul. (Rig veda given in Svetasvetar Upanishad
2:1:3) (6-11) (ke=â<Ce ÙepegJexoerce MJesleeMJelej
 ‘‘lJeceives ®ões Demegjes cenesefoJemlJeb MeOeex cee®leb Gheefve<eo).
he=#e F&efMe<es~ lJeb Jeelewj®CewÙee&efme MebieÙemlJeb het<ee efJeOele:
SkeâesosJe: meJe&Yetles<eg ieg{: meJe&JÙeeheer meJe&Yetleevlejelcee~
heeefme veglcevee~~’’ ($e+iJeso ceb 2/met.1/ ceb .6)
keâcee&OÙe#e: meJe&YetleeefOeJeeme: mee#eer ÛesleekesâJeuees efveie&gCe§e~~
(Õeslee. DeOÙeeÙe 6, ceb. 11)
God is described as source of
power of Marut (Strom This Upanishad says that “God
Deities). Provider of food, self- is one, He is all-knowing, God
illuminating, reaching of all the creatures. All living
everywhere like wind, thing are alive because of Him.
Beneficent, provider of He is Omnipresent. controller
sustenance (food) to every of deeds. Refuge of every
creature, protector of creature. He is aware and has all
worshipers. (Rigved 2:1:6) good feature.”
 ‘‘lJeceives õefJeCeesoe Dejke=âles lJeb osJe: meefJelee
 A sloke of Rig veda
jlveOee Deefme~
lJeb Yeiees ve=heles JemJe F&efMe<es lJeb heeÙego&ces ÙemlesÓefJeOeled ~~’’
(2:12:10) says,
($e+iJeso ceb 2/met.1/ ceb .7)
About that Almighty God, some
God provides prosperity to His says He exists, some say He
worshipers. God has all the does not exist. Almighty God is
riches, and shining powerful and destroys the
(motivating). He keeps the prosperity of His enemies. His
human beings alive. He is enemies are those who deny
worshipable, owner of wealth. Him.
He protects these who worship  ÙeÛÚes$esCe ve ëe=Ceesefle Ùesve ßees$eefcebo ßegleced~
Him at home. (Rig veda-2:1:7) leosJe yeÇÿe lJeb efyeefæ vesob Ùeefoocegheemeles~~ (Gheefve<eo)
 ‘‘Skeâes n osJeeW ceveefme ØeefJe°’’(DeLeJe&Jeso 10-8-28)
He doesn’t have ears, but
Sloke No 10-8-28 of Athrav hearing power (in all creature)
Veda says that “Who enter in the is because of Him. He is Brhm
heart of every human being and (All mighty God). Those
knows every thought, is one (Deities) are not Brhm to whom
God.” you worship.

 Ùeb mcee he=ÛÚefvle kegân mesefle Ieesj, ceglesceengvew<ees Arhat (Den&le) (saint of highest
DemeleerlÙesveced ~ divine rank). Some say God is
mees DeÙe&: heg°erefJepe Fjeeefceveeefle ßeomcew Oeòe me peveeme
karm (keâce&) (your deed).
Believing one Almighty God in
He is God who listens to the so many different ways is a
humble prayer of poor as well as great discrimination. Doing so
prosperous people. Human is also insulting teaching of
beings become prosperous holy vedas, and it is against
because of His blessing and principle of Arya Dharm. If one
because of His wrath people Almighty God does not control
lose prosperity. or manages the whole universe,
 ‘‘Ùe: he=efLeJeer JÙeLeeceveeceöb nod Ùe: heJe&leeved then the system of whole
Øeke=âefheleeB DejcCeeJed ~ universe will collapse along
with Devi-Deta, man and
Ùees Devleefj#e efJecece JejerÙees Ùees ÅeecemleYveeled me peveeme
Fvõ:~~ ($e+iJeso ceb 2/met.21/ ceb .2) women of all type of deeds.

He is God who gives stability to Those who keep their soul

unstable earth, and hills. He is clean, and free from
creator of vast universe, and it is degradation of faith and
He who controls this world and character. Then their innerself
the world of hereafter (parlok). will always glow with light of
Almighty God. Hence we
 In Rig veda there are should remain righteous and we
chapters (sukt) with title Agni- should honestly try to reach
sukt, Varun-sukt, Yam-sukt, Him, then only we will feel
Vishnu-sukt, Inre-sukt etc. The God’s presence (Creation and
power who is praised in these control) in every particle of this
chapters is one almighty God universe.
 People recognise that one
 S o D r . Ve d P r a k a s h
God in different ways. Some
calls Him Shiv (efMeJe), some call Upadheyay wanted to say in this
chapter that it is very clearly
Him Brhm (yeÇÿe), some call Him
w r i t t e n , i n h o l y Ve d a s
Buddha (yegæ) some call Him
Upanishad and puran that God
karta (keâlee&) (one who control the
is only one.
whole universe) Some call him
(See page no. 29)

Chapter 7



 Those who present before revealved by God to maha-rishi

your eyes the verses (Mantras) Ved Vyasji, which he described
are called Rishi (Saga or Saint). in Bhavishya puran, and it is as
They speak less, and live a follows.
lonely life (away from society).
By doing so they receive  Tw o t h o u s a n d e i g h t
enlightenment. Saints (Rishi) hundred year before the end of
have not created the mantras, Dwaper yug, the land of
but they have received them malecha will become glorious
from God. (successful, victorious).
 If someone doubts this Adam and Hawwawati who will
statement, than let him make a be founder (or promoter) of
similar mantra himself. (It is a malech race, they uses to
challenge for the doubtful control their senses and
people). remained meditated in
remembrance of God. They will
 The divine scriptures which be created by wet soil of God.
present the commandments of (There creation will be such that
God, are divine in nature and they can enjoy the mateliastic
these are revealed by God only. things)
Writing or creating such
scripture or books is beyond the On eastern side of Pradan Nagar
intellectual capacity of human (Heaven) there was a vast
beings. beautiful Jungle of about 4
square kos created by God. (1
Hence no one can make a book kos = 2.25 miles)
equivalent to Veda, Bible and
Quran. Puran are exact and Because of Strong desire to see
complete description of divine his wife Adam went near the
scriptures. forbidden tree. At that moment
Kali came quickly to them.
 The incidence of creation of Adam and Hawwawati got
Adam and Hawwawati was cheated by that evil kali, and

Adam ate the forbiden fruit and He established city of his own
broke the law of God. Because names.
of which they were expelled to
 Son of Vird was Hanook
the earth. On earth they ate
(nvet k eâ) who was extremely
Indian fig (gular). They had too
many children and all known as devoted to prayer of God. He
malech. achieved the state of “Tat Tvam
Asi” (lelJeceefme) in which person
Adam lived for 930 years. clearly understand or feel the
Adam performed prayer presence or God. It is highest
(donated fruits etc) and spiritual level of meditation.
departed for heaven along with He ruled for 365 years. By
wife. deeply following religion of
 This way the description of Malech he arrived in Heaven.
Adam and Hawwawati ended.  Oh Bhargav! Son of
And after this, in continuation, Hanook was Matochchil
the interesting description of (celeesefÛÚue) Who ruled for 970
messengers is there, which is as years.
 Son of Matochchil was
 The eldest son of Adam was Lokam (ueeskeâce) He ruled for 777
famous with name Shwet (MJesle). years. Then he left for heaven.
He lived for 900 years.
Analysis of Translator
 Son of Shwet was Anooh
(Devegn) who was prophet for less 1) Adam is said to be forefather
than a century. of malecha.

 Son of Anooh was Kinash 2) Hanook achieved state of

(keâer v eeMe). Who was similar (rRoefl) “Tat Tvam Asi”. It is a
prophet as his great grand father vedic phrase which means
(Adam) was. achieving heightened spiritual
level of recognising God. And
 Son of kinash was Mahallal Hanook achieved this by
(cenuueue) who ruled for 895 following malecha dharm.
years. He established big cities.
So this indicates that malecha is
 Son of Mahallal was Vird said for human beings, who are
(efJejo). Who ruled for 908 years. created by dirty wet-soil, by

supernatural entities who were

having angel like body.
The first religion on earth for
human beings was Hindu
Dharm. Actual name of Hindu
Dharm is Shashwat Dharm.
Simple meaning of Shashwat
Dharm is religion of right path.
God has called Hindu Dharm as
Shashwat dharm in Bhagwat
geeta sloke No.(1:42)
Last religion on earth preached
by any prophet is Islam dharm.
God has called Islam dharm as
“Deene Qaiyeem” in holy
Quran (98:5) simple meaning of
Deen-e-Qaiyeem is religion of
right path.
So we can say God is one. He
only sent all holy personalities.
and all of them preached same
religion that is “religion of right
path”. Only names of religion
are different but teachings are
same. That is worship of one
God, and best deeds.
So Malecha is said for all
human beings and malecha
dharm is said for religion of
human beings and not for any
particular religion.

Chapter 8

 Son of Lomak (ueescekeâ) was Whole of India got submerged

Newh (vÙetn) (Viveshat Manu). in water. Four oceans got
He ruled for 500 years. Sim, merged and became too vast.
Sham and Japheth were his  After end of flood, Newh
three sons. Newh use to remain started living on land along with
deeply engaged in worship of his family. Sons of Newh
God. Once God told him in became famous by name Shem,
dream that “O dear Newh! Ham and Yaqoot.
listen, doomsday (ØeueÙe) will be
on seventh day. You board the Yaqoot had seven sons. Jumer
ship immediately along with (pegceü) Majuj (ceepetpe) Madi (ceeoer)
your companions. O worshiper Yunan (Ùetveeve) Tuval (letJeue) Masak
of lord, save your life. You will (cemekeâ) and Tiras (eflejeme). Different
prosper to the maximum extent. countries are named after tham.
Newh accepted the advice and
Jumer (pegceü) had 10 sons out of
made a beautiful ship. Which
was 300 hand (one hand is which name of seven are as
about 1.5 feet) long, 50 hands in follow.
width and 30 hands in height. Kanabiz (keâveeype), Rifat (efjheâle),
(One hand is called Cubit) He Tajrom (lepe®&ce), Eleesh (FueerMe),
boarded the ship with his family Tarleesh (lejueerMe), kitty (efkeâòeer),
and a pair of every kind of Hudani (ngoeefve), Nations were
creature. After boarding the named after the last four.
ship, he engaged deeply in
prayer of God.  Hem, who was second son
of Newh had four sons, Kush
 Henceforth it is description
(kegâMe), Mitr (efce$e), Kooj (kegâpe) and
of Devastating flood.
canon (keâveDeeve). Famous
As per permission of God, Rain countries of Malech are named
cloud of destructive (meebJele&keâ) after tham.
nature rained heavily for forty
 Kush (kegâMe) had six sons

namely Habil (nyeerue) Sarvtorag Nahar, he honoured the

(meJe& l ees j ie), Sarvtika (meJe& e f l ekeâe) prestigious position of his
Nimrooh (efvece®n) Kalan (keâueve) father. (became porophet)
and sinarorak (efmeveejesjkeâ).  Taher had three sons. Abi-
Maharishi slept after telling this Ram (Deefyejece), Nahur (ventj), and
much story. He wokeup after Haran (ne®ve). They will be
two thousand and one hundred leaders of Malech.
years, and said I will tell the  After this, time to time
story of future generation of kings of India (shakraj Mekeâjepe
Sim. and Bhoj Yeespe) went to Jesus
 Eldest son Sim became Christ (Pbuh) and Prophet
king. That malech ruled for five Mohammed (Pbuh) and learned
hundred years. the knowledge of religion.
(Bhavishya puran, Pratisarg parv,
 Araksad (Dekeâ&meo) was son of First kand, fourth chapter.)
Sim and ruled for 434 years.
(The translation of booklet “Vedon
 Sinh (efmebn) was son of aur purano ke aadhar per dharmik ekta
Araksad, who ruled for 460 ki Jyoti” ends here. )
years. ********
 Irbat (FyeÇle) was son of sinh.

 Phalikh (heâeueerKe) was son of

Irbat, who had the honor of
becoming prophet. and also
ruled for 240 years.
 Rao (jT) was son of Phalikh
and he ruled for 230 years.
 Juj (pegpe) was son of Rao. He
was also a prophet.
 Nahur (ventj) was son of Juj
and ruled for 160 years. and
defeated many enemies.
 Tahar (leenj) was son of

Chapter 9

 In previous two chapters we divine books.

studied names of generations
 A brief history of Abi-ram is
from Adam to Abi-Ram as per
as follows.
Bhavishya puran. If we search
there names from Bible and From age of childhood Abi-ram
Quran we find same name and was against idol worship. When
number of generation with he damaged idols of main
some difference of temple, he was thrown in to the
prounciation. We list them fire. But he survived. Than he
again as follow; migrated to Palestine. At old
age God blessed him with a son
 Adam-Seth-Enosh-Kanan-
Atharva. Abi-ram settled his
wife and Atharva in Makka.
When Atharva was in his
teenage God decided to test
faith of Abi-ram and asked him
( to sacrifice Atharva.
ne-of-Genesis-patriarchs) Abi-ram was having deep faith
 Bhavishya puran predicted in God, hence he obeyed God’s
birth of these divine commandment and tried to
personalities thousands of sacrifice his son Atharva. But
years before their birth and we God was only testing Abi-ram,
find from records of Bible and and did not want to kill Atharva.
Quran that those predications So Atharva survived.
were true and same thing When Atharva got matured
happened in history. God made him prophet.
So between Adam and Abi-ram This incident of sacrificing
there are 18 generations as per Atharva is described as
predication and as actual. Now purushmedha in Atharva
we will study decedents of Abi- veda. One sloke describing this
ram. Which are not mentioned incident is as follow,
in Bhavshya puran but in other

 cetOee&vecemÙe mebmeerJÙeeLeJee& noÙe& Ûe Ùeled ~ we will fight the devil and we

ceefmleMkeâeotOJe& hewjÙeled heJeceeveesefOe MeerMe&le:~~26~~ are not going to be misled by
“Atharva sewed together his devil to the wrong path.
head and heart, piety was
moving on his forehead.” Muslims call Abi-ram as Hazrat
(Atharva Veda 10-2-26) Ibrahim and Christian as
Abraham. Muslims call
That means when Abi-ram Atharva Rishi as Hazrat Ismail
asked consent of Atharva, he and Christians as Ismael.
replied “Father, pleases obey Abiram was having two more
the commandment of Ishwar, younger sons, whose names
you will find me of the patient were Angira and Madyan.
ones”. As Atharva gladly
submitted to his father's Muslims call Angira as Hazrat
proposal, hence this verse says Ishaq and Christians as Isaaq.
that Atharva sewed his head and
heart, and agreed to lay down  Muslims celebrate this day
his head. This incident is also of human sacrifice or Purush
described in Quran. (37:102) Medha as Bakri Eid or Eidul
 When Abi-ram was taking Azha. And to commemorate the
Atharva outside city (at Mina) remembrance of sacrifice of
for the sacrifice, the Devil tried Atharva rishi (Ismail) or as a
three times to mislead Abi-ram, symbol of total submission to
and prohibited him from commandment of God as Abi-
sacrificing his son. But every ram did. They also sacrifice
time Abi-ram fought with the cattle and distribute its meat to
Devil and threw a stone to repel the poor, relatives and feed their
him. own family.
These three places, where the  Hajj is also performed on
devil tried to mislead Abi-ram, same day. Hajj pilgrims stay at
and Abi-ram threw a stone at same place in Mina in tents
him, is marked and a stone where this sacrifice was
column is erected. And as on performed for three days to
today also stone throwing is perform prayers.
repeated as one of the rituals of
Hajj. This ritual signifies that  As Abi-ram and Atharva

Rishi were in Makkah, so children.(Atharva Veda 10-2-29)

