Idac Artwork

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This is a painting that is called Wanderer above a sea of fog (Caminante/Montañero sobre mar de
nubes) and its author was Friedich.
It is located in ……………….originally was situated in Germany (if it is known)
It belongs to the Romanticism style, that was developed during the first decades of the 19th century.


We can observe a man at the top o a mountain looking at some other picks and mountains and also
we can see a sea of fog below him.
It is an oil painting on canvas, we can see lots of details, for example the hair of the man that is
being moved by the wind and the texture of the stones and fog.

It is a figurative painting with some realism but over all we can pay attention to the solitude of the
man in contrast of the forces of nature...wind, mountains, fog, clouds.
The composition is symmetrical and triangular, making the man the center of the painting.


This art painting belongs to the Romanticism because it shows the glorification of the individual, it
shows a looking at nature and some instability giving the feeling of danger to the viewer. The
importance of this painting is to represent the forces of nature.

The Romanticism is an artistic movement that was developed in Europe during the first decades of
the 19th Century and was an style that appeared as a reaction against Neoclasicism.
Its main features are:
- Glorification of the individual.
- Celebration of freedom, reflection of the bourgeois revolutions
- Celebration the forces of nature over humankind
- Show different and exotic cultures of Asia or Africa.
- Dynamic compositions
- Use of colour and light in a new combination. Visible brush-strokes and bright colors.


By commenting this artwork, I have learned that Friedich paid attention to the insignificant
presence of a man in the middle of the forces of nature, giving to the viewer the impression of
nature is stronger than man.
This artwork is important because the author is one of the best examples of this art style in Europe
among others: Delacroix, Géricault or Turner.

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