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Taman Ayun Temple is a Temple of Paibon / Pedarman Raja

Mengwi to worship ancestral spirits of kings, which was realized
by the construction of a Paibon gedong, and was also built for
worship and worship of the Gods of the Mengwi royal community
in asking for prosperity. Taman Ayun Temple is located in Mengwi
District, Badung, Bali, Indonesia. This park along with Taman Ayun
Temple is a historic heritage of the Mengwi kingdom.
The Pura complex is divided into 4 different pages, one is higher
than the other. The First Page is called Jaba which can be reached
only by passing the only pool bridge and the gate. Once inside
there was a small monument to guard the entrance and to the
right there was a large building (wantilan) where chickens were
often held when there was a ceremony. On this page, there is also
a fountain fountain that leads to 9 wind directions. While heading
to the next page, on the right side of the road is a small temple
complex called Pura Luhuring Purnama. The third area or the
second page, the position is higher than the first page to enter
this page, visitors must pass through the second gate. Once
inside, the view will be fixed on a cool building Bale Pengubengan
decorated with reliefs depicting the Nawa Sanga Dewata (9 Gods
guarding the direction of the wind). On the east side of this page
there is a small temple called Pura Dalem Bekak, while in the
western corner there is a Kulkul Hall towering. The fourth or last
page is the highest and the most sacred. The center of the coil
door will be opened when there is a ceremony, the place outside
the entry of the statue and other ceremonial equipment. While
the Gate on the left and right is to enter and enter daily activities
in the temple. This page has a number of towering towers of
various sizes and shapes Three pages of this temple symbolize
the three levels of cosmology of the world, from the bottom is the
place / world of man, to a more sacred level which is the dwelling
place of gods, and the last symbolizes Heaven union with God
Almighty. As told in the ancient story of Adhiparwa, the entire
temple complex depicts Mount Mahameru which floats in the
middle of a sea of milk.


The Subak Museum is a museum that presents information

relating to irrigation systems (irrigation) of traditional Balinese
rice fields in Subak. This museum is located in Tabanan City, Bali
Province. This museum is a special museum about the agricultural
system in Bali characterized by independence on the eternal
foundation of "Tri Hita Krana", the concept of the balance of the
three causes of happiness (God, human and nature).
The establishment of the Subak Museum was initiated by I Gusti
Ketut Kaler on August 17, 1975, who had the idea to preserve the
traditional Subak institution as one of the nation's cultural
heritage. Basically subak (method of water irrigation system) has
existed in Bali since the ancient Balinese era of the 11th century,
and is still developing today, which is a reflection of identity with
the characteristics of the basic philosophy "Tri Hita Karana",
namely the concept of balance of the three causes of happiness
( balance between fellow humans (Pawongan), harmony between
humans and nature (Palemahan), and the balance between
humans and God (Parahyangan) .In October 1981 the Subak
Museum was inaugurated by the Governor of Bali at that time,
Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra. With the rapid development of science
and technology, it cannot be denied that it will also affect the
existence of Subak, and if this happens surely all traditional tools
will change quickly, so it will eventually be very difficult to track
and reinstall all equipment that has been used in traditional
agrarian life in Bali, especially the life of the subak farm itself. And
also includes examples of traditional houses, which follow the
Balinese Hindu concept of spatial planning, commonly known as
the concept of "Asta Kosala-Kosali and Asta Bumi", then this idea
finally realized that the existence of Subak was very important,
which later became a concept for the founding of the Museum
Subak. The basis for the emergence of this idea is also to keep
Subak as a kind of cultural heritage.


The location of Bali Butterfly Park Butterfly Park is located on

Jalan Batukaru, Br. And Lebah Kel. Abesandan, Wanasari,
Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency - Bali Indonesia. The
distance from the city of Denpasar is around 28.4 km or
approximately 1 hour drive.At the Bali Butterfly Park, there
are many butterflies from butterflies of various species /
species that are cultivated and bred, both protected by law
and unprotected, while also including species that can be
preserved in the Garden. This Tabanan Bali Butterfly. Mature
butterflies will be released and flown to the wild into free
habitat.The Bali Butterfly Park Butterfly Park tourist
attractions have also been supported by adequate tourism
facilities, equipped with a butterfly museum that exhibits a
variety of butterfly collections accompanied by a variety of
handicraft galleries / souvenirs made from various insects
such as: Framing Butterfly (Frame Butterfly), Framing Beetle
(Beetle Frame), key chains made of insects, insert
bookmarks, paper weight (paperweight) made of clear fiber
containing butterflies, paintings of butterfly wings, etc.

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