Document For SSC

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Preliminaries (for the next 15 days):

1. Prayer
2. Jogging (30 mins)
3. Stretching (full body)
4. Court exercise (dynamic, full body)
5. Ball handling
6. Water break
7. Cool down

For 2 days and a half

 Upper Extremities (for morning)

L-sit ups
V- curve
Mountain climbing
Sitting twist
Leg throw
Jump-push up
Wave push up

 Lower Extremities ( for afternoon)



Jumping lunges

Jump squats

Cones exercise (for speed and jumping exercise also)

Agility (for reaction time and foot work)

Hurdles ( two feet, one foot [left and right]. Zig-zag.)

Ladder routines

Leg raises


Tack jump
(General Note: if a missed a certain routine you are free to add whatever routine you have in mind. Just don't mind this. It's only a
guide for you. You have the discretion of what you'll be going to teach them. Also you have the power to decide which activity will go
first and which activity will go last, you can add and remove activities for the betterment of the Clinic. )

The following routines will be whole day

For the next 2 days and a half (afternoon of the 3rd day and the next 2 succeeding days)

 Receving

proper posture

Proper positioning inside the court when receiving

One man (10 balls or more its up to you)

Two man

Three man

Cross court

Line drive

Dig pass (yung nag papalit palit: parang Cal Academy)

For the next 2 days

 Setting

Proper posture

Proper handling of the ball

Dig pass setting

Cone set (using tennis ball and a cone)

Actual setting with different zones

Setting with cone

For the next 2 days

 Service

Proper posture in serving

Proper release before the time

Proper usage of the different kinds of serves

Service with zone and target

For the next 2 days

 Blocking

Proper posture

Proper timing

Proper execution

Block standing (yung nakatayo lang sila tapos papaluan, ipapatama sa kamay para sa tamang posture ng kamay sa ere)

Blocking drills (one man block, two man, three man, sundo sundo, back pedal and block)

Actual blocking (yung nakatayo kayo sa may upuan or table tapos papaluan nyo sila tapos mag block sila.)

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