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Terminología Internacional en Ingeniería Marítima.

Azimuthal propulsion.

Appears as such in 1955 with the aim of providing better maneuverability for certain types of
vessels. The first idea of azimuthal propulsion was devised by F. W. Pleuger and Busmann
Friedrich in 1955, however, this idea was ahead of its time too and could not carry out until 1960
when the first applications under the name of the German company took Schottel reality.

An azimuthal propeller is a marine propulsion system whose configuration is based on the

propellers are located in pods, which can rotate the 360 on themselves horizontally on a vertical
axis, making it unnecessary to use rudder. The rotation is produced by an electric motor coupled
to the pod that is powered by an alternator located in the engine room. This type of propeller is
common on ships must have to maneuver much as tugs, offshore and cruise ships.

Inside azimuthal systems, we can differentiate between two great groups according to the
transmission system that is used:

1. Mechanical transmission: the transmission is from the engine propeller through a series
of gears that transform movement of the motor shaft. Inside the mechanical
transmission we have two types turn:
 L-drive configuration.
 Z-drive configuration.
2. Electric transmission: this type of transmission inside the pod, are an electric motor,
which is connected directly to the propeller without the use of gears. Electricity is
produced by a diesel engine. This type of transmission occurs in vessels with Azipod
propulsion system called.


 The boat can dynamically position or stay in open water, dynamic positioning
 Increased maneuverability of the ship.
 Can rotate 360 degrees on its own length.
 Increased efficiency compared to traditional systems.
 Space saving, work and money
 Flexible installation in a small space.
 The initial equipment cost is compensated by decreasing
 Construction costs and hours of installation labour.

Terminología Internacional en Ingeniería Marítima.


 Design efficiency is generally worse than for systems conventional.

 The mass of the submerged elements is much greater than with conventional systems.
 The cost is also much higher than for a conventional system.
 The maximum diameter of the helix is less than the conventional system.


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