Atharva ved also has many
(That means by visiting the holy
sloks in praises of Kaaba. Some
Kaaba one get blessed with
of them are as follows. (Atharva
ved 10:2:28/33) religious knowledge,
prosperous life and more
TOJee& veg me=°e 3 efmleÙeË[: veg me=°e 3: meJee&efoMe: children.)
heg®<e Dee JeYetJee@~3~  v"VkpØk uoOnkjk nsokuka iwj;ks/;kA
hetjb Ùees yeÇcnjes Jeso ÙemÙee: heg®<e GÛÙeles ~~28~~ rL;ka fgjjk;% dks'k% LoxksZ T;ksfr"ko`r% AA31AA
Whether it is built high, its wall This abode of the angels has
are in a straight line or not, but eight circles and nine gates. It is
God is seen in every corner of it. unconquerable, there is eternal
He who knows the house of life in it and it is resplendent
God, knows it, because God is with divine light.(Atharva Veda
remembered (as soon as we 10-2-31)
approach the Kaaba). Note: The complex around
(Atharva Veda 10-2-28)
Kaaba had nine main gates
Note: The structure of the holy which are as follows: 1. Baabe
Kaaba looks cubical, but it is Abraham 2. Baab Al-Weeda 3.
not made with perfect Baabe Safa 4. Baabe Ali 5.
dimensions, due to which all its Baabe Abbas 6. Baabe Nabee 7.
dimensions have different Baabe Salaam 8. Baabe Ziyad 9.
measurements. (You can Baabe Haram (Baab means
observe this on internet in door).
Kaaba description). Even
though it is not made with  The Kaaba is surrounded
perfect dimensions, then too it and protected by eight hills,
has great spiritual attraction. which are mentioned in Sloka as
circles. The eight hills are: 1.
 Ùees Jew leeb yeÇÿejew Jesoece=lesveeJe=leeb hegjce~ Jable Khaleeg 2. Jable Qeeqaan
lemcew yeÇÿe Ûe yeÇeÿee§e Ûe#eg: Øeeje Øepeeb oog: 3. Jable Hindi 4.Jable Laalaa 5.
~~29~~ Jable Kada 6. Jable Abu
He who knows this sacred Hadeeda 7. Jable Abee Qabees
house of God, which is full of 8. Jable Umar.
life, God and Brahma (Abi-ram
 rfLeu fgjjk;;s dks'ks = ;js f=izfr"BrsA
prophet of God) grants him rfLeu ;n ;{kekReUor rn oS czãfonks fonq%AA32AA
(knowledge) insight, life and

The supreme spirit, worthy of constructed by humans. By

adoration lives in the house, performing prayer in it and by
which is built on three pillars blessing of God enter heaven.
and three wooden beams and is (Rig Veda 10-155-3)
the centre of eternal life. Men of (Makkah is far from India and
God know this well. situated near seashore.)
(Atharva Veda 10-2-32)
Different names of the holy
 The Kaaba is described with
the following names in various
religious books of Sanatan
Internal view of Kaaba

Note: The above photograph Illayaspad: Eil, illa, illaya,

shows the inside section, ellaya, Allah, all these names
showing three pillars and three are used for God in various
beams. Photograph and video of religions. Pad means Place.
the inside view is available on Illayaspad means Place of God.
the internet. Search for “Kaaba”
on internet and Youtube. Makteshwar: Mak means
 izHkzktekuka gfjjha ;'klk laijho`rkeA Makkah, Ishwar means God.
iqja fgjjk;;ha czãk foos'kkijkftrke AA33AA Makteshwar means city of God
or God's Makkah. According to
Brahma or (Abi-ram) stayed in Sanskrit-English Dictionary by
this abode, which is illuminated Sir M. Monier William, Mak
by heavenly light and covered means city of Makkah or Yagna
with divine blessings. It is the (Place of sacrifice).
place that gives (spiritual) life to
the people and is Nabhi Kamal: As per Hadees
unconquerable. [statement of Prophet
(Atharva Veda 10-2-33) Muhammad (pbuh)] initially
 A Sloka of Rig Veda says, the whole earth was covered
with oceans (water). The first
"O you who pray! In far off land to emerge from the ocean
country, near the seashore there was exactly the location of
is Daroka Ban, which is not Kaaba. Then land continued to

spread in all directions. “House of God is at the navel of

As per Padam Puran, initially the earth.”(Rig Veda 3-29-4)
the earth was covered with Let us find the navel or the
water. First of all a lotus flower center of the earth. Equator
emerged from the ocean (and passes from the center of planet
grew to a large size). Then it's earth. But if we observe closely,
leaf and petals, etc. took the human population is not
shape of earth and trees etc. The distributed equally on both
central part is known as Nabhi sides of the equator. It is more in
Kamal (Kaaba) the most sacred the north upto 80° latitude, and
place for worship. (This place is less in south upto 40° latitude.
also known Jambodeep). Hence if we try to find the
center of land with human
Adipushkar Teerth: Padam population as criteria, it will be
Puran says that the most ancient 20° latitude to the north of
nourishing and the most sacred equator.
place of worship is Adipushkar Similarly 0° longitude passes
Teerth. Padam Puran describes from Greenwich, but again we
the importance of Adipushkar see that in the east there is more
Teerth in the following words: population than in the west.
1. I f s o m e o n e s e r v e s a t Hence to get the center we have
Adipushkar Teerth, his sins will to shift east by approximately
be washed away. 40°.
2. Whoever visits Adipushkar Makkah city is at 21.5° to the
Te e r t h , g e t s u n l i m i t e d north of equator, 39° to the east
blessings. of 0° longitude and
3. It is the most ancient place. approximately at the center of
Those who take bath here get populated land on the earth,
Mukthi (Zamzam well is just which you can observe from the
next to the Kaaba). following diagram. Hence
Makkah is called as the navel of
Nabha Prithiviya: Rig Veda the earth or Nabha Prithviya.
says, and as per Rig veda. (3.29.4) at
this place house of God exist.
byk;kLRok ins o;a ukHkk izfFkO;k vf/kA ********
¼_Xosn 3-29-4½ (See map showing Makkah at
center of world on page No. 55)

Chapter 10


 From wikipedia and various 28) Jahim
sources, we get the information
29) Tabikh
that Mamahe Rishi was 61st
generation of Atharva rishi. 30) Yadlaf
 From Atharva rishi to 31) Bildas
Adnan we have record of names
32) Awwam
only. But from Adnan to
Mamahe rishi we have names 33) Obai
along with years also in which
34) Qamwal
period they were born.
35) Buz
1) Atharva Rishi (Hazrat
Ismail) 36) Aws
2) Haidir 15) Arawi 37) Salaman
3) Aram 16) Yalhan 38) Humaisi
4) Adwa 17) Yahzin 39) Add
5) Waggi 18) Yathrabi 40) Adnan-122 BC
6) Sam 19) Sanbir 41) Maad-89 BC
7) Zarih 20) Hamdan 42) Nizar-56 BC
8) Nahith 21) Ad-Daa 43) Mudar-23 BC
9) Muksar 22) Ubaid 44) Ilyas- 10 AD
10) Aiham 23) Abqar 45) Mudrikah-43 AD
11) Afraid 24) Aid 46) Khuzaimah-76 AD
12) Aisar 25) Makhi 47) Kinanah-109 AD
13) Desham 26) Nahish 48) An-Nadr(Quraysh)-142 AD
14) Aid 27) Jahim 49) Malik-175 AD

50) Filir-208 AD adopted him as his son.

51) Ghalib-241 AD When Yusuf got matured God
blessed Yusuf him with
52) Luay-274 AD
prophethood, and made him
53) Kaab-307 AD ruler of Egypt. When family of
Yusuf came to know this news,
54) Murrah-340 AD
all of them migrated to Egypt.
55) Kilab-373 AD All of them were following the
religion of Abi-ram that is
56) Qusai- 406 AD
worship of one God.
57) Abd Munaf- 439 AD
After passing away of Yusuf all
58) Hashim-464 AD his people got enslaved by local
Egyptians. They were total 6
59) Abdul-muttalib-497AD
lakh in number. All these
60) Abdullah- 545 AD peoples were called Isreals,
because one of the name of
 Mamahe Rishi or
Yaqob was Israel.
Mohammed (Pbuh)- 570 AD
 Mamahe Rishi is not a
prophet of Muslims :- For three hundred years they
remained slaves, then God sent
Mamahe Rishi or hazrat
Moses to free them.
mohammed (Pbuh) was not a
prophet exclusively for the God always says that we sent
Muslims. Reason of our this Moses for Israel and Israel also
assumption is as follows. says that Moses is our prophet.
 Abi-ram had three sons One thousand year after Moses
Atharva, Angira and Madyan. God sent Jesus Christ. But for
Angira had two sons Yaqub and him also God always says that
ish. Yaqub had 10 sons, one of we sent Jesus Christ for Israel
them was Yusuf. To Yusuf for example. Following verses
because of jealousy his brother of Quran say;
sold him as slave to travelers
“And (mention) when Jesus the
passing through their territory.
son of Mary said: O children of
Who afterward sold him in
Isreal, indeed I am the
Egypt. In Egypt a minister of
messenger of Allah to you
king purchased him and

confirming what came before idol worshipers. He was

me of the Torah and bringing prophet for idol worshipers.
good tiding (forecast) of a Only those who accepted his
messenger to come after me, teachings are called Muslim.
whose name is Ahmed.” (Holy
Quran 61:06) Muslim calls him as their
prophet but he was not sent
(In this verses Jesus confirms exclusively for them, but for the
that religion of Moses was true, whole world including non-
whatever he is preaching is believers of God.
confirmation of earlier religion
and as well as whatever Ahmed God also said in Holy Quran
(Mamahe Rishi) will preach “ We s e n t t o p r o p h e t
also will be true, Because all of Muhammad (Pbuh) as blessing
them are messengers of same for mankind.” (21:107) (That
God) means he was not sent for Arab
or Muslim only, but for all the
After 570 year of Jesus Christ, people of world and till parlay)
God sent Mamahe Rishi, but
God never said that We sent To know more above life and
Mamahe Rishi or prophet teaching of Mamahe Rishi or
Muhammed (Pbuh) for Arab or prophet Muhammed (Pbuh)
for Muslims.” read book written by Q.S.Khan
with title “An introduction of
When Moses or Jesus Christ prophet Muhammed”. This
were sent, the people for whom book contains only 80 pages
they were sent were all Israel. and could be freely downloaded
So they are called prophet of from or
Isreal people. or
But when Mamahe Rishi was
sent whole of the world was
engaged in idol worship. and
not a single Muslim was in Arab
or in world. Then how we can
say Mamahe Rishi or prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) was sent for
He was sent for correction of

Chapter 11
 Muslims call Mamahe ignorance will end and light of
Rishias as hazrat Muhammed divine education and vivek will
(Pbuh). We have three types of be spread by Mohammad.
predications in our Hindu
(Vivek is ability to judge right
divine books for him.
or wrong)
1) Predictions with clearly
Allopanishad :-
mentioning his name as
Mohammed. In second part of Encyclopedia
edited by Nagendra Nath Basu,
2) Predictions with slightly
few verses of Upanishads about
changed pronunciations.
God and Muhammad (Pbuh)
3) Predictions with name as are as follow;
Kalki Avtar and Narashansa. vLekYyka bYys fe=ko:.kk fnO;kfu /kRrA
 First type of Prediction byYys o:.kks jktk iqunqZn%A
g;kfe=ks bYyka bYyYys bYyka o:.kks
First we will study the first type fe=LrstLdke%AA1AA
of prediction in which his name gksrkjfeUnks gksrkjfeUnz egklqfjUnzk%A
is clearly mentioned as vYyks T;s’Ba Js’Ba ijea iw.kZ czEg~k.ka
mohammed (pbuh). vYyke~AA2AA
In Srimad Bhagwat puran, vYyks jlwy egken jdcjL; vYyks vYyke~
Sangram puran, Allopnishad AA3AA ¼vYyksifu’kn~ 1]2]3½
and bhavishya puran, we have
 The name of that God is
many sloks which predict about
Mamahe Rishi with clear name Allah. He is one. Mitre, Varun
as Mohammed (pbuh). Those are His features. In fact Allah is
sloks are as follow. Varun, king of all creatures.
Friends! accept Allah as your
Shrimad Bhagwat Puran :- Lord. He is Varun and like a
De%eeve nsleg ke=âle ceesnceoevOekeâej veeMeb efJeÅeeÙeb friend. He helps you in your all
works. He is Indra, great Indra.
efnle oes oÙeles efJeJeskeâ~ (ßeerceod YeeieJele hegjeCe
Allah is Almighty. Free from all
defects and most pious.
Meaning :- Darkness of Mohammed (pbuh) is great

prophet of Allah. jktuhfr Hko izhfr fn[koS

vkiu er lcdk le>koS A
(Allopnished maybe No 1 to 3, Hazrat He will be eligible to rule. By logic
Mohammed (pbuh) in bhartiya dharm (love and wisdom) or by force, he
granth by M.A.Shrivastav) will convince his teachings.
 Sangram puran :- lqju prqlqnj lrpkjh A
frudks oa'k Hk;ks vfr Hkkjh
Pandit Dharam Veer Upadhyay He will have four subordinates
wrote a famous book, Antim because of which his followers
Ishwar Doot, which was will increase.
published in 1923 by National rc rd lqUnj efídks;k A
Printing Press, Daryaganj, New fcuk egken ikj u gks;k A
Till the divine book remains
Delhi. In his book he, writes: on earth, salvation is not
“Kag-Busandi and Garud possible without Mahamad
remained in the company of (Mohammed).
Shri Ram for a long period of rcls ekugq tUrq fHk[kkjh
time; they not only used to leLFk uke ,fg ozr/kkjh A
follow, but also conveyed the People, beggars, insects
same advices of Shri Ram to and animals will all become
common people. Tulsi Dasji obedient to God after taking
his name.
has mentioned the above advice
gj lqUnj fuekZ.k u gksbZ
in his translation of Sangram rqylh opu lR; lp gksbZA
Puran. He wrote that Shankarji After him none shall be born
predicted about the Future like him. What Tulsi Das says
religion to his son in the will truly happen.
following words: (Sangram puran skand. 12, Khand-6,
Traslated by Gowaswami Tulsidasji)
;gka u i{kikr dNq jk[kgqa (Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) in Bhartiya
Dharam Granth, by Dr.M.A.Shrivastav,
osn] iqjk.k] lar er Hkk[kgqa A
Page no. 18)
Without any partiality, I express the
teachings of saints, Vedas and Bhavishya puran
Purans. SleefmceVeefvlejs cuesÛÚ DeeÛeeÙÙexCe meceefvJele:~
ceneceo Fefle KÙeele: efMe<ÙeMeeKeemeceefvJele:~~5~~
laor foØe nksÅ vu³k ve=he§ewJe ceneosJeb ce®mLeueefveJeeefmeveced ~
egkdksd ul prqiZr³k ie”epeuew§e mebmveehÙe heÃeieJÙemeceefvJelew:~
He will take birth in seventh Bikrami ÛeboveeefoefYejYÙeÛÙe& leg°eJe cevemee njced ~~6~~
century with rise of four stars (sun). Yeespejepe GJeeÛe-vecemles efieefjpeeveeLe ce®mLeueefveJeeefmeves~
ef$ehegjemegjveeMeeÙe yengceeÙeeØeJeefòe&ves~~7~~
cuesÛÚwie&hleeÙe MegæeÙe meefÛÛeoevevo®efheCes~

lJeb ceeb efn efkebâkeâjb efJeefæ MejCeeLe&cegheeieleced ~~ 8~~ name Ahmed.

