Squeezed Out Syllables - T Renda

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Squeezed-out syllables

Actually (aek-chully) Liberal (libr’l)

Average (aevr’j) Conference (canfrns)
Aspirin (aesprin) Coverage (c’vr’j)
Broccoli (braklee) History (hisstree)
Business (bizness) Accidentally (aek-se-dent-lee)
Camera (kaemruh) Basically (ba-se-klee)
Chocolate (chakl’t) Comfortable (k’mf-t’bl)
Corporal (corpr’l) Desperate (despr’t)
Diamond (diam’nd) Diaper (daiper)
Different (diffr’nt) Emerald (emr’ld)
Vegetable (vej-t’bl) Beverage (bev-r’j)
Bakery (ba-kree) Catholic (caeth-l’k)
Nursery (nrsree) Onion (any’n)
Every (evree) Family (faemlee)
Finally (fyn-lee) General (jenr’l)
Groceries (grossreez) Interest (intr’st)
Jewelry (joolree) Mathematics (maethmaedix)
Memory (memree) Orange (ornj)
Probably (prablee) Restaurant (restrant)
Separate (sepr’t) Several (sevr’l)
Silent T

Interview - innerview
Interface - innerface
Internet - innernet
Interstate - innerstate
Interrupt - innerrupt
Interfere - innerfere
Interactive - inneractive
International- innernational
Advantage - advaen’j
Percentage - percen’j
Twenty - twenny
Printout - prinnout
Printer - prinner
Winter - winner
Enter - enner


Price prize
Peace peas
Place plays
Ice eyes
Hiss his
Rice rise
Pace pays
Lacey lazy
Thirsty Thursday
Bus buzz
Dust does
Face phase
Sue zoo
Loose lose


Excite eksait
Extra ekstra
Exercise eksersiz
Experience ekspiree-ens
Except eksept
Execute eksekyut
Excellent ekselent

Example egzaempl
Exist egzist
Exam egzaem
Exert egzrt
Examine egzaemen
Executive egzekyudev
Exit egzit
Exactly egzaeklee

Accent aeks’nt
Contract kantraect
Insert insert
Object abjekt
Progress pragr’s
Alternate altern’t
Estimate est’m’t

Sound of /p/:

Pace (peis)
Pacific (pesifik)
Package (paekid’j)
Pageant (paejent)
Pajamas (pedjamaz)
Parallel (paerelel)
Paralytic (paerelitik)
Parliament (parlemunt)
Parole (paroul)
Passage (paesidj)
Pastel (paest’l)
Pasteurized (paesteraizd)
Pavement (peivmunt)
Peasant (pezent)
Pearl (perl)
Pedestal (pedist’l)
Persist (persist)
Persuade (persweid)
Petty (peti)
Phantom (faentem)
Phlegm (flem)
Physical (fizikel)
Pickle (pikel)
Pillage (pilidj)
Pillowcase (piloukeis)
Plague (plaig)
Plow (plaw)
Plumber (plamer)
Postage (poustidj)
Poverty (paverti)
Private (praivit)
Proceed (prasid)
Prominent (praminent)
Prosper (prasper)
Provide (pruvaid)
Proxy (praksi)
Prune (prun)
Pulpit (palpit)

Sound of /p/ & /f/

Pail fail
Paint faint
Pace face
Pair fair
Pull full
Pile file
Pine fine
Pill fill
Pierce fierce
Pit fit
Plea flee
Pan fan
Pee fee
Reduced forms of did you, do you, don’t you, etc.:
Did you have a good time?
(didja have a good time?)

What did you do last night?

(whajoo do last night?)

How did you like it?

(howja like it?)

Why did you take it?

(whyju tay kit?)

Why don’t you try it?

(why don chu try it?)

What do you think?

(whaddyu think?)

Other reduced forms:

How is it going?
(howzit going?)

How about it?

(how bout it?)

What are you doing?

(whatcha doin’?)

What are you waiting for?

(whaddya waitin’ for?)

I have got to go.

(I’ve gotta go)

I have got a book.

(I’ve gotta book.)

Do you want to dance?

(wanna dance?)

Do you want a banana?

(wanna banana?)

Let me in.
(lemme in)

Let me go.
(lemme go.)

I’ll let you know.

(I’ll lecha know)

Did you do it?

(dija do it?)

Other Practices:

T + Y = CH

What’s your name?

(wecher name?)

Can’t you do it?

(kaen chew do wit?)

Don’t you like it?

(don chew lye kit)

Wouldn’t you?
(wooden chew)
Haven’t you?
(haeven chew)

I’ll let you know.

(I’ll letcha know)

Can I get you a drink?

(k’nai gechewa drink?)

We thought you weren’t coming.

(we tha chew wrnt kaming)

I’ll bet you ten bucks he forgot.

(ael becha ten buxee frgat)

Is that your final answer?

(is thaechr fin’laen sr)

D + Y = J

Did you see it?

(didje see it)

How did you like it?

(haoje lye kit?)

Could you tell?

(kuje tell)

Where did you send your check?

(werje senjer check)

What did your family think?

(wejer faemlee think)

Did you find your keys?

(didje fine jer keez?)

We followed your instructions.

(we fallow jerin strectionz)

S + Y = SH

Yes, you are

(yeshu are)

Bless you!

Press your hands together.

(pressure hanz d’gethr)

Can you dress yourself?

(c’ new dreshier self)

You can pass your exams this year.

(yuk’n paesher egzaemz thisheer)

I’ll try to guess your age.

(ael tryde geshierage)

Z + Y = ZH

How’s your family?

(haezhier faemlee)

How was your trip?

(haeo wazhier trip)

Who’s your friend?

(hoozhier frend)

Where’s your mom?

(werzh’r mam)

When’s your birthday?

(wenzh’r brthday)
She says you’re ok.
(she sezhierou kay)

Who does your hair?

(hoo dezhier her)

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