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Maxwell’s equation in vector calculus

Original 20 equations
Gauss’s Law

Guass’s Law for magnetics

Faraday’s Law (with the Lorentz and Poisson’s Law)

Ampere’s Law

′ ′

′ ′

Ohm’s Law
The electric elasticity equation

Continuity of charge
Vector calculus
The four basic operators of vector calculus are (in Cartesian coordinates)
grad (scalar) = vector

div (vector) = scalar

curl (vector) = vector

Laplacian (scalar) = scalar

Laplacian (vector) = vector

Divergence Theorem
The volume integral of the divergence of a vector field equals the total outward flux of
the vector through the surface that bounds the volume.

Where is the closed surface bounding the volume V , and the surface area element
is directed out of the volume V
Stokes’ Theorem
The surface integral of the curl vector field over an open surface is equal to the closed
line integral of the vector along the contour bounding the surface.

Where C is the closed line bounding the area S.

Gauss’s law for electric field
Differential form:

-The electric field produced by electric charge diverges from positive charges and
converges from negative charges.
Integral form:

-Electric charge produces an electric field, and the flux of that field passing through any
closed surface is proportional to the total charge contained within that surface
Consider the first of Maxwell’s equation:

Apply Divergence theorem:

To get the integral from:

Example : Given the vector electric field in a specified region, find the density of electric
charge at a location within that region.
Problem: Find the charge density at and if the electric field in the
region is given by


By Guess’s law, in the region to

Thus at
In the region
Gauss’s law for magnetic field
• Differential form:

-The divergence of the magnetic field at any point is zero.

• Integral form:

-The total magnetic flux passing through any closed surface is zero.
Consider the second of Maxwell’s equation:

Apply Divergence theorem:

To get the integral from:

Example: Given incomplete information about the components of a magnetic field, use
Gauss’s law to establish relationships between those components
Problem: A magnetic field is given by the expression

What is relationship between

Solution: You know from Gauss’s law for magnetic fields that the divergence of the
magnetic field must be zero. Thus



Which means that

Faraday’s law
• Differential form:

A circulating electric field is produced by a magnetic induction that changes with time.
• Integral form:

Changing magnetic flux through a surface induces a voltage in any boundary path of that
surface, and changing the magnetic flux induces a circulating electric field
Consider the third of Maxwell’s equation:

Apply Stokes’s Theorem:

To get the integral from:

Ampere’s law
• Differential form:

The circulating magnetic field is produced by any electric current and by an electric field
that changes with time
• Integral form:

The electric current or a changing electric flux through a surface produces a circulating
magnetic field around any path that bounds that surface.
Consider the fourth of Maxwell’s equation:

Apply Stokes’s Theorem:

To get the integral from:

Example: Given the magnetic field, find the current density at a specified location.
Problem:A magnetic field inside a long, straight wire is

where is the current in the wire and is the wire’s radius. In cylindrical coordinates,
the curl of is

And, since has only a -component in this case,

Using the static version of the Ampere–Maxwell law (since the current is steady), you
can find from the curl of

Time-Harmonic Fields
Time-varying electric and magnetic field (E, D, B, and H) and theis sources (the charge
density and current density J) generally depend on the spatial coordinates and
the time variable t.
However, if their time variation is sinusoidal with angular frequency , then these
quantities can represented by phasor that depends on only. The vector phasor
and the instantaneous field it describes are relates as

In a source-free, linear, isotropic, homogeneous region, Maxwell’s curl equations in

phasor from are

Taking curl of equation yields.

Using yields

There for,

Because in a source-free region. Equation is the wave

equation, or Helmholtz equation, for . An identical equation for can be derived in the
same manner:

Which is knows as the homogeneous wave equation for and by defining the
propagation constant as
Solution of wave equation
In free-space, the Helmholtz equation for can be written as

and this vector wave equation holds for each rectangular component of
where the index This equation can be solves by the method of separation
of variables, a standard technique for treating such partial differential equation. The
method begins by assuming that the solution to Helmholtz equation for, say, , can be
written as a product of three function for each of the three coordinates:

Substituting this form into and dividing by gives

Where the double primes denote the second derivative. The key step in the argument is to
recognize that each of the terms in must be equal to a constant because they are
independent of each other. That is, is only a function of x, and the remaining terms
in do not depend on x, so must be a constant, and similarly for the other terms in
Thus, we define three separation constants, , , and , such that


Solutions to these equations have the forms ± , ± , and ± , respectively. As

we saw in the previous section, the terms with + signs result in waves traveling in the
negative x, y, or z direction, while the terms with − signs result in waves traveling in the
positive direction. Both solutions are possible and are valid; the amount to which these
various terms are excited is dependent on the source of the fields and the boundary
conditions. For our present discussion we will select a plane wave traveling in the
positive direction for each coordinate and write the complete solution for as
− + +

where A is an arbitrary amplitude constant. Now define a wave number vector as

, and so is a unit vector in the direction of propagation. Also define a position
vector as

can be written as
− ⃑ ⃑

Solutions foe and similar in from , but with different amplitude constant:
− ⃑ ⃑

− ⃑ ⃑

The x, y, and z dependences of the three components of must be the same (same
), because the divergence condition that

− ⃑ ⃑

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