metle GjeeÛe-Fefle ßeglJee mleJeb osJe: Meyoceen ve=heeÙe leced ~
iebleJÙeb Yeespejepesve cenekeâeuesÕejmLeues ~~9~~ Rigveda-mondal-8, Sukt-6,
cuesÛÚxmmegotef<elee YetefceJee&nerkeâe veece efJeßeglee~ Slok No.19 is as follow.
DeeÙÙe&Oeceex efn vewJee$e Jeenerkesâ osMeoe®Ces~~10~~
(YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe Øeeflemeie& heJe&, le=leerce Keb[, le=leerÙe DeOÙeeÙe) vgfen f/k firq’k ifj es/kka jrLFk txzeA
vga lw;Z boktfuA
A malechha spiritual teacher Ahmed aquired religious law
will appear with his from his lord (God). This law is
companions. His name will be full of wisdom. I receive light
Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after from him just as from the sun.
giving this Maha Dev Arab (of
angelic disposition) a bath in Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheyay
the panchgavya and the Ganges says in his book “Ekta ki Jyoti”
water, (ie, purging him of all (page 22) that in following
sins) offered him the presents of mantra also Ahmed and Ahmid
his sincere devotion and word is used for Mamahe Rishi,
showing him all reverence said, 1) Rigved Mandal-8, Sukt-6,
“I make obeisance to thee.” “O Mantra-10.
ye! the pride of mankind, the
dweller in Arabia, Ye have 2) Atharva veda-Kand-20,
collected a great force to kill the Sukt-115, Mantra-1
Devil and you yourself have 3) Sam Veda-Mantra no-152
been protected from the and Mantra no 1500.
malechha opponents.” “O ye!
the image of the Most Pious  A sloke of Atharva Veda
God the biggest Lord, I am a Kand-20, Sukt-127, Mantra No.
slave to thee, take me as one 3 is as follow;
lying on thy feet.”
(Mohammed in Parsi, Hindu and ,”k b”kk; ekegs ‘kra fu’dku~ n”k lzt%A
Buddhist scriptures, page 38-39, By =hf.k “krkU;oZrka lglzjkn”k xksuke~AA
(Atharv veda verse 20-127-3)
A.H. Vidyarthi)

 Second type of Prediction Pandit Raja Ram translated this

sloke as “He (God) gave the
In second type of Prediction Mamahe Rishi a hundred gold
Mohammed name of Mamahe coins, ten chaplets, three
Rishi is not mentioned clearly hundred horses and ten
but he is predicted with his other

thousand cows.” They said Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) and Kalki Avtar or
This mantra gives the Rishi’s
Narashans are one and the same
name as Mamahe. No Rishi in
personality because following
India or any other prophet had
and many more detail or feature
this name.
(Mohammed in Parsi, Hindu & of them are common and same.
Buddhist Scriptures, page no-55, by 1) Belonging to priest family.
2) Time and date of birth
Complete meaning of this sloke 3) Parent’s name
you can read from book with
title “Narashans and Antim- 4) Place of Birth
Rishi” written by Dr. Ved 5) Personality
Prakash Upadheyay. 6) The mode of receiving first
Third type of prediction :- revelation.
In third type of prediction, 7) Migration
Mamah Rishis is named as 8) Visit to heaven
Narashans and Kalki Avtar. 9) Victory over enemies
 Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya 10) Special favour by God etc.
wrote following two books. etc
1) Narashansh and Antim Rishi These topics are too vast, hence
we are skipping them. I request
2) Kalki Avtar and Hazrat
you to please read their details
from above mentioned book
 Dr.M.A.Shrivastave wrote a directly.
b o o k w ith title “H azr at
(Note: This chapter is not exact
Muhammed (Pbuh) in bhartiya
translation of chapter No. 4 of
dharm granth.”
booklet Ekta ki Jyoti. We have
 A.H.Vidyarthi wrote a book made it more informative by
with title “Mohammed in Parsi, adding some more information)
Hindu and Buddhist scriptures.
All the three authors proved that
Narashans and Kalki Avtar,
these two name are used for
Mamahe Rishi or Prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) only.

Chapter 12
 Bhagwat Geeta sloke 2:17  Bhagwat Geeta sloke No.
DeefJeveeefMe leg leefÉefOo Ùesve meJe&efceob leleced ~
efJeveeMeceJÙeÙemÙeemÙe ve keâef§elkeâleg&cen&efle~~17~~ SJecesleÅeLeelLe lJeceelceeveb hejcesÕej~
õ°gefceÛÚeefce les ®hecewÕejb heg®<eesòece~~3~~
Shri Krishna said, “But you
should know it, that God is Arjun said,
immortal this universe “O greater than imagination. O
pervades because of Him. No God of infinite power. You are
one is able to destroy the the original creator. Greater
immortal God.” than even Brahma. O God of the
gods (Devtas/Deities) you are
This sloke indicated that God is
the sustainer (refuge) of the
a separate entity, and Shri
universe. Because you are
Krishna is a separate entity. And
immortal God of mortal world
Shri Krishna himself is praising
and beyond that hereafter. Than
why mahatma (Shri Krishna)
 Bhagwat Geeta sloke No. also should not offer proper
7:19 obeisance unto you.” (Bhagwad
Geeta 11:37)
yentveeb pevceveecevles %eeveJeevceeb ØeheÅeles~
This sloke indicated that Arjuna
JeemegosJe: meJe&efceefle me cenelcee megogue&Ye: was knowing that God is a
~~19~~ separate and greatest entity.
God said, among the scholars And Shri Krishna is a maha-
who take birth, doing atma or great personality. But
everything as per My wish, till he is not God. And Shri Krishna
death, like great soul Vasudev also should pray to God.
(Shri Krishna) is very rare to  Bhagwat Geeta sloke No.
see. 18:74
In this sloke, God mentioned mebpeÙe GJeeÛe~
shri krishna as human being. FlÙenb JeemegosJemÙe heeLe&mÙe Ûe cenelceve:~
Because only human beings mebJeeoefcececeßeew<eceodYegleb jescen<e&Ceced ~~74~~
takes birth. God also praises
Sanjay said, “Thus, I have heard
him as maha-atma.

the conversation of maha-atma to you people. You people

(Shri krishna) and Arjuna. And should not worry about this
their discussion was so matter.”
wonderful that my hairs are (Shri Vishnu Puran-5/23/12)
standing on ends.
In above mentioned sloke No.
Bhagwat Geeta sloke No. 18:78 5/23/21 of Shri Vishnu Puran,
e$e ÙeesiesÕej: ke=â<Cees Ùe$e heeLeex OevegOe&j:~ Shri krishna himself clarified
le$e ßeerefJe&peÙeer YetefleOeÇg&Jee veereflece&eflece&ce~~78~~ that he is neither Dev nor
Gandharve, neither yaksha nor
 Sanjay said, “Where (there Danav, but a human being.
is) Shri Krishna who remains in
contact of God. Where (there is)  Bhagwat Geeta sloke No.
carrier of the bow and arrow 2:12
Arjuna, there (will be) peace, velJesJeenb peeleg veemeb ve lJeb vesces peveeefOehee:~
victory, good luck, morality, ve ÛewJe veYeefJe<Ùeece: meJex JeÙecele: hejced ~~12~~
patience and persistence. (This
is) my opinion. But certainly never at any time
In above mentioned two sloke (if happened that) I did not exist
of Bhagwat Geeta, Sanjay, who nor you nor all these kings.
was minister of Dhirishtrashtra, Certainly here after (in future)
and who saw complete in tvam also it will never
mahabharat with his eyes, first (happen that we) all of us (will
mentions Shri Krishna as maha- not exist)
atma and in second sloke as Certainly hereafter in future
someone who is in contact with also it will never happen that all
God. So neither Arjuna nor of us will not exist.” (That
Sanjay considered or means in every era all of us are
mentioned Shri Krishna as God. going to exist)
Shri-Vishnu puran:- In this sloke, to understand how
 xÉɽø näù´ÉÉä xÉ MÉxvÉ´ÉÉåù xÉ ªÉIÉÉä xÉ SÉ nùÉxÉ´É&* Shri Krishna remains present in
+½Æø ´ÉÉä ¤ÉÉxvÉ´ÉÉåø VÉÉiÉÒ xÉèiÉÉÊSSÉxiªÉʨÉiÉÉä½øxªÉlÉ** every era, we study some of the
(¸ÉÒ Ê´É¹hÉÖ {ÉÖ®ôÉhÉ 5/23/12**) teachings of Gautam Buddha.
In “Gospel of Buddha” it is
(Shri Krishna said,) “Neither I written that, Gautam Buddha
am dev nor Gandharva. Neither said to his servant Nanda, “O
I am yaksha or Danav. I took Nanda, I am not the first
birth in family which is similar Buddha in this world nor am I

the last. In time there will  In every era God sent his
appear a Buddha in this world messenger to teach the truth to
who will teach the truth as I mankind. It is the messengers
have taught the truth. He will of God who remained present in
give the world a way of life, every era till the last Maitriya
which will be pure and at the came. So it is not that God
same time complete. O Nanda incarnate in every era and Arjun
his name will be Maiterya.” and Duryodhan took birth in
(Gospel of Buddha by carus, page every era. But it is the
217) messengers of God, who came
(This is a long prediction. We and remained present in every
summarised it for convenience) era to guide and help righteous
people like Arjun and correct or
Concentrate on the words “I am fight the wrongdoers like
not the first nor the last” and Duryodhan.
“He will teach the truth as I
taught.” *******

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

00 00

20 20

40 40


Chapter 13
Dr. Ved prakash Upadheyay common people.
writes summary of his booklet
Ekta ki jyoti as follows.
4) To whomsoever people
worship, they get the favour of
1) We accept the control of that worshiped entity. Whoever
Almighty God on whole worships Devi Devta other than
universe, who can look at the Almighty God, will face
universe like a ber (Chines date) destruction. They cannot get the
held in palm. No religion can favour and blessing of God.
deny the supremacy of
Almighty God.
5) God is one. There is no one
else except Him, who should be
2) It is basic duty of every worshiped.
human being to please God.
And not to trouble anyone in
this universe.
6) Everyday we should
faithfully pray to God, by
means of singing His praises,
Speaking only truth, spending keeping fast, meditation etc.
in charity. Acknowledging
favours, helping the poor,
respecting other religions etc, is
7) We should talk politely. We
the basic principle of all
should not hurt anyone’s
feeling. We should have good
character. Our heart should be
clean and should have pious
3) The dramas which are played emotions.
in name of religion should be
stopped. The true picture of
religion should be presented to
8) If an evil power misleads one

who walks the right path, or God. And we all are children of
because of facing hurdles while one parent (Adam and Eve)
doing the noble work, One
should not stop his struggle for
doing good.
When God of the followers of
all the religion is one. The
forefather of all human beings is
9) We should do lots of prayer of one, our shape is same, our life
Almighty God and we should style is same. In human beings
not consider anyone equal to all female are alike and all male
Him. are alike. Then do you think
children of single parents if they
fight together because of not
understanding the basic
10) By examining the eternal
teaching of religious will please
principles of all the religion it is
God? Never.
clear that basic teachings of
Vedic, Christian and Islam
religions do not oppose each ********
other. Everyone should live will love
for other human beings and with
communal harmony in society.
But the Scholars of religion
have changed the religious
teaching for satisfaction of their
own interest. Hence the real
picture of true religion is not

11) Removing the wrong

teachings of religion and
stopping exploitation of human
being will be possible only
when every human being will
know that we are created by one

Chapter 14
 In this chapter, we will Shlok No.2:17
describe translation of those sloks +Ê´ÉxÉÉ榃 iÉÖ iÉiÉ ʴÉÊvnù ªÉäxÉ ºÉ´ÉǨÉ <nù¨É iÉiɨÉÂ*
of Bhagwat Geeta which are Ê´ÉxÉɶɨÉ +´ªÉªÉºªÉ +ºªÉ xÉ EòʸÃSÉiÉ EòiÉÖǨÉÂ
refered in this book and reason of +½ÇøÊiÉ**2-17**
doing so is as follows.
Sanskrit word English meaning
 Bhagwad Geeta is revealed by avinasi imperishable
God. Basic teaching of Bhagwad tu but
Geeta is that God is one. Those, tat that
viddhi know it
who believe in God and practice yena by whom
good deed will be honoured with sarvam all of the body
heaven. Wrongdoers will go to idam this
tatam pervaded
hell. They will not have re-birth vinasam destruction
option. And life after death is avyayasya of the impershable
eternal. asya of it
na kascit no one
 But many scholars are not kartum to do
convinced with above mentioned arhati is able
teaching of Bhagwat Geeta, and
English meaning :-
they translate it differently. Hence (tu) but (you) (viddhi) know it (tat) that
to convince you about the process (God is) (avinasi) imortal (yena) by whom
of translation, we will first write (idam) this (sarvam) all the universe
sloke in expanded form (each (tatam) pervades. (na kascit) no one
word separately), than write (arhati) is able (kartum) to do (vinasam)
meaning of each word in English, destruction (asya) of that (avyayasya)
immortal (God)
which are similar to meaning
described by most of the scholars,
and then as per the meaning of But you know that God is immortal by
words we will make the sentence. whom this whole universe pervades. No
So that you will also understand one is able to do destruction of that
immortal God.
how and why we arrive at that
meaning of sloke of Bhagwat
Complete translation of Bhagwad
geeta we will publish with title
“Bhagwat Geeta in light of worlds

Shlok No.2:12 Shlok No.3:12

xÉ iÉÖ B´ÉÆ +½ø¨É VÉÉiÉÖ xÉ +ɺɨÉ xÉ i´É¨É xÉ <¨Éä VÉxÉ- <¹]õÉxÉ ¦ÉÉäMÉÉxÉ ʽø ´É& näù´ÉÉ& nùɺªÉxiÉä ªÉYÉ-¦ÉÉÊ´ÉiÉÉ&*
+ÊvÉ{ÉÉ&* xÉ SÉ B´É xÉ ¦ÉʴɹªÉɨÉ& ºÉ´Éæ ´ÉªÉ¨É +iÉ& iÉè& nùiiÉÉxÉ +|ÉnùÉªÉ B¦ªÉ& ªÉ& ¦ÉÖRCiÉä**3-12**
{É®ô¨É **2-12**
Sanskrit word English meaning
Sanskrit word English meaning
istam desired
bhogam necessities of life
na never
hi certainly
tu but unto you
eva certainly devah the demigods
aham I dasyante will award / will provide
jatu at any time
yajna-bhavitah being satisfied by the
na did not
performance of sacrifices
asam exist
na not taih by them
tvam you dattan things given
na not apradoya without offering
ime all there ebhyah to those demigods
Jana adhipah kings yeh he who
na never bunkte enjoys
ca also stenah thief
eva certainly
eva certainly
sah he
na not
English meaning :-
bhavisyamah shall exist (yajna) As per instruction of God
serve vayam all of us (bhavitah) if you do prayer (tham) (hi)
certainly (devah) the detah (Angels)
atah param hereafter (dasyante) will provide (bhogam)
necessities of life (istam) desired (vah)
English meaning :- desired
(tu) but (eva) certainly (na) never (jatu) at (sah) He (era) certainly (is a) (stenah) thief
any time (if happened that) (aham) I (na) (yeh) he who (bunkte) enjoys (dattan)
did not (asam) exist (na) nor (tvam) you things given (taih) by (ebhyah) their
(na) nor (ime) all these (Jana adhipah) demigods (Angles), (apradaya) without
kings. offering (to others)
(eva) certainly (atah param) here after (in
future) (bhavisyamah) in tvam (ca) also As per instruction of God if you do prayer
(na) it will never (happen that we) (serve than certainly the Angels will provide you
vayam) all of us (will not exist) necessities of life desired.
He certainly is a thief he who enjoys things
But certainly never at any time (if given by these Angles without offering
happened that) I did not exist nor you nor (Sharing) it with others.
all these kings.
Certainly here after (in future) in tvam
also it will never (happen that we) all of us
(will not exist)

Shlok No. 4:1 Shlok No. 4:2

<¨É¨É ʴɴɺɴÉiÉä ªÉÉäMɨÉ |ÉÉäCiÉ´ÉÉxÉ +½ø¨É +´ªÉªÉ¨ÉÂ* B´É¨É {É®ô¨{É®ôÉ |ÉÉ{iɨÉ <¨É¨É ®ôÉVÉ@ ¹ÉªÉ& Ê´ÉnÖù&*
ʴɴɺ´ÉÉxÉ ¨ÉxÉ´Éä |Éɽø ¨ÉxÉÖ& <I´ÉÉEò´Éä +¥É´ÉÒiÉ ** ºÉ& EòɱÉäxÉ <½ø ¨É½øiÉÉ ªÉÉäMÉ& xɹ]õ& {É®ôxiÉ{É** 4-2**
Sanskrit word English meaning
Sanskrit word English meaning evam thus
Shri bhagvan God says that parampara by disciplic succession
uvach praptava received
imam vivasvate unto the sun God imam this (science)
yogam The science of ones raja-rsayah the saintly king
relationship to the viduh understood
sah that knowledge
proktavan instructed
aham I kalena in the course of time
avyayam Imperishable iha in this world
Vivasvan Vivasvan (the sun God’s mahata great
yogah the science of ones
manave unto the father of relationship with the supreme.
mankind (at the name
vaivasvata) nastah Scattered
praha told
manuh the father of mankind parantapa O Arjuna, Subduer of the
iksvakave unto king iksvaku enemies
abravit said
English meaning :-
(parantapa) O Arjuna, (evam) thus (this
English meaning :- way) (mahata) the great (knowledge) of
(Shri Krishna said) God says that, (yogah) prayer of God. (praptam)
(Aham) I (proktavam) instructed (imam) received (param para) by disciplic
this (avyayam) immortal religion of succession.
(yogam) prayer of God (to) (vivasvati)
(imam) this knowledge (viduh)
vivasvat. (vivasvan) vivavath (praha) told
understood (by) (raja-rsayah) the saintly
(this to) (manave) Manu. (Manuh) Manu
kings. (sah) that knowledge (nastah)
(abravit) said to (iksvakave) Iksvaka.
scattered (iha) in this world (kalena) in the
course of time.
O Arjuna, this way the great knowledge of
I instructed (revealed) this imperishable
prayer of God passed on to one disciple
knowledge of prayer of God to vivasvate.
from the another one.
Vivasvat told this to Manu, Manu said this
to Iksvaka. This religious knowledge also understood
by saintly kings. But in later era it got

Shlok No. 4:6 Shlok No. 4:7

+VÉ& +Ê{É ºÉxÉ +´ªÉªÉ +Éi¨ÉÉ ¦ÉÚiÉxÉɨÉ <Ƕ´É®ô& +VÉ& +Ê{É ºÉxÉ +´ªÉªÉ +Éi¨ÉÉ ¦ÉÚiÉxÉɨÉ <Ƕ´É®ô&
+Ê{É ºÉxÉÂ* +Ê{É ºÉxÉÂ*
|ÉEÞòÊiÉ º´ÉɨÉÊvɹ`öÉªÉ ºÉ¨¦É´ÉÉ欃 +Éi¨É-¨ÉɪɪÉÉ |ÉEÞòÊiÉ º´ÉɨÉÊvɹ`öÉªÉ ºÉ¨¦É´ÉÉ欃 +Éi¨É-¨ÉɪɪÉÉ
**4-6** **1**
Sanskrit word English meaning Sanskrit word English meaning
ajah unborn yada whenever
api although yada whereever
sam being so hi certainly
avyaya without deterioration dharmasya of religion
atma body glanih discrepancies
bhutanam of all those who are born bhavati became manifested
Isvarah the supreme lord bhorata O descendant of bharata
api althouh
abhyntthanam predominance
san being so of irreligion
prakovtim in the Transcendent form
teda at that time
svam myself
atmanam self
adhithaya being so situated
srjami manifest
sambhavami I do incainate
atma-mayaya by My internal energy aham I

English meaning :- Shlok No. 4:7

(api) although (I am) (isvarah) the English meaning :-
supreme lord (bhutanam) of all those who (bharta) O descendant of bharata (hi)
are born (san) being (ajah) unborn (and) certainly (yada) whenever (yada) where
(avyaya) immortal (atma) lord. (then also) ever (glanih) decline (bhavati) occures
(svam) I (myself) (atma-mayaya) (by) my (abhyatthanam) predominonce (increase)
mysterious (prakavtim) divine power of (adharmasya) of irreligion (tada) at
(adhisthaya) establish with world that time (aham) I (atmanam) myself
(sambhavami) communication (I send (srjami) provide (divine knowledge)
O descendant of bharata certainly
Although (I am) the supreme lord of all whenever where ever decline occurs
those who are born being unborn (and) predominance of irreligion at that time I
immortal lord. (than also) I (myself) (by) myself provide (divine knowledge)
my mysterious divine power establish with
world communication (I send revelation).

Shlok No. 4:8 Shlok No. 4:12

{ÉÊ®ôjÉÉhÉÉªÉ ºÉÉvÉÚxÉɨÉ ʴÉxÉɶÉÉªÉ SÉ nÖù¹EÞòiÉɨÉÂ* EòÉRIÉxiÉ& Eò¨ÉÇhÉɨÉ ʺÉÊvnù¨É ªÉVÉxiÉä <½ø näù´ÉiÉÉ*
vɨÉÇ ºÉƺlÉÉ{ÉxÉ-+lÉÉÇªÉ ºÉ¨¦É´ÉÉ欃 ªÉÖMÉä ªÉÖMÉä ** 4- ÊIÉ|ɨÉ ʽø ¨ÉÉxÉÖ¹Éä ±ÉÉäEäò ʺÉÊvnù& ¦É´ÉÊiÉ Eò¨ÉÇ-VÉÉ **
8** 4-12**
Sanskrit word English meaning Sanskrit word English meaning

Paritranaya kanksantah desiring

for the deliverance
karmanam of fruitive activites
sadhunam of the devotees
siddhim perfection
vihasaya for the annihilation
yajante they worship by sacrifices
ca and
duskartam of the miscreants iha in the material world

dharma principle of religion devatah the demigods

samasthapana- ksipram very quickly

to re-establish
Arthaya hi certainly
sambhawami I do appear manuse in human society
yuge millenium loke within this world
yuge after millenium siddhin success
bhavati comes
English meaning :-
karma-ja from fruitive work
(paritranayam) for the protection of
(sadhunam) pious people (vinasaya) for English meaning :-
the destruction (duskartam) of the
miscreants (ca) and (samesthapana- (hi) certainly (manuse) (many people)
Arthaya) to re-establish (dharma) in human society (kanksantah) desire
principle of religion. (yuge) millenium (siddhih) good result of (karma-ja) deed
(yuge) after millennium (sambhawami) I (loke) within this world. (iha) in the
do communication (send revelation) material world (ksipran) for very quick
(siddhim) success. (karmanam) all the
English meaning :- good deed is (yajante) prayer (of)
(devatah) demigods (angels).
for the protection of pious people for the
destruction of the miscreants and to re-
establish principle of religion. millennium Certainly many people in human
after millennium I do communication
(send revelation)
society desire good result of their good
deed within this world.
In the material world for very quick
success all their good deeds become
the prayer of Angel (demigod).

Shlok No.6:40 Shlok No. 7:7

{ÉÉlÉÇ xÉ B´É <½ø xÉ +¨ÉÖjÉ Ê´ÉxÉɶÉ& iɺªÉ Ê´ÉtiÉä* ¨ÉiiÉ& {É®ô-iÉ®ô¨É xÉ +xªÉiÉ ÊEòÊxSÉiÉ +ʺiÉ vÉxÉ\VɪÉ*
xÉ Ê½ø Eò±ªÉÉhÉ-EÞòiÉ EòÊ SÉiÉ nÖùMÉÇÊiɨÉ iÉÉiÉ MÉSUôÊiÉ ¨É滃 ºÉ´ÉǨÉ <nù¨É |ÉÉäiɨÉ ºÉÚjÉä ¨ÉÊhÉ-MÉhÉÉ& <´É **
**6-40** 7-7**
Sanskrit word English meaning
Sanskrit word English meaning
partha a son of partha
na eva never is it so mattah beyond Me
iha in this material world para-Taram superior
na never
na not
amutra in the next life
vinasah destruction anyat kincit anything else
tasya his asti there is
vidyate exists
dhananjaya o conqueror of wealth
na never
hi certainly mayi in Me
kalyana-krt one who is engaged in sarvam all that be
auspicious activities
idam which we see
kascit anyone
protam is strong
durgatim to degradation
tata my friend sutre on a thread
gacchati goes mani-ganah pearls
iva like
According to Nalanda Vishal Shabdkosh
+¨ÉÖjÉ - {É®ô±ÉÉäEò ({ÉÞ¹`ö G¨ÉÉÆEò. 80) English meaning :-
English meaning :- (O dhanjaya) (Arjun) (asti) There is (na)
(tata) my friend (partha) O son of no one (ayat kincit) anything else (para-
partha (kascit) anyone (kalyana krt) Taram) (more) superior (mattah) than Me,
who is engaged in anspicious activities (sutre) (with a support of) thread (mayi)
like Me (sarvam) who universe (protam) is
(na eva) never it is so (that he)
strong (iva) like a (mani-ganesh) pearls.
(gacchati) goes (durgatim) to
degradation (hell) (hi) certainly
(tasya) he (na) never (faces) (vinasah) O Dhanajaya! There is no one else more
destruction (iha) in this material world superior than Me. And with My support
(na) nor (amutra) in the next life like a thread the whole universe is strong
together like pearls (of a necklace)
My friend, O son of partha, anyone
who is engaged in auspicious
activities, it is never (that he) goes (to)
degradation (hell) Certainly he never
(faces) destruction in this material
world, nor in the next life.

Shlok No. 7:19 Shlok No. 7:22

¤É½ÖøxÉɨÉ VÉx¨ÉxÉɨÉ +xiÉä YÉÉxÉ-´ÉÉxÉ ¨ÉɨÉ |É{ÉtiÉä* ºÉ& iɪÉÉ ¸ÉvnùªÉÉ ªÉÖCiÉ& iɺªÉ +É®ôÉvÉxɨÉ <ǽøiÉä *
´ÉɺÉÖnäù´É& ºÉ´ÉǨÉ <ÊiÉ ºÉ& ¨É½øÉ-+Éi¨ÉÉ ºÉÖ-nÖù±ÉÇ¦É ** ±É¦ÉiÉä SÉ iÉiÉ& EòɨÉÉxÉ ¨ÉªÉÉ B´É Ê´ÉʽøiÉÉxÉ ʽø iÉÉxÉÂ
7-19** ** 7-22**
Sanskrit word English meaning Sanskrit word English meaning
bahunam many sah he
janmanam repeated births and deaths taya with that
ante after sraddhaya inspiration
jnana van one who is in full knowledge yuktah endowed

mam unto Me tasya of that demigod

aradhanam for the worship
prapadyate surrenders
inhate he aspires
vasudevah the personality of God
head, Krishna labhate obtains
sarvam everything ca and
iti thus tatah from that
sah that kaman his desire
maya by Me
maha-atma great soul
eva alone
su-durlabhah very rare to see
vihitan arranged
English meaning :- hi certainly
(iti) Thus (Maha-atma) great personality tan those
(sah) (lila) that (vasudeva) Shri Krishna
(who) (ante) till death (sarvam) do English meaning :-
everything (prapadyate) surrendering to (sah) he (yuktah) endowed (sraddhaya)
(mam) Me, (su-durlabhah) are rare to see faith (taya) with that (tasya) Angel (and)
in (bahnnam) many (Janana-van) one (aradhanam) worship (him). (whatever)
who is full of knowledge and (janmanam) (ihate) he aspires (labhate) he obtains it.
who takes birth on earth. (ca) and (hi) certainly (kaman) the wishes
desired (from) that (Angel) (vihitan) is
arranged (maya) by Me (eva) alone.
Thus, the great personality like Shri-
Krishna, who till death did everything
depending on Me, are rare to see in those He endowed faith with that Angel (Devta)
who takes birth, and in scholars of religion. and worship him and whatever he aspires
he obtains it. And certainly the wishes
desired from that Angel (Devta) is
arranged by Me (God) alone.

Shlok No. 7:23 Shlok No. 8:3

+xiÉ-´ÉiÉ iÉÖ ¡ ±É¨É iÉä¹ÉɨÉ iÉiÉ ¦É´ÉÊiÉ +±{É- +IÉ®Æô ¥ÉÀ {É®ô¨É¨É º´É¦ÉÉ´É +vªÉÉi¨É¨É =SªÉiÉä*
¨ÉävɺÉɨÉÂ* ¦ÉÚiÉ-¦ÉÉ´É-=nÂù¦É´É-Eò®ô& ʴɺÉMÉÇ& Eò¨ÉÇ ºÉÆÊYÉiÉ ** 8-
näù´ÉÉxÉ näù´É-ªÉVÉ& ªÉÉÊxiÉ ¨ÉiÉ ¦ÉCiÉÉ& ªÉÉÊxiÉ ¨ÉɨÉ 3**
+Ê{É** 7-23**
Sanskrit word English meaning
Sanskrit word English meaning aksaram industructible
anta-vat perishable
tu but brahma Brahman
phalam fruit paramam transcendental
tesam their svabhavah eternal nature
tat that
bharati becomes adhyatman the self
alpa-medhasam of those of small intelligence ucyate is called
devan to the demigods
deva-yajah the worshipers of the demigods bhuta-bhava producing the material
bases of the living
yanti go
mat My udbhava entities
bhaktah devotees karah nature care
yanti go visargah creation
mam to Me karma fruitive activities
api also samjnitah is called

English meaning :- English meaning :-

(tu) But (api) this is a fact that (deva yajah) (vcyate) God says that (Paramam) most
the worshipers of the (devatas) Angels. divine and pious (aksaram) immortal and
(yanti) (after death will) go (devan) to the word by name Om (Brahm) is of God.
(devtas) Angels. (phalam) fruit (or out
come of their deed of) (tat) that (alpa- (Sva) every living entity (bhavah) has a
medhasam) small intelligence (will be) nature to follow God (adhydnan)
(tesam) their (anta-vat) destructive. (Mat) spritually. (samjnitah) (God) say that.
My (bhaktah) worshper (after death) (udbhava) after creating (bhuta) creature
(yanti) will come (mam) to Me. (visargah) giving the (karah) natural
nature. (karam) is a karm fruitive
But this is a fact that the worshipers of the God says that most divine and pious
devtas (after death) will go to the devtas. immortal and word by name Om (Brahm)
Fruit (or result of prayer) of low is of God.
intelligence people will be their every living entity has a nature to follow
destruction. My worshiper (after death) God spiritually. (God) say that after
will come to Me (come to Almighty God). creating creatures giving the natural
nature. is a karm fruitive activities.

Shlok No.9:29 Shlok No. 10:6

ºÉ¨É& +½ø¨É ºÉ´ÉÇ-¦ÉÚiÉä¹ÉÖ xÉ ¨Éä uäù¹ªÉ& +ʺiÉ xÉ Ê|ɪÉ&* ¨É½øÉ-@ ¹ÉªÉ& ºÉ{iÉ {ÉÚ´Éæù SÉi´ÉÉ®ô& ¨ÉxÉ´É& iÉlÉÉ*
ªÉä ¦ÉVÉÊxiÉ iÉÖ ¨ÉÉÆ ¦ÉCiªÉÉ ¨É滃 iÉä iÉä¹ÉÖ SÉÉ{ªÉ½ø¨É ** ¨ÉiÉÂ-¦ÉÉ´ÉÉ& ¨ÉÉxɺÉÉ& VÉÉiÉÉ& ªÉä¹ÉɨÉ ±ÉÉäEäò <¨ÉÉ&
9-29** |ÉVÉÉ& ** 10-6**
Sanskrit word English meaning Sanskrit word English meaning
samah equally disposed maha-rsayah the great sages
aham I
sapta seven
sarva bhutesu to all living entities
na no one purve before
me to Me catvarah four
devsyah hateful manavah Manus
asti is
tatha also
na nor
priyah dear mat-bhavah born to Me
ye those who manasah from the mind
bhajan ti render Transcendental service jatah born
tu but yesam of them
mam unto Me
loke in the world
bhaktaya in devotion
magi are in Me imah all this
te such person prajah population
tesu in them
ca also English meaning :-
api certainly (purve) ancient (sapta) seven (maha-
aham I rsayah) great prophet and (catvarah)
fourteen (prophet sent) from race of
English meaning :- (manavah) Manu, (manasah)
(aham) I (devsyah) hate (na) no one, (na) intellectually (bharah) following (mat)
nor (I) (priyah) love (anyone), (me) to Me My (commandment). (loke) in this world
(sarva-bhutesu) all living entities are (imah) all there human beings (jatah) born
(samah) equal. (tu) but (ya) those who from (prajah) the first human being
(bhajanti) believe (mam) in Me and (Adam) and (yesam) from there prophets.
(bhaktaya) worship Me, (api) certainly (te)
such person (Mayi) are for Me (ca) also
(aham) I am (tesu) for them. Ancient seven great prophets and fourteen
(prophets sent) from race of Manu,
God said “ I hate no one, nor I love anyone intellectually following My
(I don't do partiality) To Me living entities (commandment) in this world all there
are equal. But those who believe in Me and human beings born from the first human
worship Me, certainly such peoples are for being and from their prophets.
Me and also I am for them.

Shlok No. 11:12 Shlok No. 11:37

ÊnùÊ´É ºÉÚªÉÇ ºÉ½øºjɺªÉ ¦É´ÉäiÉ ªÉÖMÉ{ÉiÉ =ÊilÉiÉÉ* Eòº¨ÉÉiÉ SÉ iÉä xÉ xÉä¨É®ôxÉ ¨É½øÉ-+Éi¨ÉxÉ MÉ®ôҪɺÉä
ªÉÊnù ¦ÉÉ& ºÉoù¶ÉÒ ºÉÉ ºªÉÉiÉ ¦ÉɺÉ& iɺªÉ ¨É½øÉi¨ÉxÉ&** ¥ÉÀhÉ& +Ê{É +ÉÊnù-EòjÉæò*
11-12** +xÉxiÉ näù´É-<Ç¶É VÉMÉiÉÂ-ÊxÉ´ÉÉºÉ i´É¨É +IÉ®ô¨É ºÉiÉÂ-
Sanskrit word English meaning
+ºÉiÉ iÉiÉÂ-{É®ô¨É ªÉiÉÂ** 11-37**
divi in the sky kasmat why
ca also
surya of Suns
te unto you
sahasrasya of many thousand na not
bhavet there were nameran they should after proper obeisances
yugapat maha-atman O great one
simultaneously gariyase who are better
utthita present brahmanah than Brahma
yadi if api although
adi-kartre to the supreme creator
bhah light anante O unlimited
sadrsi like that deva-isa God of the gods
Jagat-nivasa O refuge of the universe
sa that
tvam you are
syat might be aksaram imperishable
bhasah effulgence sat-asat to cause and effect
tasya of him tat-param transcandental
maha-atmanah the great lord yat because

English meaning :- English meaning :-

(Than Arjun saw the light of God and it (gariyase) O greater than imagination
was as) (yadi) if (divi) in the sky (ananta) O God of infinite (power). (you
(sahasrasya) many thousand (shrya) sun are) (adi) earlier (karte) creature (api) than
(yugapat) simultaneously (utthita) present (Brahmanah) Brahma. (deva-isa) O God
(sa) then (there) (bhah) light (syat) might of the gods (Devtas/deities) (jagat-nivesa)
be (sadrsi) (there are) like that (bhasah) you are the sustainer (refuge) of the
effulgence (light/radiance) (tasya) of Him universe (yat) because (tvam) you are
(maha-atmanah) the great Lord. (aksaram) immortal God of (asat) mortal
world and (poram) beyond that (asat)
(Then Arjun saw the light of God and it hereafter (kasmat) than why (na) not
was as) if in the sky many thousand suns (maha-atma) Shri-Krishna (ca) also
were simultaneously present then might (nameram) should after proper obeisance
be (there are) like that effulgence (te) unto you.
(light/radiance) of Him the great Lord.
Light of God is like thousands of sun are O greater than imagination! O God of
simultaneously shining in sky. infinite (power). (you are) earlier creator
than Brahma. O God of the gods
(Devtas/deities)! you are the sustainer of
the universe. Because you are immortal
God of mortal world, and beyond that
hereafter. Than why not Shri-Krishna also
should offer proper obeisance unto you.

Chapter 15

JesoeW kesâ
DeeOeej hej
Skeâlee keâer
[e. Jeso ØekeâeMe GheeOÙeeÙe
 mebmke=âle keâeJÙe jÛevee ØeefleÙeesefielee kesâ ØeLece hegjmkeâej efJepeslee
 mebmke=âle efveyevOe jÛevee ØeefleÙeesefielee kesâ ØeLece hegjmkeâej efJepeslee
(ØeÙeeie efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe)
 DevleefJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙeerÙe mebmke=âle JeeoefJeJeeo ØeefleÙeesefielee kesâ
jpeleheâuekeâ efJepeslee (efJe›eâce efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe Gppewve)
 meejmJele Jesoevle ØekeâeMe mebIe mebÛeeuekeâ
 mebmke=âle efJeYeeieeOÙe#e, hebpeeye ÙetefveJeefme&šer

1. ØemleeJevee...............................................................00
2. SkesâÕejJeeo.............................................................00
3. F&MeotlelJe keâer hegjeCe mes hegef°............................................00
4. hegjeCeeW ceW ÙeerMeg efJe<eÙekeâ JeCe&ve..........................................00
5. hegjeCeeW Deewj JesoeW ceW ceneceo leLee Deuueen efJe<eÙekeâ JeCe&ve................00
6. meeJe&YeewceOece& SJe Ghemebnej..............................................00

ØekeâeMekeâ : efJeÕe Skeâlee ØekeâeMeve
Debietjer yeeie, jecehetj (GòejØeosMe)
ØeLece mebmkeâjCe : 1995
cetuÙe : 05

fo”o ,drk ds iz;kl

efJeÕe JÙeehekeâ mlej hej Deepe ceeveJelee keâe nj Øekeâej mes Oeeefce&keâ Skeâlee keâer pÙeesefle ceW ßeer GheeOÙeeÙe peer ves efnvot Oece&
Mees<eCe efkeâÙee pee jne nw~ pewmes pewmes ceeveJe kesâ YeeweflekeâJeeoer «ebvLeeW ceW n]pejle vetn (Deuew.) cegncceo meenye, F&mee cemeern,
mJe®he keâe efJekeâeme nes jne nw Jewmes Jewmes ner Gmekeâe veweflekeâ Deeoce Deewj nJJee SJeb Deuueen Deeefo kesâ efoÙes ieÙes efJeJejCe
SJeb Ûeeefjef$ekeâ heleve Yeer lespeer mes nes jne nw~ Deheves mJeeLe& kesâ Øemlegle keâj Skeâlee keâe Deveghece GoenjCe Øemlegle efkeâÙee nw~
efueS ceeveJe meYeer ceÙee&oeDeeW keâes ueebIe keâj efnbmekeâ heMeg mes
efJeÕe Skeâlee ØekeâeMeve Deheves meerefcele meeOeveeW kesâ yeeJepeto
Yeer DeefOekeâ ›egâjlee hetCe& ®he OeejCe keâjlee Ûeuee pee jne nwe
Oeeefce&keâ Skeâlee hej DeeOeeefjle ogueYe& «ebvLeeW kesâ ØekeâeMeve keâe
Ssmes efvejeMe Yejs JeeleeJejCe ceW peyeefkeâ Meebefle SJeb meodYeeJe kesâ
meeLe&keâ ØeÙeeme keâj jne nw~ heb. Jeso ØekeâeMe GheeOÙeeÙe peer kesâ
meYeer ØeÙeeme efJeheâue nes Ûegkesâ nQ, efmehe&â Oece& Skeâ cee$e meneje
efJeMes<e Dee«en hej nce Fme hegmlekeâ keâe ØekeâeMeve Deehekesâ
jn ieÙee nw~ efJeefYeVe OeceeX ceW yebšer ceeveJe peeefle keâer heerÌ[e keâe
mece#e Øemlegle keâj jns nQ~
DevegYeJe keâjkesâ Gmekeâes hejcesÕej kesâ meveeleve keâeue mes Ûeues
Dee jns Skeâ ner MeeÕele Oece& keâe heefjÛeÙe keâjeves kesâ efueS ceg]pe]heâ]heâj Gvee ]KeeB
Jewefokeâ %eeve kesâ ØeKÙeele efJeÉeve hebef[le Jeso ØekeâeMe Debietjer yeeie, jecehegj
GheeOÙeeÙe peer ves Fmueece Deewj Jewefokeâ Oece& keâe DeOÙeÙeve
efkeâÙee lees GvnW Skeâ ner melÙe kesâ oMe&ve ngS Fme hegmlekeâ

Oece& kesâ meÛÛekeâ mJe®he mes DeveefYe%e ueesie DevOes ieg® kesâ Je=òeevle kesâ henues ner JÙeòeâ keâj efoÙee ieÙee~ ceve: ßegCeg lelees
DevegkeâjCekeâejer DevOes efMe<Ùe keâer Yeebefle DevOes ketâhe (vejkeâ) ceW ieeLee, YeeJeer metlesve JeefCe&leece~ keâuesÙeg&iemÙe hetCee& leeb
ner efiejles nQ, Dele: efiejves mes yeÛeves kesâ efueS Oece& kesâ melÙe leÛÚglJee le=efhleceeJen DeLee&le ns ceve metle Éeje JeefCe&le
mJe®he keâe %eeve DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~ Ùen %eeve GheueyOe keâneB mes YeefJe<Ùe ceW nesves Jeeueer keâefueÙegie keâer Gme hetCe& ieeLee keâes megvees
nesiee? Oece& kesâ cetue ŒeesleeW mes~ Ùes Œeesle nQ F&ÕejerÙe JeeCeer keâe Deewj le=efhle Øeehle keâjes Flevee keânkeâj Deeoce Deewj nJÙeJeleer
Øeefleheeove keâjves Jeeues heefJe$e «evLe pees cev$e°e $e+ef<eÙeeW keâer keâLee keâe ØeejcYe keâjles nQ pees YeefJe<Ùe ceW nesieer~ JesoeW keâe
Éeje OÙeeve SJebb DeekeâeMeJeeCeer mes Øeehle cev$eeW kesâ meb«en nQ~ SkesâÕejJeeo, YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe Øeeflemeie& heJe& ceW JeefCe&le
ØelÙe#e SJeb Devegceeve mes efpeve heoeLeex keâe %eeve veneR neslee, F&MeotlelJe SJeb vÙetn kesâ meceÙe peue-hueeJeve keâe Deevee leLee
GvnW F&ÕejerÙe JeeCeer keâe Øeefleheeove keâjves Jeeues «evLeeW mes Deeoce kesâ henues osJeeW Deewj DemegjeW keâer meòee keâe nesvee Deewj
peevee peelee nw, Jes «evLe nQ Jeso, yeeFefyeue SJeb kegâjDeeve, Gvekesâ 2 heejmheefjkeâ Ùegæ Gvekesâ efueÙes Yeer F&ÕejerÙe efveÙece
efpeve hej meveeleve, F&meeF& SJeb Fmueece Oece& DeeOeeefjle nQ~ keâe efJeOeeve leLee Ùe%eeefo keâjvee yeÇecnCe «evLeeW mes efmeæ nw
leerveeW heefJe$e SJeb F&ÕejerÙe «evLe nQ, Dele: leerveeW ceW pewmes osJeleeDeeW ves oMe& leLee heewCe&ceeme ÙeesieeW Éeje Yeer DemegjeW
efmeæevlele: Yeer Jew<ecÙe nesvee DemecYeJe nw~ Jeso meJe&-ØeeÛeerve keâes ceeme kesâ ke=â<Ce he#ekeâes ÚesÌ[ osves hej yeeOÙe efkeâÙee Lee,
SJeb peieled kesâ meJe&ØeLece «evLe nQ, Gvekesâ yeeo kesâ hetJe&Jeleea efpeme hej DemegjeW keâe DeefOekeâej Lee~ (MeyeÇe 01.7.2,
osJeef<e&ÙeeW Éeje efueKes ieÙes Les~ osJeef<e& veejo-jefÛele Yeefòeâmet$e 22-4, lewyee,4) leLee osJeleeDeeW ves DemegjeW
Deepe Yeer GheueyOe nw~ YeefJe<Ùe-hegjeCe Øeeflemeie& heJe& ceW JÙeeme kesâ leerve ogiee& keâes, pees ueesne, Ûeeboer Deewj mJeCe& kesâ yeves Les,
peer metle Éeje JeefCe&le YeeJeer Je=leevle (Deeoce SJeb nJÙeJeleer Ghemeod ke=âlÙeeW Éeje OmeJemle efkeâÙee, (lewme 06,2.3.1,
Je=òeevle) keâes megveeles nQ efpemekeâe JeCe&ve Deeies efkeâÙee peeSiee~ cewmeb 03.8.1, Meyee03.4.4, 3.5, keâew yeÇe.
Deeoce keâeue mes hetJe& keâe Ûeefj$e ceeveJeslej DeLee&led osJeeW leLee 08.8,)~ YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe ceW keâneR-keâneR Fmueece Oece& kesâ
je#emeeW keâe Ûeefj$e nw, efpeme hej ceveg<Ùe keâer yegefæ veneR "njleer efueS vewiece Oece&ce keâne ieÙee nw~ YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe ceW peneB
Deewj Gve osJe Ûeefj$eeW (jece, nvegceeve, Mebkeâj leLee ke=â<Ceeefo F&meeF& Oece& Deewj Fmueece Oece& keâes cuesÛÚ Oece& keâne ieÙee nw,
kesâ Ûeefj$eeW) ceW ceeveJeyegefæ Demebieefle osKeleer nQ, peye efkeâ osJeeW Jener hej cuesÛÚ Meyo keâe DeLe& Yeer mecePeeÙee nw~
leLee DemegjeW kesâ efueS Ssmes Ûeefj$e meJe&Lee mecYeJe nw~ YeefJe<Ùe DeeÛeejMÙe efJeJeskeâ§e efÉpelee osJehetpeveced
ceW Deeoce keâer mevleeveeW keâe he=LJeer hej DeefOekeâej nesiee, Ùen ke=âleevÙesleeefve lesvewJe lemceevcuesÛÚ: mce=lees yegOew:~
peevekeâj Deúemeer npeej $e+ef<e heneÌ[eW ceW Ûeues peeles nQ~ efJe<CegYekeälÙeef«e hetpee ÿeeefnbmee Ûe lehees oce: ~
Fmekeâer hegef° YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe, Øeeflemeie&heJe& ÛelegLe& DeOÙeeÙe ceW Oecee&CÙesleeefve cegefveefYecuexÛÚeveeb efn mce=leeefve Jew ~~
DeeS ngS DeOeesefueefKele MueeskeâeW mes nesleer nw- meoeÛeej, TÛeeb %eeve, yeÇecnCelJe, osJehetpeve nvetkeâ veecekeâ
DeeÙe&osMee #eerCeJevlees cuesÛÚJebMee yeueefvJelee~ F&Me otle kesâ Éeje efkeâÙes ieÙes Fmeer mes Gmes efJeÉeveeW ves cuesÛÚ
YeefJe<Ùeefvle Ye=iegßes‰ lemceeÛÛe legefnveeÛeuece~ keâne~ efJe<Ceg keâer Yeefòeâ, ØekeâeMekeâ hejceelcee keâer hetpee,
ielJee efJe<Cegb meceejeOÙe ieefce<Ùeecees njs: heoced ~ Deefnbmee,lehemÙee, FefvõÙeoceve Ùes Oece& cegefveÙee ves cuesÛÚeW kesâ
Fefle ßeglJee efÉpee: meJex vewefce<eejCÙeJeeefmeve:~ yeleeS nw~
De°eMeerefle menœeeefCe ieleemles legefnveeÛeueced ~ Deye nce JesoeW keâe SkesâÕejJeeo SJeb hegjeCeeW ceW JeefCe&le
YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe ceW Deeoce kesâ yeeo pees F&Me otlelJe keâer Skeâ F&MeotlelJe leLee meeJe&Yeewce Oece& keâe ØeceeefCekeâ efJeJesÛeve
Skeâleevlee GheueyOe nesleer nw, Jener YeefJe<Ùe ceW "erkeâ Gmeer keâjWies~
Øekeâej Ieefšle ngF& Deewj hejJeleea Oece& «evLeeW yeeF&efyeue SJeb uesKekeâ - heb] Jeso ØekeâeMe GheeOÙeeÙe
kegâjDeeve mes Gme hej Je=nled ØekeâeMe heÌ[e~ Sce. S. (mebmke=âle Jeso)
yeeFefyeue SJeb kegâjDeeve ceW pees Yeer F&Me otlelJe kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW
JeCe&ve ngDee Jen JÙeeme peer Éeje YeeJeer Deeoce SJeb nJÙeJeleer

ÛejeÛej peiele ceW ÛewlevÙe ®he mes JÙeehle F&Õej keâer meòee keâe hejcesÕej mleeslee keâes Oeve osve Jeeuee nw, jlve OeejCe keâjves
JeCe&ve $e+iJeso ceW Deveskeâ ®heeW ceW neslee nw~ kegâÚ JesoefJeMeejoeW Jeeuee meefJelee osJe nw~ Jen ceveg<ÙeeW keâe heeueve keâjves Jeeuee,
ves Deveskeâ osJeJeeo keâe Øeefleheeove keâjkesâ $e+iJeso keâes YepeveerÙe, OeveeW keâe mJeeceer, Iej ceW hetpee keâjves Jeeues keâer j#ee
DeveskeâosJeJeeoer yevee efoÙee nw Deewj kegâÚ ueesie $e+iJeso ceW keâjves Jeeuee nw~ Fmekesâ ØeceeCe ceW $e+iJeso ceb[ue 2 met.1,
GheueyOe Deveskeâ ®heeW ceW Deveskeâ veece SJeb Gve veeceeW kesâ iegCeeW ceb.7 Øemlegle nw~
keâe DeJeueeskeâve keâjkesâ Deveskeâ meJeexlke=â° osJeleeDeeW keâer lJeceives õefJeCeesoe Dejbke=âles lJeb osJe: meefJelee jlveOee
keâuhevee keâjles nw~ Ùen kesâJeue $e+iJeso keâe hetCe&leÙee Deefme~
DevegMeerleue ve keâjves hej neslee nw~ JeemleJe ceW meòee Skeâ ner lJeb Yeiees ve=heles JemJe F&efMe<es lJeb heeÙego&ces ÙemlesÓefJeOeled
nw, efpemekeâe Deveskeâ metòeâeW ceW DeveskeâOee JeCe&ve Øeehle neslee nw~ ~~
Fvõ, efce$e, Je®Ce, Deefive, ie®lceeve, Ùece Deewj ceeleeefjÕee Fme cev$e ceW ØeÙegòeâ Deefive Meyo Debpe ± on ± veer ± efkeäJehed
Deeefo veeceeW mes Skeâ ner meòee keâe JeCe&ve yeÇecnefveÙeeW Éeje ØelÙeÙe mes efve<heVe nes keâj ØekeâeMekeâ hejcesÕej keâe DeLe&
Deveskeâ Øekeâej mes efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ efve<heeokeâ nw~ ve=heefle Meyo ve= ± hee ± [efle ØelÙeÙe mes yevekeâj
ceveg<ÙeeW keâe heeuekeâ DeLe& oslee nw~ Fmeer Øekeâej ØesjCeeLe&keâ meg
‘‘Fvõb efce$eb Je®CeeceefiveceentjLes efoJÙe: me megheCeex Oeeleg ceW le=Ûe ØelÙeÙeevle meg ØelÙeÙe mes Øesjkeâ DeLe& meefJelee
Meyo mes efve<heeefole neslee nw~
Skebâ meod efJeØee yengOee JeovlÙeefive Ùeceb
ceeleefjÕeeveceeng:~~’’ meYeer kesâ ceve ceW ØeefJe° neskeâj pees meye kesâ Devle:keâjCe keâer
($e+iJeso ceb[ue 10/metòeâ 114 / cev$e 5) yeele peevelee nw, Jen meòee F&Õej Skeâ ner nw~ Fmekeâe
Øeefleheeove DeLeJe&Jeso (10/8/28) ceW Skeâes n osJeeW
Jesoevle ceW keâne ieÙee nw efkeâ Skebâ yeÇ¢e efÉleerÙeb veeefmle, vesn
ceveefme ØeefJe°, keâLeve mes efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~
veeveeefmle efkeâ_edÛeved DeLee&le hejcesÕej Skeâ nw, Gmekesâ
Deefleefjòeâ otmeje veneR~ $e+iJeso ceW Øeefleheeefole Skebâ mele kesâ efJe<eÙe (Subject) ceW
ke=â<Ce ÙepegJexoerÙe ÕesleeÕelej Gheefve<eod (6-21) ceW Je=nle
hejcesÕej ØekeâeMekeâeW keâe ØekeâeMekeâ, meppeveeW keâer FÛÚe hetCe&
efJeJesÛeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw- Jen Skeâ nw meYeer ØeeefCeÙeeW keâe
keâjves Jeeuee, mJeeceer, efJe<Ceg, yengleeW mes mlegle,
DevleÙee&ceer hejceelcee nw, meYeer ØeeefCeÙeeW keâ Devoj JÙeehle nw,
vecemkeâjCeerÙe, cev$eeW keâe mJeeceer, OeveJeeve, yeÇÿee, efJeefJeOe
meJe&JÙeehekeâ nQ, keâceeX keâe DeefOe‰elee nw, meYeer keâe DeeßeÙe
heoeLeeX keâe me=°e leLee efJeefYeVe yegefæÙeeW ceW jnves Jeeuee nw,
nw, mee#eer nw, Ûesleve nw leLee iegCeeleerle nw~
pewmee efkeâ $e+iJeso 2/1/3 mes heg° neslee nw~
SkeâesosJe: meJe&Yetles<eg ieg{: meJe&JÙeeheer meJe&Yetleevlejelcee~
‘‘lJeceivees: Fvões Je=<eYe: meleeceefme lJeb efJe<Ceg®®ieeÙees
keâcee&OÙe#e: meJe&YetleeefOeJeeme: mee#eer ÛesleekesâJeuees
lJeb yeÇÿee jefÙeefyeod yeÇÿeCeemheles lJeb efJeOele&: meÛemes efveieg&Ce§e ~~ (-Õeslee. DeOÙeeÙe 6, ceb. 11)
hegjvOÙee ~~’’ Gme yeÇÿee kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW kegâÚ ueesie keânles nQ efkeâ Jen nw, kegâÚ
DeOeesefueefKele cev$e ceW hejcesÕej keâes Åegueeskeâ keâe j#ekeâ, Mebkeâj ueesie keânles nw efkeâ Jen veneR nw, Jener Deheves Deefj keâer
ce®leeW kesâyeue keâe DeeOeej, DeVeoelee, lespemJeer, JeeÙeg kesâ mecheoeDeeW keâes efJepeÙeer keâer lejnkeâ efJeve° keâjlee nw~ Gmekesâ
ceeOÙece mes meJe&$eieeceer, keâuÙeeCekeâejer, het<ee hetpee keâjves Deefj Jener nQ pees Gmes veneR ceeveles~ Fme yeele keâe Øeefleheeove
Jeeues keâer j#ee keâjves Jeeuee keâne ieÙee nw~ $e+iJeso ceb. 2, met. 12 ceb.5 ceW ngDee nQ~
ÙeÛÚes$esCe ve ßegCeesefle Ùesve ßees$eefcebo ßegleced ~
‘‘lJeceives ®ões Demegjes ceneefoJemlJeb MeOeeX cee®leb he#e leosJe yeÇÿe lJeb efyeefæ vesob Ùeefoocegheemeles ~~
F&efMe<es~ (Gheefve<eo)
lJeb Jeelewj®CewÙee&efme MebieÙemlJeb het<ee efJeOele: heeefme pees keâeve mes veneR megvelee Deefheleg efpemekesâ keâejCe megveves keâer
veglcevee~~’’ ($e+iJeso ceb 2/ met.1/ceb.6)
Meefòeâ nw, Gmeer keâes yeÇÿe mecePees, Jen yeÇÿe veneR nw efpemekeâer

Gheemevee keâjles nes~ $e+iJeso ceW Deefivemetòeâ, Fvõ metòeâ, Je®Ce metòeâ, efJe<Cet metòeâ
Ùeb mcee he=ÛÚefvle kegân mesefle Ieesj, ceglesceengvew<ees efJe<e Deeefo ceW efpeme meòee keâer ceefncee keâe iegCeieeve ngDee nw
DemeleerlÙesveced ~ Jener meòee F&Õej nw~ Gme keâe «enCe ueesie Deveskeâ Øekeâej mes
mees DeÙe&: heg°erefJepe Fjeeefceveeefle ßeomcew Oeòe me peveeme keâjles nQ~ keâesF& Gmes efMeJe ceevelee nw, keâesF& Meefòeâ, keâesF& yeÇÿe
Fvõ ~~ keâesF& Gmes yegæ ceevelee nw, keâesF& Gmes keâòee& keâesF& Gmes Den&led
Jen hejceelcee mece=æ keâe, oefjõ keâe ÙeeÛevee keâjles ngS cev$e ceevelee nw, keâesF& keâce& kesâ ®he ceW ceevelee nQ~ Skeâ keâes Deveskeâ
mleeslee keâe Øesjkeâ nw~ Gmeer keâer ke=âhee mes Oeve efceuelee nw, Gmeer ®heeW ceW efYeVe-efYeVe ceevevee meyemes yeÌ[e efJeYeso nw, Deewj Ssmee
kesâ keâeshe mes ceveg<Ùe Deheveer mece=efæÙeeW mes nerve neslee nQ~ keâjvee JesoeW kesâ DeLe& keâe DeveLe& keâjvee nw leLee Ùen DeeÙe& Oece&
kesâ efJe®æ nes osJeer nes Ùee osJe, vej nes Ùee veejer DeÛÚe nes Ùee
[ieceieeleer ngF& he=LJeer keâes SJeb ÛebÛeue heJe&leeW keâes efmLej keâjves yegje ÛejeÛej peieled ceW Ûeslevelee ®he ceW F&Õej peieled ceW JÙeehle
Jeeuee, efJemle=le Devleefj#e keâes efveefce&le keâjves Jeeuee leLee ve nes lees peieled keâe efkeâÙee keâueehe ner mLeefiele nes peeÙe~ pees
Åegueeskeâ keâe mlecYeve keâjves Jeeuee hejcesÕej nw~ Fmekesâ ØeceeCe ceveg<Ùe Megæ Devle:keâjCe keâe nw, SJeb efJekeâejeW mes jefnle nw,
ceW $e+iJeso ceb. 2 met.21 ceb.2 Øemlegle nw~ Gmekesâ Devoj Gme hejceeveboceÙeer meòee keâe ØekeâeMe jnlee nw~
‘‘Ùe: he=efLeJeer JÙeLeeceveeceöb nod Ùe: heJe&leeved Øeke=âefheleeB FmeefueS Gme F&Õej keâes keâCe-keâCe ceW DevegYeJe keâjvee ÛeeefnS
DejcCeeJed ~ SJeb meoeÛeej Deewj Skeâ efve‰e mes Gmes Øeehle keâjves keâe ØeÙelve
Ùees Devleefj#eb efJececes JejerÙees Ùees ÅeecemleYveeled me peveeme Yeer keâjvee ÛeeefnÙes~
Fvõ: ~~

F&MeotlelJe keâer hegjeCe mes hegef°

cev$ees kesâ mee#eelkeâej keâjves Jeeues $e+ef<e keâns peeles nw~ ØeoeveveiejmÙewJe hetJe&Yeeies ceneJeveced ~
(DeuheYee<eer SJeb mebmeej mes Goemeerve jnkeâj GvnW FÕejsCe ke=bâle jcÙeb Ûeleg: ›eâesMeeÙeble mce=leced ~~
lelJeoefMe&lee Øeehle nesleer nw~) $e+ef<eÙeeW ves cev$eeW keâes yeveeÙee heeheJe=#eleues ielJee helveeroMe&velelhej:~
vener, Deefheleg FvnW hejcesÕej mes Øeehle efkeâÙee~ Ùeefo efkeâmeer keâes keâefuemle$eeielemletCe& mehe&®heb efn lelke=âleced ~~
FmeceW DeefJeÕeeme nes, lees JesoeW kesâ cev$e keâer leguevee ceW keâesF& JebefÛelee lesve Oetlexve efJe<CJee%ee Yeiebleebielee ~
DevÙe cev$e yevee os~ F&ÕejerÙe JeeCeer keâe Øeefleheeove keâjves Jeeues KeeefolJee lelheâueb jcÙeb ueeskeâceeie&Øeob heefle:~~
efpeleves Yeer «evLe nw Gvekeâer leguevee ceW «evLeeW keâer jÛevee ceveg<Ùe GogcyejmLe he$ew§e leecÙeeb JeeÙJeMeveb ke=âlece~
kesâ yegefæ keâer yeele veneR Deefheleg Jen F&ÕejerÙe Devegkeâchee kesâ meglee: heg$eemlelees peelee: meJex cuesÛÚe JeYetefJejs~~
heâuemJe®he ner Øeehle nes mekeâleer nw~ Fme Øekeâej Jeso yeeFefyeue ef$eMeesòejb veJeMeleb lemÙeeÙeg: heefjkeâerefle&leced ~
SJeb kegâjDeeve keâer leguevee ceW DevÙe «evLe veneR yeve mekeâles nQ~ heâueeveeb nJeveb kegâJe&vhelvÙee men efoJeb iele:~~
(Deewj Fvner keâe Je=no efJeJesÛeve hegjeCe nQ~) (YeefJe<Ùe Je Ùe hegjeCe, Øeeflemeie& heJe&, ØeLece KeC[, ÛelegLe& DeOÙeeÙe)
YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe ceW JesoJÙeeme peer veejeÙeCe JeefCe&le Deeoce Deewj Éehej Ùegie ceW oes npeej Dee" meew oes Je<e& Mes<e jnves hej cuesÛÚ
nJÙeJeleer Je=vleevle Fme Øekeâej nw~ osMe keâer pees Yetefce nw Jen ÙeMeefmJeveer nes peeSieer~ FefvõÙeeW keâe
Deeocees veece heg®<e: helveer nJÙeJeleer mce=lee~ oceve keâjkesâ hejceelcee kesâ OÙeeve ceW hejeÙeCe nesves kesâ keâejCe
efJe<Ceg keâo&celees peelees cuesÛÚJebMeØeJeIe&veew~~ cuesÛÚeW kesâ JebMeJeOe&keâ Deeoce leLee nJÙeJeleer efJe<Ceg keâer
efÉMelee°menŒes És Mes<es leg Éehejs Ùegies~ ieerueer efceóer mes GlheVe neWies~ Øeoeveveiej kesâ hetJeea Yeeie ceW
cuesÛÚosMemÙe Ùee YetefceYe&efJelee keâerefle&ceeefueveer~~ hejcesÕej Éeje yeveeÙee ieÙee megvoj Ûeej keâesMe kesâ #es$e keâe
FefvõÙeeefCe oefcelJee Ùees ÿeelceOÙeeve hejeÙeCe:~ yengle yeÌ[e Jeve Lee~ heeheJe=#e kesâ veerÛes peekeâj helveer keâes osKeves
lemceeoeoveeceemeeW helveer nJÙeJeleer mce=lee~~ keâer GlkeâC"e mes Deeoce nJÙeJeleer kesâ heeme ieÙes leYeer mehe& keâe
®he yeveekeâj JeneB keâefue MeerIeÇ DeeÙee~ Gme Oetle& kesâ Éeje

Deeoce Deewj nJÙeJeleer "ie efueS ieS Deewj efJe<Ceg keâer Dee%ee Je<e& jne~ Gmekeâe heg$e ueescekeâ ngDee, jepÙe Gmekeâe meele meew
keâes Yebie keâj efoÙee leLee mebmeej keâe ceeie& kesâ heeme ieS~ leYeer melenòej (777) Je<e& lekeâ jne, Gmekesâ yeeo mJeie& keâes
mehe& keâe ®he yeveekeâj Jeneb keâefue MeerIeÇ DeeÙee~ Gme Oetle& kesâ Ûeuee ieÙee~ Fmeer keâLee keâe Deeies JeCe&ve Fme Øekeâej nw,
Éeje Deeoce Deewj nJÙeJeleer Øeoeve keâjves Jeeues Gme heâue keâes
lemceeppele: meglees vÙegnes efveie&lemletn SJeb me:~
heefle ves Kee efueÙee~ Gve oesveeW kesâ Éeje ietuej kesâ heòeeW mes JeeÙeg
lemceeVÙetn: mce=le: Øee%ew: jepÙeb he_ed ÛeMelebke=âlece~~
keâe Deenej efkeâÙee ieÙee, leye Gve oesveeW mes yengle meer mevleeves
meerce: Mece§e YeeJe§e $eÙe heg$ee yeYetefJejs~
GlheVe ngF&, meye cuesÛÚ keâns ieÙes~ Deeoce keâer DeeÙeg veew meew
vÙetn: mce=lees efJe<Ceg YeòeâmmeesÓnb OÙeevehejeÙeCe:~~
leerme Je<e& ngF&~ heâueeW keâe nJeve keâjles ngÙes helveer kesâ meeLe
Skeâoe YeieJeeve efJe<CegmleblmJehves leg meceeiele:~
Deeoce mJeie& Ûeues ieÙes~
Jelme vÙetn ëe=Ce<Jesob ØeueÙe: mehlescesÓnefve~
Fme Øekeâej Deeoce Deewj nJÙeJeleer kesâ Je=òeevle keâer meceeefhle kesâ YeefJelee lJeb pevewmmeeæ& veeJecee®¢e melJejce~
yeeo Gmeer ceW hejJeleea F&MeotleeW keâe JeCe&ve yeÌ[s ner ceveesjce {bie peerJeveb kegâ® Yeòesâvõ meJe&ßes‰es YeefJe<Ùeefme~~
mes ngDee nw~ Jen Fme Øekeâej nw, leLesefle celJee me cegefvevee&Jeb ke=âlJee meghegef‰eleece~
nmleef$eMeleuecyeeb Ûe he_ed ÛeeeMeæmleefJemle=leece~~
lemceeppeele: megle: ßes°: Õesleveecesefle efÙeßegle:~
ef$eMeÉmleesÛÚ=leeb jcÙeeb meJe&peerJemeceefvJeleece~
ÉeoMeesòejÙe<e& Ûe lemÙeeÙeg: heefjkeâerefle&lece~~
Dee®¢e mJekegâuewmmeeæ& efJe<CegOÙeevehejesÓYeJeled ~~
DevegnmlemÙe leveÙe: Melenerveb ke=âleb heoce~
keâerveeMemlemÙeleveÙe: efheleecenmece heoce~~ Gmemes vÙetn veecekeâ heg$e ngDee~ Gmeves heebÛe meew Je<e& lekeâ jepÙe
cenuueuemlemÙe megle: hebÛenerveb Meleb veÙe~ efkeâÙee~ Gmekesâ meerce, Mece Deewj YeeJe leerve heg$e ngS, efJe<Ceg
lesve jepÙeb ke=âleb le$e lemceevceeveiejb mce=lece~~ keâe Yeòeâ vÙetn meesÓnceefmce OÙeeve ceW hejeÙeCe Lee~ Skeâ yeej
lemceeÛÛe efJejoes peelees jepÙeb <e°d Ùegòejb mecee:~ YeieJeeve efJe<Ceg ves Gmes mJehve ceW yeleeÙee efkeâ ns efØeÙe vÙetn
%es Ùeb veJeMeleb lemÙeb mÙeveecvee veiejb mcelece~~ megvees meeleJeW efove ØeueÙe nesieer~ legce ueesieeW kesâ meeLe veeJe ceW
nvetkeâmlemÙe leveÙees efJe<CegYeefòeâhejeÙeCeb:~ MeerIeÇ yew" peevee, ns Yeòesâvõ, Dehevee peerJeve yeÛeeDees, legce
heâueeveeb nJeveb kegâJe&ved lelJe ÿeefme peÙeve meoe~~ meJe&ßes‰ nes peeDeesies~ Jewmee mJeerkeâej keâjkesâ Gme cegefve ves leerve
ef$eMeleb hebÛe<eef°§e jepÙeb Je<ee&efCe lelmecelece~ meew neLe uecyeer Deewj heÛeeme neLe ÛeewÌ[er veeJe keâe efvecee&Ce
meosn: mJeie& ceeÙeelees cuesÛÚ Oece& hejeÙeCe:~~ keâjeÙee leerme meew neLe Thej G"er ngF& (GbâÛeer) megvoj meYeer
celeesefÛÚuemlemÙe meglees nvetkeâmÙew Je Yeeie&Je~ peerJeeW kesâ peesÌ[s leLee Deheves kegâue JeeueeW kesâ meeLe Ûe{keâj
jepÙeb veJeMeleb lemÙe mehleefle§e mce=lee: mecee:~~ efJe<Ceg kesâ OÙeeve ceW lelhej nes ieÙee~
ueescekeâmlemÙe leveÙees jepÙeb mehleMeleb mecee:~
ÙeneB cene peue hueeJeve keâer Yeer<eCelee keâe JeCe&ve Fme Øekeâej
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw,
Deeoce mes ßes‰ mebleeve ngF& pees Õesle veece mes efJeKÙele
meebJele&keâes cesIeieCees censvõsCe meceefvJele:~
ngF&,Gmekeâer DeeÙeg veew meew yeejn Je<e& ngF&~ Gmekeâe leveÙe Devegn
ÛelJeeefjMeeföveevÙes Je ceneJe=ef°cekeâejÙele~~
ngDee pees heo keâes meew Je<e& mes keâceb meceÙe lekeâ OeejCe efkeâÙee~
meJe& leg Yeejleb Je<e& peuew: hueeJÙe leg efmevOeJe:~
Gmekeâe leveÙe keâer veeMe ngDee, pees efheleecen kesâ mecceeve heo
ÛelJeejes menŒeeefCe? (menJee&efCe) cegveÙees yeÇ¢eJeeefove:~
OeejCe efkeâÙee~ Gmekeâe heg$e cenuueue ngDee efpemeves Dee" meew
vÙetn§e mJekegâuesmmeeæ& Mes<ee: meJex efJeveeefMelee~~
hebÛeeveJes Je<e& lekeâ jepÙe efkeâÙee, Gvemes ceeveiej yevee~ Gmemes
Ùeoe leg cegveÙemmeJex efJe<CegceeCeeb Øeleg°gJeg:~
efJejo ngS, efpemeves veew meew Dee" Je<e& jepÙe efkeâÙee, Gmekesâ
vÙetnmleyeÇefmLelees veeJecee®¢e mJekegâuewmmen~
Deheves veece mes veiej yeves~ Gmekeâe heg$e nvetkeâ efJe<Ceg Yeefòeâ ceW
peueevles YetefceceeielÙe le$e Jeeceb keâjesle me:~~
hejeÙeCe nes ieÙee~
efmece§e nece§e leLee Ùeekegâlees veece efJeßegle:~
heâueeW keâe nJeve keâjles ngS lelJeceefme hej efJeJeskeâ efkeâÙee~ Ùeekegâle: mehlehegVe§e pegceües ceepetpe SJeb me:~~
Gmekeâe jepÙe leerve meew hewme" Je<e& lekeâ jne~ cuesÛÚ Oece& ceW ceeoer leLee Ûe ÙetveevemletJeuees cemekeâmleLee~
hejeÙeCe neskeâj Jen mebosn mJeie& keâes DeeÙee~ ns Yeeie&Je~ Gme leerjeme§e leLee les<eeb veeceefYeoxMe GÛÙeles~~
nvetkeâ keâe heg$e celeesefÛÚue ngDee Gmekeâe jepÙe veew meew meòej pegceüe oMe keâveeype§e efjheâle§e lepe®&ce:~

leÅeecve Ûe mce=lee osMee ÙetveeÅee Ùes meglee: mce=lee:~~ SJeb Ss<eeb mce=lee JebMee veececee$esCe keâerefle&lee: ~~
FueerMemlejueerMeßeÛe efkeâòeerntoeefve®ÛÙeles~
oes npeej Skeâ meew Je<e& yeerleves hej peeiekeâj efheâj yeesues efmece
meebJele&keâ veece cesIeeW kesâ ieCeves Fvõ mes Ùegòeâ neskeâj (Ûeeueerme kesâ JebMe keâes yeleeGbâiee~ pÙes‰ heg$e efmece jepee ngDee, Gme
efoveeW lekeâ ceneve Je=ef° keâer~ mechetCe& YeejleJe<e& peue mes [tye cuesÛÚ ves heebÛe meew Je<e& lekeâ jepÙe efkeâÙee~ Gmekeâe heg$e
ieÙee, Deewj Ûeej mecegõ efceue ieS Deewj efJeMeeue nes ieS~ Dekeâmeo efpemeves Ûeej meew Ûeewleerme Je<e& jepÙe efkeâÙee, efheâj
De"d"emeer npeej? (mebn<e&) ye¢eJeeoer cegefve vÙetn Deheves efmebn Gvekeâe heg$e ngDee, efpemeves Ûeej meew Dee" Je<e& lekeâ jepÙe
kegâueeW kesâ meeLe peue kesâ Devle nesves hej Jeneb Jeeme keâjves ueiee~ efkeâÙee~ FyeÇle kesâ heg$e ves Yeer efhelee kesâ leguÙeheo keâes MeesefYele
vÙetn kesâ heg$e efmece nece, Ùeeketâle veece mes Øeefmeæ ngS~) efkeâÙee, Gmekesâ heg$e ves oes meew Ûeeueerme Je<e& lekeâ jepÙe efkeâÙee~
Ùeekegâle kesâ meele heg$e ngS; pegceü, ceepetpe, ceeoer, Ùetveeve, Fmeer mes jT veecekeâ heg$e ngDee~ jT ves oew mewleerme Je<e& lekeâ
letJeue, cemekeâ leLee leerjeme~ GvneR kesâ veeceeW mes osMe keâns jepÙe efkeâÙee~ Gmemes petpe GlheVe ngDee, Gmeves Yeer efhelee kesâ
peeles nQ~ pegceü kesâ yeeo10 ngS; keâveeype, efjheâle, lepe®&ce- meceeve heo keâes MeesefYele efkeâÙee~ Gmekeâe heg$e ventj ngDee,
Fvekesâ veece mes osMe yeves pees Ùetveeefo heg$e ngS~ FueerMe efpemeves Skeâ meew Dee" Je<e& jepÙe efkeâÙee Deewj yengle mes Me$egDeeW
lejueerMe, efkeâòeer, ntoeefve keâns peeles nQ~ keâe mebnej efkeâÙee~ Gmekeâe heg$e leenj ngDee efpemeves efhelee kesâ
mecceeve heo keâes MeesefYele efkeâÙee~ Gmekesâ heg$e leerve DeefJejece,
ÛelegefYe&vee&ceefYeoxMeemles<eeb les<eeb ØeÛeef›eâjs~
vengj Deewj nejve Fme Øekeâej cuesÛÚJebMe kesâ ieg® neWies~ Deewj
efÉleerÙeleveÙeeæeceelmegvee§elJeej SJeb les~
yeeo ceW Yeejle kesâ jepeeDeeW (Mekeâjepe Deewj Yeespe) ves meceÙe-
kegâMees efceße§e ketâpe§e keâveDeeBmle$e veeceefce:~~
meceÙe hej peekeâj ›eâceMe: (Skeâ kesâ yeeo otmeje vebyej mes)
leLee meJeeflekeâe veece efvece®nes ceneyeue:~
F&Meecemeern Deewj ceneceo peer mes Oece& kesâ efJe<eÙe ceW %eeve Øeehle
les<eeb heg$ee§e keâueve: efmeveejesjkeâ GÛÙeles~~
efkeâÙee~ (YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe Øeeflemeie&heJe& ØeLece KeC[, ÛelegLe& DeOÙeeÙe)
DekeäJeoes yeeJegve§ewJe jmeveeosMekeâe§eles~
ßeeJeefÙelJee cegveerced metlees Ùeesieefveõe JeMeieble:~~ ******
Fve ÛeejeW kesâ veece mes osMe keâns peeles nQ~ efÉleerÙe heg$e nece mes
Ûeej heg$e ngS kegâMe, efce$e, kegâpe leLee kegâveDeeved~ Fvemes
cuesÛÚeW kesâ Øeefmeæ osMe nQ~ kegâMe kesâ Ú: heg$e ngS~ nyeerue,
meJe&leesjie, meJeeflekeâe, efvece®n, keâueve, Deewj efmeveejesjkeâ
keâns peeles nQ~ Fmekesâ Deefleefjòeâ DekeäJeo, yeeyegve Deewj
jmeveeosMekeâeefo~ Fme Øekeâej metle peer cegefveÙeeW keâes megveekeâj
Ùeesieefveõe kesâ JeMeerYetle ngS~
efÉmenŒes Meleeyo vles yegæe hegvejLeeyeÇJeerled ~
efmeceJebMeb ØeJe#Ùeeefce efmecees pÙes‰: me Yetheefle~
jepÙeb he_ed ÛeMeleb Je<e& lesve cuesÛÚsve melke=âleced ~~
Deke&âmeojlemÙe megleßeÛlegefŒeMeÛJe jepÙekeâce~~
ÛelegMMeleb hegve%es Ùeb efmeunemleleveÙeesÓYeJebled ~~
jepÙeb lemÙe mce=leb le$e <e° ÙegòejÛeleg: Meleced ~~
FJelemÙe meglees%esÙe Ùe: efhelegmleguÙeb ke=âleb heoced ~
keâuepelemÙe leveÙe: ÛelJeeefj MeoÉÙeb Meleced ~~
jepÙeb ke=âlebleg lemceeÛÛe jTveece megle: mce=le:~
mehleefVeMeÛÛe efÉMele lemÙe jepÙeb Øekeâerefleleced ~~
lemceeÛÛe pepe GlheVe: efhelegmleguJeb ke=âleb heoced ~
ventjmlemÙe leveÙees ve=heefleye&ngMeJetved efJeefnmeÙeved ~
leenjmlemÙe leveÙe: efhelegmleguÙeb ke=âleb heoced ~
lemveelheg$eesÓefJejeceÛße ventjes nejveŒeÙeb:~

hegjeCeeW ceW ÙeerMeg efJe<eÙekeâ JeCe&ve

FyeÇenerce keâe efJeJejCe nesves kesâ yeeo ÙeerMet keâe JeCe&ve YeefJe<Ùe ceQ cemeernlJe keâes Øeehle ngDee ntB~ ns jepeve cesjs Éeje cuesÛÚeW ceW
hegjeCe, Øeeflemeie&hetJe&, le=leerÙe KeC[, efÉleerÙe DeOÙeeÙe ceW Fme mLeeefhele Oece& keâes megvees mveeve keâjes Ùee vener, ceve keâes efvece&ue
Øekeâej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw; keâjkesâ Jewefokeâ pehe keâes Deeefßele keâjkesâ efvece&ue neskeâj pehes~
vÙeeÙe melÙeJeÛeve Deewj ceve keâes Skeâlee mes ceveg<Ùe OÙeeve mes
Skeâoe leg MekeâeOeerMees efncelegieb meceeÙeÙeew~ 21
metÙe&ceC[ue ceW efmLele F&Õej keâes OÙeeve mes hetpes~ Ùen ØeYeg
ntCeeosMemÙe ceOÙes Jew efieefjmLeb heg®<eb MegYeced ~~
DeÛeue nw pewmes efkeâ metÙe& DeÛeue nw~ F&Õej kesâ ùoÙe ceW efvelÙe
ooMe& yeueJeeved jepee ieewjeieb ÕesleJeŒekeâce ~~22
Megæ leLee keâuÙeeCekeâejer cetefle& Øeehle nesleer nw, FmeefueS
keâes YeJeeefveefle leb Øeen me nesJeeÛe cegoeefvJele: ~
F&Meecemeern cesje veece nw~ Ùen megvekeâj jepee ves Gme
(F&Me heg$ebce hee"Yeso) F&Meheg$e ceebefJeefÉ kegâceejer
cuesÛÚhetpekeâ keâes Jener oe®Ce cuesÛÚ mLeeve ceW mLeeefhele
efkeâÙee leLee cegncceo meenye keâes YeefJe<Ùe ceW Deeves keâer metÛevee
cuesÛÚOece&mÙe Jeòeâejb melÙeJe=lehejeÙeCece~
Yeer F&Mee ves jepee mes oer nw~
Fefle ßeglJee ve=he: Øeen Oece&: keâes YeJele: cele: ~~ 24
Skeâ yeej MeekeâeOeerMe efncelebgie hej ieS Deewj ntCe osMe kesâ ******
ceOÙe heJe&le ceW efmLele ieesjs Debie Jeeues, Õesle JeŒe henveves Jeeues
MegYe heg®<e keâes yeueJeeve jepee ves osKee Deewj Deeveefvole
(KegMe) neskeâj hetÚe efkeâ Deehe keâewve nw? GvneWves keâne efkeâ
cegPes kegâceejer kesâ ieYe& mes GlheVe F&Mee mecePes; cew melÙe kesâ ›ele
ceW hejeÙeCe cuesÛÚ Oece& keâe GheosMekeâ ntb~ Ssmee megvekeâj jepee
ves hetÚe efkeâ Oece& ceW Deehekeâe keäÙee efJeÛeej nw~
ßeglJeesJeeÛe cenejepe Øeehles melÙemÙe meb#eÙes~
efvecee&Ùee&os cuesÛÚosMes cemeernesÓ meceeiele: ~~25
F&Meecemeer Ûe omÙed veeb ØeeogYet&lee YeÙekebâjer~
leecenb cuesÛÚle: ØeehÙe cemeernlJecegheeiele: ~~26
cuesÛÚg<eg mLeeefhelees Oeceex ceÙee leÛÚCeg Yetheles
ceevemebefvece&ueb ke=âlJee ceueb osns MegYeeMegYece ~27
vewiece peheceemLeeÙe pehesle efvece&ueb hejce~
vÙeeÙesve melÙeJeÛemee cevemewkeäÙesve ceeveJe: ~~28
OÙeeÙesve hetpeÙesoerMeb metÙe&cev[uemebefmLelece~
DeÛeueesÓÙeb ØeYeg: mee#eeòeLee metÙeexÓÛeue:meoe~~29
F&Mecetlenue&efo Øeehlee efvelÙeMegæe efMeJekebâjer~
F&Meecemeern Fefle Ûe ceve veece Øeefleef‰lece~~30
Fefle ßeglJee me Yetheeuees velJee leb ceuesÛÚhetpekeâce~
mLeeheÙeeceeme leb le$e cuesÛÚmLeeves efn oe®Ces~~31
(YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe, Øeeflemeie& heJe&, le=leerÙe KeC[, efÉleerÙe
Ùen megvekeâj F&Meecemeern yeesues efkeâ melÙe kesâ ve° nes peeves hej
cuesÛÚ osMe kesâ ceÙee&oenerve nesves hej ceQ cemeern Ùeneb DeeÙee ntB~
omÙegDees keâer YeÙekeâeefjCeer efJeheòeer keâes cuesÛÚeW mes Øeehle keâjkesâ

hegjeCeeW Deewj JesoeW ceW ceneceo leLee Deuuee efJe<eÙekeâ JeCe&ve

Deefvlece F&Meotle kesâ ®he ces ceneceo keâes YeefJe<Ùe hegjeCe efueieÛÚsoer efMeKeenerve: MceßetOeejer me ot<ekeâ:~
Øeeflemeie& heJe& le=leerÙe Keb[ SJeb le=leerÙe DeOÙeeÙe ceW efÛeef$ele GÛÛeeueeheer meJe&Ye#eer YeefJe<Ùeefle pevees cece~~
efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ jepee Yeespe keâe meceÙe Deewj ceneceo keâe meceÙe efyevee keâewueb Ûe heMeJemles<eeb Ye#Ùee celes cece~
Skeâ ner Lee, keäÙeeWefkeâ he=LJeer keâes Oece& keâer ceÙee&oe mes nerve cegmeuesvewJe mebmkeâej kegâMewefjle YeefJe<Ùeefle~~
osKekeâj jepee Yeespe efmevOeg heej keâjkesâ Dejye peelee nw~ JeCe&ve lemceevcegmepeJevlees efn peeleÙees Oece&ot<ekeâ:~
Fme Øekeâej nw:- Fefle hewMeeÛeOece&§e YeefJe<Ùeefle ceÙee ke=âle:~~
FlÙegòeâlJee ØeÙeÙeew osJe: me jepee iesnceeÙeÙeew~
SleefmceVevlejs cuesÛÚ DeeÛeeÙexCe jeceefvJele: ~
jeef$e ceW keâesF& osJeotle hewMeeÛeosn OeejCe keâjkesâ jepee Yeespe mes
ceneceo Fefle KÙeele efMe<ÙeMeeKeemeceefvJele:~
yeesuee efkeâ ns jepeve ÙeÅeefhe legcneje DeeÙe& Oece& meYeer OeceeX mes
ve=he§ewJe ceneoSJeb ce®mLeueefveJeeefmevece~
Gòece nw, efheâj Yeer Gmeer Oece& keâes hewMeeÛeOece& veece mes F&Õej keâer
ÛevoveeefoefYejYleÛÙe& le=°eÛe cevemee njce~
Dee%ee mes mLeeefhele keâ®biee~ Kelevee efkeâÙee ngDee, Ûeesšer mes
vecemles efieefjpeeveeLe ce®mLeueefveJeeefmeves~
efnve, oeÌ{er jKeves Jeeuee, TbÛeer yeele keânves Jeeuee Ùee cesje
ef«ehegjemegjveeMeeÙe yengceeÙeeØeJeefleves~
Keeme Deeoceer nesiee~ Megæ heMegDeeW keâes Deenej keâjves Jeeuee,
cuesÛÚwmegjveeMeeÙe yengceeÙeeØeJeefleves~
kegâMeeW (kegâMee) mes pewmes mebmkeâej neslee nw, Jewmee Gmekeâe cegmeue
cuesÛÚwieg&hleeÙe MegæeÙe meefÛÛeoevevo®efheCes~~
mes mebmkeâej nesiee, Fmeer mes cegmeueceeve peeefle otef<ele OeceeX hej
lJe cee efn efkebâkeâjb efJeefæ MejCeeLe&cegheeielece~
oes<e ueieeSbieer, Ssmee cesjs Éeje efkeâÙee ieÙee hewMeeÛeOece& nesiee~
Gmeer yeerÛe efMe<ÙeeW keâer MeeKeeDeeW (Branches) mes Ùegòeâ
Ùen keânkeâj osJelee Ûeuee ieÙee, Deewj Jen jepee Iej ueewše~
ceneceo veece cuesÛÚ DeeÛeeÙe& Jeneb Deeles nw~ jepee Yeespe
ce®mLeue ceW efveJeeme keâjves Jeeues ceneosJe keâes iebieepeue mes Denceo Ùee Denefceod Meyo keâe Flevee cenlJe nw efkeâ $e+iJeso
mveeve keâjekeâj hevÛeieJÙe mes Ùegòeâ Ûegvoveeefo mes hegpekeâj efMeJe ceb.8, met.6,10, DeLeJe&Jeso keâeC[ 20, met.115, ceb.1
keâes ceve mes mevleg° efkeâÙes~ ns ce®mLeue ceW efveJeeme keâjves Jeeues leLee meeceJeso 152 JeeB leLee 1500 JeeB cev$e ceW Denefceod
ef$ehegjemegjveeMekeâ DelÙeeefOekeâ ÛecelkeâejeW keâes peeveves Meyo keâe ØeÙeesie nw~
Jeeues,cuesÛÚeW mes megjef#ele Megæ SJeb melÙe, ÛewlevÙe SJeb
Denefceefæ efheleg<heefj cesOeece=lemÙe pe«eYe~
Deevebo mJe®he Mebkeâj peer legcnW vecemkeâej nw~ legce cegPes MejCe
Denb metÙe& Fjeepeefve~~
ceW GheefmLele Dehevee oeme mecePees~
Denceo keâe DeLe& ØeMebmekeâ Ùee DeefYeceevekeâ#ekeâ~
GJeeÛe Yetheefleb ØescCee ceeÙeeceo efJeMeejo:~ (YeefJe<Ùe heg. Øeeflemeie& heJe&, ÛelegLe& DeOÙeeÙe
leye osJees cenejepe cece oemelJeceeiele:~ keâefueke=âleefJe<Cegmlegefle)
ceceeefÛÚ° me YegvpeerÙeeled leLee lelheMÙe Yees ve=he~ ceQves ner j#ekeâ Deewj Øeke=âefle (F&ÕejerÙe ke=âefle) kesâ efveÙece
Fefle ßeglJee leLee °e hejb efJemceÙeceeÙeÙeew~ (keâeÙeoe) keâes Ûeueeves Jeeues hejcesÕej mes lelJeoefMe&lee
cuesÛÚOecex ceefle§eemeeròemÙe YethemÙes oe®Ces~ (lelJe%eeve efmeKeevesJeeuee) Øeehle keâer nQ~ ceQ metÙe& kesâ meceeve
jepee Yeespe kesâ heeme efmLele helLej keâer cetefle& kesâ efueS ceneceo ves ØekeâeefMele ngDee ntB~ Sleoeefleefjòeâ (Skeâ mes DeefOekeâ yeej Ssmee)
keâne efkeâ Jen lees cesje pet"e Kee mekeâlee nw efpemes legce hetpeles nes, Deuuee Ùee Deuuee Meyo $e+iJeso ceb.3, met.30, ceb.10 ceW
Ssmee keânkeâj Yeespe keâes Jewmes ner efoKee efoÙee Ùen megvekeâj Deewj DeuueotCees Jeue Fvõ yeÇpeeW iees: hegje nvleesYe&Ùeceevees JÙeej kesâ
osKekeâj jepee Yeespe keâe yeÌ[e Dee§eÙe& ngDee Deewj Gmekeâer ®he ceW Øeehle neslee nw~
DeemLee cuesÛÚOece& ceW nes ieF&~
je$eew me osJe®he§e yengceeÙeeefJeMeejo:~
hewMeeÛeb osnceemLeeÙe Yeespejepeb efn meesÓyeÇJeerle~~
DeeÙe& Oeceex efn les jepeve meJe&Oeceexòece: mce=le:~
F&Mee%eÙee keâefj<Ùeeefce hewMeeÛeb Oece&oe®Cece~~

meeJe&YeewceOece& SJeb Ghemebnej

1. neLe ceW jKes ngS iesj kesâ meceeve mechetCe& yeÇÿeeC[ keâes keâes Ùen %eeve nes peeÙe, efkeâ Jes meYeer Skeâ ner hejcesÕej Éeje
osKeves Jeeues hejcesÕej keâer meòee keâes mJeerkeâej keâjvee meYeer OeceeX yeveeS ieÙes Skeâ ner ceelee-efhelee keâer mevleeve nw~ peye meYeer
keâe cetueeOeej nw~ keâesF& Yeer Oece& hejcesÕej keâer meòee keâes Oecee&vegÙeeefÙeÙeeW keâe hejcesÕej Skeâ nw, ceeveJeme=ef° keâe Deeefo
DemJeerkeâej veneR keâj mekeâlee~ heg®<e Skeâ nw, yeveeJeš Skeâ nw, ef›eâÙeekeâueehe Skeâ pewmes ner
nw, ceeveJepeeefle ceW Œeer peeefle leLee heg®<e peeefle keâer jÛevee
2. Gme hejcesÕej keâes ØemeVe keâjvee ØelÙeskeâ ceveg<Ùe keâe keâle&JÙe
meceeve nw, lees Skeâ ner ceelee-efhelee keâer mevleeveW Deeheme ceW
nw~ Gme hejcesÕej keâer yeveeF& ngF& me=ef° ceW efkeâmeer Yeer ØeeCeer keâes
Oece& kesâ leLÙe keâes ve mecePeeles ngS heejmheefjkeâ keâuen Oece& kesâ
keâ° ve hengbÛeevee, melÙe yeesuevee, oeve osvee, efkeâÙes ieÙes
veece hej keâjW, Ùen keäÙee hejcesÕej keâes ØemeVe keâjves Jeeueer yeele
Ghekeâej keâes ceevevee, efveOe&veeW keâer mesJee keâjvee, OeceeX keâe
nesieer~ Deleg: meye keâes Øesce SJeb meodYeeJevee mes jnvee ÛeeefnS~
Deeoj keâjvee ØelÙeskeâ Oece& keâe efmeæeble nw~
3. Oece& kesâ veece hej nesves Jeeues Jee¢ee[cyejeW keâe efvejekeâjCe
keâjkesâ, Oece& kesâ melÙe mJe®he keâes ueesieeW kesâ meccegKe jKevee
4. pees efpemekeâes Yepeles nQ, Jes Gmeer keâes Øeehle keâjles nQ Skeâ
hejcesÕej keâes Úes[keâj, DevÙe osJeer osJeleeDeeW kesâ Yeòeâ
DeOeesieefle heeles nw Gmekeâes veneR heeles~
5. Skeâ ner hejceelcee nw, Gmekesâ DeueeJee otmeje keâesF& nw ner
veneR efpemekeâer mlegefle keâer peeÙe~
6. Øeefleefove hejcesÕej keâe OÙeeve, Yepeve leLee efveÙeceevegmeej
efkeâmeer ›ele keâes Skeâ efve° neskeâj jnvee ÛeeefnÙes~
7. meYeer mes veceüleehetJe&keâ yeesuevee, efkeâmeer keâe efoue ve
ogKeevee, DeÛÚe DeeÛejCe, ùoÙe keâer meheâeF& SJeb efvece&ue
YeeJeveeDeeW keâe nesvee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw~
8. DeÛÚs ceeie& Ûeueves mes keâesF& Deemegjer Meefòeâ ceveg<Ùe keâes
Yeškeâe osleer nw, Deble: DeÛÚs keâeÙe& ceW yeeOeeDeeW kesâ GheefmLele
nesves hej Yeer DeÛÚs keâeÙe& keâe heefjlÙeeie veneR keâjvee ÛeeefnS~
9. hejcesÕej keâer DevevÙe Yeefòeâ keâjveer ÛeeefnS~ hejcesÕej keâer
hetpee ceW Gmekeâer leguevee (compare) ceW efkeâmeer DevÙe keâes
veneR jKevee ÛeeefnS~
Oece& kesâ MeeÕele efmeæevleeW keâe DeJeueeskeâve keâjves hej Ùen
mJele: efmeæ neslee nw, efkeâ Jewefokeâ F&meeF& SJeb Fmueece Oece& kesâ
cetue ®he ceW Jew<ecÙe veneR nw, Deefheleg hejJeleer OeceexheosMekeâeW ves
Deheves mJeeLe& keâer hetefle& kesâ efueS kegâÚ efceßeCe keâj efueÙee nw~
Fmemes JeemleefJekeâ Oece& keâe mJe®he DeÂMÙe nes ieÙee nw~ OeceeX
ces Yejer ngF& yegjeFÙeeW SJeb Oece& kesâ veece hej nesves Jeeues
DelÙeeÛeejeW keâe otjerkeâjCe leYeer nw, peyeefkeâ ØelÙeskeâ ceveg<Ùe

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